
=== dreamon__ is now known as dreamon
=== The_Milkman_ is now known as The_Milkman
=== brainwash_ is now known as brainwash
MovingtoLinuxhello can I talk here?04:52
GEXPLACEI need help about installing Adobe Air on Xubuntu 18.04 lts anyone can help me?08:00
gnrpGEXPLACE: Ask your question directly, and when somebody knows an answer, he will reply08:03
GEXPLACEI need help to install Adobe Air on Xubuntu 18.04 lts08:12
gnrpdid ou check out this one here already? https://blog.getreu.net/projects/adobe-air-with-wine/08:13
GEXPLACEnot yet I'll try08:15
GEXPLACE https://blog.getreu.net/projects/adobe-air-with-wine/ - I tried bat didn't work ... I tried also by playonlinux and no success ... adobe air's installation never arrive to the end13:39
eedevhi everyone.19:40
eedevi've got a question19:40
eedevdo any of you have wacom tablets?19:41
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience19:42
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience19:43
eedevright, first time using irc19:43
visoneanyone uses flexget?21:11
visonei´ve problems with rss and cloudfare21:11
brainwashvisone: you should contact the flexget dev(s) then21:17
dreamondont know why but all usb sticks/hdd I plugin were automounted to /media/usb0-9. I disabled all automount features but I think gvfs-udisks2-volume-monitor is the reason. I cannot stop this behavior.22:11
craigbass76Is there a way to make the window edges a bit less fussy? When I try to change the window dimensions, it's difficult to grab in the right spot. And sometimes clicking the mouse button moves the pointer just a whisker (haha -- XFCE pun), enough that I lose it.22:43
brainwashcraigbass76: switch to Greybird-accessibility22:49
brainwashsettings manager > windows manager22:49
brainwashthis version of Greybird has 3px wide borders22:49
craigbass76Ahh. Do many other have the same trouble as me?22:50
brainwashI guess so22:50
brainwashit's aesthetics over functionality in this case22:51
brainwashthat's why xubuntu sticks with 1px window borders22:52
craigbass76Whoah -- I never knew the alt-right click trick.22:52
craigbass76Mind == blown22:52
craigbass76Unbelievable that I never saw this. That's pretty much been my only gripe, so I'm always on the fence about whether to use (heavier) Cinnamon, or XFCE22:54
brainwashideally, the window manager (xfwm) should allow resizing if you move the cursor near a window border, but no one has implemented this feature yet22:54
craigbass76I can live with alt and right click. I've usually got a hand in both places anyway22:56
craigbass76What about making the touchpad do tap clicks? Every other laptop I've used, it just worked automatically.22:56
brainwashthe settings manager does not allow you to tweak it?22:57
brainwashlike in this screenshot https://i.imgur.com/DWWKZSo.png22:59
craigbass76No, but I'm on Ubuntu Studio. DIfferent version of XFCE maybe?22:59
brainwashwhich release is that?22:59
craigbass764.12, Studio is new stable, 18.0423:00
brainwashI assume that the package xserver-xorg-input-synaptics is not installed23:00
brainwashit may be needed for proper configuration23:01
craigbass76It wasn't. I'll have to make sure I shut it off on my wife's account though -- she'll start shooting. :)23:02
anonnumberanonHi I run Ubuntu 16.4 and it recently offeres me to go to 18.04LTS. Will it be smooth or might it mess with my desktop environment? Don't want any changes in tht regard.23:50

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