
=== cpaelzer__ is now known as cpaelzer
cpaelzergood morning06:41
lordievaderGood morning08:14
lotuspsychjeplace your details here, volunteers might have a look for you siwica08:45
siwicaIt seems that the installer for Ubuntu Server 18.04 is buggy. I am always getting an error when creating an lvm volume which seems to be caused by the Python installer script making the size of a volume not a multiple of 512 bytes when specifying a size of 8.6T in my case.08:45
lotuspsychjealso be patient, this time of day might be silent :p08:45
siwicaAlso there seem to be Python 2/Python 3 issues when browsing through the installer output: e.g. '9455779998873b' is passed as an argument to lvcreate, which indicates wrong handling of Python byte strings.08:45
siwicalotuspsychje: Alright, thanks! I think I can probably resolve this by entering the exact number of bytes manually, but this is annoying.08:46
lotuspsychjesiwica: if you think you found a bug in the installer, and idea might be using ubuntu-bug yourpackage and see if there exist dupes already for it08:51
siwicaNot knowing any source code I suspect these issues were probably created by a Python2 -> Python3 switch. The incorrect calculation of the number of bytes might be caused by the  different bahavior of the / operator on ints.08:51
siwicalotuspsychje: Ok, will have a look. Although I never used ubuntu-bug.08:52
ubottuIf you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please report it using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs for other ways to report bugs.08:53
lotuspsychjesee also !partitioning and !lvm siwica08:53
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lordievaderI think, my memory is a bit foggy, that I used the alternative server install for 18.04 which did not give any troubles making logical volumes.09:36
lotuspsychjesiwica: ^09:36
ahasenackgood morning10:54
ahasenackcpaelzer: rbasak: could one of you take a look at https://code.launchpad.net/~ahasenack/ubuntu/+source/samba/+git/samba/+merge/361241 please? That untangles samba and ldb in disco and is quicker than me preparing a new merge from debian11:06
ahasenackunless you think that's what I should do (the debian package now contains the fix as well)11:07
cpaelzerahasenack: I can take a look once I'm done with my first pass on mails11:07
cpaelzerrbasak: if you beat me to take a look at it let me know11:08
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sarnoldtrippeh: that's incredible :D nice!16:44
rbasakahasenack, cpaelzer, kstenerud: taking th logwatch merge review.16:49
rbasakjdstrand: o/16:49
rbasakjdstrand: can you tell me who will be doing the MIR review for pcre2 please?16:50
rbasakI'm wondering whether to start the PHP transition on the assumption that it will be done this cycle, or if we should defer the PHP transition to next cycle.16:50
rbasak(deferring is OK I think)16:50
rbasakI'm reluctant to start it any later than pretty much now for this cycle as it's expected to be pretty extensive.16:51
rbasakAnd come to think of it, if we decide to defer we should probably remove php7.3 from the archive this cycle.16:52
jdstrandrbasak: I don't know. it isn't assigned yet. you might ask joe or (ask via the trello card)16:57
jdstrandrbasak: I just added you as a member of the card16:57
rbasakOK. Thanks!16:59
coreycbtobias-urdin: hi, fyi i've switched the sqlalchemy package back to using mysqldb as the default dialect. it has been patched for several releases in ubuntu to use pymysql by default.17:21
coreycbtobias-urdin: this may affect deployments that don't explicitly use connection string config of "mysql+pymysql"17:22
rbasakkstenerud: in https://code.launchpad.net/~kstenerud/ubuntu/+source/logwatch/+git/logwatch/+merge/361073, did you forget to push the tag kstenerud/lp1808319/logical/7.4.3+git20161207-2ubuntu2 ?17:24
ahasenackrbasak: could you please import cabextract? I'm fixing an ftbfs in libmspack, and both libmspack and cabextract are affected and come from the same git repo, as does the fix (https://github.com/kyz/libmspack/commit/c19e707936947b45cf05bc9aaee68517c6c2aca6)17:53
ahasenackcabextract is in universe, but libmspack is in main17:53
rbasakahasenack: time to take you through how to do it?17:59
rbasakahasenack: HO?17:59
ahasenackrbasak: sure18:03
InteloWhat is the likelyhood of recipient marking the email as spam if it says "Hi, Is this Peter Jason?" And the recipient is obviously not Peter..18:45
tewardIntelo: not an Ubuntu Server question18:45
tewardby default there's no 'spam' restricting items in play18:45
tewardand unless you tune SpamAssassin right it won't care.18:45
Intelobut talking about 'manual18:46
tewardand TYPICALLY there's no checking of intended recipient vs. content18:46
tewardIntelo: that's still not an Ubuntu Server question :P18:46
Intelo'manual marking as spam by user'18:46
tewardthat's up to the endpoint clients and users.18:46
tewardthere's no way to state how likely something is for {INSERT_USER_HERE} to do18:46
Inteloya; discussing user behaviour on this concrete example18:46
tewardIntelo: probably belongs in another area, and it's impossible to gauge a quantifiable likelihood18:47
Inteloteward, ok, what about you? would mark it if you get one?18:47
tewardIntelo: i'm an IT Security professional, not an average end user.  My actions do NOT quantify the average person18:47
tewardthe fact i'm an IT Security professional probably already answers your question without me giving a direct answer ;P18:48
Inteloso you will mark it :)18:48
tewardbut again I don't quantify the 'norm'18:48
tewardand 90% of mail that isn't intended for me isn't sent to me so :P18:49
Inteloteward,  I worked to get some emails and now I am blacklisted while sending mails.18:49
tewardcan't help you with that probably heh.18:49
sarnoldit's pretty common to get mails to mail lists or exploders or something similar18:50
Intelosarnold,  meaning?18:50
sarnoldI think it'd be insane to use a greeting as a spam scoring18:51
Intelosarnold, greeting?18:51
tewardIntelo: i think there's a language barrier at play here18:52
Intelosarnold,  are you labeling "HI, Is this peter" a greeting?18:52
tewardIntelo: "Hi is this ABC" when you are "XYZ" counts technically as a 'greeting' in this play and shouldn't be a spam filter on its own18:52
tewardbecause we get mailing lists, etc. which don't refer to you yourself but you'll receive them18:52
tewardread ANY of the Ubuntu lists and you'll see that :P18:52
InteloHow about 'Hi <correct first name>, I saw your profile on xyz media. I see you have experience in 'exact correct list of his experience' and thought you might be interested in what I do >>> service details or link'18:54
tewardthat I'd detect with other mechanisms18:54
tewardbut again, that's more a matter of how you configure your detections18:55
tewardand *not* an Ubuntu Server question18:55
tewardit's also a question as to how the end users will handle spam marking, which again is not able to be quantified here18:55
Inteloya. just checking views as a human. Not filters/mechanism18:56
Inteloteward, sarnold  how about and how about 'Hi <correct first name>, I saw your profile on xyz media. I see you have experience in 'exact correct list of his experience'.     Would you be interested in being our brand embassidor"?18:56
tewardi'm going to go do something productive now,18:57
teward*returns to what he was doing before*18:57
Inteloteward,  Thumbs up18:57
sarnoldIntelo: "saw your profile", "you have experience" and "brand ambassador" are all highly suspect phrases. I'd add alerts on those :)18:58
Intelosarnold,  and if that passed the alerts/filters. Will the human mark it spam?18:58
sarnoldmost people probably would, yes19:00
Inteloright :(19:00
InteloIs there a way to deliver a message and still not get marked as spam/blacklisted19:00
benharridon't send spam19:01
Intelobenharri,  how about I buy ads on youtube and show that to users? I would pay for it. Will you call that spam?19:01
sarnoldthat's just advertising. knock yourself out. :)19:01
benharrino because that's advertising19:01
Intelosarnold,  how about "Hi, Is this peter Jason?  <p> Regards </p> Tony http://site.com <br /> Youtube video thumbnail19:02
Intelobenharri, I want to send emails to advertise too19:03
benharrijust don't19:03
Intelobut nevermind. I get the ideas of community in 201919:03
benharrionly send mails to people who have requested it19:03
Intelobenharri,  any other cost effective ways?19:04
benharrithis is off topic for this channel19:04
Intelobenharri,  people push flyers in snailmail boxes and newspapers. Snailmail or email ads. its same. Its just that snailmail ads cannot be caught or marked as spam.19:04
Inteloright sarnold ?19:05
Inteloanyone private chat or in #ubuntu-server-offtopic ?19:13
tomreynIntelo: there is #ubuntu-offtopic19:16
tomreynoh, looks like you found it19:17
tewardIntelo: FYI: if ou intend on using our information to *send* spam, that's against the rules of Freenode and the general Code of Conduct, so you should probably NOT be asking that stuff here or in #ubuntu-offtopic19:17
Inteloya thanks19:18
SinaHi there. Not sure if I'm in the correct channel. I'm trying to install puppet-agent from repo in preseed using following commands on Ubuntu Bionic and get `E: gnupg, gnupg2 and gnupg1 do not seem to bee installed, but one of them is required for this operation`. Seems like to be a known bug: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/apt-setup/+bug/1754075 Does anyone here has an appropriate workaround/fix for that?19:47
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1754075 in apt-setup (Ubuntu) "apt-setup uses apt-key but probably should not anymore" [High,Confirmed]19:47
sarnoldSina: if you can't get any solutions or workarounds there, you may also consider using cloud images and cloud-init to configure the repos and install packages19:58
Sinasarnold: Thanks for the reply. I can eventually use the `puppet` package from official ubuntu repository and then use puppet itself to uninstall `puppet` and install `puppet-agent`, too. However, I was just being curious I guess. :)20:00
sarnoldSina: ha. I love it. it's horrible but I love it. :)20:01
tobias-urdincoreycb: ack, thanks for the heads up!20:44

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