=== led_dark_2 is now known as led_dark_1 [09:59] tsimonq2: https://bugzilla.opensuse.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1121214 seen in libqt [09:59] bugzilla.opensuse.org bug 1121214 in Basesystem "GCC 9: libqt4 build fails" [Normal,New] [10:17] jamespage: murano-agent fails autopkg tests (with python 3.7.2) [12:01] juliank: why the dnsmasq upload? I thought Laney was sorting it in the network-manager autopkgtests? [12:02] rbasak: i don't know, Laney asked me if I'd upload it [12:03] The dnsmasq upload was the failure; my changes to n-m fixed some other ones, but not those which were failing on autopkgtest.u.c [12:04] I feel that this just kicks the can down the road, and I'm not keen on having to maintain this patch :-/ [12:05] (based on my current and rather incomplete knowledge of the actual problem; but I suspect that's the case with everyone else involved too) [12:07] Second best approach that I could see given that we don't know how to fix it [12:08] Changing the tests in network-manager to work around a bug in dnsmasq would not have been right, IMO [12:08] and I *did* do some analysis and post on the upstream list, which I still hope/expect to result in a proper fix [12:10] I agree with the general principle of not having to change the tests in N-M to work around a bug in dnsmasq. [12:11] But it seemed to me that n-m tests weren't actually testing the right thing? [12:11] In that the failure couldn't identify a specific buggy use case in dnsmasq? [12:11] In that case narrowing down the n-m tests seems like a good idea. [12:12] what do you mean? [12:12] It was always a specific few tests that were failing in the same way [12:13] But AIUI we haven't been able to say to dnsmasq upstream "here's a bug: when we do it results in instead of " [12:15] I think my thread was fine in that sense [12:16] Upstream attempted to come up with a patch but it didn't work [12:16] I appreciate your work in analysis and talking to upstream btw. Hopefully that'll lead to a proper fix and we'll be able to drop the patch. I'm just concerned in case that doesn't happen, we'll end up stuck. [12:16] If someone else wants to help out and create a more minimal reproducer, that would be welcome. I was suffering from a lack of knowledge. [12:16] I got the impression that upstream haven't identified a specific bug either. We only have your successful bisection, and we're all still blind to the underlying cause. [12:17] (and blind to even what the bug actually is) [12:18] That's... why you post a bug report? [12:19] We know that an upstream commit caused a change in behaviour that broke us. [12:19] We don't know that there's actually a bug in upstream dnsmasq...do we? [12:19] I'm confident enough. [12:19] But if you're unhappy with my call, it's your team's package. [12:20] I'm not sure I agree. But anyway, I appreciate your time on this. It's probably not worth us spending more time on discussing this more unless something further happens. [12:20] Put the change back in, it'll get blocked in proposed because of breaking network-manager's tests. [12:21] And then, well, we can argue about who gets to debug it. [12:25] That seems reasonable [12:26] We really need to have a convention for changes we made that we do not want to stop syncing. So something between ubuntu and build [12:27] So that I could have uploaded that hack with that version, and then a later sync would still happen and we'd see it being broken again (or it's fixed and migrates) [12:27] Something that starts with 'l' or 'm' then :-P [12:28] Well, it could be any string lower than ubuntu [12:28] like buntu [12:28] 1.0-1buntu1 [12:28] that was my silly string [12:28] I should mail the person who wrote the patch in question in the first place and see what they think [12:29] 1.0-1ubuntmp1 [12:29] ubuntmp sorts well, but is not entirely obvious [12:38] question, I'm trying to create a cosmic chroot, but debootstrap is stating that the InRelease file has expired: E: InRelease file http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/cosmic/InRelease is expired since (Wed, 09 Jan 2019 00:00:00 +0100) [12:38] does anyone have a clue what's goin on? [12:40] So, haproxy and wget are stuck in proposed as they built against pcre2. I patched wget to use pcre3 again [12:40] Not sure about haproxy [12:40] Amnesia: What do you see when you open http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/cosmic/InRelease (wget, curl, or browser, whatever) [12:41] juliank: Date: Thu, 18 Oct 2018 15:17:19 UTC [12:41] Amnesia: Right, but no valid-until line, right? [12:41] correct [12:43] Amnesia: so, it works for me in disco, which release are you trying that on? Also, I think you can check in the target directory you specified and look at release files there [12:44] I'm trying it on arch.. [12:44] Amnesia: ok, that's trickier [12:44] Amnesia: that's debootstrap 1.0.113? [12:44] yep [12:45] https://git.archlinux.org/svntogit/community.git/commit/trunk?h=packages/debootstrap&id=03584f10a9edb8de54c6417f133ecea5862f4ff3 [12:46] Amnesia: So, I don't see how this happens [12:46] Amnesia: I think you can run debootstrap as sh -x /debootstrap [12:47] that should give you a verbose log [12:48] yep, going through it atm.. [12:48] Amnesia: No, I see how this happens [12:48] you do? [12:49] Amnesia: Passing --no-check-valid-until should make it work [12:49] The code assumes that Valid-Until is in the release file, which it is not for ubuntu [12:50] hm seems to work indeed [12:51] https://github.com/felixonmars/debootstrap/blob/4f6c6c0ccfd15145bae94b204056be3f78b08670/functions#L632 [12:51] looks like you're right yes [12:52] That's https://bugs.debian.org/918722 [12:52] Debian bug 918722 in debootstrap "debootstrap: says InRelease file expired" [Normal,Open] [12:53] * Amnesia facepalms [12:53] I should've checked the bug tracker [12:53] sorry for the hassle juliank === Serge is now known as hallyn [17:01] bdmurray, hey. Could you help with https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gvfs/1.38.1-0ubuntu1.1 ? It includes 3 fixes, 2 have been verified and the 3rd one isn't working because it's relying on a samba change which we don't have in our version. The non-verified one is basically equivalent of no-change, can we validate the SRU as it? or do you want another upload with that change removed? (but then we need to revalidate the other fix/delay?) [17:03] vorlon, how did you manage to get a SRU in without bug reference? ;) (https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/livecd-rootfs/2.542.1) [17:04] bdmurray, https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/fontconfig/2.12.6-0ubuntu2.3 should also probably be deleted from bionic-proposed, it failed verification and it was decided that SRU was not needed after all so no fixed version has been uploaded [17:05] seb128: well, I didn't accept it, ask whoever did :) [17:05] seb128: (livecd-rootfs is a special case, but having an SRU with no linked bugs at all risks foundering on the process) [17:15] vorlon, right, unsure if the "who accepted" info is available somewhere? anyway, I mentioned it in case that was an overlook because it looks like the sort of isse that could lead the SRU to be stucked because ti's never marked as green/verified on the report page [17:15] seb128: nope, we record that information in comments on the linked bugs ;-) [17:16] k, well that usually doesn't work for me :p [17:16] well in this case there's no linked bug, hence the ';-)' [17:16] right [17:16] anyway [17:16] thx for the reply :) [17:22] bdmurray: ^^ does that happen to have been your accept? [18:09] vorlon: Yeah, it was I who accepted the package. I imagine you or Cody will nag about getting it released. [18:09] bdmurray: ok :) [18:11] although I guess I misremembered what you'd added to the SRU page about it. [18:12] I blame Santa for that. [18:15] seb128: fontconfig will require an AA which I am not [18:20] seb128: I'm fine with letting gvfs into cosmic-updates. [18:35] bdmurray, thx, I can do fontconfig, I was just unsure if that needed some sort of SRU team ack first [18:37] seb128: Well I'll ack it just in case