=== ledeni_ is now known as ledeni [12:31] https://2019.dorscluc.org/talk-workshop-applications/ [14:19] dors cluc [14:19] nisam bio skoro desetljece :) [14:20] sta, ne trebaju sponzori? [14:25] @hbogner reci im da se iznenadjenje pise 'surprise', a ne 'suprise' [14:26] dolazi od francuske rijeci 'surprendre' [14:26] iliti surprise [14:26] iytm SUPPLIES https://giphy.com/gifs/1BRXy8cUS1jyw [14:26] :) [14:29] kad gledas... engleski je bastardizirani francuski [14:29] :D [14:32] > English doesn’t “borrow” from other languages: it follows them down dark alleys, knocks them over, and goes through their pockets for loose grammar and valuable vocabulary. [14:34] navodno s njuza http://www.paulingraham.com/loose-grammar.html [14:55] gledam jedan web sta sve ima po meniima pa imaju i jobs sekciju, traze perl developera... reko bas idem pogledati kakav profil traze, medju ostalim itemima "Ability to think fast and keep calm" [14:56] odma iza toga: "Have the ability to multitask and manage deadlines" [15:03] keep calm and perl on? [15:09] ivoks, uvjek trebaju sponzori :) [15:17] samo vise neznam na koju firmu/obrt tebi slati :) [15:27] ivoks, uvjek si dobrodošao :) [15:27] @dlivio.eu [15:29] .np jellese [15:29] jelly: Johannes Brahms - Hungarian Dance No. 5