[01:13] The Lisp Badge Is a Self-Contained Computer Tailored to Lisp Programming … https://blog.hackster.io/the-lisp-badge-is-a-self-contained-computer-tailored-to-lisp-programming-43045a238dc3 [01:13] @RazPi [03:28] @KMyers that is one sexy badge [03:28] omg its on an atmega? [03:28] I expected a pi zero or something [03:29] I was looking up that resin printer because I'd like to make something shiny and translucent [03:30] Like.. put a pi into a retro 90s styled case [03:30] but make it feaasible to use [04:11] @_@ [04:11] aaaaah XD [10:08] Omg [10:08] I found a legit Linux comic [10:08] I'm happy [10:09] @KMyers @AdamOutler @Ivoriesablaze https://herpaderp.party/0058.html [10:20] https://herpaderp.party/0105.html [19:33] @RazPi - I need to run by several stores this weekend vto look at computers. Want to tag along [19:57] Ooh that could be fun, what computers are you looking at? [19:58] I have to go to the insurance office today to get my number from them, my cough has lasted too long [19:58] but that shouldn't take too long [20:04] I basically need to see what the average computer a home based agent can buy on a limited budget [20:45] @KMyers Where would you like to meet up? I'll get dressed and head out soon [20:47] I need to run home to grab my laptop but anywhere is good for me [20:50] If anyone is hearing to Walmart, keep an eye out for these flash lights. They are marked for $15 but ringing up for $5.00. It even includes batteries [20:59] Hey I'm feeling adventurous, how do you feel about heading towards jupiter? I could contribute gas [20:59] I am game [20:59] This weekend I think is the weekend I'll get my freebsd sedrver up T_T [20:59] awesome! Let me know when you're here, I'll star getting ready