
dreamcat4hi MrAureliusR. I am also experiencing a similar issue from time to time. not sure what is causing it10:52
dreamcat4keep a terminal window open somewhere at all times10:52
dreamcat4$ nohup budgie-wm --replace &10:53
dreamcat4will save you from having to logout each time. and will keep your applications open10:53
MrAureliusRinterestingly it's not budgie-wm that's locking up11:15
MrAureliusRit's budgie-panel11:16
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=== wildlander_ is now known as wildlander
bashfulrobotMrAureliusR: Come join us at https://discourse.ubuntubudgie.org/22:04
bashfulrobotWe can help you out over there22:04
MrAureliusRwhere should I post?22:05
bashfulrobotI would post in "budgie decktop" category22:08
bashfulrobotMrAureliusR: ^^22:08
MrAureliusRokay, just posted bashfulrobot22:42
bashfulrobotMrAureliusR: Good stuff! You will get a better response there (whole team and community are generally around to help). I mostly monitor here to make sure people do not message on deaf ears.22:43

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