=== [1]MrMobius is now known as MrMobius | ||
postmodern | i'm trying to get qemu using ALSA, but apparently appamour is blocking access to /etc/asound.conf and ~/.asoundrc. | 00:15 |
maetthew | 01:04 -!- Irssi: Join to #kubuntu was synced in 28 secs configuration files for Konsole are located? [22:46:06] | 00:24 |
maetthew | 01:04 < maetthew> nvm [22:47:58] | 00:24 |
maetthew | 01:04 < ***> Playback Complete. | 00:24 |
maetthew | 01:04 -!- Channel #kubuntu created Sun Nov 26 07:42:42 2006 | 00:24 |
maetthew | 01:04 -!- Irssi: Join to #kubuntu was synced in 28 secs configuration files for Konsole are located? [22:46:06] | 00:24 |
maetthew | 01:04 < maetthew> nvm [22:47:58] | 00:24 |
maetthew | 01:04 < ***> Playback Complete. | 00:24 |
maetthew | 01:04 -!- Channel #kubuntu created Sun Nov 26 07:42:42 2006 | 00:24 |
seven-eleven | hi | 00:54 |
HarlinS | hola seven-eleven | 00:54 |
seven-eleven | hola HarlinS | 00:54 |
seven-eleven | how can I see if the security update is installed already on my machine? | 00:54 |
HarlinS | less /var/log/apt/history.log | 00:55 |
HarlinS | ? | 00:55 |
SlidingHorn | seven-eleven: which security update are you wondering about? | 00:55 |
seven-eleven | hmm neither in /var/log/apt/history.log nor in /var/log/unattended-upgrades I see the update | 00:56 |
HarlinS | do you know for a fact that it's installed? | 00:56 |
seven-eleven | SlidingHorn, the one that allows to run root commands using apt http vulnerabilities | 00:56 |
HarlinS | or maybe you've inadvertently cleared that log file? | 00:57 |
OerHeks | https://usn.ubuntu.com/3863-1/ | 00:57 |
^amra | Hi there. Who try to use certbot. I run certbot-auto certonly --webroot --webroot-path /opt/openproject/public -d <openproject.mydomain.com> and have an error which can't solve... The console output log is here: https://pastebin.com/9CFJE0xh ... maybe someone use certbot and know about the same problem? | 00:57 |
seven-eleven | ah thanks OerHeks | 00:57 |
seven-eleven | HarlinS, i think unattended-upgrades run only one time a day and hasnt today yet | 00:58 |
seven-eleven | apt 1.2.27 | 00:58 |
seven-eleven | so yeah, got still the old version :-) | 00:58 |
seven-eleven | let me see how to configure unattended-upgrades to run every hour | 00:59 |
seven-eleven | for 16.04 people say to use crontab to run unattended-upgrades hourly | 01:06 |
seven-eleven | what to do for 18.04 though, use systemd timers? | 01:06 |
OerHeks | amra, dunno about certbot, but i see download of sources over https, that requires apt-transport-https | 01:07 |
OerHeks | !info apt-transport-https | 01:07 |
ubottu | apt-transport-https (source: apt): transitional package for https support. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.6.6ubuntu0.1 (bionic), package size 1 kB, installed size 148 kB | 01:07 |
seven-eleven | mhm | 01:09 |
OerHeks | unattended are set in /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/10periodic AFAIK | 01:11 |
^amra | OerHeks, hm let me see | 01:12 |
^amra | OerHeks, apt-transport-https is already the newest version (1.6.6ubuntu0.1). | 01:12 |
^amra | It's installed allready | 01:12 |
seven-eleven | /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/10periodic can do only daily, for hourly either cron or systemd is required | 01:13 |
Deihmos | ubuntu server does not auto update right? | 01:16 |
seven-eleven | ubuntu servers asks you during installation if you want unattended-upgrades | 01:20 |
Deihmos | must have missed that | 01:21 |
Deihmos | must have missed that | 01:22 |
Deihmos | must have missed that | 01:22 |
Deihmos | wtf | 01:22 |
Deihmos | didn't see that on 18.04 | 01:22 |
SlidingHorn | FLOODER!!! :P No worries Deihmos...it happens sometimes | 01:22 |
Deihmos | trying to figure out how i can install server and copy and paste the commands from another pc | 01:23 |
Deihmos | is ssh the best to use for remote management | 01:25 |
hggdh | Deihmos: usually SSH is deployed for servers; there are other options as well, like cockpit | 01:27 |
guiverc | Deihmos, 'best' may depend on your point of view, but `ssh` would be my choice. | 01:27 |
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wojak | ay | 01:52 |
wojak | is anyone online | 01:53 |
wojak | im tryna get my sd card reader to worj | 01:53 |
wojak | work | 01:53 |
wojak | i have a usb adapter, but its really slow and inconvenient | 01:53 |
wojak | so id like for my built in card reader to work | 01:53 |
guiverc | wojak, i know nothing about card-readers, but while it says little, I hope this may be helpful https://help.ubuntu.com/stable/ubuntu-help/hardware-cardreader.html.en | 01:57 |
guiverc | wojak, other posts (eg. https://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2363298) seem to cover specific problems; you didn't give details - but this may help if using exfat etc.. | 01:58 |
wojak | ok ty | 01:59 |
wojak | the adapter isnt working anymore | 02:00 |
wojak | it shows up, but doesnt let me access it | 02:00 |
wojak | im working on formatting it rn | 02:00 |
wojak | speaking of, do you know any tools? | 02:00 |
guiverc | I can't say i like this solution wojak, but it seemds to help lots https://askubuntu.com/questions/787088/ubuntu-16-04-does-not-detect-sd-card-reader (assuming 16.04 LTS - you haven't said what release) | 02:01 |
OerHeks | if it is buildin, lspci gives a 8 digit hex ID number and/or name | 02:11 |
Jmabsd | so - my Ubuntu's EFI partition got trashed because I vim:ed its grub.conf file, duh. | 02:12 |
Jmabsd | i now have the Ubuntu desktop ISO installed on a memory stick, and UEFI-booted its grub prompt. | 02:12 |
Jmabsd | in that grub prompt, typing "linux (file) root=(boot device)", "initrd (file)", "boot", i get some kind of boot, but it complains it can't find the root drive | 02:12 |
Jmabsd | and dumps me in busybox or something, initrd | 02:13 |
compdoc | are you saying it wont boot to the installer? | 02:13 |
Jmabsd | compdoc: my HDD Ubuntu installation doesn't boot because somehow Grub trashes when you install the EFI volume's grub.cfg | 02:14 |
Jmabsd | compdoc: so now i UEFI-boot an USB memory stick, it gives me an UEFI Grub command prompt, allowing me to boot the HDD from the memory stick | 02:14 |
Jmabsd | my intention is to boot the system off the HDD and run "update-grub" to fix the EFI partition grub installation. | 02:14 |
Jmabsd | now i'm trying to figure what are the correct grub commands to boot that way | 02:15 |
Jmabsd | in the UEFI grub console | 02:15 |
compdoc | I found recently that a uefi system would boot fine if the bios was set to all legacy. I was trying to get pxe to work | 02:17 |
OerHeks | UEFI should not be such trouble, but "EFI volume's grub.cfg" i never heard of, grub does not delete the efi partitionhttps://help.ubuntu.com/community/UEFI#Identifying_if_an_Ubuntu_has_been_installed_in_UEFI_mode | 02:18 |
OerHeks | i would try bootrepair | 02:20 |
Jmabsd | Yey, "configfile (hd1,gpt2)/boot/grub/grub.cfg" solved it :) | 02:20 |
Deihmos | i want to install ubuntu desktop to setup server then remove when complete | 02:20 |
Deihmos | anyone know if that is possible | 02:21 |
compdoc | pretty easy to install or remove a desktop | 02:23 |
compdoc | I just install the minimal desktop, and use that for servers | 02:24 |
badpixel | / #linux-overflow | 02:24 |
OerHeks | Deihmos, run a live iso, xubuntu or lubuntu or ubuntu and start ' tasksel', and choose server + ssh (= last 2 items on long list) | 02:24 |
badpixel | / #linuxoverflow | 02:24 |
Jmabsd | ..so now need to use "grub-install" to reinstall Grub on the EFI partition, how.. hm | 02:27 |
Jmabsd | both "grub-install" and "grub-install --target=x86_64-efi sda" give " | 02:39 |
Jmabsd | Installing for x86_64-efi platform. | 02:39 |
Jmabsd | grub-install: error: cannot find EFI directory. | 02:39 |
Jmabsd | " | 02:39 |
OerHeks | see the uefi manual how to make one, i guess the empty space is still there | 02:40 |
OerHeks | !uefi | 02:40 |
ubottu | UEFI is a specification that defines a software interface between an operating system and platform firmware. It is meant as a replacement for the BIOS. For information on how to set up and install Ubuntu and its derivatives on UEFI machines please read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UEFI | 02:40 |
Jmabsd | err how do you mount the efi partition.. was it trashed altogether? | 02:44 |
Jmabsd | "mount -t msdos /dev/sda1 /mnt" does not work | 02:44 |
Jmabsd | "mount /dev/sda1 /mnt" and "mount -t fat /dev/sda1 /mnt" also | 02:44 |
Jmabsd | "fdisk /dev/sda" shows sda1 is an EFI partition. | 02:45 |
Jmabsd | it's remarkable that there is not one single example easily findable on the Internet showing how this mount command should look. | 02:45 |
Jmabsd | this is a mess. | 02:47 |
Jmabsd | let's try to recreate it. | 02:49 |
Jmabsd | https://github.com/coderinside/scripts/blob/master/restoreBootEfi.sh#L25 | 02:49 |
Jmabsd | "grub-install sda" worked now. | 02:50 |
Jmabsd | when running "grub-install"/"grub-update", somehow the "nomodeset" kernel setting is restored even though I removed it from /boot/grub/grub.cfg repeatedly | 02:54 |
Jmabsd | ah, /etc/default/grub is where to edit, and it propagates to /boot/grub/grub.cfg , ok. | 02:55 |
wojak | i have xubuntu 18.04 | 03:00 |
wojak | LTS | 03:00 |
Jmabsd | installed amdgpu-pro on ubuntu, and the "ocl-icd-opencl-dev" package. "clinfo" says "0 platforms", and some OpenCL program seems to find no GPU. | 03:04 |
Jmabsd | ah, "./amdgpu-pro-install -y --opencl=legacy | 03:15 |
Jmabsd | ". | 03:15 |
ThugRen | Hello | 03:50 |
=== phoenix_firebrd is now known as murthy | ||
guiverc | ThugRen, if you have a Ubuntu Support question, please just ask it. If someone is able to answer it, they will when they can. | 03:55 |
murthy | how to know the details of a .snap file? | 03:56 |
guiverc | murthy, i don't know what a '.snap' file is, but `snap info snappackage` will display info about an installed snap; and I'd use `file unknown.snap` to view info about the file if you don't know what it is | 04:01 |
guiverc | murthy, i looked at a few snaps i have installed; none I looked at contained any files ending in '.snap' | 04:02 |
murthy | guiverc: I read a news article that chromium is packaged as a snap with vaapi support enabled it is in the candidate not published, I want to test it, so I downloaded the .snap file. I would like to check the permissions and confinement stuff before I test/run it | 04:04 |
joalland | Hi | 04:04 |
murthy | joalland: hi | 04:05 |
murthy | guiverc: I downloaded the snap file from here https://code.launchpad.net/~osomon/+snap/chromium-snap-from-source-enable-vaapi/+build/434120 | 04:05 |
brock_ | hello | 04:06 |
guiverc | murthy, okay, I have it installed on my 18.04 box for testing purpose (not using it currently), but i just followed instructions on install on community hub as I recall | 04:06 |
brock_ | hey, nonono | 04:07 |
joalland | I have a computer with a boot uefi in /dev/sda1, root( / ) in /dev/sda2, my swap in /dev/sdb1 and my /home in /dev/sdb2. I would like to install windows 10 in /sdb3. Can windows found its boot uefi fat32 partition in /sba1 and be installed in /sdb3 or has its boot uefi partition to be at the beginning of /sdb ? | 04:08 |
murthy | joalland: Do you know that windows will overwrite mbr? | 04:10 |
joalland | yes but i can install grub again after the windows installation. | 04:11 |
joalland | well, I think so. | 04:11 |
guiverc | murthy, the snap test I followed was 2018-sept so long ago, and unlikely helpful now. 2018 - so not sure it's useful now) you may be able to `snap install ./file.snap` - but it's a guess (I've not used it; the errors on my quick test look valid; but it's your decision) | 04:12 |
murthy | joalland: In that case, as far as I know windows will need its boot partition to c:\ | 04:12 |
murthy | joalland: So I guess boot sector will be written to sdb | 04:12 |
guiverc | brock_, if you have a Ubuntu Support question, please just ask it (ideally in a single line & be patient for a response, people will answer if & when they can) | 04:13 |
joalland | murthy: it makes sense. Thanks. | 04:13 |
brock_ | thanks, guiverc. That's good advice | 04:29 |
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dan2wik | If I setup an automount for a 2nd drive in fstab, will it halt a boot if the drive is no longer present? | 04:41 |
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murthy | dan2wik: I dont think a normal automount will block the boot if the drive fails, It may try or wait for some time | 04:43 |
CrazyH | Ubuntu 16.04. I can't get x11vnc to work. Every detail you'd ever need to know is in this paste: http://pasteall.org/1461439 | 04:54 |
CrazyH | It can't open display :0 for some reason beyond my understanding :-/ | 04:54 |
murthy | CrazyH: does it need ports need to be enable in the router? | 05:09 |
dan2wik | Hmm. Seems my problem is bigger than I thought. | 05:11 |
dan2wik | Is there a way to disable smart re-allocation of a hard drive? | 05:11 |
UserUS | CrazyH: startx command? | 05:12 |
CrazyH | murthy, this has nothing to do with router ports. I'm on the local machine. It simply can't open display :0 | 05:21 |
CrazyH | UserUS, what about startx would you like to know? | 05:22 |
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murthy | CrazyH: I am trying to run the command and see whats happening | 05:50 |
murthy | CrazyH: I am getting the same error, let me find a solution | 05:53 |
CrazyH | murthy, thanks :-) | 05:54 |
lotuspsychje | dan2wik: for hardware issues you can try ##hardware if you like | 05:54 |
murthy | CrazyH: wow the man page ran for 2 km | 05:56 |
CrazyH | murthy, yeah... I have no idea why this doesn't work. I've done it this way many times before. | 06:02 |
murthy | CrazyH: I am getting this error message. netstat: not found. Do we need netstat for x11vnc | 06:07 |
CrazyH | murthy, why would I need netstat for x11vnc? | 06:12 |
glitchd | i get my local and public ip from a simple script i wrote. today it started printing 2 ips for my local lan connection. anyone have any clues as to why its doing that? | 06:16 |
CrazyH | glitchd, yeah, you can have two connections at once. Are you maybe running a wifi card and a LAN card at the same time? | 06:19 |
=== murthy is now known as phoenix_firebrd_ | ||
bindi | the error is probably in the script you wrote (why?) which you havent even pastebinned here | 06:20 |
glitchd | CrazyH, i do have 2 connections. lan and wifi, but wifi is turned off. this just started happening today so its really confusing me right now as to why. | 06:21 |
CrazyH | glitchd, so type ifconfig and read what it says | 06:22 |
bindi | not even sure how this is ubuntu-specific if you wrote a custom script | 06:22 |
glitchd | CrazyH, https://pastebin.com/ZUYkZSXi | 06:23 |
glitchd | CrazyH, i just figured it out | 06:24 |
glitchd | CrazyH, i must have set it to automatic dhcp by accident, and even tho i set it to dhcp, i had an ip set already. so my ip script was showing both ips for my local connection. | 06:27 |
glitchd | CrazyH, ive solved my problem, adios bud | 06:28 |
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murthy | CrazyH: there was an error message about netstat missing and saw this https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/x11vnc/+bug/1772922 | 06:37 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 1772922 in x11vnc (Ubuntu) "missing netstat depends on bionic" [Undecided,New] | 06:37 |
murthy | CrazyH: In 19.04 x11vnc package does not depend on netstat | 06:38 |
CrazyH | murthy, I'm running ubuntu 16.04, not 19.04 | 06:40 |
murthy | CrazyH: I am not able to find a solution for you | 06:41 |
murthy | CrazyH: Is it an urgent matter? | 06:41 |
CrazyH | murthy, well, I'm screwed without it... but i'm not going to die | 06:41 |
murthy | CrazyH: If so can you wait it the channel get more active and more advanced user/devs show up? | 06:42 |
murthy | CrazyH: There is a person with a nick Tj, he may be able to help you. Check if he is available when the channel is active | 06:44 |
murthy | CrazyH: also kubuntu has a telegram support group, you could ask you might know kubuntu is kde on ubuntu | 06:45 |
murthy | also kubuntu has a telegram support group, you could ask there they might know kubuntu is kde on ubuntu | 06:46 |
murthy | CrazyH: | 06:46 |
murthy | CrazyH: I am off to bed now | 06:46 |
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Kira | So I installed `mysql-server` and `mysql-workbench` using apt. | 07:23 |
Kira | But is there a default database instance created? I see that mysql.server is running from systemctl. | 07:24 |
Kira | But I can't connect to it in workbench. | 07:24 |
Kira | root@localhost:3306 just denies access. | 07:25 |
dimisdas | Kira have you set a password? | 07:28 |
Kira | dimisdas, I was never asked to set a password during installation | 07:29 |
Kira | And there's no post-install message telling me how to connect. | 07:29 |
dimisdas | try sudo mysql_secure_installation | 07:30 |
dimisdas | and then "mysql -u root -p" | 07:30 |
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bigMouthCommie | just installed 18.10 | 07:41 |
Kira | dimisdas, turns out this is a thing: https://stackoverflow.com/a/49778695 | 07:42 |
bigMouthCommie | how can i get a black theme? the ui is way too brite | 07:42 |
Kira | why oh why isn't it mentioned in a post-install message? :( | 07:42 |
bodiccea | I found a mistake in /etc/default/cron (XUbuntu 18.04), and not sure how to report. "ubuntu-bug" does not look adequate for that. How should I do ? | 07:42 |
bodiccea | The issue is simple. it is written explicitely in /etc/default/cron that the file is deprecated. However, it is not (as /etc/systemd/system/cron.service references this file to get environment, for instance TZ). | 07:45 |
ducasse | bodiccea: why can't you use ubuntu-bug? | 07:50 |
dniel | hi | 07:56 |
bodiccea | ducasse, I tried "ubuntu-bug cron", and a window appeared, with "send", and "do not send" buttons. I did not want to go further, as the window looked like the ones which appear when a crash occurs. But after reading you I did and came to Ubuntu One. Sorry for this stupid question then, I will fill the bug report. Thank you. | 07:56 |
bodiccea | ... and the bug has already been reported (#1674492) | 07:59 |
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lotuspsychje | bigMouthCommie: install ubuntu-tweak-tool and change your theme | 08:03 |
lotuspsychje | bigMouthCommie: gnome-tweak-tool | 08:04 |
lotuspsychje | bigMouthCommie: im on adwaita dark, pretty nice darker theme | 08:05 |
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DJ-ArcAngel | doesn't ubuntu have a php7.1-memcache package? | 08:22 |
DJ-ArcAngel | all what i find if i google is to compile it | 08:22 |
lotuspsychje | !info php-memcache | DJ-ArcAngel this? | 08:23 |
ubottu | DJ-ArcAngel this?: php-memcache (source: php-memcache): memcache extension module for PHP. In component universe, is optional. Version 3.0.9~20160311.4991c2f-5build2 (bionic), package size 56 kB, installed size 148 kB | 08:23 |
DJ-ArcAngel | ubottu: yes | 08:23 |
DJ-ArcAngel | lotuspsychje: yes | 08:23 |
DJ-ArcAngel | but i have that installed... but i need the 7.1 | 08:24 |
lotuspsychje | DJ-ArcAngel: if apt-cache doesnt show it, its not available for your system | 08:24 |
dimisdas | ^ in which case you can compile from source https://github.com/php-memcached-dev/php-memcached | 08:25 |
lotuspsychje | DJ-ArcAngel: are you sure this php-memcache doesnt support php7? | 08:27 |
bigMouthCommie | thank you lotuspsychje | 08:30 |
lotuspsychje | bigMouthCommie: welcome | 08:31 |
bigMouthCommie | and how do i change the firefox launcher? iwant to add flags | 08:37 |
bigMouthCommie | -p and --no-remote | 08:38 |
EriC^^ | bigMouthCommie: /usr/share/applications/firefox.desktop | 08:38 |
m1dnight1 | Hey guys. I've been running 18.10 on my desktop and it works kind of fine. I installed the "Put Windows" extension to snap my windows to a grid. But after my ubuntu has gone to sleep it somehow turns off all my extensions in the gnome tweak tool. And when I re-enable the put windows extension it doesnt work anymore. I have to toggle the "enable extensions" switch for them to activate again. | 08:39 |
DJ-ArcAngel | lotuspsychje: no, but i can't enable it in apache, there is no memcache in mods-available | 08:39 |
bigMouthCommie | EriC^^: just open that in emacs? | 08:39 |
EriC^^ | bigMouthCommie: yeah | 08:39 |
EriC^^ | edit the Exec= line | 08:39 |
m1dnight1 | I'm not a complete noob at linux, but I have no idea where to even begin trynig to solve this. | 08:39 |
nikolam | Hi on Xubuntu 18.04 LTS, I created HotSpot Wifi network on another WiFi adapter (RTL8187) but I don't know how to start it, so I can share my internet connection over WiFi . | 08:40 |
nikolam | Internet connection is coming over the other WiFi link | 08:40 |
bigMouthCommie | thanx EriC^^ | 08:40 |
EriC^^ | np | 08:40 |
nikolam | How to start Hotspot/AP created in "Edit connections" ? | 08:41 |
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lotuspsychje | m1dnight1: that might be normal hibernate disables extensions, maybe you can try a tail -f /var/log/syslog then test it, see if you catch errors | 08:42 |
m1dnight1 | Ah, that's a good idea. Be right back ! :D | 08:42 |
nikolam | "Create new Wifi connection only allows WEP. And the I can not connect to it with the mobile phone | 08:43 |
bigMouthCommie | will i need to log out and back in to refresh the bar? i already changed the config but the button doesn't do what it's supposed to do | 08:43 |
lotuspsychje | nikolam: https://help.ubuntu.com/stable/ubuntu-help/net-wireless-adhoc.html.en | 08:44 |
m1dnight1 | lotuspsychje: https://exbin.call-cc.be/TaxesWesternism That explains something indeed! :) | 08:45 |
lotuspsychje | m1dnight1: hibernate/sleep always make the system behave other then a waked system right | 08:46 |
lotuspsychje | !who | bigMouthCommie | 08:46 |
ubottu | bigMouthCommie: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :) | 08:46 |
m1dnight1 | Fair enough. It's not a big issue. I can live with it :D | 08:47 |
lotuspsychje | m1dnight1: an option could be disable hibernate, enable a screensaver? | 08:47 |
m1dnight1 | Yeah, I guess I'll do that. | 08:48 |
lotuspsychje | m1dnight1: i got the matrixgl on 18.04 here with xscreensaver | 08:48 |
m1dnight1 | haha, that's superfancy | 08:48 |
EriC^^ | bigMouthCommie: yeah try logging out and back in | 08:48 |
m1dnight1 | thanks for the tip! | 08:48 |
nikolam | lotuspsychje, thanks, but doesn't work. Document says : "A single wireless adapter can connect to or create only one network at a time." | 08:53 |
nikolam | I relly don't get it why only one wireless connection can work at a time, when there are 2 wireless adapters? | 08:54 |
nikolam | I actually have one wireless connection as a client and want another wireless adapter to act as ahotspot | 08:54 |
nikolam | I also don't have "Turn on your hotspot button, I am on Xubuntu | 08:59 |
nikolam | I found it and I need to use "Connect to hidden network" and select adapter and previously created AP name | 09:05 |
lotuspsychje | !yay | nikolam | 09:05 |
ubottu | nikolam: Glad you made it! :-) | 09:05 |
nikolam | But after that it says "This connection not available at this time" | 09:13 |
nikolam | Connection is not available on the device .. | 09:13 |
nikolam | Maybe RTL8187 does not support "AP" mode ? | 09:14 |
nikolam | So even it is "mode=ap" in Network manager, it doesn't work. OR is it a limitation on "only one active wireless connection" ? | 09:15 |
lotuspsychje | nikolam: when you are playing with wifi start a: tail -f /var/log/syslog see what kind of errors arise | 09:26 |
nikolam | lotuspsychje, | 09:27 |
nikolam | Jan 23 10:26:57 asus4 NetworkManager[6903]: <info> [1548235617.1801] audit: op="connection-activate" uuid="22c914ab-065b-4887-8de5-32383bae5e05" name="Anne" pid=4253 uid=1000 result="fail" reason="Connection 'Anne' is not available on the device wlx0015af033bb9 at this time." | 09:27 |
neildugan | when I start a VM (that was previously working) I get the "error : unsupported configuration: Domain requires KVM, but it is not available. Check that virtualization is enabled in the host BIOS, and host configuration is setup to load the kvm modules" | 09:33 |
neildugan | the "kvm" module is loaded | 09:33 |
DevAntoine | Hi | 09:46 |
DevAntoine | How can I know from which dependency a package has been installed? | 09:46 |
tarzeau | DevAntoine: apt-cache rdepends? | 09:50 |
DevAntoine | tarzeau: doesn't seem to work | 10:00 |
DevAntoine | I'm on an old ubuntu 14. I've added the ppa:ondrej/php repo to use php 5.6 | 10:01 |
DevAntoine | I do have php 5.6 installed but the default php executable is php 7.3 | 10:01 |
DevAntoine | And I don't know where it came from | 10:01 |
inspectorcluseau | ;;tlast | 10:12 |
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azhar | hi | 10:27 |
tomreyn | hello there, azhar | 10:28 |
azhar | what is this room for? tomreyn | 10:28 |
tomreyn | ubuntu support, see /topic | 10:28 |
azhar | okay, thanks | 10:29 |
Obdachlos | Hallo | 10:30 |
tomreyn | hello Obdachlos | 10:31 |
nabcore | Is there a bug reporting system for bugs? https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/openjdk-lts/+bug/1796027 ? | 10:31 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 1796027 in openjdk-lts (Ubuntu) "Update openjdk-11 to 11.0.1 -> Backport it from Ubuntu 18.10" [Undecided,Confirmed] | 10:31 |
tomreyn | nabcore: looks like you found it already | 10:32 |
nabcore | tomreyn; the bug is not within the ticket; it is the way it is being dealt with | 10:33 |
tomreyn | nabcore: if you have identified a bug in a package installed on a system, please use "ubuntu-bug <package>" to report it against this package. | 10:36 |
tomreyn | but check on launchpad whether someone else reported it already | 10:36 |
tomreyn | you will need to have an ubuntu sso account to do the reporting, apport will guide you through the process. | 10:37 |
nabcore | I am already on that bug; a user (jbicha) requested that nobody request an ETA on it back in Nov. This really is not the way to handle such a major package in a LTS release. | 10:39 |
nabcore | My complaint; and many others on that bug, is how it is actually being processed. If there was some form of feedback or perhaps a bug dependency chain being projected, perhaps others could a) help b) understand how far the process is along. | 10:41 |
tomreyn | since this channel is mostly run by volunteers, not the developers or anyone who could prioritize things in cannoical, i don't think we can help this here. | 10:41 |
tomreyn | nabcore: i think the best thing you can do is to contact canonical about it via commercial channels. | 10:42 |
nabcore | OK; that's useful to know.. I appreciate it. | 10:42 |
tomreyn | yw | 10:43 |
prjwl | #apache-kafka | 10:48 |
BluesKaj | Hey folks | 10:52 |
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fub | Trying to fix my external 4k display I made a cat /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/10-monitor.conf and put this inside: http://paste.ubuntu.com/p/TZ47RpnrrH/ | 11:35 |
fub | when running xdpyinfo | grep -B2 resolution now I get dimensions: 3840x2160 pixels (1016x571 millimeters) | 11:35 |
fub | the millimeters are wrong, how can this be? | 11:35 |
amcsi | j #wordpress | 11:35 |
Iolo | When I mount my university network folder through Nautilus, it seems to work well otherwise, but I can't move files from one folder to another. I get an error that just says no such file or directory. I can move files around just fine in Thunar on my Xubuntu machine though. Is this a bug in Nautilus or something else, or is this a matter of configuration? | 11:36 |
Iolo | I should probably also mention that I'm on 18.04 | 11:36 |
OerHeks | fub displaysize 620 341 ??? | 11:38 |
OerHeks | lolz | 11:38 |
OerHeks | so those pixels to mm give some number, you do not agree with? | 11:38 |
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fub | OerHeks: https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Xorg#Display_size_and_DPI there is an example | 11:39 |
fub | DisplaySize should bei in mm, and my monitor has this dimensions | 11:40 |
fub | https://www.displayspecifications.com/en/model/b20e44 | 11:40 |
OerHeks | no, in pixels, not mm | 11:40 |
fub | OerHeks: so the wiki is wrong? | 11:41 |
OerHeks | never seen an xorg.conf in mm | 11:42 |
fub | OerHeks: so how do I convert this to pixel? | 11:43 |
fub | What Im trying to do is: When I plug my external 4k monitor in, I dont want everything extra small. | 11:44 |
OerHeks | oh, i see, you want xrandr/scaling | 11:44 |
fub | I dont want to change the DPI global because sometimes Im working on this laptop, so I read that setting the correct dimensions in the xorg.conf is the right thing to do for this. | 11:44 |
fub | OerHeks: yeah, right. The scaling for the 4k external is the problem. | 11:46 |
OerHeks | fub, you ar eright,t here is a display scaling in mm .. also an example for scaling with xrandr https://askubuntu.com/questions/823529/how-do-you-set-scaling-for-a-high-dpi-monitor-and-low-dpi-monitor-independently/824672 | 11:49 |
amcsi | lordcirth_, so do you have any ideas with the SSH issue where it stops responding? :/ | 11:51 |
fub | OerHeks: but the dimensions which xdpyinfo tells me are still wrong now. | 11:52 |
amcsi | it seems like a really mysterious issue to me | 11:52 |
amcsi | SSH randomly stops responding, but seemingly _not_ because of a timeout | 11:52 |
amcsi | and it's making my programs that use SSH as proxies act crazy, and I have to restart them all the time | 11:52 |
coconut | Is it possible to create a iso of system, and install that image later on onther system with different motherboard? | 12:02 |
lotuspsychje | coconut: ubuntu adapts itself to the hardware of a new system | 12:04 |
lotuspsychje | coconut: but nothing can beat a clean install | 12:04 |
lotuspsychje | coconut: whats your end goal with this? | 12:04 |
nikolam | coconut, 'zfs send' and 'btrfs send' comes to my mind as a solution of making exact copies of configurations and system, via filesystem snapshots. One can put it also in file and then "unpack" to recreate exact same snapshot state. | 12:05 |
coconut | lotuspsychje: no just read this same question on a windows forum somewhere, and made me to think. So no goals really. :) | 12:06 |
coconut | nikolam: interesting | 12:08 |
nikolam | coconut, it's 2019 and zfs is in production since 2006, so it's about time :) | 12:12 |
fub | OerHeks: so I noticed when I change the dpi (xrand --dpi), the dimeions (in mm) also change ... | 12:14 |
fub | I thought the dimensions outputted by xdpyinfo are the "true" size of the monitor I configured, not some calculated stuff.. | 12:14 |
Furai | https://askubuntu.com/questions/1105441/how-to-change-which-sound-is-reproduced-for-terminal-bell << I'm having exactly same issue but it's been around since 16.04. | 12:15 |
Furai | Do you guys happen to know how to fix that? | 12:15 |
Furai | The answer below seems more like tutorial how to make new sound theme. | 12:15 |
JuJUBee | I ran "sudo rsync -aSX local_source/dir userWithRoot@remote_dest/dir" but all files/folders are owned by the userWithRoot privs The users exist on the remote system and the UID/GID are same | 12:28 |
OerHeks | JuJUBee, that sounds good, you used sudo | 12:29 |
JuJUBee | OerHeks, how do I preserve file ownership then? | 12:31 |
OerHeks | try without sudo? | 12:31 |
JuJUBee | OerHeks, then you run into permissions issues as the user running the rsync cannot copy every users files. | 12:32 |
Aizawlmaggie | Still am having problems | 13:05 |
Aizawlmaggie | Since last Night | 13:05 |
Aizawlmaggie | :( | 13:05 |
coconut | Aizawlmaggie: what were your problems yesterday? | 13:07 |
Aizawlmaggie | coconut | 13:11 |
Aizawlmaggie | I couldnt delete Python | 13:11 |
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OerHeks | oh, that python removal issue | 13:12 |
tomreyn | Aizawlmaggie: much of ubuntu actually depends on python, so removing it off an ubuntu system may proove difficult (without breaking the system) | 13:13 |
OerHeks | it is part of the system, you encountered | 13:13 |
Aizawlmaggie | OerHeks: so what i have to do now | 13:13 |
Aizawlmaggie | ? | 13:13 |
tomreyn | Aizawlmaggie: why do you want to remove python in the first place? | 13:14 |
Aizawlmaggie | tomreyn: when ever i try to run any python script, non of them works | 13:14 |
Aizawlmaggie | :( | 13:14 |
tomreyn | Aizawlmaggie: so that's the thing you should concentrate on. | 13:15 |
Aizawlmaggie | Sorry for my bad English | 13:15 |
pragomer | my keyboard backlight is always on after booting. how can I set it to "off" as default? | 13:15 |
Aizawlmaggie | tomreyn: Am trying to, but i cannot fix this | 13:15 |
tomreyn | Aizawlmaggie: removing python won't make your python scripts work better. | 13:15 |
Aizawlmaggie | tomreyn | 13:16 |
Aizawlmaggie | take a look at this | 13:16 |
tomreyn | Aizawlmaggie: if your python scripts don't work but other python scripts work on this system, then something is probably wrong with your python scripts. | 13:16 |
coconut | tomreyn: his package system is/was stuck, i guess that is what Aizawlmaggie wants help with. | 13:17 |
OerHeks | depends how you install that python script, globally, or just for the user, and what is the script supposed to do | 13:17 |
Aizawlmaggie | I want to delete all Python packages and i want to reistall Python from the beginning | 13:17 |
OerHeks | Aizawlmaggie, if you have those error logs, please repost them | 13:17 |
Aizawlmaggie | OerHeks: sure | 13:17 |
tomreyn | coconut: thanks, that'd be an important thing to point out indeed. | 13:18 |
Aizawlmaggie | https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/xxGZBtVGTv/ | 13:18 |
tomreyn | Aizawlmaggie: please also confirm whether or not you run into apt errors. | 13:19 |
Aizawlmaggie | sure | 13:19 |
tomreyn | hmm, looks like you already succeeded at removing python, thus breaking your system. | 13:19 |
tomreyn | what you posted does not show any errors, though | 13:20 |
TJ- | Aizawlmaggie: what does this show: "pastebinit <( cat /etc/issue; apt list --installed '*python*' )" | 13:20 |
Aizawlmaggie | https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/9FjRFKnjgn/ | 13:21 |
Aizawlmaggie | TJ-: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/8QyNX2jw37/ | 13:22 |
TJ- | Aizawlmaggie: you don't need to to include the double-quote marks surrounding the command | 13:22 |
TJ- | Aizawlmaggie: the command will report a pastebin URL containing the results of the commands | 13:23 |
TJ- | Aizawlmaggie: Press Ctrl+C or type another " to get back to the shell prompt | 13:23 |
tomreyn | $ head -n1 $(which pastebinit) | 13:23 |
tomreyn | #!/usr/bin/python3 | 13:23 |
Aizawlmaggie | https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/Pyq5F5x9VY/ | 13:24 |
tomreyn | Aizawlmaggie: what is the output of: cat /etc/issue | 13:24 |
TJ- | Aizawlmaggie: OK, we're not doing so well here, the command isn't installed, lets use an alternative! | 13:25 |
TJ- | Aizawlmaggie: what does this show: " nc termbin.com 9999 < <( cat /etc/issue; apt list --installed '*python*' ) " | 13:26 |
Aizawlmaggie | TJ- : https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/3RkmbdMH8F/ | 13:27 |
TJ- | Well that's one way of doing it! | 13:28 |
Aizawlmaggie | so how can i fix it please | 13:28 |
TJ- | Aizawlmaggie: "sudo apt --reinstall install python-minimal" | 13:31 |
zetheroo | Hardware and maintenance updates for LTS releases is supported for two and half years - right? | 13:32 |
Aizawlmaggie | TJ-: Im having these error : https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/5B2JnNck7M/ | 13:33 |
Aizawlmaggie | rrors | 13:33 |
OerHeks | oh, is this a digital ocean droplet, backup data and reinstall | 13:33 |
tomreyn | zetheroo: for LTS releases, security and bug fixes are provided for 5 years starting ubuntu 18.04, previously 3 years. | 13:34 |
Aizawlmaggie | OerHeks | 13:35 |
Aizawlmaggie | so i need to go through DigitalOcean? | 13:35 |
tomreyn | !lts > zetheroo | 13:35 |
ubottu | zetheroo, please see my private message | 13:35 |
zetheroo | tomreyn: so 'Maintenance updates' = 'security and bug fixes'? | 13:35 |
tomreyn | !hwe > zetheroo | 13:35 |
tomreyn | zetheroo: where did you read "Hardware and maintenance updates"? | 13:36 |
zetheroo | tomreyn: on the image here --> https://www.ubuntu.com/about/release-cycle | 13:36 |
TJ- | Aizawlmaggie: looks like you deleted a key directory so we need to investigate that first. Show us " nc termbin.com 9999 < <( sudo find /var/lib/dpkg -ls ) " | 13:37 |
tomreyn | zetheroo: so, yes, i would think 'maintenance updates' there refers to security and bug fixes, 'hardware updates' refers to supporting newer hardware through HWE (see ubottus private message) | 13:38 |
zetheroo | tomreyn: so hardware updates for two and half years, and maintenance updates for five years | 13:40 |
tomreyn | zetheroo:hardware updates could also refer to providing drivers for hardware that was released by the time the OS was released, it's a bit ambiguous, i guess. | 13:41 |
tomreyn | zetheroo: the important hint i take away from this image is that you get 5 years of security and bug fixes for free, yes. | 13:42 |
zetheroo | Ok | 13:43 |
tomreyn | zetheroo: note that this doesn't refer to all packages, but only to those which receive security support, though | 13:43 |
zetheroo | tomreyn: which would be all package shipped with Ubuntu, right? | 13:49 |
TJ- | Aizawlmaggie: have you got the output of the last command yet? | 13:49 |
coconut | Aizawlmaggie: TJ- is investigating on what you have done wrong with your system. So stay with us. | 13:50 |
tomreyn | zetheroo: those from the 'main' and 'restricted' sections receive security support by canonoical, others receive community security support, yet others receive none at all. | 13:52 |
zetheroo | tomreyn: Ok, right makes sense | 13:54 |
tomreyn | zetheroo: running "ubuntu-support-status" gives you an overview on your current installation | 13:55 |
tomreyn | zetheroo: i also recommend reading https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SecurityTeam/FAQ | 13:56 |
tomreyn | for the absence of marketing speak. ;) | 13:56 |
zetheroo | Ok, good to know! | 13:57 |
tomreyn | s/sections/seeds/ | 13:57 |
coconut | Aizawlmaggie: still there? | 14:10 |
TJ- | coconut: I think we lost communcations... must be orbiting the Moon :) | 14:11 |
cron_ | Witam | 14:11 |
uman | what is the latest version of ubuntu ? i downloaded ubuntu 18.04 but could not connect to wired internet . Only WIFI was working | 14:12 |
uman | can someone pls help me out in this regard | 14:12 |
lotuspsychje | uman: whats your ethernetcard chipset please | 14:13 |
uman | how to get the info lotuspsychje | 14:13 |
lotuspsychje | uman: sudo lshw -C network | 14:13 |
pavlos | uman: lspci | grep Ethernet | 14:13 |
uman | am on MInt now | 14:13 |
uman | ok lotuspsychje | 14:14 |
lotuspsychje | uman: we only support ubuntu here | 14:14 |
uman | just a min | 14:14 |
dsuch | Hello, I am using Ubuntu 14.04 and 18.04 (different computers). I am looking for a terminal emulator akin to gnome-terminal that would let me easily define startup commands for multiple tabs, e.g. when starting up, open N tabs and run command1 in tab1, command2 in tab2 and so on - terminating any of the command with Ctrl-C should not close the tab. | 14:14 |
dsuch | I realize that there is gnome-terminal -e but I would really like to use something that has such functionality properly documented and supported. Can you perhaps suggest anything? Thanks. | 14:14 |
uman | lotuspsychje: i wish to get ubuntu | 14:14 |
uman | as i had option so hopped to | 14:15 |
uman | no* | 14:15 |
uman | lotuspsychje: here is the output of those 2 commands : http://dpaste.com/0MWH43M | 14:17 |
TJ- | dsuch: have you considered using a terminal-multiplexer like tmux as an alternative? | 14:20 |
lotuspsychje | uman: realtek chipsets are sensitive to kernel versions, un updated system might fix your network card, as the install iso is an 'older' kernel | 14:20 |
ansyeb | hello. anyone using gitlab here? gitlab IRC channel is pretty much dead | 14:20 |
lotuspsychje | !git | ansyeb | 14:21 |
ubottu | ansyeb: git is a distributed revision control/software code management project created by Linus Torvalds. For more information, see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Git_(software) | 14:21 |
dsuch | TJ-: I really have not :) Truth be told, over years I have only had an impression that all they could do was to, well, multiplex the same command | 14:21 |
uman | lotuspsychje: i got th iso of ubuntu 18.04 (Bionic) | 14:21 |
lotuspsychje | uman: yes i noticed you mention it, that iso might have like a -29 kernel and up to date we are on -43 now | 14:22 |
dsuch | TJ-: Whereas I was thinking of distinct terminal sessions in some kind of a window with tabs, but do you think tmux might handle? | 14:22 |
uman | lotuspsychje: i see..ok then what would I have to do to get this issue fixed | 14:23 |
TJ- | dsuch: I use tmux with many 'windows' (a.k.a. tabs) and sometimes split a window into multiple panes too so they appear side-by-side. It also means if the shell exits tmux keeps everything running and you can reconnect to the session, even from a remote PC using SSH | 14:23 |
lotuspsychje | uman: what i would try is, to install over wifi, update during system and see if your realtek works on fully updated | 14:23 |
lotuspsychje | uman: if not, come back here and ask ok | 14:23 |
uman | lotuspsychje: i hear you..in fact i was on live session | 14:24 |
TJ- | dsuch: e.g. right now in Xubuntu I'm using xfce4-terminal, but I can Alt+F2 to a real console, log-in, an do "tmux switch-client -t <ID-of-existing-session>" and be using this tmux session that has weechat in it | 14:24 |
dsuch | TJ-: I get it, in my case this is all on localhost, I just have a development environment with several servers running in foreground that I restart occasionally and I start each workday by executing the same 6 commands all over.. | 14:24 |
TJ- | dsuch: the tmux.conf can contain commands to automate those kinds of set-ups | 14:25 |
TJ- | dsuch: I actually have tmux set as the log-in shell for my user, and it in turn starts bash | 14:25 |
lotuspsychje | uman: live is for test/install, after the install and reboot/updates you can see if it works or not | 14:25 |
dsuch | TJ-: I see, I have seen it used by colleagues to run the same commands on N systems but it never occurred to me to use it for different commands | 14:26 |
uman | lotuspsychje: i see , ok | 14:26 |
TJ- | dsuch: it's a bit of a learning-curve at times but that is due to it being extremely flexible and powerful | 14:27 |
dsuch | TJ-: That is fine, thanks | 14:28 |
TJ- | dsuch: there are also nice wrappers/add-ons like 'wemux' for doing pair-programming and so forth | 14:28 |
dsuch | TJ-: This is good, I do not need such features at the moment but it is always nice to learn new interesting tools | 14:29 |
TJ- | dsuch: for your user-based background services you could also consider the alternative of making them systemd 'user' units/services (like system services but only run for the user) | 14:34 |
TJ- | dsuch: see e.g. https://www.brendanlong.com/systemd-user-services-are-amazing.html | 14:34 |
dsuch | TJ-: Actually, they are foreground only during development | 14:34 |
dsuch | TJ-: In target environments, they are regular servers / background services and we already have systemd / supervisor / Docker etc. integrations, it is just during development that they need to be in foreground | 14:35 |
dsuch | TJ-: Well, some users do run them in foreground to be able to attach Python debuggers via stdout but that is another story | 14:37 |
TJ- | dsuch: understood :) it's software - we're spoilt for options | 14:37 |
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CrazyH | I still can't get x11vnc to run. Someone tried to help me last night, but no luck. Hopefully there are smoe more experienced dev's around that can tell me what is wrong here? All the details --> http://pasteall.org/1461439 | 14:53 |
OerHeks | x11vnc session BEFORE user login .. i pass | 14:54 |
gigirock | CrazyH, from what system to what system you want to run the vnc who is the caller who is the answers | 14:57 |
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EoflaOE | CrazyH: Are there any clues in http://www.karlrunge.com/x11vnc/#tunnelling? | 15:02 |
gigirock | CrazyH, vnc server on linux systems is an hard way of life, if you want to connect spare server all around the world , please consider teamviewer or some other professional sw, if you want to connect a specific linux device please consider ssh -X option | 15:10 |
OerHeks | he is not reading at all, crossposting probably | 15:13 |
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muhaha | Any idea how to specify YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS in at? http://manpages.ubuntu.com/manpages/bionic/man1/at.1.html I am confused | 15:29 |
geirha | it accepts HH:MM YYYY-mm-dd at least | 15:34 |
yesi | Hi, since upgrading from 10.04 to 18.04, postfix does not work. 'systemctl start postfix' tell that it start but when checking service, there is no one...But it starts when doing 'postfix start'. How to correct it ? | 15:35 |
tomreyn | "You can also say what day the job will be run, by giving a date in the form month-name day with an optional year, or giving a date of the form MMDD[CC]YY, MM/DD/[CC]YY, DD.MM.[CC]YY or [CC]YY-MM-DD. The specification of a date must follow the specification of the time of day." "[atd] accepts times of the form HH:MM to run a job at a specific time of day." | 15:36 |
tomreyn | muhaha: ^ quotes from the man page | 15:37 |
CrazyH | gigirock, what does ssh -X do? | 15:37 |
tomreyn | muhaha: so if you omit :SS i think your time specification would work | 15:37 |
muhaha | @tomreyn: well it does not work.. | 15:40 |
gigirock | CrazyH, start a ssh seesion with a server asking for a X screen ( grpahic) | 15:40 |
muhaha | @geirha thanks | 15:40 |
CrazyH | gigirock, ok, so I connected to my server using the ssh -X -y user@machine ... but I just get a normal BASH terminal. How do I actually connect to the running lightDM / X session ? | 15:43 |
Younder | CrazyH, That only allows you to run X programs and have them appear on your machine. To allow a virtuual Desktop requires different software | 15:44 |
CrazyH | Younder, hence what I was trying in the first place... x11vnc | 15:44 |
gigirock | CrazyH, you have to 'teach' your server to answer in the right way , then not all the dm server will answer you graphically | 15:44 |
tomreyn | muhaha: hmm you're right, at doesn't seem to accept RFC 3339 format, i wasn't aware of this | 15:44 |
CrazyH | Younder, http://pasteall.org/1461439 | 15:45 |
Younder | CrazyH, https://websiteforstudents.com/connect-to-ubuntu-16-04-17-10-18-04-desktop-via-remote-desktop-connection-rdp-with-xrdp/ | 15:45 |
CrazyH | Younder, thanks, I'll look into that | 15:48 |
gigirock | CrazyH, we love linux but rdp is a pain in the ass with linux machine, please consider to work via terminal commandline remotelly , look at tmate that does wonder things | 15:49 |
gigirock | CrazyH, it depends by the dm of the connected system , lightdm is already too much 'complicated' to connect try with xfce or more 'simple' dm | 15:52 |
gigirock | CrazyH, i did : install a teamviewer linux instance on server ,the via ssh i run teamviewer remotelly take a screenshot of user passwerd then connect with local teamviewer the remote system ;) | 15:54 |
cswl | Hi | 15:54 |
cswl | My `/tmp` isnt mounted as tmpfs | 15:54 |
gigirock | cswl, incident will be reported | 15:54 |
tomreyn | CrazyH: consider x2go. it's free, open source and available in ubuntu | 15:55 |
tomreyn | also a lot faster than VNC. | 15:56 |
cswl | I dont know it says systemd should handle it | 15:56 |
cswl | But I dont see a tmpfs in my mount | 15:56 |
tomreyn | cswl: do you see /tmp in "mount", though? which ubuntu release is this? installed how? | 15:57 |
cswl | Ubuntu 18.10.. | 15:57 |
tomreyn | thanks for answering 33.3% of my questions so far. | 15:58 |
cswl | No I dont see `/tmp` in mount... Installed via the iso | 15:58 |
tomreyn | there are more than one iso files which could be used to install ubuntu 18.10, can you be more specific? | 15:59 |
nandeco | Hello guys i have a problem with emby | 16:06 |
nandeco | can anyone helpme? | 16:06 |
dimisdas | !ask | nandeco: | 16:07 |
ubottu | nandeco:: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience | 16:07 |
nandeco | Ok Tks! | 16:07 |
nandeco | I have two partitions on my HD on windows one ubuntu. How i make my emby see whats on my windows partition? | 16:08 |
dimisdas | !ntfs | nandeco | 16:09 |
ubottu | nandeco: To view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions - For write access, see !NTFS-3g or !FUSE | 16:09 |
nandeco | i can see end mount ir | 16:09 |
nandeco | it | 16:09 |
nandeco | what a cant is make my emby see it | 16:10 |
dimisdas | nandeco what's the error/problem? | 16:10 |
OerHeks | emby, that is a commercial media thingy? | 16:10 |
OerHeks | maybe you need to pay first for all features? | 16:10 |
nandeco | its like plex | 16:11 |
nandeco | i have a bunch of movies and series on my hd | 16:11 |
nandeco | and to stream over my house i use emby | 16:11 |
gigirock | nandeco, if your win10 is crypted you cant' see nothing | 16:11 |
nandeco | gigirock, thats the point i can see my partition, i can access files | 16:12 |
nandeco | @gigirock, i just cant make other apps seeit | 16:12 |
nandeco | dimisdas, there is none problem, the app just can't see the files | 16:13 |
dimisdas | nandeco are you mounting using fstab? does emby have read writes to the dir? | 16:14 |
nandeco | no, i just click on the hd in the files | 16:14 |
nandeco | dimisdas, i just use the files and click on it | 16:15 |
phazon | may need to make sure the user has read/write permissions; IIRC, ntfs-3g defaults to root only | 16:15 |
nandeco | phazon, i have | 16:15 |
dimisdas | emby should be able to read with chmod 775 | 16:15 |
nandeco | phazon, i can see my files, grab, edit | 16:15 |
dimisdas | it doesn't need write access, correct? | 16:15 |
dimisdas | nandeco can you find where the drive is mounted? usually /media/ | 16:16 |
oz4ga | Hello. I'm on Xenial 16.04.5 LTS in an AWS VPS. Postfix is driving me nuts. It's exchanging mail as it's supposed to. My problem is to have a milter applied when sending. It's invoked when receiving mail. Any suggestions on what could cause that? config is vanilla. I only added smtpd_milters = inet:localhost:5000 | 16:16 |
dimisdas | nandeco then $ ls -l drive_dir | 16:17 |
nandeco | dimisdas, it doesnt | 16:17 |
nandeco | dimisdas, error message | 16:17 |
raido | w | 16:17 |
OerHeks | ntfs has no posix rwx bits | 16:17 |
dimisdas | nandeco drive_dir is the path to your drive | 16:17 |
nandeco | oh | 16:18 |
nandeco | dimisdas, i shoul use /dev/sda4 | 16:18 |
nandeco | ? | 16:18 |
dimisdas | yes, see what it output | 16:18 |
ioria | nandeco, ls -lR /media/$USER | 16:19 |
nandeco | dimisdas, this is the result "brw-rw---- 1 root disk 8, 4 jan 23 13:54 /dev/sda4" | 16:19 |
ioria | ^ | 16:19 |
nandeco | ioria, this is the outcome /media/nando:total 0 | 16:21 |
ioria | nandeco, mount ! nc termbi.com 9999 | 16:21 |
ioria | nandeco, mount ! nc termbin.com 9999 | 16:21 |
ioria | nandeco, mount | nc termbin.com 9999 | 16:21 |
cohonen | so , if i run blkdiscard /dev/sdd | 16:21 |
cohonen | data on partitions of /dev/sdd will be completely unrecoverable right ? | 16:22 |
nandeco | ioria, mount: bad usage | 16:22 |
ioria | nandeco, this --> mount | nc termbin.com 9999 | 16:22 |
nandeco | ioria, just did that | 16:24 |
nandeco | do you need the outcome? | 16:24 |
ioria | nandeco, and ? | 16:24 |
ioria | nandeco, the url, yes | 16:24 |
nandeco | ioria, https://termbin.com/0jel | 16:24 |
dimisdas | nandeco /dev/sda4 is the windows drive? | 16:24 |
nandeco | dimisdas, yes | 16:25 |
ioria | nandeco, your windows partiion it's not mounted | 16:25 |
nandeco | i just mont it | 16:26 |
dimisdas | nandeco > $ sudo mkdir /media/windows | 16:26 |
nandeco | ok | 16:26 |
dimisdas | nandeco > $ sudo mount /dev/sda4 /media/windows | 16:26 |
rhoks | hi there. I have disabled touchpad by the keyboard shortcut but can't re-enable it, plz help? Is there a way to enable it using Tweaks | 16:27 |
nandeco | dimisdas, Windows is hibernated, refused to mount. | 16:27 |
nandeco | The disk contains an unclean file system (0, 0). | 16:27 |
nandeco | Metadata kept in Windows cache, refused to mount. | 16:27 |
nandeco | Falling back to read-only mount because the NTFS partition is in an | 16:27 |
nandeco | unsafe state. Please resume and shutdown Windows fully (no hibernation | 16:27 |
nandeco | or fast restarting.) | 16:27 |
coconut | !paste | 16:27 |
ubottu | For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use https://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use https://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic. | 16:27 |
ioria | nandeco, probably hibernated, reboot, log in win and shutdown correctly | 16:27 |
ioria | nandeco, sy, already explained | 16:28 |
nandeco | ioria, ok i will try and see if this will help | 16:28 |
dimisdas | nandeco > $ sudo mount -o ro /dev/sda4 /media/windows | 16:28 |
nandeco | dimisdas, https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/tn6zvmKcDW/ | 16:28 |
dimisdas | already saw them, use it next time ;) | 16:29 |
nandeco | dimisdas, sorry | 16:29 |
nandeco | :D | 16:29 |
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nandeco | dimisdas, it work | 16:30 |
nandeco | i dont know why | 16:30 |
nandeco | but it just work | 16:30 |
nandeco | i have to do this every time? | 16:30 |
ioria | nandeco, you remounted in ready only | 16:31 |
TomyWork | I still have a problem with firefox fonts on kubuntu 14.04, similar to his user: https://superuser.com/questions/1034372/atrocious-font-rendering-in-firefox-on-linux | 16:31 |
ioria | nandeco, nope | 16:31 |
TomyWork | The problem disappears if I ssh -X into an ubuntu 16.04 VM and run the VM's firefox on my own X server through X forwarding | 16:31 |
nandeco | or from now on the windows partition will be on media? | 16:31 |
ioria | nandeco, nope | 16:31 |
TomyWork | same firefox version on both (64.0) | 16:31 |
dimisdas | let's see if emby can read it before we rush ourselves | 16:31 |
ioria | nandeco, if you use automount (click in nautilus) it will be mounted in /media/ | 16:32 |
TomyWork | problem has always existed, but I mostly didn't care cause I had used chromium | 16:32 |
phazon | nandeco: you can also set it to automount by including the correct entries in /etc/fstab | 16:32 |
ioria | nandeco, but you need to shutdown the winbox | 16:32 |
dimisdas | nandeco > $ sudo chmod 0444 /media/windows | 16:33 |
shibboleth | https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/apt/+bug/1812353 | 16:33 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 1812353 in apt (Ubuntu Disco) "content injection in http method (CVE-2019-3462)" [Critical,Fix released] | 16:33 |
shibboleth | https://metadata.ftp-master.debian.org/changelogs/main/a/apt/apt_1.4.8_changelog | 16:33 |
shibboleth | so at any point since 2011 anyone with the ability to manipulate dns or upstream traffic has had the ability to RCE through apt? | 16:33 |
TomyWork | dimisdas what about subdirectories? | 16:34 |
ioria | and execution | 16:34 |
shibboleth | perhaps parsing hundreds of megabytes of arbitrary code as root is bad idea? | 16:34 |
shibboleth | and perhaps apt-over-tls/ssl by default isn't such a bad idea? | 16:34 |
dimisdas | TomyWork you're right, nandeco > $ chmod -R 0444 /media/windows | 16:35 |
TomyWork | noooo | 16:35 |
TomyWork | do not do that | 16:35 |
dimisdas | no? | 16:35 |
dimisdas | ok | 16:35 |
TomyWork | of course not | 16:35 |
TomyWork | do you want to brick his windows partition? | 16:35 |
TomyWork | nandeco do not listen to dimisdas | 16:36 |
nandeco | dimisdas, its working now | 16:36 |
* dimisdas gulps | 16:36 | |
TomyWork | nandeco which of the commands he sent you did you run? | 16:37 |
lordcirth_ | dimisdas, do not tell people to chmod -R ... anything, really | 16:37 |
dimisdas | the mount was readonly, will it still be affected? | 16:38 |
nandeco | not the one that TomyWork say to do not use | 16:38 |
nandeco | all the others | 16:38 |
nandeco | mnt | 16:38 |
nandeco | media | 16:38 |
nandeco | etc | 16:38 |
lordcirth_ | dimisdas, if it was readonly, it wouldn't have worked. But then there'd be no reason to do it | 16:38 |
TomyWork | nandeco the first chmod command too? | 16:39 |
nandeco | nope | 16:40 |
nandeco | TomyWork, no chmod command | 16:40 |
TomyWork | good :) | 16:40 |
nandeco | :D | 16:40 |
nandeco | what this command do? | 16:40 |
TomyWork | shibboleth this launchpad bug says the issue occurs while parsing a few bytes of headers. where do you read "parsing hundreds of megabytes of arbitrary code"? | 16:41 |
nandeco | TomyWork, what chmod does? | 16:43 |
nandeco | dimisdas, tks! now my server is working | 16:43 |
coconut | nandeco: it changes the rights of files | 16:44 |
nandeco | coconut, ok, i'm happy in not use this on my windows! | 16:44 |
nandeco | lol | 16:44 |
TomyWork | nandeco chmod sets permission bits. his command would have set a directory to 0444, which means it's readable by everyone (which is okay), not writable by everyone (which is what you wanted, except if would only apply to the root directory) and not executable (for directories that means you can't cd into it, for example) | 16:45 |
TomyWork | shibboleth the cautionary tale here is that http is hard. don't do it yourself, use a library | 16:46 |
TomyWork | statically-linked curl or something | 16:46 |
shibboleth | my point is that apt, wget and curl now all have had RCEs in the same 12 months | 16:46 |
shibboleth | how does that happen | 16:46 |
TomyWork | http is hard | 16:46 |
shibboleth | no | 16:47 |
hggdh | shibboleth: a mix of code error, and unexpected usage | 16:47 |
shibboleth | original apt did not have this issue. then someone decided it needed some bells and whistles in 2011 | 16:47 |
lordcirth_ | shibboleth, they are tools who's purpose is to access the internet, an untrusted network cobbled together over decades. | 16:47 |
nandeco | TomyWork, ok! tks for the help | 16:47 |
hggdh | shibboleth: anyway, this is not a discussion for #ubuntu. Please go to #ubuntu-hardened for that | 16:48 |
TomyWork | shibboleth original apt had no tls either | 16:48 |
TomyWork | tls is hard, too | 16:48 |
shibboleth | you do get that my point is that every single debian/ubuntu box in the world can be pwned atm? | 16:49 |
shibboleth | with ease? | 16:49 |
hggdh | shibboleth: enough here. | 16:49 |
shibboleth | and that trying to update them can cause the issue | 16:49 |
phazon | TomyWork: software is hard; not just http/tls | 16:50 |
lordcirth_ | shibboleth, the patch is already out | 16:50 |
hggdh | folks, back to topic, please | 16:50 |
TomyWork | shibboleth remember heartbleed? | 16:51 |
xamithan | !ot | 16:51 |
ubottu | #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please register with NickServ (see /msg ubottu !register) and use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks! | 16:51 |
TomyWork | heartbleed allowed reading memory. THAT would have been catastrophic with root privs | 16:52 |
hggdh | TomyWork: enough. Please go to a different channel to keep on this. | 16:52 |
TomyWork | sorry did not notice you. are you a moderator? | 16:53 |
lotuspsychje | oz4ga: did you try the #postfix channel? | 16:54 |
nandeco | TomyWork, maybe yo can help me once again, i just realize that ubuntu is not recgnize my graphics, my dell notebook has an intel graphics and also a amd one, is not powerful | 16:55 |
TomyWork | intel plus amd? | 16:55 |
nandeco | TomyWork, yes | 16:55 |
TomyWork | hmm, never had that case, sorry | 16:55 |
lotuspsychje | nandeco: is your driver radeon or amdgpu? | 16:56 |
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nandeco | amdgpu | 16:56 |
nandeco | lotuspsychje, i gess | 16:57 |
nandeco | lotuspsychje, let me check | 16:57 |
ioria | nandeco, xrandr --listproviders | 16:58 |
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phazon | TomyWork: APU; one GPU is on the CPU die (like an ARM SOC) and the other embedded on the motherboard | 16:59 |
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TomyWork | phazon like an ARM SOC or most recent desktop intel cpus? :P | 17:00 |
donofrio | how do I get ubuntu to not default to ipv6 for updates? | 17:00 |
TomyWork | is disabling ipv6 an option? | 17:00 |
phazon | donofrio: you can set "ForceIPv4" in apt.conf | 17:01 |
TomyWork | nm | 17:01 |
lordcirth_ | donofrio, echo 'Acquire::ForceIPv4 "true";' > /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/99force-ipv4 | 17:01 |
nandeco | ioria, just pasting on paste ubuntu | 17:02 |
nandeco | ioria, https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/JJPHMH3nj2/ | 17:02 |
nandeco | lotuspsychje, https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/JJPHMH3nj2/ | 17:02 |
TomyWork | hnng, "firefox --no-remote" complains that the already running instance is not responding. you're not supposed to communicate with that! | 17:02 |
nandeco | lotuspsychje, AMD Radeon R7 M260 | 17:03 |
ioria | nandeco, lspci -k | grep -EA2 'VGA|3D' | nc termbin.com 9999 | 17:03 |
nandeco | ioria, https://termbin.com/ey3i | 17:04 |
ioria | nandeco, not recognized ; sudo lshw -c Video | nc termbin.com 9999 | 17:05 |
nandeco | ioria, https://termbin.com/p5f4 | 17:05 |
slingamn | how come ubuntu/debian cron doesn't have -s (job output to syslog)? http://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man8/cron.8.html | 17:06 |
ioria | nandeco, cat /proc/cmdline (you can paste here) | 17:06 |
nandeco | ioria, BOOT_IMAGE=/boot/vmlinuz-4.18.0-13-generic root=UUID=42427ea6-c5b0-4924-8f04-ee76ef6575fa ro quiet splash vt.handoff=1 | 17:07 |
lotuspsychje | slingamn: cron does get automated in syslog, try a daily tail | 17:08 |
TomyWork | I solved my problem: I picked another profile path with --profile | 17:08 |
TomyWork | slingamn https://serverfault.com/questions/31334/how-can-i-prevent-cron-from-filling-up-my-syslog this may be relevant | 17:10 |
nandeco | ioria, i'm new on ubuntu but for what i can see the system didnt recgnize the video cart | 17:11 |
lotuspsychje | nandeco: your amdgpu driver looks loaded there | 17:12 |
nandeco | lotuspsychje, the system say that AMD Radeon R7 M260 | 17:12 |
nandeco | lotuspsychje, may video card | 17:12 |
nandeco | lotuspsychje, how do i can see | 17:12 |
lotuspsychje | nandeco: when you say, your graphics are not powerfull, can you detail what happens please | 17:12 |
lotuspsychje | nandeco: driver=amdgpu latency=0 | 17:13 |
nandeco | lotuspsychje, its now poweful to new games | 17:13 |
lotuspsychje | nandeco: like wich game? | 17:13 |
TomyWork | slingamn my uneducated guess here is that both debian and redhat patched in syslog support in different ways | 17:13 |
nandeco | lotuspsychje, but is good enoght for old games and things not so demanding | 17:14 |
lotuspsychje | nandeco: also keep in mind you are on 18.10, for a more stable ubuntu experience, try an LTS version | 17:14 |
TomyWork | evidence for that would be that both pages list different co-authors alongside paul vixie | 17:14 |
nandeco | lotuspsychje, i know! thats ok for me | 17:16 |
lotuspsychje | nandeco: are the rest of your system specs good enough for the game, have you checked? | 17:16 |
nandeco | for what i play on windows yes, but computer is not my main game machine, i use a ps4 | 17:17 |
nandeco | lotuspsychje, for what i play on windows yes, but computer is not my main game machine, i use a ps4 | 17:17 |
donofrio | wine4.0 is out ;) | 17:17 |
donofrio | with direct3d 12 support | 17:17 |
slingamn | looks like that feature is only in cronie as opposed to vanilla cron | 17:18 |
TomyWork | slingamn the feature is present, the toggle is missing | 17:19 |
TomyWork | cron already logs to syslog. you can filter it on the syslog side if you want it off | 17:20 |
donofrio | nandeco, https://betanews.com/2019/01/22/wine-4-linux-windows/ ;) just sayin | 17:20 |
Deihmos | Couldn’t get auto mount to work on server 18.05 | 17:20 |
donofrio | .05? | 17:20 |
lotuspsychje | Deihmos: join #ubuntu-server please | 17:20 |
TomyWork | yes, the secret may version | 17:20 |
Deihmos | 04 | 17:20 |
donofrio | yep lotus is right | 17:20 |
slingamn | it logs its own actions to syslog but i want to log the job output there | 17:20 |
slingamn | you're saying that functionality is available? | 17:20 |
nandeco | donofrio, Thats amazing! will make my live mutch more windows free! | 17:21 |
donofrio | that is the thought | 17:21 |
TomyWork | "Published 16 hours ago" | 17:21 |
TomyWork | old news! </grinch> | 17:21 |
donofrio | nandeco, I'm stuck in windows (www.tinyurl.com/donofrioworkdesk - also dex rocks on note8 - www.tinyul.com/donofriodexnote8) until vmware releases a 'intelligent hub' (rebranded airwatch I believe) client for ubuntu right now none exist so I use ubuntu 18.04 inside wsl on w10...anyways just figured I'd ramble.... | 17:23 |
donofrio | that last url should have read www.tinyurl.com/donofriodexnote8 - uses UserLAnd and XDSL to get ubuntu 18.04 usermode goodness in my pocket | 17:24 |
TomyWork | donofrio instead of 4 rotated monitors, how about 2 of these? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0jSxvjT6Ec0 | 17:25 |
TomyWork | (not the first one they show) | 17:25 |
TomyWork | the one i mean is shown at 0:15 | 17:25 |
lotuspsychje | !discuss | 17:26 |
ubottu | Want to talk about Ubuntu, but don't have a support question? /join #ubuntu-discuss for non-support Ubuntu discussion, or try #ubuntu-offtopic for general chat. Thanks! | 17:26 |
TomyWork | 2 of those vertically stacked should give you about the same area, with less bevels :) | 17:26 |
donofrio | TomyWork, as steve1989 would say "Nice!" but at work I've found it's easier to use more of the older than ask for two of the newest.....plus I'd be looking up and down all the time when they would be in portrait mode | 17:28 |
TomyWork | that monitor only has landscape mode, unfortunately. (though they manually simulate portrait mode at one point, with great ensuing hilarity) | 17:30 |
donofrio | lol | 17:31 |
TomyWork | anyway, i'll shut up about it, i guess so people who want to ask questions are not discouraged by an ongoing conversation :) | 17:31 |
lotuspsychje | TomyWork: conversations are welcome, in the discuss channel | 17:32 |
donofrio | lovin ubuntu on my note8 full xfce4 goodness with remmina (git compiled) and ssh keys and all my normal desktop goodness in my hand....just ramblin | 17:32 |
TomyWork | well i got kde konsole running on ubuntu on wsl and cygwin/x. looking just as good as on a regular install and that's about it :) | 17:34 |
TomyWork | let's move to -discuss | 17:35 |
donofrio | k what channel is that? | 17:37 |
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stavros | Hello | 18:05 |
stavros | My Ubuntu 18.04 suddenly decided to start pasting whenever I middle-click | 18:05 |
stavros | How can I stop that? | 18:05 |
niktest | l+ | 18:06 |
ioria | stavros, do you have gnome-tweaks installed ? | 18:08 |
stavros | ioria, yes | 18:08 |
stavros | I'm on XFCE though, sorry | 18:08 |
stavros | Xubuntu | 18:08 |
ioria | stavros, go in Keyabord and Mouse | 18:08 |
stavros | ioria, it's disabled there :( | 18:09 |
ioria | stavros, i don't think it works ion xfce | 18:09 |
stavros | Yeah :( | 18:09 |
stavros | I don't know why it started, I didn't change anything | 18:09 |
ioria | stavros, try with the xinput command | 18:11 |
ioria | !info gpointing-device-settings | 18:12 |
ubottu | Package gpointing-device-settings does not exist in bionic | 18:12 |
lotuspsychje | stavros: maybe have a look in dconf-editor | 18:13 |
deadrom | hi | 18:16 |
vijay | hi | 18:16 |
deadrom | I need to attach a disk to a running 18.04 WITHOUT ubuntu mounting it. how can I disable automounting for the moment? | 18:17 |
xamithan | dconf editor should be able to do it | 18:20 |
xamithan | or maybe just this gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.media-handling automount false | 18:20 |
mustmodify_ | Will I break things if I remove a file from /etc/apt/sources.list.d/ ? It seems like one of those repos is no longer valid, and it's hosting up `apt-get update` | 18:20 |
mustmodify_ | but deleting manually seems ... likely to hose things up further. :) | 18:21 |
xamithan | If it is no longer valid why would deleting it hose things | 18:21 |
mustmodify_ | ha ha ha ha | 18:22 |
mustmodify_ | computer expect things to be places sometimes. I make no judgements, just checking. | 18:22 |
xamithan | If it is something you need like the base repo you can always make a new file | 18:22 |
mustmodify_ | Great, thanks. Ran apt-get update and all is well now. | 18:23 |
OerHeks | install & Open dconf-editor and goto org > gnome > desktop > media-handling and uncheck automount and automount-open checkbox on right hand side pane | 18:24 |
Intelo | What tool to use to make video effects like this has? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HZiDCWgC_7Y | 18:27 |
mustmodify_ | @intelo: you are on the wrong chanel. Sorry to say I'm not sure which one would be better. | 18:29 |
Intelo | mustmodify_, I am in the right channel. Need a tool in ubuntu. You guys must know? | 18:30 |
JimBuntu | Intelo, Ubuntu Studio ? | 18:30 |
leftyfb | Intelo: There more than likely isn't one. That looks to be something you would do with an Adobe product | 18:30 |
Intelo | leftyfb, which one? | 18:31 |
JimBuntu | We would probably need to know exactly what effect too... as in, the bouncing ball effect | 18:31 |
Intelo | JimBuntu, can it do same? | 18:31 |
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leftyfb | Intelo: regardless of which one, it's not an Ubuntu topic. As in #adobe or somewhere else. | 18:31 |
Intelo | JimBuntu, the splash, ball, the // slide | 18:31 |
Intelo | leftyfb, Need a tool in ubuntu. You guys must know? | 18:32 |
Eickmeyer | Intelo: There is probably a video editor that will do that, such as kdenlive, but Blender is your best bet. | 18:32 |
OerHeks | openshot / lightworks can do a lot, but some things are just protected | 18:32 |
JimBuntu | splash is any, I doubt that's really an off the shelf effect, the ball is pretty common, unsure about the slide. | 18:32 |
JimBuntu | +1 blender Eickmeyer | 18:32 |
Eickmeyer | Blender will do the 3D effects you're looking for. | 18:32 |
OerHeks | https://itsfoss.com/best-video-editing-software-linux/ | 18:32 |
Intelo | OerHeks, kdemlive? | 18:32 |
Intelo | k | 18:33 |
Eickmeyer | Intelo: Kdenlive will do video editing, Blender will do 3D effects like what you're looking for. | 18:33 |
Intelo | thx | 18:33 |
Eickmeyer | Ubuntu Studio includes both tools by default. | 18:34 |
Eickmeyer | JimBuntu: Thanks for the ping (I'm pinged any time someone mentions Ubuntu Studio). | 18:34 |
JimBuntu | Eickmeyer, Ubuntu Studio needs more press, doesn't seem to be known by many, so useful though! | 18:35 |
OerHeks | metapackage = ubuntustudio-video https://packages.ubuntu.com/bionic/ubuntustudio-video | 18:35 |
Intelo | k | 18:37 |
Intelo | thx | 18:38 |
Eickmeyer | JimBuntu: I'm working on that. So far, I've appeared in two podcasts and am being interviewed by a guy from Forbes. Done a lot since becoming council chair, but I'm still getting snubbed by some prominent Linux news places for reasons beyond my understanding. | 18:40 |
JimBuntu | Eickmeyer, do you speak to Bashing-om ? He is part of the Ubuntu Weekly News. If not, you should :-) | 18:41 |
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Eickmeyer | JimBuntu: A good idea. I need to start posting more on ubuntustudio.org and flagging "planet" as well. | 18:42 |
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stavros | wow, lotuspsychje nailed it, it was dconf | 18:47 |
stavros | I changed org.mate.peripherals-mouse middle-button-enabled to false and that fixed it! | 18:47 |
goldstar | I've resized by Logical volume by 50g using lvreduce, remounted and its working fine. however, when I check for free space in the group volume using vgdisplay, it shows no free space (Free PE = 0) | 18:48 |
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neildugan | when I start a VM (that was previously working) I get the "error : unsupported configuration: Domain requires KVM, but it is not available. Check that virtualization is enabled in the host BIOS, and host configuration is setup to load the kvm modules"... the kvm module is loaded... any ideas on why this suddenly doesn't work? | 18:52 |
murthy | CrazyH: Good evening | 18:58 |
murthy | CrazyH: Did you find a solution for your x11vnc issue? | 18:59 |
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TJ- | neildugan: is kvm_intel/kvm_amd loaded also? | 19:02 |
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neildugan | TJ-, "lsmod | grep kvm" only show the "kvm" module | 19:06 |
TJ- | neildugan: depending CPU brand, either of kvm_intel or kvm_amd should load. Each depends on the common 'kvm' module, so if they haven't loaded it is likely, as the message says, the functionality has been disabled in firmware | 19:07 |
TJ- | neildugan: quickest is to reboot into PC firmware setup and check its state. | 19:07 |
TJ- | neildugan: alternatively try manually loading the appropriate module and checking kernel log (dmesg) for errors | 19:09 |
neildugan | would lscpu indicate if the firmware has been setup correctly? | 19:10 |
qwebirc52381 | Hello. I have upgraded my computer (system76 gazelle) from 16.04 to 18.04. Now when it starts it shows scanning for btfrs file systems and it does nothing. I tries to boot a bootable usb with ubuntu 18.04 but the usb is not being displayed in the boot options. It is bootable and works since I have tested it at another computer. What can I do? Is there a way to make my perfectly working usb to boot from my computer to solve this pr | 19:10 |
neildugan | TJ-, that would be "modprobe kvm_intel" ... correct? | 19:10 |
TJ- | neildugan: correct | 19:12 |
neildugan | qwebirc52381, there is probably a bios setting to enable USB booting | 19:12 |
TJ- | neildugan: also checking CPU flags: grep -Eo '(vmx|svm)' /proc/cpuinfo | 19:14 |
qwebirc52381 | I havent found anything that prevents usbs from booting. When i press f7 I get a set of boot options but USB is not one of them | 19:15 |
neildugan | TJ-, I checked the output of lscpu .. the vmx flag is there .... the "modprobe kvm_intel" says "ERROR: could not insert 'kvm_intel': Operation not supported" .... dmesg says "kvm: disabled by bios" ... so I suppose I need to get into the bios | 19:19 |
neildugan | qwebirc52381, are you sure you are looking at the bios setup? ... there should be many options to configure the motherboard, cpu etc. | 19:21 |
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raub | I knnow you can update a tar package but can you update where it is being extracted to? This is a large tar file and I just want to continue extracting | 19:47 |
ioria | raub, not sure, maybe the -k flag | 19:50 |
raub | ioria: that seems to do the trick. Thanks! | 19:51 |
ioria | raub, ok | 19:51 |
neildugan | TJ-, the virtual stuff was disabled in the bios, I don't know how this could be, as it was working just a while ago... but I can't test it atm as I am having trouble with grub... when I get that fixed, I expect everything will be OK. | 19:58 |
OerHeks | if your bios clears again, after some days of no use, the bios battery might be low | 19:59 |
neildugan | OerHeks, is that message for me | 20:00 |
OerHeks | neildugan, yes | 20:00 |
neildugan | OerHeks, yes you could be correct... I did turn off the computer to repackage in a new box, just a few days ago... but the motherboard is fairly new... | 20:04 |
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OerHeks | oke, that action might have caused this, unless you had the system up and running again, but please take your time to fix grub? | 20:07 |
flying_sausages | hey guys, I've been using ubuntu server for a very long time and am now getting into the desktop version on my new work computer, but I've got an issue with suspend misbehaving. Anyone seen this before happening on laptops with nvidia graphics? has anyone seen any threads about these issues? Any suggestions how to start troubleshotting this sort of issue? | 20:07 |
graud | Hi all, I am trying to `sudo apt-get update` on boot via a packer shell provisioner, but I am getting `Could not get lock /var/lib/apt/lists/lock - open (11: Resource temporarily unavailable)` consistently. Is there an industry-standard way around this? Delaying the upgrades/waiting in a loop? | 20:08 |
good | hi | 20:08 |
flying_sausages | graud, if you're trying to make sure the system is up to date, I would instead use unattended-upgrades | 20:09 |
ioria | graud, and what is a 'packer shell provisioner' ? | 20:09 |
neildugan | graud, That generally means that an "update" was interrupted... it might be better to make it a cron job... say once a week | 20:10 |
graud | ioria: I am using Hashicorp Packer to build an AMI for use on AWS | 20:10 |
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neildugan | graud, you could put a "rm <file>" at the start of you script | 20:11 |
ioria | graud, i see | 20:11 |
flying_sausages | remove the apt lock manually? lmao | 20:11 |
flying_sausages | uh | 20:11 |
flying_sausages | sounds scary | 20:11 |
ioria | graud, ps aux | grep apt | 20:13 |
neildugan | flying_sausages, if the script is run at boot, there shouldn't be other instance of it running, and if there was it wouldn't delete anyway | 20:14 |
graud | I had been doing `while pgrep unattended; do sleep 10; done`, but it takes a long time and packer times it out | 20:14 |
neildugan | graud, you do this every boot? | 20:18 |
kira_ | hi | 20:19 |
graud | neildugan: this happens on every boot, but I'm not the one triggering it | 20:20 |
ioria | graud, can you paste /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/20auto-upgrades ? | 20:24 |
neildugan | graud, have you tried deleting the lock file (after making sure that no upgrade is in progress) ... then seeing what happens | 20:25 |
neildugan | does anyone know if there is a way to check when a motherboard was made? | 20:27 |
graud | ioria: neildugan: I'll try these asap | 20:28 |
ioria | neildugan, what's your problem ? | 20:28 |
neildugan | ioria, not much of a problem ... bought a new motherboard a few months ago, and it appears that the CMOS battery might be flat ... I think the motherboard might have been in stock at the shop for a long time .. just curious. | 20:31 |
ioria | graud, and why do you think that the CMOS battery is gone ? | 20:32 |
kur1j | How would I go about finding out which Nvidia cards the included nouveau driver supports in each release of Ubuntu? | 20:34 |
kur1j | I see this: http://manpages.ubuntu.com/manpages/bionic/man4/nouveau.4.html but it only lists out cards from like 2010 | 20:35 |
TJ- | kur1j: "modinfo -F alias nouveau" for each installed kernel, but not so easy if they aren't installed | 20:35 |
neildugan | ioria, the motherboard is used as a server, I powered (and unpluged it) to move to a new box, and one of the settings seems to have changed in the BIOS | 20:35 |
ioria | kur1j, https://nouveau.freedesktop.org/wiki/CodeNames/ | 20:36 |
murthy | neildugan: I think you can get the details from the manufacturer | 20:36 |
ioria | neildugan, what settings ? and why don't you check again (and in case re-enable it) ? | 20:37 |
kur1j | TJ-: Hey TJ, this is actually related to that PC That won't boot to install | 20:37 |
murthy | neildugan: for example for gigabyte, get the motherboard model number, go to the gigabyte website search the motherboard model and see the details for the specific revision for it | 20:37 |
kur1j | "modinfo -F alias nouveau": pci:v000012D2d*sv*sd*bc03sc*i* pci:v000010DEd*sv*sd*bc03sc*i* | 20:38 |
TJ- | graud: Your approach is wrong; "unattennded-upgrades-shutdown runs from boot-time until shutdown in order to install packages when the system is rebooting | 20:38 |
murthy | neildugan: If you are talking about the manufacturing date, it could be in the sticker on the motherboard box | 20:38 |
graud | TJ-: thanks! Just noticed that unattended-upgrades-shutdown was running, so my pgrep was invalid. | 20:39 |
neildugan | murthy, thanks | 20:39 |
graud | trying to remove the lockfile as neildugan had suggested | 20:40 |
TJ- | graud: if there's an apt lock-file being held I'd guess it is due to the 'apt update' timer having fired and triggered one | 20:40 |
TJ- | graud: you'd be better off testing for an instance of 'apt' being executed | 20:40 |
TJ- | graud: if the system is already doing an update there's no need to duplicate it | 20:41 |
OerHeks | on 18.04, just hit the update button, it will report one apt instance is buzy, and waits | 20:41 |
neildugan | TJ-, the lock file is created by the apt process... if it get interrupted (e.g. a reboot) ... the lock file doesn't get deleted and the next apt process has a problem ... it has happened to me a few times. | 20:42 |
TJ- | graud: you'd be better off checking when the last update was done by examining the timestamp of /var/lib/apt/periodic/update-stamp | 20:42 |
TJ- | neildugan: apt will clean up the lock files if it receives a SIGTERM (which is what reboots should cause to all processes) | 20:43 |
TJ- | neildugan: there's one caveat to that; if apt is run inside a Gnome session and the session is closed the TERM isn't sent, just a KILL, which is a bug. I was reading about this in detail recently in relation to systemd getting the blame. Let me see if I can find the issue | 20:45 |
onio | Hello all, I am trying to change the file manager on ubuntu 18.04 to use Nemo. I have it working but I would like the "file" icon in the favourite tray to use "Nemo" instead of the default file manager | 21:03 |
JonelethIrenicus | i have an hp printer and i am using the hp gui utility and it works fine and the printer shows up, but its scan functionality isn't showing up | 21:04 |
neildugan | JonelethIrenicus, printing and scanning are done by seperate systems | 21:04 |
JonelethIrenicus | neildugan: its this https://launchpad.net/hplip | 21:06 |
neildugan | JonelethIrenicus, I think you will need the "scan" package | 21:07 |
neildugan | JonelethIrenicus, I think you will need the "sane" package | 21:07 |
murthy | CrazyH: are you there? | 21:08 |
JonelethIrenicus | neildugan: thanks | 21:10 |
Myros | Hello, i try to setup ubuntu on my pc and erease the old disk, but without touching the secound partition. How can i do that? | 21:27 |
Myros | Schould i just install it in easy mode and resize partition later? | 21:27 |
Myros | => LVM | 21:28 |
Myros | Or should i setup it right now? | 21:28 |
MrBungle | hey | 21:30 |
MrBungle | Myros, why would you need to resize? | 21:30 |
MrBungle | install on the available free space before the second partition | 21:30 |
Myros | Because ubuntu would override the whole disk, but i want another partition | 21:30 |
MrBungle | ubuntu will let you chose ... | 21:31 |
MrBungle | it's not just gonna format your whole disk, you can chose where you want it, and how you want it installed | 21:32 |
Myros | It says that in the menu | 21:32 |
MrBungle | ie: you can set a 20GB space for /, 100GB space for /var or /home ... etc | 21:32 |
MrBungle | do you see "advanced partitionning" or something similar? | 21:33 |
Myros | Yea exactly at that point i'm currently | 21:33 |
Myros | Yes | 21:33 |
Myros | But i dont know what i need | 21:33 |
Myros | I guess i need first a boot partition | 21:34 |
onio | How can I change the file icon in ubuntu 18.04 to use "Nemo" instead of "Nautilus" I have the former working if I start through command line | 21:34 |
Myros | How big has this partition to be? | 21:34 |
MrBungle | how large is your free space ? | 21:34 |
Myros | 200GB | 21:34 |
MrBungle | ok, what will this machine be used for ? | 21:34 |
Myros | Trying stuff out and learn how to crypto and try python | 21:35 |
MrBungle | ok | 21:35 |
MrBungle | then you can create a / (root) volume of 10 to 20GB | 21:35 |
Mylon | Is there some special shortcut to paste the contents of the clipboard? I keep doing it accidentally via the touchpad and I have no idea how do it intentionally. | 21:35 |
Myros | I want this to be a privacy enhanced instalation | 21:35 |
OerHeks | onio, some tips here https://itsfoss.com/install-nemo-file-manager-ubuntu/ | 21:35 |
MrBungle | 20GB sounds good in case you want to host a small webserver installation | 21:36 |
Myros | Is not /boot first? | 21:36 |
onio | OerHeks: thanks | 21:36 |
MrBungle | and the rest minus 1000MB for /home, and lastly create a 1000MB swap volume | 21:36 |
Myros | Or does this not matterk | 21:36 |
MrBungle | no, just root : / | 21:37 |
Myros | Ok | 21:37 |
Mylon | Ah, it's shift + middle click. | 21:37 |
Mylon | Why is this a thing? | 21:37 |
onio | OerHeks: That is the same URL I followed to get it installed. But still using "Nautilus" | 21:37 |
MrBungle | goota go, good luck | 21:38 |
OerHeks | onio, maybe you need to logout/login again to take effect?? i think that is mentioned too | 21:45 |
onio | OerHeks: Let me try and do that as I can't remember if I did log out. | 21:46 |
onio | OerHeks: No it didn't make a difference | 21:48 |
OerHeks | onio, no clue then if those 3 lines do not work | 21:51 |
onio | OerHeks: Thanks | 21:51 |
CodeMouse92 | Working my way through "How Linux Works", and I just want to verify a conclusion... | 21:52 |
CodeMouse92 | Ubuntu 18.04 uses systemd, but also has upstart on the system? | 21:52 |
CodeMouse92 | (Talking, typical default install here) | 21:52 |
TJ- | CodeMouse92: no upstart | 21:52 |
CodeMouse92 | Hm, k | 21:53 |
CodeMouse92 | So, the /etc/init directory has to do with System V, not Upstart, then | 21:53 |
CodeMouse92 | Either that, or its a relic from some other package installation. That's actually my first guess. | 21:54 |
TJ- | CodeMouse92: correct; some packages still ship with SysV init scripts - supported by systemd-sysv | 21:54 |
CodeMouse92 | Ah. Okay, that makes sense, thanks TJ- | 21:54 |
spinningcat | hola | 21:54 |
spinningcat | anyone use putty with gui here_ | 21:55 |
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woenx | hola, spinningcat. You mean in Ubuntu or in windows? | 21:58 |
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Myros | I currently follow a tutorial and it says i should use <lvreduce -L 5G /dev/vg/disk-name> but i dont have a /vg directory | 22:33 |
Myros | Where can i find my disk? | 22:33 |
powerninja | Hello I thought I disabled apt by setting /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/20auto-upgrades to APT::Periodic::Update-Package-Lists "0"; but looks like it still runs during start-up | 22:35 |
qwebirc74812 | Hello all | 22:41 |
qwebirc74812 | I installed the Ubuntu 18.10 iso image on my MacBook Air, used netbootin to burn it to a usb and then started the installation on my new Desktop. This desktop has no existing OS, a UEFI BIOS and component wise two RTX 2080 Tis. Everything was working great and the program started to run but as soon as I selected English as the default language my monitor and mouse went dark. The computer is still on. Is this normal, is it insta | 22:41 |
TJ- | !mac | qwebirc74812 | 22:43 |
ubottu | qwebirc74812: For help on installing and using Ubuntu on a Mac, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MactelSupportTeam/CommunityHelpPages | 22:43 |
qwebirc74812 | Im not installing it on a Mac | 22:43 |
qwebirc74812 | I'm installing it on a new Desktop with a UEFI Bios | 22:44 |
rhoks | guys how can I see what touchpad driver I have? | 22:44 |
TJ- | qwebirc74812: OH. Yousa id you installed 1810 on Macbook Air, so quite confusing | 22:45 |
TJ- | !nomodeset | qwebirc74812 | 22:46 |
ubottu | qwebirc74812: A common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter | 22:46 |
qwebirc74812 | Yeah as in I download the Ubuntu.iso file on my mac but just to burn it to a USB for my new desktop | 22:47 |
qwebirc74812 | and would you happen to know if that's the case for two RTX 2080 Tis? | 22:47 |
qwebirc74812 | and thanks for the help! | 22:47 |
jhosfran | hola | 22:57 |
jhosfran | hello | 22:57 |
rhoks | I need to restart my touchpad driver on 18.04 how do Id o that | 22:57 |
rhoks | I do that* | 22:57 |
jhosfran | spanhis | 22:57 |
woenx | jhosfran, you could try #ubuntu-es | 22:58 |
woenx | One question. My fingerprint sensor needs libfprint 0.8.3, but the one Ubuntu (18.04) includes is much older. How could I update it? | 22:59 |
CodeMouse92 | woenx: It looks like it has a PPA, so you could add that and update it. HOWEVER, PPAs are unsupported by the community at large, so you're taking that risk yourself. https://launchpad.net/~3v1n0/+archive/ubuntu/libfprint-vfs0090 | 23:01 |
CodeMouse92 | Usually they're fine tho | 23:02 |
woenx | CodeMouse92, thanks, i'll try it | 23:02 |
gprl87 | join #python | 23:47 |
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