[00:00] and wonder about lm18.3 .. same drivers [00:00] Which is nuts [00:01] My girlfriend was using the DS4 gamepad via bluetooth on LM 18.3 to play Stardew Valley not long ago [00:01] now there is an xbox controller connected? [00:01] Mythikos: can you show us the entire 'dmesg' just in case there are other clues? [00:01] Odd that the WiFi has worked flawlessly [00:01] that has BT too, maybe bites [00:01] Yeah, that's fine [00:02] What is the command? [00:03] jounalctl -b 0 [00:03] Bear with me. I didn't even get my hands on a Windows 2000 machine until I was in my twenties. [00:03] Mythikos: "pastebinit <( journalctl -b )" [00:03] oops journalctl -b 0 [00:04] http://paste.ubuntu.com/p/6tXHJCJNHt/ [00:05] Doesn't this kind of thing give you confidence in the manufacturer - not! "DMI: Gigabyte Technology Co., Ltd. To be filled by O.E.M./F2A88X-D3H, BIOS F6 04/09/2015" [00:06] I think Line 38 is due to my having Secure Boot Disabled in the UEFI [00:06] Unrelated [00:08] Line 85 concerns me [00:09] I really wish hardware manufacturers cared more about Linux users. Upsetting that they don't produce a driver for Linux distros most times [00:10] I need to locate the manufacturers that do and support them instead [00:18] why does the installer need 'secureboot passwd' for 3rd party drivers? [00:18] And all the king's horses, and all the king's men, couldn't make bluetooth work on Linux again [00:18] I apologize if this is already implemented in newer releases as I mostly use 14.04 and 18.04, but: Is there an easy way to install with LUKS but with no swap volume? (most of the systems I administer should never need one) [00:21] donofrio_, i think you have a password on the bios enabled [00:22] donofrio_, or they are not from our sources, then you have to play with MOK utils [00:23] mok? [00:24] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UEFI/SecureBoot#MOK_generation_and_signing_process [00:24] but maybe you better explain what driver etc [00:24] Mythikos: the problem really looks like a genuine hardware issue - in that the device is detected but trying to talk to it results in a -ETIMEOUT (-110) [00:27] TJ-, I agree, but the fact that it "just worked" in LM 18.3 has me all sorts of confused [00:28] I'm trying to remember if I had done anything to make that the case [00:29] Mythikos: rattled the case maybe? nudged a connector? [00:29] Mythikos: mini-PCIe card not completely aligned with the pins in the connector? [00:29] Mythikos: with the iwlwifi kernel panic too I think there's somethin systemic going on right now at least [00:30] TJ-, Not likely. I did install Blueman, which LM didn't have native. But Ubuntu already had it. I was stoked [00:30] I guess I could remove, clean, and reseat the adapter, maybe even try the other F_USB port on my MoBo [00:31] Mythikos: hmmm, this isn't a mini-PCIe card? [00:32] TJ-, It is actually. With a cable for the F_USB bluetooth [00:33] Mythikos: oh, it's PCIe - I have one of those! [00:34] Mythikos: it's in another office, I'll jump across and check what it reports [00:34] TJ-, https://www.gigabyte.com/Motherboard/GC-WB867D-I-rev-42#ov [00:34] Gigabyte made it, but Intel drives the Bluetooth portion [00:34] Hi, I have a problem connecting to a VPN with Lubuntu [00:34] It attempts to connect, then reverts back to normal network [00:36] Mythikos: you're in luck, I have the same model: "Bus 007 Device 002: ID 8087:0a2b Intel Corp." [00:37] Mythikos: "kernel: Bluetooth: hci0: Firmware revision 0.1 build 185 week 49 2017" [00:38] Mythikos: show us "pastebinit <( ls -l /lib/firmware/intel/ )" [00:44] are there any next-level lizard lords here who can help me with my triple boot iMac (OSX, Win, Ubuntu) and rEFInd? [00:47] http://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:7YeP6qBQhhIJ:https://robpickering.com/triple-boot-macbook-pro-macos-windows-10-linux/%2Btriple+boot+macbook+pro+refind&gbv=1&oe=UTF-8&hl=en&ct=clnk [00:47] macwinuntu: look there [00:47] not what you think, byter [00:47] o h [00:47] my bad [00:47] no worries [00:48] there is a way without refind https://apple.stackexchange.com/questions/310451/triple-boot-macos-high-sierra-ubuntu-and-windows-without-refind [00:48] but i am no mac expert [00:55] TJ-, I'll be in and out. I'm testing some things [01:01] Mythikos: I just noticed for some situations, to use bluetoothctl, you may need sudo. Try "sudo bluetoothctl" then "show" when you think the hardware has loaded its firmware [01:01] ok [01:04] TJ-, No luck [01:05] TJ-, Also, I unplugged the F_USB cord from the adapter, and now I cannot get Blueman to open...? Maybe it is stuck [01:05] Mythikos: I would ignore GUI tooling for now, work with the core [01:06] TJ-, Fair enough [01:06] Mythikos: Make sure the firmware files are there. if you do "modinfo -F firmware btintel" it'll list the file(s) it *may* use, compare that with "ls /lib/firmware/intel/" to ensure the files exist and aren't zero-length or something silly [01:07] intel/ibt-12-16.ddc [01:07] intel/ibt-12-16.sfi [01:07] intel/ibt-11-5.ddc [01:07] intel/ibt-11-5.sfi [01:07] Checking [01:09] Mythikos: careful else you'll get quietened by the bot for pasting to channel. [01:10] Mythikos: also, you could try removing the module and re-inserting it. As in "sudo modprobe -r btintel && sudo modprove btintel" instead of needing to reboot - whilst you are testing [01:11] TJ-, https://imgur.com/a/NSwCnx2 Seems in order [01:12] That command yielded: modprobe: FATAL: Module btintel is in use. [01:12] Mythikos: I also noticed that /etc/dbus-1/system.d/bluetooth.conf says that to be able to use bluetoothctl (because it uses dbus to talk to bluetoothd) the owner of the process should be 'root', a member of 'bluetooth' or 'lp' groups - my user is a member of 'lpadmin' which is why I can use bluetoothctl without sudo [01:13] I see [01:14] Mythikos: I'd recommend trying to unload/reload the btintel module and see if you get a better result. once you've done that check the kernel log for any errors with "dmesg | tail " [01:14] I am trying to use ubuntu MATE and it's asking for a password to unlock the login keyring but it never asked to set a password during install. What do I do? [01:15] hardliner, Did you use encryption during install? [01:15] No. [01:15] then keyring might well be your user password, or blank [01:16] or does it ask to setup? [01:16] I pressed enter but it did not take it. [01:16] TJ-, http://susepaste.org/view//7285681 [01:16] It is still reporting the same failure [01:16] It never asked to set it up. [01:18] Mythikos: got to be a hardware error then. It fails to get the hardware version so it doesn't get as far as being able to determine which firmware file to load [01:18] Bluetooth: hci0: Reading Intel version information failed (-110) [01:19] For example, I'm trying to install pi-hole and I typed curl -sSL https://install.pi-hole.net | bash and responds with [sudo] password for pi: [01:19] I'm going to web search this error [01:22] TJ-, http://susepaste.org/view//61255489 [01:27] TJ-, http://susepaste.org/view//4183752 [01:28] Mythikos: none of that is going to help. You've got a *hardware* issue, either the device has died or it is somehow not connected correctly [01:29] Guess I'll have to return it then. It is less than one month old [01:30] Already tested both F_USB ports [01:32] Mythikos: do you have another PC you could test in? [01:33] Up until yesterday, I had it working on Windows 7, but I deleted it and dedicated this drive to Ubuntu. I'm installing Windows 10 on another drive in a few days when it arrives. Dual booting is a pain, so I'm upgrading :p [01:34] So not currently [01:35] I could just return it. Any suggestions for a replacement for WiFi and Bluetooth (for Ubuntu 18.04 and Windows 10)? [01:35] Something more compatible would be nice [01:37] Gonna reboot. brb [01:38] TJ-, Wait, have you seen this: https://askubuntu.com/questions/632336/bluetooth-broadcom-43142-isnt-working [01:41] Mythikos: that is unrelated to your device [01:42] Okay. Got it [01:42] Mine is Intel [01:43] Well, I'm sending this one back. I'll be back with updates at some point [01:43] Thank you for your help [01:48] i just did `sudo apt remove --purge weechat` and it said it did it, but i still have /usr/bin/weechat [01:50] ah, weechat-curses [01:53] I found the source of my login loop was to backup .config and copy it in from another user. So what part of ~/.config would cause a login loop where the desktop shows for a moment then logs out? [01:54] I'm pulling my hair out over audio issues with pulse and alsa and I've run out of ideas. I've got a system running 14.04 (its legacy) There is a USB camera with a microphone connected and an analog output for speakers, but I can't get any audio to work. Trying to set the audio device to analog output creates a dummy output device and autoselects it, no audio is heard from the speakers at all, and occasionally the speakers output the microphone input but [01:54] nothing else for seemingly no reason. aplay -l lists all the expected devices, the devices are confirmed working, any troubleshooting ideas would be appreciated. [01:56] TJ-, Any suggestions for another Bluetooth adapter? [01:57] Mythikos: Anything Intel-based - open-source and easy access to firmware :) [01:58] Mythikos: which is what you've got. Those were the reasons I chose that model, too. [01:58] Zabot, maybe setting a default device? https://askubuntu.com/questions/150851/how-do-i-select-a-default-sound-card-with-alsa [01:59] TJ-, Okay. I'll send for a replacement [01:59] I'll let you know how it goes [01:59] Cheers! [01:59] Mythikos: silly question but have you tried it in a different PCIe slot on the mobo? [02:01] Would anyone know how or why my start menu when I try to put my mouse over it. I can see through the transparent part the mouse is reacting to whats behind it. Clicking anything on the menu just closes it [02:01] cYnIxX3: Interesting, pactl list sinks doesn't show anything thats obviously my audio output [02:02] Zabot, pactl may not be related to alsa I found as I read on. Maybe aslamixer? [02:03] cYnIxX3: alsamixer appears to be trying to use the HDMI device as output and doesn't see the analog output [02:04] Zabot, maybe thats part of the issue? [02:04] I have not used alsa, just trying to open ideas. [02:05] Possibly, guess I've got some more debugging to do [02:06] can someone help give me some enlightenment on desktop environment? [02:06] depends on the level of enlightenment fareast [02:06] Is ubuntu default environment gnome 3? [02:06] regarding which version? [02:06] <[n0mad]> yessish [02:06] installed or updated to? [02:07] how does gnome extensions integrate? [02:07] same tweak tool? or something different? [02:08] I am guessing ubuntu team has thought about the interface over and over and this is what they came up with and it is for a reason.... [02:09] * cYnIxX3 thinks your being a bit vague [02:09] like the launch bar on the side for instance is it really better there? [02:09] should I hide it [02:09] should I put it on the bottom [02:09] what is your opinion. [02:09] <[n0mad]> where would you like it? [02:09] I would think you can do whatever fits your screen and usage best. [02:10] <[n0mad]> mine just sits right on the left hand side where it came [02:10] you would think hiding it would give more screen real estate right [02:10] I like screen real estate. [02:10] <[n0mad]> how small is your screen? [02:10] its a laptop [02:10] 15.5 [02:10] 1920. 1080 [02:10] so its not bad [02:10] <[n0mad]> i personally wouldnt think you're gaining that much if you hide it but you may just like that better [02:10] I dont like hiding it. Gets in the way of a browser back button. [02:11] right like it will pop on you. [02:11] makes sense.. [02:12] what I really want is a widget or top bar extension that does everything with system resources temperature etc. [02:12] if you have a wider than taller monitor and are not hiding it having it on the side lets youtube expand better. [02:14] how can I fool a webpage into thinking i am using windows instead of linux? [02:15] Anyone have any idea what would cause my mouse to see through my menu. If that even makes sense. [02:16] maybe a graphics issue [02:16] if something isn't displaying properly its most definitely corrected with graphics driver. [02:16] Brand new install. Its worked with this video card and this version of Ubuntu for many different installs. [02:16] <[n0mad]> fareast: https://extensions.gnome.org/ should have extensions for system monitor type stuff [02:17] i mean i just been running sensors command [02:17] I can click the dock and the dock menu button. But then the transparent menu that appears. If I have a web page or something behind it. I can see the mouse is activating items on the page. Trying to click anywhere on this just closes it. [02:17] So I can't launch aps [02:18] Processor Fan: 0 RPM [02:18] CPU: +38.0°C [02:18] Ambient: +33.0°C [02:18] SODIMM: +34.0°C [02:18] Other: +30.0°C [02:18] Does anyone here have Lubuntu? [02:18] core 1 and 2 running 39 degrees celcius [02:18] <[n0mad]> phelix: maybe restart gnome, assuming that's your DE [02:20] byter: you're better off just asking your question. If someone knows the answer, they'll respond :) [02:20] or they'll say offtopic and ask you to leave [02:20] sudo apt install gnome-shell-extensions gnome-tweak tool # logout/login and have fun [02:20] How can I configure VPN on Lubuntu? [02:22] byter: that's a pretty broad question, could you narrow that down a little? [02:22] pptp [02:22] or l2tp [02:22] I'm having pproblems connecting [02:24] It loads as if it's connecting then disconnects [02:24] byter: have you installed network-manager-openvpn and network-manager-openvpn-gnome ? [02:24] Yes [02:25] byter: on a terminal, tail -f /var/log/syslog then try connecting and see the messages [02:27] Good morning guys [02:28] I'm running 18.10, and am on wifi with an openconnect VPN connection atm. somehow however, the tunnel keeps failing. The connection shows it's established, but the routing table's messed up [02:28] when I do the same thing from the commandline using the openconnect cli client it all works like a charm [02:28] any idea what could be going on? === jcnmark6_ is now known as jcnmark6 === bnice is now known as Br|aN === yokel_ is now known as yokel === SJrX is now known as SJr === Peetz1r is now known as Peetz0r [02:57] hi [03:28] anyone know how to spoof a website into thinking you are using windows 10 over ubuntu? [03:28] fareast: yes [03:28] fareast: user agent switcher extension for Firefox [03:29] ok imma try [03:29] thanks [03:29] fareast: what kind of siste ? [03:33] need flash [03:33] its xfinity's site [03:33] they don't like android and they don't like linux [03:33] so I can watch tv [03:33] can i install adobe flash to firefox? [03:34] I thought they dropped support [03:35] looks like i might have to goto chrome and pepperflash [03:35] do they have the same extension for chrome i wonder. === Zren_ is now known as Zren === capella|away is now known as capella [04:41] Okay, I've narrowed down the issue a bit. For some reason wide-dhcpv6-client sets an expiry of 3600 seconds for the prefix and then never ever renews it. So the kernel just times it out and it's gone [04:41] Is there a different client I should be using? [04:43] From what I've read, netplan doesn't support PD. Apparently networkd itself has support but documentation is lacking === Dreaman is now known as Blade [05:02] networkd has a bug that breaks PD, which was fixed in v240. I'm on 18.04 LTS. Great. [05:08] I am using linux on a laptop that will be frequently connected and disconnected from a specific combination of external monitors. I would like the features of a heavy desktop environment like gnome.unity or kde/plasma, but also the ability to put certain virtual desktops onto specific external monitors when available, and have good configurable control over which desktops which windows/apps open on. Can [05:08] anyone recommend a DE/wm for me? Possibly even a DE with a non-default wm added? [05:11] multiple desktops and virtual desktops on specific monitorsand non default , fancy idea [05:11] more a question for ##linux, sparr [05:16] does anyone know how or where to get a banner across the bottom of my DE like this person's? https://i.stack.imgur.com/88JUG.png [05:17] ask the owner of that image? [05:19] from 30 07 13, could well be a conky script === CommanderViral is now known as cameronbroe === cameronbroe is now known as CommanderViral === Class7_ is now known as Class7 [06:37] Somehow grub is adding `ro` to the kernel command line :O === lotuspsychje__ is now known as lotuspsychje [07:33] In linux traffic controller (tc), is there a way to capture packets from a specific application and apply a different delay per packet? === adikwok1 is now known as adikwok [07:44] DivamG: the way i understand it, its purpose is priorization, not to induce fixed delays. [07:45] tomreyn: Elaborate? [07:50] DivamG: actually i remember this wrong. you can add delay using e.g. tc qdisc add dev root netem delay 50ms [07:50] Yes. [07:51] I was just wondering if I can add delay per application and per packet [07:51] *different delay per packet [07:51] that's above my pay grade, i'm afraid. [07:59] !ping [07:59] pong! [08:03] DivamG: http://manpages.ubuntu.com/manpages/bionic/en/man8/tc-netem.8.html doesn't mention process ids, so i guess with tc-netem the only way would be to use iptables / netfilter to single out traffic of a diven application to a (virtual) NIC and then have tc-netem induce the delay. [08:03] but... this is a rough guess, i'm not really into this. try asking in ##linux and maybe even ##networking, too. [08:04] tomreyn: Thanks! Looks promising. [08:14] #manjaro [08:24] DivamG: in case your goal is research and emulation is an option http://www.brianlinkletter.com/open-source-network-simulators/ [08:25] hello when i click reply on an email in thunderbird the reply window started opening BEHIND the main thunderbird window, i'm on ubuntu 18.04 and this used to work properly like 2 weeks ago [08:25] i haven't changed anything in the settings of thunderbird [08:26] ok so it's all child windows of thunderbird are composed behind the main one [08:26] LordDoskias: maybe you have changed gnome-shell's settings in terms of what to focus on, such as to focus on what the mouse pointer is on? [08:27] nope [08:27] at least not explicitly how can i check what is the value of this option?> [08:27] phew, somehow with gsettings, i guess. [08:27] gnome-tweaks also makes this configurable i think [08:28] does this only happen with thunderbird then, or also with other applications? [08:28] tomreyn: I did check out that link earlier. I'm looking for something where I can set delays per packet. So far, non of the emulators look like they have that feature. [08:29] tomreyn, that's a good question but i don't have any other app which composes windows in the same manner [08:29] i.e i use primarily a shell and a web browser [08:29] and thunderbird [08:29] DivamG: oh, that's a pity. i'm afraid i can't provide better recommendations, but aks in the other channels i suggested. [08:29] tomreyn, well i tried with my torrent client - its child windows open as expected [08:30] Sure, thanks! :) [08:30] :) [08:30] LordDoskias: which graphical toolkit does thetorrent client use, or which client is it? [08:31] just looked into gnome-tweaks i don't see any abnormal focus options [08:31] it's transmission [08:31] hmm i think this is also gtk based [08:31] i'm puzzled then. i don't see why one of them would behave different tot he other [08:48] hi all, I am using ubuntu 18.04.1 version in my desktop and it is running recently well. I noticed one issue while working with the terminal. I will explain the scenario below. I have an application which prints lot of formatted details into the termianl while running. If I switch off the monitor and if I comes and check the terminal after 10 minutes or so, then I am seeing like the prints in the terminal are scattered! [08:48] Anyone faced such issues? [08:58] After some update my gnome just crashed and disabled all extensions, WTF [09:00] in unity (ubuntu 16.04), how can I disable the "Type your command" alt-gr shortcut from popping up? [09:01] tomreyn, i managed to fix it... [09:01] stinkleg: settings > keyboard shortcuts === andyhuzhill_ is now known as andyhuzhill [09:04] EriC^^: ah, found it! excellent, thanks man :) [09:04] no problem :) [09:11] kanupatar, yes I have, but I can't help as to cause (I don't remember; what my situation was, only I `reset` term to normal as quick fix, until I discovered the cause in my case) [09:15] guiverc: ok, how we reset? [09:16] the command `reset` can be used to reset the terminal, `clear` may also work; but reset is the correct command (as I recall) [09:18] kanupatar, ^ [09:19] ok [09:19] clear I tried many times [09:19] what is the root cause if this issue? [09:20] hi, i try to install oracle-java11 through ppa, but when i run "add-apt-repository ppa:linuxuprising/java" it hangs, am i alone ? [09:20] https://websiteforstudents.com/how-to-install-oracle-java-jdk-11-on-ubuntu-18-04-16-04-18-10/ [09:20] i don't know; mine was 4+ years ago which is why I don't recall. it may have been a script (perl, bash) error for me (wrong color string or something) but I forget.. [09:20] Hi all. I am running AMD® Ryzen 3 2200g with radeon vega graphics × 4 on Ubuntu 18.10 (Budgie). I am currently using the default graphics drivers, but I am wondering if there is substantial difference between these drivers and AMD's proprietary drivers. [09:22] stupid Q. -How do you install new kernels and apply them for use. I keep running into compiling directions. [09:23] what's th best way to make sure a remote SMB-share is always mounted in ubuntu? [09:23] I am trying to install a certain version. And i can apt install it. But- it never applies. [09:23] anonymip, at it to fstab [09:23] subcool: sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade should update everything including the kernel, if you want an even newer one then [09:23] !mainline | subcool [09:23] subcool: The kernel team supply continuous mainline kernel builds which can be useful for tracking down issues or testing recent changes in the Linux kernel. More information is available at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/MainlineBuilds [09:24] i notice several debian users use 4.19 but yet we are 14.15, is there a reasson [09:24] EriC^^, yeah, i've tried that. No go. [09:24] subcool, yes, but if the remote share is not available at ubunto startup it wont get mounted? [09:24] Katnip, yeah, im using 4.18- but i cant get any headers. the only headers availabe are for 4.19 [09:24] hmmm [09:25] anonymip, correct. it might take an extra min to boot, but yea. i use NFS. just be causious, it cant be.... tedious. [09:25] Katnip: 18.04 only gets newer kernels through !hwe, a bit after they're available in a new ubuntu release [09:25] I was thinking about adding mount -a in cron.daily, but maybe thera are better ways [09:26] i can install 4.19 - and the headers, but it appears they dont -- append? [09:26] Katnip, security patches are backported to Ubuntu release kernels so you can feel safe. When 18.04.2 is released you can use the HWE kernel (4.18.0 currently) [09:26] anonymip, honestly- idk. i have issues with it often. But thats because my computer likes to randomly crash over non-sense, and im not smart enough to fix it. [09:27] so after install, how do you make it use it? [09:28] guiverc, any clue when 18.0.2 will hitting? [09:28] i recall, when i use to do this. I'd have to edit grub. -- which... doesnt have it listed. [09:29] 18.04.2 typo [09:29] Katnip, feb 7 is ETA according to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BionicBeaver/ReleaseSchedule - but HWE may be enabled/start a few days after that [09:30] encrypting only the user dir is no longer hip? [09:30] egrain, u can do it. [09:31] better have a backup [09:31] i know i can, but it's not an option in the installation menu. [09:31] lvm? [09:31] its very troublesome. i can understand why they took it out. [09:31] yeah, that gets automatically selected when you select "encrypt system". [09:31] well, doesn't matter, i guess. [09:32] i went with the encrypted system. [09:32] sure it does. once i get this up, ill be doing it [09:32] So no go on kernel :? [09:32] guiverc: ^ [09:33] encrypted is a pita [09:33] especially recovery [09:34] i always run into stupid shit like this. [09:34] like-wtf.. [09:34] also it doesn't ask anymore for the network settings. [09:34] we are 2 weeks into 2019 - lets just delete ALL the headers.. and ONLY make 4.19 available. But- its not really supported yet. [09:34] sorry kanupatar - I missed what you you were pointing me to [09:34] is that also no longer cool? [09:35] (in case your wondering, not directly ubuntu) [09:35] i sure would not [09:36] guiverc: what is the reason for the issue? [09:36] Any ubuntu developers aware of that? [09:38] kanupatar, no sorry I answered but it was not directed to you so you may have missed it. "i don't know; mine was 4+ years ago which is why I don't recall. it may have been a script (perl, bash) error for me (wrong color string (escape-sequence) or something) but I forget.." [09:45] morning [09:45] do we support for davinci resolve? [09:45] for linux [09:45] in this channel [09:46] i have some weird ubuntu-specific issues with it [10:24] is there something like an auto sshfs mount thingy? [10:26] egrain: looks like it https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/SSHFS#Automounting [10:26] consider using nfs instead [10:29] When using 802.1x on wired connection in 18.10, I've been told that it's not possible to switch between 802.1x and unsecure network sockets, as enabling 802.1x makes it mandatory. Isn't it possible to only use 802.1x in case it is requested from the switch? [10:33] tomreyn, okay. [10:33] thanks. [10:47] hi, I'm trying to run a shellscript with root privs as a normal user, but I don't want sudo to ask a password (I'm still hesitant about employing setuid root), so in sudoers I have the following line: myuser ALL=NOPASSWD: /home/me/bin/script.sh [10:47] according to this thread, it should work if the script is executable (which it is) - https://askubuntu.com/questions/39281/how-to-run-an-application-using-sudo-without-a-password [10:48] yet somehow sudo still asks me for the password. [10:48] Is anyone familiar with gnome and kerberos? [10:49] I'm mounting shares using pam_mount on user logon and it works fine for ssh logins but logging into a desktop environment the shares fail to mount [10:53] 'Morning all [10:53] Morning BluesKaj [10:54] Hi maeud [10:54] The error I get is: "mount error(126): Required key not available" [10:54] so it looks like when I log in with gnome it doesn't request a krb ticket? [10:55] but if I open a terminal and run klist I have a kerberos ticket [10:55] so it's getting requested too late [10:55] no ideas [10:55] AppAraat: try this instead: ALL = (ALL) NOPASSWD: /home/me/bin/script.sh [10:57] like this? myuser ALL = (ALL) NOPASSWD: /home/me/bin/script.sh [10:58] if so, it still asks for password. [10:59] AppAraat: yes thats what i meant. guess that's not it then. [11:00] AppAraat: do you have a hashbang set in the first line of your shell? [11:00] ...script [11:01] yes, #!/bin/sh === zenguy is now known as covfefeguy [11:02] AppAraat, are you trying for no password in sudoers? [11:02] yeah [11:02] if so it's 'user ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD: ALL' [11:03] user being your username [11:03] BluesKaj: but that would grant no password for all commands, I just want to run a specific script without sudo asking for password [11:05] AppAraat, ok, not sure about that one === covfefeguy is now known as coffeeguy [11:06] https://www.gnu.org/ [11:08] got it working, I had to add "user=%(USER),cruid=%(USER),uid=%(USERUID),gid=%(USERGID)" to the pam_mount volume option for each share === [1]MrMobius is now known as MrMobius [11:31] is sdkmanager from android SDK available in any apt package ? === [1]MrMobius is now known as MrMobius [11:33] strk: nope. [11:36] why can i access someone elses user dir? [11:36] because permissions [11:36] why aren't they automatically set to: no! [11:36] ? [11:37] egrain: basic common sense [11:37] what? [11:37] 99.9% users will assume another user shouldn't be able to access their home folder [11:37] sane default behavior if you ask me [11:38] yeah, but why can i do it then? [11:38] to set up newly added user account to not allow for it, run: sudo dpkg-reconfigure adduser [11:39] yeah. no. this should be like this out of the box. [11:39] i'm not amused. [11:39] for the existing ones, you'll need to change permissions yourself [11:39] oh [11:39] * tomreyn doesn't know the reasoning [11:39] i didn't get your question sorry [11:40] egrain: is this a dektop or server install? i guess it would be an ok default for desktops. [11:40] desktop. [11:40] it's not an okay default for anything. [11:40] well, for windows maybe. [11:41] adjust the umask egrain [11:41] i gues sif you'll search the web a while you'll come across somelengthy discussion where the defaults were discussed and fixed to that they are now. and maybe some reasons you had not yet considered. === TheSilentLink_ is now known as TheSilentLink === thaurwyl1h is now known as thaurwylth [11:59] When using 802.1x on wired connection in 18.10, I've been told that it's not possible to switch between 802.1x and unsecure network sockets, as enabling 802.1x makes it mandatory. Isn't it possible to only use 802.1x in case it is requested from the switch? [12:21] Hi, i installed dwm on ubuntu and i put some scripts on ~/.xinitrc but they don't seem to be executed, anyone have an idea? [12:23] so, are there any way to atomagically mount/re-mount a SMB-share if it is un-mounted? [12:31] okay i found a solution, i had to use ~./xsessionrc instead [12:36] in my terminal, `user@hostname` is in green, how do I change that color? [12:37] leonardus: you can edit terminal colors in its settings [12:38] I went there but it only lets me change the palette, and some stuff with the text and background color (but not specifically the `user@hostname` part) [12:38] at least, that's what I found [12:39] leonardus: solorized scheme makes it darker green [12:40] i don't want it a darker green, i just want it a different color [12:40] i have more. so when i selecte german and german keyboard and type in the password z is still y and y is still z. [12:41] leonardus: if you run bash, see the definition of the PS1 environbment variable in ~/.bashrc [12:44] tomreyn, thank you [12:44] leonardus: also https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ANSI_escape_code#Colors [12:45] + the "PROMPTNG" section in the bash man page, section 1 (bash(1)) === [1]MrMobius is now known as MrMobius === anderson_ is now known as anderson [14:12] How do I get owner permissions? https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/ftD8Q22PPg/ === daniel is now known as Guest67791 [14:17] leonardus: https://serverfault.com/a/253314 [14:20] eoli3n, did that, but now when I ls ~/.ssh, I get stuff like this: ls: cannot access '/home/ubuntu/.ssh/id_rsa': Permission denied [14:20] for each of the files === TheHonorableKitt is now known as THKitten [14:20] leonardus: not possible as you did chown -R ubuntu ~/.ssh [14:21] leonardus: pastebin ls -l ~/.ssh/ [14:21] paste that "history | egrep "chown|chmod" | grep ssh [14:21] SwedeMike: yeah better idea ^^ [14:22] https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/HyJQ6pq9K2/ [14:23] leonardus: pastebin "ls -ld ~/.ssh" [14:23] drw------- 2 ubuntu ubuntu 4096 Dec 15 16:05 /home/ubuntu/.ssh [14:23] Ubuntu bug 4096 in meld (Ubuntu) "meld: merge new debian version" [Medium,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/4096 [14:24] leonardus: "chmod u+x ~/.ssh" [14:24] leonardus, paste history | grep chmod | grep ssh [14:24] leonardus: then do "ls -l ~/.ssh/" again [14:25] you did recurse and wildcard whmod on .ssh [14:25] chmod [14:25] eoli3n: does it matter how he got there? Let's just fix it. [14:25] SwedeMike, looks like that did it https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/2zFjd5wJWp/ [14:25] it is, because he said "eoli3n, did that" but he didn't [14:25] leonardus: Are you sure you did not chown the directory as sudo or root? :) (I've done that) [14:26] leonardus: ok, that looks all fine. [14:26] elias_a, im not supposed to use sudo for chown? [14:26] leonardus: you should be good to go now. [14:26] leonardus: No. But if you did that in error that would explain the situation. [14:27] SwedeMike: fixing is a thing, understand is another [14:28] eoli3n: right. [14:29] that's common in dev. "I fixed that bug" "oh cool, how did you fix it?" "I have no idea, but it now works" [14:37] Hello? [14:40] I have a bootable Ubuntu drive on a USB and want to install Ubuntu, but when installing, should I select "Erase Disc and Install Ubuntu"? I am on MacOS [14:41] I am booting Ubuntu from the USB drive at startup by using Alt+Power and selecting EFI Boot [14:42] qwebirc94193, Do you want to keep macOS installed alongside Ubuntu? [14:42] Yes. I want the computer to always default to MacOS, but when I plug in the USB drive and boot it with Alt+Power, I want to be able to select and run Ubuntu [14:43] so you want the Ubuntu installation to be on the USB drive itself, not on the computer? [14:44] Yeah, I pretty much just want Ubuntu on the USB so I can just plug and boot it up. [14:44] I followed this guide: https://tutorials.ubuntu.com/tutorial/tutorial-create-a-usb-stick-on-macos#6 [14:50] I really just want to know if installing from the USB onto the same USB will mess up [14:51] hi qwebirc94193. indeed, this is nt going to work. you should always install to a different storage than the one you booted from [14:51] nt -> not [14:51] shoot. How can I get rid of the installer and recover the USB to what it started out originally? [14:51] Disk Utility? [14:53] what do you mean by "what it started out originally"? are you now trying to recover the data which was stored on the usb stick before you followed the tutorial you linked above? [14:53] No. Just wipe it clean. It was empty in the first place. [14:53] Brand new USB [14:54] oh, sure, you should be able to use any partitioning utility to clear it. [14:54] Nice. I'll try to wipe that, load the installer on a smaller USB, then install Ubuntu on the one I had. [14:54] Thanks! [14:55] if you would like to create a full modifiable ubuntu installation on the usb storage, you can run the installer in a VM, grant raw disk access to the usb stick to this VM, and then have the VM boot the ubuntu installer ISO and install to the usb [14:55] oh well === jstein_ is now known as jstein [15:34] I disabled spamming notebook keyboard by "xinput float 11". Does it still load my system with IRQ's? I tried "xev" but on that level there are no signs of burdening my OS.. === beaver is now known as evilnewbie [15:38] How do I get my UGA-3000's working so far no video ;( [15:42] donofrio, displaylink,org: if you run Nvidia, this might be a fix https://support.displaylink.com/knowledgebase/articles/1859356 [15:42] DP is still experimental support [16:17] Pelosi summoned an audience? I mean, commanded a press release? [16:17] damnit !!!! [16:17] im out screwed up again [16:24] I am mounting a smb fileshare as user windows-user, who has rw access to said fileshare (tested in windows box), using mount.cifs: [16:24] sudo mount.cifs -v -o rw,username=windows-user,domain=ad.example.com //windows.server.example.com/windows-user /tmp/mnt [16:24] When I try to copy a file I am told I have no rights [16:25] But if I mount same fileshare using nautilus, it works fine [16:25] What am I missing in my mount command? [16:28] raub, you could mount it in nautilus and run 'mount' to see what it did? [16:34] lordcirth_: "mount|grep windows.server.example.com" or using it's IP results in nothing. I only see the mount statements I manually did on command line [16:35] A guy on another channel is trying to tell me that if you format a magnetic hard drive (the whole drive, no partition table) with luks, it won't be aligned with the sectors on the drive. [16:35] Is that true? [16:36] Lope, I'm not sure, but why would you do that? [16:36] lordcirth_, i don't need partitions, I've got LVM in the luks [16:36] I think it is generally best practice to use a partition table with 1 partition [16:37] Lope, https://askubuntu.com/questions/571581/are-there-any-advantages-disadvantages-if-any-in-running-luksformat-on-raw-dr [16:41] raub: the domain= might be an issue, this worked on my local network ... sudo mount.cifs //main/Users /mnt -o rw,username=paul [16:44] lordcirth_, your link says: (2) Fully encrypted raw block device: For this, put LUKS on the raw device (e.g. /dev/sdb) and put a filesystem into the LUKS container, no partitioning whatsoever involved. This is very suitable for things like external USB disks used for backups or offline data-storage. [16:44] Basically says it's fine. [16:58] hey, so on 14.04, nftables the kernel module is loaded and all, and my netlink messages get delivered and all, but no actual blocking of packets takes place, what gives? Do I have to enable it somewhere somehow? [17:00] emilsp, standard we use IPtables, so tell us what guid you followed? [17:01] I've got custom code that interacts with nftables through the netlink socket. I've noticed that none of the nftables userspace tools are available, so it's hard to debug this. [17:02] so, I have followed no guide. I also did not load any nftables modules manually [17:02] oh, custom code, not worth telling us in the first place? you better join ##linux [17:03] Hi! On Lubuntu here. I plugged in a usb mouse on my laptop and it won't work... Any ideas for a solution? [17:03] See, the code itself works just fine on 16.04 and all other distros. Just not 14.04 :) [17:03] uio, some laptops have a FN key for touchpad/mouse/both [17:04] OerHeks: The laser light isn't even on... [17:04] uio: what does lsusb return ? [17:04] uio, is this a laptop with usb3? [17:06] OerHeks: emilsp https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/GbnWynTytm/ [17:06] lsusb output. [17:06] OerHeks: I'm not sure... but this laptop has worked with this mouse before. [17:06] and this is with the mouse plugged in? check dmesg for drivers moaning and groaning [17:06] And I used this mouse on another laptop earlier today. And on the present laptop I have an external monitor plugged in... [17:09] emilsp: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/pJvn5XgZgS/ [17:10] closed wrong window... [17:12] uio: no worries. It seems like nothing is wrong. The mouse has worked with this laptop, right? Might be the hubs themselves, might be that an upgrade broke this. [17:12] emilsp: Hmm. [17:13] So, nothing to do? [17:13] you can try and see whether there are any udev rules for this? [17:14] try an other port, seems not like a USB3 machine [17:16] OerHeks: None of the pors work... [17:16] *ports [17:16] oke, if the mouse does not work in an other machine, it is dead [17:17] it does work in another machine. [17:18] it does not show up on lsusb, did it ever work under linux? [17:18] no brand double ID using nockoffs have this issue [17:18] OerHeks: I works in Debian LXDE. I'm testing it right now and it is good.... [17:19] OerHeks: It's a Lenovo mouse... [17:19] then the conclusion is the hardware itself, laptop/laptop usb ports [17:22] OerHeks: It doesn't like my usb keyboard either, but it will detect my usb key.... [17:23] so you can conclude yourself there is something wrong with that laptop, your last resort is to test a live iso [17:23] uio: can you show us a kernel log from Lubuntu when it fails to be found? [17:30] I'm going to see.... Maybe rebooting will help.... === rsaanon is now known as HolyGrail === evilnewbie is now known as letch [18:36] TJ-: hey, maybe you remember me, we talked about my eth firmware problem and you gave me some udev rule. I still have to execute the command by myself, any idea whats wrong with the rule? Also sometimes my systems gets unresponsive again and this only happens when using the dockin g station eth, so any hint what else I can do? Maybe Im not fast enough deactivating the "eee" mode by hand? [19:17] fub: can you remind me of what the udev rule looks like and where it is in the file-system? [19:24] hi there [19:24] I have some problem with i.e. Unity games, I have Linux Mint 17.3 Xfce 32-bit [19:24] !mint | OpenSourcowiec [19:24] OpenSourcowiec: The Ubuntu channels can only provide support for Ubuntu and its official flavors, since other distributions and derivatives have repository and software changes. So please use their dedicated support venues, for example: Linux Mint (#linuxmint-help on irc.spotchat.org), Kali Linux (#kali-linux), and LXLE (#lxle) [19:29] hi. I am compiling a software that needs javah. But it is nowhere to be found here with jdk 11. Where is javah ? [19:38] solsTiCe, it has been removed: https://openjdk.java.net/jeps/313 [19:50] hi all.does anyone knows where to read a detailed description for an update made by ubuntu xenial? [19:53] yelowfish: in /var/log/apt/history ? [19:53] history.log * [19:54] or into /var/log/apt/term.log [19:54] i mean.the dialog window for the update says: ubuntu base 6mb,but it doesnt show the contents or description of what apps are going to be update [19:57] yelowfish: in a terminal shell do "apt list --upgradable" [19:58] i see.what about for the recent only ? [19:58] this lists just the pending updates [20:00] yes,my concern is to view the most recent update made plus the specific area that was updated,ie: ubuntu base was updated,w/c specific part it [20:01] yelowfish, someone reported the empty windows as a bug , some else solved with running sudo apt autoremove and running the update-manager again [20:02] is that so.sometimes its unreadable .ie:half portion horizontal of the text are missing [20:02] any other ways to view it somewhere? [20:03] yelowfish, they already told you [20:04] ayt,tnx all.ill just dig further. [20:07] ugh!-- complete fresh install of 18.04.1 and my laptop is still freezing after a few hours idle. I guess now I know it's a hardware related. but since it only happens with kubuntu minimal (not Arch or Win7) I'm back here in hopes someone can help me troubleshoot. [20:07] Why use linux/ubuntu or why even it was invented if unix like openbsd exists with almost similar tools? [20:08] hello my xubuntu automounts every usbstorage device I plugged in. but I dont want this behavior. tried to handle this by disabling as much automount options I could find. But still automount goes on. it Mounts to /media/usb1 /media/usb2 /media/usb3 .. [20:09] memeemeee, try to install anothe de [20:09] Intelo: free software, GNU is not Unix. search those. [20:09] ioria, Oh nooo.. [20:09] dreamon_, why ? [20:10] think you ment Intelo .. ;) [20:10] does a cronjob source /etc/profile before it runs? [20:12] chrismatthews, not sure, maybe if you use sudo crontab [20:12] tomreyn, dreamon_ openbsd is free and opensource. Linux/ubuntu is free opensource. BSD/unix was there before there was linux. BSD/unix and linux are similar. Why made linux? [20:13] Intelo: it wasn'T always this way. since these are not really support questions, please let's move this to #ubuntu-discuss instead. [20:14] ioria: do you think having an alternate de beside my fresh install of kubuntu would be helpful in this effort or do i need to do a clean install of say Ubuntu18.04.1 [20:16] memeemeee, i'am just suggesting to install ,let's say, xfce and test if you get the same freezes [20:17] ok [20:17] LOL.. memeemeee is a nickname ;) Iolo sorry. [20:17] k ioria. I understand. actually an easier solution than trying to do a second DE beside my current install [20:19] a nickname born of frustration many years ago (trying to come up with a unique nickname on hotmail i believe) [20:21] thanks for the suggestion ioria I will try your idea [20:21] memeemeee, ok [20:24] I have Ubuntu 18.04.1 installed on sda1..I want to install a Ubuntu favor on sda2 How do I install grub and keep the current grub 2.02..Do I install grub to sda1??? [20:26] ioria: it just occurred to me that my last freeze happened on the login screen. is that not DE independant? if I haven't logged into the DE shouldn't it be irrelevant? [20:26] texla, you don't want to install grub to a partition. [20:26] memeemeee, what login screen in particular ? ssdm ? [20:27] You could run the installer with manual partitioning and choose not to install grub, then boot to the old one and update-grub [20:27] texla: pick one of the two to manage the boot loader (grub). make sure os-prober is installed there and that it detects both installations and adds them to the grub menu. on the other installation, remove the grub package. [20:27] *sddm [20:27] lordcirth_, Where do I install so that i CAN KEEP THE SAME GRUB MENU AS 18.04.1 [20:28] memeemeee, nope, the dm is (usually) tied to the de [20:31] memeemeee, e.g) if you install xfce it will be replaced by lightdm [20:32] texla: start the installer with "ubiquity -b" so it doesnt install grub, and when you boot into 18.04 run "sudo update-grub" [20:32] ioria: ssdm or whatever dm kubuntu uses out of the box. Xfce is nice and small so I can try that and see [20:32] ok [20:33] EriC^^, Thanks for the info [20:34] yw [20:35] i'am wondeing if now you need subiquity -b ... === export_ is now known as export [21:05] is it necessary for / to be on a primary partition or is grub able to load from extendeds? [21:06] memeemeee: Either [21:06] Hey, this daemon is available for, among others, 18.10: https://packages.ubuntu.com/cosmic/pcscd Is there an easy way to find an exhaustive list of hardware that will clearly, unquestionably work with pcscd? It has a page under linux.die.net but I don't immediately see any such documentation. [21:07] I have a dual system with windows7 which requires me to use MBR and takes up 2 of the primary partitions. I put my kubuntu root on the third part, but now i need to install a second ubuntu flavor to test some hardware issues [21:07] Also, if such a list exists in an Ubuntu specific way, that'd be all that's needed. [21:08] so TJ you're saying I can use my 4th partition as an extended with several partitions within that grub will be happy to load? [21:08] [21:08] memeemeee: yes [21:09] thx. that's a relief. [21:10] thaurwylth, i know this debian page, https://wiki.debian.org/Smartcards [21:15] OerHeks, thanks, I'll be sure to check it out! It might be helpful. But there might be a problem, because I'd eventually (in the far future, this is still and thus far a preemptive question) use PCSCD with a software package that, probably, only exists for SUSE SLES, Red Hat RHEL, and Ubuntu - and that document is for Debian. Hmm? [21:15] ubuntu is based on debian unstable, so no worry [21:16] Yay! [21:17] Is this true for every release at year.month? I mean I somehow misthought that this was originally the case but then the distributions would go their different ways. The truth actually sounds better, in many ways. [21:17] yes [21:17] !yy.mm [21:17] yy.mm is Ubuntu version numbers are: YY.MM (YY=release year,MM=release month). Each year sees two releases, so just specifying YY is imprecise. See also https://www.ubuntu.com/about/release-cycle [21:17] but LTS every 2 years [21:28] if I were to bite the bullet and buy a new laptop, is there a forum or irc channel that people here can recommend for good linux friendly hardware (not necessarily ubuntu) [21:30] Other than ##hardware? [21:30] memeemeee: Ubuntu has a list of certified devices [21:30] !hcl [21:30] For lists of supported hardware on Ubuntu see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport - To help debugging and improving hardware detection, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingHardwareDetection [21:30] memeemeee: see https://certification.ubuntu.com/certification/ [21:31] cool. thanks for those links. is ##hardware linux oriented? [21:31] https://wiki.debian.org/InstallingDebianOn [21:31] memeemeee: no [21:32] Well, I guess many of the actives come from a Unix-style background. But definitely 'no' in any more specific sense. They often have good answers, though! And then there's of course ##linux. [21:33] the problem is asking for recommendations doesn't guarantee you'll still not have to jump through hoops - the same model series can contain vastly different hardware [21:33] i was headed to ##linux next. [21:33] Like when the wifi can be Intel, Realtek, or Broadcom [21:34] if you read BCM/broadcom, hit ✗ [21:36] yeah TJ- I have had that experience several times. was thinking about building it. I've loved my old thinkpad L420 has worked great for years but it's quite antique [21:40] Is there a collection of what the old GNOME, Unity, etc. default desktop backgrounds looked like for each yyyy.mm release of Ubuntu? [21:42] hello. how is one supposed to use ubuntu when on any number of fresh install attempts all that happens after logging into the gnome desktop is seeing random crashes and slowness in everything without even installing anything? [21:43] tmroland, well, for one, most people don't have that problem. secondly, did you mean to ask for help with this problem? [21:43] yes, for possible solutions [21:43] for example immediately upon logging in im greeted with random application crashes related to snap packages [21:44] tmroland, what Ubuntu version? [21:44] i have compatible and high end hardware [21:44] all [21:44] 18.04, 18.10- [21:45] how can I look up which driver and module my touchscreen is using [21:45] tmroland, ok, and does /var/log/syslog show errors? [21:46] after seeing such problems on a fresh install i didnt boither investigating anymore, i just saw they are related to snapd crashes and i formatted the ubuntu partition, but now i had the idea to come here and just report my sad experience and see if anyone had it [21:47] tmroland, well, we can't really help you if you don't have the system anymore [21:47] oh and snap based applications start extremly slow [21:47] incluiding system monitor [21:47] spins and spins [21:47] ok i will try again maybe [21:47] and come back and ask for help [21:52] Tmroland, the proper course of action is perhaps to first sort your (presumed) bug findings into a couple of the most fatal ones and the rest. The rest you can start looking into later. Then check whether there are bug reports for the most pressing ones. It's usually quite easy, I mean if they exist you will find them in no time. If you feel that a problem is fatal but no one reported it, that's a 95 % sure sign that it's a ... [21:52] ... single-case hardware or other somesuch related problem and not an actual problem with Ubuntu or Linux, so to speak. Then the course of action, if possible, is to test the same things on a different computer. If you end up with things that you still believe are true bugs-- AAAAARRRRRGGGGHHHH. [21:52] Sorry, everyone. [21:52] They should not be in such a hurry all the time, tee hee. [21:59] Hey, a question popped into my mind about the Ubuntu Certified program. I noticed that the lists are for successive Long-Term Releases (LTS). Will it be the case that a new release will have the same certified support as the earlier LTS one? Or might some support, even in the certified case, be dropped in between? [22:06] hey all, i'm having a hell of a lot of trouble creating a bootable usb with windows 10 on it [22:06] i cant mount the iso either [22:06] apparently I need an OS with ISO-13346 UDF file system support [22:06] how do I get that? [22:06] thaurwylth, if the LTS on either side is supported, it should be fine. But they aren't going to test them all. [22:07] amirite, you are running Ubuntu and trying to make a bootable Win10 USB? [22:07] Last I tried, I think dd worked fine? [22:08] Maybe I am misremembering [22:08] amirite, https://itsfoss.com/bootable-windows-usb-linux/ ? [22:09] it's windows 10 [22:09] dd didn't work for me [22:09] rufus, etcher [22:10] https://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2016/05/etcher-usb-image-burner-tool-linux-open-source [22:10] lordcirth_: what the f is that BS [22:10] "How to create a bootable Windows 10 USB in Linux" -- then there is nothing there but blog comments [22:11] Lordcirth_, yeah, I kind of figured out that only actually certifying for LTS is the way to go. But I wondered that perhaps there is some secondary mechanism to ensure compatibility also for the releases in between. For instance, it would be specified in the road map plan for new releases, that typical configurations which have been found to be certifying-worthy for a given LTS, should have to be kept supported also in the ... [22:11] ... in-between releases for two years. Or something like that, I guess you get the idea. [22:11] Woeusb https://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2017/06/create-bootable-windows-10-usb-ubuntu [22:12] Anyways, SOLVED: the earlier question about old backgrounds for Ubuntu releases. I found the page Every Default Ubuntu Wallpaper, Ever. [22:12] but that is really an long process, use a windows machine, drag and drop, voila bootable [22:26] Hi, I'm getting 403 Forbidden when trying to update packages. Managed to update some, but this group won't. [22:26] Tried cleaning up /var/lib/apt/lists/, changing mirror on sources.list, adding nameserver and [22:27] acgissues: please post the url returned by: sudo apt-get update 2>&1 | nc termbin.com 9999 [22:27] acgissues: does "sudo apt update" run without errors? [22:28] pavlos: yeah [22:28] acgissues: see tomreyn's note [22:29] tomreyn: update doesn't seem to display much https://termbin.com/eb0r [22:30] acgissues: so, shouldn'T we have seen 403 errors there now? [22:30] tomreyn: sorry, i meant upgrading packages [22:31] this is one of the links `http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/g/gcc-5/gcc-5-base_5.4.0-6ubuntu1~16.04.11_amd64.deb` [22:31] which return 403 Forbidden [22:32] acgissues: do you have a http proxy server configured? [22:32] tomreyn: no [22:33] curl -I http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/g/gcc-5/gcc-5-base_5.4.0-6ubuntu1~16.04.11_amd64.deb 2>&1 | nc termbin.com 9999 [22:33] acgissues: ^ please show this url [22:33] you know what I'm fucking mad [22:34] I just want a god damn bootable USB drive [22:34] amirite: language [22:34] why is it not possible to create one [22:34] tomreyn: https://termbin.com/ddpi [22:34] amirite: are you in win10, d/l rufus and burn the iso [22:34] even using a tool like etcher, it flashes the ISO to the usb but it still doesn't register as bootble [22:34] i downloaded etcher, probably the same deal [22:35] no matter what i will just keep spinning my wheels wasting time [22:35] acgissues: host us.archive.ubuntu.com 2>&1 | nc termbin.com 9999 [22:36] amirite: try rufus, the latest is 3.3.something [22:36] tomreyn: https://termbin.com/ua38 [22:36] honestly i don't have time anymore [22:36] amirite: ok [22:36] i lost my entire day that i was supposed to give to work to CREATE A USB DISK [22:36] The Forbidden ones show .26 instead of .23 Don't know if that has anything to do [22:36] and now i'm out of time [22:38] acgissues: .26 instead of .23, what do you mean? [22:38] tomreyn: the message displays "Failed to fetch" the url and "403 Forbidden [IP: 80]" [22:39] acgissues: oh ok. can you disclose who your ISP is? [22:39] tomreyn: working for a client, couldn't tell [22:40] acgissues: https://www.whoismyisp.org/ [22:43] acgissues: what we can tell so far is that there is a http proxy server responding these requests which is probably run by the ISP of the system trying to download the updates [22:43] TJ-: sorry for the late answer, here is it: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/rHY4rxkF3d/ [22:43] acgissues: that's because the http headers returned to you are different from those the actual canonical servers send [22:44] tomreyn: basically i'd need a proxy? [22:45] acgissues: the headers you get to see: https://termbin.com/ddpi those the canonical servers actually send: https://termbin.com/pvja [22:45] acgissues, Woeusb https://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2017/06/create-bootable-windows-10-usb-ubuntu [22:45] but that is really an long process, use a windows machine, drag and drop, voila bootable [22:45] acgissues: what you need is an ISP which is able to setup their http proxy server properly [22:45] grinn [22:46] oops amirite ^^ [22:46] sorry acgissues [22:46] acgissues: but that's not something you can influence, i guess, so maybe you should use https instead, preventing them from proxying your traffic [22:47] tomreyn: how do i enable https for that matter? [22:47] this is a list of archive mirror servers which support https: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/9xPqKSXNBJ/ [22:48] hello, please, could you help me how to enable a driver for the nvidia optimus card on Xubuntu 18.10, the easy way through settings doesn't do the job, it seem [22:48] acgissues: ^ pick one of them where you assume they are close to you, and place this url in /etc/apt/sources.list [22:49] Hey, wait a moment, I'm about to create an installation stick for 18.10 soon. Downloading the ISO and creation will happen in a system which, up to that point, will be Windows 10. Should I use that Rufus thing as well? [22:50] tomreyn: should i remove the other sources? [22:50] tomreyn: heya :) i see that https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/npm/+bug/1809828 didn't get any response beyond yours... is it common for confirmed bugs, shouldn't the ubuntu/debian maintainer (i'm assuming there is one) at least comment? [22:50] Launchpad bug 1809828 in npm (Ubuntu) "Cannot install the npm package: dependency broken" [Undecided,Confirmed] [22:50] thaurwylth, sure, rufus or etcher [22:50] acgissues: actually the best approach is probably to create a copy of the file and edit that, so you'll have a backup. [22:50] OerHeks, thanks, duly noted! [22:51] OerHeks, that might happen tomorrow! On the other hand I'm crap at having future roadmaps for hobby projects. [22:51] acgissues: sudo cp /etc/apt/sources.list{,.backup-20190117} [22:52] fub: The only thing I can think is we're expecting it to match on the ENV{INTERFACE} which is the renamed interface... I wonder if at the point this rule is processed the interface name is an ethX [22:52] acgissues: once you created the backup copy /etc/apt/sources.list.backup-20190117 this way, you can then edit /etc/apt/sources.list and replace the previous entries, yes [22:53] cp /etc/apt/sources.list{,.backup.`date`} [22:54] :-D [22:54] acgissues: https://mirror.us.leaseweb.net/ubuntu/ is apparently an US east coast mirror (I assume you are somewhere in the USA or around it, since you were using the US mirrors so far) [22:54] tomreyn: just add the deb https://mirror.us.leaseweb.net/ubuntu/ [22:55] acgissues: no. let me pass you the file to place there [22:55] give me 3 minutes [22:55] tomreyn: okay [22:55] can someone help me set up OpenVPN? For some reason, it turns off immediately [22:57] tomreyn: replacing the URLs apparently worked [22:58] When I try to play newly uploaded YouTube videos, I get the error: Your browser does not currently recognize any of the video formats available.\n [22:59] leonardus: what browser are you using? [22:59] Mozilla Firefox [23:00] strange... [23:00] usually work out of the box [23:02] maybe this plugin installed? https://support.mozilla.org/nl/questions/1214178 [23:02] leonardus: enter in https://www.youtube.com/html5 [23:02] show us the results [23:03] jmc, It's showing a red exclamation mark for "H.264" and "MSE & H.264" [23:03] blue tick for everything else [23:03] acgissues: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/BxSvcfYPgg/ [23:03] acgissues: okay if replacing worked i guess thats fine, too ;) [23:04] about:preferences#content and enable drm? [23:04] tomreyn: yeah, thank you very much. Didn't know I sould use https [23:05] acgissues: normally we don't use https so far, but in some special cases such as yours it makes sense [23:06] try install the x264 video encoder [23:09] acgissues: the root of the problem you ran into there is that your internet access provider hosts an ubuntu mirror server themselves which, to you, claims to be the us.archive.ubuntu.com canonical mirror (which is actually in great britain). and this proxy server is not properly configured, returning incorrect responses to your attempts to install updates from it. [23:10] acgissues: you are now working around this by connecting to official ubuntu archive mirrors via HTTPS, a connection your internet access provider cannot intercept and reroute to their mirror server. [23:11] tomreyn: ain't this a common issue? [23:11] that mirror might be the fastest one near you [23:12] technically it makes sense for them to run this mirror server in their network, close to you, since it means they dont need to transfer this same data across the big pond many thousand times a day, but only when things get updated. but unfortunately they didnt succeed in configuriing it properly. [23:12] Ah, that about:preferences thingy reminded me of one thing, by the way! What sort of browsers are easily available for Ubuntu? Is there some Mozilla based browser that deviates from the main features of Firefox? I'm asking it because I heard that new versions of Firefox don't allow for user-based maintenance of cookies any more. I got really mad. If there is some other Mozilla browser, I'll sure switch over to that one when ... [23:12] ... I get to installing my new laptop. [23:12] acgissues: this issue seem to be getting more common lately, but it is not widespread. [23:14] And this, as I estimated to OerHeks, might happen starting from tomorrow: 01:12:37 thaurwylth > ... I get to installing my new laptop. [23:14] i have no idea about an open firefox, take a look at chromium [23:16] Chromium sounds intimidating in the sense that I don't like Google (or Alphabet) at all. [23:16] can someone help me set up openvpn client? [23:16] ubuntu has openvpn support built in [23:16] Anyways, I was hoping something in the Gecko family would be available. But I'll see about it. [23:17] it gets enabled for a split second and gets disabled [23:18] linext: from a terminal, tail -f /var/log/syslog then start openvpn and see the messages in syslog, it will help troubleshoot [23:19] Hi, I have OpenVPN installed with NetworkManager but I can't seem to access Google. Firefox prompts me with HSTS invalid cert due to bad domain which is pointing to facebook.com. I have tried flushing DNS and history. [23:20] jmc, turns out I needed the ubuntu-restricted-extras package [23:21] Invalid VPN service type (cannot find authentication binary) [23:21] tomreyn: this being new means there's not workaround for ppa s [23:21] acgissues: you will probably not need a workaround for PPAs [23:22] leonardus: my second package sugestion :) [23:23] my first choice is always go minimalistic [23:23] tomreyn: there is apparently. Will have to talk to my client see if there's a proxy they didn't mention [23:23] linext: are you on 18.04 ? [23:23] pavlos, yes [23:24] linext: some reading ... https://necromuralist.github.io/posts/openvpn-on-ubuntu-1804/ [23:24] tomreyn: since I'm getting the same response I got [23:28] acgissues: yes you should discuss with them. [23:28] acgissues: this is a transparent proxy somewhere between the system you're working with and the internet. [23:29] you can use traceroute to locate it more closely [23:30] pavlos, i rebooted and it worked [23:31] linext: good [23:37] tomreyn: yeah, may i pm it? [23:37] acgissues: if it's a sensitive matter, ok [23:38] acgissues: but note that the server operators also get a copy then. [23:40] Does anyone else have the problem where when a YouTube video is playing, you can see the window behind the browser very faintly? [23:46] It's easy to notice at 0:20 in this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tPdLZ9g0l28 [23:46] Doesn't seem to happen if the video is fullscreen, only when it's in the regular player. [23:46] Can someone confirm this?