
ansyebhello. so I found ssh remote forwarding on one of my servers. tunnel is litening on :22001. how to find out where the other side of that tunnel is?08:15
lotuspsychjeansyeb: see also the #openssh channel08:31
ansyebalready talking there08:32
ansyebbut the solution doesnt work for me yet ((08:32
lotuspsychjeansyeb: can nmap help you findout ?08:33
herald85goodmorning everyone. new attempt: I keep having issues with apt trying to download linux-headers but failing. I've tried several mirrors but it keeps saying "Failed to fetch http://gb.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/l/linux/linux-headers-4.4.0-141_4.4.0-141.167_all.deb" .08:52
tomreynherald85: did you run "sudo apt-get update" before you tried to install the headers? also, there should have been a second line of out put regarding this gb.archive.ubuntu.com server which should explain why it failed. please post the full output tpo a pastebin. note that i may have to leave any minute now, but this will help others diagnosing this issue.09:17
tomreynansyeb: try "netstat -plnt | grep -F ':22001'" or "lsof -i :22001"09:20
herald85tomreyn:   https://gist.github.com/fboux0/8fa835fd5ef2dfbff659a7a51524d9dc   only three packages because I installed the rest with ' apt upgrade --fix-missing' which cause apt to skip the headers09:20
tomreynherald85: let's ignore gb.archive.ubuntu.com for now and focus on security.-ubuntu.com, which there are also errors with (probably for the same reason). your system resolves the security.ubuntu.com hostname correctly to but fails to connect to it. this can be due to firewalling on your LAN (your ubuntu system, your router, the router / firewall of the network your computer is in).09:25
tomreynanother possible explanation is that your internet provider routes traffic to this ip address to a mirror server they run, but this is less likely, and they shouldn't be doing that for security.ubuntu.com.09:26
tomreynherald85: got to run. i *may* be back in 10 minutes.09:28
tomreynherald85: i'm back if you still need support - i've missed anything you may have said since i last spoke, though (feel free to PM).09:53
herald85tomreyn:  thanks , I wanted to verify on the fortigate but the firewall dudes are MIA09:54
tomreynhehe, the common issue. you should run a fortimanager (virtual) appliance (in a VM) so everyone who is entitled to can view (but not modify) the current configuration.09:57
herald85I updated the gist if I try just wgetting a random file on security.ubuntu it works, if I try the linux-headers via security.ubuntu ... nothing.09:57
tomreyni'd need the url again, lost all context09:58
herald85oh ... wait... it worked now. huh.09:58
herald85wget failed 4 times then the 5th it was able to download10:01
herald85does this work for you ?        wget http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/l/linux/linux-headers-4.4.0-138_4.4.0-138.164_all.deb10:01
tomreynherald85: yes, this works10:04
tomreynyou should use curl to test, though, with the --resolve option10:04
tomreynherald85: i assume that some of the ip addresses security.ubuntu.com resolves to are whielisted in your firewall, but not all of them10:05
herald85mmh could be10:05
herald85they assured me it wasn't blocked but well .. let's visit them again :) thanks tomreyn10:06
tomreynhmm no actually this theory is false since your gist shows that you had both a successful download and an error on this same ip address.10:06
tomreynso you have intermittent tcp connect issues to
herald85I'm going to try rule out any network issues first, test outside firewall etc10:11
tomreynsounds good.10:14
tomreynherald85: things you can try: tracepath / mtr / traceroute, to see whether your route is to the target is mostly static and whether there is may be a broken router somewhere.10:21
tomreynalso: sudo apt-get -o 'Debug::Acquire::http=1' update10:24
tomreynfor a workaround, switching to https *may* work, but not all mirrors support it10:24
tomreynhttps://github.com/tomreyn/scripts/blob/master/ubuntu_archivemirrors_https returns a lit of archive mirrors supporting httpS, but doesn't check whether they support your release or mirror security patches.10:26
ansyebhello. "ln -snf /srv/www/.shared/TEST $WORK_DIR/releases/$TIMESTAMP/TEST" on a machine works well. but when executed by gitlab-runner over ssh, somewhy it cuts the /srv/www/.shared part and virtually tries to ln /TEST that does not exist10:43
ansyebof course fails and I can not deploy10:44
ansyebexecuted as same user, both manually and during a job10:44
tomreynansyeb: is this an ubuntu system, since /srv/www is not a standard path on ubuntu10:46
ansyebUbuntu 16.04.1 LTS10:47
ansyebpath can be anything10:47
tomreynuh, do you not install security patches then?10:47
ansyebcould this be the reason to my issue?10:47
tomreyn16.04.5 is current10:47
tomreynbut it'll be difficult to diagnose this without more context, and even then it looks very much like a scripting issue, not one with ubuntu10:49
=== KayXS_ is now known as KayXS
dexterfoohello. i have an ubuntu server hosted on digital ocean. with the default install, will the system clock ever be adjusted? do i need to set up automatic adjustment to the system clock if i am doing regular web stuff?12:22
ahasenackkstenerud: hi, can you perhaps run the verification steps of https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/tomcat8/+bug/1606331, since the reporter hasn't yet?12:24
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1606331 in tomcat8 (Ubuntu Xenial) "StringIndexOutOfBoundsException - Tomcat8.0.32" [High,Fix committed]12:24
ahasenackI'm cleaning up pending MPs, and found that one12:25
ahasenackI have one like that myself, backuppc12:26
rbasakdexterfoo: systemd-timesyncd is enabled by default on Bionic. And Xenial I think.13:10
rbasakFor how that impacts DO's virtual environment you'll have to ask their support I guess.13:11
ansyebanyone using gitlab here? gitlab IRC channel is pretty much dead14:19
lotuspsychje!crosspost | ansyeb14:26
ubottuansyeb: Please don't ask the same question in multiple Ubuntu channels at the same time. Many helpers are in more than one channel and it's not fair to them or the other people seeking support.14:26
=== chiluk_ is now known as chiluk
DeihmosAny use auto mount on server 18.0417:21
DeihmosTesting Ubuntu server. Hard as hell configuring things without a GUI. How do you manage?17:22
tewardDeihmos: research and learning how everything works on the CLI :P17:25
tewardlots of time and effort into that too17:25
baffleDeihmos: Experience helps..17:45
Ussatwhats a GUI ?17:58
sarnoldDeihmos: after a while I suspect you'll find the gui gets in the way more than it helps. it's not a bad way to keep multiple terminals visible on screen at once..18:22
sarnoldDeihmos: once a guy needed to issue a command along the lines of: "sudo chmod 755 /var/www18:23
tewardsarnold: i'm sorry don't you mean `chmod 777` :P18:23
sarnoldDeihmos: .. and proceeded to spend four hours figuring out how to run nautilus as root and wreck the permissions on who knows how many other files ...18:23
sarnoldteward: lol18:23
DeihmosNah too much typing18:24
DeihmosTime consuming18:24
Deihmoswill this work to remote desktop https://www.interserver.net/tips/kb/install-xrdp-ubuntu-server-xfce-template/22:27
tomreynDeihmos: unless you insist on using the rdp protocol, i'd recommend using either x2go or (ssh tunneled) vnc instead.23:08
Deihmosall my other computers are windows and at work i have windows23:08
Deihmosi cannot install those software but can rdp23:08
Deihmosif i install that wouldn't the server boot to a gui?23:09
Deihmosor can i have the gui only when i rdp23:09
tomreynit will need to run the daemons but doesn't have to do the graphical processing.23:12
tomreynthe right way to manage a linux server remotely is, of course, through the shell, though23:13
Deihmostoo tideous to move files23:13
tomreynwhy so?23:13
tomreynyou can still use a GUI on the client23:14
Deihmoslike if i want to transfer a file from my local pc to a folder on ubuntu server it is just too much of a hassle23:14
tomreynif you have a windows client, you could use winscp for example23:14
Deihmosor auto mount my usb is a hassle23:14
Deihmosby installing gnome disks i can get it up and running with a few clicks23:14
tomreynenabling automounting is a one-time configuration23:15
Deihmosnot sure which guide to follow23:15
Deihmosso many different methods. gnome disks has a setting to auto mount. i wonder if it edits whatever file that is needed23:16
Deihmosi followed that guide. recommends installing usbmount but it didn't work23:18
tomreyni assume gnome-disks uses gio23:18
Deihmosyes and it is simple23:18
tomreyn"didn't work" isn't going to get you very far in terms of volunteer support ;-)23:18
tomreynbut if you got a solution you are happy with, that's cool23:19
Deihmosi searched and there is some issue with 18.04 and usbmount23:19
tomreyni'd say: whatever floats your boat.23:20
sarnoldDeihmos: iirc putty supports sftp23:23
sarnoldDeihmos: if it doesn't, find a windows client that does..23:23
tomreynwell winscp (despit ethe name) does, and surely has a better gui than putty.23:40

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