[06:51] morning all [06:51] afternoon duflu [06:52] Hi willcooke. Just back from physio. First time in 5 years :S [06:53] As you said, all down hill... [06:53] duflu, how did it go? Feeling stiff or not yet? [06:53] willcooke, yes and probably more later [07:11] good morning desktoppers [07:11] hi oSoMoN [07:19] Morning oSoMoN [07:19] and good morning seb128 [07:19] hey duflu, how are you today? [07:20] seb128, relatively good. How are you? [07:20] good afternoon duflu [07:20] good morning willcooke, seb128 [07:20] lut oSoMoN [07:29] good morning [07:32] salut didrocks [07:35] salut oSoMoN === pstolowski|afk is now known as pstolowski [08:26] Morning didrocks [08:27] hey duflu [08:35] Hey seb128! YC pinged about: https://bugs.launchpad.net/oem-priority/+bug/1809788 [08:35] Error: ubuntu bug 1809788 not found [08:35] They said that it's fixed in 18.10 [08:35] It's fairly minor from what I can see, the text overflows and gets clipped [08:36] But maybe its something backportable [08:45] /join #raspbian [09:01] hi there [09:01] Hi Laney [09:02] come here often? [09:02] * Laney starts a bar fight [09:03] There's a bar?! [09:05] hey Laney willcooke [09:05] willcooke, yeah, sounds like a fine one to have as a target of opportunity [09:07] goooood mooorniiing [09:08] hey Trevinho [09:09] seb128: hi! [09:10] Morning Trevinho [09:13] shrug, launchpad erroring out [09:15] Launchpad often does when western Europe is waking up [09:15] Moreso than other times [09:18] well I think there is a daily cron job or something around 9am utc [09:19] Also sometimes in my morning... [09:19] this time it's that the DC broke [09:19] they have been having load issues recently [09:19] VPN died for me too [09:19] Laney, where do you find those info? [09:19] ah [09:20] William also said in #launchpad [09:20] I should maybe autojoin that channel [09:25] morning! [09:25] Hi hi andyrock [09:28] hey andyrock! how are you? [09:30] seb128: enjoying london blue sky :D [09:30] you? [09:30] andyrock, I'm good thanks! [09:31] andyrock, did you see my software-properties review yesterday? [09:31] seb128: yeah I will update the branch today [09:31] thanks for the review! [09:33] np! [09:33] I wonder what's going on with the signal [09:34] did the binding change or something? [09:35] not sure tbh [09:35] weird that I didn't notice it before [09:37] could be some gi issue in disco [11:59] There is another bug which could be resolved for the Bionic update: bug 1763520 [11:59] bug 1763520 in gtk+3.0 (Ubuntu) "after upgrade to bionic, printing fails without explanation / logs / debuggability" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1763520 [12:00] Here I have attached SRU patches and a someone to sponsor the upload is needed, to kick off the verification process. [12:01] I am not able to upload gtk+3.0 by myself. [12:41] tkamppeter, right, I was sort of waiting on an upstream review to sponsor that one but they didn't pick it up yet :-/ [12:43] maybe try pinging ebassi [12:43] that bug affects upgraders, right? so not .2 critical imho [12:53] correct for upgraders [14:47] jbicha: Hi, [14:48] good evening [14:48] hey k_alam jbicha [14:48] Good evening [14:49] seb128: hi [14:50] jbicha: Regarding the gnote-scope package you uploaded why does it not show in the repo? [14:51] it needs to be manually approved by a member of ~ubuntu-archive https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/disco/+queue?queue_state=0 [14:52] Can we ping someone for that ? [14:57] seb128: Can you review the gsd-common transition bug ? [14:58] k_alam, bug? [14:58] https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/compiz/+bug/1811118 [14:58] Ubuntu bug 1811118 in unity-settings-daemon (Ubuntu) "Transition from gnome-settings-daemon-schemas to gnome-settings-daemon-common (Disco)" [Undecided,Confirmed] [15:00] k_alam, done [15:00] Thanks. [15:01] k_alam: https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-archive/+members :) [15:03] seb128: Can you also sponsor this? The bzr repo is out of sync....so I added a patch.... [15:03] https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/indicator-application-gtk2/+bug/1810742 [15:03] Ubuntu bug 1810742 in indicator-application-gtk2 (Ubuntu) "[FTBFS] Don't treat -Wdeprecated-declarations as errors" [Undecided,Confirmed] [15:04] k_alam, I can have a look a bit later [15:05] seb128: Alright, no prob [15:05] jbicha: Thanks [15:10] k_alam, you change description doesn't match the change [15:11] Subject: Don't treat -Wdeprecated-declarations as errors [15:11] I would expect the corresponding change to the use of '-Wno-deprecated-declarations' [15:11] or such [15:11] but you just plaining drop Werror, not only for deprecated-declarations [15:15] seb128: So "Don't use Werror..." would be ok ? [15:16] yes [15:16] k_alam, also, do we still need indicator-application-gtk2? it was added for xubuntu/lubuntu at the time because they didn't use gtk3 [15:16] but xfce is gtk3 now no? [15:17] ah, bug #1811489 [15:17] bug 1811489 in indicator-application-gtk2 (Ubuntu) "Please remove indicator-application-gtk2 from Ubuntu" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1811489 [15:18] jbicha, ^ usually you are interested by those craft cleaning :) [15:18] cruft [15:18] yes, mostly....but there are other gtk2 apps and xfce gtk3 port is ongoing [15:20] k_alam: are you aware that *nothing* in Ubuntu depends or recommends indicator-application-gtk2? [15:20] maybe we can talk Seb into removing it :) [15:22] the doesn't list the reverse depends....But if nothing recommends it then I have no prob removing it....unity get rid of it long time ago [15:22] *got [15:22] k_alam: I believe libappindicator1 is what gtk2 apps need but there aren't any gtk2 Panels any more [15:24] yes gtk2 apps only needs libappindicator1 [15:25] right, the indicator was only for desktop panels that could load a gtk3 applet [15:25] I'm fine removing it, let me do it [15:25] lxpanel-indicator-applet-plugin is still using it though ? [15:26] but that's lubuntu thing [15:28] k_alam: you could ask Lubuntu to remove that Ubuntu-specific package since LXDE is no longer supported [15:30] they don't suggest/recommends it though? [15:31] I was ready to press Y to delete it but I'm going to wait for that to be sorted out [15:32] it only suggests gtk2 panel indicators...... [17:45] I can file the removal bug for that, sure. [17:45] I assume this is part of the GTK 2 removefest? ;) === pstolowski is now known as pstolowski|afk [18:12] tsimonq2: Once it drops from suggests (lxpanel-indicator-applet-plugin), it can be removed...I think [18:39] k_alam: Reverse-suggests does not dictate removal or non-removal. [18:41] tsimonq2: Ok, then I guess it can be removed === muktupavels_ is now known as muktupavels