
Emerald2For some reason on my desktop I have two removable volumes (not mounted yet) with the USB symbol. However the only things plugged in to USB ports are a wireless mouse and a wired keyboard. I noticed in the past few days.02:10
Emerald2I also only have one hard drive, so I'm pretty confused right now.02:22
krytarikEmerald2: What labels have they got then?02:24
Emerald2First one says 'Volume'. Second one says '142 MB Volume'.02:25
Emerald2The 2nd one I think just showed up today.02:26
krytarikTry mounting them and have a look? >_>02:27
Emerald2But they can't possibly exist.02:27
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Emerald2Well I rebooted and they're gone. That was really weird.03:47
Kumoolfunny how linux is now the same as windows with its "have you tried turning it on and off again"03:54
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=== thaurwyl1h is now known as thaurwylth
diogoboot is very slow12:30
diogowhat can i do to diagnose12:31
brainwashdiogo: use https://www.freedesktop.org/software/systemd/man/systemd-analyze.html12:32
HundIs there anything you can do about the default blurry fonts in Xubuntu?14:04
brainwashHund: you tried playing with the settings? https://docs.xfce.org/xfce/xfce4-settings/appearance#fonts14:11
Hundbrainwash: Yes. I can make them ever so slightly better, but they're still difficult to read.14:12
brainwashdid you try different "LCD Hinting" options too?14:13
HundYes. :)14:13
brainwashso, is it a general issue or specific to one or several specific applications?14:13
brainwashweb browsers can have different font rendering14:14
brainwashalso, can you share a screenshot?14:14
HundIt's the whole OS, including all applications. I could show you.14:14
Hundbrainwash: ^14:17
brainwashso.. what am I looking at?14:19
HundGood vs bad14:19
brainwashwhy isn't it the same font?14:19
HundIt's Gentoo vs Xubuntu. Xubuntu is running in a virtual machine.14:19
brainwashI'd think that you would need to have the same font for a proper comparison14:20
HundIt is the same font.14:20
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HundI'm tired. Give me a sec.14:22
Hundbrainwash: Fixed it. https://framapic.org/M0jwMGIZ9Flb/ZwVCSUY6jK5U.png14:23
brainwashnot really sure what could be tweaked14:24
HundMe neither, that's why I'm here bugging you. :)14:24
brainwashit may be even something that was patched in14:25
brainwashI would check what regular ubuntu does14:25
brainwashsee if there is a difference between xubuntu and ubuntu14:25
HundOkey. :)14:25
xubuntu55dЕсть живые?16:01
gnrpxubuntu55d: This is an english-speaking channel16:01
Kumool#ubuntu-ru ?16:02
xubuntu55dТам пусто (16:03
chui2chCan I force XFCE/XFWM to remember where I placed a fullscreen aplication? I have issues with some games displaying on the wrong monitor and I use alt+space to move it to the correct monitor, but it does not save the location when I close the game.18:03
Gen86hey how do i disable the IR reciever on an old Imac in xubuntu so that it doesnt keep activating with my apple remote at the exact same time I use it on an appletv19:50
xubuntu99whelp, I am new to xubuntu, and have forgotten my user and root passwords, how do I reset them?22:23
xubuntu99wglad it is funny22:27
Kumoolxubuntu99w: just reinstall22:27
Kumoolits gonna take like 30 minutes22:27
ubottuForgot your password? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LostPassword What's the root password? See !sudo. Don't see *** in password prompts? That's normal. Sudo doesn't ask for your password? It remembers you for several minutes. Please use strong passwords, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/StrongPasswords22:31
JackFrostOh well.22:32
arpad2hello, please, could you help me how to enable a driver for the nvidia optimus card, the easy way through settings doesn't do the job, it seems22:36
ubottuFor nvidia and matrox graphics cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VideoDriverHowto . For AMD/ATI graphics cards, see « /msg ubottu ati » and « /msg ubottu fglrxmissing » For the latest Nvidia drivers see https://launchpad.net/~graphics-drivers/+archive/ubuntu/ppa22:57

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