
joelkraehemannhi all09:10
joelkraehemann^^ I wanted to do a sync request but it tells me it has the current version of debian ...09:11
joelkraehemannSo is the above showed information of packages.ubuntu.com just wrong09:12
Laneyjoelkraehemann: not exactly, the package is in disco-proposed but not disco proper: https://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/proposed-migration/update_excuses.html#gsequencer (read https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ProposedMigration/ for more information on the process)09:13
joelkraehemannLaney: the test runner crashed09:17
Laneysounds like a thing to be fixed09:18
joelkraehemannLaney: it would be nice to obtain stack-traces and tell upstream09:31
joelkraehemannI do now a i386 chroot09:32
rbasakjoelkraehemann: unfortunately the volume of test failures is so large that it isn't practical to examine them all, isolate if they are introduced by the distribution or if they are genuine upstream bugs, obtain stack traces and report upstream. It's not practical :-/09:34
rbasakWe do what we can.09:34
joelkraehemannrbasak: do you know systemd-coredump?09:36
joelkraehemannif a process crashes you can obtain a stack trace using `coredumpctl debug`09:39
rbasakI do know how to obtain stack traces, thanks.09:41
joelkraehemannYou don't have to run within a gdb session09:44
joelkraehemannand obviously you didn't09:45
joelkraehemannI just run `libtool --mode=execute gdb ags_check_system_functional_osc_server_test`10:09
joelkraehemannit passed in my chroot10:09
joelkraehemann... may be because I use bionic10:10
dokocjwatson: do you remember why we need pbuilder in main? that dates back to 2008 ...10:35
cjwatsondoko: more like 2004; it was from the very first seed commit (the history is just obscured slightly by the platform split)10:45
cjwatsondoko: IMO sbuild is sufficient and we don't need two10:46
dokook, will demote10:47
joelkraehemann_FYI: https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=91926911:09
ubottuDebian bug 919269 in autopkgtest "autopkgtest: provide stack-traces of crashed integration tests" [Normal,Open]11:09
ahasenacksil2100: hi there, bileto still seems to be a bit broken, it times out after SSO redirects back to it, do you know if #is is working on it? Should we file an RT?11:34
xnoxahasenack, are you logged in, in the autopkgtest.ubuntu.com as well?11:36
xnoxi find that bileto -> autopkgtest -> login flow is borked, but one can work around that by loggin into autopkgtest.u.c directly11:37
ahasenackI don't see a login link in autopkgtest.u.c, nor my name indicating I'm already logged in11:37
ahasenackgoing to bileto.u.c now, it shows me logged in11:38
ahasenackbut I see a bunch of empty tickets11:38
ahasenackthey look like attempts to create tickets that failed perhaps11:39
Laneythat's not really the case, there are just links from excuses to request.cgi11:39
Laneyno particular login flow, so that sounds like a red herring to me11:39
sil2100ahasenack: hey, yeah, it's still broken, I don't think IS is looking into it as last time they were not able to figure out what's the reason11:41
sil2100ahasenack: I was looking into it as well but then got preempted out of it11:42
sil2100ahasenack: could you fill in an RT for tracking?11:42
ahasenacksil2100: yeah, last time was kind of fire fighting, we may need a ticket11:42
sil2100ahasenack: the thing that's broken are mostly redirects, for reasons yet unknown11:42
sil2100So it's all usable, but one needs to remember about that, and refresh the page for instance after creating a ticket11:42
sil2100And then modifying the ticket info11:43
sil2100Same for other operations11:43
ahasenackI see11:43
ahasenacknot just login then11:43
ahasenackI'll file the rt11:43
sil2100I'll try to look into it again today as well, will need a moment for that though as those are the parts of code I don't know much about11:43
sil2100And well, Robert's vision of elegant code doesn't really help with readability11:44
ahasenacksil2100: filed,  you are cc'ed11:48
sil2100ahasenack: thanks!11:50
juliankSo apparently, merging translations from master is as simple as13:18
juliankfor i in po/*.po; do msgmerge -q --previous <(git show master:$i) $i | sponge $i; done13:19
=== ricab is now known as ricab|lunch
juliankthis made one string fuzzy that was not fuzzy before13:24
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juliankfor i in doc/po/*.po po/*.po; do msgcat --use-first <(git show master:$i) $i | sponge $i; done13:30
juliankthis + then running update-po (that is, msgmerge) works better13:30
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rbasakjbicha: looks like libical3 can be synced now. I'll do that in a bit unless I'm missing something.17:04
rbasak(or you object)17:04
jbicharbasak: mismatched tarball so you can fakesync if you want17:16
rbasakI was just driving by. I've never done a fakesync so I might leave it for a time when I can pay more attention.17:17
Laneyrbasak: syncpackage can do those, if you're interested17:19
jbicharbasak: it's good practice if you want to try it. You'll just have to use the --fakesync option (it suggests it when necessary) and then manually dput the result17:20
rbasakOh OK, thanks. AFAICT I can just run it then for this case?17:21
LaneyYou end up with a source package that you can look at17:21
* rbasak tries17:22
rbasakIt's just the lack of supervision here that vexes me a little. I usually take great care in reading all possible docs when doing something new :)17:23
rbasakOK I've done sufficient debdiffing of the results I think.17:26
* rbasak uploads17:26
rbasakThank you for your help. Now I understand the tooling it seems far more straightforward and less error prone than I had expected.17:27
bdmurraysuperm1: I'd like to see something on StableReleaseUpdates re fwupd being a special case so other SRU team members also know about it and we have a reference.17:46
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joelkraehemannhi all21:30
joelkraehemann^^ I have tried to reproduce using LXC but without success21:37
joelkraehemannmy only idea for is, the tests share a NIC and the OSC server gets a conflict ...21:41
joelkraehemannor something messes with the address
joelkraehemannit would be interesting to run the integration tests with isolation machine.21:44
superm1bdmurray, which area should I raise that discussion point?21:49
superm1because changing a wiki is one thing, but I feel it probably needs to be discussed21:49
bdmurraysuperm1: The wiki is the way to go - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/StableReleaseUpdates#Documentation_for_Special_Cases21:50
superm1perfect thanks, I'll do that21:51
bdmurraysuperm1: I'd be happy to review the plan21:51
joelkraehemannLaney: are you still here?21:53
joelkraehemanndoes anyone have the right to rerun the tests?21:57
joelkraehemannplease trigger only one container, e.g. i38621:58
joelkraehemannThis time, I was running the ags_check_system_functional_osc_server_test in 2 different containers ...22:46
joelkraehemannAs the amd64 container completed, I have got SIGPIPE in i386 container22:47
joelkraehemannas running alone in i386 it passes22:47
superm1bdmurray, okay: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/firmware-updates22:49
superm1let me know if I should just email the list instead22:50
bdmurraysuperm1: I think it'd be worth mentioning fwupdate-signed. Also could you elaborate on "OEMs ... can place information into the metadata"?23:11
superm1Sure thing23:11
superm1bdmurray, ok modified23:15
bdmurraysuperm1: Why should the ageing requirement be waived?23:25
* jbicha squints at https://launchpadlibrarian.net/406229560/folks_0.11.4-1ubuntu1_0.11.4-1ubuntv1.diff.gz23:26

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