
ubottuFor information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent00:01
ubottuUbuntu 12.04 LTS (Precise Pangolin) was the sixteenth release of Ubuntu. !End-of-life was April 28th 2017. See https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-security-announce/2017-April/003833.html for more information00:02
OerHeksdead, eol00:02
OerHeks.. unless you pay for it, ESM00:02
ubottuCanonical offers paid extended security support for end-of-life LTS releases through the Ubuntu Advantage program. For more information, see https://ubuntu.com/esm . ESM is not an Ubuntu community offering; please direct questions about it to Canonical directly.00:02
OerHeksbut not the community00:02
OerHeks14.04 will be EOL in 3 months, so try 16.04 LTS or 18.0400:03
ubottuUbuntu's default installation and repositories do not include packages needed to play commercial DVDs for legal reasons. For information on adding them, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/PlayingDVDs | For information on the legalities involved, see the "DVD" section of https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats00:07
ubottuUbuntu 14.04 LTS (Trusty Tahr) was the 20th release of Ubuntu. Download at http://releases.ubuntu.com/14.04/ - CHECK FOR POINT RELEASES at http://releases.ubuntu.com - Release Info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/TrustyTahr/ReleaseNotes00:07
ubottulubuntu is Ubuntu with LXDE instead of !GNOME as desktop environment, which makes it extremely lightweight. See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Lubuntu - /join #lubuntu for lubuntu support.00:08
SlidingHornGuest66396: Can you take your requests to a private chat with ubottu?  /msg ubottu !command  will work00:08
OerHeksLubuntu 14.04 had 3 years support00:09
Guest66396## page was renamed from DesktopTeam/Unity00:14
Guest66396||<style="width: 600px; background-color: #FFFFAA;"> /!\ '''Notice:''' The information on this page is likely to change soon as we switch our development focus to the !UnityNext project.  For more information about !UnityNext, please read [[UnityNextSpec|the spec]].||00:14
Guest66396##= Unity = H1/titles are redundant in the Ubuntu Wiki. This is already the page name and will be rendered as the top-most H1 as a result. (Note that it won't show up on the preview, but will after you save.)00:14
Guest66396The wiki documentation is targeting technical users, if you want to get an overview of Unity you might be interested ready those:00:14
Guest66396 * [[http://unity.ubuntu.com|Unity Homepage]]00:14
Guest66396 * [[attachment:Unity_Architecture.pdf|Unity Architecture]]00:14
Guest66396 * [[Unity/Lenses | Unity Lenses]] - Information for developers for implementing Unity Lenses, which are plugabble elements to the Unity Dash.00:14
Guest66396 * [[Unity/HUD | Unity HUD]] - '''[Experimental]''' Information for developers for integrating with the Unity HUD, which is an intent-driven alternate interface to application menus.00:14
OerHeksdo not paste like that00:14
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use https://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use https://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.00:15
OerHeksand such page info is not really interesting00:15
OerHeks!info inkscape00:29
ubottuinkscape (source: inkscape): vector-based drawing program. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.92.3-1 (bionic), package size 16408 kB, installed size 122852 kB00:29
ubottuStable Release Update information is at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/StableReleaseUpdates00:29
OerHeksthis is a milestone00:29
sorin-mihaiwhat was the 'default' for 16.04, mysql or mariadb?00:53
OerHeksboth are available, dpends on your setup01:00
OerHeksapache/nginx - mysql/mariaDB/postgreSQL - php, perl,pythn01:01
sorin-mihaii know they are all available, but was mysql or mariadb the 'recommended' one, if one wanted to install a generic LAMP server?01:04
OerHekslamp will give mysql01:06
memeemeeeso I'm wondering if my problem may be tempurature related. the dock blocks airflow. where could I investigate temp history issues?01:08
OerHeksnot standard, installing sensord would give that, journalctl -u sensord >>  https://unix.stackexchange.com/questions/269858/does-linux-typically-log-system-temperature-data01:11
Rumen /msg NickServ identify (RS:NS)401:29
qwebirc91744Hello,  I hope this is not off topic -- I'm looking to obtain either an .ISO for ubuntu server 18.04.1 amd64 with all .debs or a toolset / tutorial for building a custom .iso with the .debs that I need.  The target is not connected to the Internet01:30
OerHeksthe server download is easy to find01:34
courrierI'm having random bugs that look driver bugs, the last one is: http://paste.debian.net/1061359/ when starting this IRC client, which opened in degraded UI mode (the old grey theme with square buttons, instead of my usual UI)01:37
courrierWhat does this stracktrace inspire to you?01:37
OerHekscubic can edit your iso https://www.techrepublic.com/article/how-to-create-a-custom-ubuntu-iso-with-cubic/01:37
OerHekscourrier, is this in virtualbox?01:39
courrierOerHeks: No this is 18.04 on Dell XPS1301:39
courrierI always had compelte/partial freezes with Linux on this machine01:40
OerHeksthere seems to be an bios update 2.6.2 https://www.dell.com/support/home/ae/en/aebsdt1/drivers/driversdetails?driverid=g05nr01:40
courrierOerHeks: Are you suggesting the update because you saw something suspicious in the stacktrace or just because I should always isntall the last version?01:41
OerHeksseen bios updates on xps13 fixed a lot of issues01:42
courrierOh, ok01:43
courrierDO you know how to interpret the stacktrace though?01:43
courrierI don't even know wether it's an error, a fatal error, only a warning01:43
courrierbecause currently my systme is half-malfunctionning01:44
courriersome graphic stuff are broken, the display manager complains that something else is interferring so it can't start01:44
courrierand my IRC client degraded UI01:44
courrierhas a*01:45
OerHeksis your system mounted properly, no errors  else it is RO ?01:45
courrierMAT Settings daemon just crashed because of SIGABRT in g_assertion_message()01:46
OerHeks'mount' would tell01:46
courrierOerHeks: http://paste.debian.net/1061360/01:47
OerHeksseems fine01:47
courrierI don't think so right now. But I'm actually have this RO bug on a regular basis01:47
courrierIs this RO bug somehting you saw a lot on XPS13?01:48
OerHeksoke, before considering the bios update, read the fixes in between versions too01:48
OerHekssure, but it is not xps13 specific,  those can give weird user experience with programs,01:49
courrierWhat could end up with / being mounted as RO? Some driver malfunctionig and causing the system to be unable to talk with the HD again?01:51
courrierI'm gonna check my version first01:51
courrierOh actually the version is in the log01:53
courrier2.2.1 instead of 2.6.201:53
courrierI have very high expectations now :D01:53
=== capella is now known as capella|away
Kazanhi, i need some help02:30
=== Kazan is now known as Guest26856
Guest26856i do this "sudo update-rc.d -f ondemand remove" and i don't know how to roll back02:31
Guest26856anyone know what could i do?02:33
Guest26856i already uninstalled tlp02:33
OerHeksreinstall tlp, i think, and sudo update-rc.d ondemand disable # would be the correct way02:34
sgianHi all..I hope everyone is well...I'm looking for a little help using rsync to pull files from a windows 10 machine to an Ubuntu server02:35
Guest26856yeah i know now, but i didn't when i did that02:35
OerHeksi read it is a standard script ..https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuStudio/Setting_CPU_Governor02:36
Guest26856i tried this "sudo update-rc.d -f ondemand defaults" but then it says that "update-rc.d: error: unable to read /etc/init.d/ondemand"02:36
OerHeksjups, you removed the /usr/sbin/update-rc.d/ondemand script02:38
Guest26856yeah how i restore it?02:38
OerHeksi am still looking..02:38
Guest26856i already read that02:39
Guest26856thank you very much02:39
OerHeks"As the question says, I issued sudo update-rc.d -f ondemand remove cause that's what an article on configuring TLP says ..."  ouch02:39
Guest26856yeah same here :c02:40
OerHeksnot really a help https://askubuntu.com/questions/372935/undo-sudo-update-rc-d-f-ondemand-remove02:41
Guest26856thank you.. so? is a generic script? so i could take it from a live cd?02:43
OerHeksi think cpufrequtils02:43
Guest26856thank you, you gave me some light02:45
veegee_Hi all, quick question about ext4: if I create a device using mdadm, let's say /dev/md0, should I partition it with one partition for mkfs.ext4, or should I use the whole device when I do mkfs.ext4?02:50
ee8e83Freemasonry and Satanism, book review 8 pt 1, Protocols of Zion, they want a global world government: https://www.bitchute.com/video/ICVFPzitpudS/03:37
OerHeks!spam | ee8e8303:37
ubottuee8e83: Please don't spam03:37
goyimcattlemesseThere IS an occupation government : https://www.bitchute.com/video/U765rBfCyRbW/03:43
OerHeks!ops | it was so calm last weeks03:45
ubottuit was so calm last weeks: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Pici, Myrtti, jrib, Amaranth, tonyyarusso, Nalioth, lamont, CarlK, elky, mneptok, Tm_T, jpds, ikonia, Flannel, genii, wgrant, stdin, h00k, IdleOne, Jordan_U, popey, Corey, ocean, cprofitt, djones, Madpilot, gnomefreak, lhavelund, phunyguy, bazhang, chu, dax03:45
hggdhtoo late03:46
SlidingHornhggdh: that was a quick response though...props03:47
OerHekssad they did not use same video03:47
mnathanihow can i fix Error in network definition /etc/netplan/static.yaml line 2 column 18: expected mapping  for my netplan config03:48
OerHeksmnathani, paste the yaml on paste.ubuntu.com please?03:49
mnathanicontents of static.yaml: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/yxVTJqpmy8/03:49
OerHeksif i put it in http://www.yamllint.com/ it does a little optimising, no errors03:51
OerHekslike what happened here https://askubuntu.com/questions/1033628/netplan-configuration-error-invalid-yaml-did-not-find-expected-key03:52
TJ-mnathani: "ens32" should be indented relative to "ethernets:"03:57
mnathaniI nuked the file04:00
mnathanire did it using nano and it seems to have worked04:00
mnathanididnt like my vim editor maybe04:00
TJ-you may have mixed spaces and tabs04:01
mnathaniwhy did ubuntu switch to netplan?04:02
mnathaniand is it like a standard that arch centos and redhat will use eventually?04:02
OerHekscertain linux distros use it, Debian ofcourse04:03
TJ-mnathani: because "cloud" -- it's a runtime-only generator for the actual network management tool, Makes it easier to 'orchestrate' containers and virtual machines04:06
mnathanikvm based clouds?04:07
=== capella|away is now known as capella
jayjo_how do I update hugo on ubuntu? It says it's the most recent version when I try apt-get install again but it isn't04:53
TJ-jayjo_: which ubuntu release?04:54
jayjo_18.04 LTS04:54
TJ-!info hugo bionic04:54
ubottuhugo (source: hugo): Fast and flexible Static Site Generator written in Go. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.40.1-1 (bionic), package size 4105 kB, installed size 15591 kB04:54
jayjo_ok, I see. Thanks04:55
lop__what about this channel05:44
=== miguel is now known as Guest42681
=== amir_ is now known as Guest72929
isokeehello everyone, what's the best way to upgrade ubuntu 16.04 minimal to 18.04?06:21
RtyI'm trying to run a Tcl script via a bash script but on running the bash script I get a permission denied for each call of the Tcl script06:32
SwedeMikeisokee: is there a problem with just using the regular upgrade path?06:32
SwedeMikeisokee: as in following the instructions how to upgrade between LTS versions?06:32
RtyHere's a minimal script which reproduces the problem: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/WnKZmhRBC9/06:32
ryuoRty: did you forget to make it executable?06:32
ryuoyes. the script has to be executable to begin with, and it has to have a shebang as well, if you wish to execute it like that.06:33
ryuootherwise you can explicitly invoke the interpreter for.06:33
RtyI've done a chmod +x driverScript.sh06:34
RtyPlus added the shebang too #!/usr/bin/env bash06:34
RtyStill the same error.06:34
ryuoRty: the tcl script.06:34
ryuoRty: it needs to be executable as well.06:35
Rtyryuo: Thanks. Works now!06:35
Rtyryuo: How does the script know which program to use to run the tcl script? Picks default?06:37
ryuoRty: shebang line of the script. the kernel does not recognize file extensions.06:37
RtyI see. Okay06:38
isokeehi SwedeMike, thanks for the reply. i'm currenty testing it right now. i'm just wondering if there are better ways to upgrade it?06:47
SwedeMikeisokee: no, you just do "do-release-upgrade" or use the GUI upgrade procedure as per the instructions, I don't know of another recommended way.06:50
isokeeSwedeMike,  ok, thanks. :)06:50
isokeeSwedeMike,  i think my issue atm is that i'm using lubuntu as a de on top of the minimal installation06:51
isokeeSwedeMike,  and i'm thinking that it might cause a problem?06:52
SwedeMikeisokee: I have no idea. If it's all ubuntu packages I'd imagine it should work.06:53
isokeeSwedeMike  ok, thanks again for the reply. appreciate it. :)06:54
SlidingHornisokee: Just make sure all packages are updated, remove any that are from PPAs (and remove the PPA from your sources), and make backups of your data just in case.  Then go through the recommended upgrade process06:54
BagsThanks in advance for all if any help.06:56
isokeeSlidingHorn,  ok, thanks. :)06:56
SlidingHornBags: What do you need help with?06:56
BagsLooking for a creative solution to a noob problem.06:57
BagsI've just installed Ubuntu 18 on a HP workstation, getting ready to sell it.06:57
BagsI've hurt my back so I'm unable to move it.06:57
BagsThe monitor is disconnected, SSH is not enabled.06:57
SlidingHornBags: Ubuntu 18 isn't a release06:57
BagsVNC is enabled06:57
BagsI can log into it, but now that there's no display, I cant see anything06:58
isokeeSlidingHorn,  do-release-upgrade wouldn't install the gtk DE right?06:58
Bagswhen I connect remotly06:58
SlidingHornisokee: it should only upgrade with packages you have06:58
Bagsjust a few dots and a strange down arrow symbol06:58
isokeeSlidingHorn: ok, i guess that was my biggest concern atm. thanks again. :)06:59
BagsThe first time I connected after disconnecting the display it was all ok, but it had downloaded some updates and asked to be restarted so I did that and now it's headless06:59
SlidingHornBags: a couple things - 1. Try not to use "Enter" as punctuation.  It's easier to follow your issue if it's all on one line  2.  Which release are you using? "18" is not a valid release. Ubuntu goes by YY.MM (e.g. 18.04, 18.10)06:59
BagsI can still connect via VNC but don't see anything meaningful on the screen.06:59
BagsOh, ok. Apologies.07:00
BagsWhich release? I can't actually remember.07:00
SlidingHornBags: what is the output of   lsb_release -a | nc termbin.com 999907:01
user_тут кто по русски шпрехат07:01
BagsYou see to actually enter that command, I need a terminal. As I'm not getting anything, and SSH is not yet enabled, I can't run a terminal or SSH on the system to enter that command.07:02
SwedeMike!ru | user_07:02
ubottuuser_: Пожалуйста наберите /join #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке. | Pozhalujsta naberite /join #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke.07:02
BagsHow do I direct my responses to a particular user like you guys are doing?07:03
SlidingHornBags: start to type the name and hit tab to autocomplete (in most clients)07:03
SwedeMikeBags: just type the nick first on the line followed by :, like I did.07:03
BagsSwedeMike: Thanks.07:04
BagsSlidingHorn: I found the install USB and it's Ubuntu 18.04.107:05
SlidingHornBags: so you're able to connect via VNC, but you just can't see anything?  What happens if you connect and hit  Ctrl+Alt+F3   does it take you to a login terminal?07:05
BagsSlidingHorn: It's taken me to the login terminal for the client computer.07:06
BagsSlidingHorn: Now I can't get back to the VNC client window...07:07
SlidingHornBags: okay, that's one of 7 TTY terminals.  VNC isn't somethign I'm familiar with, but you can use the TTY to enter any commands (the desktop is usually on TTY 7 - Ctrl+Alt+F7)07:08
SlidingHornwhat is the OS you're using to connect to this machine?07:08
BagsSlidingHorn: Thanks, that worked. The client is running on a Parallels VM running Ubuntu 14.0407:09
BagsSlidingHorn: Running on a Mac with Mojave.07:10
BagsSlidingHorn: I've set the client to capture all keyboard commands but it still takes me to the terminal log in screen for the system running the client and not the machine the client is connecting to.07:12
BagsSlidingHorn: I’m thinking that if the VNC connection session is all working apart from the display, that I could somehow invoke the terminal (blindly) and type in some commands to enable SSH so that I can then SSH into the system and correctly set up the alternate display output (:1) for the VNC server or something like that... I dunno... I’m clutching at straws here...07:14
SlidingHornBags: Can you not directly connect from the Mac itself?  The VM seems like an unnecessary step07:17
BagsSlidingHorn: No. Tried that first, but (and I only found this out now) the encryption needs to be disabled for me to log in with anything other than Remmina on Linux.07:18
BagsSlidingHorn: Tried the standard Mac OS VNC connection, Chrome's VNC client, and Chicken but they all fail with authorisation errors. Remmina worked so that's the only place I can start with at the moment.07:21
SlidingHornBags: just to clarify and sum up this issue:  18.04 server, 14.04 VM client, black screen when connecting via VNC with just some dots and a down arrow?07:27
BagsSlidingHorn: Yes. After a restart. Initially when VNC was enabled there was a monitor connected. Now the monitor is disconnected and I can't get it back on there as I’m alone and physically disabled at the moment.07:28
BagsSlidingHorn: Initially I could connect via Rimmina and see the desktop, but the restart with the monitor gone has now brought about the situation where the server is headless and the VNC session via Rimmina on a 14.04 system shows dots and a down arrow. And a capital letter O.07:29
BagsSlidingHorn: Sorry, that's Remmina VNC client.07:31
SlidingHornBags: I don't know if it will help me at all, but are you able to take a picture of this and post it to a bin? (like imgbox.com or something?)07:31
frada work colleage told and showed me double commander. He uses it to rename bulk data (thousands of files at once, all mixed in the same directory). Would you recommend me another linux only app?07:33
BagsSlidingHorn: https://imgbox.com/gallery/edit/j8zMsOy0cp/KtaGPgCIiQjFqQsD07:33
ducassefrad: a gui app for renaming files? gprename07:35
BagsSlidingHorn: Mate, I think I've wasted enough of your time. You've been so generous in trying to help, but I feel that it's best for all for me to wait until tomorrow and ask someone to come over and move the display back onto the box and I do what I need to do to get this working with a monitor and keyboard.07:37
SlidingHornBags: maybe the "blindly try to get a terminal" option might be worth trying.  If there's a keyboard attached to the server machine, (presumably you would have to login first? password then enter then wait....) then Ctrl+Alt+T ?  From there, sudo apt install openssh-server  (then password, enter)07:38
BagsSlidingHorn: ok, I'll try that.07:39
SlidingHornBags: at least if that works, you'll be able to connect to it via ssh and make some changes07:40
fradducasse, in your experience, is double commander better than gprename?07:43
ducassefrad: i don't use it (i use spacefm or ranger), but it does a lot more. gprename is good for renaming, though. there's also krename if you don't mind the kde dependencies07:46
fradducasse, you mean double commander does a lot more thangprename?07:48
ducassefrad: it does more than renaming files, yes07:48
lotuspsychjeleonardus: tomreyn updated your bug, check if you can fix the same way?07:57
BagsSlidingHorn: Tried restarting. (The system was configured to log in automatically to the admin account) Then entering Ctrl+Alt+T and then su (enter) password (enter) then /sbin/shhutdown -r now (enter) but the system did not shut down, so I'm thinking I'm out of options here with this idea.07:59
BagsSlidingHorn: If it's not shutting down, then it's definitely not taking my keyboard commands and doing things with them like we had hoped.08:00
BagsSlidingHorn: I also tried what you had suggested, restarted, trying to SSH into it, but it's still refusing the connection.08:01
lotuspsychjeBags: be carefull with vnc ok, its a security risk these days, better do your work over ssh instead08:01
Bagslotuspsychje: Thanks lotuspsychje, but I can't use either at this stage, so I’m pretty sure noone else can either.08:02
lotuspsychjeBags: cant you use one time teamviewer to take over that machine? or is it non-GUI?08:02
Bagslotuspsychje: The VNC was installed and working and then the monitor was removed and now it has been restarted and headless, but the required preparations for running it headless were not known about until too late.08:04
lotuspsychjeBags: can you detail your end-goal exactly, volunteers might have other ideas08:05
Bagslotuspsychje: Now I'm trying to enable SSH in the blind, hoping that even though my VNC connection visual display is clearly gobbdygook due to it being headless, that the keyboard commands are still somehow getting through, thus allowing me to install and enable SSH and use that to do the rest of the preparations to the system that I was trying to do.08:05
=== tulsi is now known as Guest35941
ducasseBags: can you try logging in to a tty?08:06
Bagslotuspsychje: The end goal is somehow enabling SSH without a monitor being connected to it. I'm temporarily physically disabled and can't get a monitor connected to it.08:06
Bagsducasse: Can you please help me to try and do this? What would I have to do?08:07
lotuspsychjeBags: are you sure ssh server is still running?08:07
ducasseBags: press ctrl+alt+f2 or f3, enter usernama and password, then install ssh08:08
Bagslotuspsychje: No. I'm actually certain that SSH hasn't even been installed yet.08:08
lotuspsychjeoh see what ducasse suggested then08:08
Bagsducasse: How do I do this without a monitor being connected and without SSH running?08:08
ducasseBags: no monitor should be needed, you can type blind08:09
ducasseBags: you need to physically be in front of the machine, though08:10
Bagsducasse: Ok, let me see if I can do that.08:11
JJJollyjim_Hi all. I'm using an HP laptop-tablet-convertible, which I frequently use lying on its side08:20
JJJollyjim_I can easily turn off GNOME's screen rotation, but still when I rotate the device on its side the keyboard and trackpad get disabled08:21
JJJollyjim_This happens from early in the Ubuntu boot screen (but not in grub), so I don't think it's a gnome thing but something happening at a lower level08:21
JJJollyjim_(I can tell that it's happening at the boot screen because when the keyboard is disabled by rotation its backlight turns off)08:22
lotuspsychjeJJJollyjim_: to debug try a tail -f /var/log/syslog and rotate, see what errors comes out08:22
JJJollyjim_no output is added when I rotate08:22
lotuspsychjeJJJollyjim_: perhaps look for acpi issues in your syslog/dmesg then08:23
JJJollyjim_I wouldnt expect any errors, I assume some component is intentionally disabling the keyboard because it thinks I'm using it as a tablet, and doesn't want me to press keys by mistake08:23
Bagsducasse: Do I need to do anything to start the SSH service once I've entered the commands to install it?08:25
lotuspsychjeJJJollyjim_: is your bios up to date?08:25
ducasseBags: no, that is automatic08:25
JJJollyjim_http://ix.io/1wc4 <-- dmesg | grep -i acpi, don't see anything relevant08:25
JJJollyjim_lotuspsychje, quite possibly not08:25
JJJollyjim_again im not sure if there is necessarily anything misbehaving, just making a false assumption about me wanting to use this as a tablet08:26
JJJollyjim_the keyboard gets turned back on when i rotate upright08:26
RtyIs there a bash equivalent for something like np.linspace(0,1,11)?08:26
JJJollyjim_i just want to be able to use its on its side08:26
lotuspsychjeJJJollyjim_: what about your graphics card chipset and driver version, installed correctly?08:26
JJJollyjim_Rty: not pure bash, but the seq command accepts a step parameter, which gets you close08:27
JJJollyjim_so seq 0 0.1 1 in this case08:28
JJJollyjim_lotuspsychje, sorry i don't see how this is a graphics issue... have I explained the question poorly?08:30
lotuspsychjeJJJollyjim_: wrong graphics drivers can influence things08:30
lotuspsychjeJJJollyjim_: im just trying to rule things out for you08:31
JJJollyjim_sure thanks08:31
RtyYeah this works. array=($(seq 0 0.1 1)08:31
JJJollyjim_im using intel integrated graphics, latest open-source drivers as included in cosmic08:31
lotuspsychjeJJJollyjim_: allright, tnx for checking have you also tested this on LTS?08:32
JJJollyjim_it persisted as i was upgrading artful->bionic->cosmic today08:32
lotuspsychjeJJJollyjim_: ok, in your case i would go for the latest bios update first, if that doesnt help i would file a new !bug as your issues is pretty specific08:33
lotuspsychjeJJJollyjim_: feel free to share us the bug # after08:33
RtyJJJollyjim_: Does this have rounding off errors like in np.arange?08:33
JJJollyjim_no idea sorry Rty08:34
RtyI suppose if stop-start is a multiple of step, it would be fine.08:34
RtyThanks anyway.08:34
=== tulsi is now known as Guest20079
ovalseven8Question: I generate a new SSH key with "ssh-keygen -f /etc/ssh/ssh_host_ed25519_key -t ed25519 -N """ and while the fingerprint is different, the saved file is always the same, even if I do it multiple times. What's wrong here?08:55
tomreynovalseven8: how do you test that the saved file is the same?08:57
ovalseven8tomreyn, cat "/etc/ssh/ssh_host_ed25519_key"08:58
tomreynthis will only show you one key, to compare you'd need two08:58
ovalseven8tomreyn, Well, the output is the same as before even when I created the new key08:59
tomreynso you're comparing the new file to what you remember from the previous one?08:59
tomreynmy question is exactly how you compare08:59
ovalseven8tomreyn, In the bash you see the previous output of the commands, right?08:59
tomreynovalseven8: you see the fingerprint and the visual representation of it09:00
tomreynbut you said those differ anyways09:01
tomreynyou're saying the key material itself remains the same. so i'm asking how you're comparing the key material between runs.09:01
ovalseven8tomreyn, Wait a minute09:01
ceskoz99Hello! There is any good way to install nvidia geforce driver on ubuntu: I have a old 650 ti vga but i dont have the same performance in the same game ubuntu vs win10.09:02
ceskoz99I'm pretty sure its because the nvidia driver09:02
tomreynceskoz99: the default approach to install the proprietary nvidia driver son ubuntu is "sudo ubuntu-drivers autoinstall"09:03
ceskoz99Hello! tomreyn! I was here yesterday, talked lot about "chrome browser bug"09:03
ceskoz99i was on webirc client09:04
tomreynthis can also be done on gui09:04
tomreynceskoz99: welcome back09:04
ceskoz99i just want to tell you removed the 18.04.1 LTS ubuntu and replaced with 18.10 and now everything fine09:04
ovalseven8tomreyn, https://dpaste.de/GChf/raw09:05
tomreynceskoz99: glad you found a solution which works for you.09:05
ovalseven8Strange... :/09:06
tomreynovalseven8: so things are actually as they should be?09:07
ovalseven8tomreyn, Exactly. Sorry! The first line and the last line were the same in the private key09:08
tomreynglad we solved another miracle. ovalseven8: it's entirely common / expected that the first and last couple of characters of both the public and private key remain the same or similar across different keys.09:09
ovalseven8tomreyn, What's the reason for that? Sorry.09:10
tomreynthats because of the key format and how it stores the same 'meta' information in the same places as part of the key file.09:10
tomreynovalseven8: if you want it detailed https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc4253#section-6.609:15
tomreyneasier, but much less complete http://blog.oddbit.com/2011/05/08/converting-openssh-public-keys/09:15
ovalseven8When I do "useradd -m userabc" which password is the default?09:26
geirhathere's no password until you set one. Prefer adduser over useradd for creating users. It will set password as well09:28
ovalseven8geirha, That means that I cannot login as long as no password is set?09:29
Bagsducasse: Thanks for you help. All working now. Very much appreciate all the help you very generous and kind folk give us noobs. You're all gems and very good eggs!09:41
lotuspsychje!cookie | ducasse09:44
ubottuducasse: Wow! You're such a great helper, you deserve a cookie!09:44
lotuspsychjeBags: and thank you for the feedback09:45
Bagslotuspsychje: No need. You guys ROCK! Thanks again to all of you. Linux is a very scary monster to people like me.09:47
lotuspsychjewelcome zzp10:06
lotuspsychjewhat can we do for you today?10:06
ovalseven8I get this error: "no matching host key type found. Their offer: ssh-rsa,ssh-dss"10:08
ovalseven8When I want to connect to my server10:08
ovalseven8That error message is the one from the server10:08
lotuspsychjeovalseven8: see also the #openssh channel if you like10:09
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carogahi all!10:28
lotuspsychjewelcome caroga10:31
a__piI created a repo in localhost with reprepro (unsigned) with 'Origin: localrepo' , added the repo as trusted "deb [ trusted=yes ]..." , added the pinning in10:32
a__pi                         /etc/apt/preferences , 'Package: *,Pin: origin "localrepo",Pin-Priority: 1001' , made an apt-get update and in apt-cache policy and continue being with10:32
a__pi                         priority 500. Where could be the problem?10:32
lotuspsychjeuse a pastebin a__pi10:32
ovalseven8When I do "passwd -d user" How can I login then? Only with SSH key?10:35
zzphow can i make python 3 default in ubuntu 18.04 ?(I mean when i enter python in terminal, i use python3 instead of python 210:35
zzphi <ovalseven8> , passwd -d Make the password of the account blank (it will set the named account passwordless)10:37
a__pilotuspsychje: http://rafb.ath.cx/pastes/1wD3JP15.html10:38
ovalseven8zzp: When I do "su user" without a password I get no access10:38
zzpyou can change to root account and set password to that user10:39
zzpfor example, ubuntu make root account passwordless by default10:39
ovalseven8zzp, Passwordless != empty password?10:40
zzpso, when you try to $ su in your terminal, you won't change your account10:40
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EriC^^ovalseven8: making root account passwordless isnt such a good idea!10:42
ovalseven8zzp, So i cannot login, only with ssh?10:42
ovalseven8EriC^^, May I ask why?10:42
EriC^^it needs an explanation?10:42
zzpsee this page10:43
EriC^^by passwordless what do you mean? blank password?10:43
ovalseven8sudo passwd -d root10:43
zzpDelete a user's password (make it empty). This option is a quick way to disable logins for an account, without disabling the account itself.10:43
ovalseven8EriC^^, Yes, it needs an explanation. I have a sudo user.10:44
EriC^^ovalseven8: if somebody gets access to the pc then without a password he can get root access10:45
ovalseven8EriC^^, Why can he get root access?10:46
EriC^^nevermind, i think you meant how to disable, not make it blank as in anyone can get root without password10:46
janat08what does rc.local looks like for systemd with modprobe calls (to reset wifi dongle on startup)?10:46
ovalseven8EriC^^, Yeah, I meant with "-d". I thought that would be good practice?10:47
janat08what is this suppose to be in systemd: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/w6gQjgv2kS/10:50
EriC^^ovalseven8: yeah that's a good idea10:50
kab0mHi there11:03
kab0mI just wanted to know if there is a way to NOT save credentials for rdp connections in Remmina...i just want to be ask for the credentials every time i connect...but right now when i dont save username and password for a rdp connection it wont ask for credentials and wont connect11:03
tomreynkab0m: you could use freerdp directly11:34
kab0mtomreyn: does it have a gui?11:35
tomreynkab0m: no, does it need one?11:40
tomreynthere is also rdesktop which does have a gui11:40
kab0mtomreyn: it would be nice. as i want to have everything in one place. Tahnk you for the hint ;) i will look into it11:40
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joyJeanice Barcelo Satanic Porn and Sex FYM Conference 4: https://www.bitchute.com/video/JNxOtu2MtTZy/13:09
coconutfirst spam i noticed since -r13:13
VercasI've got Ubuntu 18.04 installed on three machines. One desktop and two servers.13:46
VercasAnd my servers always hang when halting. The desktop hangs when halting just ~50% of the time.13:46
VercasAre there any known issues related to this?13:46
VercasWhat I see on my server is everything going fine until the caret stops blinking on the screen.13:47
a__piwhat you mean halting? did you press ESC to see the messages at shutdown ?13:47
VercasI see the messages all the time on the servers.13:47
Vercasa__pi: I can do a halt right now and show you what's on the screen when it hangs.13:48
a__pipress ESC when ubuntu logo appears13:48
VercasAFAIK there's no ubuntu logo in the server edition. o.o13:49
a__pimaybe I installed something :S, but press ESC and see it something appears in the screen13:50
Vercasa__pi: https://u.vercas.com/snapshot31.png13:52
a__piwait a moment13:53
VercasCursor doesn't blink anymore.13:53
a__pii think will shutdown13:53
VercasI accidentally left it a whole night in this state.13:53
VercasThe other server (identical model) goes full apeshit when it reaches this point.13:53
VercasThe fans go to 100% speed.13:53
a__pii think you have to do this13:54
a__pito see why it hangs13:54
VercasI'll try these.13:55
VercasSo, in this state it doesn't respond to Control + Alt + Delete.13:55
VercasI'll do a reset and try a forced reboot.13:55
VercasDebugging via serial port is, luckily, an option for me.13:56
Vercasa__pi: poweroff -f worked.14:06
a__pienable debug shell14:07
a__piand try to found the culprit14:07
a__piin systemd14:07
VercasWill try.14:10
Vercasa__pi: I think I did a stupid.14:15
VercasUsing just `poweroff` also shuts it down fine.14:15
VercasSo the problem must be `halt`...14:15
a__pihalt it halts only14:16
a__pias you seen :D14:16
Vercasa__pi: I've literally been using halt for a decade now. Never experienced this before.14:16
a__piI always used poweroff14:16
VercasI've also never had server-grade hardware before...14:17
VercasSo I suspect it must have something to do with the hardware capabilities.14:17
BluesKajHi folks14:20
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zhangit is funny14:30
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leonardustomreyn, that fix worked for me14:33
chom_Does anyone know if there's any other setting that manages presence of splash screen besides "quiet splash"? I can't seem to get rid of it14:42
TamI just installes Ubuntu 18. My laptop has secure boot turned on. I had to type on a password that should have been entered on the next reboot. The message came up but I wasn't sure which  option to choose, so I chose continue14:49
EoflaOEchom_: Do you mean that you don't want to display splash screen? Or do you want to change splash screen?14:49
TamI think that means that 3rd party drivers wouldn't have been installed14:50
TamHow can I get that mok manager screen back so I can type the password?14:50
TamReally the problem I'm trying to solve is just to get 3rd party drivers14:51
chom_EoflaOE: I don't want splash screen, I want systemd and other messages.14:53
chom_I tried removing "quiet splash" and "noquiet nosplash" and none worked14:54
EriC^^did you run update-grub14:54
a__piremove quiet and splash14:55
chom_I did14:55
EriC^^chom_: try editing the entry before booting it so you know it doesnt have quiet splash14:55
leonardusI have a problem where the sidebar with all of the open applications is displaying on the lock screen14:59
ovalseven8On my Ubuntu Server the DHCP client listens on interface. Can I keep it this way?14:59
ovalseven8Or is that a security risk14:59
TamDoes anyone know how I can install 3rd party drivers if I accidentally missed the mok enrollment screen?15:03
EriC^^Tam: run the dpkg --reconfigure for the package15:03
leonardusTam, install the ubuntu-restricted-extras package15:03
TamThanks. That's what I've done on my old installation but now I'm using secure boot. Is there any different?15:04
EriC^^Tam: no idea15:10
ducasseTam: run 'sudo mokutil --disable-validation', and you should get the mok screen again15:10
vasanthi am having trouble starting ubuntu instance in virtualbox - is this the forum i should be reaching to?15:10
ducasseTam: if you're not using secure boot you don't need to deal with this15:11
EoflaOEvasanth: This is Ubuntu support channel, so yes. What happened?15:11
vasanthi get "VERR_VM_DRIVER_NOT_INSTALLED(-1908) - the support driver is not installed. On linux, open returned ENOENT15:13
vasanthi get this when i try to start the vm instance just created15:13
EoflaOEIs your host (the one that has VirtualBox program and is a physical PC) OS Ubuntu?15:14
vasanthin dmesg - i get - apparmor="DENIED" operation="open" profile="snap.gnome-system-monitor.gnome-system-monitor"15:14
ioriachom_, use 'text' instead of  'quiet splash'15:14
vasanth@EofLaOE - i am on ubuntu 18.04 LTS on my laptop15:15
TamDucasse I am using secure boot15:17
EoflaOEvasanth: Can you try this: "sudo /etc/init.d/vboxdrv setup"?15:17
TamI've dual booted with Windows so I had to use secure boot. EUFI setup15:17
leonarduswhich package do I install if a program I'm running needs OpenAL? libopenal-dev? libopenal-data? libopenal1?15:18
vasanth@EoflaOE - i don't have the command in that folder - i get - sudo: /etc/init.d/vboxdrv: command not found15:18
EoflaOEleonardus: libopenal1 and libopenal-data are necessary packages to run programs that needs OpenAL. libopenal-dev is for build-time.15:20
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leonardusgotcha, thanks15:21
EoflaOEvasanth: How about "sudo /sbin/vboxconfig"? | leonardus: You're welcome. Let me know if your program runs.15:21
vasanth@EoflaOE - vboxdrv.sh: failed: modprobe vboxdrv failed. Please use 'dmesg' to find out why.15:22
vasanth@EoflaOE - apparmor="DENIED" operation="open" profile="snap.gnome-system-monitor.gnome-system-monitor"15:22
vasanth@EoflaOE - dmesg gives me the apparmor denied message15:23
EoflaOEvasanth: Pastebin the full output of dmesg (full, not the apparmor="DENIED"... part) to find out why.15:23
vasanth@EoflaOE - https://pastebin.com/CzYtZRMX15:29
EoflaOEvasanth: Not full. Do this command: "dmesg | pastebinit"15:32
ioriavasanth, that system.monitor spamming is reported as a bug; but i don't think that could cause serious troubles (aparted a huge log)15:35
vasanth@EoflaOE - http://paste.ubuntu.com/p/jrzzmBt5Zm/15:37
vasanth@ioria - but i am unable to start the vbox ubuntu instance15:40
ioriavasanth, if you cannot start VB, i'd  take a look at the secureboot options (maybe try to disable it)15:40
ovalseven8When I install logwatch and configure it to send mails, which email server does it use to send those?15:41
vasanth@ioria - my laptop hdd is encrypted - if i disable secureboot, will that cause any other issues? i suppose the secureboot option is a bios option.15:43
ioriavasanth, no relation with encryption (afaik)15:43
vasanth@ioria - let me reboot and attempt disabling the option15:44
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Sven_vBwhen I reconnect my trackball, lsusb still detects it as "Bus 002 Device 125: ID 046d:c404 Logitech, Inc. TrackMan Wheel" but it no longer shows up in xinput --list. it worked for weeks w/o reboot so the kernel modules should be ok. any ideas? happens on xenial.15:46
Sven_vBit also can't move the cursor any more, as expected when it's not in xinput and thus not connected to the Virtual core pointer.15:48
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vasanth_@ioria - disabling secure boot helped - i am able to launch vbox instance. thanks a bunch15:51
vasanth_@EoflaOE - thanks for your assistance too.16:03
ioriavasanth, no problem16:04
CoolKidHi all16:06
=== SimonNL is now known as SimonNL_Afk
osseI want to try the proprietary nvidia drivers. I see the following in Software & Updates: https://imgur.com/a/0uwQh4j .  The two first options have some differences in description, not just the version numbers. What is the difference?16:24
BluesKajosse, the 390 driver would be best16:28
Piratyhi people, i found strange behaviour in libreoffice-writer on kubuntu (installed 4 weeks ago, 18.10, full-updated today). in Writer, hovering over the icons in top bar, in nearly all cases the icon flickers and no tooltip is shown. in some cases however, tooltip shows up and no flickering occurs. libreoffice version
ioriaosse, this : https://askubuntu.com/questions/1031463/whats-the-difference-between-nvidia-driver-metapackage-and-nvidia-binary-driver   and this :  https://www.nvidia.com/object/unix.html16:29
BluesKajosse, if the 390 doesn't work out then the 340 would be your next option, it's an older driver, but it will probly work fine16:30
osseI see that nvidia has even newer drivers available. But I can try this 390 first16:31
BluesKajosse, newer drivers aren't listed because they're probly experimental atm16:35
BluesKajin ubuntu sources/driver manager that is16:36
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BluesKajosse, don't use the nvidia site's linux drivers because they'll break after a kernel upgrade16:39
harshalcan any one suggest me how to doenload and install firefox or any browser from the terminal16:41
kk4ewtapt-get install firefox16:42
harshalThanks for replay @kk4ewt16:43
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harshalI get error yesroot16:45
BluesKajsudo apt-get install firefox16:46
osseBluesKaj: ah, do drivers need some customization per kernel?16:47
harshalI got this error:  E: Could not open lock file /var/lib/dpkg/lock - open (13: Permission denied)16:47
harshalE: Unable to lock the administration directory (/var/lib/dpkg/), are you root?16:47
kk4ewtharshal,  see BluesKaj  command above16:48
leftyfbharshal: firefox comes with all supported versions of ubuntu16:49
harshalOkae @kk4ewt16:49
harshalI dont remember my password even. How to get it?16:50
leftyfbharshal: you are probably better off installing ubuntu from scratch at this point16:50
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harshalThanks leftyfb, is there any other way to get it?16:52
leftyfbharshal: what version of ubuntu?16:52
leftyfbharshal: when did you install it?16:53
harshalbefore few months dont remember exectly16:54
leftyfbharshal: firefox should already be installed. Why do you think you need to install it?16:55
harshalleftyfb: it is install but does not start, gives error16:55
leftyfbharshal: what error?16:55
harshalleftfb: Firefox had a problem and crashed.16:56
harshalTo help us diagnose and fix the problem, you can send us a crash report.16:56
leftyfbharshal: run this in a terminal: mv ~/.mozilla mozilla16:56
leftyfbharshal: then try opening firefox again16:57
harshalleftfb: Okay16:58
harshalleftfb: it give this error:    harshal@harshal-desktop:~$ mv ~/.mozilla mozilla16:59
harshalmv: cannot stat '/home/harshal/.mozilla': No such file or directory16:59
leftyfbharshal: I would reinstall ubuntu, preferably Ubuntu 18.04 at this point17:00
BluesKajor use chrome17:01
harshalleftfb: Okay i will try..Thanks for support17:01
leftyfbBluesKaj: possible problems with dpkg and forgot password. It's just quicker to reinstall ubuntu to get to a clean state at this point17:02
harshalBlueKaj: is there any way to download and install Chrome with terminal17:02
ducasseharshal: you'll need your password17:02
harshallefyfb: I am trying that only if i can get my password.17:03
ducasse!password | harshal17:03
ubottuharshal: Forgot your password? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LostPassword What's the root password? See !sudo. Don't see *** in password prompts? That's normal. Sudo doesn't ask for your password? It remembers you for several minutes. Please use strong passwords, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/StrongPasswords17:03
ioriaharshal, why don't you reboot in Recovery and add a new user ?17:03
harshalleftfb: elese i have to reinstall it17:03
leftyfbthe fact that firefox opens with an error and there's no local prefs causing it, points to bigger problems. And again, since we're going to be booting a live cd/usb to reset the password anyway, it's just quick to reinstall ubuntu17:03
bumbari have an ssd mounted as "mount.ntfs /dev/sda1 /media/me/samsung -o rw,nosuid,nodev,big_writes,uid=1000,gid=1000" but it's only doing up to 50 MB/s writes according to iotop17:04
bumbaram i missing something to enable more speed?17:04
osseLast time I had to blacklist nouveau. So far this is looking good :)17:06
chom_Where should I make changes if grub-update doesn't apply removing 'quiet splash' setting? Grub entry still has it17:12
BluesKajosse, installing the default proprietary driver disables nouveau afaik17:13
osseBluesKaj: that sounds entirely reasonable. Regardless, last time I tried this driver I had to manually blacklist it. But that was several months ago, and I didn't have to do that this time so I'm happy :-)17:16
BluesKajosse, good :-)17:16
BluesKajchom_, did you try in /etc/default/grub?17:23
chom_BluesKaj: Yes, I removed it from there, ran update-grub and if I edit my Ubuntu entry before booting it still has 'quiet splash'17:29
BluesKajwhat was the output of sudo update-grub ...was there any or did forget to save the file after editing17:31
BluesKajdid you forget rather17:32
chom_Basically something in lines "Found theme, found linux image, found initrd image, found Windows, found Kali, found Arch, found linux image, found initrd, found windows, found kali, found arch, adding boot menu entry for EFI firmware configuration"17:34
chom_and done17:34
parapanhi there folks; I ended up with a messed upgrade from ubuntu server 16.04 to 18.01 ...error is sub-process dpkg returned an error code 117:34
dnsuserздарова гомики17:34
Peyamdo you people know any good project management tool for linux that cost 017:35
chom_And no, I did save the file each time, vim wouldn't let me quit without explicitly discarding changes17:36
parapansudo dpkg --configure -a gives a bunch of software packages which have unmet dependencies .....first being python3-apt; dependency 1 is gir1.2-pango-1.0 but trying to manually install this tells me there is no such package17:36
BluesKajchom_, just change it in a text editor17:37
chom_BluesKaj: Vim is a text editor17:37
BluesKajit's a terminal type editor is it not?17:38
chom_BluesKaj: It is17:38
Peyamwhat is gem install ?17:38
Peyamwhat kind of command is that? 'gem install taskjuggler'17:38
BluesKajno need to use vim afaik17:38
chom_BluesKaj: I don't think there would be any difference if I used gedit or anything different17:39
tomreynPeyam: https://alternativeto.net/software/microsoft-project/?license=free&platform=linux https://www.osalt.com/project17:40
margaritamikeIs there an easy way to install mit-scheme 9.2 in ubuntu?17:40
margaritamikeMy default version is
leftyfb!latest | margaritamike17:41
ubottumargaritamike: Packages in Ubuntu may not be the latest. Ubuntu aims for stability, so "latest" may not be a good idea. Post-release updates are only considered if they are fixes for security vulnerabilities, high impact bug fixes, or unintrusive bug fixes with substantial benefit. See also !backports, !sru, and !ppa.17:41
* BluesKaj shrugs, a text editor should be less restrictive than saving and exiting from vim, but i don't use it so perhaps I'm mistaken17:42
chom_BluesKaj: I don't think choice of thext editor matters here17:44
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BluesKajchom_, are you running a wm17:46
BluesKajlike i3 or some such17:47
chom_BluesKaj: Yes, i317:47
BluesKajok, just wondering whether that makes some kind of difference, but that's just a guess ;-)17:49
chom_BluesKaj: I doubt it. I'd rather say that it's because I have 2 other linux systems but I doubt it too.17:51
parapanhi there folks; I ended up with a messed upgrade from ubuntu server 16.04 to 18.01 ...error is sub-process dpkg returned an error code 1; sudo dpkg --configure -a gives a bunch of software packages which have unmet dependencies .....first being python3-apt; dependency 1 is gir1.2-pango-1.0 but trying to manually install this tells me there is no such package17:52
chom_Another problem I have is that my laptop hangs at poweroff/reboot if I did 'sudo pm-hibernate' previously (booted from hibernation)17:52
BluesKajparapan, do you mean 18.10 or 18.04?17:53
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parapanBluesKaj: hmmm ...not quite sure went from 16.04 to 18.something didn-t noticed; but after reboot it said that a lot of packages for 18.04 could be updates ....so I've tried doing so ....but there are a lot of missing dependencies ...17:55
BluesKajparapan, so you were doing an LTS upgrade from 16,04 to 18.04 LTS , was this in your package manager or the terminal?17:56
chom_parapan: what does cat /etc/issue say?17:56
parapanBluesKaj: lsb_release -a gives Ubuntu 18.04.1 LTS17:56
q9Why did sagemath-8.4 go missing from the repo 2 days ago?17:57
parapanBluesKaj: only terminal17:57
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BluesKajparapan, did you update and upgrade your packages on 16.04 before upgrading to 18,04?17:57
ioriaparapan, the whole error logmight help17:58
parapanBluesKaj: yes, all the way; it wouldn't let me go with dist-upgrade unless updating 16.04 to date . . .17:58
soapee01Can anyone help with raid1 performance? I recently installed kubuntu 18.04 on a faster machine and added a raid1 array for home (that I used on 14.04). Write speed on this raid array (copying from the ssd for /) was measured at 14.3MB/s with dd.17:58
ducasseparapan: how did you upgrade to 18.04?17:59
parapanioria: I'm on the laptop and ssh doesn't work on the server ...it will be a lot to copy manually . . .. :D17:59
ioriaparapan, what cmd exactly ... do-release-upgrade ?17:59
ioriaparapan, i mean, what was the command you ran in order to upgrade from 16.04 to 18.04 ?18:01
parapanioria: BluesKaj ducasse : yes, do-release-upgrade; reported all went fine except some errors; tried the restart and didn't let me ( error saying that START and STOP commands are conflicting into the configuration of  sysctrl ....I forced the restart ...and that's it18:01
compdocsoapee01, use the disks app to benchmark18:01
murthyBluesKaj: Good evening18:02
ioriaparapan, and you get stuck before the login screen ?18:02
BluesKajhi murthy18:02
soapee01compdoc you mean the dos app? I'm not sure if there is one for these drives (they are WD Green, so not perfect for this application). Not sure if those are destructive against data though. Have to check that out.18:03
murthyBluesKaj: are you testing kde 5.15 beta?18:03
parapanioria: nope, when loading ubuntu is reporting an error to dpkg package ( and nothing else as I see ) , I can login fine , I sudo apt-get update and is reading the lists ( all are in RO server ), but when trying to upgrade ....it doesn't work18:04
ioriaparapan, you can login or not ?18:05
tomreynsoapee01: check partition alignment using parted align-check18:05
parapanioria: yes, I can login to server18:05
q9Is it possible to report a bug via website?18:06
ioriaparapan, sudo apt full-upgrade | nc termbin.com 999918:06
tomreynsoapee01: also tell us more about the raid you built there, show mdadm output if software raid, or equivalent info for hardware raid.18:07
BluesKajmurthy, no, I'm on kde-plasma 5.14.518:07
parapanioria: warning apt does not have a stable CLI interface; E: invalid operation full-update . . ..18:08
ioriaparapan, sudo apt full-upgrade | nc termbin.com 999918:08
ioriaupgrade != update18:08
parapanioria: sorry -> e: unmet dependencies try using -f18:09
ioriaparapan, the url , please18:09
soapee01Ouch: when I ran hdparm on one of the drives, I saw a delay. Maybe I have an issue with a drive or cable (this was moved to a new machine). https://pastebin.com/pi6btRvC18:10
parapanioria: https://termbin.com/jlnb18:10
ioriaparapan, some pkgs hve not been upgraded, are still xenial18:12
chom_Does anyone know what could be the culprit if I my computer hangs at poweroff after booting up from pm-hibernation? If I don't pm-hibernate, it shuts down without problems18:12
parapanioria: correct ! sources.list are reporting xenial all the way; what can I do ?18:13
ioriaparapan,  cat /etc/apt/sources.list | nc termbin.com 999918:13
murthyBluesKaj: No, I mean are you testing the beta in a virtual machine or contributing?18:14
BluesKajmurthy, no, are you?18:15
murthyBluesKaj: yes18:15
parapanioria: no such file or directory . . ..18:15
ioriaparapan,  cat /etc/apt/sources.list | nc termbin.com 999918:15
BluesKajmurthy, I'm testing the whole 19.04 OS mostly with default packages18:16
murthyBluesKaj: kubuntu?18:17
parapanioria: sorry, I'm stupid ...termbin.com/b0t518:18
tomreynsoapee01: anything in dmesg about the delay?18:18
parapanioria: I've renamed to sources.list.old18:19
parapanioria: in order to create another ....18:19
ioriaparapan,  that is your sources.list or .old ? i need sources.list18:20
soapee01tomreyn: nothing notable18:20
soapee01tomreyn and nothing but temp changes in syslog18:20
tomreynsoapee01: and did you check alignment?18:21
soapee01tomreyn I was googling that18:21
parapanioria: lemme check ..I swear to God 20 minutes ago when I was opening the file it was xenial all over !!!!18:21
tomreynsoapee01: sudo parted /dev/sda align-check opt 1; sudo parted /dev/sdb align-check opt 118:22
tomreynsoapee01: should return 2x "1 aligned"18:22
parapanioria: it is the .old file; the sources.list is empty now18:22
soapee01tomreyn returns not aligned18:23
tomreynsoapee01: i'm good at guessing aint i18:23
parapanioria: should I remove the .old and restore to that content ?18:24
ioriaparapan,  sudo nano /etc/apt/sources.list    and put in there this : http://paste.ubuntu.com/p/cnKFWFDSdV/18:24
soapee01tomreyn nice, still wondering why this raid array hasn't been suffering for the last few years18:25
tomreynsoapee01: also these are 5400 rpm drives18:25
tomreynsoapee01: didnt you say you created it just recently?18:25
tomreyn"...and added a raid1 array for home (that I used on 14.04)" - so I guess you were saying you reassembled it on 18.04, not created it there.18:26
soapee01tomreyn correct18:26
soapee01and no, these are 7200 rpm drives.18:27
tomreynsoapee01: well, you'll have to redo it anyways.18:27
Peyamthat gnome planner is buggy as fuck18:29
ioriaparapan,  then  sudo apt update and paste again   sudo apt full-upgrade | nc termbin.com 999918:31
tomreynsoapee01: https://wikidevi.com/wiki/Western_Digital_Caviar_Green_2_TB,_WD20EARX_(00PASB0) states 5400rpm. but i can't find official specs.18:33
soapee01tomreyn well I guess I need to rsync everything accross and rebuild18:33
tomreynsoapee01: have you run smart checks against them?18:33
soapee01tomreyn yes, short testts pass18:34
tomreynsoapee01: and the other values looked ok? Reallocated_Sector_Ct raw values were 0?18:35
edarfochi guys18:35
edarfocis it allowed to link to a launchpad bug report here to see if anyone can help?18:36
soapee01tomreyn: looks like 7200rpm to me, but probably slows depending on load. I know it parks heads more often. Would rather use a WD RED PRO drive, but funds aren't available for that atm. https://support.wdc.com/knowledgebase/answer.aspx?ID=3892 http://products.wdc.com/library/SpecSheet/ENG/2879-701229.pdf18:37
tomreynedarfoc: sure, just post the link or "bug <bugnumber>"18:37
parapanioria: should I try first the normal upgrade ?18:37
ioriaparapan,  then  sudo apt update and paste again   sudo apt full-upgrade | nc termbin.com 999918:37
edarfoctomreyn: thx!18:38
parapanioria: termbin/8sb018:38
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1592177 in gtk+3.0 (Ubuntu) "Focus drops from search input in GtkFileChooserDialog after first character, which stops searching (broken behaviour)" [Undecided,Confirmed]18:38
soapee01tomreyn, I'd been wanting to change from xfs to ext4 anyhow. I know that can be done in place, but rsync to another drive rebuild md/lvm/mkfs is safer anyhow.18:39
edarfocsee the attached screencast18:39
edarfocthere seems to be a proposed solution18:39
soapee01tomreyn: thanks for the advice. i'll try a rebuild and see hwo it goes.18:39
tomreynsoapee01: the write speed you reported can't just be due to rpm anyways. i assume it'll be fine after you did the partitions properly.18:39
ioriaparapan,  broken, try again and paste the 'full' url18:39
edarfocbut it hasn't attracted the attention of anyone which can make a decision on fixing it18:40
tomreynsoapee01: yeah good luck there.18:40
parapanioria: https://termbin.com/8sb018:40
ioriaparapan,  sudo apt-get -f install18:40
parapanioria: https://termbin.com/6lt718:42
tomreynedarfoc: i'm not surprised. upgrading the graphical desktop within a release is not supported.18:42
tomreyn!latest | edarfoc18:42
ubottuedarfoc: Packages in Ubuntu may not be the latest. Ubuntu aims for stability, so "latest" may not be a good idea. Post-release updates are only considered if they are fixes for security vulnerabilities, high impact bug fixes, or unintrusive bug fixes with substantial benefit. See also !backports, !sru, and !ppa.18:42
ioriaparapan,  say 'yes'18:42
tomreynedarfoc: consider upgrading to 18.04 if you'd still like a newer gnome.18:43
edarfoctomreyn: what worries me most is that it was first reported in 2016 and it is still present, even in cosmic18:43
edarfocI'd just love to see it solved in Disco, or at least before 20.0418:43
parapanioria: I did ....errors were encountered while processing: systemd ..E: sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1)18:44
tomreynedarfoc: sorry, looks like i didnt read enough of it, so it affectes unmodified releases as well18:44
ioriaparapan,  paste them,please18:44
edarfoctomreyn: unmodified?18:45
namhoHello - I am on Kubuntu 18.10, zsh, Konsole, and when I use tmux, none of my keyshortcuts (like ctrl + a) seem to work except ctrl + c and d. I've tried setting set-option -g xterm-keys on, but that does not seem to help18:46
tomreynedarfoc: well the first post is about "upgraded gnome"18:46
parapanioria: how to do that ? are like 15 lines which I cannot copy by hand ...18:46
ioriaparapan,  try     sudo apt-get -f install  -y | nc termbin.com 999918:47
tomreynedarfoc: in case you are Fernando, please note that attaching said screencast does not seemto have worked18:47
edarfoctomreyn: oops18:47
edarfoctomreyn: it works for me18:48
parapanioria: https://termbin.com/m4ej - and after that, the line I've written in the chat ...with dpkg . . .18:48
edarfoctomreyn: AFAIK the bug affects all releases with the gtk+3 file chooser18:48
tomreynedarfoc: and apparently there is upstream activity, or was just 6 days ago18:49
ioriaparapan,  apt-cache policy systemd | nc termbin.com 999918:50
parapanioria: https://termbin.com/fg4c18:51
tomreynedarfoc: fwiw, i've seen the same bug and keep mumbling about QA whenever it happens.18:51
edarfoctomreyn: the upstream bug was closed last year, since it's due to the mentioned Ubuntu patch18:51
edarfoctomreyn: good to see I'm not the only one interested in getting this fixed!18:52
edarfoctomreyn: what to you think I could do to help this to get solved?18:52
tomreynedarfoc: i'm referring to the upstream bug report referred to in the first post of the ubuntu bug you pointed to. https://gitlab.gnome.org/GNOME/gtk/issues/157218:52
tomreynit's open, and young18:53
chom_namho: do they work without tmux? do they work if you use another terminal emulator?18:54
edarfoctomreyn: maybe I posted the wrong link, that one is a duplicate of the following.18:55
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1592177 in gtk+3.0 (Ubuntu) "Focus drops from search input in GtkFileChooserDialog after first character, which stops searching (broken behaviour)" [Undecided,Confirmed]18:56
edarfoctomreyn: there's an older bug report where this was closed for the reason I said. Type-ahead is not present upstream since many years ago.18:57
parapanioria: should I try a reboot ?18:57
tomreynedarfoc: ubuntu bug 1592177 is the bug report you posted here initially, and the one i was looking at.18:58
ubottuUbuntu bug 1592177 in gtk+3.0 (Ubuntu) "Focus drops from search input in GtkFileChooserDialog after first character, which stops searching (broken behaviour)" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/159217718:58
tomreynedarfoc: got bad internet?18:58
ioriaparapan, sy, disconnected18:58
parapanioria: np should I try a reboot ?18:59
ioriaparapan, i don't think so; you have systemd error18:59
parapanioria: it tells me the same things that some packages have unmet dependencies ....should we look for the packages by hand ?19:00
edarfoctomreyn: I think it's just my lack of familiarity with launchpad19:01
edarfoctomreyn: anyway, somewhere else therein you have the link to the old upstream bug19:02
edarfoctomreyn: I'll link to it in the new upstream bug so that it can be closed.19:02
tomreynedarfoc: in the header of the ubuntu bug there is a reference to upstream *gtk* bug report https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=767736 - which is old.19:05
ubottuGnome bug 767736 in Widget: GtkFileChooser "Built-in search almost impossible to use in GTK file chooser" [Normal,Resolved: obsolete]19:05
edarfoctomreyn: this19:06
tomreynedarfoc: so, yes, it seem to have some loose ends, cleaning up may help. i don't think there is much you can do at this point to increase likelyness that soemone will take on it, though.19:07
ioriaparapan, your systemd policy does not look correct to me19:08
parapanioria: so how do I correct it ?19:08
edarfoctomreyn: what's a better moment? when we're closed to the next release?19:09
tomreynedarfoc: you could maybe ask in #ubuntu-desktop during uk business hours whether they consider it relevant, fell like it should get higher prio. but that's about it, i guess.19:09
ioriaparapan, can you run without errors : sudo apt autoremove --purge19:09
tomreynwe *are* close to the next release, and too close to get changes in19:09
namhochom_, yeah it works without tmux and it doesn't help with any other terminals, including virtual terminal.19:10
edarfoctomreyn: thanks, sorry for so many questions, I haven't used ubuntu that much, I used to be a fedora user19:10
namhoI think I found the culprit, though - it appears like there's something in my zsh config that might be doing it19:10
parapanioria: nope, the same error following packages have unmet dependencies ...19:10
tomreynedarfoc: oh thats fine, i dont mind at all,we're here to support.19:10
namhobash and an empty zsh config works - so going over this line by line19:10
ioriaparapan, your current kernel ? uname -r19:11
parapanioria: 4.4.0.-141-gneric19:12
ioriaparapan,  dpkg -l | grep linux-image | nc termbin.com 999919:13
parapanioria: nc: getaddrinfo: Temporary failure in name resolution19:14
namhochom_, it was this setting in my zsh that was causing the issue: export EDITOR=nvim.... ɿ(。・ɜ・)ɾ no clue why that would mess that up19:14
ioriaparapan,  dpkg -l | grep linux-image-4.15  (and paste the output here)19:15
parapanioria: there is no output19:16
ioriaparapan,  so you don't have the bionic kernel installed19:17
parapanioria: how is this possible ?19:17
ioriaparapan,  paste  ls /boot19:18
parapanioria: I guess compiling from sources will be a pain in the *ss ?19:18
chom_namho: How did you figure that out?19:18
ioriaparapan,  probably the do-release-upgrade aborted very badly19:18
ioriaparapan,  paste  ls /boot to confirm19:19
parapanioria: https://termbin.com/ql0r19:19
parapanthere is no 4.15 ....19:19
ioriaparapan,  cat /etc/issue19:21
parapanioria: Ubuntu 18.04.1 LTS \n \l19:21
ioriaparapan,  try to install the kernel, but probably you'll get the same error;  sudo apt install linux-generic19:22
parapanioria: same error related to missing dependencies . . .19:23
ioriaparapan,  try again sudo dpkg --configure -a    (after that you need to install the kernel manually)19:24
parapanioria: it lists all packages with errors ....like 10 of them . . .19:26
parapanioria: and I never installed the kernel manually ...19:26
parapanioria: I guess is a painfull process ....19:27
ioriaparapan,  ^ not even sure it could help19:27
ioriaparapan,  from mainline, no, just 3 packages to install with  dpkg -i19:27
parapanioria: at this point you would advice to erase all and start fresh ?19:27
ioriaparapan,  sudo apt clean && sudo apt autoclean19:28
parapanioria: done19:29
parapanioria: no errors19:29
ioriaparapan,  sudo apt update | nc termbin.com 999919:29
parapanioria: https://termbin.com/3uap19:30
ioriaparapan,  891 packages can be upgraded ?  it tells to me that the do-release-upgrade to bionic nener started19:31
parapanioria: sounded strage to me too, but, what should I say ?19:31
ioriaparapan,  try again  sudo apt full-upgrade    and after sudo apt-get install -f19:32
BluesKajwas LTS only turned off?19:33
parapanioria: almost the same , now the systemdE: sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code 119:34
parapanioria: I think it is badly damaged ....19:35
ioriaparapan,  do you have backups ?19:35
parapanioria: nope ....I ca do them ....strangely, the web server is working, the printserver too ...19:37
ioriaparapan,  if not do it; after you can try to remove/install pks manually19:37
OerHeksparapan, is this bare metal or AWS? abi-4.4.0-139-generic19:37
ioriaunless someone wants to jump in it19:37
parapanOerHeks: didn't get the terms bro . . . don't know how to answer ...19:38
parapanioria: thanks for trying man ! I think it won't get solved today ....gotta figure out what I need from the server files and let it go . . . .19:39
ioriaparapan,  as you wish19:39
parapanioria: I think it will be much more consuming ...19:40
parapanioria: everything tried so far gives the same issue . . ..19:40
ioriaparapan,  can you paste  ps -A | head -219:40
ioriaparapan,  ps -A | head -2     please19:41
parapanioria: just a sec I've tried a restart ...19:41
ioriaparapan,  not a good idea19:41
parapanPID TTY -> TIME CMD / 1 ? 00:00:01 systemd19:43
parapanioria: there are 4 FAILED lines when reboot ...all of them related to unable to create virtual smth ..on the dev .......and other virtual files and directories . . .19:44
ioriaparapan,  apt-cache policy apt | nc termbin.com 999919:46
parapanioria: https://termbin.com/20gla19:47
OerHeksthat apt 1.6.6 is held back in those  872 not upgraded i guess19:48
ioriaparapan,  apt-cache policy systemd | nc termbin.com 999919:48
parapanioria: https://termbin.com/y14e19:50
ioriaparapan,  dpkg -l systemd | nc termbin.com 999919:53
OerHeksmaybe his system has a filesystem error and is RO, so updates get wonky?19:54
parapanioria: https://termbin.com/0yup19:54
ioriaparapan,  can you  run  'touch filename'19:55
parapanioria: how  ? simply executed gives no output19:56
OerHeksoke, then it is not RO19:56
ioriaparapan,  ls filename19:56
OerHeksno error = oke19:56
parapanioria: filename19:57
whoami_hello what's up with you19:57
ioriaparapan, dod you have ppa installed ? ls /etc/apt/sources.list.d19:59
parapanioria: https://termbin.com/lrk6y20:01
OerHekssudo dpkg --configure -a 2>&1 | nc termbin.com 999920:01
OerHeksand run apt install -f after that20:01
OerHeksthen you should be able to dist-upgrade20:02
ioriaOerHeks, already tried20:02
ioriaparapan, sudo rm -rf /var/cache/apt/*20:02
parapanOerHeks: doesn't give an http . . .20:03
parapanioria: done20:03
ioriaparapan, sudo apt update20:04
parapanioria: 891 packages can be upgraded20:05
ioriaparapan, sudo apt install systemd -y20:05
parapanioria: same error ...the following packages have unmet dependencies . . .20:06
parapanioria: try apt-get -f install to correct these . . ..20:06
namhochom_, I tested bash and zsh without any configs, both worked. So I commented out everything in my zshrc and went through them line by line until I found the one that was causing the problem.20:06
namhoreally bizarre, for sure.20:07
ioriaparapan, sudo apt-get -f install | nc termbin.com 999920:08
parapanioria: https://termbin.com/q9to20:09
ioriaparapan, sorry,  sudo apt-get -f install -y | nc termbin.com 999920:11
parapanioria: https://termbin.com/hm7b20:11
OerHekshttps://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2406453 "Well. Problem is the root folder has user as an owner" ???20:12
OerHeksstat -c "%U %G" /20:12
OerHeksroot root ... or..20:13
parapanOerHeks: admin root if you asked me . . ..20:15
ioriaparapan, sudo rm /var/lib/dpkg/info/systemd.postinst20:15
parapanioria: done20:16
ioriaparapan, sudo apt-get install -f -y20:16
parapanioria: no error20:16
parapanioria: jesus ...it's doing smth different ....20:17
ioriaparapan, ok20:17
parapanioria: unpacking things and processing ...20:17
ioriaparapan, wait a bit (a long bit)20:17
parapanioria: if it;s going to work, maybe you'll be so kind to tell me in english what the problem was ....:D20:18
parapanioria: done20:18
ioriaparapan, sudo apt full-upgrade20:18
parapanioria: warning some configuration files could not be opened ...20:19
parapanioria: Y-haaaa !20:19
ioriaparapan, and ?20:19
parapanioria: we're back in busness ..downloading a lot of packages ....20:19
ioriaparapan, ok20:19
parapanioria: keeping the fingers crossed here ....:D20:20
ioriaparapan, keep in mind that by now you're upgrading your suppodsed xenial box to bionic in a manner not very canonical20:20
parapanioria: ok, better that broken man ...better than nothing .....:D20:21
ioriaparapan, fine20:21
parapanioria: it will take a while .....5% done20:22
ioriaparapan, as i saoid, a long bit20:22
parapanioria: I have no problem ~ don't know about your schedule tough ...20:22
AlexMaxSorry to repeat.20:23
AlexMaxI'm using Ubuntu 18.0420:23
AlexMaxAnd I'm having an incredibly bizarre problem with my mouse.20:23
AlexMaxand it's driving me up the wall.20:23
AlexMaxSometimes, when I use the scroll wheel, the first 'click' of the scroll wheel will cause my currently selected window to scroll down a ton first.20:24
compdocand 2nd click stops it?20:25
AlexMaxWell, I'm not actually clicking on the scroll wheel.  In other words, it's not a middle click.20:25
AlexMax"Click" of the scroll wheel means rotating it by one tic20:25
AlexMaxBut yeah, sometimes when i rotate it by one tic, either direction, I get tons of 'scroll down'.20:26
AlexMaxBut then the tics immediately following it will be fine and only scroll it a little bit.20:26
AlexMaxAnd there's no rhyme or reason to it.20:27
AlexMaxAlthough usually I notice it after I do an alt-tab20:27
AlexMaxbut if I try to alt-tab back and forth to attempt to force it to be wonky, it works fine.20:28
compdocis it an old mouse?20:29
AlexMaxNot particularly.  More importantly, this does not happen in Windows.20:29
AlexMaxI dual boot and I've never once experienced it in windows, so it's not a hardware problem.20:29
qwebirc32915Hello, lads! I have very annoying problem. From time to time, Ubuntu's topbar disappears!20:32
ioriaqwebirc32915, maybe some details about your sys, and extensions installed ....20:34
AlexMaxI'm using a desktop machine, built it myself.  No extensions that I know of - I'm using Vanilla LTS 18.0420:35
parapanioria: errors were encountered while processing /tmp/apt-dpkg-install-rMg4Zk/581-screen_4.6.2-1ubuntu1_amd64.deb20:39
parapanioria: sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code 120:40
parapanioria: what else ?20:41
ioriaparapan, remove screen ; sudo apt purge screen20:43
parapanioria: in progress . . . . .20:45
parapanioria: done20:56
ioriaparapan, dpkg -l | grep linux-image | nc termbin.com 999920:57
parapanioria: again, some errors were encountered when processing /usr/bin/dpkg20:57
ioriaparapan, about what ?20:57
parapanioria: that returned an error code 120:58
ioriaparapan, about what pkg ?20:58
parapanioria: https://termbin.com/68k520:58
parapanioria: sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code 120:59
fallenourHas anyone had issues with the new 18.04 LTS builds? I just did a full new deployment, and im having issues with snap. ALl of the snap instances deployed to exactly 100% install space for the /dev/loop* space that they carved for themselves, but now they cant even complete a docker container list command due to lack of space. Any ideas here?21:00
fallenourThe space availale is in the TB range, so I know at the least its not an available total drive space.21:00
ioriaparapan, maybe ia'm no clear; that error is related to a pkg ... what pkg ?21:01
leftyfbfallenour: snaps will show as using 100% of the loop mount, that's how they work21:01
ioriaparapan, btw, your bionic kernel is 'it  linux-image-4.15.0-43-generic '  t = triggers-pending (package has been triggered)21:02
fallenourleftyfb: ok. The issue is though I cant do anything because I keep getting: "E: Write Error - write (28: No space left on device)21:03
parapanioria: there is no other info ...only that some errors were encountered while processing /usr/bin/dpkg .....that's the full message21:03
fallenourleftyfb: I also cant finish the installs on anything in those spaces, for each snap item.21:03
parapanioria: I saw that now, last row21:03
fallenourleftyfb: Ive never had this issue before.21:03
parapanioria: what's next ...?21:03
ioriaparapan, sudo apt full-upgrade -y | nc termbin.com 999921:03
parapanioria: https://termbin.com/6lq521:04
ioriaparapan, and ?21:05
parapanioria:  a lot of errors: E: write error - write (32: Broken pipe)21:06
canurabusHi all. I installed Ubuntu on an external hard drive on a machine that has Windows 10 installed on its primary hard drive. When I boot into Ubuntu, I can't access my Windows 10 hard drive. Does anyone know how I can mount it?21:06
ioriaparapan, can i see those erors ?21:06
parapanioria: gve th command without termbin ...dpkg:error processing package rsyslog21:07
parapanioria: installed rsyslog package post-installation script subprocess returned error exit status 121:08
ioriaparapan, sduo rm /var/lib/dpkg/info/rsyslog.postinst21:09
ioriaparapan, sudo rm /var/lib/dpkg/info/rsyslog.postinst21:09
leftyfbfallenour: maybe try #snappy?21:11
leftyfbfallenour: I have no issue installing snaps on 18.0421:12
parapanioria: done21:12
ioriaparapan, sudomapt full-upgrade21:12
ioriaparapan, sudo apt full-upgrade21:12
parapanioria: done21:13
ioriaparapan, and ?21:13
fallenourleftyfb: Ill jump in and see whats up. I appreciate the help. the issue isnt installing. The init install added the snaps no problem, the issue is after they are installed. I cant even list the containers21:13
=== phoenix_firebrd is now known as murthy
parapanioria: warning apt had planned for dpkg to do more that it reported back (0 vs4). Affected packages: rsyslog: amd64 that's all21:14
ioriaparapan,  sudo apt-get install -f21:14
leftyfbfallenour: snaps aren't docker containers21:14
fallenourleftyfb: I know, thats the issue though, it installed my docker as a snap too though. Also for LXD21:15
parapanioria: 0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded21:15
ioriaparapan,  sudo dpkg --configure -a21:15
fallenour http://paste.ubuntu.com/p/ZBsxBmD4fv/21:15
parapanioria: nothing21:15
ioriaparapan, dpkg -l | grep linux-image | nc termbin.com 999921:15
parapanioria: https://termbin.com/es7121:16
fallenourAlso, whoever made the pastebinit, I love you. Id give beer, but alas, I do not know who thy most holyness is. For surely, they are the saviors of us lowly peasants.21:16
OerHeksioria, let him do a memtest86 run, these errors occuring are so weird21:17
ioriaparapan, broken, try again21:17
parapanioria: https://termbin.com/es7l21:17
ioriaOerHeks, you're probably right21:17
ioriaparapan, apt-cache policy apt | nc termbin.com 999921:18
OerHeksi really follow you, and am baffled too21:18
fallenourioria: dude...like whoa level images. Definitely need to clean that up at some point.21:18
parapanioria: https://termbin.com/eufk21:19
ioriaparapan, you can try a reboot21:19
parapanioria: in progress21:19
ioriafallenour, yes21:20
parapanioria: logged in again, during reboot I have the same 4 Fail with creating smth in /dev ...and virtual files and directories ...21:21
fallenourioria: parapan Whats the issue you are having? I dont minding helping if I can while looking into mine.21:22
ioriaparapan, uname -r21:22
parapanOerHeks: 4.15.0.-43-generic21:22
parapanfallenour: failed update from 16.04 lts to 18.0421:22
ioriaparapan, ok, sudo apt update && sudo apt full-upgrade21:23
OerHeks.. upgrade to 18,04, this is new info21:23
leftyfbfallenour: btw, at least with lxd, containers do not get installed within the snap container. They get installed to the typical place in a filesystem. In the case of lxd, it's in /var/lib/lxd with the settings going in /var/snap/lxd. It's more likely the same thing with docker21:24
parapanioria: all packages are up to date ...0 upgr, 0 updated, 0 to remove, 0 not upgraded21:24
OerHekssnaps can keep 3 versions21:24
ioriaparapan, it looks fine to me now, maybe you should paste those boot errors but ia'm leaving now21:25
parapanioria: I have a message after login ....upgr from 16.04 lts to 18.04 lts by running sudo do-release-upgrade -p21:26
ioriaparapan, as OerHeks said, maybe chyeck your hw system21:26
ioriaparapan, not useful anymore that msg21:26
parapanioria: ok, so i'm good for now ?21:26
ioriaparapan, i guess so (as i said we need to see those errors), bye21:27
parapanioria: thanks for taking the trouble ....highly appreciated man !21:27
OerHeksjust go into software updates, set to LTS to LTS, and upgrade normally21:27
parapanOerHeks: sudo apt-get upgrade tells all packages are up to date ...21:28
parapanOerHeks: ssh is back on, I think all the other services are working too . . .I will check tomorrow ....21:29
OerHekshave fun!21:30
parapanOerHeks: 10x man !21:30
parapanover and out brothers !21:30
OerHeks!sunday-icecream ioria21:30
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knstnEvening! Do you think it's possible, to extract the gnome-theme from ubuntu 18.10 and use it on other distro?21:36
westorhello, i've just upgrade from windows to kubuntu my old laptop but i cannot find my wifi network on the list (it was pretty connected before on windows) any idea how to solve this ? thanks21:39
OerHeksknstn, you might find the theme on gnome.org?21:39
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knstnOerHeks: I'll give it a try. I tested it in a vm, and looks so good, that i'm about to change my main desktop to it21:41
Eisenherzhi all21:55
tomreynhey Eisenherz, this channel we use just for support, if you have a question, please just ask. to chat about ubuntu, try #ubuntu-discuss, or #ubuntu-offtopic for everything else (as long as it's within the boundaries of the general community rules here)21:58
Eisenherznice thank you21:59
leonardusThe dock is showing on the lock screen, some open applications aren't showing on the dock, and some closed application are showing on the dock22:23
leonardusanyone else having a similar issue?22:23
leonardusseems like a pretty urgent security issue that the dock is showing when the computer is locked22:24
leftyfblead_pipe23: https://github.com/micheleg/dash-to-dock/issues/64922:25
leftyfbsudo mv /usr/share/gnome-shell/extensions/ubuntu-dock@ubuntu.com ~/22:25
leftyfbfixed it for me22:26
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tomreynbug 176938322:30
ubottubug 1769383 in gnome-shell-extension-ubuntu-dock (Ubuntu Cosmic) "Ubuntu dock/launcher is shown on the lock screen" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/176938322:30
leonardusleftyfb, now I have no dock22:31
leftyfbleonardus: ok, my bad. I guess that was dumb on my part, put it back. sudo mv ~/ubuntu-dock@ubuntu.com /usr/share/gnome-shell/extensions/22:32
leftyfbtomreyn: looks like they're backporting it to cosmic, but no mention of their latest LTS release22:35
tomreynleftyfb: bionic "in progress" on top22:36
leftyfbah right22:36
leftyfbwas just reading the last comments22:36
tomreynthis should probably have a cve22:39
syeekickapt list --installed >> output.txt            would this work in all debian based systems?23:19
Aaronman apt23:19
tko1977Anyone thought about the overall process of incorporating GTK 3's gtk-primary-button-warps-slider into radio button-style graphical preferences when using Ubuntu? (For adjusting left button mouse clicks.) I've seen several requests in different forums to do this.23:28
sgianHi all, I have a question about syncing (incremental backup) of a windows 10 workstation to a linux server, if anyone has experience with this?23:30
Oolsgian: with backuppc or similar you can do it23:30
guivercsgian, i'd see that as a windows 10 question;  after all all my backup commands are on the machine I want to backup, the file-server just saves that data & is not involved.23:34
sgianOol, thank you for the response..there is a stipulation that I failed to mention.. the backup has to be  pulled from the linux machine.  I briefly pulled up the backuppc page but it's not immedietly clear23:34
sgianool, is it possible with this?23:35
tko1977re: left button mouse clicks i guess things didn't go so well in the past with rolling out Unity so basically they leave preference settings up to the core devs to implement (I use Xubuntu but dabble in vanilla Ubuntu too)23:35
sgianguiverc, well, it actually has to be pulled from the linux machine, and can't be pushed from the windows machine23:36
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tko1977extensibility is something that could be worked on with the GTK configs23:37
Guest83283If you select the "use entire disk" option during installation will that automatically create a swap partition too?23:37
guivercsgian, i can't help; if it were me I'd just `scp` from the machine-being-backed up to the file-server; not pull.23:38
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sgianguiverc: its a one way vpn..so it has to be a pull... i can ssh from the target to the source, but having issues getting scp to work...thank you for the help and response23:39
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sgianool: looks like that might work...thank you for the suggestion23:42
tko1977i need to do some more research about it23:43
Guest13151If I check "use entire disk" during the install it should create a swap partition automatically right? I think thats what happens23:45
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OerHeksGuest13151, standard a swapfile, in the 1 partition scheme23:49
Guest13151OerHeks: what?23:49
OerHekssee "for new installs .. " https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BionicBeaver/ReleaseNotes#Other_base_system_changes_since_16.04_LTS23:50
OerHeksso, entire disk is oke23:50
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