
=== lotuspsychje_ is now known as lotuspsychje
CryptoSiDanyone able to boot on kernel 4.19.0 on cosmic?13:51
CryptoSiDon disco i meant13:52
murthyI am not able to find a package using the command "sudo apt-cache search <packagename>" in 19.0419:22
murthyalso are the snaps the default way of packaging software?19:23
TJ-murthy: 1) unknown since you didn't give the package name 2) no19:26
murthyTJ-: libopencv is the package name19:28
TJ-!info libopencv disco19:29
ubottuPackage libopencv does not exist in disco19:29
TJ-!info libopencv cosmic19:29
ubottuPackage libopencv does not exist in cosmic19:29
TJ-!find libopencv19:29
ubottuFound: libopencv-apps-dev, libopencv-apps1d, libopencv-calib3d-dev, libopencv-calib3d3.2, libopencv-contrib-dev, libopencv-contrib3.2, libopencv-core-dev, libopencv-core3.2, libopencv-dev, libopencv-features2d-dev (and 6611 others) http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?keywords=libopencv&searchon=names&suite=disco&section=all19:29
murthyTJ-: but sudo apt-cache search libopencv is suppose to return packages with names *libopencv*19:30
murthyTJ-: I am on kubuntu 18.10 and the command return result properly19:31
TJ-!info libopencv-contrib3.219:31
ubottulibopencv-contrib3.2 (source: opencv): computer vision contrlib library. In component universe, is optional. Version 3.2.0+dfsg-5ubuntu1 (disco), package size 1532 kB, installed size 5322 kB19:31
TJ-murthy: have you enabled the "Universe" component?19:31
murthyTJ-: no, but at least I think it should return libopencv-core which is in the regular repository 19:32
murthyTJ-: yes the libopencv-core is from universe and I think I have enabled it19:33
murthyTJ-: so all of opencv libs are from universe?19:33
TJ-murthy: apparently yes19:34
murthyTJ-: let me check if the universe is enabled in 19.0419:34
murthyTJ-: Universe repository was not enabled on 19.04, after enabling it, I am able to search using the command and get results, my mistake.19:39
TJ-murthy: catches me out occassionally on new installs when I forget19:39
murthyya, I never thought I would be in universe19:40
murthyTJ-: Since 19.04 is feature frozen, can I file a feature request to bump opencv from v3.2 to v4.0.1 or is it too late?19:44
murthyI mean not feature frozen19:45
TJ-murthy: Sure; check if it is sync-ed from Debian since if it is then it really ought to update in Debian first19:45
murthyTJ-: dfsg means package synced from debian?19:51
TJ-it means some things were left out to meet the Debian Free Software Guidlines19:52
TJ-that's a Debian specific packaging version tag 19:53
TJ- 3.2.0+dfsg-5ubuntu1 means upstream version 3.2.0 less DFSG removals, debian patchesversion 5, ubuntu patches version 119:54
murthyTJ-: I think the following is the link to the package on launchpad, can you tell me if the package is synced from debian, I think I have amnesia, I forgot most of the stuff about packaging https://launchpad.net/opencv1/+packages19:54
murthyso its synced from debian?19:56
TJ-murthy: see https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/opencv/+publishinghistory  for the Ubuntu packages19:57
TJ-murthy: see the changelog, and the Merge from Debian. https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/opencv/+changelog19:59
murthyIt is synced from debian unstable?20:01
murthyTJ-: ^20:01
TJ-murthy: from testing, looking at package.debian.org20:07
CryptoSiDI tried booting into 4.19.0 once again after reinstalling the kernel and grub but It always get me in (initramfs) https://i.imgur.com/6s0dJo4.png and https://i.imgur.com/tkX4n2E.png22:59
CryptoSiDI'm still able to boot 4.18.0-1422:59

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