[02:27] mistaken ideas... [02:47] Hey is there a way to reset Studio controls? I tried to change some settings and seemed to lost audio. [02:51] I think that feedback bit 0 needs to be set up to 5.12 (strip buttons) 6 will be separate (bit 13) [02:52] Jessedavid4: which settings did you change? [02:52] Jessedavid4: and lost audio from which application? [02:53] Well, lost audio from everything. [02:54] Jessedavid4: start by choosing Stop Jack [02:54] I tried to change the Sample rate from 48 to 192. Honestly I thought my mobo has 192 support, but could be wrong. Anyways, I changed it back to 48 and have no audio anymore. [02:54] why would anyone want 192? Pet bats? [02:55] Lol. Wanted to see if I noticed a difference in my music. [02:55] Like spotify's "high quality" streaming. [02:55] anything higher than 48K will tend to introduce distortion in the sound [02:55] and noise [02:56] anyway try stop jack in -controls and see if you have audio again [02:56] Yeah, but if the support is there. Ideally it should be better, no? [02:56] no [02:56] its called advertizing hype [02:57] Ooh? So where does 192 matter then? And it seems to have not fixed it. [02:57] A good video on the subject: https://www.xiph.org/video/vid2.shtml [02:58] Oh wait, lol. It works on that link. [02:58] he uses real analog scopes and signals. [02:58] so desktop audio now works [02:58] Huh. That was weird. But it works again. [02:59] Yeah I thought I tried stop Jack to and then start/restart jack. [03:00] You know, come to think of it. I tried to use Spotify each time I tried to stop or reset. And I had to completely close it down for it to fix it. [03:01] This video actually looks super good. (picture wise) [03:02] Monty is a codec designer for both audio and video [03:03] Honestly, if he wanted to. He could put youtube out of business lol [03:03] This is 720p on my 1080p monitor. I mean this is really really good. [03:25] I am using 16.04.5 and want to upgrade to the latest LTS (18.10.x). It looks like I have package problems that are hard to trace. Do logs exist? [03:26] I have had aptd crash on me numerous times for reasons that seem related to this, but, again, information is not in the usual places (like /var/log) [04:12] Output from an upgrading effort is at: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/M3GwSdzjXW/ [05:58] Hi, i've been using this link: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuStudio/ProAudioIntro [05:59] I followed all the steps and guitarix is able to read my guitar input [06:00] but the only thing left is my laptop doesn't produce any sound [06:00] i'm currently using usb guitar cable as an input [06:07] JEV_: 16.04, 18.04, or 18.10? [06:14] 18.10 [06:14] Then ignore that Wiki article. [06:14] Use Ubuntu Studio Controls to start Jack, then any USB audio device should be automatically detected. [06:14] It's exponentially easier. [06:15] We have a lot of work to do on documentation, and that entire article can easily be replaced with a new article about Ubuntu Studio Controls. [06:15] ah i see [06:16] let me try it first [06:17] Use patchage to connect your guitar to guitarix, and then the output from guitarix to your laptop speakers. [06:19] in Ubuntu Studio Controls, should i change anything? [06:20] Only if you want to change the master audio device or some other stuff to lower the latency. Buffers and periods per buffer can be explained best here: https://wiki.linuxaudio.org/wiki/list_of_jack_frame_period_settings_ideal_for_usb_interface [06:21] You're going to want 3 periods. [06:21] For Guitarix, read the very bottom paragraph, it's important. [06:24] and about the patchage... [06:25] It's an app installed by default. It's buggy, so we're working on packaging a replacement. [06:25] Development on it has ceased. [06:26] are guitarix output and my laptop speakers named PulseAudio JACK Source and system respectively? [06:26] No. Your laptop speakers are most likely system, and your USB-1/4" input likely has its own label. [06:27] PulseAudio Jack Source sends audio internally to PulseAudio, for non-JACK aware apps. [06:40] in patchage, there re only gx_head_amp, gx_head_fx, system (Both capture and playback) and 2 Midi Trough [06:42] I re-open everything and there are no more PulseAudio Jack Source nd Sink [06:43] I'm new to linux... everything seems really hard [06:43] Don't worry about PulseAudio, you don't need it for guitarix. [06:43] gx_* is guitarix. system capture is your input, system playback is your output. [06:44] yes, system playback_1 for the system playback [06:44] I have never used Guitarix myself, mut I can only imagine you'd connect your input to your fx and fx to your amp and then amp to system, but that's just based on my live audio engineering background. [06:47] in my patchage from system -> amp -> fx -> system [06:49] what are those 2 Midi Through blocks use for? [06:49] Those would be for MIDI controllers or keyboards or the like. [06:49] Safe to ignore. [06:49] because 2 of them aren't connected to everything [06:49] oh i see [06:49] You mentioned that your guitar is connected via USB? [06:50] yes, usb cable... but the block is not exist since i open guitarix [06:51] Unplug your USB cable and plug it back in. It should show up in Patchage. [06:51] Of course, that's assuming you started Jack using Ubuntu Studio Controls and not elsewhere. [06:52] BTW, Guitarix needs to be started -after- starting Jack. [06:56] I read some documentation saying that using an AUX cable tends to work better than most anything for Guitarix. [06:57] Recommended to use a 3.5mm over a USB. Though you should still see the same results irregardless. [06:58] I restart everything, unplug the usb [06:58] how can I show you my patchage screenshot? [06:58] there are another stange blocks appear [06:59] Well, you could always screencap it and send it to imgur, but I honestly need to be heading to bed, it's getting late here. [07:00] okay, thank you. I'll figure it myself [07:00] Best thing I can tell you is to not be afraid to experiment. [07:00] I hope I've at least pointed you in the right direction. [07:00] I think i just need a little more step, thanks for guiding me [07:00] You're welcome. [07:03] if you're not sleeping yet... it's working!! [19:01] Hi - quick question I hope. I installed 14.04 and have upgraded to 16.04. I want themes but can't find out how to dertermine what my environment is - Gnome or Unity? Which environment if 16.04 please? [19:01] *is 16.04? [19:03] That's 32 bit btw [19:05] If you have ubuntustudio it is xfce [19:06] So neither gnome or unity [19:07] That works - thanks so much! [19:07] no problem