
=== blahdeblah_ is now known as blahdeblah
pittigood morning!09:13
pittilarsu just (tried to) delete https://launchpad.net/~cockpit-project/+archive/ubuntu/cockpit (and obsolete PPA), and around the same time Launchpad went down09:13
pitticurious timing with a scheduled update, or did that trigger a bug that crashed it completely?09:13
Laneythere's some unscheduled downtime ATM I think, wgrant?09:18
wgrantYeah, poewr maintenance went a bit wrong09:18
seb128is launchpad down?09:20
pittiwgrant: ok, thanks; so it really just was a curious coincidence09:20
pittilarsu: go and play lotto today!09:20
seb128hey pitti! wie gehts?09:20
pittiseb128: je vais très bien, merci ! et toi ?09:21
pittiseb128: rendez-vous à FOSDEM !09:21
seb128pitti, ça va bien !09:21
seb128oui :)09:21
acheronukbuilders still running and accepting builds?09:22
larsuhi seb128, Laney!09:22
OolLP down  :(09:22
seb128hey larsu! how are you? it has been a while :)09:22
larsuI think it was me - I clicked "delete PPA" right when it went down09:22
pittiyou deleted the power supply!!09:23
pittino, No, NO, not that button!09:23
acheronukdelete ppa or delete launchpad?09:23
larsuseb128: indeed! I'm great, thanks. Lots of work preparing for meeting pitti (and others) next week. How are you?09:23
seb128ah, nice09:23
Laneyhey larsu!09:23
larsuacheronuk: I'm *pretty* sure it was delete ppa :)09:23
seb128I'm good, busy as always :)09:23
larsuhehe, nice09:23
Laneyare we going to see you in bruxelles?09:24
larsusadly not this year :(09:24
pooyadwis launchpad down?09:24
Oolpooyadw: yes09:25
=== Laney changed the topic of #launchpad to: Known issues: Launchpad down at the minute | Launchpad is an open source project: https://dev.launchpad.net/ | This channel is logged: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ | User Guide: https://help.launchpad.net/ | Support: https://answers.launchpad.net/launchpad
pooyadwjust registered to check whether it is down or me having network problems09:26
acheronuk[09:18] <wg rant> Yeah, poewr maintenance went a bit wrong09:27
acheronukpooyadw: ^^ a short while before you joined09:27
jairjust checking, I think the issue is still current?09:29
jairany ETA for the restore of the service?09:29
jairjust curious09:29
acheronukseems to be back. web facing stuff anyway?09:30
jairconfirmed, it is back thanks!09:30
wgrantWe're still checking bits and pieces, but we don't know of anything still broken09:40
=== Laney changed the topic of #launchpad to: Launchpad is an open source project: https://dev.launchpad.net/ | This channel is logged: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ | User Guide: https://help.launchpad.net/ | Support: https://answers.launchpad.net/launchpad
=== kkeithle is now known as kkeithley
mdeslaurlooks like the arm builders are down? they all look like they're stuck on cleaning17:06
cjwatsonmdeslaur: Boston datacentre power outage18:09
mdeslaurcjwatson: ack, thanks18:09
cjwatsonETA err an hour I think, but I'm just going on scrollback18:09
mdeslaurisn't there an expression for that? "All your eggs in one Boston" or some such? :)18:09
=== nickoe_ is now known as nickoe

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