[06:42] OvenWerks: Found a nasty flaw with ubuntustudio-installer: It chokes when installing ubuntustudio-audio because jackd, when installing, has a dialog box. Is there a way we can expose a console? [18:16] Eickmeyer: That used to work [18:16] Eickmeyer: the best thing to do is like our ISO, set a debconfig variable that just answers yes. [18:17] When I first tried it, there was a dialog that did work for that. [18:17] Most sw installers just use "no" for everything to not get hung up. [18:18] The package may have changed just a bit and that may be why. [19:32] OvenWerks: Yeah, strange. Any tweaks I made shouldn't have removed that. Is there a way to do that using the command line that we can implement in the .desktop file? [19:40] Also, it's an ncurses dialog, so that may have something to do with it. [21:42] Eickmeyer: the whole thing is a script, so it should be possible to set variables. [21:43] Eickmeyer: our preseed file does: "jackd2jackd/tweak_rt_limitsboolean true" [21:45] Eickmeyer: right now I think we just do an apt install [21:48] maybe we should separate out jackd2. The truth is it no longer matters if the dialog is answered yes or no so long as -controls is run after.... or even /usr/sbin/ubuntustudio-system fix [21:55] OvenWerks: Well, if that's the case, maybe we should have the script set that variable. [21:55] Ya, I am just lookign to see how I might do that [21:56] it looks like we need to do two things... [21:57] DEBIAN_FRONTEND = noninteractive [21:57] then run apt with the -y flag to assume yes [21:58] Not sure if you got the memo, but -installer is now a git repo in case you still had the bzr repo. [21:59] Sounds easy enough of a fix. [21:59] no problem I am not actually working on the code... [22:00] I'm looking at the code now. [22:00] that was it! RUN DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive apt-get install -yq jackd2 seems to be working. Feel free to post it as an answer or and I will accept it or let me know if I post it. [22:00] from: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/40160592/dockerfile-how-to-pass-an-answer-to-a-prompt-post-apt-get-install [22:01] I think -yq means assume yes and be quiet [22:01] Yeah, I think you're right. [22:01] I don't know if we want quiet or the progress bar may no longer work. [22:02] (it looks for certain output from the command) [22:03] The line I see that may be relevant in the code is set instcmd "pkexec apt-get install -yq=0 $pkgs |& cat" [22:03] Ya, that looks right [22:04] just add DEBIAN_FRONTEND = noninteractive; in front? [22:04] I'll try that and see if it works. [22:04] The problem doesn't show up if jackd2 is already installed [22:05] I'll have to remove it (and ubuntustudio-audio) if I'm going to test it again. [22:10] Okay, pushed, rebuilding in autobuilds. I'll let you know how it goes. [22:45] OvenWerks: Yeah, that didn't work. Probably needs "set DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive;". [22:54] OvenWerks: What did the trick was adding DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive as a separate set instcmd right before it. [22:54] cool [22:54] I'll be pushing the change shortly.