
=== TheRedQueen is now known as Drone
lubot<JyotiGomes> Hi. I have a problem that may not have anything to do with Lubuntu but maybe it has some relation. My LibreOffice started not to mark the extensions when they are not odf. For example, if I try to save a document as docx, it saves without putting the extension and the document ends up being saved as a zip. In a LibreOffice channel05:53
lubotthey told me that may not be a LibreOffice issue but an OS or DE issue. I do not think it's an OS issue, but anyway ...05:53
diogenes_JyotiGomes, after saving as zip try to rename it to .docx06:05
lubot<JyotiGomes> @diogenes_ [<diogenes_> JyotiGomes, after saving as zip try to rename it to .docx], I tried and this fix the issue for this document. But only for this document and i must rename. each document that LO creates if it isn't in odf format...06:21
diogenes_JyotiGomes, you could use a command that will replace all .zip into .docx in a given directory06:24
lubot<JyotiGomes> @diogenes_ [<diogenes_> JyotiGomes, you could use a command that will replace all .zip into …], Ok, but this is just a workaround 😊 And, on the other hand, as when trying to save the document as docx it is saved as zip, if I go after that to the properties of the "zip-document" that was created and determine it to open by default06:27
lubotby LO, this ends up doing all zip files also end up trying to open with LO.06:27
lubot<JyotiGomes> The normal thing would be for LibeOffice, as it always did, saved in the format with the extension.06:29
diogenes_JyotiGomes, then when you do save as, try to rename the document before hitting save06:29
lubot<JyotiGomes> @diogenes_ [<diogenes_> JyotiGomes, then when you do save as, try to rename the document bef …], ok06:30
lubot<JyotiGomes> do not fixed06:39
lubot<JyotiGomes> (Document) https://telegram.lubuntu.me/chS2Y2jo/file_5930.mkv06:40
lubot<JyotiGomes> (Video, 30s)https://telegram.lubuntu.me/53nedlp5/file_5932.mp406:51
lubot<HMollerCl> Anyone has another *Ubuntu 18.10 to test this?07:41
lubot<Marcelo Pugliesi> Have you tried the option "save as"?08:17
lubot<JyotiGomes> @Marcelo Pugliesi [Have you tried the option "save as"?], Yes, i tried everything! 😊11:17
lubot<Marcelo Pugliesi> I will try to replicate the problem later. But this is a problem with Libreoffice, not lubuntu.12:22
lubot<HMollerCl> Marcelo I already did the tests12:41
lubot<HMollerCl> what I see on my side on 19.04 18.10 is that libreoffice doesn't put an extension to the fie. If you put the extension when saving, it ends up ok.12:42
lubot<HMollerCl> removing the package libreoffice-kde5 solve the issue. (But gives an uglier filedialog)12:42
lubot<HMollerCl> I filed a bug in libreoffice https://bugs.documentfoundation.org/show_bug.cgi?id=12275212:42
ubottubugs.documentfoundation.org bug 122752 in Writer "libreoffice-kde5 save file dialog doesn't add file extension" [Minor,Unconfirmed]12:42
lubot<Marcelo Pugliesi> Om12:43
lubot<Marcelo Pugliesi> Ok12:43
lubot<JyotiGomes> Hello. In Ubuntu we can log in to our session or enter with guest account. If we log in as a guest, nothing is saved when we leave the session. I installed the Lubuntu 1810 on school computers and wanted the same thing. I created, besides the administrator, another user as guest. But I want  this guest account to be cleaned when th15:15
lubote guests (students) finish the session. How to do this?15:15
lubot<tsimonq2> @JyotiGomes [Hello. In Ubuntu we can log in to our session or enter with guest account. If we …], The goal is to ship this by default eventually but it's not currently an option15:17
lubot<tsimonq2> It's one of the things I'll sit down and learn how to do, then implement it in SDDM.15:18
lubot<JyotiGomes> @tsimonq2 [It's one of the things I'll sit down and learn how to do, then implement it in S …], Nice! 😃15:20
moniker--hi, any advice how to install lubuntu as second OS on laptop with windows xp?23:28
wxluse windows to partition your drive in such a way that you have room for lubuntu, boot lubuntu, install it into that space23:28
moniker--i tested it from usb key and it works better than xp but i have to keep xp23:28
moniker--and what would happen with booting process?23:28
wxlthe installer should pick up on the fact that you have another os and write an option to boot into windows23:29
wxlat the boot screen, you could select the right one23:29
moniker--so grub would be boot loader?23:29
wxland usually the boot screen doesn't pop up by default, but you can hold down shift while you boot23:29
moniker--btw when i was booting from usbkey i needed to add option forcepae --- forcepae23:30
moniker--do i need to set that somewhere?23:30
moniker--can boot menu be made to popup every time23:30
wxlyep and yep23:31
moniker--with some kind of default option and default timer lets say 5 seconds23:31
wxljust need to tweak grub settings23:31
moniker--and i add forcepae after install during boot?23:31
moniker--and it will remember it?23:31
moniker--i hope i wont mess something up i go install now23:31
wxlas long as you set it right, yes23:32
moniker--oh you said first i have to make space23:32
wxldo that in windows23:32
moniker--free space right? no partition23:32
moniker--i will shrink it23:32
moniker--oh one more thing23:33
wxlyou could make a partition but lubuntu could do it for you23:33
moniker--is there anything i can do regarding touch pad scrolling not working?23:33
moniker--and perhaps tap to click23:34
wxloh yeah. synaptics or libinput depending on version23:34
moniker--im not a linux guy so i would need you to explain more23:34
moniker--i need to download something?23:34
wxlyou will likely have both of them installed, although you'll have to read the manpages for your specific issues23:35
wxlevery device is kind of different....23:35
moniker--can i do this now with livecd23:35
moniker--to test23:35
wxlopen a terminal and run `man synaptics` and you should be able to see all the options23:36
moniker--says no manual entry for synaptics23:37
wxlfind the ones you want and you can use `synclient` to set them, e.g. `synclient TouchpadOff=0` would turn the touchpad off23:38
wxlwhich version are you on?23:38
moniker--in preferences i see settings for keyboard and mouse but not for touchpad23:38
moniker--latest i guess 18 something23:38
moniker--where do i check23:39
wxlin terminal do `lsb_release -d`23:39
moniker--i found iso lubuntu-18.10-desktop-i38623:39
wxlok so that's probably going to be better with libinput which i have a little less experience with23:39
wxl`xinput list` should show you all your devices. find the one for the touchpad.23:40
wxlyou can see all the properties with `xinput list-props ID` where ID is the appropriate id number from the above23:41
moniker--SynPS/2 Synaptics TouchPad id=15 [slave pointer (2)]23:41
wxlyou can use `xinput set-prop ID OPTION SETTING` to set it the way you want23:41
wxlwhere OPTION and setting are usually numeric23:41
moniker--and how do i see the list of these options and settings so that i know what to use23:42
wxl`man libinput`23:42
moniker--kk im reading23:43
wxlwelcome to linux. that's what we do XD23:43
moniker--oh wait23:45
moniker--i tried by accident two finger scrolling and it works23:46
moniker--normally this old laptop doesn't support that in windows only side scrolling so that was what i was testing and didn't work23:46
moniker--this is even better with two finger23:46
wxlthe thing you will find with linux is it's often TOO configurable23:46
wxli'm sure you'll see that looking at those man pages!23:47
moniker--i saw option in man pages for two finger then tried it and it was scrolling lol23:47
moniker--hmm this lubuntu works sooooooo much better than xp now23:47
moniker--rendering pages in firefox faster, youtube working better23:47
wxlyes, and it doesn't put you at a security risk either :/23:47
moniker--and scrolling works super nice for such old gateway 1.6ghz23:48
moniker--ok im installing this definitely now, hope nothing gets messed up... but first to free up space... how much space you reckon i need23:48
moniker--there is one thing that doesn't seem to work, at least not by default - touch click23:49
wxlhow much free space you currently have?23:50
wxloh i know that's a thing because that's a loathesome thing in my mind. XD23:50
wxli think it used to be the default and it would drive me nuts23:50
moniker--why? it's easier than pressing touchpad buttons23:51
wxli always accidentially hit it23:51
moniker--would that be libinput click methods?23:52
wxlxinput set-prop 15 "Tapping Enabled" 123:52
wxlyou can alternately use 283 in lieu of "Tapping Enabled"23:52
wxlwhich you would see in parenthesis if you did `xinput list-props 15`23:52
wxloh hm23:53
moniker--do you know by chance what natural scrolling is23:53
wxlactually reading a bit further it seems some manufacturers have different names/numbers, so it's always good to `xinput list-props` first to see which is the right thing23:53
wxli think it's more like "gliding?"23:54
wxlturn it on and see XD23:54
moniker--so `xinput set-props 15 "NaturalScrolling" "1"`23:57
wxlwell if you list props i'm sure it's Natural Scrolling not NaturalScrolling23:57
moniker--yes but im not sure of syntax so i wrote it verbatim here23:57
wxland technically the quotes aren't necessary unless you have special characters (like spaces) in there, but it doesn't hurt to add them :)23:57
moniker--bool are numbers 0 or 123:58
wxlgenerally you want to do exactly how you see23:58
moniker--and dont need quotes ok23:58
wxlbut you can use the paranthetical values, too23:58
wxlso let's say it's Natural Scrolling (773), you could do `xinput set-props 15 773 1`23:58
wxlyou would see that when you `xinput list-props 15`23:58
moniker--oh i understand now23:59
wxland yes, bools are either/or23:59
wxl0 is off, 1 is on23:59
moniker--let me just check brb23:59

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