
=== sitter_ is now known as sitter
mvohey mborzecki - good morning06:25
mborzeckii see that 2.37 is out :) time to update arch packages06:27
mvomborzecki: yeah, I need someone approve the SRU uploads still but otherwise most things are in place now06:28
mvohey zyga06:51
zygaHey, all good07:00
zygaDetails later today :-)07:00
mupPR snapcraft#2441 opened: legacy/meta: make hooks executable instead of complaining they're not <Created by Saviq> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/2441>08:06
mborzeckipushed an update to arch, seems to work fine locally08:09
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mborzeckipstolowski: hey08:30
mvohey pstolowski08:33
zyga hey pawel08:45
zygamborzecki: thank you :)08:45
zygaI will push suse updates after returning08:45
zygaI want to test them locally08:45
mupPR snapcraft#2442 opened: cli: enable cleaning of parts <Created by sergiusens> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/2442>08:58
mborzeckiturns out that plug name sorting spread error was a regression after all09:07
mborzeckiand we're missing a unit test for /v2/interfaces (legacy connections) that checks whether returned data is sorted09:09
mborzeckisnap interfaces makes doesn't do anything about sorting of plugs/slots and conencted endpoint, so i guess it's implied that the data is sorted already09:10
pstolowskimborzecki: was it a regression after yesterday's PR?09:20
pstolowskineed 2nd review for simple https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/637909:32
mupPR #6379: ifacestate/tests: extra test for hotplug-connect handler <Hotplug 🔌> <Created by stolowski> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/6379>09:32
Chipacahuh, I don't  understand #638809:34
mupPR #6388: tests: fix install-snaps test by changing the snap info regex <Created by sergiocazzolato> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/6388>09:34
mborzeckipstolowski: no, it's a regression in my connections endpoint PR09:35
Chipacafor two reasons: that install test should fail all the time now because of #633909:35
mupPR #6339: cmd/snap: only auto-enable unicode to a tty <Created by chipaca> <Merged by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/6339>09:35
Chipacabut at the same time --unicode=never should not make a difference, for the same reason09:35
Chipacaso somehting's off09:36
pstolowskimborzecki: ack. the client should be fixed to sort imho09:36
mborzeckiChipaca: there shuld be a git revision in the build log that cachio linked09:36
mborzeckiChipaca: heh, can't find one :/09:38
Chipacamborzecki: issue is on master as well09:38
Chipacamborzecki: I suspect there's a sneaky en dash that isn't coming from an escapes struct09:39
* Chipaca greps09:39
mborzeckiheh, en dash, wreaking havoc since MS started replacing - with it in their office/outlook suites :P09:41
Chipacaactually, no09:41
Chipacathat's never an en dash09:41
* Chipaca stops, steps back, and hits the coffee09:41
kyrofaThat's always my solution as well09:42
Chipacamborzecki: I was so indignant at people using 1252 instead of latin 109:42
mborzeckiChipaca: 1250 here :P09:44
Chipacamborzecki: I guess you had the same thing going with latin 2?09:47
mborzeckiChipaca: yup09:47
Chipacaalthough probably not as bad, given what html 5 does09:47
mborzeckiChipaca: haha, https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/6388#discussion_r248595404 so the font rendering i get in FF makes - and en dash virtually indistinguishable09:58
mupPR #6388: tests: fix install-snaps test by changing the snap info regex <Created by sergiocazzolato> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/6388>09:58
Chipacamborzecki: https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/blob/master/cmd/snap/main.go#L50009:59
mborzeckiChipaca: at 250% zoom it's slightly longer and slimmer than -09:59
mupPR snapd#6392 opened: interfaces: helpers for sorting plug/slot/connection refs <Simple 😃> <Created by bboozzoo> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/6392>10:01
mborzeckitrivial one ^^10:02
Chipacamborzecki: connRef already has sorting tests?10:05
mborzeckiChipaca: yes10:05
mborzeckijust above the first hunk in sorting_test.go10:06
mborzeckii'm suprised how the test suite is mostly non-flaky recently10:08
Chipacamborzecki: don't jinx it10:13
mupPR snapd#6392 closed: interfaces: helpers for sorting plug/slot/connection refs <Simple 😃> <Created by bboozzoo> <Merged by bboozzoo> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/6392>10:55
mborzeckiprepare of google:arch-linux-64:tests/{main,regression,completion,smoke}/ suites failed, with an awkward error11:06
kenvandinepedronis`: https://bugs.launchpad.net/snapd/+bug/176841911:33
mupBug #1768419: Pass through snapd client User-Agent to store requests snapd <snapd:Triaged> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1768419>11:33
Chipacakenvandine: ?11:39
kenvandineChipaca: we were just discussing that and i was sending pedronis` the link11:50
Chipacafwiw we do now have context in more places, but it'd still be a bunch of work to get it everywhere11:50
Chipaca(context is needed to do what that says)11:51
kenvandineChipaca: could you comment on that bug with any concerns?11:51
kenvandinewe are trying to make sure the store team is on board as well11:51
Chipacakenvandine: is "it's work" a concern? :-)11:51
kenvandinea little11:51
kenvandineit's something we really want11:52
kenvandinenot just us but advocacy11:52
Wimpressdegville: Do you have any docs (draft or otherwise) that explain the key signing of snaps?11:52
WimpressI have an ISV asking after details for a security review.11:53
mborzeckiChipaca: pushing that user-agent info through all the layers without context sounds nightmarish11:55
Chipacamborzecki: "a lot of work"11:55
mborzeckiChipaca: and when complete, it'd probably be nothing to be proud of :)11:56
Chipacamborzecki: eh, dunno about that11:56
Chipacamborzecki: it is the kind of thing that would make a refactor of daemon more urgent though11:57
degvilleWimpress: no, sorry - not specifically. The closest is likely the Ubuntu Core image building doc: https://docs.ubuntu.com/core/en/guides/build-device/image-building.11:57
Chipacaanyway, commented there11:57
Chipacadegville: Wimpress: wasn't there a whitepaper?11:58
Wimpressdegville: I suspected ;-) Thanks for looking. I'll prepare a reply.11:58
WimpressI have the whitepaper, very old now. Orientated toward Ubuntu Core rather than just snaps.11:59
degvilleWimpress: we can create one - happy to prioritise it - especially if there's a Whitepaper.11:59
Wimpressdegville: Please do add creating snap signing/integrity checking to your TODO list :-)12:02
degvilleWimpress: will do - thanks. This seems important.12:02
WimpressI'll prepare a reply and let the ISV know this is something we're working on.12:03
mupPR snapd#6393 opened: packaging: import debian salsa packaging work <Created by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/6393>12:16
greybackhey, I'm trying to install Core on my RPi3 - I used the edge image - it has stuck at the account email setup with "x509: certificate expiired or not yet valid". Appears networking set up ok, I can ping and attempt ssh connection. Any idea what's wrong?12:27
* Chipaca ⇝ lunch12:28
popeygreyback: time and date wrong?12:31
greybackpopey: how can I check that?12:31
greybackthis is during Core first setup12:31
* greyback plugs out and in again, in case it helps12:32
popeyI don't know, but that's where cert errors often come from12:35
popeyalso if you're behind a proxy12:35
popeyare you in capetown? Is the IS transparent proxy in the way and doing something silly?12:35
greybackno, but I'm in a new office12:36
ppisatiogra: how do i install hcitool in ubuntu core? core16 doesn't have it12:36
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cwayneppisati: bluez snap12:38
popeygreyback: does it have a captive portal?12:38
greybackpopey: no, and no sign of a proxy.12:38
ppisaticwayne: yeah. i found it12:38
popeygreyback: does it work in a vm? on your laptop?12:39
greybackpopey: worth a shot12:39
popeyOtherwise I'm a bit out of ideas, sorry.12:39
popeyBut it all smells of crappy network doing stuff if your certificates are wonky12:39
popey(also, does a core16 image work?)12:39
greybackpopey: thanks for the help. I've mostly carted around VMs, so this is the first time I've done the core initial setup in a while12:40
greybackI'll see what I can figure out12:40
* pstolowski lunch12:42
mupPR snapcraft#2443 opened: schema: allow before and after <Created by sergiusens> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/2443>12:49
zygamvo: hey12:54
zygamwhudson: thank you!12:54
zygamvo: I wasn't aware (or I missed because steve told me) that mwhudson is going to be back today12:54
zygamwhudson: we're working on the 2.37 debian release12:55
zygamwhudson: I think it's safe to say that we will sync with you next week, this week we're okay and it's best that we just take the responsibility of landing this release out there, we can definitely upload more changes later if needed12:55
zygamwhudson: we also discussed ideas on how to improve the situation in both snapd upstream (how to test it so that we detect this early) and in debian (improvements to salsa packaging, packaging missing things, updating packages for stale things)12:56
zygamvo: mwhudson ran tests on debian kernel and they did not fail so I suspect some interaction between unit tests and ubuntu kernel running in debian userspace chroot12:56
mborzeckioff to pick up the kids from school12:59
ograppisati, it comes with the bluez snap13:32
ppisatiogra: yep, found it13:37
ograppisati, btw, the forum indicates that more and more people use your sample-kernel trees from GH ... are they still kept up to date ?13:39
ogra(/me saw three users alone in the last ten days)13:39
ogra(different ones)13:40
mvozyga: aha, cool13:41
mvomwhudson: https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/6393 <- might be interessting for you (cc zyga)13:42
mupPR #6393: packaging: import debian salsa packaging work <Created by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/6393>13:42
zygamvo: I'll gladly look next week unless you believe there is some value to cherry pick as debian/patches13:42
mvozyga: if you package works, no need to cherry pick anything13:48
mvozyga: if the package does not work there might be fixes worth getting there13:48
ppisatiogra: they never meant to be updated, they are just there as an example how to make your kernel work with ubuntu core13:49
ograhmm, k, people seem to actually use them13:49
Chipacagetting tea, bbiab13:59
=== ricab|lunch is now known as ricab
ppisatiogra: what's the best strategy to build a snapdragon ubuntu core image that uses a kernel snap with a custom dtb?14:30
ograppisati, build a normal image, put dtb into system-boot partition next to the default one, stop boot at u-boot prompt and point to the new dtb with the fdt_file var (or however that was called on db)14:32
ograif you actually want to build from scratch and your dtb has a special name, you need to build a modified gadget with changed uboot.env.in with the same change as above14:33
ograeasiest is indeed just building a default image and simply ship your dtb in your kernewl snap as a replacement of the default file ... (same filename) then you dont need to touch anything14:34
ppisatiogra: ok so, my kernel snap contains the custom dtb and it has the same name, does it replace the one from the gadget snap?14:35
mborzeckiChipaca: looking at the overlord loop, looks like we could detect when the time jumps by some reasonable amount (eg. some mulitple of ensure intervals?) and skip one call to ensure14:35
ograthere is none in the gadget snap on db14:35
ppisati*the same name as the one normally used to boot the board14:35
ograit is used from the kernel snap14:35
ppisatiogra: oh cool14:35
ograso as long as you keep the same name it will just be used14:35
ograeven if you manually install your kernel snap on an image14:36
ppisatiogra: k, thanks14:36
mborzeckiChipaca: anyways, we'll know more once we have some feedback from popey14:39
Chipacamborzecki: time changed between 1.6 and 1.11 (was it 1.7?) and started including two times per time14:44
Chipacamborzecki: we'd have to test both :-)14:44
Chipacabut, yes14:44
Chipacamborzecki: that is, 1.6 didn't have monotonic timers14:46
mborzeckiChipaca: we're switching to 1.9 though? :P14:46
Chipacamborzecki: so if the machine suspends for an hour half an hour before a dst change, ¯\_(ツ)_/¯14:46
Chipacamborzecki: aye14:46
mborzeckiChipaca: i mean we can try and reduce the changes of this happening, but that's probably it14:47
zygaChipaca: papercut: search for test that uses "snapname" and revision 4214:49
zygait's not mocking and ends up writing to ~/snap/14:49
Chipacazyga: ouch14:49
Chipacazyga: spread, or unit?14:49
zygamaybe sudo mkdir snap/snapname14:50
zygaand chmod 00014:50
zygato catch it14:50
Croephais there still a download for ubuntu core?14:50
zygaCroepha: https://www.ubuntu.com/download/iot14:51
zygamvo: about cmd/snap-seccomp, question about build-deps14:51
zygado I recall correctly that needs some i386 headers?14:51
Croephazyga: thanks :)14:51
zygaif so, how is that expressed?14:51
mvozyga: I don't remember, maybe thats it14:52
zygaI wonder how that looks like because nothing in debian/control looks appropriate14:53
Chipacazyga: instead of making me hunt, if you already know the test can you tell me? if you don't then i can hunt no problem14:54
Chipacathere are a lot of tests in snap-exec that use snapname at rev 4214:54
Chipacaalso snapenv14:54
zygaChipaca: I don't know the test14:55
zygajust noticed when I ran go test ./...14:55
zyganot urgent :)14:55
zygadreaded 42 :)14:55
Chipacamborzecki: https://github.com/davecheney/junk/blob/master/clock/clock_linux.go fwiw14:56
mborzeckishall we land #6388?15:15
mupPR #6388: tests: fix install-snaps test by changing the snap info regex <Created by sergiocazzolato> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/6388>15:15
Chipacamborzecki: +115:25
mupPR snapd#6388 closed: tests: fix install-snaps test by changing the snap info regex <Created by sergiocazzolato> <Merged by bboozzoo> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/6388>15:26
roadmrChipaca hi :) does snapd 2.37 currently in beta have full support for epochs?15:38
Chipacaroadmr: define "full support"15:38
Chipacaroadmr: #6356 isn't on master yet, so 2.37 doesn't have it, so I don't consider epochs "done"15:39
roadmrChipaca: hm I guess not refreshing to a revision of the snap that isn't epoch-compatible with the one I have15:39
mupPR #6356: overlord/snapstate: during refresh, re-refresh on epoch bump <Created by chipaca> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/6356>15:39
roadmrChipaca: ah - yes, that was sort of it, I didn't check/track the actual PR. I'll keep an eye on that one then :) thanks!15:39
Chipacaroadmr: the "don't refresh if not epoch-compatible" work is in 2.37 yes15:40
roadmrChipaca: (and indeed it was to mention something about epochs in our weekly report - but I'll just leave it at "RSN!")15:40
roadmrChipaca: ah, so #6356 is the "eager refresh" thingy?15:40
mupPR #6356: overlord/snapstate: during refresh, re-refresh on epoch bump <Created by chipaca> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/6356>15:40
Chipacaroadmr: yes15:41
roadmrgreat! thanks Chipaca15:41
* cachio lunch16:11
mupPR snapd#6394 opened: tests: iterate getting journal logs to support delay on boards <Created by sergiocazzolato> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/6394>16:57
mupPR snapd#6395 opened: cmd/snap: use a fake user for 'run' tests <Simple 😃> <Created by chipaca> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/6395>17:01
Chipacazyga: ^17:01
cachiomvo, 2.37 is in candidate17:02
mvocachio: yay17:02
mvocachio: thank you!17:03
cachiomvo, :)17:04
zygaChipaca: thank you!17:09
cachiomvo, yesterday I saw a mount error again17:12
cachioforgot to mention :(17:12
cachioI think it was on 2.3717:16
cachioon ubuntu-core-1817:16
* zyga EODs17:40
cachiozyga, is it needed the change I did time ago on upgrade backend?17:42
zygacachio: I don't know what you mean, sorry17:42
zygaI'm too tired today17:42
zygalong day17:42
zyga7:30 -> 19:3017:42
cachiozyga, ahh, ok17:42
cachiolet's talk tomorrow17:42
mvocachio: oh? if you see the mount error again, please give me an url, that is really sad if the bug is not actually fixed17:59
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mupPR snapd#6393 closed: packaging: import debian salsa packaging work <Created by mvo5> <Closed by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/6393>18:07
mupPR snapd#6396 opened: packaging: import debian salsa packaging work <Created by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/6396>18:07
zygamwhudson: hey, for tomorrow, just to let you know, we are working on the package with mvo19:01
zygamwhudson: my fork of salsa is at https://salsa.debian.org/zyga-guest/snapd/commits/debian19:01
Pharaoh_Atempopey: did you poke anyone to add CentOS/RHEL 7 instructions for installing and using snaps?19:46
Pharaoh_AtemI didn't do all that work to make it available in EPEL for nothing, did I? :P19:46
popeyI did poke, I need to re-poke19:46
popeywill do so tomorrow morning19:47
popeyThanks for the nudge19:47
mwhudsonzyga: great21:02
mwhudsonzyga: didn't you get your dd hat yet?21:02
* cachio afk21:29
mupPR snapd#6397 opened: tests: Use backend: [autopkgtest] for smoke test suite <Created by sergiocazzolato> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/6397>23:50

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