
=== craigbass76 is now known as usedtobecraig
Kumoolanonnumberanon: yes00:11
anonnumberanonKumool thanks. I may back up old system02:16
=== brainwash_ is now known as brainwash
Kumoolanonnumberanon: you wouldn't need to if you split /home into its own partition02:52
Kumoolthe rest is just a cp -r /etc ~/backup02:52
KumoolI have experienced an unrecoverable error on nearly all unices02:53
SeTunTunHi, I am new to xubuntu. I isntalled 18.04 and after many problems with sound and graphic card i am facing som smaller problems and doubts.12:53
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience12:55
SeTunTuni own a laptop with 1024*600 px resolution. Some programs don't hide their buttons outside the window. Is there a way to show them? In ubuntu i could swithch to another desktop and see the missing part there.12:57
knomeSeTunTun, do you mean "to move the windows in order to see the window decorations"?14:10
SeTunTuni mean, for instance if you move part of a window outside the desktop, it would be useful it that missing part aeears in the next desktop.14:31
SeTunTunlike ubuntu does14:32
knomeright, nope, i don't think that's possible with the xfce components14:32
SeTunTunoh! it's a pity. I won't be able to see the options of many programs that are hidden ouside the desktops14:35
xubuntu88dinstalled Xubuntu and it is quite awesome! One issue is can not get sound from my speaker.....or no sound from anywhere. Did have both Ubuntu and Puppy Linux running in the past and both produced good sound from 1st install -- no issue. Any ideas??14:35
knomeSeTunTun, you could try fiddling with the dpi if you generally wanted to make more fit your screen (at the expense of text size of course)14:36
SeTunTunknome, good idea. I'll try. Thanks15:01
xubuntu04wI was also updating was only half downloaded, I was told to check my internet connection. Can I just run the update at once so will it download the rest and install everything?15:36
SeTunTunknome i'm afraid i have no option in references to increase the resolution15:58
knomeSeTunTun, not resolution, i was referring to DPI16:00
knomexubuntu04w, yes16:00
knomeSeTunTun, but i remembered that would also affect window sizes, however it does not seem to..16:01
knomemaybe that was a gtk2 thing16:01
SeTunTunknome, don't worry. Let's forget about it for the moment.16:02
SeTunTunI hava another issue... I paired my phone via bluetooth and after following a tutorial i can examine the fils in my phone. The phone is mounted as an external unit in thunar16:05
SeTunTunthe problem comes when i clic on the unmount icon in thunar and i get an error teling i don't have permissions. Could anybody help?16:06
dreamon_dont know why, but all usb sticks/hdd I plugin were automounted to /media/usb0-9. I disabled all automount features but I think gvfs-udisks2-volume-monitor is the reason. I cannot stop this behavior.16:36
=== dreamon_ is now known as dreamon
SeTunTuni've been testing some distrbutions along these years and maybe it's only my feeling but i think xbuntu is full of bugs.16:46
SeTunTunit's an exasperating challenge for a normal user16:46
Gen86when my audio is silient i keep hearing a static sound and cant in the volume controls fix it16:48
Gen86in headphones16:49
Gen86speaker its fine16:49
Gen86or not noticable16:50
gnrpGen86: Do you have this with every OS?16:51
Gen86not that i noticed no16:51
Gen86I mean i could go back into mac and see if its doing it too16:52
Gen86but never was on my (possibly rip) pc16:52
Gen86this old imac i was using to learn linux is kind of my backup til i can maybe get a new thing16:52
Gen86for the important stuff like internet16:53
Gen86wanna see what i could do in here first16:54
Gen86like is there a setting im missing16:54
Gen86ill bbl16:56
someone235Hi, I wanna open executable with double click. Someone knows how can I do that?20:35
diogenes_someone235, just double click on it?20:36
someone235diogenes_, it opens "open with" window20:36
someone235diogenes_, I can execute from terminal without any problem, btw20:36
someone235diogenes_, It's a shared library file20:37
diogenes_so how you run it o terminal?20:40
someone235diogenes_, I just run the file name20:40
someone235just like this20:41
diogenes_you need to navigate to its folder first20:41
someone235diogenes_, it works from terminal20:44
someone235diogenes_, but not with double click20:44
someone235on thunar20:44
diogenes_did you make it executable?20:44
someone235I couldn't run it from terminal if it wasn't executable20:44
diogenes_someone235, you could make a shortcut for it a .desktop file20:45
someone235diogenes_, I know, but it's not comfortable to make a shortcut for each executable. I just want double click to work by default20:46
diogenes_someone235, navigate to /usr/bin in thunar and double click on firefox binary20:47
diogenes_see if that works20:47
someone235diogenes_, it works20:48
diogenes_so it means it's not for every binary20:48
diogenes_it's for that particular one20:48
someone235firefox is a shortcut20:48
someone235diogenes_, it doesn't work for /usr/lib/firefox/firefox20:49
someone235diogenes_, does it work for you?20:49
diogenes_my ff is in /opt/firefox/firefox20:51
diogenes_and it works20:51
=== GridCube_ is now known as GridCube
tko1977thank god for GTK and gtk-primary-button-warps-slider, I was missing this functionality when I used KWin/Kubuntu23:22
tko1977handy feature in settings.ini23:22
tko1977they should have radio button settings for left button mouse click (and others) incorporated in preferences. I guess the devs have to want to do that..23:25
tko1977i need to do some more research about it23:43

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