=== brainwash_ is now known as brainwash === finstern1s is now known as finsternis [15:09] Hello people, I want to ask for a default settings choosing, specifically for binding a default of Shift+PrtScn for running the `xfce-screenshooter -r`. What do you think of it? There are no default conflicting shortcuts. Can anyone evaluate and/or implement or give me directions on how to make it default in the releases? [15:12] bluesabre, JackFrost: thoughts? ^ [15:13] sheershoff, if those two do not reply in timely manner, the best thing to do would be to start a discussion on the developers mailing list [15:20] sheershoff: or you can open a new report https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xubuntu-default-settings [15:58] Thank you, I've opened a report there. [21:30] hi, that's probably a know bug, but adding "export GDK_CORE_DEVICE_EVENTS=1" line to "56xubuntu-session" (to fix that nasty Xorg 0x0 bug) breaks Plank [21:31] it crashes when I want to move some item on the deck [21:31] works fine without that line added [21:32] this is what running Plank in a terminal tells about that crash - https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/XnwdwSjsNm/ [21:33] Xubuntu 18.04, Plank from the repo (0.11.4-2) [21:34] I'll try with version 0.11.4-4 from Disco later [21:34] not sure if you even consider that workaround to be included in Disco as default [21:36] Spass: it will be set per application, not globally [21:37] ah, ok, so that's not an issue then [21:37] so, only for xfce4-panel and xfce4-settings-manager (scrolling issue) [21:37] I mean, it's an issue for me now on LTS :) [21:38] I don't know if LTS will be touched [21:40] ok, I need to choose which bug (0x0 or Plank) is less annoying for now, but I'll probably live with Plank crashing, I just need to set it as I want once and block items [21:40] anyway, thanks for the answer [21:40] you could make a wrapper script for xfce4-panel [21:41] and in that script set the env var [21:41] or unset it for plank [21:42] ok, so I have some options, in that case not a big deal [21:47] Still not great, but trying to pick the least bad option. Favoring seeded applications makes sense, but on the other hand Plank crashes and the other bug isn't a crashing bug.