
brainwashyou should be able to set everything up via "ibus-setup"00:00
xubuntu24wOk, thanks00:01
=== brainwash_ is now known as brainwash
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xubuntu61wHi! I'm trying to run a command as a shortcut to open a .jar file, and it opens a window in Terminal, but it never runs.13:38
brainwashxubuntu61w: and the command is?13:42
diogenes_drum roll :)13:53
xubuntu61wOh sorry, wasn't here. Here's the command:13:53
xubuntu61wjava -jar RuneLite.jar --mode=OFF13:54
diogenes_so when you run it in terminal it works?13:54
xubuntu61wYes, as long as I'm in the same directory as the file.13:55
diogenes_make a .desktop file with: Exec = sh -c "cd /path/to/directory && java -jar RuneLite.jar --mode=OFF"13:55
xubuntu61wWhat does that do exactly? It marks the shortcut as an executable, it goes to the same directory as the file is in, and then runs it?13:57
diogenes_yes but in that .desktop file you have to include some other info13:57
xubuntu61wWhat else is necessary?13:58
diogenes_xubuntu61w, wait14:00
diogenes_i will give you the info14:00
diogenes_ok run: touch ~/.local/share/applications/myjava.desktop14:03
diogenes_tell me when done14:03
xubuntu61wDo I add that in Terminal or the shortcut?14:05
diogenes_yes in terminal14:05
diogenes_run that command14:05
xubuntu61wI did that, it didn't show anything else.14:06
diogenes_now run: mousepad ~/.local/share/applications/myjava.desktop14:06
diogenes_it will open a document14:06
xubuntu61wYeah, it ran a blank text file.14:06
diogenes_into that document14:07
diogenes_you paste the following:14:07
diogenes_BUT instead of /path/to/directory you write your actual path to the application14:07
xubuntu61wTerminal is showing this: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/Fs2jP4NRvc/14:09
diogenes_you paste that into the blank document14:10
diogenes_save and close the document14:10
diogenes_ok now run: cat ~/.local/share/applications/myjava.desktop | nc termbin.com 999914:11
diogenes_share the link here14:11
diogenes_ok now to double check if it works, in a new terminal run this: cd /home/andre/Downloads/ && java -jar RuneLite.jar --mode=OFF14:15
diogenes_and tell me if it starts your game14:15
xubuntu61wYeah, it's working now.14:17
diogenes_ok close the app, and in the terminal run: chmod +x  ~/.local/share/applications/myjava.desktop14:17
diogenes_tell me when done14:17
diogenes_now open the menu and look for My Java App14:18
diogenes_start it14:18
diogenes_it should be in Games14:18
xubuntu61wYeah, it's running.14:19
diogenes_great, one more thing, if you want a custom icon for it, you just change Icon = xfce4 to Icon = /path/to/myicon.png14:19
xubuntu61wGood to know that. By the way, what is the proper directory for those kind of apps. I know on Windows it is Programs and then either x84 or AMD64.14:20
xubuntu61wBut which is it on Linux?14:21
diogenes_you can store it in /home/$USER/bin14:21
diogenes_but as well as anywhere else, i'd usually make a special folder in ?Documents14:22
diogenes_ /Documents*14:22
xubuntu61wIt's working now, thanks! But how did you learn all of those things?14:24
diogenes_you're welcome, 5 years of linux only :))14:24
diogenes_of course i was helped by other people and i always took notes of all the useful commands so i recomment you to take notes too14:25
xubuntu61wI've been running Linux for nearly a year, without counting on and off, I still find the commands rather daunting.14:25
xubuntu61wIt's a bit difficult understanding how they get put together.14:25
knomethe "best" way to replace icons is to create your own icon theme in ~/.icons, and within that, inherit the "real" icon theme you want to use14:25
diogenes_all the stuff we have done in the terminal, you could have done without terminal, just clicking on things, but i find terminal way faster14:26
knomethis isn't the most trivial way, but this way the customization is portable and you don't have to worry about other packages updating/overwriting the .desktop files14:26
knomeof course you can create those .desktop files in your ~ too, but then you lose all the potential updates to those14:26
knome(not that this is a huge issue, but... if you're replacing more icons, the custom icon theme way starts paying off quickly)14:27
xubuntu61wWhere's icon's folder btw?14:28
knome~ = /home/youruser/, so the ~/.icons directory is /home/yourusername/.icons14:29
knomeit might not exist; simply create it in that case14:29
knomecreating the icon theme itself is the not-so-trivial part14:30
knomein that directory, create a subdir for your theme14:30
knomethen in that subdir, create a file called index.theme, and populate it with something like this: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/V4SK9j43Ht/14:31
knomenote that in this theme i'm only replacing emblems, and you'll need to list the directories you wish to replace icons in14:31
knomeafter that it's mostly providing icons of the correct name (see examples from themes in /usr/share/icons) in the listed directories14:32
xubuntu61wI'm getting a bit confused now. Can't I do "Edit Application" and then add the icon file from there?14:32
knomeyes, you can do that too.14:33
xubuntu61wDoes it read .ico files? Because I can't select this one.14:33
knomei'm not sure, but if it doesn't read.. then likely not14:34
xubuntu61wBtw, which is the default icon resolution on Xubuntu?14:35
knomevarious optimized resolutions are provided.14:35
xubuntu61wSo if I can, I should just download them all then?14:36
knomeif you are replacing an icon with a custom one, you can only select one size; in this case i would suggest you use the biggest possible size (and in vector, if possible)14:37
xubuntu61wSVG, for example?14:42
xubuntu61wAight, I'll be on my way now, if I need anything else I'll just check it out. While Linux has its own quirks, you eventually get used to the way things are done.14:47
knomeindeed. good luck and have fun :)14:52
knomeand no problem!14:52
SpassI'm experiencing a strange behavior of Window Buttons on Cosmic recently, sometimes it doesn't update tight away and the buttons a21:03
Spasshave a space between them, see here -> https://i.ibb.co/2PLfBf7/panel-refresh.png21:04
Spassis that a known issue?21:04
Spassafter a few seconds it refreshes and it's ok again21:05
brainwashSpass: https://bugzilla.xfce.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1462721:08
ubottubugzilla.xfce.org bug 14627 in Window Buttons "Panel window buttons stop updating" [Normal,New]21:08
Spassthanks, will look at that21:09
=== dreamon_ is now known as dreamon

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