
Kumoolnikolam: use something else, like pcmanfm00:09
KumoolIt doesnt erase files if you use a pendrive either, pcmanfm does00:10
Kumoolhell, I'm using nautilus most times00:10
KumoolSoid: driver problems maybe?00:11
KumoolSoid: do you have compiz?00:13
Kumooldisable it00:13
Kumoolactually install fluxbox and restart using that00:13
KumoolSoid: will have to paste your Xorg.log00:14
KumoolSoid: pastebinit /var/log/Xorg.0.log00:14
SoidKumool: I do not have compiz and as you can see in the image Xorg is the one that consumes me the most resources and I can not find out why00:18
KumoolSoid: I do see that, but that picture is useless, we need more info than that, like the var/log/Xorg or your xfce settings and so on00:21
KumoolSoid: If I were you I would close firefox for the moment00:21
Soid[    44.769]00:22
SoidX.Org X Server 1.19.600:22
SoidRelease Date: 2017-12-2000:22
Soid[    44.769] X Protocol Version 11, Revision 000:22
Soid[    44.770] Build Operating System: Linux 4.4.0-138-generic x86_64 Ubuntu00:22
Soid[    44.770] Current Operating System: Linux Gaia-PC 4.15.0-43-generic #46-Ubuntu SMP Thu Dec 6 14:45:28 UTC 2018 x86_6400:22
Soid[    44.770] Kernel command line: BOOT_IMAGE=/vmlinuz-4.15.0-43-generic root=UUID=1132c4e7-e7de-4997-a312-730fad2bb46a ro quiet splash vt.handoff=100:22
Kumooloh dear00:22
* Kumool facepalms00:22
Kumooldont paste in channel Soid00:24
Kumoolpaste in a pastebin00:24
Kumoola pastebin is a website that holds text files00:24
KumoolSoid: your ubuntu distro came with a program called pastebinit, run pastebinit /var/log/Xorg.0.log00:24
Kumooland paste the output here (its a link)00:25
KumoolSoid: also, install an irc client00:25
KumoolSoid: apt install hexchat00:25
Kumoolthen close firefox00:25
Kumooland run only hexchat and join this channel00:26
SoidI'm sorry I'm new using irc00:26
KumoolI know soid, the first they teach in support channels is, dont paste in them00:27
Soidpastebinit /var/log/Xorg.0.log00:27
Kumoolrun that in a terminal00:28
Kumoolweird, you're using a normal driver i think00:31
Kumoolread that, try out everything00:34
Soidokay. understood, I have open firefox because I do not speak english and use google translator to understand and write00:36
KumoolSoid1: español?00:37
Kumoolbien bien00:39
Kumoolya estas en hexchat00:39
Soid1si y ya cerre firefox.00:40
Soid1por lo que veo aqui si puedo hablar mi idioma sin problemas o me equivoco??00:41
KumoolSoid1: corre esto en la terminal { ps -aux | pastebinit }00:41
KumoolSoid1: nose, no me han baneado por ahora00:41
Soid1<Kumool> donde me encuentro el internet es inestable espero me disculpes si tardo en responde r00:43
Soid1o me desconecto y me reconecto00:44
KumoolSoid1: bien, no problem00:44
Soid1cuentame que mas hago00:44
KumoolSoid1: corre killall xfce4-screenshooter00:45
Kumoolkillall firefox00:45
Soid1tengo xubuntu desde su version 12 y en la version 16 migre a 64bit hasta hace poco que cambie a xubuntu 1800:50
Soid1y es primera vez que tengo este problema00:50
KumoolSoid1: pregunte en #ubuntu00:51
Kumoolpor ti00:51
Kumoolya que me estoy rindiendo00:51
Kumoolcorriste los killalls?00:51
Kumoolpuedes estabilizar tu conexion?00:51
Kumoolpoop, left00:59
Kumooloh well00:59
Soid2no kumool el internet en venezuela es patetico y no e usado ese comando.01:01
Soid2de verdad e visitado todos los citios e utilizado todos los medios que conosco y nada.01:02
Soid1existe alguien que me pueda ayudar???01:23
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience01:24
Soid1hola amigos01:45
krytarik!es | Soid101:47
ubottuSoid1: En la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba " /join #ubuntu-es " (sin comillas) y presione intro.01:47
Soid2Hola amigos estoy intentando solventar un prooblema01:53
KumoolSoid2: pregunta en #ubuntu-es01:53
KumoolSoid2: escribe /join #ubuntu-es01:53
KumoolSoid2: lo mejor es que reinstales, te recomiendo que bajes los DVDs de debian lo cual contienen toda la distribucion, con tu conexion como la tienes, es mejor que actues como si estuvieses offlien01:55
Kumoolhow can you fix your OS when you can't fix your government02:07
Kumoolits a joke!02:07
Kumooljust a joke02:07
=== brainwash_ is now known as brainwash
xubuntu24wxubuntu-restricted-extras package no more available?13:17
diogenes_not  xubuntu-restricted-extras13:32
SoidHola amigos xubutu 18 me consume demaciado recurso de procesdor.14:12
diogenes_!es | Soid14:13
ubottuSoid: En la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba " /join #ubuntu-es " (sin comillas) y presione intro.14:13
Soidhello friends xubuntu consumes me 100% of the processor with just open14:26
gnrpSoid: Run top14:40
gnrpSoid: Or better, htop14:40
gnrpor run `ps aux` and paste it somewhere, then other people can have a look if you do not know how to interpret the output of top/htop14:41
gnrpthe tools show you the list of processes and they current CPU usage (top/htop) or the used CPU time (ps)14:41
Soidhere is the output of 'ps aux' http://paste.ubuntu.com/p/cjDhbTFkM6/14:44
Soidand this is the top output http://imgur.com/I9JOVtZl.png14:46
Soidand htop http://imgur.com/Uo5Nz8sl.png14:49
Soidhello kumool15:06
gnrpso apparently the X server (for graphics) is taking all15:06
gnrpbtw, if this is opera the browser: Try vivaldi, much better :P15:07
gnrpdo you have anything graphically intensive running? But also the single notification plugins cause a lot of processing, hmmm... I guess somebody else will have a more sensible explanation15:09
KumoolSoid: hey, glad you fixed your connection15:09
Soidok i understand what i can do?15:11
Soidkumbol I have not fixed it like this is the internet here a quick time another slow and the rest unstable15:13
Soidgnrp: and inquired and I realized that it is xorg. I had a similar problem with version 16 and I solved it by installing the Intel graphics drivers but in 18 it tells me that they are not compatible15:17
brainwashdoes "xfce4-panel -r" fix the problem?15:18
brainwashthis should restart the panel15:18
SoidReady panel rebooted and everything the same15:23
brainwashSoid: I would create a second user account, and check if the problem is still present15:29
brainwashit could be something specific to your user configuration (panel settings, panel items, maybe even a bug trigger by a gtk theme)15:30
brainwashalso, check if enabling/disabling the xfwm4's compositor makes a difference15:31
brainwashxfce settings > windows manager tweaks > last tab15:31
Soidbrainwash tell me how I get what you need and I give it to you15:42
brainwashyou were able to fix it?15:42
SoidThere is some command that can indicate all the processes of xorg15:45
Soidor how to install the graphics intel drivers15:45
brainwashwhich driver is being used instead?15:47
brainwashSoid: what does "inxi -G" report?15:53
brainwashSoid2: the output indicates that the intel driver is installed and being used16:00
Soid2This informs inxi  http://paste.ubuntu.com/p/DBDFnFTPM7/16:00
Soid2then how can it be solved?16:32
brainwashI gave you some things to try/test16:33
Soid2I'm desperate I do not know how to solve this great enigma16:38
loptaTime to install another ubuntu PC.17:05
loptaI like that it asks me a few questions and then gets on with it.17:16
KumoolI still think the best solution is to download the 3 debian dvds and use that instead17:45
loptaI'll stick to my USB flash drive, thanks. ;-)17:45
xubuntu92dhi all, is there a guide/tutorial on how to setup remote desktop between a xubuntu 18.04 client and xubuntu server18:10
loptaxubuntu92d: Where do you want your software to run?18:17
xubuntu92don the client and on the server18:19
xubuntu92dI want to control the server, if that's what you mean? I can ssh from client to server18:21
loptaIt's not clear to me what your objective is but perhaps someone who's more familiar with Xubuntu will know.  I can think of a couple of different ways of running software on the server and having it display at a desktop but I'm not sure which you're after.18:27
xubuntu92dRemote desktop or vnc, I'm trying to connect to remotly connect from one xubuntu to the other18:30
loptaxubuntu92d: Would you like a virtual desktop that runs on the server, that you can connect to and detach from at will?18:42
loptaxubuntu92d: ...or just to run one or two apps on the server and have them appear in with your local apps?18:42
xubuntu92dI just tried vncviewer and able to connect from the client now but getting a grey screen on the vncviewer18:51
xubuntu92dhi lopta, what kind of virtual desktop would you recommand? thx18:57
diogenes_xubuntu92d, teamviewer?18:57
loptaThat's understandable.18:57
loptadiogenes_: I don't think that's what he's after, based on conversation from before you joined the channel18:57
lopta(he or she)18:58
diogenes_lopta, ok :)18:58
xubuntu92dhe ;-)18:58
loptaxubuntu92d: I think vncserver spun up a desktop with twm, a very old X window manager.18:58
loptaxubuntu92d: If you press the middle mouse button, do you get a menu?18:58
xubuntu88dПривет всем18:59
xubuntu92dI have a xubutu pc at home that i would like to control from work (also a xubuntu pc) what would you suggest? thx19:00
loptaxubuntu92d: Ah, that's a completely different scenario then.19:00
diogenes_xubuntu92d, i can control mine with teamviewer19:00
diogenes_xubuntu88d, привет /j #debian-russian19:01
xubuntu88dТакая проблема после неудачной попытки обновления такая надпись /dev/sda5: clean, 280382/1525920 files, 2075021/610329619:03
diogenes_!ru | xubuntu88d19:04
ubottuxubuntu88d: Пожалуйста наберите /join #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке. | Pozhalujsta naberite /join #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke.19:04
xubuntu88d / Join # ubuntu-ru19:04
diogenes_xubuntu88d, пиши /join #ubuntu-ru19:05
diogenes_и жми ентер19:05
xubuntu88dПишите ##недоступно19:06
diogenes_xubuntu88d, просто /join #ubuntu-ru (без пишите)19:08
xubuntu82dthank you, i will checkout teamviewer19:09
Soid2thanks to all but I still think that changing OS every time it has an error is not a solution if you just have a way to reinstall, reconfigure xorg properly to my laptop or see the files you run and see which of them is the culprit of the consumption.19:50
Soid2<xubuntu82d> In case that teamviewer does not work you can use anydesk it is very good and more flexible19:52
brainwashSoid2: you will have to identify the culprit19:56
brainwashlike said before, create a new user account and check if the problem is still present19:58
loptaMore of a VNC man myself, but X works for the odd remote X client.20:05
lopta(where "remote" is elsewhere on the LAN)20:05
* lopta goes back to googling for things.20:21
lopta(and stuff)20:21
Soid2ok I already do it and comment20:56
soidonly one difference that I notice is that now it consumes me 50% but I still think it is execive21:08
brainwashsoid: is that a new/different user account?21:15
lopta50% of what?21:16
soid<brainwash> yes21:19
soid50% processor already pass the screen capture link of top21:19
loptasoid: I'm at the office, so I didn't click on your link.21:20
soida ok21:20
brainwashthere are still processes left over from your first user account21:21
brainwashbest to do a reboot and then login with the second account21:21
soidI published the link to see the difference and well what I can say is that the problem lies in my configurations but 50% of processor seems exec21:22
brainwashno one claims otherwise21:23
brainwashbut you have to isolate the problem21:23
soidok I already do it and I passed the top link21:23
brainwash>there are still processes left over from your first user account21:23
loptaThe circles, they are making me dizzy.21:24
soidIt is indeed something that I did in my other session now I have to find out what it is.21:30
brainwashit could one of the added panel plugins or the GTK theme21:31
brainwashin case you are using a different theme21:31
brainwashit is unlikely, but a somewhat broken theme can trigger weird bugs21:32
brainwashnot visually broken, but under the hood21:32
soidI bet more for something in the panel because when I knew it was xorg the first thing I did was to set the default theme that brings and the icons and I do not find any change in consumption. use of theme XFCE-YELLOW21:34
soidI'm going to go back to my old session and I'm going to take a screen capture so they can see my desk so they can help me.21:35
Soidhello http://imgur.com/xWJJn5bl.png21:44
brainwashSoid: why are your screenshots so small?21:45
brainwashit's quite hard to actually see and identify elements or read text21:47
brainwashyou have a panel transparency enabled. could this be triggering the issue?21:48
Soidyou pass another link looks better ??21:51
brainwashyes, it does21:54
brainwashnow, did you check if disabling panel transparency fixes the issue?21:54
brainwashmaybe you will have to relog on top of that21:55
loptabrainwash: Is transparency handled by the GPU (some sort of compositor with hardware help from the GPU)?21:57
Soidalready delete and reset the xfce-panel22:00
brainwashyou will have to check ~/.xsession-errors and Xorg log files in /var/log then22:07
Soiddelete a panel, the network monitor and the load monitor remove the transparency and I will restart the laptop to see what happens22:07
brainwashyou did not relog yet?22:07
brainwashXorg may remain in a stuck state unless you relog/reboot22:08
SoidVoy a pasar los archivos log y el error revisalos mientras reinicio22:10
SoidI'm going to pass the log files and the error check them while I restart22:10
Soidxsession-error http://paste.ubuntu.com/p/nmq9dYxktW/22:11
SoidXorg 1 http://paste.ubuntu.com/p/M3g8pNPgkH/22:15
SoidXorg 0 http://paste.ubuntu.com/p/HNnbwx4Xxy/22:15
Soidrebooted and returned22:16
brainwashsame result?22:17
brainwashthe .xsession-errors log contains some theme parsing errors logged by the panel (wrapper)22:20
brainwashmaybe related22:20
brainwashcan you please try with the Greybird theme?22:27
brainwashand also remove panel items which are not installed by default22:27
Soidthe panel has the same add-ons that the original is only divided into 222:31
SoidI see that it is already resolved according to me. I'm going to restart to see. but before I would like to know where I can download themes and exclusive icons for xubuntu 18. to see other problems. I used the page xfce-look22:35
=== GridCube_ is now known as GridCube
loptaHello Audioproblems22:36
SoidHello Audioproblems22:37
AudioproblemsActually, I was going to ask for help, but I should probably shut down Windows and boot into Xubuntu instead. If anyone here might be available to help me perhaps22:37
AudioproblemsI have two problems on Xubuntu that won't happen on Windows 1022:37
Soid<Audioproblems> I have two problems on Xubuntu that won't happen on Windows 1022:38
loptaAre they perhaps audio problems? ;-)22:38
AudioproblemsI have an Asus laptop, and the internal microphone has a high pitch sound that sounds like something that's rotating22:38
Soidwhich?? to see if I help you I have xubuntu 18 and window 822:38
AudioproblemsAnd this laptop has one jack for mic and output together (silly). But all the output also get picked up by the microphone22:39
loptaIs 18.10 the most recent stable release of Xubuntu?22:39
AudioproblemsI have 18.04.01 I think22:40
loptaAudioproblems: Is that a special TRRS jack?22:40
Soidcheck the sound settings is possibly an equalizer22:40
AudioproblemsI have tried doing stuff in alsamixer22:41
Soid<brainwash> Thank you hand or girl thank you very much22:41
AudioproblemsAnd not sure if it's TRRS or not. I don't know what that is. It's Realtek High Definition Audio22:41
brainwashSoid: some themes can be installed via the package manager22:41
loptaAudioproblems: It's like the 3.5mm stereo headphone jack but with an extra contact, often for composite video out but in your case perhaps for mic in.22:42
brainwashSoid: the ones from xfce-look can be outdated, and therefore cause issues22:42
AudioproblemsI also tried hdajackoverride or something, and changing the jack from 3.5 mm to combo, but that stuff seemed buggy and I lost all my sound and stuff22:42
AudioproblemsIt's for headphones and mic according to the symbol. And I can get that to work in Windows22:43
AudioproblemsI had to tell the Realtek driver program it was headphones, or Windows would have the same issue22:43
Soid<brainwash> never worked for me, the machine is always hanging from version 1422:44
loptaPerhaps it's something wacky and proprietary.22:47
AudioproblemsI'm using a Motif theme. Makes it look 20 years old. Well, just the windows22:47
loptaI liked OpenLook but I may be unusual in that regard22:48
AudioproblemsHm, maybe. But I can't be the only one with this problem, but the solution I found by gooling (turning down some stuff in alsamixer) didn't work22:48
loptaSound seems to be a perrenial pain point on Linux22:49
AudioproblemsIf I can't fix this, I might just go back to Windows to be honest22:50
AudioproblemsThanks for the help, but where's the best place to ask others for help? Forum, mailing list?22:50
loptaI'm not sure.  I'm sort of new to Xubuntu22:53
lopta(sort of)22:53
AudioproblemsAh, ok22:53
AudioproblemsMaybe I'll come back to this chat a bit later22:53
AudioproblemsOr I could try the Ubuntu chat, it's basically the same as Xubuntu when it comes to audio, right?22:53
brainwashit should be22:53
AudioproblemsWell, thanks everyone22:54
* lopta looks for a thing.22:58
loptaI should go home.22:59
Soidgood friends and rebuilt step by step my system as I was and discovered that the caisante of so much consumption was thema Xfce colurs now wonder is there any way to download themes knowing whether or not they are compatible?23:42

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