[00:01] OerHeks: I was under the impression that ath10k was included in the Kernel already [00:02] TJ- Very true - I'm an idiot! [00:05] Did I kill the chat here? let's talk about the bear instead :) [00:23] one thinks one gotta sleep soon now. almost 1:30am [00:24] sorry! This is the #ubuntu channel, no the offtopic. very sorry [00:36] anyone have any idea why virtualbox when loading up a vm wont read the iso as a bootable medium? [00:37] it just tells me cannot find bootable medium even when ubuntu18.04.1-server-amd64.iso is loaded in a disk image [00:37] jamie_1_: it's supposed to be optical media, not a disk image [00:37] sorry i worded that bad, thats what it is [00:38] jamie_1_: what OS is VB running on? [00:38] ubuntu 18.10 [00:39] btw nice to see you again... i dont come very often but you always seem to be here [00:39] it's working fine for me here on 18.04. Have you tested the iso booting another machine from usb or cd? [00:40] hrm... i did have a few system complaints that i had to fix when i installed virtualbox [00:40] i know its system related due to its happening both on vmware and virtualbox [00:41] this dam on screen keyboard is kill me [00:41] maybe you errors about VT-x or so? [00:41] any ideas how to fix that or check what i need to do to fix it? [00:41] im not a wizz with vm's honeslty [00:41] or spelling for that fact apparently [00:42] im thinking of calling it and going back to ubuntu gnome 16.04 [00:42] XD everything worked a lot better there XD === jacob is now known as Guest50835 [00:44] screw it im going to load up 16.04.1 [00:44] jamie_1_: I would stick with 18.04 [00:44] mainly the LTS releases [00:44] anyone know why ubuntu gnome seems to be gone? === Guest50835 is now known as jodlers [00:44] jamie_1_: 18.04 and above IS ubuntu gnome [00:45] darn... i loved gnome 3.20 [00:45] the new one feels to close to unity im [00:45] *imo [00:46] the hotlkey reliance is a lot lower which is what i loved, almost never had to touch the mouse at all [00:46] jamie_1_: you know you can make it however you like right? (for the most part) [00:46] oh i know [00:46] its linux XD [00:46] it was honestly just how i liked right out of box [00:46] hotkeys > mouse anyday [00:47] whats killing me is this dam on screen keyboard shit [00:47] anyone know how to deal with that? [00:47] why do you need an onscreen keyboard? Also please watch the language [00:47] sorry [00:47] and i dont.... thats the issue [00:48] its disabled in settings and due to me having a touch screen and using it a lot it keeps poping up the keyboard [00:48] sure you find system settings about this behaviour [00:48] and install gnome tweak tool, maybe more options there [00:49] onboard screenboard is default on a touch device, great [00:49] jamie_1_: so you do or do not use the touchscreen? Personally, I don't like to treat my laptops like a phone or tablet so that is the first thing I disable in the BIOS [00:49] leftyfb: my touch pad doesnt work even with changing the grub [00:49] it works when it feels like so when i do need to use the cursor i have to use the touch screen [00:50] also when working with servers its kinda nice honestly with the two in one settings leftyfb [00:50] maybe that needs to be the first thing you troubleshoot? (touchpad) [00:50] what touch device is this? [00:50] asus harman [00:51] jamie_1_: huh? A touchreen is nice working with server? Can you elaborate on that? [00:51] when just configuring stuff with ethernet like ports and adding a vdi to a machine and you dont have a place the set it down, you just flip it into tablet and hold it in your forarm [00:52] zenbook [00:52] its a unpopular opnion i know [00:52] crash cart [00:52] the arch wiki gives clues, about touchpad building yourself and other issues that makes it not a certified linux machine [00:52] https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/ASUS_Zenbook_UX430/UX530 [00:52] leftyfb: im to lazy for that XD [00:53] OerHeks: oh i know... its not very good in the sense of a machine at all... so many issues ive ran into [00:53] but its company provided [00:53] i didnt have to pay for it so i kinda live with it [00:54] im pretty sure you can understand that much OerHeks [00:56] well i think im gonna spin up 18.04 and see how it goes there [00:56] hopefully it will work fine there === andyhuzhill_ is now known as andyhuzhill === andyhuzhill_ is now known as andyhuzhill [01:24] Why would a network card disappear all of a sudden? [01:30] craigbass76, hidden powermanagment? [01:31] does this occur after the same x of time, gives a clue to that [01:31] im running linux mint on a thinkpad x220, and the cursor keeps moving and clicking on its own. does anyone know anything about this? is it a common issue? easy fix? (please say yes) [01:32] I'm not sure. I haven't had to bring one up manually in a while, so I'm googling in one room, and running back and forth to it. It just stopped coming up (I want to say a couple weeks ago, but might be a month) and I can't remember how I made it work. ifcfg -a shows it, but it's not active [01:32] OerHeks, ^^ [01:33] ifup <-- I thought that was a command. Maybe once upon a time? [01:34] normally the network manager takes care of this [01:34] It's a desktop, with an ethernet card, so I won't be dorking with wifi or passwords. [01:34] I can see it in network manager, but I don't see anything jumping out at me explaining what might ail it. [01:34] this might be a hardware failure, hardware does wear and tear [01:35] sounds like it needs a kernel module/firmware to get built but you don't have the -extras package to do so when update-initramfs gets run [01:35] or a cable issue [01:35] one of my servers had the issue whenever a new kernel was installed and I had to reboot ... before I installed the -extras package that is [01:36] craigbass76: when it's inaccessible, do you see it in lspci? Do you see it in /sys/class/net? [01:38] I've got lights on the card itself. [01:38] And it could have happened after an update, I don't remember exactly. [01:38] craigbass76: ok, care to check any of the questions I asked? [01:39] Hang on... I've got my laptop out in the kitchen with an external monitor -- have to migrate... [01:44] leftyfb, I see the ethernet controller in lspci, and there is a symlink to a ../../devices/blahblah/enp0s25 in sys/class/net [01:45] craigbass76: what version of ubuntu? [01:45] hi [01:45] is anyone here [01:46] hello [01:46] ... [01:47] leftyfb, /etc/NetworkManager/NetworkManager.con has a [ifupdown] managed=false section. I chaned it to true, and restarted NetworkManager, but nothing happened, so I se it back [01:48] my apologies for missing characters -- this keyboard is twacked -- part of why I was setting out at the table with it [01:48] craigbass76: ok, so this is a desktop? [01:48] craigbass76: if you see it in network manager, then just reconnect to it [01:49] <_aD> Where would be the appropriate place to report a possible security issue with the Ubuntu wiki? [01:49] Define network manager. Is that a GNOME GUI app? I'm on XFCE [01:49] <_aD> I seem to have gotten lost in a maze of contact us pages, wiki security bug reporting and community posts, and can't find a sensible-looking GPG key for security@ubuntu.com [01:50] _aD: try #ubuntu-website [01:51] <_aD> leftyfb: tyvm [01:51] On the icon I actually DO see up by the clock, I see Ethernet Network, but it's greyed out and right underneath I see "device not managed" [01:52] craigbass76: I'm not familiar with what xfce uses to manage networking. I assume it's NetworkManager in the backend and needs the ifupdown set to true, but I really have no idea [01:56] it uses networkmanager, it auto starts gnome services as well [01:56] Well, /etc/network/interfaces doesn't list it. That might be a problem, no? === deathonater is now known as Smeef [01:57] craigbass76: NetworkManager != /etc/network/interfaces [01:57] it launches nm-applet, so i imagine it uses netmanager === andyhuzhill_ is now known as andyhuzhill [02:06] leftyfb, ok, if I set a line in interfaces, then ifconfig enp0s25 up, I've got network [02:07] Well, I lied. I have to do a dhclient too [02:10] I ran `snap install foobar2000` and it's stuck at "Automatically connect eligible plugs and slots of snap foobar2000" [02:11] i think it is working on installing wine for that snap [02:11] ah, that would make sense [02:12] "foobar2000 is an advanced freeware audio player [wine-i386 packed snap]" [02:12] i use clementine, can handle large collections, has an equaliser [02:13] yeah but can it play EVERY SINGLE CHIPTUNE FORMAT OUT THERE? [02:17] if open source cannot handle it, i am not interested in the format [02:17] when i try to boot ubuntu 18.04-desktop on my lenovo laptop - it hangs - no keys work - any ideas on how to debug it? I am trying to start it with live usb boot [02:19] leftyfb, I guess I can just run a script after I login that does the ifconfig up and dhclient commands... [02:19] I mean, someone just has to work on it, but OSS has never been good in the gaming arena [02:20] craigbass76, or let NM handle it [02:21] Kumool: can you please restrict yourself to support? [02:22] hggdh: no? [02:23] Kumool: yes. Last warning. [02:23] go ahead [02:24] :D [02:24] bb! [02:27] kk4ewt, leftyfb OerHeks weird... THere's some workaround. touch /etc/NetworkManager/conf.d/10-globally-managed-devices.conf [02:27] !info oss4-dkms [02:27] oss4-dkms (source: oss4): Open Sound System - DKMS module sources. In component universe, is optional. Version 4.2-build2010-5ubuntu3~18.04.1 (bionic), package size 635 kB, installed size 4805 kB [02:30] hey [02:30] i need help [02:30] panel in the top and bottom is gone [02:34] i found a way let see if it works [02:45] hey anyone around [02:46] spinningcat, I'd suggest providing more details, eg. your release of ubuntu, desktop (if not gnome/unity) etc. [02:48] ubuntu 16.04 [02:48] it is gnome (default) [02:50] im trying to insert notify-send -t 13001 BO to the cron but noluck ... the syslog show the job successfully executed but the notification seems to be silenced [02:50] any avice? [02:50] advice [02:53] Anyone running ubuntu on recent lenovo laptops here? I have tried to boot ubuntu 18.04 / 10 - none works so far [02:54] default for 16.04 was Unity - are you running Ubuntu-GNOME LTS 16.04 ? (and not Ubuntu 16.04 LTS) [02:54] spinningcat, ^ (sorry forgot to direct question) [02:56] panels are gone [02:56] i guess it is LTS i am not sure [02:57] spinningcat, my question was if you're running Ubuntu 16.04 LTS (Unity desktop, not gnome) or Ubuntu-GNOME 16.04 LTS (gnome desktop) [02:57] fishcooker: you'll need to add it to your user cron, not root. And start it with: export DISPLAY=:0 ; notify-send ....... [02:57] i am using gnome default [02:58] is there a command to be sure about that? [03:01] spinningcat, I don't know gnome on 16.04 (never used it), but I'd suggest looking in `gnome-tweak-tool` for options, and to see if you can disable extensions (if you add a gnome extension for a later/earlier version of gnome it can create problems - they are solved [usually] in you disable them) -- but I'm no expert in gnome [03:01] actually i didnt add anything [03:02] i just came home open computer and saw panels are gone [03:03] spinningcat: have you tried rebooting? [03:04] yeah [03:04] (I'd 2nd lefty's comment, and yes it probably is gnome, I booted an older ubuntu & Unity has only a top panel) [03:04] also enable unity from ccsm [03:06] spinningcat, gnome != unity. [03:06] spinningcat: echo $XDG_CURRENT_DESKTOP [03:07] unity [03:07] ok, that's not gnome [03:08] yes [03:08] now what will i do? [03:08] https://itsfoss.com/how-to-fix-no-unity-no-launcher-no-dash-in-ubuntu-12-10-quick-tip/ [03:10] let me try those [03:16] panel come back [03:16] i dont know why it diseppeared [03:24] How can I setup the screen brightness to whatever I feel like in a desktop? [03:24] Under screen brightness all I see is "Dim screen: checkbox [03:26] raub, it is my understanding most desktops don't allow brightness (it's a laptop feature added to save battery life firstly, then more recently for outdoor use - neither of which apply with desktops) [03:28] raub: most external monitors have a way to change the brightness on the device itself [03:28] raub, you can use apps like 'redshift' to create that function via settings, but it's more a hack to achieve it [03:28] guiverc: thanks for the info. I am running ubuntu in an imac with a built-in 26" monitor. It is too bright for me [03:28] as in I am having a headache. If this was a normal separate monitor I would be clicking on its controls [03:29] raub, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Redshift & consider brightness= or brightness-day=, brightness-night= ... [03:31] guiverc: Thank. I will give it a try [03:43] cool leftyfb it works, thanks [03:46] guiverc: I see what you mean as it being a hack. I was hoping I could adjust power to the screen as in a laptop [03:47] Still. thanks for the suggestion [03:47] raub, that program has great capacity to change colors/temperature/.. so even if not via brightness, with other settings you should be able (hopefully anyway) to achiwve what you need === darris_ is now known as darris === deathonater is now known as Smeef === mobile_c_ is now known as mobile_c === Dreaman is now known as Blade [04:54] Does anyone know how to fix mic static/crackling? I've tried everything I could find to no avail. [04:54] The microphone itself works fine (tested on my laptop). It's also not a hardware issue since everything wored fine under Windows on the same system. [04:55] worked* [04:57] cyphex: you're not talking about your laptop? [04:57] matsaman: No. The problem is with an external microphone on my desktop. [04:59] cyphex: you've looked through alsamixer? Sometimes multiple items can apply to a single in/out [04:59] you can use left/right arrow keys and tab to go through all the options [04:59] there's "mic boost", frequently, even [05:00] I have looked through those. [05:00] I turned mic boost all the way down, but the crackling persists. [05:01] all the same connectors, cables? Same location? [05:01] Yep. [05:01] It's definitely a software issue, but I have no idea how to pinpoint/resolve it. [05:02] cyphex: maybe this: https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Advanced_Linux_Sound_Architecture/Troubleshooting#Crackling_microphone [05:03] https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HdaIntelSoundHowto [05:03] I've done those. Disabling scheduling helped a little bit, but there is still crackling. [05:04] Also, I don't have an intel sound card as far as I can tell. [05:09] cyphex: really, what've you got? [05:10] lspci says: Audio device: Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. [AMD] Family 17h (Models 00h-0fh) HD Audio Controller [05:11] 'hd audio' probably is hd audio regardless of the manufacturer/designer, but let's check [05:14] cyphex: what's lspci -n output? [05:15] ttp://paste.ubuntu.com/p/6z8sTtkh4p/ [05:15] http://paste.ubuntu.com/p/6z8sTtkh4p/ * sorry [05:17] cyphex: oh sorry, how about -nn ? [05:18] http://paste.ubuntu.com/p/pr7J6RFPhs/ === deathonater is now known as Smeef [05:21] cyphex: which kernel? [05:22] 4.18.0-13 [05:22] which Ubuntu? [05:23] 18.10 budgie [05:29] cyphex: it might be worth trying the most recent kernel you can find [05:29] matsaman: Yeah, it's a long shot, but I think it's my only option. [05:29] Thanks for your help :) [05:31] you could also try the aforementioned params but with different values [05:32] I have. I've even tried different combinations. In my despair I reached the 5th page of google results. [05:34] cyphex: this might be the bug to watch: https://bugzilla.kernel.org/show_bug.cgi?id=195303 [05:34] bugzilla.kernel.org bug 195303 in Sound(ALSA) "ALC1220 snd_hda_intel Sound capture is crackled / distorted" [Normal,New] [05:35] cyphex: have you tried without pulseaudio? [05:35] yup [05:37] maybe it is just the level of input and output in alsamixer, seen that before, level 50% [05:41] OerHeks: could you clarify? Do you mean setting the levels to 50%? [05:42] yed, fiddle around with alsamixer ( in terminal) [05:42] I've tried that, didn't help unfortunately. [05:42] F4 capture [05:43] Looking through the bugzilla entry linked above, it seems to be a recurring problem with x370 chipsets (which is the chipset I have as well) [05:46] can anyone please help me removing this error [05:46] while running mongo shell [05:46] http://paste.ubuntu.com/p/SS7VBxFdck/ [05:48] sergeant: not somewhere I'm particularly knowledgeable, but maybe this can help point you in the right direction (see the highlighted answer & the one below it) https://stackoverflow.com/a/24941698 [05:54] is that on ubuntu server sergeant [05:54] yes lotusspsychje [05:55] come join to #ubuntu-server, likeminded volunteers there [05:56] I am having trouble registering my nickname on freenode. [05:56] Can someone assist me with the same. [05:57] !register | sergeant [05:57] sergeant: For information on registering your IRC nick, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat/Registration - For any further help, ask in #freenode. === er is now known as Guest9893 [06:11] i get an error: error: store.SnapNotFound with 28 snaps [06:11] if i perform: snap install sdlpop pencilsheep nextcloud bubble-pop xonotic cncra cncra2yr cnctsun jgalaxian flare-rpg minecraft boa openra corsixth tmnationsforever msnake micropolis sudoku-game pin-town spelunky zzt starruler2 spider-solitaire balloon-pop liveforspeed solarus squarehead opentyrian [06:11] : O [06:11] is there a limit of snaps install ? [06:12] OerHeks: some snaps might need arguments to install, maybe check? [06:12] OerHeks: like sudo snap install snap --classic [06:12] not sure if snappy is built for multi installs like apt [06:19] All About the Benyamins: https://www.bitchute.com/video/vLYGbG7SBxM7/ (The very latest from Scott Roberts) === cpaelzer__ is now known as cpaelzer [06:57] hai, is Ubuntu 18.04 supports for HP laptops? [06:58] I am customising Ubuntu from last 7 years [06:58] Now I am planning to customise ubuntu 18.04 with all the educational tools [06:59] Suggest me some good educational tools whichhel fort teachers to teach class 8, 9 and 10th students [07:02] Now I am planning to customise ubuntu 18.04 with all the educational tools [12:29] Suggest me some good educational tools whichhel fort teachers to teach class 8, 9 and 10th student [07:04] qwebirc94296: nice project and welcome to ubuntu [07:04] qwebirc94296: maybe you can discuss this in #ubuntu-discuss === phoenix_firebrd is now known as murthy === murthy is now known as phoenix_firebrd_ === phoenix_firebrd_ is now known as murthy [07:30] i am using start-stop-daemon in a init script.....setting made in /etc/security/limits.d/foo.conf are ignored...it seems that start-stop-daemon is not capable for setting ulimits...is that correct? === tulsi is now known as Guest18597 [07:47] hey [07:50] hk.archive.ubuntu.com seems broken? [07:51] Kira: ask in #ubuntu-mirrors [07:51] thanks [08:10] Hello guys if my reverse dns is tld.com and my hostname set in postfix is fqdn.tld.com, will it decrease my mail delivery rate? [08:18] After installing packages updates on 5 Ubuntu 16.04 servers one wont start (just stuck during kernel boot), https://imgur.com/a/Nukuvk9 [08:18] Anybody had such an issue ? [08:20] you are probably better off asking in #ubuntu-server [08:20] thanks [08:21] Hi, I installed Ubuntu desktop and when I try to lturn the PC on it gets just past the screen with the Ubuntu logo with dots underneath then it freezes on a purple screen with the cursor in the bottom right [08:22] Any help is appreciated. [08:23] Krerelath: gpu driver ? [08:23] what gpu do you have ? [08:23] None, it is on a xeon. [08:24] Dual Xeons [08:24] From 2010 can't remember the exact model. [08:27] Any help with my above query? [08:28] Hi, I installed Ubuntu desktop and when I try to lturn the PC on it gets just past the screen with the Ubuntu logo with dots underneath then it freezes on a purple screen with the cursor in the bottom right, please help. [08:28] !patience | Krerelath [08:28] Krerelath: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or https://ubuntuforums.org or https://askubuntu.com/ [08:29] Krerelath: Xeon is not GPU, but CPU from my knowledge [08:29] what GPU do you have on your syetem ? [08:29] !nomodeset | Krerelath you can try this [08:29] Krerelath you can try this: A common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter [08:30] Hello guys if my reverse dns is tld.com and my hostname set in postfix is fqdn.tld.com, will it decrease my mail delivery rate? [08:30] eject_ck: some xeons have integrated graphivs [08:30] graphics* [08:30] It runs integrated graphics [08:31] Krerelath: at the booting, press F1 to see text based errors, to see where its stuck === tulsi is now known as Guest30987 [08:31] So boot up and spam F1? [08:32] Krerelath: press F1 yes, it will switch to text [08:32] simputer: whether you use the domain itself or a subdomain will have no effect on delivery [08:33] Be back in a bit, dinner is beeping [08:35] Sliding thanks, so the reverse dns just has to exist? [08:39] Good morning all [08:40] I have a old ubuntu 8.04 server running with mysql databases on it. Is it better to set up a new server and migrate the databases or do upgrades with old iso's to 18.04? [08:41] Mudchains: a such old ubuntu, is long eol not safe to do anything anymore [08:41] Mudchains: clean install [08:41] Mudchains: start from the clean ^ [08:41] Thanks for the confirmation :) [08:42] lotuspsychje: the only possitive thing its not open for public use..but still a big security issue :') [08:43] Mudchains: but is it connected to internet? [08:43] lotuspsychje: yes [08:43] Mudchains: then its unwise to keep non-updated [08:44] as in.. inside -> internet.. not internet -> internal [08:44] Mudchains: would be different if the eol machine runs totaly local lan, without any connection outside [08:45] Mudchains: but even then, if some infected usb spreads on the network, and eol system can also be infected [08:46] lotuspsychje: no doubt about that :) thats why I want to replace it. We had a security scan.. the endreport is 40 pages big with full of recommendations ;) [08:47] Already implented Landscape and upgraded serveral 12.04 servers to 18.04 :) [08:47] Mudchains: a smooth way of doing production, would be the LTS way and keep them alive :p [08:47] Mudchains: nice [08:48] lotuspsychje : Sometimes it takes a while to do stuff right.. ;) [08:49] Mudchains: agreed :p, glad to find your way to the ubuntu community, see also #ubuntu-server [08:50] Is there a guide for setting up a correct disk/partition design? like 3 disks (1 for /boot, 1 for /swap and 1 for /) ? [08:50] instead of 1 disk (which can not be extended easily)? [08:50] why do you need an entire disk for /boot ? [08:50] Mudchains: think server vs desktop might be different [08:51] !partitioning | Mudchains [08:51] Mudchains: For help with partitioning a new install see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowtoPartition | For partitioning programs, see !GParted (recommended) or !PartitionManager. Other partitioning topics include !fstab, !home, and !swap [08:51] lotuspsychje: thanks :) [08:53] cyphex: for each disk I can connect a own scsci controller in vmware [08:53] ah [08:53] cyphex: so the disk i/o can be much higher [08:54] DSFHDSFJ [08:54] 한꾺인있냐 [08:54] !swap [08:54] swap is used to move unused programs and data out of main memory to make your system faster. It can also be used as extra memory if you don't have enough. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SwapFaq for more info [08:54] pc-502-29: can we help you? [08:55] 여기 [08:55] How do I obtain an install image for the desktop amd64 version that's less than 700MiB, so it can fit on a CD-ROM (NB: not DVD!)? [08:55] !zh | pc-502-28 [08:55] pc-502-28: 如欲獲得中文的協助,請輸入 /join #ubuntu-cn 或 /join #ubuntu-tw [08:55] lotuspsychje: He is speaking Korean, not Chinese. [08:55] !mini | svip [08:55] svip: The Minimal CD image is very small in size, and it downloads most packages from the Internet during installation, allowing you to select only those you want. The installer is text based (rather than graphical as used on the Desktop DVD). See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD [08:56] lotuspsychje: Thank you! [08:56] svip: my korean isnt very fluid :p [08:56] lotuspsychje: the Faq doesnt say anything about fysical drives/scsi controllers and optimalisation in vmware :/ I will try out it anyway :) [08:57] !korean | pc-502-28 [08:57] pc-502-28: 도움이 필요하시면 다음 채널에 조인하십시오. /join #ubuntu-ko [08:57] Mudchains: yeah, thats why i mentioned desktop vs server, see the #ubuntu-server channel for that [08:57] 시발 [08:58] lotuspsychje : I will ask it there , thanks alot! [09:12] for ubuntu 18 live cd, the grub kernel command line looks like "/casper/vmlinuz file=/cdrom/preseed/ubuntu.seed boot=casper only-ubiquity quiet splash ---", what is the meaning of triple dash here? [09:21] Hello, is there a way to use "Google chrome or chromium" in a usb stick ? I mean storing data in stick ? === jelly-home is now known as jelly [09:28] dro: Only browser on a stick? why do you want to do that? === LabMunkeh is now known as Mechanismus === capella is now known as capella|away [09:37] Okay, vack [09:37] Back* [09:37] welcome vack. [09:38] I booted up and pressed F1 it didn't change me to command line or whatever it was supposed to do, I still have the frozen purple screen with the cursor in the bottom right. [09:40] Is the psych person that was trying to help before still here? [09:41] Also on a side note why don't y'all use Discord instead of IRC? [09:43] Here is my original question, it seems that the original dude that was trying to help me an hour back isn't here anymore. "Hi, I installed Ubuntu desktop and when I try to turn the PC on it gets just past the screen with the Ubuntu logo with dots underneath then it freezes on a purple screen with the cursor in the bottom right" [09:44] Any help is much appreciated. [09:44] Hi, I have hdd with windows 10 on it and enough free space for ubuntu. Windows did some strange thing to partitions: https://paste.pound-python.org/show/K5Pc2nfupdpBCxIzISqQ/ . The last "partition" is free space, lol. When I deleted it and created ext4 partition for ubuntu, windows failed to boot. Deleting ext4 partition and creating SFS partition back helped fix it. So how can I install ubuntu on this hdd and keep windows 10 working? [09:47] Krerelath: do you know which graphics card you have there? you mentioned xeon processor, those are mostly used in servers, but you are trying to setup a graphical desktop, right? === tulsi is now known as Guest50651 [09:47] Integrated graphics. [09:47] Does it mean that dual boot is now not possible? [09:48] I want the GUI interface on my server, and I read the Ubuntu server and desktop are the same except unbuntu desktop has the gui === lotuspsychje_ is now known as lotuspsychje [09:49] I had it working with CentOS before about a month back, ubuntu doesn't want to play ball though. [09:50] evgen_vasilev: first of all, make windows work again. once it works, delete any partitions you don't want to use (from either windows or the ubuntu live / installer usb/cdrom/dvd). then just start the ubuntu installation. [09:51] tomreyn: so it will help? [09:52] evgen_vasilev: fixing windows will help fixing windows, and once that's done you will be able to install ubuntu just normally from the installer, no need to prepare any partitions or file systems for it. [09:53] and then you should be able to multi boot [09:53] Krerelath: that's mostly correct, yes, though there are some different defaults. [09:54] tomreyn: i thought that if windows doesn't boot when there's ext4 partition on hdd, installing ubuntu instead of creating partition won't help. Or installer will fix it somehow? [09:54] windows is working now, I fixed it [09:55] Krerelath: it is uncommon to run graphical desktops on server computers. their graphics chipsets are usually not meant for this task, are commonly very weak and just there so that you can get text output on screen. [09:56] tomreyn: So what do you recommend to get a GUI then? I had CentOS working perfectly with a GUI before. [09:56] Krerelath: what Xenon do you have ? [09:56] Krerelath: what you can do, however, is to do X forwarding, this way the graphics computation happens on the computer connecting to the server. [09:56] Xeon [09:58] tomreyn: from my experience X forwarding performance is far from acceptable. [09:58] Krerelath: so this was a general recommendation, and please keep it in mind. but if you had a graphical desktop working on this system previously and were happy with its performance then you can just install the same graphical desktop on ubuntu, it is probably available. do you remember which graphical desktop you had on centos? [09:59] eject_ck: in my experience running a graphical desktop on a server is far from acceptable. [09:59] I have dual xenon E5520's [10:00] It was just the one off of the default boot drive recommendation for a GUI, I think it was GNOME [10:00] evgen_vasilev: the ubuntu installer ist able to install next to windows, in a way that both can boot. [10:01] evgen_vasilev: so once you have windows bootable, you just need to install ubuntu. i'm not sure what SFS is, though, can you run and show the output of: sudo parted /dev/sdb print [10:02] ^ from ubuntu live / installer [10:03] Krerelath: so ubuntu 18.04 uses gnome 3, which has higher demands for graphics cards than older gnome versions. i assume centos may still be coming with gnome 2 [10:03] Hang on, after the what seems like 99th boot attempt it got past the frozen screen. [10:04] Right, so how do you recommend I go about getting gnome 2 instead of three? [10:04] !recovery | Krerelath: if this fails again, you can also boot to recovery and run commands from there [10:04] Krerelath: if this fails again, you can also boot to recovery and run commands from there: If your system fails to boot normally, it may be useful to boot it into recovery mode. For instructions, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecoveryMode [10:05] tomreyn: https://paste.pound-python.org/show/L0U7MDTJWORhGCxIqgAt/ [10:05] tomreyn: I am a Linux noob, is there a way to revert to gnome 2 now that it has booted in? [10:07] elias_a: only browser in stick, car I want to keep my navigation data in stick [10:07] evgen_vasilev: thanks, do you know which is which? you have 5.5 GB on sdb1, 500 MB on sdb2, flagged bootable, 80 GB ion sdb3 and 419 GB on sdb4 [10:07] evgen_vasilev: also, what is on sda, the first hard disk? [10:08] Krerelath: you can switch to tty, stop gdm (or whateved display manager you have), install gnome 2 and start it [10:08] without reboots [10:09] How does one switch to try and install gnome 2 then ditch gnome 3? [10:09] Tty* [10:09] dro: I did that for years ago. The problem is that no one lets ppl to run binaries from USB stick anymore. [10:09] elias_a: what solution do u suggest? [10:10] tomreyn: 5gb is windows liveusb (just written on hdd), 500mb is some windows partition, 80gb is actual windows system, 419gb is free space (windows made it a partition) [10:10] evgen_vasilev: i don't think gnome2 is available on ubuntu 18.04 (assuming Krerelath has this version, since I don't think we were told, yes) [10:11] Yes it is that version tomreyn. [10:11] Krerelath: you can install xubuntu-desktop, though, which is gtk2 based [10:11] tomreyn: sda is other hdd with system that is currently booted [10:11] dro: What OS are we talking about? Same machine or same few machines every time or should it work anywhere? [10:11] Krerelath: this Xeon doesn't have integrated GPU https://ark.intel.com/products/40200/Intel-Xeon-Processor-E5520-8M-Cache-2-26-GHz-5-86-GT-s-Intel-QPI-, what GPU / motherboard do you have ? [10:11] tomreyn: I meant running X remotely is very poor performance. [10:11] elias_a: just for ubuntu [10:12] dro: There are ready made windows versions https://portableapps.com/apps/internet [10:12] There is no added GPU I know that for a fact and I do not know the mobo [10:13] dro: I've never seen a linux implementation of that. It is surely doable. [10:13] Krerelath: show dmidecode and lspci output ? [10:14] evgen_vasilev: okay so from the ubuntu live / installer start the (gnome) disks partition manager and delete the unneeded partition, then start the installation and select sdb as the target. the boot loader probbaly still needs to go to the first hdd, though, which is sda. [10:15] Krerelath: so where's your boot at now? [10:18] tomreyn: I know that, just thought that if widows stops booting if there's something else on hdd, simple installation won't help... [10:18] it worked before windows updated :) [10:19] eject_ck it is a Proliant BL460c G6 [10:19] for at least 5 years :) [10:19] evgen_vasilev: i don't see why windows would stop booting if there's something else on this hdd. [10:19] because microsoft hates linux? [10:19] maybe that's their dirty trick to stop people from dualbooting [10:19] i was more looking for a technical explanation [10:19] hello [10:20] tomreyn: I got it to randomly boot in to the desktop once, then the next reboot it has frozen again. [10:20] I have a samsung tab 10.5 and I want to know if I can install ubuntu [10:20] tomreyn: well "if ext4 partition exists: boot error" :) [10:20] samsung tab 10.5 s [10:20] evgen_vasilev: i don't think windows intentionally takes measures to prevent dual booting, no. [10:21] tomreyn: maybe you know whom I could ask about this issue? microsoft support? [10:21] evgen_vasilev: many other systems wun fine with a windows installation on the same disk as an ubuntu installation, which normally goes to ext4, so this is just not a generic behaviour. [10:22] evgen_vasilev: sure, not us surely. [10:22] there is also ##windows here [10:22] thanks [10:22] !phone | zamanf [10:22] zamanf: Information about the mobile port of the Ubuntu platform (formely Ubuntu Touch) for Phone and Tablet is available here: https://ubports.com/. Support and discussion in #ubports [10:22] tomreyn: So you recommend I try using xubuntu instead of normal Ubuntu desktop? [10:23] Krerelath: if your graphics chipset is limited, yes. [10:24] Okay, is there anything different on it or is it merely just a different GUI addition? [10:24] !flavours | Krerelath [10:24] Krerelath: Recognized Ubuntu flavors build on Ubuntu and provide a different user experience out of the box. They are supported both in #ubuntu and in their flavor channel. For a list, see https://www.ubuntu.com/download/ubuntu-flavours [10:24] xubuntu is a flavour [10:25] Okay, thanks. [10:25] mate, budgie, lubuntu are others you could try. [10:26] Krerelath: you *may* run intot the same issues with them, though, which is why i was trying to have you boot to recovery so that we could investigate this system more closely using a terminal. [10:26] Okay, let's do the recovery mode. [10:27] Krerelath: okay, ping me once you'Re there. [10:29] In the DM I'm using 'Ubuntu' as the Window Manager. I use the Programmer Dvorak keyboard layout. Can someone help me use accents? For example: á and ô [10:29] The Compose Key is not working. [10:31] hexhaxtron: can you send a screenshot of your keyboard preferences ? [10:32] hexhaxtron: please specify your ubuntu version. if it's 18.04 with default gnome-shell based desktop see https://askubuntu.com/questions/1028957/how-to-set-a-compose-key-in-ubuntu-18-04 [10:32] tomreyn: which recovery mode 4.15.0-43-generic or 4.15.0-29-generic? [10:33] Krerelath: 4.15.0-43-generic [10:34] tomreyn: okay, at the recovery menu. [10:35] legreffier, from Settings -> Language and Region? [10:35] Krerelath: just a sec. [10:36] tomreyn: no worries. [10:37] Krerelath: please select the "network" option, try to see if it reports any errors befoire returnning to the menu. or whether it gets stuck working on this for more than a minute. [10:38] No issues there tomreyn [10:39] Krerelath: select "system summary" and tell me what is says under "General information" for "Network connectivity" [10:40] tomreyn: IP and DNS configured [10:41] Krerelath: and on the bottom of the system summary, there is "detailed network configuration", does it say anything else there (just answer yes/no)? [10:41] tomreyn: no [10:41] press tab, then enter to go back to the main menu [10:42] then select "root" === Butterfly^ is now known as Guest83287 [10:42] tomreyn: now it is asking to press enter for maintenance or ctrl d to continue. [10:43] press enter [10:43] Done [10:44] type: apt-get update 2>&1 | nc termbin.com 9999 [10:45] Krerelath: this checks for available software updates and posts the output to termbin.com, a !pastebin [10:45] it should return a http address, please post this here [10:46] !pastebin | Krerelath [10:46] Krerelath: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use https://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use https://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic. [10:46] tomreyn: reporting "the update command takes no arguments" [10:47] Krerelath: this suggests you mistyped something, please review your input. you can use cursor keys to access previous inputs and edit them [10:48] here's the command again: apt-get update 2>&1 | nc termbin.com 9999 [10:49] Ahhh missed the | [10:50] https://termbin.com/p1kd [10:51] Krerelath: okay, so i assume you have this server computer and another computer you're chatting from, right? and you have keyboard connected to either, and make inputs on each? === [1]MrMobius is now known as MrMobius [10:52] I have the server and my phone, I can get a laptop though if need be. [10:52] Krerelath: do you have openssh-server installed on the server computer, yet? should we install it so you can login remotely? [10:52] up to you, i'm just thinking about how to make things easier for you [10:53] things can be tedious if you have to teletype [10:53] I do not have it installed yet, I got the Ubuntu installed from the USB then had it freeze, now I am here. If it would make it easier we could, are there anymore troubleshooting steps first? [10:53] the next command i'd like you to run is: sudo apt-get install pastebinit [10:54] after that i'd like you to run: dmidecode | pastebinit [10:55] and "lspci -knnv | pastebinit" and "lsusb | pastebinit" [10:55] this should tell us more about your system [10:56] you will need to post the urls returned by these commands, though [10:56] The Pastebin first ending bit is J8WtQSRhks [10:57] so http://paste.ubuntu.com/p/J8WtQSRhks/ [10:57] Second one is DpRsgqbWzv [10:57] Yes, tomreyn [10:58] HP proliant Gen6 is a bit old, they're at Gen 10 [10:58] legreffier, tomreyn https://imgur.com/a/RUZ6q4D [10:58] Yeah, she is a tad old. [10:59] Last one is JgvTk9WZBF [11:00] Krerelath: now: ubuntu-drivers list [11:00] Krerelath: now: ubuntu-drivers list | pastebinit [11:02] That one is jw8HPfXsf8 [11:02] Krerelath: so this system has an AMD/ATI ES1000 rev 02 ([1002:515e]) graphics chipset. [11:02] ...which is indeed not suitable for running a graphical desktop [11:03] add a graphics card if you want to do this. [11:03] it can be a very cheap one [11:03] Okay, not too sure if these blades have enough room to accept a GPU [11:04] me neither, i only played with their single servers so far. === [1]MrMobius is now known as MrMobius [11:05] Is there anything else you would recommend instead of a GPU? [11:05] To get a GUI up and running? [11:06] Krerelath: using a server as a server, i.e. headless, but i think i already did this. [11:06] I didn't see that, so you mean just using it command line. [11:06] Krerelath: yes [11:07] Okie dokie, guess it is time to learn command line then. [11:07] Krerelath: you can try with one of the alternative flavours, but you really don't run a desktop on a server, that's a waste of resources on it. [11:07] !terminal | Krerelath [11:07] Krerelath: The linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. In Unity or GNOME, search the dash for "terminal" and press ENTER. Other desktops: Applications -> System Tools -> Terminal (MATE), K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE), or Menu -> Accessories -> LXTerminal (LXDE). Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal [11:07] Thanks for your help tomreyn [11:08] hi all , i am trying to install a printer plug in and i am getting some errors im looking to decifer im on cuttlefish using an hp p1102w with newest hplip and hp-setup [11:08] you'Re welcome, have a look at this last link there [11:08] Will do, tomreyn thanks. [11:10] tomreyn, it works with Enlightenment and Plasma but not Gnome Shell. [11:11] Krerelath: there are some text-graphical applications you can use if it seems tough to take the full step from gui to cli at once. mc (midnight commander) is a two pane directory browser, nm-tui can manage network configurations while using network-manager ( but it's better to use systemd-networkd on a server; either can be managed using netplan). [11:12] I updated from 16.04 LTS to 18.04.1 LTS. After all the download and during install, I had to force reboot. At reboot, I'm left with a blinking screen. All I could do was to type Alt-F4 and login as root. [11:13] hexhaxtron: hmm, i have it set to "right super", which here is the right hand side "windows icon key", and holding that and typing "co" does work here. [11:13] hexhaxtron: but maybe things are different with a dvorak layout, i dont have this. [11:13] ourea_: aborting upgrades is a risky job [11:13] I will take a look :) [11:14] ourea_: why did you have to force reboot? [11:14] tomreyn, it's Programmer Dvorak not the other Dvorak's. [11:14] hexhaxtron: okay, i still have 0 experience with it [11:14] It was asking me to login but i couldn't type anything. [11:15] ourea_: it's unusual that the upgrader would ask you to login in the middle of an upgrade. or was it soemthing else asking you to authenticate? [11:16] I don't know. All the sudden, I was ask to login, in the install terminal. [11:17] ourea_: okay, so you're at a root shell now? [11:17] Nowmmmm [11:17] ourea_: sorry? [11:18] Sorry. Yes I think. [11:19] ourea_: do you have two computers there, then, one to chat from and the one you're trying to fix? [11:19] if so, shall we try to have you login to the computer you are trying to fix from the computer you're chatting on? [11:19] tomreyn: yes I'm chatting from my phone [11:19] oh ok, then the login wont help you much, i guess [11:20] please type this on the computer to fix and report the url returned, or error, if any: cat /proc/version /proc/cmdline | nc termbin.com 9999 [11:22] I do have another computer but I can't find a stupid vga cable to plug in the display... [11:23] error message: getaddrinfo: Temporary failure in name resolution [11:23] so it's not yet fully online or at least DNS doesn't work, yet [11:24] . [11:25] Hi All, I'm using Ubuntu 18.04.1 LTS, When I tried "sudo apt-get build-dep linux-image-$(uname -r)" I'm getting "E: You must put some 'source' URIs in your sources.list". Any idea , how to solve this? [11:26] ourea_: run this, report any errors, then run the previous command again: systemctl restart networking [11:29] tomreyn: no error. Previous command repoted sane as before [11:29] hi all, anyone maybe can pm me if you are running AMD Threadripper on Ubuntu and hangs? [11:29] !pm | coco_ [11:29] coco_: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers, and ensure that you're not getting bad advice. [11:30] sub526: can you detail to the channel what your end goal is please? [11:32] end goal would be to keep my machine running and not always hangs, machine is AMD Threadripper 8 cores 32GB using Ubuntu [11:34] tomreyn: pinging an ip address ( gives "connect: network unreachable" [11:36] tomreyn: su - username tells me "cannot open display" [11:37] sub526: yes, but is there a reason you need to build a kernel? You know Ubuntu does mainline version builds, or if you just need a module built you can create a DKMS package that just builds the module? [11:39] TJ-: I just need to build mbcs.ko(in drivers\char\mbcs.c) [11:39] sub526: I can give you an example of a simple DKMS module to avoid building the entire kernel :) Much faster and easier! [11:40] TJ-: It helps me a lot. Can you let me know about that example? [11:43] hi all [11:44] welcome help_needed [11:44] help_needed: what can we do for you today? [11:44] so... lotus needs help? :P [11:45] lol clever Clusterer :p [11:47] hello [11:47] ourea_: sorry, had a phone call incoming [11:47] sub526: Errrr... bad news I think. What architecture do you want to build it for? [11:47] !rootirc | root____ [11:47] root____: It's not technically our business, but we'd like to tell you that IRC'ing as root is a Very Bad Idea (tm). After all, doing anything as root when root is not needed is bad, and especially bad with software that connects to the Internet. [11:47] join vim [11:48] tomreu [11:48] thanks this is my first time I'll reconnect [11:48] sub526: it includes a header-file that is only available for mips and ia64 [11:48] exit [11:48] tomreyn: ok, I m quite lost right now === roby is now known as Guest75777 [11:50] tomreyn: I can see that on the login screen, I had many nvidia errors [11:50] I'm back with a !root user [11:50] ourea_: does exist in your network? can you run "systemd-resolve --status" and ping the "DNS server" [11:50] Failed to start NVIDIA persistence deamon [11:51] sub526: CONFIG_SGI_MBCS depends CONFIG_SGI_TIOCX which seems to require an SGI Altix [11:52] hi, anyone knows why Ubuntu crashes on AMD Ryzen Threadripper 1900X 8-Core Processor? [11:53] ourea_: you can use "ip l" and "ip a" to find out about your network configuration. also "nmcli" to see whether you're using network manager for network configuration [11:54] help_needed: crashes how? [11:56] TJ-: I want to build it for x86_64 [11:56] is anything logged in the journal (run "journalctl"), does it freeze, does it reboot? does it happen under load, while idling? [11:56] help_needed: ^ [11:56] sub526: it's not available for x86_64 [11:57] tomreyn: is the ip of my box [11:58] TJ-: That's fine, i'd like to refer that example, where can i get that? === help_needed is now known as help_needped === help_needped is now known as help_needed [11:59] ourea_: thinking it over, you have no internet connection, the nvidia driver is not working, so you can't run a graphical desktop to configure nthe network there. and without network you can't fix the system. so i guess your easiest recovery can actually be to reinstall. [11:59] systemd-resolve --status does not give any proper ip address [11:59] tomreyn: just hangs, froze, no logs what so ever [11:59] ourea_: do you usually use wireless for the network or a wired (ethernet) connection? [12:00] wired [12:00] sub526: this is one I did for someone else earlier this week: http://iam.tj/projects/ubuntu/mmc_alcor-dkms.tar.gz [12:00] ourea_: oh then it's strange that the network didnt start up, unless it's a result of the half done upgrade. which it probably is. so i guess you need to reinstall. [12:01] sub526: the problem is you cannot build mbcs because it #includes headers that aren't available, and even if you copied those into the dkms package and modified mbcs.c, those in turn rely on many other architecture-specific headers [12:01] ourea_: you *could* try booting to recovery and enable network there and see if this gets you online [12:01] ourea_: if that's the case we can continue [12:01] !recovery | ourea_ [12:01] ourea_: If your system fails to boot normally, it may be useful to boot it into recovery mode. For instructions, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecoveryMode [12:02] tomreyn: cant he retry the upgrade from tty somehow? [12:02] ourea_: is the IPv4 address of your LAN's gateway, or the PC itself ? [12:02] ourea_: 16/168/ :) [12:03] help_needed: for the volunteers to be able helping you, they will need more information, there are always logs somewhere [12:03] help_needed: sounds like a ##hardware issue, not an ubuntu issue then. have you updated your bios and set "power supply idle control" to the non default setting of "typical current"? [12:03] lotuspsychje: not without networking, no [12:05] Tj- LAN's gateway [12:05] TJ-: Ok thanks for sharing this example [12:06] I'll try the recovery mode [12:07] ourea_: so the PC has an IPv4 address too, reported by "ip addr show" ? [12:09] Hi. Is there a way to decrease wireless mouse (logitech) cursor speed in ubuntu 16.04 ? I have set the cursor acceleration to minimum,in settings,and nothing has changed [12:09] is just too sensitive,a little move,and it slides half the screen [12:11] TJ-: ip addr show return all kind of info, but no ip address [12:11] which lune would it be? [12:12] line [12:13] would it help to disable the nvidia driver? Could the upgrade be restarted in some way? [12:13] ourea_: so the PC doesn't have an IPv4 address, so you need to add one. To do that first identify the Wired interface name, then do "sudo ip addr add dev " (e.g. "sudo ip addr add dev enp2s0" ) [12:14] ourea_: then you can test with "ping" to reach the router [12:15] ourea_: if that works you can then add a DNS server manually too, to get name resolution, which then should give you options for repairing [12:16] ourea_: alternatively if the PC is a Desktop, then there's a tool already avaialable that usually does all this. type "nmcli con" and you should get a list of connections. Identify your usual connection name (maybe "Wired connection 1") then do "nmcli con up 'Wired connection 1' ") [12:18] network not reachable === vanvliet is now known as coconut [12:23] I think I'll just make a third backup and reinstall... [12:23] anyone installed ubuntu on tablet? [12:23] !ask | zamanf [12:23] zamanf: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience === daniel is now known as Guest77459 [12:24] How can I install ubuntu on a Samsung tablet? [12:24] happy? [12:24] !phone | zamanf [12:24] zamanf: Information about the mobile port of the Ubuntu platform (formely Ubuntu Touch) for Phone and Tablet is available here: https://ubports.com/. Support and discussion in #ubports [12:24] ^ same as last time you asked [12:24] zamanf: ubuntu-desktop can only be installed on tablets that can run windows, not android [12:25] my tablet runs android [12:25] and it is rooted [12:25] see what tomreyn suggested then [12:25] ok [12:25] https://devices.ubuntu-touch.io/ [12:25] samsung tablets aren't on that list - does it mean that I can't install it? [12:26] zamanf: ask the ubports guys [12:26] where? [12:26] do they have a channel here on freenode? [12:26] zamanf: tomreyn just linked you4 [12:43] I'm using kubuntu 14.04 with a current firefox package. the fonts look bad. chromium looks better. this user describes the same phenomenon: https://superuser.com/questions/1034372/atrocious-font-rendering-in-firefox-on-linux [12:43] Howdy folks [12:43] my colleague (who either has 18.04 or 18.10) does not have the same issue [12:44] Booting the Ubuntu 16.04 installer off an USB memory stick on my Xeon with a Radeon Vega 64, i get gibberish on the screen. [12:44] trying with the "install vga=773" option doesn't help anything [12:44] Jmabsd: nomodeset? [12:45] tarzeau: so "install nomodeset"[enter] on the boot prompt? [12:45] Jmabsd, look at bios maybe something like optimus or other are flagged , how many gpu are present in that pc ? [12:46] Jmabsd: https://askubuntu.com/questions/38780/how-do-i-set-nomodeset-after-ive-already-installed-ubuntu [12:47] so, what has changed between 14.04 and 18.10 to make the same firefox version behave so differently? [12:47] Jmabsd, tarzeau seems the trouble is about a Radeon card normally those tricks are applied for nvidia [12:47] yey worked, thanks [12:48] (the issue isn't specific to new firefox versions. it has existed at least as long as i've been using firefox on kubuntu 14.04) [12:48] TomyWork, from 14 to 18 there 4 years of informatic [12:48] just to try something i did "install nomodeset fb=off vga=normal", this gave me the installer in text mode, great. [12:48] gigirock or maybe just different default settings? font packages installed by default? optional libraries installed by default? [12:48] Jmabsd, ah ok text installer for a graphics system funny [12:49] Debian and Ubunutu look so much the same =) [12:50] TomyWork, the kern is different so all the drivers also are, afaik the graphics server were diffrerent as so on [12:50] you're welcome ;) [12:50] Jmabsd, all the debian based distro are like debian [12:51] more or less if we had not debian we have not linux [12:52] gigirock i'm using a kernel and x server from xenial via the LTS enablement stack [12:52] so that is not the issue and I don't see how it would be, anyway [12:53] Jmabsd, more or less if we had not debian we have not linux https://bit.ly/2AWPmTQ [12:53] also, redhat would like to differ [12:53] gigirock: what do you mean? [12:53] Jmabsd, look at picture at right [12:54] you're discounting the whole redhat, gentoo and arch families of distros === Alina-malina_ is now known as Alina-malina [12:55] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Linux_distributions TomyWork [12:55] suse, too, but dont ask me where to categorize that :D [12:55] wow interesting pic. [12:55] debian isn't the only, not even the first distro [12:56] hi [12:56] TomyWork, yes look at right picture https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Linux_distributions [12:56] now seems that intel need to start another 'tree' [12:57] gigirock i'm not commenting on that picture. i'm commenting on what you said [12:57] you said "without debian have not linux" [12:58] gigirock: installing random binaries off the net is easier for Ubuntu than for Debian, [12:58] TomyWork, if we have to wait bsd or rpm based ( $ ) distros , we have some amateur of different OS , but with debian the linux exploded [12:58] as you've written it, it is certainly wrong, so I charitably assumed you meant we would not have linux [12:59] Ubuntu has better driver support and such, I wonder why Debian doesn't get equally good treatment [12:59] gigirock slackware [12:59] google it [12:59] it's older [12:59] it's in the graph you sent, too [13:00] stick to ubuntu support guys [13:00] #ubuntu-discuss for discussions [13:01] yeah i was just correcting an assertion he made, but he seems to be unable to read his own graphs. I'll drop it, since it's hopeless if he doesn't get it now :) [13:02] I'm still looking for a way to fix the firefox fonts on kubuntu 14.04 btw [13:02] TomyWork: 14.04 will be eol in a few months [13:03] the same firefox version (64.0 according to "about") looks better on 18.04 [13:03] TomyWork: maybe screenshot it to the chanel? [13:03] I installed libapache2-mod-php however the module isn't installed in /etc/apache2/mods-available/ [13:03] lotuspsychje https://superuser.com/questions/1034372/atrocious-font-rendering-in-firefox-on-linux [13:04] not my question, but it looks liek that for me too [13:04] tools for networking stats display? [13:04] TomyWork: that says iceweasel on debian? [13:04] doesn't matter [13:04] TomyWork, impossible google and the Net are always true ;) [13:05] see you people , i'll be back next evening [13:05] let me find a non-internal site which exhibits the problem so i can make my own screenshots :) [13:07] https://imgur.com/a/mp2oiKx left is chromium, right is firefox [13:09] !info firefox trusty [13:09] firefox (source: firefox): Safe and easy web browser from Mozilla. In component main, is optional. Version 64.0+build3-0ubuntu0.14.04.1 (trusty), package size 46537 kB, installed size 177950 kB [13:10] TomyWork: can you recall an earlier time it did work on firefox? [13:11] Hi all [13:12] I lost keyboard and mouse support in X. Seems like I need to reinstall some input package but I cannot get console working [13:12] lotuspsychje it never worked on this install [13:12] Recovery mode doesn't bring me terminal [13:12] So how to boot into ttyX? === KungFoo is now known as Guest80651 [13:13] i have 5 programs that I need to run in the back ground from a bash script. when I ctrl+c the script, I want the programs killed. Is there a tut on how to do this? [13:13] Guest80651: type in a shell: help trap [13:14] I see that [13:14] how to kill background process? [13:14] Guest80651: that's for you to figure out. trap is just how you can run such code. [13:15] Guest80651: for bash help /j #bash [13:15] there you'll find real gurus :) [13:16] Why recovert doesn't work? [13:16] recovery* [13:21] hi [13:22] where i can find a mastodon app on ubuntu? [13:24] ? === capella|away is now known as capella [13:30] in UEFI, the clean way to edit grub.cfg is just to mount the EFI partition and edit it with VIM, isn't it? [13:34] Jmabsd: errr, no :) [13:36] Jmabsd: there are 2 grub.cfg files generated. The one in /EFI/ubuntu/ or /EFI/BOOT/ which tells GRUB's EFI loader where to find its root/prefix, and the one in the GRUB root (OS sees as /boot/grub/ ) [13:36] Jmabsd: the former generated by grub-install, the latter generated from /etc/default/grub options by update-grub [13:38] OnkelTem: you'll need to boot from another install (on USB?) or the Live Installer environment [13:42] TJ-: why? Isn't there a boot option to just boot into tty? [13:42] OnkelTem: recovery mode should stop here https://www.lifeonnetwork.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/04/recoverymode_2.png and not go to X [13:42] OnkelTem: you said it fails to boot to recovery, which is the boot option, unless you want a kernel command-line override? [13:43] OnkelTem: then from what you just said you aren't entering recovery mode kernel, and your grub is configured to be hidden as you said there is no menu to select recovery option in ##linux [13:44] cryptodan: no, GURB is visible, and I select recovery mode from. But it doesn't bring the menu [13:45] OnkelTem: I've seen that on occasion too; usually 'friendly-recovery' package is missing or disabled [13:45] from the menu* [13:45] OnkelTem: then your kernel install might not be fully there if the menu doesnt show up [13:45] OnkelTem: you can edit the kernel command-line, add "systemd.unit=emergency.target" [13:45] oh that, good! thanks, I'll try [13:46] OnkelTem: be aware emergency.target will only start systemd as PID 1 and a shell, no other services, but at least it should help you regain control [13:47] OnkelTem: you can start services as needed then with 'systemctl start xxxxx' [13:49] heavenO everysoul, how on linux - mihome program install?? [13:50] TJ-: yeah, got it. I successfuly logged into console now [13:50] Hi everyone, what would be the most appropriate command to get a single string back refering to the cpu load in percentage? grep off course or a few other commands will probably need to be used to filter out irrelevant info. What is the simplest command that comes to mind? [13:52] naftilos76: you mean the load average? [13:52] !details | yokowka [13:52] yokowka: Please elaborate; your question or issue may not seem clear or detailed enough for people to help you. Please give more detailed information; for example, we might need errors, steps, relevant configuration files, Ubuntu version, and hardware information. Use a !pastebin to avoid flooding the channel. [13:52] naftilos76: as in " cut -d\ -f 1 /proc/loadavg " ? [13:53] TJ-: yes [13:53] most commands keep refreshng data every now and then [13:54] i need to get a string of info and that's it [13:54] lotuspsychje, i have xiaome repeater wifi+, for installing that device phone on android needed, which i have not. [13:55] yokowka: and this is related to ubuntu how? [13:56] lotuspsychje, from ubuntu i want setup this device. [13:56] yokowka: you want to access the admin page of the wifi repeater with ubuntu? [13:57] TJ-: how to get into normal tty? systemd.unit=? [13:57] lotuspsychje, yes, but from debian. [13:59] yokowka: this is ubuntu support here, for debian join #debian but your problem is more for ##networking also read the manual of your repeater, you might need a network cable towards it, to be able to access the admin page [13:59] OnkelTem: "systemctl start multi-user.target" should load everything [14:00] lotuspsychje, it has no cable.... i'm baned on debian [14:01] yokowka: ##networking [14:02] yokowka: or ##hardware [14:02] yokowka: if the Wifi repeater requires an Android application to configure it then you'll need to use one, or possibly try using something like AnBox [14:05] lotuspsychje, be You blessed!!!! [14:06] bonjours il y a des francais ? [14:06] Hi. How is it possible to pass many trunked vlan to a virtual machine with only one bridge? [14:07] !fr | rnmarley [14:07] rnmarley: Nous sommes desoles mais ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en français, veuillez taper /join #ubuntu-fr ou /join #ubuntu-qc. Merci. [14:07] TJ-, how to install AnBox from console?? [14:07] salut lotus enfaite j'ai quelque question sur linux je peut ? [14:07] TJ-: yeah i think my boot sequence CRASHED by me VIM:ing grub.cfg, so i need to reinstall / recover my system!.. [14:08] TJ-: ah, "update-grub" is how to get it going,ok. [14:08] les français sont sur #ubuntu-fr [14:08] ah je part a leur recherche merci =) [14:09] TJ-,*: can I somehow use the Ubuntu USB memory stick installer's UEFI boot prompt as a way to "emergency-boot" my HDD? [14:14] Jmabsd: anything's possible but I'd need to know a little more :) [14:14] Jmabsd: 'boot prompt' - do you mean the GRUB menu/shell ? [14:15] TJ-: in my Ubuntu USB memory stick, i can get into the rescue mode, can i use it [14:15] TJ-: my main drive doesn't even show GRUB menu/shell now [14:15] very weird, didn't expect editing the EFI partition's grub.cfg would have that effect [14:15] you're speaking of the UEFI shell? [14:16] you might be able to boot into another OS if you have one, but AFAIK grub is the uefi target for ubuntu === dl is now known as Guest24886 [14:16] Jmabsd: We can likely fix that up easily with a 2-line edit ! === daniel is now known as Guest41602 [14:17] Jmabsd: the Ubuntu on the USB, is it an Installer image (ISO) or an installed server or desktop ? [14:17] TJ-: which? [14:17] Jmabsd: you said "in my Ubuntu USB memory stick, i can get into the rescue mode" [14:17] Jmabsd: I assumed you meant a good, working, bootable Ubuntu [14:18] TJ-: some kind of rescue mode boots, it looks awkward - first time [14:18] experience [14:18] TJ-: if i could use that Ubuntu USB memory stick's boot prompt to somehow boot my HDD directly would be better [14:18] there's an ext2 boot partition [14:19] should be sdb2 [14:19] sdb1 should be EFI syste === jadlers is now known as jadlers_ [14:20] Jmabsd: If you intercept the USB boot at the GRUB boot menu and drop to the command shell (pressing 'c') it may be possible === jadlers_ is now known as jadlers [14:21] TJ-: thank you very much! I've fixed my system [14:21] OnkelTem: well done :) [14:26] Can someone help me make the compose key to work? It works with Plasma and Enlightenment but not Gnome Shell... [14:27] i am running virtualbox on ubuntu. i was able to browse the internet from the vm. after reboot - my connections fail - Activation of network connection failed. Is this the right forum to post and request help? === ken is now known as Guest83021 === Guest83021 is now known as Ken-B [14:41] lotuspsychje I think I saw a kubuntu 16.04 with working firefox fonts, too [14:42] so the fix is between those two [14:45] i'll just download a 16.04.5 image, install it in a VM and see what happens :) [14:51] or, you know, liveboot it if i'm being fancy [14:54] i am running virtualbox on ubuntu. i was able to browse the internet from the vm. after reboot - my connections fail - Activation of network connection failed. Is this the right forum to post and request help? === plasmoduck is now known as Plasmaduck [14:58] vee_ this happens to me when i standby, but not after a reboot [14:58] try unplugging and replugging the virtual cables to all network adapters of the VM [14:59] if that didn't help, come to #vbox [15:03] lotuspsychje firefox on a kubuntu 16.04.5, firefox actually looks better than chromium :) [15:04] it's only 61.0.1 in the live image though [15:05] updated to 64, also looking good [15:09] TJ-: sorry diss so back [15:09] TJ-: should I hammer "c" when booting my HDD-with-broken-Grub, or booting the Ubuntu installer memory stick? [15:17] Jmabsd: boot with the ubuntu installer in UEFI mode which should stop at the GRUB menu with "Install...", "Try.." and other options. Press 'c' there to drop to the GRUB command shell [15:18] TJ-: cool aha, and what do there? [15:18] Jmabsd: can you do that *and* chat to me here? That'd be a lot easier! === daniel is now known as Guest82242 [15:19] TJ-: I can yes! =) [15:19] Jmabsd: Good, when you get there tell me and I'll talk you through [15:20] @TomyWork i am in #vbox [15:21] TJ-: the UEFI one just dies when it starts. the BIOS based one has a "Command-line install" and a "TAB to edit a menu entry" options [15:21] workx? [15:23] Jmabsd: no, you need UEFI mode, it has to boot in that mode to be able to fix it [15:24] Jmabsd: if it boots Legacy/BIOS mode then once in the OS the tooling cannot fix things [15:26] TJ-: interesting. i have no idea why my UEFI doesn't take off hm [15:26] Jmabsd: I bet it's the PC's firmware being annoying [15:27] TJ-: it's an early UEFI system yeah, from ~2013 [15:27] indeed. [15:27] TJ-: any other way to fix it or do I need to reinstall it? [15:28] Jmabsd: If it is the Ubuntu LiveISO image that is built to be able to boot in either UEFI or Legacy mode, it has GRUB in the UEFI removable media path /EFI/BOOT/BOOTX64.EFI - so if that isn't being started the PC firmware is at fault [15:28] i know ultimately i don't need to reinstall it, but, there's nothing too important so maybe that's the most straightforward thing to do [15:28] hm. [15:28] TJ-: this one http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/bionic-updates/main/installer-amd64/current/images/netboot/mini.iso ? [15:29] Jmabsd: no! that's the netboot/mini which is BIOS only [15:29] Jmabsd: the desktop image, as in http://releases.ubuntu.com/bionic/ [15:32] OH [15:33] TJ-: http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/bionic/main/ where in here?ah [15:34] http://releases.ubuntu.com/bionic/ubuntu-18.04.1-desktop-amd64.iso this one [15:35] Jmabsd: Yes [15:39] TJ-: once in the UEFI prompt, having pressed "c", what should I do then there? === ossurayynot is now known as tonyyarusso [15:44] Hello! I want to create a playlist file (.M3U) so I can play it in my car stereo. Using EasyTAG allows me to create playlists, but only from individual folders. Is there a solution to compile audio files from different folders into a playlist file? Thanks! [15:44] Jmabsd: "ls" to list the devices. You should see things like hd0, hd1 and (hdX,gptY) [15:45] Jmabsd: do "set" and check what root= and prefix= show - those are going to be pointing to the USB [15:45] TJ-: cool aha [15:45] Jmabsd: then you'll have an idea od which hdX is the HDD [15:45] TJ-: aha [15:45] Jmabsd: you said earlier that for the HDD, you thought the EFI-system-partition is partition 1 [15:46] TJ-: yep [15:47] Jmabsd: so assuming the HDD where hd1, the OS with GRUB's /boot/grub/ would be in (hd1,gpt2), so you can then do "ls (hd1,gpt2)/boot/grub/" and check what files you see. You would hope to see 'grub.cfg' amongst others [15:47] TJ-: i'll idle now, will read when back [15:47] can you please guys help me [15:47] !ask | AIzawlMaggie [15:47] AIzawlMaggie: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience [15:48] Jmabsd: if you see that you can load/execute that menu using "configfile (hd1,gpt2)/boot/grub/grub.cfg" and the menu should show up [15:48] How do i remove/uninstall python packages on my ubuntu [15:49] ? [15:49] python itself or python apps? [15:50] Python itself [15:51] I want uninstall all python related [15:51] AIzawlMaggie: you want to free space on your system? or whats your purpose exactly? [15:51] that will very much break your ubuntu installation [15:51] AIzawlMaggie: You can't. Python is dependent on Ubuntu [15:51] Errors were encountered while processing: [15:52] thats my problem [15:52] Errors were encountered while processing: [15:52] can you pastebin your errors to the channel please AIzawlMaggie [15:52] !paste [15:52] For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use https://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use https://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic. [15:52] Sure i will [15:53] I pasted it [15:54] share the url [15:54] https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/kpPTPgzBk7/ [15:55] if you run the command "py3clean" do you get any errors? [15:56] -bash: /usr/bin/py3clean: /usr/bin/python3: bad interpreter: No such file or directory <--- I have got this error [15:56] Seems like python3 is broken [15:56] "sudo apt-get -f install" [15:57] dimisdas im still getting errors [15:57] Errors were encountered while processing: [15:58] E: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1) [15:58] :( [15:58] AIzawlMaggie any errors you get, if they very long, paste them at paste.ubuntu.com and share the url [15:58] sure [15:58] sorry am new here [15:58] AIzawlMaggie the whole error log is necessary each time, can't figure out just from the last line [15:59] In Ubuntu 18.04 I can connect via the "Other Locations" in nautalis to my server. I can navigate to where I want the files, but I can't copy files there. It says I don't have have permissions. How do I get that [15:59] TJ-: cool! and then once having booted off that disk, i just run "update-grub" without parameters and it should fix the UEFI? [15:59] https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/BPyS82S45G/ <---- These are the lines... and errors [16:00] AIzawlMaggie uhm, have you tried removing Python before coming to the chat? [16:01] yes [16:01] i did so many times [16:01] Oh jeez [16:01] ? [16:01] which commands _exactly_ did you run? [16:02] all the commands i can find on the net :( [16:02] grep * [16:02] I am sure they are a finite set of commands [16:02] try hitting the UP arrow key on the terminal and check. Put them line by line in paste.ubuntu.com so we can see them [16:03] I guess from command line it would be something like: scp -r userwithsudo@XX.XX.XX.XX:/source/ /destination/ [16:03] i see a lot of python removal parts, no wonder why py3clean is not found [16:03] But can you do it from the File Browser? [16:03] OerHeks they probably already tried to remove _all_ python [16:03] thisthatguy are you connecting via ssh? [16:03] reinstall python2.7-minimal i guess [16:04] dimisdas -->>> with that grep * , it gives this me https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/2X48T8Rgjs/ [16:04] oerheks and python3-minimal [16:04] so... I've been in and out of this room with this freezing issue. It has occurred to me that my docking station limits airflow from the fan. is overheating a potential cause for this type of freeze? (screen on, lights on, otherwise completely nonresponsive) [16:04] dimisdas, jups [16:04] dimisdas: I'm using nautalis file browser and it connected via ssh://IP [16:05] AIzawlMaggie try "sudo apt install -f --reinstall python2.7-minimal python3-minimal" [16:05] dimisdas: although in the location bar it shows sftp://IPaddress [16:06] thisthatguy does the user have write access to the directory? Nautilus is not going to sudo [16:06] dimisdas Error again --> https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/zH7rZXbNB9/ [16:06] Am completely lost on this [16:06] well the user I logged in with on that server does have sudo rights [16:06] dimisdas: ^ [16:07] thisthatguy: am using VPS [16:07] thisthatguy would add the user to the directory solve your problem? [16:07] hello. how it that possible? https://pastebin.com/YgJttRpw [16:07] what is on 22001? [16:07] hmm not sure on that one [16:07] thisthatguy, install nautilus-admin, for correct sudo rights in your ENV [16:07] !info nautilus-admin [16:07] nautilus-admin (source: nautilus-admin): Extension for Nautilus to do administrative operations. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.1.3-1 (bionic), package size 7 kB, installed size 56 kB [16:07] AIzawlMaggie "apt install -f --reinstall python-minimal" [16:07] ok let me try that OerHeks [16:09] dimisdas: error again : https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/9x3dJhTtnx/ [16:09] OerHeks: is there anything else I need to do after I install that? [16:09] thisthatguy, no, restart nautilus, and you have open as admin in context menu === Blade is now known as Dreaman [16:09] AIzawlMaggie that is not an error, you need to type "y" and hit enter [16:09] its always asking to use autoremove [16:10] AIzawlMaggie that is a notice, ignore it and don't run that command ever again, unless you know what you're doing [16:10] https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/nP9bZVzJ9w/ [16:11] dimisdas [16:11] ?? [16:11] AIzawlMaggie "apt install -f --reinstall python-minimal -y" [16:11] *sighs* [16:11] huis [16:11] error again [16:12] https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/B6RBfcRy9v/ [16:16] AIzawlMaggie: Does "sudo dpkg -i /var/cache/apt/archives/*.deb" work? [16:16] OerHeks: I see the open as admin now, but that doesn't seem to help with the remote connection [16:17] OerHeks: maybe I have to do something like: scp -r root@ /destination/ [16:18] ic, nautilus admin is for local use, not on a remote server indeed [16:22] Jmabsd: yo'll need to use "sudo grub-install " too, to correct the entry in the EFI-SP [16:23] EoflaOE let me try [16:23] thank you [16:23] OerHeks: I guess I could curl the HTML zip templates from the server itself? that is all I'm trying to do anyway is get the files over there [16:23] I'm a newbie trying to learn as I go [16:24] Errors were encountered while processing: [16:24] :) [16:25] hmmm or wget? [16:27] trying to issue secure erase on my SSD: 128GB LITEONIT LMT-128. what is this frozen and password business?? how can I do this without bricking it [16:30] thisthatguy if it's a zip file, then curl -O http://yourserver/file.zip [16:30] senecaty: contact the manufacture of your ssd for assistance [16:33] dimisdas: not sure, I can't find the direct link to the zip [16:34] is the zip served from a webserver? [16:34] dimisdas: it is at the bottom of the page: templatemo.com/tm-512-moonlight [16:34] http [16:35] https://templatemo.com/tm-zip-files-2018/templatemo_512_moonlight.zip === SimonNL is now known as SimonNL_Afk [16:37] ah yes! That worked dimisdas! Thank you for the help! [16:48]  [16:50] vee_ i dont see your question in #vbox, sorry [16:51] also, did you try unplugging the cables from the virtual network interfaces yet? [17:11] g [17:14] hi [17:15] welcome chuyd how can we help you? [17:19] thanks for all the help [17:19] thank you so much [17:20] AIzawlMaggie: thats what #ubuntu is for with all the nice volunteers [17:21] AIzawlMaggie: if you need something else, come again [17:32] senecaty: cant you zero the ssd? [17:34] I ran this script on a derivative, GalliumOS, and then my X crashed. it won't load on reboot either. I think my fonts are wrecked or something. can anyone please advise how to fix this? [17:34] https://gist.github.com/keeferrourke/d29bf364bd292c78cf774a5c37a791db [17:35] !derivatives | mitchell sorry [17:35] mitchell sorry: The Ubuntu channels can only provide support for Ubuntu and its official flavors, since other distributions and derivatives have repository and software changes. So please use their dedicated support venues, for example: Linux Mint (#linuxmint-help on irc.spotchat.org), Kali Linux (#kali-linux), and LXLE (#lxle) [17:36] mitchell: you can try in ##linux, but we don't support other distros or derivatives (like GalliumOS) [17:37] I asked there too, but maybe some other thoughts could help. my gui is completely unusable right now, and I'm in the middle of a lot of work [17:38] mitchell: well, it's offtopic here, so... [17:40] mitchell: i don't see why fonts could cause X crash. you're deleting ttf i assume? nowadays the font mechanism in X itself is unused (unless you run xterm) and only a few standard bitmap fonts are still registered, not ttf. ttf are loaded and rendered by apps themselves, so you might want to check X log or .xsession error [17:42] do you know where those are? [17:43] unless you deleted some fallback font and there is no other, so certain UI elements ended up with zero size (0 height menubar etc) and the lack of proper checks cause a complete desktop crash, but unlikely to be X server itself [17:43] X log is /var/log/Xorg.0.log [17:44] and X session (desktop environment log for currnet user) is ~/.xsession-errors [17:44] does your login manager still run at boot? no? [17:44] there might also be /var/log/Xorg.1.log (0, 1, .. is for different X servers, login manager runs its own there might be two) [17:46] aqd: supporting another Os is confusing here as other users read along or lookup the logs, it has been just adviced to look for the proper channel [17:49] there *is* #galliumos [17:51] aqd: could you please meet us there? a couple more people are helping now, but I'd appreciate your input [18:08] hello [18:08] welcome beldmian [18:11] hello === SimonNL_Afk is now known as SimonNL [18:19] aqd: I sent them those log files and I'm waiting to see what they think, but I want to start another wm to see if my work is still there. are there any other logs I should copy beforehand? [18:19] I can no longer access https://ubuntuforums.org/ it says my e-mail is invalid. It is not. [18:20] Can anyone help me with registration? [18:20] !forum | bobdrad [18:20] bobdrad: The Ubuntu forums can be found at https://ubuntuforums.org. Kubuntu Forums are found at https://www.kubuntuforums.net. There is also a channel on freenode IRC #ubuntuforums [18:22] * aslal__ hands out try out sizes. [18:23] okay so they seem to be responsive, that's the ticket [18:23] if at any time the sanctions get lifted, be my guest. [18:24] we're kids children btw [18:24] aslal__: can we help you? [18:24] as a matter of fact it seem unappropriate, dont you think! [18:24] just listening hope that helps! [18:24] aslal__: please no offtopic in the support channel [18:26] is anyone here === ubuntu is now known as Guest18887 === mumung is now known as Mumung [18:27] hi [18:30] pc is off topic, kay! [18:30] hi there === aslal__ is now known as sagent [18:33] how would i turn of colors in grep [18:34] i'm using ksh so there should be no built-in aliases telling it to use colors [18:34] did you check? [18:34] bleb: grep --color-no should work [18:34] alias grep [18:35] bleb: --coloer=no [18:35] I can't login to https://ubuntuforums.org/ is there a better channel for support? It says my e-mail is invalid, but it is not. I suspect it does not like my domain, although it is legit. [18:35] or darn! [18:35] man grep [18:35] bobdrad_: you did join the #ubuntuforums channel [18:35] Yes it says it is not for support questions :-) [18:36] grep: alias not found [18:36] right now grep -r ... | less gives me output with a bunch of ESC[0mESC[0;32m3 stuff [18:37] i find it hard to believe that this is the default behavior [18:38] lotuspsychje_: it says to use this channel for support [18:38] bleb: usually the default is to give you colour, based on the environment variable GREp_COLORS. You can alias grep='grep --color=never' to completely bypass colouring [18:38] bobdrad_: did you check the link for the sso error? [18:39] lotuspsychje_: Yes but that's just a blurb about if you get logged into a new account. I can't login at all. [18:39] hggdh: thing is, grep -r --color=never still gives me color [18:39] Hi [18:40] lotuspsychje_: It won't let me past the login page saying my e-mail is invalid. I suspect it's a bug in the domain-blacklisting distributions. [18:40] dfgh.net is a perfectly valid domain [18:40] hi [18:40] but often gets blacklisted by mistake [18:40] i had mysql already installed in ubuntu 16.04 [18:40] then i installed lamp [18:41] bleb: cannot reproduce, sorry [18:41] and now am not able to start mysql [18:41] bobdrad_: disposable email addresses are blacklisted. [18:41] can anyone help me how can i remove all mysql [18:41] I've used that domain for years. So what do I do now to get past this? [18:42] (and I've used that e-mail address with the forum for years) [18:42] bodie_: isn't dfgh.net a disposable email? [18:43] nicomachus: it is. [18:43] Yes but you can use the e-mail address for as long as you like and I do get e-mail through it. [18:43] I simply whitelist the domains I want to get e-mail through it. [18:43] bobdrad_: you can try asking at #launchpad [18:43] bobdrad_: it's probably blocked by the admins of the forums. [18:44] nicomachus_: Yes I need to ask them to unblock it, it's not a black-hole domain. [18:44] bobdrad_: it's even listed as a disposable domain on several lists that admins use: https://www.formget.com/disposable-email-checker/ [18:44] when I try to compile scid on 16.04 I get src/ui_tcltk.h:23:17: fatal error: tcl.h: No such file or directory [18:44] Yeah that's a bug [18:44] what do I need to install for that? [18:45] bobdrad_: it's not a bug, it's proper admin-ing [18:45] bobdrad_: no...that's a feature. [18:45] bobdrad_: take it up with the site's admins, they aren't here. [18:45] If the point is to ensure users can get email, then dfgh.net is perfectly capable of that [18:46] bobdrad_: take it up with the site's admins, they aren't here. [18:46] OK, where can I reach them please? [18:46] launchpad? [18:46] try #launchpad, as has already been suggested. [18:46] cool thnx [18:51] hggdh: yeah i think the stuff i was grepping had the control codes in it === ash_work1i is now known as ash_worksi [18:59] do i have to reboot to make /etc/sudoers changes effective? [18:59] i used sudo nano /etc/sudoers [18:59] to make my changes [19:01] you need to relogin [19:01] ah ok ise isee. thank you [19:11] so i want to create something, maybe a simple script, that will start a bunch of chrome apps that i have entered in it. i see things on google about it but they are trying to do it at boot or contained in the terminal. [19:12] i dont mind being able to execute the script or whatever from the terminal. [19:12] Hmmm, ll here's a good one... I was deleting partitions on an external hard drive and inadvertently deleted the first partition on my linux internal drive. The machine is up and running right now, but I imagine it won't reboot. Am I hooped or is there some magic? === nat_ is now known as Natkeeran [19:15] kinghat: instead of running the commands at boot, place them in a .sh file [19:15] dimisdas: something like this? https://askubuntu.com/a/682935/868274 [19:16] not sure why the need for `sudo` though? [19:16] kinghat that script does a bunch of stuff that you don't describe in your query [19:16] you only want chrome apps, right? [19:17] ya. i was just wondering that was along the lines of what i want. [19:17] kinghat you have chrome apps installed right now? [19:18] ya. and they are auto starting on boot perfectly. but sometimes i kill chrome and i want to bring them all back up with a single execution. [19:19] go into ~/.local/share/applications [19:20] and find the app-id of the apps you want [19:20] the command to start them is "google-chrome --app-id=[app_id here]" [19:21] without the brackets [19:23] !cookie | dimisdas [19:23] dimisdas: Wow! You're such a great helper, you deserve a cookie! [19:24] JimBuntu I'm a european! You need my consent [19:24] Can't just give me cookies [19:25] dimisdas, I'm not Euro, you must take them. ;p [19:25] * dimisdas eats cookie nonetheless, thanks [19:25] dimisdas: do i need to include the profile in that? [19:25] kinghat unsure what you mean? [19:26] `google-chrome --profile-directory=Default --app-id=[app id]` [19:27] if it's default, i don't see why you would need to pass it as an arguement [19:27] google-chrome --app-id should work [19:28] if you have multiple chrome profiles, then you can specify them [19:28] so just put the apps in the sh file and run it? [19:28] make sure to add the shebang at the beginning: #! /bin/sh [19:29] and make it executable: sudo chmod +x script.sh [19:29] one command per line break, and you should be fine :) [19:29] #! #! ooobaby # moves # moves :P [19:30] tyvm for your help today dimisdas [19:30] i've earned my cookie for the day kinghat, cheers [19:37] on android when I connect to eduroam (wpa2_enterprise) I can select "use system certificates" and then enter the domain of the radius server for certificate verification. how can I do that using networkmanager? [19:38] the only thing I see that I can do is not validate the certificate (bad) or I can give it a certificate file [19:39] codebam: https://uwaterloo.ca/information-systems-technology/services/eduroam/connecting-eduroam-wireless-network/linux-ubuntu [19:39] I know I can supply the certificate [19:39] I don't want to have to [19:40] better to have the server certificate , without you can give your ID to some one else [19:41] Ool: look, on android I can use system certificates and not a 3rd party self signed one [19:41] just a sec [19:41] https://cat.eduroam.org/ === daniel is now known as Guest84817 [19:42] https://ptpb.pw/RvGb.png [19:42] I can do that on android ^ [19:42] so nice since they made installation script (or app) for lot's of OS [19:42] and it still verifies the cert [19:44] dimisdas: if i kill chrome completely i have to make sure to start its process first manually, otherwise only one chrome app opens from my list. if i then kill chrome again the next app pops up. kill chrome again and then the next app in line opens. it works fine if i run chrome first though. [19:46] google-chrome --app-id=123 & [19:46] kinghat try appending & [19:47] on the first one only or on all of them? [19:48] kinghat all [19:52] dimisdas: that worked perfectly. is there a way so they load in order? [19:52] maybe a delay or something? [19:53] kinghat they open in background, but you could add "sleep x" where x is amount of seconds [19:53] is that miliseconds? [19:55] kinghat, no, seconds [19:56] holy cool that works [19:56] 'man sleep'. You can do 0.1, though. [19:56] ah i cant just do `sleep .5`? [19:57] That works too apparently. I just meant that while it doesn't support ms as a unit, you can do fractional seconds. === niko is now known as upmine [19:59] i am running virtualbox on ubuntu. i was able to browse the internet from the vm. after reboot - my connections fail - Activation of network connection failed. Is this the right forum to post and request help? [20:00] vee_, this is the Ubuntu support channel, yes [20:00] vee_, the host and guest are both Ubuntu? [20:01] lordcirth, both are ubuntu [20:01] doesn't virtualbox just make a bridge ? [20:01] vee_, lsmod | grep vbox ? [20:01] i tried #vbox but it takes me to #vbox-spam all the time [20:02] vee_, you probably need a registered nickname for that channel. [20:02] lsmod returns 4 entries [20:02] vboxnetadp is there? [20:02] vbox(pci, netadp, netflt, drv) [20:03] ok good, that's the same that I see [20:03] What Ubuntu versions are the host and guest? You installed Vbox from the Ubuntu repositories? [20:04] Linux hadoopadmin-VirtualBox 4.15.0-43-generic #46-Ubuntu SMP Thu Dec 6 14:45:28 UTC 2018 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux [20:04] Linux hadoopadmin-VirtualBox 4.15.0-43-generic #46-Ubuntu SMP Thu Dec 6 14:45:28 UTC 2018 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux [20:04] Linux vt480s 4.15.0-43-generic #46-Ubuntu SMP Thu Dec 6 14:45:28 UTC 2018 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux [20:04] That's the kernel version. Ubuntu 18.04? [20:04] yes 18.04 [20:06] vee_, try changing the guest adapter type to virtio ? [20:07] where do i do it in virtualbox maanger? i dont see that option [20:12] lordcirth, i had to poweroff the vm to get to that option - and that worked [20:12] vee_, cool [20:12] thanks a bunch for your help [20:12] virtio is usually also faster [20:13] ah! and i suppose there is no difference otherwise [20:14] The other options are emulating various common network cards. virtio is an interface specifically for virtual network cards. The guest OS has to support it, but if it does, it usually works well. [20:21] why is it just impossible to join #networking?? [20:22] does anyone here know a thing or 2 about software bridges and network namespaces? === m4t23 is now known as pheni [20:22] hi, how to know when automatically security update going to append ? [20:22] wouter_ try ##networking [20:22] why does ls ignore everything but 0-9, a-z? [20:23] wouter_, some channels needs registering [20:23] !register [20:23] For information on registering your IRC nick, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat/Registration - For any further help, ask in #freenode. [20:24] .. and would be clear in the message you get [20:26] pheni, what do you mean? [20:26] i have a directory of music [20:27] if i ls in that directory [20:27] $uicideboy$ is in the u's [20:27] pheni, oh, you mean it ignores them for sorting purposes? [20:27] as opposed to having special chars be at the top of the list [20:27] yes [20:28] which is maddening as that means every file manager will ignore them too [20:28] sounds like those special characters do not meet utf8 === wouter_ is now known as bisserke [20:28] pheni, does LC_COLLATE=C ls do what you want? [20:29] Or "LC_COLLATE=en_US ls"? [20:29] hi [20:29] is there a way to create a vlan device, e.g. eth0.3 from within /etc/network/interfaces? [20:30] I always have to create the vlan device manually with `ip link add link eth0 name eth0.8 type vlan id 8`, else interfaces.service doesn't start up [20:30] lordcirth_, LC_COLLATE=en_US ls did display them in what i consider a reasonable manner [20:31] doesn't do anything for the file managers displaying them "wrong" [20:31] its a non issue i guess tho [20:31] just annoying [20:31] seven-eleven http://manpages.ubuntu.com/manpages/trusty/man5/vlan-interfaces.5.html [20:32] dimisdas, oh i didn't add vlan-raw-device [20:32] dimisdas, also I added "auto" before iface [20:34] interestingly I can't reproduce the issue after adding the vlan manually once [20:35] i just wish i could get thunar to sort in the same manner lordcirth_ [20:35] i deleted the manually created vlan with `ip link delete dev eth0.8`, but then restarting networking.service still works [20:39] <^amra> Hi there [20:40] pheni, well, if you can find a UTF-8 locale that sorts how you want, you could change LC_COLLATE globally. [20:40] the sort you listed does, i am looking up how to do so now [20:41] s/sort/locale [20:41] <^amra> My ubuntu server have an external ipv4 address, and I set the "A" record - "www.test" on web provider control panel for my main "domain.com" and input my external ip for it. But when i try to use www.test.mydomain.com - it's not working... [20:41] seven-eleven the problem is that they don't persist when you reboot? [20:41] <^amra> WIDW [20:41] LXD container... 18.04... I want to add a new route to the default eth0@if5 interface... what's the best way? [20:41] dimisdas, on initial install [20:42] dimisdas, iirc after reboot it still worked [20:42] Pricey, edit /etc/netplan/10-lxc.yaml ? [20:42] <^amra> When I ping my address www.test.mydomain.com - I can see correct ipv4 address [20:42] <^amra> And when I use lynx locally on my server I can see site on port 80 [20:43] <^amra> But if try to open http://www.test.mydomain.com - it's not working [20:43] <^amra> Apache2 working good localy [20:43] ^amra this is a new domain? [20:43] ^amra, 2 possible things I think of - 1, your port 80 is firewalled. 2 - you have Apache2 set to only answer to localhost [20:43] lordcirth_: So netplan is the way to go... never touched it before. Can I copy the default from /etc/netplan/50-cloud-init.yaml and the two will be merged? Guessing by the comment in that file on how to disable it that that's the case...? [20:43] <^amra> lordcirth_, how to check this? [20:44] did you setup the vhost right [20:44] <^amra> iptables -L is empty [20:44] <^amra> I setup Listen 80 and point the Virtualhost *:80 [20:44] Pricey, you'll want to disable cloud-init, yeah [20:45] lordcirth_, i was defaulting to en_CA.UTF-8 thank you. i reconfigured to en_US.UTF-8 and will logout to see if fixed [20:45] ^amra when you visit IP:80 does it work? [20:45] lordcirth_: Not sure I do... [20:45] <^amra> dimisdas, what do you mean? the domain is not new something about year or 2 [20:45] <^amra> yes ofcourse [20:45] ^amra, what error do you get in the browser? [20:45] ^amra if you dig domain.com on your local box, do you see the correct IP? [20:46] <^amra> lordcirth_, no errors when use the hostname [20:46] <^amra> And can see the site when use ip:80 [20:46] <^amra> dimisdas, in ;; ANSWER SECTION: yes the ip is correct [20:47] ^amra might seem like a stupid question, but have you restarted Apache2 after changing the config? [20:47] <^amra> dimisdas, yes [20:48] lordcirth_: Confirmed, no need to disable anything existing. Added new config to a new file in /etc/netplan, netplan generate then merged it together, netplan apply and all is good. [20:48] <^amra> ns record is correct and I can see it from local and ext servers [20:48] <^amra> dimisdas, ip:port is working from local and ext [20:48] <^amra> dimisdas, but not working hostname:port from ext [20:48] Pricey, ah, all good then [20:48] then probably something wrong with Apache2 config. Do you have php installed? === m4t23 is now known as pheni [20:49] ^amra, does dig work? [20:49] <^amra> dimisdas, I don't use php [20:49] <^amra> lordcirth_, yes [20:49] <^amra> dig working from ext and local [20:50] ^amra try "php -S domain:8080" if it's installed [20:50] ^amra it will start a small webserver from the command line === m4t23 is now known as pheni [20:50] ^amra and serve your current dir [20:51] <^amra> oh!!! it's a bug. I found a problem. when I use Firefox to open my site he get from old chache and try to redirect to https! :443 problem solved [20:51] <^amra> thanks all! [20:51] <^amra> In chrome all working goo [20:51] <^amra> d === phoenix_firebrd is now known as murthy [20:54] hi, the wiki page on ZFS is absolutely wrong [20:54] the Use Case section should simply be removed. it is misleading and contains misinformation. === daniel is now known as Guest23264 [21:02] ptx0 https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HelpContents && #launchpad [21:02] dimisdas: i am not an ubuntu user/maintainer, i am a zfs maintainer [21:02] please don't make me handle your documentation :) [21:03] i'm not an ubuntu maintainer, but the Wiki is part of launchpad [21:03] afaik [21:05] Hiya, I've just installed Ubuntu, and after restarting, Ubuntu doesn't start up, after inputting my encryption password, about 10 seconds go by and it freezes, also I hear a pop in my headphones when that happens [21:06] The only way it starts up is through recovery mode [21:06] qwebirc3507, press Shift when booting to get the Grub menu, edit the boot entry, and remove 'quiet splash' from the kernel line. Try booting that. [21:08] Okay thank you, I shall return if this doesnt work (I currently have no other devices to access IRC ) [21:24] anyone else experiencing this sort of "bug" where with Ubuntu 18.10, any SSH connection to any server times out some time between 1-30 minutes? [21:24] Can someone help please. I'm trying to extend a disk on Ubuntu with Google Cloud it's running Plesk web host edition and no matter what I try it won't do it. Can anyone help please? [21:25] I tried all kinds of SO posts to ensure my ssh config has decent timeout values. I even confirmed that I edited the right file by dumping the runtime config. [21:25] This also affects applications like MySQL Workbench when I try to connect to a mysql server tunneled through an SSH server; the application just fails to make any query after a while [21:26] qwebirc37010: you are better contacting your cloud host support [21:26] Thank you [21:26] amcsi, does this happen if you are active? Or only when idle? [21:27] lordcirth_, both [21:27] it doesn't matter [21:27] no matter what I do, it happens [21:27] amcsi, anything in sshd logs? journalctl --unit ssh [21:27] I really hope the issue is not with my home directory being encrypted [21:27] Heyya, I was here approx. 15 mins ago with a problem where my system won't boot, I was reccomended to remove "quiet splash" iirc and this did not work, though it gets to "A start job is running for detect the available GPUs and deal with any system changes" I let this go for 10 minutes but nothing happened... [21:27] lordcirth_, [21:27] lemme see [21:28] lordcirth_, oh, you mean in one of the servers I connect to? [21:28] amcsi, yes [21:28] hello, I'm on ubuntu 16.4 and getting "Unable to lock the administration directory (/var/lib/dpkg/), is another process using it?” is there a safe way stop apt.sytem.daily thanks? [21:29] If there's a timeout, hopefully either the server or the client will say something about why [21:29] powerninja, it is probably best to let it run this time, then disable it. Interrupting it would require fixing [21:30] powerninja, https://linuxconfig.org/disable-automatic-updates-on-ubuntu-18-04-bionic-beaver-linux#h6-1-disable-automatic-updates-from-command-line [21:30] I'm using packer builds, so probably sudo systemctl stop apt-daily.timer ? [21:30] Thanks lordcirth will take a look [21:30] lordcirth_, no timeout there. Just normal stuff. [21:30] amcsi, does it say connection closed? [21:31] amcsi, have you tried ssh -vvv ? [21:31] lordcirth_, I'm pretty sure the fault isn't with the server, because this happens with _all_ servers. And the same servers I've accessed before on an older Ubuntu machine and it didn't have any problems; it just stayed connected to all of them. [21:31] lordcirth_, I'll try ssh -vvv [21:32] amcsi, you could also try adding "ServerAliveInterval 120" to your ~/.ssh/config [21:33] lordcirth_, I hope I'll see something when it "times out". The symptom by the way isn't that it exits; it keeps the SSH terminal open, and it does not respond to anything anymore whatsoever; not even Ctrl+C/D to exit the terminal. I must to click on the X button to exit -.- [21:33] Any word on apt updates? I'm assuming many have seen the remote code execution bug in apt just released? [21:33] pjs, what CVE? [21:34] CVE-2019-3462? [21:34] lordcirth_, that file of my file had already contained this: https://pastebin.com/Q3Fhyc8S [21:34] Ah ok === upmine is now known as niko [21:35] lordcirth_, interesting... I see this in the output of ssh -vvv after it exited (I'm surprised; it's never actually exited before): debug3: send packet: type 80\ndebug3: receive packet: type 82 [21:35] lordcirth_: CVE-2019-3462 [21:35] Yea, same one :) [21:36] pjs, fixes are released: https://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-security/cve/2019/CVE-2019-3462.html [21:36] Thank you.. I couldn't find the notice for this [21:36] lordcirth_, actually ignore what I just said; I'm still connected. There was no disconnect yet. === wouter_ is now known as bisserke [21:46] hi! I have ubuntu 18.04. Google chrome uses most cpu when useing youtube. PC is warming up (Getting louder). Does that happen to your machine as well? [21:47] chrome uses about 12% cpu [21:48] my laptop takes off flies away when I'm running Slack [21:48] web apps and chrome are pretty resource heavy nowadays [21:48] lordcirth_, alright, it happened again. debug3: send packet: type 80\ndebug3: receive packet: type 82 <- the last output. SSH is stuck again. [21:48] I'm having problems with starting up Ubuntu, I tried removing "quiet splash" which tells me that im getting up to "A start job is running for detect the available GPUs and deal with any system changes" Not getting past this, left it for 10 mins [21:49] lordcirth_, so even -vvv doesn't give any info [21:49] hi .. im trying to get a sub script from bash to extend bash with aliases etc. it runs but nothing is there, in the shell, when I create a new shell, and bash has called that 2nd script [21:50] how [21:50] dimisdas, so thats what to be expected i guess.. [21:50] bashrc [21:52] Last time i had a problem like mine (it was on 16.04) I had to do something with the ACPI if that helps :thonk: [22:00] aldcor: Chrome (and, honestly, most modern browsers) is very resource heavy now. What are the specs of the machine? [22:03] SlidingHorn, you recommend firefox? Lenovo Intel® Core™ i7-4720HQ CPU @ 2.60GHz × 8, Graphics GeForce GTX 960M/PCIe/SSE2, Memory 7.7Gib [22:04] firefox seems to be the same as chrome tho [22:04] 12% cpu, just one core of 8? [22:05] 960m master race :weary: [22:08] acording to top command now cpu is 125% and 50% [22:11] ciao a tutti [22:11] now its 7 [22:12] hello === daniel is now known as Guest29397 [22:28] hello I'm trying to install a netis wf2120 on ubuntu 18.04 it has realtek rtl8188eus chipset how to install [22:28] is running very slow [22:31] do I have to follow the steps here? https://linuxforums.org.uk/index.php?topic=11261.0 seems too much for a driver! [22:44] hello world! [22:47] I need some help to make the driver nvidia optimus card working on my system. currently when I choose the nvidia or prime profile it's actually only the intel graphics working. thanks for the help! [22:52] arpad2: For nvidia and matrox graphics cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VideoDriverHowto . For the latest Nvidia drivers see https://launchpad.net/~graphics-drivers/+archive/ubuntu/ppa [22:52] IcemanV9: thanks [23:00] * IcemanV9 passed along the thanks to ubottu (info bot) === me is now known as Guest60371 [23:39] dash(1) says there is an fc command [23:39] but when i type fc it says dash: 1: fc: not found' [23:39] what could be amiss [23:40] i think that for what it worth people regard letters as something as an appropriate function of their daily journal [23:42] fc -l # would show a list [23:46] let me guess you try hard and get some sort of reward? [23:50] does anyone know how to preseed Software RAID 1 on UEFI with LVM? [23:51] or if there's a ticket/tracker to use native kickstart instead of deb-conf? [23:51] partitioning with debconf/preseed is trash at best [23:51] i like to make a habit of trying out new things [23:52] you could always ask [23:52] lol [23:53] OerHeks: thats the thing, fc -l still gives me: dash: 1: fc: not found === aslal__ is now known as kc_untied [23:55] i wonder if they ever knew what hit them [23:57] hi gms === gms is now known as Guest20846 [23:58] hi!