
=== TheRedQueen is now known as Drone
=== mkv is now known as m4v
IveBeenBitI am trying to get an updated version of KDEconnect. The version in the Kubuntu 18.04 repository is too old. So I'm trying to compile it myself following these instructions: https://community.kde.org/KDEConnect#Linux_Desktop . But I'm gutting errors.The guys in the KDEconnect channel told me to enter "apt build-dep kdeconnect" and I got: "You must put some 'source' URIs in your sources.list." and now I don't know what to do03:36
IrcsomeBot<acheronuk> @IveBeenBit, our updates ppa has the latest 1.3.3 in it03:38
IrcsomeBot<acheronuk> https://launchpad.net/~kubuntu-ppa/+archive/ubuntu/ppa03:38
IveBeenBitacheronuk: sweet. I will use that. Why is IrcsomeBot passing your messages? this is the second channel I have seen that happening.03:42
IrcsomeBot<acheronuk> @IveBeenBit, It's a bot which provides a bridge between an IRC channel and a linked Telegram chat channel. That is the name that KDE gave the bot several channels use to do this.03:44
IrcsomeBot<acheronuk> so I'm replying on telegram, and the bot is relaying it to IRC03:45
IveBeenBitah, that makes sense. I've never seen that before, but I don't hang on IRC often. ANyways, I added the PPA and will upgrade tonight. Than kyou for the help.03:45
Oderusok so im updating, with backports, a new installation. I get this screen.   https://pasteboard.co/HWER13I.png04:30
Oderusand here is the difference between the two https://pasteboard.co/HWER9wX.png. what do i choose?04:30
IrcsomeBot<Anarchotaoist> When I try to send an sms from Kaddress book it crashes! I have the KDEconnect sms widget installed (is it necessary?) and have the command -plasma-kdeconnect-sms- set in the settings of Kaddressbook. Any advice? ps Sending sms from the widget works.04:34
=== mkv is now known as m4v
=== himcesjf_ is now known as him-cesjf
lordievaderGood morning07:31
IrcsomeBot<Anarchotaoist> @lordievader, Good morning08:14
BluesKajHowdy folks11:06
maetthewIs there a way to create a global shortcut in Konsole to "bring to front"? I've been looking for in the shortcut settings but haven't found anything suitable. Am I blind, or is there an other way to accomplish this?12:41
IrcsomeBot<Anarchotaoist> @maetthew, I am not sure. You could alt tab to it -if open. If you use Yukuake it is quickly accessible with Function 12.13:22
StucKmanhi, for some reason the network manager service is restarted every 2s13:25
StucKmanJan 16 13:47:04 nimbus systemd[1]: Stopped Network Manager.13:26
StucKmanJan 16 13:47:04 nimbus systemd[1]: Starting Network Manager...13:26
StucKmanJan 16 13:47:06 nimbus systemd[1]: Stopped Network Manager.13:26
StucKmanJan 16 13:47:06 nimbus systemd[1]: Starting Network Manager...13:26
StucKmanthe only solution I found so far is to reboot, it works for  while, then it doesn't13:26
diogenes_StucKman, maybe you got attacked via the recent systemd bug?13:27
diogenes_well vulnerability13:27
StucKmando you have a link to it? In general this network is ~trustable13:27
diogenes_StucKman, link to what?13:28
StucKmanany reference to such vuln13:28
diogenes_this one is the most recent13:31
StucKmanI don't think it's one of those13:36
maetthewAnarchotaoist: Yeah I know I can alt tab but was looking for a faster solution than tabbing through 5+ open applications. I will check out Yukuake, seems to do what I need. Thanks13:36
=== himcesjf_ is now known as him-cesjf
=== msalvatore_ is now known as msalvatore
=== ichoquo0Aigh9ie is now known as jacky
=== Lord_of_Life_ is now known as Lord_of_Life
=== Tiger3018 is now known as Tiger3018_away

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