
sarnoldI filed https://bugs.launchpad.net/pkg-website/+bug/1812455 hopefully that'll be enough00:00
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1812455 in pkg-website "some data missing" [Undecided,New]00:00
TJ-I had that fixed about a month ago00:00
sarnoldaww :/00:00
TJ-ahh, logs tell me it was Dec 3rd/ Rhonda was working on it00:02
TJ-2018-12-03 10:52:13     Rhonda  Hey there.  I have issues with debugging the packages.ubuntu.com issue on jubany, and I see in dmesg a fair amount of OOM kill00:03
TJ-ers.  Somehow there seems to be some ressource issue, can anyone give me a helping hand?  moon127, around? :)00:03
TJ-sarnold: Maybe worth adding that ^^ to the report for context?00:03
tewardsarnold: might prod #canonical-sysadmin for packages.u.c00:23
tewardthis is the 6th poke I'd have had to give them on that00:23
tewardsarnold: ten bucks says it has something to do with the indexing process eating up the resources00:23
tewardbecause that's been the problem the last 5 times I prodded IS00:23
sarnoldteward: hehe, sounds like an unfair bet :)00:23
tewardprobably because i'm partly right xD00:24
TJ-Yeah, Rhonda said it was OOM00:34
alkisgHi all. I'm upstream for ltsp.org. We have a problem with the ltsp-client package on Ubuntu. It basically tweaks a system on boot, to allow it to netboot. Due to its nature, it's very sensitive to systemd, network-manager etc changes.06:06
alkisgSo uploading new LTSP releases before Ubuntu releases isn't enough; usually fixes are required later on too. For example, LTSP in 18.04 has been broken for 4-5 months ago when some update broke it, possibly systemd.06:06
alkisgIssues are fixed upstream, usually before they even appear in Ubuntu, but since there's no Ubuntu LTSP maintainer, noone takes the time to cherrypick upstream fixes and release SRUs.06:06
alkisgSo my question is: LTSP currently doesn't work in bionic, so we direct our users to use our PPA. Noone is willing to cherrypick/SRU. Is there a process that would allow us to upload the newest, *working* version in bionic? Something similar to firefox, where new versions are allowed?06:06
alkisgI'm not talking about "always upload new versions", as this may actually break things for some users; just for "upload the newest version when the existing version is broken for all users"06:07
alkisgE.g. just a syncing from debian unstable now would be fine06:07
valoriealkisg: it's always best to upload to Debian and ask for a sync07:09
alkisgvalorie: but is the sync allowed? E.g. now it is uploaded in debian, but there's no process in ubuntu for "sync release to lts version", just to the development ubuntu version...07:10
valoriehmm, that I don't know07:10
valoriebit early for the europeans to be here, and it's weekend now07:10
valorieperhaps write to the devel list?07:11
alkisgSure I understand; I posted and I'll be around for days, no worries07:11
alkisgIt might be worth to bring it up, as it would probably require a change in policy...07:11
valorieI'm not actually a devel, so don't have the answers07:12
ginggsrbalint: your mercurial patch was effective, i see 'running 806 tests using 4 parallel processes', but the tests didn't run significantly faster :(07:55
=== osx is now known as Tayo
edarfocis it allowed to link to a launchpad bug report here to see if anyone can help?18:34
tsimonq2alkisg: "Noone is willing to cherrypick/SRU" if you do the paperwork, I'll volunteer to review your patches and upload.19:11
tsimonq2alkisg: It's not that nobody cares, it just lacks attention.19:11
tsimonq2alkisg: Regressions caused by updates are major and should be reported/escalated ASAP.19:12
tsimonq2alkisg: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/StableReleaseUpdates should answer all of your other questions, let me know if you still have questions after reading that.19:14
alkisgtsimonq2: the problem is that it's not patches, it's a whole new release19:35
alkisgNoone wants to spend e.g. 2 hours to isolate only the bug fixes that happened between the old and the new release19:35
alkisgAnd SRUs prohibit new features; they require just bug fixes19:35
alkisgLTSP is hacky by its nature, so systemd updates that break it can't be reported as systemd regressions, they need to be fixed in ltsp19:36
alkisgSo I think I'm asking for a new process that isn't covered by the existing policy for SRUs and backports19:37
alkisg"If a package doesn't work at all, allow synching a new version from debian", something like that19:37
tsimonq2alkisg: I would highly recommend you discuss this with the SRU team, either via IRC or the ubuntu-devel mailing list, to get their input on this.19:38
tsimonq2teward might also be interested in such a discussion. ;)19:38
alkisgtsimonq2: thanks, do you mean in another channel or in this one?19:38
tsimonq2alkisg: Some people would argue this channel, others #ubuntu-release.19:39
alkisgThanks :)19:39
tsimonq2Anytime. :)19:40
tewardtsimonq2: i was pinged, context?21:14
tewardalkisg: in *some* cases a full version can be SRU'd, otherwise it'd need backported, but that process is currently nonfunctional (I made a proposal that i'm letting sit a bit before I poke it forward more)21:14
teward(which would 'fix' backports to some extent)21:14
alkisgteward: thanks, so I should't try to SRU the whole new version now for 18.04, but it might be doable in 20.04...21:34
alkisgBackports are harder because they require changes in the ltsp chroot as well, so they're not so easy for users21:35
tewardyou could probably get it into 19.10 at the earliest, but I have not read the full backlog, so I'd upload to Debian and let that in there, then it'll automatically end up in the next autosync for the dev release21:35
alkisgYes, it always ends up in the newer releases, which is useless for lts users though21:35
alkisgAs it'll be broken again in the next lts21:35
tewardthe SRU team can determine if it's SRUable21:35
tewardbackports MAYBE but we have to wait for a determination on the best way to revive typical backports behavior.21:36
alkisgSo for the last 5 years or so we've been telling our users "don't use the ubuntu packages, they're broken, use the ones from the ppa"21:36
JackFrostBackports aren't currently a thing in Ubuntu, though.21:36
alkisgGotcha. Backports aren't useful in ltsp due to chroots, so no need to worry about that part21:36
tewardJackFrost: you mean backports via SRU, not the backports repository.  :p21:36
tewardalkisg: right.  again, SRU team is the one to make determinations21:36
teward*returns to lurking because he's got a trillion things on his radar to get done by tomorrow*21:37
alkisgteward: but that process isn't functional now, so there's no point in trying an sru now, correct?21:37
alkisgnp, thanks again21:37
JackFrostteward: I mean backports aren't really a thing, nothing about SRU's.  A SRU tends to not be new versions though.21:37
tewardalkisg: i think you're confusing SRU and Backport21:37
alkisg(11:14:53 μμ) teward: alkisg: in *some* cases a full version can be SRU'd, otherwise it'd need backported, but that process is currently nonfunctional21:37
tewardalkisg: right, but again, that's not a determination I can make21:38
tewardSRU process and Backports process are different21:38
JackFrostalkisg: Stable Release Updates are meant to be minimal changes, hence why he said that about *new versions*21:38
alkisgI thought you said there that "new versions for sru's aren't functional"  - were you talking about backports only there?21:38
tewardalkisg: correct, i wasn't 100% clear21:38
tewardbut SRU is beyond my purview to judge on21:38
alkisgOK, I could try an SRU then, which would just mention "please sync from debian", along with the rationale etc21:39
alkisgIncluding bug reports with the "it's not working at all" issues...21:39
tewardprobably won't go anywhere per tsimonq2 but you can attempt :P21:39
tewardseriously, i need to get this thing working by tomorrow morning >.>21:39
teward*returns to repairing servers*21:39
alkisgHaha, nah, i have a million things too21:39
alkisgIf it's not going to fly,no point in wasting time there, the ppa will be enough21:39

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