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k_alamjbicha: Hi, Good morning07:41
didrocksgood morning and happy new year07:44
dufluHi there didrocks07:46
didrockshey duflu07:51
jibelGood morning everyone and happy new year!07:55
didrockshappy new year jibel!07:55
dufluAnd happy new year jibel and didrocks07:58
jibelHi duflu didrocks07:59
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oSoMoNgood morning desktoppers!08:10
didrockshey oSoMoN08:10
jibelHi oSoMoN08:10
oSoMoNhey didrocks, jibel08:10
dufluHi oSoMoN08:15
oSoMoNhey duflu08:15
clobranoMorning everyone 0/08:15
clobranoHappy new year08:15
didrockshey clobrano, happy new year to you too!08:18
LaneyHEY BUDDIES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!09:01
didrocksmorning Laney!with-a-lot-of-exclamation-marks ;)09:02
seb128hey hey hey, good morning desktopers and happy new year09:03
jameshmorning seb12809:03
oSoMoNsalut seb128 !09:04
oSoMoNhey Laney !09:04
willcookehi all09:04
didrockshey willcooke09:04
oSoMoNhey willcooke09:04
seb128hey willcooke jamesh Laney, re didrocks oSoMoN :)09:08
oSoMoNhey jamesh09:08
didrocksre seb128 ;)09:09
didrockshey jamesh09:09
Laneyhey didrocks oSoMoN seb128 jamesh clobrano duflu jibel willcooke09:09
Laneygood holidays?09:09
dufluHi Laney. Somewhat relaxing, although there's always work to be done. You?09:10
dufluAnd hi willcooke09:10
clobranohey Laney, didrocks :)09:10
dufluAnd hi clobrano and seb12809:11
dufluHello world09:11
duflugoto 1009:11
seb128did anyone else got Cced on a 'conspiracies and character assassination in the name of Debian?' email?09:11
seb128(e.g https://lists.debian.org/debian-project/2018/12/msg00042.html reposted, I wonder if the guy did try to Cc every @debian.org email or something)09:12
dufluNo. (?)09:12
LaneySome DDs were saying that got it, but I didn't09:15
LaneyMaybe it went to spam though09:15
Laneyduflu: Good. I've almost learned to do the Rubik's cube09:15
dufluwillcooke, did you expect status reports? :)09:16
seb128Laney, did you lean some of those 7 to 10 steps moves that allow to switch or rotate specific cubes? :)09:17
TrevinhoMorning folks!09:17
willcookeduflu, probably not :)  We'll still do the bug review tomorrow in the meeting though.  If people have anything to add, then there's at least somewhere to add them09:17
dufluHi Trevinho09:17
Trevinhoduflu: hey, happy new year!09:18
Laneyseb128: some of them, yeah09:19
Laneyhey Trevinho!09:19
TrevinhoLaney: hey Iano, how are things?09:20
clobranohi duflu :)09:20
didrocksmorning Trevinho!09:20
Trevinhodidrocks: you too! :-)09:21
seb128hey trevinho, clobrano, happy new year!09:26
Trevinhoseb128: hey, you too!09:26
Trevinhoseb128: had good holidays?09:27
seb128yes, rather nice ones this year! you?09:27
seb128we only missed out having some snow :/09:28
seb128bah, my ubuntu-core-dev membership expired during the holidays grrrr09:39
clobranoseb128: you too :)09:39
seb128thx launchpad for the daily reminders while I was off work :p09:40
* Laney looks forward to sponsoring all your work09:41
Laneyor get didrocks to do it #trailingcommas09:41
didrocksand dh_missing --fail-missing :p09:42
didrocks(should be just --fail now that it's dh_missing and not dh_install btw)09:42
andyrockgood morning!11:06
didrockshey andyrock11:07
jbichaseb128: I can renew your membership. Could you please email developer-membership-board first for our records?12:52
willcookeHi jbicha, happy new year!12:53
Laneyhey andyrock jbicha, happy new year12:53
andyrockhappy new year!12:54
Laneydid you have good holidays?12:54
andyrockyeah too long12:54
andyrockfeels weird to be back :)12:54
Laneyyou workaholic12:56
Laneywas nice, spent some time by the sea12:56
Laney(even a tiny bit in the sea)12:56
Laneyis there a process for uploading a new yaru? didrocks / clobrano?12:58
seb128hey jbicha andyrock12:58
* Laney is interested because a fix is needed for new nautilus12:58
seb128jbicha, shrug, k, I can do that12:58
andyrockLaney: swimming of skippering? :D12:58
clobranoLaney: do you mean the deb package or snap?12:59
clobranoor both :D12:59
Laneyclobrano: deb12:59
clobranoLaney: ok, then didrocks knows it best :)13:00
clobranoLaney: is it the fix already in master or is it a new content?13:00
Laneyit's there already13:01
Laneyjust need to get it in13:03
clobranoit looks like that, so far, all the content came from master branch, just tagged and released13:07
clobranoI meant, there is no special branch for deb13:08
Laneyif that's the process I can do that, someone would just need to get the tag from me13:09
didrocksclobrano: Laney: nothing defined, just fill changelog, tag, commit and push13:09
clobranoLaney: I can tag the commit, if that's what you need13:11
Laneyclobrano: sure, that would be nice, thanks13:11
Laneywould also be good if you could fill in some details in the changelog about what's changed13:12
Laneymight be a lot though, no need for lots of details13:12
clobranoLaney: that would take a while :D13:12
* clobrano agrees13:12
clobranoLaney: would the tag be on HEAD or in an older commit?13:13
Laneyif you think that HEAD is good to release to disco, that one would be fine13:14
didrocksclobrano: I generally file the changelog and tag that commit13:14
clobranodidrocks: I see13:15
Laneyyah, the tag should point to the same thing that gets uploaded into disco13:15
clobranoalright, so tagging an older commit would be a mess13:16
Laneyto do that you'd probably branch and then update the changelog on that branch13:16
Laneybut no need if master is bug-free (enough)13:16
clobranolast release was 22nd of October13:16
clobranomaster would be nice, we added gtk2-dark support13:17
Laneyhmm still looks buggy though, I'll file a bug13:20
clobranooh, if that so, yes please13:20
Laneywait a second13:22
Laneymight have messed up building this :P13:22
Laneyall the dates on the files in my .deb are Oct 2213:23
Laneyah yeah it was buggy, weird that this worked when the MR was merged13:45
Laneyclobrano: ok let's wait a bit for that bug14:22
jbichayay, now seb128 is both the newest and oldest (or close enough) Core Dev14:26
seb128thx jbicha :)14:27
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jbichaŁukasz beat me to it :)14:28
seb128thx Lukasz! :)14:29
clobranoLaney: alright14:31
jbichaLaney: are you able to verify LP: #1807127 easily? installing 18.10 32-bit is a pain 😞14:42
ubot5Launchpad bug 1807127 in gnome-desktop3 (Ubuntu Cosmic) "Fixing bug #1795668 breaks thumbnail creation on 32-bit Ubuntu" [Critical,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/180712714:43
jbichaseb128: I guess you'll need to directly ask an SRU person to ignore LP: #1778322 to let your gvfs SRU in to bionic14:45
ubot5Launchpad bug 1778322 in samba (Ubuntu) "gvfs-smb-browse can't browse samba/smb tree" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/177832214:45
seb128jbicha, right, I didn't want to push to land a SRU before holidays but I know about it, thx for the reminder though14:46
Laneyjbicha: not particularly - to develop the fixes we used there I wrote a small program which used gnome-desktop and ran it in a container14:50
Laneysome flavours released 32 bit 18.0414:50
Laneyand 18.1014:51
* Laney forgot to eat lunch14:52
Laneygood start to the year14:52
TrevinhoI guess you eat enough during the holidays not to need more food :D15:20
TrevinhoLaney: in my recently upgraded disco VM I have an issue maybe you might help me to debug...15:20
TrevinhoI run it... and....15:21
TrevinhoSo it stays... It's not frozen, mouse moves but it's like no user is available for login https://usercontent.irccloud-cdn.com/file/6jSM4W1R/image.png15:21
Trevinhoif I run in this my own gnome-session from jhbuild  and lock the screen, again there's no user in there so I can't unlock..15:23
Trevinhomy gdm log is https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/Czp7ykqXXN/15:24
Trevinhowhile full log is https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/zMGbNGMSTT/15:25
TrevinhoCould be?15:26
Trevinhogen 07 10:20:07 ubuntu-vmware gdm-launch-environment][1346]: AccountsService: Failed to identify the current session: No data available15:26
LaneyTrevinho: that's probably sd_something returning ENODATA15:29
Laneysounds like logind issues to me15:30
Laneydoes loginctl work properly?15:30
TrevinhoIt looks fine to me https://www.irccloud.com/pastebin/14Vs7kD5/15:31
Laneyand over dbus?15:31
Trevinhothis is from ssh though, not sure if I can debug it from another place, but...15:32
Laneysomething like busctl --system call org.freedesktop.login1 /org/freedesktop/login1 org.freedesktop.login1.Manager GetUserByPID u $$15:34
Laneythat's the kind of call that you can see failing in the logs15:34
Trevinho`loginctl session-status c1` also seems fine15:34
Laneyloginctl uses a private connection I think, try using dbus normally15:35
TrevinhoLaney: busctl call works fine for me `o "/org/freedesktop/login1/user/_1000"`15:35
Trevinhonot if I'm passing 131 (gdm user)15:35
Trevinho(PID 131 does not belong to any logged in user or lingering user)15:36
Trevinhoah, pid, wait15:36
Trevinho`busctl --system call org.freedesktop.login1 /org/freedesktop/login1 org.freedesktop.login1.Manager GetUserByPID u 179715:36
Trevinhoo "/org/freedesktop/login1/user/_131"`15:36
Trevinhoworks fine (1797) is the pid of the gdm ran gnome-shell15:37
Laneyand one of those PIDs that was complaining?15:37
TrevinhoI should probably debug this from g-s to see what's is seeing, or not..15:37
Laneyif they're still around15:37
Trevinhothey're still around15:38
Trevinhomh, complaining.... who?15:38
Laneylike 1031 is making colord complain in that log15:39
Laneywhat is it, does that call work on it and is it in a logind session?15:40
Trevinhoah, no it's not there anymore15:42
Trevinhomh, I think colord didn't work much here all the times, but it should not be the problem15:43
Laneysame error there15:44
Laneytry with the PID of AccountsService if you want15:44
Laneyit's normal for some things to not be in login sessions though15:46
Trevinhoo "/org/freedesktop/login1/user/_131"15:46
Trevinhothis is for accountsservice pid15:46
LaneyI think this is all probably a red herring15:49
Trevinhoyeah, could be15:54
Trevinhomh thanks for the tips, when i've some more time I'll go into the details of the problem by checking at g-s + gdm code15:54
k_alamTrevinho: Hi, good afternoon, can you review few mr for ftbfs ?15:57
Trevinhook, links?15:57
LaneyTrevinho: Jan 04 15:30:57 nightingale gdm-launch-environment][2630]: AccountsService: ActUserManager: calling 'ListCachedUsers'15:58
Laneythis is missing in your log15:58
k_alamTrevinho: https://bugs.launchpad.net/unity-scope-calculator/+bug/181072715:59
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1810727 in Unity Calculator Scope "[FTBFS] Add missing dh-python to build depends (Disco)" [Undecided,Confirmed]15:59
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1810655 in indicator-appmenu (Ubuntu) "[FTBFS] Type cast error incompatible pointer type (Disco)" [Undecided,Confirmed]15:59
k_alamTrevinho: I would also like to non-working scopes, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/libunity/+bug/1808671, but this requires a motu for gnote-scope as a replacement for tomboy. motu bug is here https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/181072916:02
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1808671 in libunity (Ubuntu) "Drop non working scopes" [Undecided,Confirmed]16:02
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1810729 in Ubuntu "[Needs-Packaging] Replace tomboy scope with gnote scope for unity (Disco)" [Undecided,Confirmed]16:02
k_alamTrevinho: And please merge this (but don't release), https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/unity-control-center/+bug/1799008, once it lands in disco, I will open another mr to update version for 19.04 , both for greeter and u-c-c, while the above can go through sru.....16:16
k_alamAnother ftbfs is for indicator-application-gtk2, but bzr repo is out of sync...so manually attaching a patch there.16:16
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1799008 in unity-control-center (Ubuntu) "[SRU] Update logo for cosmic" [High,Triaged]16:16
seb128andyrock, https://trello.com/c/yDdxgCeo/142-upload-mutter-3301-4-to-debian-unstable-with-fix-for-gnome-shell-replace should be moved to done right?16:19
andyrockseb128: done16:21
andyrockI did not tag myself in that tab and I forgot to update it16:21
seb128andyrock, thx16:22
seb128andyrock, the update-notifier fix, do you know why G_SPAWN_DO_NOT_REAP_CHILD was initially being used?16:26
andyrockandyrock: I guess it was copy pasted from an above line where we actually watch for the subprocess16:26
Laneyyeah DO_NOT_REAP_CHILD without doing something with the child pid is not usually good16:30
seb128Laney, context is https://code.launchpad.net/~azzar1/update-notifier/fix-zombie-1809505/+merge/36144116:30
seb128but yeah, changes look good to me16:31
* seb128 does +116:31
Laneythat will indeed result in zombies16:31
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Trevinhok_alam: no need to do this pass to trunk first, let's just do the SRU merging to SRU branches, which I can create if you want17:50
Trevinhok_alam: I've reproposed the MP and done the bileto at https://bileto.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/3577 need an ubuntu dev for publishing it though17:58
oSoMoNgood night all18:14
willcookenight all18:17
k_alamTrevinho: Thanks. Jbicha is sponsoring gnote-scope...Once it uploads I will add it to libunity19:19
ricotzhi, is disco going to get gnome 3.32?20:11
andyrockricotz: yep21:32
ricotzandyrock, noted :)21:44
andyrockmaybe better to ask seb128 or Laney  too :D21:45

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