
partlycloudyhello, has anyone got ssl worked with MAAS 2.4?02:04
leftyfbpartlycloudy: you should try #maas02:18
leftyfbpartlycloudy: also, learn to ask for help, not for a survey02:18
partlycloudyleftyfb: thank you leftyfb. i tried #maas, but it was silent there…02:19
leftyfbpartlycloudy: you'll need to wait, possibly till Tuesday02:19
partlycloudyleftyfb: oh yeah… long weekend.02:22
lordievaderGood morning07:28
ahasenackgood morning11:00
kstenerudwhen calling dpkg-buildpackage, I get the following error:11:02
ksteneruddpkg-source: error: aborting due to unexpected upstream changes, see /tmp/dovecot_2.3.4-2.diff.iemGlV11:02
kstenerudWhat does that mean? My source tree is clean11:02
ahasenackit's not, when compared to the orig tarball11:04
ahasenacknot that sometimes (most of the time, in my experience), the "dh clean" step doesn't really clean it up completely11:04
kstenerudHow do I fix it?11:05
ahasenackunapply all patches, and compare your tree with the orig tarball11:05
ahasenackmaybe you committed something to the tree instead of as a debian patch11:05
ahasenackor maybe there is "dirt" that dh clean didn't clean, so try "git clean -f -x -d"11:06
ahasenackand check git status11:06
ahasenackwith --ignored11:06
ahasenackrbasak: what's the difference between "platform" and "ubuntu" in these seeds repositories? https://code.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-core-dev/ubuntu-seeds/+git/12:01
rbasakahasenack: I believe it's legacy from when we had separate 3 year and 5 year LTS periods between desktop and server.12:05
rbasakahasenack: now they're equivalent but just have different seeds in different places.12:06
ahasenackrbasak: so how did you find out where to add the irc server seed, anope?12:11
kstenerudI'm getting a strange error when I try to dput a ppa:12:20
kstenerudgpg: ../dovecot_2.3.4-2_source.changes: error 58: gpgme_op_verify12:20
kstenerudgpgme_op_verify: GPGME: No data12:20
kstenerudHas anyone seen this before?12:20
rbasakahasenack: I looked for the seed that contained supported server packages (that aren't seeded anywhere further up the hierarchy)12:27
ahasenackkstenerud: did you sign the changes file?12:28
LachezarHey all. In Ubuntu Server 18.04 docker is a "snap". How do I do "... --volume /path:/mount ..." in such environment?12:44
LachezarI need to specify a volume to be in a dedicated disk/partition mounted in the host.12:45
ahasenackrbasak: hm, last time I did a seed change, it was in "ubuntu" repository13:18
ahasenackbut my change was to drop a seed13:18
ahasenackso I just had to find where it was defined13:18
ahasenackbut it's still unclear, I just asked in #ubuntu-devel13:18
ahasenackrbasak: did you see the response in #ubuntu-devel about the difference between "ubuntu" and "platform"?13:50
tomreynit is a plausible theory that someoene who had the ubuntu-server package but no -desktop packages installed on 16.04, but had xfce and xserver-xorg installed, and initiated a do-release-upgrade upgrade to 18.04, would end up with xwayland?15:00
lotuspsychjewe also dont know what the user has chosen during upgrade, he did mention to have chosen yes-no etc15:09
rbasaktomreyn: I think you're better off asking desktop people. Server people don't deal with xfce, xserver-xorg or xwayland.15:20
rbasakServer packages have no interaction with those components.15:20
tomreynrbasak: and this is entirely logical. but i assumed server folks do design the upgrade path for when there is the ubuntu-server package installed, and i assume this was the case here.15:22
tomreynbut let's not spend time on it, since i have no hard facts.15:23
rbasaktomreyn: understood. FWIW, there isn't an upgrade path as such. Upgrade paths are implemented when necessary in individual packages.15:32
tomreynoh, thanks for pointing this out, so that's a misconception i had there. i thought i had noted that the release upgrader code which is downloaded by do-release-upgrade inspects presence of these meta packages and makes choices based on those findings.15:40
muhahais there any crontab that can support year in crontab? I just want to run job only once (without deleteing crontab entry for example) I can not use at, because I need some shared "db". I am able to create lock file with flock to prevent duplicate triggering.15:43
sdezielmuhaha: how about a little quirk like: [ "$(date +%Y)" = "2020" ] && myjob15:45
rbasaktomreyn: do-release-upgrader does have some magic for some edge cases I believe, but that's the exception rather than the norm.15:49
rbasakIt's not that the server team writes an "upgrade path" for each release or anything.15:49
lordcirth_muhaha, what do you mean by a shared db?15:49
rbasakI'm not sure the server team has ever needed anything in do-release-upgrade.15:50
tomreynrbasak: thank, this is is good to know, should prevent me from providing as much flase info in the future :)15:50
rbasakWe generally just make sure we ship stuff that'll upgrade correctly with plain apt.15:50
rbasakI wouldn't be surprised to hear that the switch to wayland and back needed some magic in do-release-upgrade. However I don't know either way. Such a thing would have been implemented between the desktop and foundations teams.15:52
muhahalordcirth_: I have webhook wrapper which can setup crontab for example... I can run this server in failover/more that 1 instance... atd can not use NFS for spool, but crontab depends only on files on FS, so If I create lock when is time to trigger job, another instance can not trigger this job as duplicate, if is there lock file from flock.15:53
lordcirth_muhaha, ah ok15:54
muhahaProblem is that crontab can not hanlde one time jobs..15:54
muhahanncron can use year in pattern AFAIK15:54
lordcirth_muhaha, if the first thing your job does is check the lock file, it can just do nothing15:54
muhahano, one of X instances will trigger crontab job-> first one will create lock file and run command, otheres will not run because of lock file -> already created15:55
lordcirth_muhaha, yeah, that's what I mean. Just don't delete the lock file when you're done. Then it will only run once.16:01
muhahahttp://www.nncron.ru/help/EN/working/cron-format.htm -> this one can handle year -> you can trigger job only once with shared file locking16:01
muhahalordcirth_ I am using https://linux.die.net/man/1/flock -> can not create and let lock file forever, some bash wrapper is wacky ... I just want quick, proper way.16:04
lordcirth_Well, nncron seems like it works too, as long as it's not hard for you to migrate16:04
TJ-muhaha: which release are you using? Sounds like a job for a systemd timer16:07
lordcirth_Oh, yeah that exists too16:13
muhahasystemd time is not in dockerized ubuntu, right?16:16
lordcirth_muhaha, probably not. The host sets the kernel time.16:44
=== TheHonorableKitt is now known as THKitten
THKittenis there anyone in here who is an admin in #linux? Looks like I've been banned again (because I'm using TOR). This was fixed before for me as I'm a trusted user, but it looks like it's been broken.16:46
TJ-THKitten: did you try in ##linux-ops ?17:30
ahasenackkstenerud: schleuder is also failing in debian at least: https://ci.debian.net/packages/s/schleuder/17:32
ahasenacksame failure17:32
=== logan_ is now known as logan-
lunaphytei upgraded from 14 to 16, and it broke booting.  it seems to be related to lvm and initrd/initramfs18:55
lunaphytegrub loads ok, and the kernel starts to load, but then when it tries to mount various filesystems, it can't, and eventually gives up trying and drops to an initramfs prompt18:56
lunaphyteall i have to do to get it to work is manually issue "vgchange -y", then i can exit and it resumes booting and everything is fine - so it seems like the initrd has support for lvm, but just isn't activating the volume groups?18:57
lunaphytehow can i troubleshoot and fix this?18:58
lunaphytei've since upgraded from 16 to 18.04, and 18.04 to 18.10, but it remains broken18:58
lordcirth_lunaphyte, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/lvm2/+bug/157398218:59
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1573982 in lvm2 (Ubuntu) "LVM boot problem - volumes not activated after upgrade to Xenial" [Undecided,Confirmed]18:59
lunaphytelordcirth_: oh, wow.  was that something you happened to already know about, or did you just now find it with some searching?19:01
lordcirth_FWIW, this sort of thing is why I just reinstalled19:01
lordcirth_lunaphyte, I searched it just now19:01
lordcirth_"ubuntu initrd lvm"19:01
lunaphytewell, i'm grateful you did, for whatever reason, i was obviously doing an awful job19:02
lordcirth_lol np19:02
lunaphytelordcirth_: why does reinstalling make the problem a non issue?19:02
lordcirth_lunaphyte, pretty sure the 16.04 installer works fine with LVM. It's upgrading the old system that misses something.19:02
lordcirth_I'd seriously consider wiping it and installing 18.0419:03
lunaphytei see19:03
lunaphyteyeah, i would like to, honestly19:03
lunaphytenot right now though19:03
lunaphytei'll be able to once i get some other crap straightened out19:03
lordcirth_lunaphyte, also, just wondering, do you need LVM? I don't use it anymore19:04
lunaphytei guess that depends on what "need" means :)19:04
lordcirth_I just reinstalled my home PC with ZFS root, which was a bit involved, but it's awesome now19:04
lunaphytedo i need it?  no, not really. i do like it though19:04
lunaphyteoh zfs19:04
lunaphyteyeah, maybe at some point19:05
TJ-lunaphyte: haha! Notice I posted a udev patch to that bug?19:05
lordcirth_btrfs works as well and is trivial to install to /, unlike ZFS19:05
lunaphyteTJ-: oh, let me look19:06
lordcirth_But I wanted raidz / raid5, and btrfs's raid5 is alpha19:06
lunaphytelordcirth_: i have been using btrfs on other systems recently19:06
lunaphytei do like it, but i've unfortunately had some very very bad experiences too19:06
lordcirth_It's a bit buggy still. ZFS is wonderful.19:06
lunaphytei'm hoping i've just done something irresponsible, but that's another thing to figure out19:06
lunaphytesystems that get shutdown uncleanly, and the filesystem is rendered completely unusable19:07
lunaphyteit was a huge bummer19:07
lunaphytebut anyway, that's a different story19:07
lunaphyteTJ-: how do i see the patches posted to the bug?  just within the thread discussion itself?19:08
TJ-lunaphyte: Looks like my patch addresses a slightly different case to yours; in my case it was when kernel command line has root=UUID= whereas yours is for /usr not being activated19:09
lunaphyteoh ok19:09
TJ-lunaphyte: yes, they're linked from the comment where they are introduced, and aslo listed on the right side19:09
lunaphyteoh there, i see.  thanks19:09
TJ-lunaphyte: Your /usr/ issue won't be solved by that, you need the earlier patch form comment #10 I think it is19:10
lunaphyte"I then booted via rescue system and added "lvm vgchange -ay" in /usr/share/initramfs-tools/scripts/local-top/lvm2 right before "exit 0""19:11
lunaphytethat guy?19:11
TJ-use -aay rather than -ay though19:11
lunaphyteis that a more so a hack?  or is it actually the correct way to solve the problem?19:11
TJ-lunaphyte: correct way - the problem occurs because this command was removed from the software19:14
lunaphyteok, cool.  thanks very much19:14
lunaphytei'll give it a try shortly19:14
TJ-don't forget to update-initramfs beforehand19:15
lunaphytebefore rebooting?19:15
ahasenackrbasak: what I meant in standup, I can't install libmariadbclient-dev in debian/sid: https://pastebin.ubuntu.com/p/7bkNKWdGbf/19:19
ahasenackdev one is 10.1, whereas the one carrying the soname is 10.319:20
TJ-lunaphyte: yes, after adding change and before rebooting19:38
lunaphytegotcha.  i won't forget :p19:38
lunaphytein /usr/share/initramfs-tools/scripts/local-top/lvm2, i see "activate "$ROOT"", which makes sense, but also "activate "$resume""20:04
lunaphytei don't see where $resume is getting set.  what is this?  where does it come from?20:05
KWhat4How do you install lzma or lz4 support for mariadb in this OS?  [ERROR] InnoDB: innodb_compression_algorithm = 4 unsupported. InnoDB: liblzma is not installed. Yet apt cache certainly thinks liblzma5 is installed.  Does ubuntu not support anything but gzip for row_format compression?20:05
KWhat4version 10.120:07
KWhat4Its, cool.  No one uses lz4 for realtime compression anyway due to libz superior compression speed and ratio.20:25
lunaphytei'm having trouble getting this system to keep a resolution of 1280x102420:31
lunaphytei've set GRUB_GFXMODE=1280x1024 and GRUB_GFXPAYLOAD_LINUX=keep in /etc/default/grub, which seems to partially work, but something is still changing the resolution at some point during boot20:32
lunaphytethe display i'm using can't go beyond that, so it goes "out of range" when that happens and i can't see the screen of course20:32
lunaphytehow can i figure out what is doing this?20:32
lunaphyteit looks like maybe due to the edid information?20:50
lunaphyteaha, yes20:57
lunaphytebooting with the physical display worked.  the kernel didn't detect it, so it left the resolution alone, and the network console didn't go out of range20:58
lunaphyte"booting with the physical display disconnected worked", i meant to say21:00
rbasakahasenack: libmariadbclient-dev is deprecated in 10.3 I think and will be removed.21:04
rbasakAre our regular cloud images supposed to work on bare metal? What does MAAS do?21:23
rbasakI have a friend for whom this doesn't work because his USB keyboard doesn't work. Installing linux-image-generic fixes it.21:24
rbasakHe can't use MAAS because he needs the installation to work over the Internet.21:24
rbasakSo no TFTP.21:24
rbasakIn his case a USB installation is fine, so he's blatting the cloud image onto a USB stick at my suggestion, and separately providing a NoCloud cloud-init datasource using an SD card.21:25
rbasak(well TFTP would work, but he can't control DHCP to bootstrap that)21:25
OerHeksbesides https://docs.maas.io/2.5/en/installconfig-network-ssl your maas service need a lot of work for ssl  https://askubuntu.com/questions/736126/using-https-with-maas-web-interface-login-redirects-to-http21:26
rbasakThis approach seems to work fine except he's currently needing to make two modifications to the image that he'd like to avoid: 1) installing linux-image-generic to make the USB keyboard work; and 2) dropping console=ttyS0 to work around bug 1573095 (I'm about to update that bug with details)21:27
ubottubug 1573095 in Ubuntu "16.04 cloud image hangs at first boot" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/157309521:27
rbasakrharper: ^ would you happen to know please?21:27

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