
GoopHello, I am having issues booting into my Ubuntu 18.04 desktop image. I can't seem to figure out how to fix the image from my Ubuntu 16.04 live flashdrive. Any help?00:52
jordan1scan you load ubuntu 18.04 onto unetbootin?00:54
Goopjordan1s, I don't understand.00:56
jordan1syou're having issues updating from 16 to 18?00:57
OerHekswe surely need more information01:00
jordan1sI would run a fresh install with unetbootin if that's the case. someone smarter than I may have a different solution though01:01
OerHeksunetbootin is depreciated, rufus or etcher are recommended tools01:02
OerHeksbut what is the real question, why does 18.04 not boot, what goes wrong on what hardware?01:03
Goopjordan1s, OerHeks, I am running Ubuntu 16.04 on a live disk. I have a corrupted image of Ubuntu 18.04 installed on the hard drive that I would like to recover.01:06
GoopThe system was taking too long to reboot, so I manually powered it down. It hasn't booted normally (functionally) since.01:06
open_source2KGood afternoon everyone.01:27
margaritamikeHi folks01:48
margaritamikeHow in heavens name can I get a version of scheme other than 9.1.1, which is what comes with ubuntu01:48
jophishHi all01:54
oceanquakemargaritamike: aren't there several different scheme implementations?  are you after a specific one?01:54
jophishI've got a strange problem and have had trouble pinning down the source01:55
jophishSince rebooting my system has become unbearably slow01:55
jophishhowever nothing significant shows up in htop01:55
jophishand there is no huge disk activity shown in iostat01:55
jophishI'm at a loss as to what it could be01:56
jophishthe slowness manifests itself particularly when typing, for instance into the url bar in Firefox, or in the program search menu01:56
jophishtyping in the terminal seems to be unaffected01:56
RoDiMuS-XEPIC5-2.0.1 (Indolence) + LiCe v5.3.0 (blackwind)02:07
jophishah, it was the cpu frequency being set too low02:07
leftyfbRoDiMuS-X: can we help you with something?02:14
oceanquakeSo I'm on Bionic, but I've a machine with a graphics chipset that needs a 4.19+ kernel for proper support (have already enountered a hard lockup on 4.15.x kernel).  Using Ukuu and pullig in the latest 4.20 series kernel listed, it looks like the accompanying firmware modules don't include a number of ati firmware files (and in fact, I believe one of the missing firmware files may apply to my hardware).  What's the best approach to get a newer02:16
oceanquakekernel series installed with a complete firmware modules package accompanying it?02:16
leftyfboceanquake: 4.20 isn't supported here yet.02:17
oceanquakeleftyfb: How about 4.19?02:18
leftyfboceanquake: where does it say your graphics chipset only works in 4.19+?02:19
leftyfboceanquake: 4.19 was just released 3 months ago. You have a graphics chipset that says it only works with a kernel released 3 months ago?02:22
OerHeksmaybe ryzen with 4.18, but that would be cosmic18.1002:25
Oolor with HWE if it's yet possible, to stay with bionic02:26
Oolbut with 4.1802:26
leftyfbThere's no version of ubuntu with 4.19 https://packages.ubuntu.com/search?keywords=linux-image-generic02:27
GoopI'm trying to fix my broken Ubuntu 18.04 image. I am trying these commands:02:29
Goopubuntu@ubuntu:~$ sudo mount /dev/sda2 /mnt02:29
Goopubuntu@ubuntu:~$ sudo grub-install --root-directory=/mnt /dev/sda02:29
GoopThe file /mnt/boot/grub/stage1 not read correctly.02:29
oceanquakeleftyfb: I'm trying to find my notes on this (still looking), but the graphics chipset itself doesn't tell me anything.  There were specific bug fixes for the chipset series (Vega 10) I have that were implemented in one of the later 4.18 series, with some others coming in in 4.19.  It's a relatively new APU, and unsurprising that the Linux support lags windows.  On 4.15, as I said, I am seeing hard lockups and when the system runs, dmesg shows02:29
oceanquakecrash traces coming from the gpu driver.02:29
OerHekssupport for vega is fixed some time ago, and fresh build for 18.04.1 https://www.amd.com/en/support/kb/release-notes/rn-prorad-lin-18-3002:36
OerHeksbut the ppa might be more helpfull02:37
oceanquakeOerHeks: what is the path to the ppa?02:39
OerHeksoibaf i think https://launchpad.net/~oibaf/+archive/ubuntu/graphics-drivers02:43
OerHeksbut use at your own risc02:43
oceanquakeOerHeks: this would contain backports for changes made to amdgpu that were merged into later kernels?02:44
OerHeksi hope so, there are some tips on DRI3 here too https://linuxconfig.org/how-to-install-the-latest-amd-radeon-drivers-on-ubuntu-18-04-bionic-beaver-linux02:46
=== capella|away is now known as capella
qwebirc40338Hello everyone. Does someone know how to change the mirrors on the minimal iso? The reason is because I have setup a local mirror for my lab pc's and I would like that the installer used that ( Because of metered internet connection )03:23
ryuoqwebirc40338: you can mess around with /etc/apt/sources.list and /etc/apt/sources.list.d but i don't know otherwise.03:24
Sushi-sanMy USB printer is only printing the first page of any job on 18.04 LTS. What should I do?03:24
Sushi-sanThe proper drivers are installed03:24
ryuoqwebirc40338: the only way i know of to install from a mirror is to do a manual install via debootstrap.03:24
JoeLlamado you like matsumaezuke Sushi-san?03:25
qwebirc40338ryuo: thanks it were they were located on the ISO because I would like to use them even within the installer but still thanks for the respons03:25
mx500hi all03:25
mx500ubuntu the best03:26
qwebirc40338and thanks I will try to take a look on debootstrap03:26
ryuoqwebirc40338: it's an expert option. you have to know how to configure Ubuntu yourself.03:26
ryuoqwebirc40338: i can give you my command notes if it would help you.03:27
qwebirc40338sure thanks03:27
mx500_when is ubuntu taking over windows03:29
ryuoqwebirc40338: moment.03:39
qwebirc40338no worries at all ryuo03:39
ryuoqwebirc40338: http://dpaste.com/274030203:45
qwebirc40338thank you very much ryuo that helps alot and looks pretty easy for me to make to me03:48
ryuoqwebirc40338: yes, the main issue is system specific configuration such as block device layout and networking.03:49
qwebirc40338ryuo: yeah true but still its way better for me to create the lab pc's that way for now to not use that much data compared to have to download it from the internet everytime03:53
janat08if you uninstall root, you could just login as root user still?03:57
OerHeksuninstall root, if you could do that .. but no, you can disable root access in your account, and not getting it back. to restore that you need to recovery mode, single user03:59
janat08I meant sudo package04:01
janat08like in splash screen choose login as another user, and enter root04:02
OerHeksthere is no root account, it is disabled.04:02
hggdhjanat08: it is a really bad idea to login as root.04:02
ubottuDo not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo04:02
OerHeksi think the whole desktop disappears with removing that sudo package04:03
janat08it is possible to leave sudo apt remove in cli, and then enter another sudo command :D04:05
Kumoolwhat's best, laptop-mode-tools or tlp?04:08
SlidingHornKumool: "best" is subjective.  It depends on each user and their requirements/preferences.04:08
leftyfbKumool: apt-cache show <package name>   # use this to read the description of each and decide for yourself. Or try them both and decide what best suits your personal needs.04:10
KumoolWell, does one have more features than the other? which is better mantained04:10
Kumoolit seems laptop-mode-tools is less maintained04:10
OerHeksi think laptop-mode-tools are more kernel advanced04:11
ryuoqwebirc40338: lab PC? you might be interested in using overlayroot.04:12
ryuoqwebirc40338: basically allows the root FS to be used without modification.04:12
ryuoqwebirc40338: you can make a separate home partition that is cleaned up after each user session or something.04:13
ryuoqwebirc40338: it does complicate updates a bit though, so you may want to reboot with this feature disabled when you do updates.04:13
ryuoqwebirc40338: though you can use overlay-chroot to update it, but it tends to have issues with grub.04:14
qwebirc40338I will try to look into that and thanks. About when I call it lab, its virtual servers and ubuntu desktops ( running on Xcp-ng ) there is used everytime I need to test anything like testing new configurations for my online servers, system upgrades etc04:17
ryuoqwebirc40338: i see. well, i use debootstrap for custom installs. if the official installers aren't adequate, it's the only real option left.04:20
ryuoqwebirc40338: maybe you should consider using container templates if you frequently need to redo these "virtual servers".04:20
janat08i modified .bashrc file with export PATH=~/.local/bin and now it looks like my PATH can't be updated by newly installed software04:23
janat08if i delete will it work agian? did i possibly delete bash/bin comment04:24
qwebirc40338ryuo: it could be a good idea to use container templates for the servers, because I'm maybe redoing the servers at least 4 times a month on a busy month. Wich also in the reason that I have a local apt-mirror so I dont have to download all patches from the internet lets say 5 or 6 times everytime I recreate the servers04:24
ryuoqwebirc40338: ah. LXD could be worth looking at then. i use them myself. it's pretty viable.04:30
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mx500hi all04:46
mx500any i can run ubuntu virtualbox more smoother any settings04:46
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praneeth_Do you use Clover Bootloader?06:01
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bluefox83hey ok, had a broken packages error during an upgrade. using apt-get install -f didn't work06:21
bluefox83i got "libdvd-pkg: 'apt-get check' failed, you may have broken packages. Aborting...06:23
lotuspsychjebluefox83: pastebin the whole log to the channel please, volunteers might be of better help this way06:29
lotuspsychjebluefox83: your ubuntu version and ppa's added might also be usefull06:29
bluefox83oh snap i didn't see you respond, my apologies06:34
bluefox83the upgrade log is bigger than my screen will show06:35
bluefox83that's as much as i can view in the screen where i'm actually running a command, i was trying to do sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get get upgrade06:39
lotuspsychjebluefox83: did you add external ppa's to your system?06:40
bluefox83lotuspsychje: no i recently removed all the ppas i had listed because they wouldn't work at all, they failed at the update stage06:41
lotuspsychjeinfo libdvd-pkg06:42
lotuspsychje!info libdvd-pkg06:42
ubottulibdvd-pkg (source: libdvd-pkg): DVD-Video playing library - installer. In component multiverse, is optional. Version 1.4.2-1-1 (bionic), package size 14 kB, installed size 79 kB06:42
lotuspsychjebluefox83: what happens when you try to purge this package?06:43
bluefox83lotuspsychje: it acts like it's already gone06:45
lotuspsychjebluefox83: what about an apt-cache clean06:45
bluefox83im getting an invalid command06:46
bluefox83i think i'm doing something wrong06:47
lotuspsychjebluefox83: try: sudo apt purge libdvd-pkg06:48
bluefox83that seems to have done something06:49
lotuspsychjebluefox83: now try again, sudo apt update && sudo apt full-upgrade06:51
bluefox83im wondering if this is going to upgrade to the next version of ubuntu06:52
lotuspsychjebluefox83: at wich point are you right now? did you do an lts upgarde?06:54
bluefox83well a few hours ago my system asked if i wanted to upgrade to a new version06:54
bluefox83so i clicked yes, but then things got messed up and i had to restart06:55
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lotuspsychjebluefox83: pastebin: uname -a && lsb_release -a plz?06:57
bluefox83it's currently downloading stuff, it wont mess that up will it?06:59
lotuspsychjebluefox83: open a new terminal to see07:00
lotuspsychjebluefox83: the previous command was to update your current system07:01
lotuspsychjebluefox83: yeah something went wrong there, you are still on xenial kernel, but system says 18.0407:01
lotuspsychjebluefox83: so lets await your updates first07:01
bluefox83i don't remember the last time it took this long for an upgrade O.o07:08
lotuspsychjebluefox83: ltsupgrades are mostly pretty intense07:11
bluefox83its funny, the upgrade thing earlier said it would only take 6 minutes07:13
lotuspsychjebluefox83: i think your in the twilight zone in between 2 systems now07:14
bluefox83well at least it hasnt blown up07:15
lotuspsychjebluefox83: after the updates, check uname -a again07:25
bluefox83well...that didn't go as planned07:40
bluefox83i can't get gdm to start07:40
bluefox83even after a restart07:40
rudy_hi ubuntu07:46
rudy_after many difficulties i finally installed it07:46
bluefox83i'm having trouble with getting things to finish installing07:53
ducassebluefox83: does 'apt list --upgradable' list anything?07:56
diskinrudy_, welcome to the team! :)07:57
bluefox83ducasse: it's upgrading stuff right now. i did an apt-get install -f07:57
ducassebluefox83: aha, ok - let's hope that sorts things out07:58
bluefox83really wish i was installing from scratch with a usb drive. upgrading is almost always a pain in the rear07:59
ducasseit tends to go well for me, but i take precautions08:00
bluefox83i usually find installing from scratch is a lot easier, upgrading tends to run into issues08:02
bluefox83but i didn't have a usb drive on me and i was curious to see how this upgrade was gonna go08:03
rudy_hi diskin   ...yeah suppa  cool08:03
rudy_i cant wait to get mastodon  working here08:04
bluefox83well i got gdm up and running, but it looks like it's in a really low graphics mode08:06
bluefox83ok then, it's up and running, but it does not feel very stable...08:11
morphyeyshello guys, where is the named.conf in ubuntu?08:12
ducassemorphyeys: for bind9 it's /etc/bind/named.conf08:13
morphyeysI don't have such dir08:13
ducassemorphyeys: is bind9 properly installed?08:14
morphyeysis it installed by default?08:14
morphyeysI just want to learn and understand the DNS zone files08:14
morphyeysplease help me with that guys08:14
ducassethat's not what we're here for, try ##networking08:15
ducassebut if you want to learn about zone files you need a dns server - like bind08:16
rudy_hi do you know the best app for mastodon on ubuntu?08:24
diskinrudy_, I assume you have seen https://hostpresto.com/community/tutorials/how-to-install-mastodon-on-ubuntu-16-04/ already? I have no experience with mastodon, though08:32
ovalseven8I have a problem with "supervisord". I want to run a program in /home/user/dir, but it just does not work. supervisor does not get access to the files it seems.08:33
rudy_thnks diskin ..i dont want to install instances of  mastodon but  an desktop app to view mastodon toot ...08:34
ovalseven8When I am logged in as the user and run the command, it works. It just does not work with supervisorctl08:34
typnixHello. I'm trying to install SElinux on 18.04. After disabling and removing apparmor and installing SElinux it is staying 'disabled'. Is there a way to solve this?08:39
SlidingHornc4pt00: Please don't spam unsolicited links to unknown archives in here08:40
PoleschAnyone help me find an ubuntu image with the kernel 4.15.0-29-generic?08:40
pizzaburgerHello! I have an external monitor connected to my laptop. They have different resolutions/sizes, and I need them to have a different scale (one at 100%, other at 200%). In Settings > Devices > Displays you can change the scale, but it applies to both monitors. Is there a possibility to have different scales simultaniously? Running Ubuntu 18.10. Thank you!08:42
SlidingHornPolesch: why do you need that specific kernel version?08:42
PoleschAMD RAID driver support08:42
c4pt00SlidingHorn, OpenCOG framework from Ubuntu 14.04/16.04 transistioned to CentOS708:43
SlidingHornc4pt00: okay...not sure why a CentOS port is relevant here.08:43
PoleschI've tried with several distros already, it fails to load the module during boot, with an error message suggesting I need that kernel.08:44
c4pt00this is ubuntu , I posted to several major linux distro channels,08:44
SlidingHorn!kernel | Polesch maybe this can be helpful...not sure08:44
ubottuPolesch maybe this can be helpful...not sure: The core of Ubuntu is the Linux kernel: see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel - You shouldn't have to compile your own, and if you need to troubleshoot issues, you can try a !Mainline kernel instead, but if you insist, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel/Compile (see also !Stages)08:44
c4pt00i also re-rolled linux 4.408:44
c4pt00experimental security kernel,08:44
SlidingHornc4pt00: 1. It's spam, 2. It's off topic for this channel08:44
ducasse3. crossposting is rude08:45
PoleschDon't think I have the experience to build my own kernel and generate an image, was just hoping to find one08:46
c4pt00Polesch, there are debs there ^08:46
typnix@Polesch: It isn't that hard08:46
c4pt00Polesch, git clone linux.tar.gz08:46
c4pt00Polesch, apt-get install build-essential?08:46
PoleschThe AMD manual says 16.04.1 should work, but the image I downloaded had the 4.4 kernel08:47
c4pt00make -j16 deb-pkg or make -j16 deb08:47
SlidingHornc4pt00: please stop spamming your github. It is not relevant to Polesch's issue08:47
c4pt00no problem08:47
c4pt00download linux.tar.gz08:47
c4pt00tar -xvf linux.tar.gz08:47
c4pt00make menuconfig08:47
c4pt00save and exit or modify and save and exit08:47
ryuoany ops around?08:47
ducassec4pt00: either be quiet or be helpful, please08:47
c4pt00make -j16 (where -j16 is core count) deb-pkg                 (or make -j16 deb)08:48
c4pt00thats pretty helpful ?08:48
SlidingHornc4pt00: no, it's not.  It's completely irrelevant to what the user asked for.08:48
typnixIs SlidingHorn a bot?08:48
ryuocompiling kernels isn't generally something to suggest to people.08:48
SlidingHornNot to mention it's unsupported, untrusted software08:48
typnixWhat do you then suggest SlidingHorn?08:49
SlidingHorntypnix: I already pointed the user to the !kernel factoid (which, in turn, also lets them know about !mainline)08:50
PoleschI get Invalid module format error when I try to install them, saying my kernel is 4.4 and that the module is built on or for 4.15.0-2908:50
ryuoPolesch: you can't take modules from another kernel.08:50
typnix@SlidingHorn: ok08:51
PoleschI want to install ubuntu on an AMD RAID partition, they instruct me to install the drivers first before boot. I get invalid module format error.08:52
SlidingHornPolesch: which version of ubuntu are you trying to install, firstly?08:52
PoleschI've tried 16.04.1, 16.04.5 and 18.0408:52
SlidingHorn!raid | Polesch have you looked at these resources yet?08:54
ubottuPolesch have you looked at these resources yet?: Tips and tricks for RAID and LVM can be found on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/SoftwareRAID and http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/LVM-HOWTO - For software RAID, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FakeRaidHowto08:54
PoleschSo there are no ubuntu images with kernel 4.15.0-29 available?08:55
SlidingHornPolesch: off the top of my head, I don't *think so*08:56
SlidingHornPolesch: actually just searched with apt-cache and there is an image in the repository...I'm not confident in my knowledge to recommend installing it personally. Might want to see if someone more experienced with kernel fidgeting than myself can answer more definitively09:02
SlidingHorn!info linux-image-4.15.0-29-generic bonic09:02
ubottu'bonic' is not a valid distribution: bionic, bionic-backports, bionic-proposed, cosmic, cosmic-backports, cosmic-proposed, disco, disco-backports, disco-proposed, kubuntu-backports, kubuntu-experimental, kubuntu-updates, partner, precise, precise-backports, precise-proposed, stable, testing, trusty, trusty-backports, trusty-proposed, unstable, xenial, xenial-backports, xenial-proposed09:02
SlidingHorn!info linux-image-4.15.0-29-generic bionic09:02
ubottulinux-image-4.15.0-29-generic (source: linux): Linux kernel image for version 4.15.0 on 32 bit x86 SMP. In component main, is optional. Version 4.15.0-29.31 (bionic), package size 7164 kB, installed size 7467 kB09:02
typnixBut can someone help me with SElinux on Ubuntu?09:20
SlidingHorntypnix: which version and flavor of ubuntu were you using again?09:21
typnix@SlidingHorn: 18.0409:22
typnixAnd it is Ubuntu-server09:22
typnixBut the guys from ubuntu-server are not responding09:23
SlidingHorntypnix: were you following a particular guide for installation?09:25
typnix@SlidingHorn: yes09:25
SlidingHorntypnix: mind sharing the linK?09:25
SlidingHorntypnix: any particular reason you need selinux over apparmor? (It's looking like neither linode nor Ubuntu really actively support it anymore)09:27
ducassethe selinux package itself is not really maintained, last i heard09:28
typnix@SlidingHorn: Because it is a security requirement.09:28
YAp_When I use & in a bash script, what kind of parallelism is that? Am I parallelizing it across all threads in the machine?09:28
SlidingHorntypnix: looking further - Ubuntu started to drop support like 10 years ago.  (See !selinux and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SELinux)09:30
SlidingHornYAp_: that may be more of a question for #bash - this channel is more for ubuntu-specific support09:30
SlidingHorntypnix: (the "if you wish to use..." part does show "instructions" but they're also 7 years old)09:31
YAp_SlidingHorn: Sure, thanks09:32
SlidingHornYAp_: np :)09:32
typnix@SlidingHorn: I've als tried with installing selinux-basics and selinux-policy-default09:32
Oolif you really need SElinux perhaps it's better to use an other distrib. Ubuntu like other make the choice of apparmor,09:32
SlidingHorntypnix: that's not my point...my point is that those instructions are *many* versions behind, as Ubuntu dropped support for the platform a *long* time ago09:33
typnixIs it still possible to install packages from Debian repo's?09:34
SlidingHorntypnix: not in any supported fashion09:34
SlidingHorntypnix: when you say it's "a security requirement" - by whom, might I ask?09:34
typnix@SlidingHorn: I cannot say.09:35
SlidingHorntypnix: understood.  If it's that much of a requirement, Ubuntu may not be the route for you :/09:35
=== Jerry_Xiao is now known as JerryXiao
typnix@SlidingHorn: Okay. Thank you. :)09:36
flyingdeathtouchi tried to get paragon to work and it looked like i needed some key i didnt have.  i used unetbootin on a windows install on a different computer to create a boot disk with windows 7 iso on my flash so i could finally attempt to repair boot sector on this laptop im running that has windows installed.  I have Puppy Linux loaded into Ram from CDROM live CD.  this is how im accessing my hard drive.  otherwise the boot is not wo09:58
flyingdeathtouchusb.  that says unetbootin default >/ubnkern initrd=ubninit and the boot just resets every 10 seconds or i press tab and am taking to what looks like a shell to give commands.  but i have no idea what to do now10:00
flyingdeathtouchi was expeceting the windows PE to load from flash from iso on flash that i put there with unetboot10:00
flyingdeathtouchanyone got any ideas?10:00
SlidingHornflyingdeathtouch: Where does Ubuntu come into this?10:01
flyingdeathtouchi read ubkern and thought maybe this meant unetboot was some ubuntu kernal program.  im sorry ive been at this a while and im grasping at straws.  do you have any suggestions what i should try?10:03
gigirockflyingdeathtouch: so at the end you have a bios booting windows 7 system ?10:03
gigirockflyingdeathtouch: it is important what are you booting from the usbkey10:04
flyingdeathtouchwell the P.E. doesnt look like windows at all... its just a blank but yes i made the image with a windows 7 iso10:04
fishcookerhow to disable keyboard input?10:04
SlidingHornfishcooker: why do you need to disable the keyboard input?  What version and flavor of ubuntu are you using?10:05
flyingdeathtouchwell the windows things i had to download was actually the PE for win8 but it idnt give any other options and i thought i could ust use the PE to repair the already existing installlation so it could boot correectly.10:06
gigirockflyingdeathtouch: win8 needs a uefi boot system.....10:06
SlidingHornflyingdeathtouch: gigirock:  (this should probably continue in #ubuntu-offtopic or a windows channel10:07
gigirockSlidingHorn: https://tmate.io/t/ro-eCK3E6NY6xtt7ZMxbgTEVhjzL can you try this ?10:08
gigirockflyingdeathtouch: can you see my terminal window ?10:09
SlidingHorngigirock: I see a Mint prompt10:10
gigirockSlidingHorn: nice one, did you enter a password ?10:10
gigirockthank for your support10:11
gigirockSlidingHorn: with that users can share terminal screen10:11
gigirockSlidingHorn: so we can see what they are doing10:11
gigirockSlidingHorn: in the support session10:11
gigirockSlidingHorn: it is tmate that is already in ubu repos10:12
gigirock!info tmate10:13
ubottutmate (source: tmate): terminal multiplexer with instant terminal sharing. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.2.1-1build1 (bionic), package size 259 kB, installed size 692 kB10:13
flyingdeathtouchthe ISO booting is win7 sp.1.  i used winboot to create a bootable flash but i had to download various things on another win7 installation and one of them was said win8...10:13
gigirockflyingdeathtouch: M$ trouble.... u r offtopic here10:14
flyingdeathtouchi now get a message, when i boot [22:59] == bluefox83 [~bluefox@cpe-74-128-154-237.kya.res.rr.com] has quit [Quit: leaving] [22:59] == mgottschlag [~quassel@reactos/tester/phoenix64] has joined #ubuntu [23:00] <flyingdeathtouch> usb.  that says unetbootin default >/ubnkern initrd=ubninit and the boot just resets every 10 seconds or i press tab and am taking to what looks like a shell to give commands.  but i have no idea wha10:15
flyingdeathtouchok i go10:16
rockdo people still use IRC?11:02
rockim looking for a channel of active Linux users :)11:02
fubTJ-: hey, so I tested this udev rule out by replacing the /sbin/ethtool command with a touch command: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/b5TTT4pvQW/11:15
fubthere is no new file in /tmp, so I guess its not executed.11:15
TJ-fub: aha! so presumably the name isn't the 'new' name at that time. So all that is needed is to capture the events/attributes udev sees and figure out a better match combination11:18
OnkelTemHi all11:19
OnkelTemMy PC doesn't suspend. Ubuntu 18.04/KDE. Any ideas why?11:19
fubTJ-: okay, so how can I catch the events?11:19
TJ-fub: disconnect the device, do "udevadm monitor -kup |& tee /tmp/udev.log" plug the device in, wait for the messages to stop, Ctrl+C the udevadm and "pastebinit /tmp/udev.log"11:19
OnkelTemI mean it doesn't suspend automatically. When I do this manually - it works11:20
fubTJ-: all right. Short question, why are you using |& tee and not a ">" here?11:21
fubah, its stderr and stdout, understand.11:21
fubTJ-: http://paste.ubuntu.com/p/K7k4XRk3xx/11:22
fubMaybe line 2343 is interesting.11:23
TJ-fub: so you can see and confirm messages11:23
TJ-fub: That device's actions seem to start around line 222011:28
BluesKajHey folks11:30
open_source2kGood evening BluesKaj11:30
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BluesKajhi open_source2k11:31
FuraiSo, I still haven't figured it out after few months. I'm getting "broken packages"/"unmet dependencies" when trying to install winehq-devel and I haven't ever figured out how to fix this. Could something like ppa with latest binutils interfere with that?11:32
fubTJ-: so how do I need to adapt the udev rule?11:32
TJ-fub: I'm trying to figure that out; the rules certainly match the initial add event so even if that is the wrong time to do the ethtool operation, it should still have triggered, so something is preventing that. I'm wondering if another rule earlier does so. Silly idea but rename the .rules file - change the prefix from 99 to 01 and then test again (with the touch /tmp/... )11:36
TJ-fub: I'll do a test here with a USB net device I've lying around11:36
fubok thanks11:41
TJ-fub: grrr, having to build drivers!11:44
fubTJ-: sorry for the hassle :/11:44
TJ-OK, that worked. now to investigate11:46
flux242hi, how do i install ranger without installing python2? apt show ranger shows 'Depends: python:any (<< 2.8), python:any (>= 2.7.5-5~), less' but if i 'sudo apt install ranger' it says 'The following additional packages will be installed:11:49
flux242  libpython-stdlib python python-minimal python2.7 python2.7-minimal'11:49
invitingdpemananybody out there11:57
TJ-fub: OK, figured it out! The 'udevadm -kup' - "-u" shows attributes created by rules. Using "udevadm -kp --subsystem=match=net" shows the only 'add' is for the kernel-name (in my case 'wlan0') not the news name. So you will have to change the ACTION from "add|change" to "move" and then test again11:57
fubokay, wil ltest it now :)11:58
TJ-fub: if that causes /usr/bin/touch /tmp/... to work then you can switch to the ethtool command11:58
invitingdpemandoes anybody know how to turn a usb drive into a disk image i think i messed it up becuase it downst show up in the boot menu11:59
leafwizHey. maybe I have misunderstood something, but it seems the regular command ls is broken on ubuntu https://pastebin.com/M8YHsgGV . Why does ls /etc/x* print out filenames that does not start with /etc/x ?12:00
TJ-invitingdpeman: that very much depends on which boot method is being used12:00
invitingdpemani use unetbootin12:01
TJ-invitingdpeman: but what boot method is the PC using? BIOS? UEFI?12:01
invitingdpemani think bios12:02
dnlkrgrhello, I'm using version 16.04 on a Lenovo Yoga 920. Super happy with it, but sometimes when I get a black screen and can't do anything other than "REISUB" after closing the lid of the laptop and suspending it. I also got it when I do suspend via terminal. A trigger might be unplugging it while being suspended. Any suggestions on what to look for to fix it?12:02
fubTJ-: so the touch worked (so the udev rule). I then changed my original udev rule also to "move", but running show-eee still shows: EEE status: enabled - active12:04
fubmaybe its too early to execute this command?12:04
TJ-invitingdpeman: if BIOS mode then as long as the USB storage has a partition table and a bootloader the BIOS should load it if you select that USB device to boot from12:04
TJ-fub: you're using the full path to /sbin/ethtool ?12:05
fubTJ-: yes, as you can see in the paste.12:05
invitingdpemanok what about UEFI12:05
fubACTION=="move",SUBSYSTEM=="net",ENV{INTERFACE}=="enx0050b68c5e50",RUN+="/sbin/ethtool --set-eee off $env{INTERFACE}"12:05
fubwhich ethtool also shows /sbin/ethtool12:05
TJ-fub: then the touch proves the rule is good. I suspect you're going to need a later action possibly using a systemd unit file. That should be trivial because it can be set to wait for the device to appear.12:07
TJ-fub: Do "systemctl list-units | grep enx" you should see something like "sys-subsystem-net-devices-enx?????.device12:09
fubTJ-: using sleep in the udev rule before the /sbin/ethtool is not a good idea?12:09
TJ-fub: in which case a service that Requires/After= for that would do it12:09
fubTJ-: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/T64WGZyHsj/12:09
TJ-fub: generally no udev doesn't tolerate long-running processes - things are supposed to do minimal actions and quit at udev time12:10
TJ-fub: I had to write one of these systemd rules yesterday on another system, I'll grab it and use it as a template you can try12:10
fubTJ-: this would be nice, thanks a lot.12:11
dffhi, how do i start a process as a none super user on boot? (without logging in)12:12
dffive found ways to do it as root or as a normal user, the latter requires me to log in tho12:12
invitingdpemancomon yall i need help does anybody know how to turn a usb drive back into a usable boot device12:13
dffjust right a bootable image to it12:13
dffwrite even12:13
invitingdpemani do using unetbootin but it doesnt show up in the boot menu on windows does12:14
invitingdpemanonly windows shows up12:14
dffthen perhaps the usb port is broken12:14
invitingdpemanno it reads just fine12:15
dffgo into the bios and choose the usb port as the first boot option12:15
dff'or UEFI12:16
invitingdpemanok will try that12:16
TJ-fub: try this:  https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/c4h7J8jsVX/12:18
=== SimonNL is now known as SimonNL_Afk
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wrztlgrmpfHi, I'm having trouble to join the #ubuntu-bugs channel with the matrix app. When I try I always get kicked out. Do you maybe know how to get in?12:24
fubTJ-: so I rebooted, but it has no effect. In the systemctl-status it shows as    Active: inactive (dead)12:26
lipe66good morning12:31
lipe66why the copy and paste command inside the terminal is different the the rest of the system?12:32
TJ-fub: shouldn't ever need a reboot. a oneshot is expected to be inactive(dead) since it ran a command and exited, it doesn't remain running like a system service would12:32
TJ-fub: was their any log entries other than the status, like 'Starting...' and 'Started...'12:33
ducasselipe66: ctrl+c and ctrl+v are already in use in terminals12:33
lipe66ducasse: i need to use shift+ctrl+c as a standard shortcut for copy and shif+ctrl+v for paste in the rest of the system i can ditch the shift12:35
lipe66forget it12:36
fubTJ-: no, no other entry.12:36
lipe66ctr+c is break command12:37
fubTJ-: ah wait, the oneshot command is wrong12:38
fubExecStart=/sbin/ethtool --set-eee off enx0050b68c5e5012:38
fubthe correct command is /sbin/ethtool --set-eee enx0050b68c5e50 eee off12:38
fubjust noticed the little difference12:38
TJ-fub: then that is why the udev rule failed too - I took that from the pastebin RUN+="/sbin/ethtool --set-eee off $env{INTERFACE}"12:39
fubyeah that was the one I had from you a few days ago, sorry for not checking it again.12:40
fublet me try it with the udev rule again12:40
TJ-fub: I bet that'll work. Not having an interface here that exposes EEE I can't actually test that command12:40
fubTJ-: finally, it works! Thanks a lot!12:43
wrztlgrmpfHi, I'm having trouble to join the #ubuntu-bugs channel with the matrix app. When I try I always get kicked out. Do you maybe know how to get in?12:44
BluesKajwrztlgrmpf, matrix ?12:46
osserunning 'xrandr' I see "1920x1080     60.00 + 144.00*  (...)"  I haven't done anything in particular to configure this. Seems it defaults to 144 Hz. What is it that prefers 60 ?12:47
TJ-fub: udev, or systemd, or both?12:49
wrztlgrmpf> wrztlgrmpf, matrix ?12:49
wrztlgrmpfIt's this programm:12:49
TJ-wrztlgrmpf: possibly the channel requires registration (it has 'r' flag)12:50
PoleschWhich ubuntu flavour supports 150% scaling for high DPI displays?12:51
BluesKajosse, which gpu again?12:51
osseBluesKaj: GTX77012:52
fubTJ-: udev12:54
wrztlgrmpf> wrztlgrmpf: possibly the channel requires registration (it has 'r' flag)12:57
wrztlgrmpfOkay, but how can I register? I logged in by the identity command and it doesn't helped. The cause I get kicked out is : err_needreggednick12:57
BluesKajosse, it could be a game setting of some kind12:57
BluesKajwrztlgrmpf, don't use matrix until after you've registered your nick12:59
wrztlgrmpfThanks, I will do that. Is there a way how I can check if I'm registered successfully?13:02
BluesKajwrztlgrmpf, yes read the server log when rejoining13:03
wrztlgrmpfThank you13:04
TJ-wrztlgrmpf: "/msg nickserv info <nickname>"13:05
=== SimonNL_Afk is now known as SimonNL
aneonhi, can anyone help me with iptables? I have disabled ufw but the iptables load some strange rules and with default ssh port. What needs to be done for stopping that?13:12
aneons/strange rules with default ssh port/13:13
lotuspsychjeaneon: there's a #netfilter channel if you like too13:13
aneonthey say it is OS specific13:13
waheedihi folks, trying to connect to a cloud img on 18.0413:13
aneonI am not able to reproduce this on SuSE13:13
lotuspsychjeaneon: ok no sweat mate, idle here if someone knows they will help13:14
aneonokay, I can do that13:14
EoflaOEwaheedi: And are there problems while connecting to a cloud image?13:14
waheediI found that the network interfaces are disabled and replaced by netplan, tried to set static ip address for the newly renamed ethernet interface ens313:14
waheediit seems there is different issues I'm facing, the device is not being assigned an ip address on the bridge interface13:15
kk4ewtaneon, are you sure the ssh service is running13:15
aneonyeah, ssh is running on the port that I configured13:16
waheedineither from dhcp or by setting the proper config in netplan. also is ICMP closed by default or is there something special in the version?13:16
aneonI can ssh on lan after flushing iptables and ssh thru hidden_service without flushing iptables13:16
aneonthere are some other issues too13:17
aneonwhen I load suricata inline IPS mode chains my network drops13:17
waheedianeon: whats the issue again?13:17
aneoniptables load strange rule at boot13:18
aneonI am not using ufw13:18
aneonthe whole point of having a firewall is to have a consitent security policy and if someone needs to flush the rules immediately after boot then it is inconvenient13:19
waheedianeon: whats the rule?13:19
=== [1]MrMobius is now known as MrMobius
Sbur3Here's a two part question : How do I ... split screen on one screen?  How do I do the same thing one two screens? (The idea is to put something on one screen with vga connector and one on an hdmi  connection13:19
waheediand many softwares might add rules if you give the the privileges to do so13:19
aneonssh and some strange ipv6 stuff, I have disabled ipv613:19
waheedianeon: paste it please13:20
aneonlet me iptables-save -c13:20
waheedii don't need the -c now13:20
TJ-Sbur3: that sounds like display mirroring which is generally easy to configure13:21
Sbur3tjsimmons: It should be, but I'm a relative novice to that13:21
lotuspsychjeSbur3: wich ubuntu version are you on?13:22
aneonwaheedi: ipv4 rules https://paste.debian.net/1061495/13:22
Sbur3TJ-: It should be, but I'm a newbie13:22
Sbur3lotuspsychje: 18.1013:23
TJ-Sbur3: the settings should have a Display 'applet' to configure it13:23
Sbur3TJ-: Give me a hint on what I should be looking for and where13:24
aneonwaheedi: ipv6 rules https://paste.debian.net/1061496/13:25
waheedianeon: whats added by default ?13:25
TJ-Sbur3: I can't see your screen or the Desktop Environment you're using. lotuspsychje probably knows the Gnome stuff though13:25
aneonwaheedi: all of it13:25
lotuspsychjeSbur3: on gnome its systemsettings/devices/monitor13:25
Sbur3TJ-: Cuz I looked at the "gear" thing and chose system settings13:25
aneonI have not set ssh port the way it shows13:25
waheedianeon: its a long list :) i really doubt this is the default13:25
aneonit shows up as a default13:25
aneonI have not altered it13:25
Sbur3lotuspsychje: In a terminal, you mean?13:26
aneonas a matter of fact I need just 10 rules13:26
lotuspsychjeSbur3: no, systemsettings(gear icon) then 'devices' and monitor/screen13:26
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aneonssh, bootp, ntp, squid, suricata inline ips, block-drop, etc13:26
sumitcnhello devs , I want to know why there is network problem with ubuntu . My wifi runs very slow as compared to what it runs in windows.13:27
waheedianeon: what version is this, and what does the command iptables-apply show?13:27
lotuspsychje!details | sumitcn13:28
ubottusumitcn: Please elaborate; your question or issue may not seem clear or detailed enough for people to help you. Please give more detailed information; for example, we might need errors, steps, relevant configuration files, Ubuntu version, and hardware information. Use a !pastebin to avoid flooding the channel.13:28
TJ-sumitcn: what make/model of Wifi device?13:28
aneonwaheedi: it says - Error: rulesfile not readable: /etc/network/iptables.up.rules and there is no file13:28
aneonI flushed all rules yesterday13:28
EoflaOEsumitcn: And pastebin the output of "lsusb"13:29
waheediand they came in again?13:29
aneonthat is why I am here13:29
waheedianeon: what is LXD network ?13:29
aneongot tired of excessive flushing, wrote a script for flushing but it all shows up again13:29
waheediapparently it has generated many rules13:30
waheedilike kubernetes maybe13:30
aneonok but it doesn't start automatically13:30
aneoni start it when i want it13:30
waheedianeon: is this 16.04 or 18.04?13:32
waheedii see13:32
waheedianeon systemctl disable firewalld?13:33
waheediand then stop it13:33
aneonno firewalld13:33
TJ-aneon: I think you've installed firewalld13:33
lotuspsychjethe1derer: can we help you?13:33
waheedithese seems to be firewalld rules aneon13:34
aneonlets see13:34
aneonwhen I pulled in iptables I disabled it13:34
waheediand stop it, aneon13:34
waheediservice firewalld stop or systemctl stop firewalld13:35
sumitcnEoflaOE:  I have been using ubuntu  since 1.5 year , never knew that internet was so fast ( windows) :P13:35
hexhaxtronCan I have a weather icon on the top bar?13:35
aneonI have it disabled13:35
aneonjust checked13:35
TJ-aneon: is it masked too?13:35
lotuspsychjehexhaxtron: on wich ubuntu version?13:36
aneonnot masked13:36
hexhaxtronlotuspsychje, 18.1013:36
aneonwhat needs to be done for masking it as a taboo13:36
lotuspsychjehexhaxtron: https://extensions.gnome.org/extension/613/weather/ look on the gnome extensions page13:37
sumitcnAnyone there , why wifi works slow in ubuntu ?13:37
lotuspsychjesumitcn: we need details from you first13:38
hexhaxtronlotuspsychje, I'm using Unity.13:38
sumitcnlotuspsychje:  this is the output of lsusb13:38
TJ-aneon: "sudo systemctl mask firewalld"13:38
aneonwaheedi: no firewalld running - https://paste.debian.net/1061499/13:38
lotuspsychjehexhaxtron: there are ppa's for unity weather indicators you can find, but we dont support those here in #ubuntu13:39
waheedips aux aneon13:39
lotuspsychjehexhaxtron: you could download a weather package, like gnome weather from the software center if you like13:39
aneonwaheedi: nothing shows up -13:40
aneon# ps aux | grep firewalld13:40
aneonroot      1445  0.0  0.0  14428  1048 pts/1    S+   05:40   0:00 grep --color=auto firewalld13:40
sumitcnAlso , I am using kbubuntu 18.04 , plasma version 5.1213:40
waheedihonestly, I dont know whats the name of the process :)13:41
aneonbeats me13:41
aneonlet me smell some coffee13:41
lotuspsychjesumitcn: is your system up to date?13:41
aneonI will be back and reboot13:42
sumitcnlotuspsychje:  Yes , it is . The same issue is in my ubuntu 18.04 .13:42
TJ-sumitcn: we see this with wifi devices that require propriatry drivers sometimes, you need to show is the information on which device it is. Shows us "pastebinit <(  ls -l /sys/class/net/*/device/driver  )"13:44
lotuspsychje_sumitcn: there are also realtek gits out there you can try as a test13:44
=== lotuspsychje_ is now known as lotuspsychje
sumitcnTJ-:  proprietary drivers ?13:46
TJ-sumitcn: So the Wifi device wlp2s0 is using iwlwifi so is an Intel device. These are usually very reliable13:46
lotuspsychjeoh realtek was his eth card13:46
TJ-sumitcn: show us "pastebinit <( lspci -nnk -d 0280 )"13:47
sumitcnTJ-: So , Why it works better with windows13:47
sumitcnTJ-:  the above command is throwing  error "lspci: -d: ':' expected"13:48
TJ-sumitcn: oh my, I mistyped!13:49
TJ-sumitcn: show us "pastebinit <( lspci -nnk -d ::0280 )"13:49
TJ-sumitcn: also, show us "pastebinit <( nmcli dev wifi list )"13:49
TJ-sumitcn: you know if you "sudo apt install pastebinit" you can use the commands I'm showing you to directly send the paste?13:50
sumitcnyes , I know .habit :P13:50
TJ-sumitcn: OK, just wanted to make it easier for you :)13:52
TJ-sumitcn: well, that last shows the link bitrate is good (405Mbits/second)13:52
TJ-sumitcn: so let's check for errors/invalid packets: "pastebinit <( iwconfig wlp2s0 )"13:53
sumitcnTJ-:  http://paste.ubuntu.com/p/TBqKWS7zNS/13:53
FreeyorpHowdy folks! I've followed the instructions at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Debug%20Symbol%20Packages and installed postfix-dbgsym; however, when I try to attach gdb with gdb -p 18413, I get lines like 'Reading symbols from /usr/lib/postfix/sbin/master...Reading symbols from /usr/lib/debug/.build-id/e0/c259ef26eda076310a6dd3eccb419ce8eb1c50.debug...(no debugging symbols found)...done.' The .debug file in question does exist on the filesystem, and a quick dpkg13:54
Freeyorp -S shows that it was provided by the postfix-dbgsym package. All packages are up to date up to bionic-updates, and no processes on the system are running on outdated libraries (searching lsof for DEL). I'm at a loss as to what I should be looking for next. Any suggestions or ideas would be greatly appreciated!13:54
Guest40hello, i have problems with my wifi , it doesn't recognize my network (i am connected now via ethernet)13:56
TJ-sumitcn: I don't see anything there that indicates a problem. What kind of activity are you detecting the slowness doing? Also, is it just a delay before the activity starts (which could imply a DNS lookup delay) or is it generally lower through-put for transfers than the same activity on Windows shows ?13:56
Guest40i followed this https://askubuntu.com/questions/55868/installing-broadcom-wireless-drivers but i nothing solved13:57
waheediFreeyorp: and that process id is postfix?13:58
FreeyorpYes, specifically the master process13:59
TJ-Guest40: sounds like the Access Point is on a channel the client is not permitted to use - this could be due to the wrong Region (channel map) setting either system-wide or for the WiFi device's own driver.13:59
waheediFreeyorp: why not running postfix directly from gdb?13:59
lotuspsychjeGuest40: can you pastebin sudo lshw -C network please?13:59
waheedimaybe it will have the same results, but just a try won't hurt14:00
sumitcnTJ-: Downloading , aws console . Most of the time I have to refresh it  many times . sometime I have to rebuild the connection by disconnecting it .14:00
Guest40sure here: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/4wJ8NHpxdY/14:01
sumitcnTJ-:  There are many blogs about how to increase wifi speed , is there really a problem14:01
TJ-sumitcn: so that sounds like packet drop-outs14:01
Freeyorpwaheedi: Gave it a shot, same results, I'm afraid.14:01
TJ-sumitcn: has the problem occurred very recently so we could check logs for clues?14:02
sumitcnyes ,14:02
waheediFreeyorp: expected14:02
sumitcnRight now , I am ubnable to open aws14:02
waheediFreeyorp, postfix was built with debugging flag?14:03
TJ-Freeyorp: what architecture is the system?14:04
Freeyorpwaheedi: debugging symbols are provided externally via the postfix-dbg package; gdb does try to load them automatically, see the output from the first message, but it fails with the same unhelpful message14:04
TJ-sumitcn: show us "pastebinit <( dmesg )"14:04
FreeyorpTJ-: x86_6414:04
TJ-Freeyorp: can you /see/ symbols in the .debug file using objdump ?14:04
Guest40i cannot find out what is wrong here any help will be appreciated (previously on this laptop was windows10 that was working the wifi correctly, so it may be a driver issue here)14:05
sumitcnTJ-: http://paste.ubuntu.com/p/vP3vT7Rb5m/14:06
lotuspsychjeGuest40: check your additional drivers section and see if there are more drivers listed you can try14:06
FreeyorpTJ-: Nothing using objdump -g. I guess I should file a bug against postfix-dbg, then?14:06
lotuspsychjeGuest40: thats in software&sources last tab drivers14:06
ddoobbWhen I click on a download in Firefox link the Open/Save dialogue box completely freezes my browser for 30s or more. Even in safe mode. What could be the reason14:07
Guest40what do you mean guys i am lost14:07
FreeyorpYeah, the postfix .debug file was only 14K in size, compared to eg. the .debug file for libpthread.so.0, which is 2.3M. I suppose that should have been a giveaway.14:08
TJ-sumitcn: At the end of the log are some PCIe AER errors which could be related; can you show us "pastebinit <( lspci -nnk )"14:08
Freeyorp(-dbgsym, rather)14:09
TJ-Freeyorp: sounds like a debian packaging bug then, possibly the symbols aren't being grabbed before the binaries are stripped14:10
waheediFreeyorp: I would build with debug flag to debug-level, if you really need to debug :)14:11
Guest40driver manager doesn't really says anything here14:11
aneonis there any standard rule order for iptables14:12
aneonsuch as chains, tables, pass, block or anarchy rules will work14:13
TJ-sumitcn: OK, so the AER error deivce is "00:1c.4 PCI bridge" which may be the parent bridge for the wifi, so now lets test if that is so: "pastebinit <(  lspci -tnnvv )"14:13
Guest40actually this is what driver manager says: https://i.imgur.com/XHcPtt1.png14:13
TJ-Freeyorp: remind me, which Ubuntu release is that on?14:14
Freeyorpbionic-updates, so 18.04 LTS14:14
flux242why would ubuntu packagers put a dependency to a specific python3 version? I checked in the project's github and then require python3. Ubuntu packagers changed it to python3.7. Why?14:14
TJ-Freeyorp: I'll look at the source14:15
sumitcnTJ-:http://paste.ubuntu.com/p/pQV7cxxsZr/ .14:15
noonienhello folks14:15
FreeyorpI just did an aptget -source myself, but you may well find things much faster than I will. :)14:16
Freeyorp(oof, mangled that command somehow, but you get the idea)14:16
noonienare there any guides on booting a luks encrypted root using secureboot with keys in TPM?14:16
sumitcnTJ-:Also it runs after 3 tries and the error was something like this "Failed to contact the server: [Errno socket error] [Errno socket error] [Errno -3] Temporary failure in name resolution"14:17
Guest40anyone can help please to fix wireless problem?14:19
EoflaOEGuest40: What is your wireless problem?14:20
Guest40i cannot find my home network, i am connected via ethernet now14:20
TJ-Freeyorp: looking at debian/rules there is a 'STRIP' variable and a conditional call to "dh_strip -a"14:21
Guest40and this is what driver manager says: https://imgur.com/XHcPtt114:22
TJ-sumitcn: Bingo! I think the cause is the AER errors on 1c.4 bridge which is the parent for the Wifi device. So now we know the cause we can *try* to find out how to fix that!14:22
lotuspsychjeGuest40: is your system up to date please?14:24
sumitcnTJ- : Waiting since 1  month . :P , You know any resources or so .14:25
Guest40yes, also sudo apt update seems everything is updated14:25
TJ-sumitcn: I'm going to suggest trying an ACPI workaround due to the Windows/Linux difference. See http://iam.tj/prototype/enhancements/Windows-acpi_osi.html14:25
TJ-Freeyorp: looking at "man dh_strip" I see no "-a" which I'm guessing was/is supposed to mean "--automatic-dbgsym"14:28
Guest40lotuspsychje i have almost try everything and could not solve it, my neighbor networks are listed but missing mine and i am getting really crazy nervous to find out why14:28
FreeyorpJust currently sorting through the mysql/mariadb dependency hell ...14:29
lotuspsychjeGuest40: can you pastebin your dmesg please?14:30
FreeyorpTJ-: I'm wondering if the ifneq for finding "debug" in DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS to add -g should be an ifeq instead?14:31
Guest40lotuspsychje sure man here: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/zMk9v79cDP/14:32
FreeyorpTJ-: Or conversely, if the same testing for nostrip to set STRIP=y should be inverted? I at least don't think the type of test should be the same?14:32
TJ-Guest40: What is the PHY used? "ls -l /sys/class/net/wlp3s0/phy80211"14:33
Guest40lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 0 Ιαν  20 15:51 /sys/class/net/wlp3s0/phy80211 -> ../../ieee80211/phy014:34
TJ-Freeyorp: STRIP=y is the default /unless/ at build-time you manually set DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS=nostrip14:34
TJ-Guest40: OK, now we have "phy0" show us "pastebinit <( iw phy phy0 channels )"14:35
FreeyorpTJ-: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/y9kNpJtXGM/ This is the section I was looking at - if it really is just setting STRIP to the default, it's at least redundant or misleading?14:36
FreeyorpIf you can't find the string "nostrip" in DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS, set STRIP=y (ok), if you can't find the string "debug" in DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS, add -g to DEBUG ... if I'm reading the test correctly, at least one of these seems like it is wrong?14:38
lotuspsychjeGuest40: do you dualboot? is your nvidia graphics driver installed properly?14:39
Guest40it's only linux here , i didn't install any nvidia driver it was installed by default14:40
TJ-Freeyorp: mind-bending isn't it - I take the debug to resolve to if "" != "$(findstring debug)"; then DEBUG += -g; fi ... but note it is a += so -g may have already been set previously14:41
lotuspsychjeGuest40: did you check if your Fn + F (wifi) key combo is not pressed?14:42
FreeyorpTJ-: It's quite a lot of negations! But if it does end up being something like $word in $args, then the DEBUG += seems like it's wrong; if it instead ends up being something like $word not in $args, then the STRIP seems like it's wrong?14:42
Guest40yes lotuspsychje is not pressed wifi is on14:43
Guest40i can see other SSIDS but not mine14:43
lotuspsychjeGuest40: are you sure your ssid is broadcasted?14:44
Guest40yes i can connect via android and my other laptop (windows) and also before upgrade to linux i had windows on this laptop and was pretty connected via wifi14:45
Guest40after i install kubuntu wifi stopped working14:45
sumitcnTJ-:  Thanks , God(TJ) . It is now working fine . I'll let you know  if problem still persist14:45
Guest40only for my home ssid only14:45
qwebirc15670Hello. I have a System 76 Gazelle laptop which came with Ubuntu 16.04.14:45
qwebirc15670I have updated it to Ubuntu 18.04. Now it does not start. It displays that e2efsk needs to be updated14:46
lotuspsychjeGuest40: can you try your home ssid from a liveusb?14:46
qwebirc15670But I do not know how it can be updated. All of my packages are up to date14:47
Guest40from liveusb?14:47
TJ-Freeyorp: I tend to agree with you; it looks like (unless a Makefile over-rides/adds +g) that's the cause14:47
lotuspsychjeGuest40: yes, to see if its recognized there14:47
TJ-sumitcn: so the acpi_osi= fixed it?14:47
Guest40when i installed the ubuntu yesterday it didn't listed on the network either, if you mean this14:48
Guest40i used a USB to install14:48
TJ-sumitcn: in which case that's a bug in the Dell firmware (UEFI/BIOS) ACPI DSDT14:48
sumitcnTJ-:  I am quite checking it ,  but I think nope14:50
sumitcnthe problem still there :(14:50
TJ-Guest40: just had chance to look at your 'iw phy phy0 channels' - notice how all the channel widths are 20MHz ? That means if your AP is using 40/80/160MHz width the client will not see it14:50
TJ-sumitcn: Then the next suggestion I have is to try a more recent kernel. I'd recommend the HardWare Enablement kernel from cosmic which is 4.18, whereas currently the PC is using 4.15.14:51
TJ-!hwe | sumitcn14:51
ubottusumitcn: The Ubuntu LTS enablement stacks provide newer kernel and X support for existing LTS releases, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/LTSEnablementStack14:51
BluesKajgawd i hope not TJ- i just ordered a new Dell Inspiron 558014:51
Guest40TJ- but how it was previously (with windows) connected and now it is not, so it is not card issue for sure14:52
TJ-Guest40: I'd expect to see also "HT40- HT40+" at least14:52
Guest40so how can i fix that actually in order to connect14:54
Guest40i am not linux expert sorry14:54
jcduttonGuest40, can you smart phone get wifi ?14:54
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TJ-Guest40: it's a driver issue; the device is using proprietary blobs. Broadcom is well-known on Linux to be problematic14:55
FreeyorpTJ-: Looking further at the rules file, [ -n "$(STRIP)" ] || dh_strip -a   - that is, if $(STRIP) isn't nonzero length (eg. containing a y) then run dh_strip -a ...... two wrongs made a right? :<14:55
Guest40that's bad news, is there any solution about that or i have to forget linux ?14:56
TJ-Freeyorp: errrr noooo... isn't it if len($STRIP) > 0; then continue; else; dhstrip -a; fi14:56
jcduttonGuest40, can you post the output of "dmesg" to pastebin14:56
Guest40jcdutton yes here https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/zMk9v79cDP/14:57
jcduttonGuest40, i think you probably just need some firmware14:57
FreeyorpTJ-: That's what I mean - if STRIP=y, then it's not going to run dh_strip?14:57
sumitcnTJ-: When I check this file /boot/grub/grub.cfg . There is no line as such  "linux   /vmlinuz-4.13.0-16-lowlatency root=/dev/mapper/VG_OS-ubuntu_16.04_rootfs ro acpi_osi=! "acpi_osi=Windows 2015" splash $vt_handoff"14:59
sumitcnI run all the command scripts as given in blog14:59
jcduttonGuest40, does: iwlist scan     give any output?15:00
TJ-Guest40: Have you see this answer, and in particular "Special Case #1" which is indicated for your device with ID [14e4:4357]15:00
TJ-Guest40: https://askubuntu.com/questions/55868/installing-broadcom-wireless-drivers#6039515:00
TJ-sumitcn: you ran all the commands and rebooted?15:01
TJ-Freeyorp: it does seem to be very convoluted"15:01
Guest40TJ- yes exactly i saw it but i couldn't understand exactly what i have to follow15:02
sumitcnYes ,  the output of " cat /proc/cmdline " is "BOOT_IMAGE=/boot/vmlinuz-4.15.0-43-generic root=UUID=c2916277-2472-4c89-969e-5d366be51f89 ro acpi_osi=! "acpi_osi=Windows 2015" acpi_osi=! "acpi_osi=Windows 2015" quiet splash vt.handoff=1"15:02
FreeyorpYeah. Forcing the string to be STRIP=  leaves me with stripped packages; forcing the string to be STRIP=n leaves me with packages which do have the debugging symbols. The flip side is that I can now continue as far as what I was after goes, but I feel very sorry for whoever needs to maintain that rules file...15:02
jcduttonGuest40, did you try to install a special driver for it?  Special Case #1  looks like it should work out of the box, not special driver.15:03
Guest40but TJ- for 17.10+ versions it says UNKNOWN , i use 18.04.1 LTS15:03
TJ-Guest40: did you read the "Special Case #1" ?15:05
Guest40jcdutton i don't know because i try a lot of things following this article so i am not sure, but from a clean install it didn't worked either15:05
Guest40yes TJ- but i couldn't understand it clearly15:06
dabizgood morning15:06
jcduttonGuest40, modprobe brcmsmac15:06
Guest40modprobe: ERROR: could not insert 'brcmsmac': Operation not permitted15:07
dabizDoes anyone know a good channel i can ask  some software recommendation questions?  I  looking for a good Media server like Plex15:07
jcduttonGuest40, put "sudo" in front of the modprobe15:07
EoflaOEGuest40: Try that command with sudo (sudo modprobe brcmsmac).15:07
Guest40i did it, nothing happens15:08
TJ-Guest40: OK, let me explain. Special Case #1 means the device should be supported by the kernel without the Broadcom-provided 'wl' driver it seems to be using. That case says the 'bcma' driver should handle it. Do "modinfo -F alias bcma | grep 4357" and tell us what you see15:08
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Guest40TJ- pci:v000014E4d00004357sv*sd*bc*sc*i*15:09
jcduttonGuest40, lspci -vn    <- to pastebin  It will tell use which driver is trying to use the wifi card15:09
TJ-Guest40: that tells us the 'bcma' driver claims to fully support that device15:09
TJ-Guest40: to switch to it and test that, do "sudo modprobe -r wl && sudo modprobe bcma" and then "iwconfig" to check there's a wifi interface being provided by 'bcma'15:10
Guest40jcdutton https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/j8hmN2X93g/15:10
Guest40lo        no wireless extensions.enp2s0    no wireless extensions.15:11
jcduttonOk, it is using the "wl" driver, just need to blacklist that one, so bcm is used15:11
TJ-Freeyorp: can you post a bug report on that?15:11
TJ-Guest40: hmm, so 'bcma' doesn't seem to have managed to handle it. Show us "pastebinit <( dmesg | tail -n 50"15:12
jcduttonGuest40, I have to go, holefully someone else can show you how to blacklist the wl driver.15:12
TJ-Guest40: typo, : Show us "pastebinit <( dmesg | tail -n 50) "15:12
TJ-jcdutton: won't be a help if bcma won't handle it :D15:12
Guest40ok i executed and console stucked15:13
TJ-Guest40: press Ctrl+C15:13
jcduttonTJ-, lspci shows us that wither wl or bcma can be used, so blacklisting wl will make bcma work15:13
jcduttonthat either ..15:14
TJ-jcdutton: you're missing the point... I've had Guest40 load bcma and it hasn't claimed the device15:14
jcduttonTJ, ok, I don't know what it might be then.15:16
Guest40now, the wifi is dead and nothing on the list :P15:18
TJ-Guest40: let's do a couple of checks. What does this report: "lsmod | grep '^wl\|bcma' "15:18
Guest40bcma                   57344  1 brcmsmac15:19
TJ-Guest40: Well, that proves the bcma driver loaded. I'd have expected to see reports from it in the dmesg output you posted last, but there wasn't anything.15:20
Guest40do you want to re-execute it ?15:21
TJ-Guest40: just in case, yes please "pastebinit <( dmesg | tail -n 50 )"15:21
FreeyorpTJ-: I guess I can make something enough to get people talking. I can't say I know the root cause of the problem yet. :)15:21
cooloutachello all15:21
cooloutacDoes anyone know why secure boot keeps re-enabling itself on my system15:21
Guest40TJ- http://paste.ubuntu.com/p/qp9tMgck47/15:22
TJ-Freeyorp: just the fact "dbgsym package empty due to debian/rules dh_strip confusion" would be a good report title15:22
cooloutacI'll use this hp laptop for a month.  then for some reason my wifi card doesn't work again,  cause secure boot is mysteriously re-enabled15:22
cooloutacany idea why?15:22
cooloutacI'm not sure why or when it happens15:23
Guest40sorry disconnected15:24
Guest40i didn't saw your last message (if any)15:24
TJ-Guest40: The dmesg didn't change, but I'm wondering if you're missing the 'required firmware' - usually the module is supposed to declare the firmware files it needs and 'modinfo' can list them, but I'm not seeing any here15:24
TJ-Guest40: but just check the package is installed: "apt list linux-firmware"15:25
TJ-Guest40: so the files are there as expected15:26
TJ-Guest40: unfortunately this is a typical experience with Broadcom devices because they do not properly support Linux.15:27
Guest40it seems yes but now the wifi is totaly broken15:27
cooloutacmy wifi breaks unless i disable secure boot and install the driver.15:27
TJ-Guest40: no it's not broken, we can unload the bcma* drivers and reload the 'wl' driver15:27
cooloutacbut secure boot keeps mysteriously enabling itself!15:27
cooloutacwhy and how.  it happens after a week a couple weeks.  mysteriously out of nowhere!15:27
cooloutacno linux for me?15:27
pavloscooloutac: HP provides a code in BIOS to disable secure boot. See https://fixedit.itxpress.biz/2014/06/27/secure-boot-wont-stay-disabled/15:28
Guest40actually as i can see there is no way to connect with wifi15:28
cooloutacpavlos, ya thats an issue of having to type in the code after you set it.15:28
Guest40due brand incompatibility15:28
cooloutacmy issue is different.  It will stay disabled for weeks or months.  then one day its enabled agai and I don't know why.15:29
ioriaGuest40, what broadcom packages have you installed ? if any ....15:30
Guest40as i can remember it was firmware-b43-installer15:31
TJ-Guest40: "sudo modprobe -r brcmsmac" then "lsmod | grep bcma" to check if all is unloaded - we may need to remove other modules15:31
ioriaGuest40, is  bcmwl-kernel-source  installed  ? dpkg -l | grep  bcmwl-kernel-source15:31
TJ-ioria: it's got the 'wl' with configuration: broadcast=yes driver=wl0 driverversion= (r587334) latency=0 multicast=yes wireless=IEEE 802.1115:31
ddoobbHey I have a problem that two programs cannot output audio simultaneously. So If I have a video playing (or even paused) in VLC my Youtube videos won't play until I stop the VLC playback.15:32
ioriaTJ-, i see15:32
Guest40i executed sudo modprobe -r brcmsmac" then "lsmod | grep bcma" but no reply messages15:32
ddoobbThis wasn't the case before, only after 18.04 update15:32
TJ-ioria: we've just tried the alternative bcma/brcmsmac but it hasn't created an interface15:32
TJ-Guest40: that's good, it means all the other modules it depended on were unloaded too (hopefully!) so now you can do "sudo modprobe wl" to re-load the 'slightly-working' driver15:33
Guest40yes networks listed again but is missing my home network :P15:34
TJ-ddoobb: if you create a new user account and log-in to that does the same problem occur? It sounds like pulseaudio isn't being started (for your user) and the applications are using ALSA directly (implied by the exlusive control of the audio device)15:34
lotuspsychjeGuest40: did you reboot your isp modem/router yet?15:35
Guest40yes i did it yesterday15:35
Guest40but i am now connected from it via ethernet15:35
TJ-Guest40: right, which as I said at the start is probably because your Access Point is using wider channels, but the PC is only looking for 20MHz channels15:35
cooloutacI figured maybe ubuntu is enabling secure boot again for some reason after an update?15:35
cooloutacor maybe when my battery runs out of juice?  i'm not sure what is going on15:35
cooloutacbut feels like every 2-6 weeks I have to disable secure boot again15:36
TJ-cooloutac: I'm not aware of anything that would cause SB to be re-enabled; that's generally a firmware/user management function15:36
cooloutacmaybe HP is doing some shady stuff i dunno what else to think.15:36
cooloutacmaybe the bios re-enables it after a certain amount of time?15:36
Guest40that laptop has connected before on mine home network (via windows) so now we find out that is a driver broadcom issue that prevents my network to b listed?15:37
TJ-Guest40: as an experiment, in your Wifi Access Point, are you able to restruct channel width to 20Mhz (e.g. 802.11g / 802.11a) not 802.11n / 802.11an15:38
TJ-Guest40: if you can do that, and the PC then sees the Access Point, we know this is definitely the cause15:38
Guest40yeah but i have totaly no idea how to do that15:39
Guest40so this can be configure by entering in router configs?15:39
TJ-Guest40: usually there is a web-page control panel for the wifi on the AP15:39
cooloutacdam I gotta put windows back on this machine.15:40
cooloutacthis is my sisters laptop i set up for her.  Is it possible she is doing something from within ubuntu to renable secure boot by accident?15:40
TJ-Guest40: it may specifically allow you to select the 20/40 MHz channel width, or might sort-of hide the option by a setting that can be 802.11b/g/n (802.11a/n/c for 5GHz)15:40
ddoobbTJ- I can't log out right now but if I enter pulseaudio in terminal I get:15:41
ddoobbE: [pulseaudio] pid.c: Daemon already running.15:41
ddoobbE: [pulseaudio] main.c: pa_pid_file_create() failed.15:41
lotuspsychjecooloutac: how did you install ubuntu in the first place? dualboot? singleboot? legacy/uefi?15:41
TJ-ddoobb: check it is running as your user with "ps -efly | grep pulseaudio"15:41
TJ-Guest40: you want to avoid the 'n' option and limit it to b/g or a15:42
Guest40you mean this https://i.imgur.com/6EVJMnV.png15:42
ddoobbTJ- yes it shows this process: /usr/bin/pulseaudio --start --log-target=syslog15:43
TJ-ddoobb: then I'm not sure what's going on, most audio-generating applications should be using pulseaudio15:44
TJ-Guest40: Yes, "Bandwidth"15:45
TJ-Guest40: oooo I've noticed something else, your PC won't iniate on channel 12 but your AP is using channel 12... might help to move the AP to use Channel 1115:46
ddoobbTJ- alright thanks for helping15:46
cooloutaclotuspsychje, single boot. uefi15:47
TJ-Guest40: from your earlier 'iw phy phy0 channels' you'll see channel 12 has "No IR" -> http://paste.ubuntu.com/p/XwWk62bDT8/15:47
Guest40ok so first now i must change the channel15:47
Guest40to 11 or something lower than 1215:47
TJ-Guest40: try both, but yes, that is a key15:48
TJ-Guest40: I'm afraid I have to leave now but drop a message on how you get on15:48
Guest40OMG YES15:48
Guest40when i changed the channel15:48
Guest40to 815:48
Guest40it displayed on the list15:48
Guest40omg unbelievable15:49
lotuspsychje!cookie | TJ-15:49
ubottuTJ-: Wow! You're such a great helper, you deserve a cookie!15:49
Guest40i will try to connect via wifi now to see if it will work15:49
lotuspsychjecooloutac: for singleboot ubuntu, best to choose fastboot:off and secureboot:off15:50
ferenhello, can someone advise on how I can set a specific dns server for my computer? I'm running ubuntu bionic beaver and can't seem to figure out how to make my dns change stick since resolv.conf is contantly overwritten.15:50
cooloutaclotuspsychje, secureboot only stays off for a couple weeks or so then re-enables itself15:50
EoflaOEGuest40: It means that the driver is not listening to APs on channel 12. Try to connect to see if it works15:50
cooloutacwhy is this happening?15:50
Guest40_YESok man15:50
Guest40_YESi freaking love you15:50
cooloutacwith it enabled the wifi card doesn't work which is the problem.15:50
cooloutachow can I stop it from re-enabling itself mysteriously15:51
lotuspsychjecooloutac: that doesnt sound healthy indeed15:51
Guest40_YESthanks a lot for you help mate, really really appreciated you rock!15:51
cooloutaclotuspsychje, my sister wants me to put windows back on becuase this keeps happening.15:51
cooloutacshe will use the laptop fine for a month or so.  then all of a sudden the wifi card doesn't work because secure boot has been mysteriously re0-enabled15:51
lotuspsychjecooloutac: but you said you installed ubuntu in uefi?15:51
cooloutacwell it must be since secure boot works on it.15:52
lotuspsychjecooloutac: did you try install in legacy?15:52
cooloutacI can try that.  that is an option during the install I assume yes?15:52
lotuspsychjecooloutac: no, you need to set your bios to legacy15:52
cooloutacas I said.  I set the bios to legacy and secure boot disabled.    secure boot mysteriously enables itself again.  even with legacy enabled.15:53
lotuspsychjecooloutac: chanhing uefi settings might influence your system, so dont forget to backup15:53
cooloutacI even put a password on the bios just in case the boogeyman in her house was changing the settings.15:53
lotuspsychjecooloutac: hmm, you might wanna talk to the ##hardware channel for that, didnt hear that one before15:53
cooloutacit still gets set to seure boot again after some time.15:53
cooloutacI'm wondering maybe it happens when her battery dies.  I just don't get why it happens.15:53
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cooloutacok I will ask there.15:53
lotuspsychjecooloutac: brand/type of your system plz?15:54
ferenhello, can someone advise on how I can set a specific dns server for my computer? I'm running ubuntu 18.04 and can't seem to figure out how to make my dns change stick since resolv.conf is constantly overwritten. I'm trying to set my ubuntu's dns to point to my pi-hole's ip for dns.15:56
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sanrootis mate fork of gnome ?16:21
leftyfbliterally the very first sentence16:22
cooloutaclotuspsychje, HP 15-da0007ds16:36
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lotuspsychjecooloutac: the ##hardware channel know anything usefull?16:52
ducassecooloutac: if you're booting in legacy mode then the secure boot setting is irrelevant17:12
TJ-feren set a DNS over-ride in the connection's settings17:28
xubertI am trying to install to a usb drive, not create a live drive per se but I need to be sure its not installed to the hard drive, ie employers computer.17:53
xubertI did so and the install seemed to go well17:54
xubertbut I am apparently not able to boot from that drive17:54
xubertI am thinking I messed up with the parititoning of the USB drive, I posted a screen shot of the usb drive from minitool partition wizard here https://pasteboard.co/HXlRL7X.png17:55
xubertany thoughts on how to change the setup i have either say with something like fdisk to change the partition id and type (or something, i dont 100% understand partitioning) or how to set up something that can boot from a usb drive and provide persistant storage/settings?17:56
didoerplcan gpg encrypt volumes as well apart from files17:59
t2mknhello all.18:00
t2mkni know it's not the right place may be but...18:00
pedrocrdoes anyone know if it's possible to move a 4 disk raid5 to a 4 disk raid6 in place given that I've upgraded the disks to higher capacity?18:00
t2mknif any one like to help me understand issues with initial startup understanding about an android application, please IM. as a developer of the app, I feel every thing is right. but as a non developer one can better help identifying possible fixes.18:00
pedrocrthe mdadm manpage doesn't seem clear on that18:00
TJ-pedrocr: I see it talks about "When an array is converted between RAID5 and RAID6 an intermediate RAID6 layout is used in which the second parity18:03
TJ-              block (Q) is always on the last device.18:03
TJ-pedrocr: it also talks about Grow mode and "...between RAID5 and RAID6,..." so I'd suspect the answer is yes. You can always test it with a bunch of small loopdevs18:04
pedrocrTJ-: yeah, its dubious, later it talks about normally there being an extra device available already18:07
pedrocrtesting with some loopbacks is a good idea too18:07
pedrocrthis machine is also long overdue for a motherboard/cpu/ram replacement so maybe I should just get one that has 5 SATA ports at least and get a 5th disk18:08
xubertNo thoughts on bootable ubuntu usb question? :/18:12
TJ-xubert: what OS are you using right now?18:14
xamithanDo you want persistance livecd or do you want an install to usb18:14
xamithanThe first is easy to do and runs about 40x faster18:14
xubertxamithan: am totally fine with the first, just not sure how18:15
xubertxamithan: I was using xubuntu, is that a option buried somewhere?18:15
dman777I am trying errors=remount-ro but everyonce in awhile my system breaks because it goes into read only mode. Should I remove this option? Is it normal to get errors once in awhile and I should not have the filesystem go into read only?18:16
xamithanI always used unetbootin to do that18:16
xuberthmmm, havent heard of that, will look it up/give it a try. thanks!18:17
trustedinstallerarch linux is best18:17
trustedinstalleruse arch linux18:17
trustedinstalleruse arch linux18:17
trustedinstalleruse arch linux18:17
xubertxamithan: btw, does it still alow one to create an encrypted lvm partition?18:18
xamithanI do not think so18:18
TJ-xubert: you're currently chatting from Xubuntu? I'm trying to determine what tooling you've got avaliable18:19
xubertTJ-: not at the moment, but I have a live xubuntu drive that I can put up (w/o persistence)18:20
xubertam on a winbox at the moment18:20
TJ-xubert: I thought so; it'd help to be on a Linux boot to do decent diagnostics18:21
xubertI can certainly reboot into the xubuntu live drive and re-join is you think there are some tools that that would allow me to get/give some more info18:22
xubertTJ-: btw, did you see the screen shot i posted earlier? I think my problem is with how i setup the parititions, but of couse not sure18:23
dangmooI'm trying something just for learning.18:23
azizLIGHTWhy use Apt and traditional repos anymore if we have snap and programs in snaps are probably going to be more recent/up-to-date versions than repo versions. What is the point of repos now18:42
xamithanNot everything is a snap18:43
brainwashand ubuntu is still debian based18:44
didoerplI feed my salt , key and wish to see the pure ciphertext of AES in hexadecimal...18:47
didoerplhow to do that in gpg18:47
leonardusdo old launchpad accounts get purged? there seems to be a never-used account from 2006 with the username "leonardus"18:49
azizLIGHTxamithan: so then, would you agree that snaps are better than repo for programs that have snaps?18:49
TJ-azizLIGHT: where are you going to get your support if everything is a snap?18:49
xamithanI don't know about better,  they are just universal packages for any linux instead of debian specific18:49
TJ-leonardus: I'm not aware of any LP deletions unless requested by the account holder18:49
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didoerplunder pressure I might be forced to reveal the key. but intends to have pure random data file, that is also encrypted, the same as using dd...18:50
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solarsneed help: I've got a USB-C multiport adapter (docking station) and sometimes it happens that my external screen is not recognized (xrandr/arandr) - does anyone know why this happens and how I can debug it?18:53
scottmmjacksonWeird question. I can't get my Alcor MMC reader to work (even with the 4.20.3 kernel) and I checked ubuntu's kernel patch... it disables the Alcor MMC driver?19:06
scottmmjacksonhttps://kernel.ubuntu.com/~kernel-ppa/mainline/v4.20.3/0005-configs-based-on-Ubuntu-4.20.0-2.3.patch -- search for CONFIG_MMC_ALCOR19:07
brainwashscottmmjackson: that's a question for #ubuntu-kernel19:07
scottmmjacksonthanks, I'll take it over there.19:07
TJ-scottmmjackson: simple. The mainline builds use the standard Ubuntu config :)19:08
TJ-scottmmjackson: the idea is they are identical builds to the Ubuntu kernel, as far as possible19:09
scottmmjacksonTJ-: The 4.15 version that ships with bionic also lacks the config option, and I'm pretty sure that version should come with the driver.19:11
TJ-according to git log that driver was only added last month so it didn't exist before. "c5413ad815a6 2018-12-17 08:26:24 +0100 N Oleksij Rempel mmc: add new Alcor Micro Cardreader SD/MMC driver"19:13
dangmooI'm trying something just for learning.19:13
scottmmjacksonSo I'm hearing I have to recompile my kernel from source19:14
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TJ-scottmmjackson: Nope, not at all. All you need is to put the module into a DKMS package19:18
renn0xtk9what is the trick if I want to run a programm withotu sudo ? e.g. righ now I have to run "sudo st-flash" I would like to run only like"st-flash"19:20
xamithanYou just do it without the sudo19:21
renn0xtk9xamithan  but then it won't execute properly...19:22
scottmmjacksonxamithan: the tool renn0xtk9 is referring to writes to a serial device.19:22
xamithanBecause it needs root19:22
TJ-scottmmjackson: do you want to do that now? if so download http://iam.tj/projects/ubuntu/mmc_alcor-dkms.tar.gz   -- assuming you save that to $HOME/Downloads/ then do "sudo tar -xvf $HOME/Downloads/mmc_alcor-dksm.tar.gz -C /" then "sudo dkms add mmc_alcor/1.0 && sudo dkms install mmc_alcor/1.0"19:22
xamithanEither log in as root and run the program or use sudo19:22
scottmmjacksonTJ-: thanks, I was looking for that19:23
renn0xtk9xamithan the point of my question is to tell the system that this programm should not need root anymore ....19:23
TJ-scottmmjackson: all I did was grab the single file and add the Makefile and dkms.conf :)19:23
scottmmjacksonhttps://unix.stackexchange.com/questions/14354/read-write-to-a-serial-port-without-root renn0xtk919:24
scottmmjacksonUsually there's a group your current user needs to be added to.19:24
renn0xtk9scottmmjackson yeah I know about that, i am already in the dialout group19:25
TJ-renn0xtk9: is the /dev/ node giving dialout read/write permissions?19:25
renn0xtk9TJ- how to check that? I am not sure I understand19:26
TJ-renn0xtk9: presumably 'st-flash' is trying to access a /dev/ node - so that node would need to give the group dialout r/w permissions19:27
scottmmjacksonTJ-: tar xvf a tar.gz... somehow you knew it's not really gzipped19:27
TJ-scottmmjackson: did I mistype!?19:27
scottmmjacksonTJ-: no, weirdly you got it exactly right, and it's .tar.gz but not actually .gz19:27
scottmmjacksonI did xvzf thinking you made a typo and it yelled at me19:28
TJ-scottmmjackson: I think I mistyped the creation command here!19:28
TJ-scottmmjackson: I created it with -cvf instead of -czf19:31
dash_Lol it always sucks when you use the wrong flags doesn't it xD19:31
renn0xtk9TJ- I have somehting like lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 15 Jan 20 20:31 /dev/stlinkv2_2 -> bus/usb/001/010 is that what you mean?19:32
TJ-renn0xtk9: aha, so you see the owner:group is root:root so being a member of dialout will not help19:32
renn0xtk9Tj- okay how could I change that?19:33
TJ-renn0xtk9: it's a weird path it symlinks to though, is there a /dev/bus/usb/001/010 ?19:33
scottmmjacksonAlright, module build is failing due to missing headers. I think that means I'm wrong about 4.20.3 supporting it. Upgrading to 5 and seeing if that changes things.19:33
scottmmjacksonThanks for the help TJ-19:34
lord4163What method should I use to create a bootable USB stick with persistent storage?19:34
TJ-scottmmjackson: I built it here on 519:34
scottmmjacksonAha, that'll probably be it then.19:34
renn0xtk9Tj- yes there is19:35
TJ-scottmmjackson: it's the missing linux/alcor_pci.h19:35
scottmmjacksonYep. Be back in a second19:35
scottmmjackson> Module mmc_alcor/1.0 already installed on kernel 5.0.0-050000rc2-generic/x86_6419:37
scottmmjacksonsounds like a success to me19:37
TJ-scottmmjackson: I've fixed the DKMS build for earlier versions, just packaging it now19:37
scottmmjacksonAwesome! Yeah, pcmanfm sees the MMC now19:38
TJ-scottmmjackson: OK, you can download it now19:38
scottmmjacksonwonderful result19:38
TJ-scottmmjackson: tested building with 4.20, I'll try Ubuntu kernels now19:38
TJ-scottmmjackson: builds for 4.15-0-44 (bionic) and 4.18.0-14 (cosmic/bionic-HWE)19:39
TJ-renn0xtk9: what does "ls -l /dev/bus/usb/001/010 " report ?19:41
renn0xtk9Tj- crw-rw-rw-+ 1 root max 189, 9 Jan 20 20:31 /dev/bus/usb/001/01019:43
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murthyTJ-: Since 19.04 is feature frozen, can I file a feature request to bump opencv from v3.2 to v4.0.1 or is it too late?19:44
lord4163What method should I use to create a bootable USB stick with persistent storage?19:44
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TJ-renn0xtk9: notice the group owner is "max" there - is that your username?19:45
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renn0xtk9Tj- yes19:45
TJ-renn0xtk9: in which case you should not need root/sudo *unless* one of the directories leading to that file do not permit your user to traverse it19:46
TJ-renn0xtk9: but assuming you were using your 'max' user to do the 'ls' you've already proved it can traverse19:47
ducassemurthy: questions about 19.04 belomg in #ubuntu+119:47
TJ-ducasse: that's where we are :)19:47
ducasseTJ-: +1?19:48
renn0xtk9Tj- well /dev/bus/usb for instance is root root is not that a probelm?19:48
renn0xtk9I mean if I run my st-flash without sudo, it will not work. so there must be a probelm somehow19:49
TJ-renn0xtk9: try "strace -f -e trace=file st-flash |& tee /tmp/strace.log" then "pastebinit /tmp/strace.log"19:50
rabbit-in-the-tiDiogenese : All seems well, thanks one billion!19:51
lord4163What method should I use to create a bootable USB stick with persistent storage?19:51
Richard_CavellSo I see that the Dell XPS laptops have been updated, and there's no developer edition.  Is there any standard advice or any official support in relation to the new Dell XPS's?19:57
luketheduke1lord4163, just have a FAT32 partition on it if you want it accessible on windows19:57
lord4163luketheduke1: How does that help?19:58
renn0xtk9Tj- https://pastebin.com/sNzfK8dB19:59
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leftyfbRichard_Cavell: contact Dell?19:59
luketheduke1lord4163, what do you mean?19:59
lord4163luketheduke1: How do I make a persistent live USB?20:00
lord4163luketheduke1: I don't need to access it from Windows.20:00
Sushi-sanmy usb printer wont work on 18.04. I made sure the drivers are installed. What should I do?20:01
xamithandoes it show up if you list usbs20:05
xamithanGotta give more info than it just won't work20:06
TJ-renn0xtk9: I can see no clues there as to why it is failing.20:06
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Sushi-sanyes, it appears20:07
Sushi-sanIt only sporadically prints jobs, but only the first page20:07
renn0xtk9Tj- okay.. well still thanks alot20:08
xamithanThat is strange,  maybe better off asking in #cups20:10
xamithanthey'll probably say to enable debug logging and give some errors etc.20:11
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LInAxhey guys20:19
LInAxI maked a namelist with 200 names how can i shuffle this list20:19
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LInAxI have no idea :/20:20
Guest83345is here someone who could help me with some Ubuntu Problems ? I made a fresh installation of Xubuntu on my Laptop but some things wont work :(20:21
xamithanLInAx: Shuf ?20:22
LInAxi found bashscript20:24
LInAxto do this20:24
xamithanshuf and sort are both GNU coreutils that'll do it20:24
ioriaLInAx, did you get what xamithan said or not ?20:26
Sushi-sanRegarding my printer issue, I think it might be because of the pdf reader i was using20:27
M1keHi is here someone who have a bit time to help me with some Ubuntu Problems ?20:29
ioriaM1ke, if you explain it ...20:30
M1keI have installed Xubuntu on my Laptop today but some things didnt work like the Standby mode20:30
ioriaM1ke, suspend, you mean ?20:31
M1keif i close my laptop and open it again it just have a black screen20:31
M1kei need to reboot it with the power button to make it work again20:31
M1kemaybe its driver related ... i have a Lenovo Yoga 3 Pro20:32
ioriaM1ke,  what version of xubuntu ?20:32
M1keXubuntu 18.1020:32
xamithanIs it using noveau driver ?20:32
xamithanI heard there was an issue in that one20:32
M1kenoveau ? sorry im a total noob20:33
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xamithanintel graphics20:33
M1keit runs with an Intel GPU chip yeah20:33
M1keit doesnt have an extra graphic card20:33
M1kelike Nvidia or AMD20:34
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xamithanWell the solutions was to either blacklist that driver,  which you probably can't do if that is your only one,  or try a different kernel20:35
xamithan4.18 the said fixed it *shrug*20:35
ioriaM1ke,  have you tried to switch to console (ctrl+alt+f3) and back to the gui20:35
m1koslovi could try that20:36
m1koslovlol i have a different name now20:36
m1koslovwtf that worked20:38
m1koslovits weird but it worked20:38
m1koslovcant i fix this bug ?20:38
OerHeksi think you need to fiddle around with TLP, for suspend and probably the cause, wifi issues > sudo add-apt-repository ppa:linrunner/tlp20:40
m1koslovwhat does TLP stand for ?20:40
pizzaburgerHello! After scaling displays with xrandr my mouse is flickering, can't find a working solution. Can any one please give me some suggestions? Thanks!20:42
LInAxioria i got it20:43
LInAxusing perl20:43
LInAxperl -MList::Util -e 'print List::Util::shuffle <>' $i > $i.new20:43
ioriaLInAx, ok, just wanted to be sure20:43
OerHekslaptop power managment, not sure what T stands for http://ubuntuhandbook.org/index.php/2017/12/install-tlp-1-0-in-ubuntu-16-0417-10/20:43
LInAxioria :) tnkz20:44
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OerHeksif i perform:  snap install sdlpop pencilsheep nextcloud bubble-pop xonotic  cncra cncra2yr cnctsun jgalaxian flare-rpg minecraft boa openra corsixth tmnationsforever msnake micropolis sudoku-game pin-town spelunky zzt starruler2 spider-solitaire balloon-pop liveforspeed solarus squarehead opentyrian21:15
OerHeksi get an error: error: store.SnapNotFound with 28 snaps21:15
OerHeksis there a limit of snaps install ?21:15
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Net|https://netpipe.ca/?page_id=2536 futuristic sports22:58
OerHeksNet|, how is this ubuntu related?23:00
yldi'm too old ...23:03
yldtime in France 00.0423:04
reallyme1orableI have a bash script that I'm running in Ubuntu to download some .zip files from the internet and push the contents into a postgres db.  The issue is that the contents (some large geojson objects) eat up all the memory and my upload fails.  Is there a way to have the script break up the geojson uploads periodically?23:27

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