
mupPR snapcraft#2442 closed: cli: enable cleaning of parts <Created by sergiusens> <Merged by sergiusens> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/2442>01:13
mupPR snapd#6416 closed: snap: really run the RunSuite <Simple πŸ˜ƒ> <Created by mvo5> <Merged by bboozzoo> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/6416>06:51
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zygagood morning07:17
mvohey zyga07:17
zygadebian drama dramas on07:17
mvozyga: oh?07:18
jameshzyga: hi.  When you have time, could you have a look at https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/6313?  It adds some spread tests for xdg-desktop-portal/xdg-document-portal integration (only running on a subset of backends where I know it works currently)07:18
mupPR #6313: tests: add a tests for xdg-desktop-portal integration <Created by jhenstridge> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/6313>07:18
zygamvo: it failed to build in debian07:18
zygamvo: unpackaged file07:18
mvozyga: do you have a link?07:19
zygajamesh: hello07:19
jameshI know you were working on user mounts improvements, so this should ensure the behaviour I care about continues to work :-)07:19
mvozyga: yeah, curious, we test build it07:19
zygajamesh: I will look for sure, there are two high priority items still on my plate but I promise to review this by EOD07:19
mborzeckimvo: zyga: hey07:19
zygamvo: I just ... no idea07:19
jameshzyga: thanks.  I'd also like to talk about the user daemons/dbus activation PRs at some point07:20
jamesh(mainly about how to proceed forward with them)07:20
zygajamesh: I think we should have a call with samuele to sync on where we are and what the challenges are07:20
zygajamesh: we have some things in the roadmap that incresingly require session level interaction07:21
mvohey mborzecki07:21
jameshzyga: having our PRs closed without consultation irks me a bit.  Among other things, it cuts me off from CI.07:22
zygajamesh: closed?07:22
zygajamesh: that's understandable, I don't think we should close them out of the blue07:23
jameshzyga: this one: https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/582207:23
mupPR #5822: wrappers: allow user mode systemd daemons <Created by jhenstridge> <Closed by pedronis> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5822>07:23
zygaI see07:23
zygaI think you need to discuss with samuele, he has some catchup to do after last week and ubuflu but I'm sure we can have a reasonable conversation07:23
jameshyeah.  I'll see if I can catch up with him later today.07:28
zygagood luck!07:29
pedronisjamesh: sorry, but we do close PRs from time to time if they cannot land, it's unclear when, and discussion is better not in them. I'm wary of having things that are "services" but don't fit the out whole services picture, for example what should "snap services" show about these? does it even work on the PR?07:44
pedronisjamesh: these things need a proper design on the forum07:44
zygajamesh: do you have access to spread?07:54
zygaperhaps the real issue is that you just need a key to run spread tests and iterate at will locally07:55
zygaproposing only those chunks that are ready to be discussed / reviewed and are relatively close to landing07:55
pedroniszyga: to be clear I don't think until I  see a consistent whole picture, I wouldn't take chunks either07:59
zygaright, but I believe, based on what jamesh said above, that having open PRs is an important part of the workflow because that's his (apparently) only way to access CI08:00
zygadoes https://groups.google.com/forum/m/#!topic/golang-announce/mVeX35iXuSw affect us?08:12
mborzeckizyga: don't think so08:15
mupPR snapd#6421 opened: spread: enable upgrade suite on fedora <Simple πŸ˜ƒ> <Created by bboozzoo> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/6421>08:54
mborzeckitrivial PR ^^^08:54
mborzeckican't reproduce the mount problem using the usual install/remove loop08:57
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mvomborzecki: thanks for looking into that again09:09
mvomborzecki: this makes me wonder if something external is doing the systemctl reload during the tests09:10
mborzeckimvo: 50 loops of install remove with the script we use in the protocol error test09:10
mborzeckimvo: there is, on core 18, there's a job that's constatnlty failing and getting restarted09:10
mborzeckimvo: serial-console-conf@ttyS0.service keeps being restarted09:10
mvomborzecki: oh, what job is that?09:11
mvomborzecki: interessting09:11
mvomborzecki: are all protcol errors we have observed recently on core18?09:11
mborzeckimvo: afaik yes09:12
mvomborzecki: thats a very interssting clue then09:12
mborzeckimvo: though there's this note in the forum https://forum.snapcraft.io/t/unexplained-mount-failure-protocol-error-what-we-know-so-far/5682/2709:13
mvomborzecki: interessting09:14
mborzeckimvo: otoh, the travis jobs i restarted were core1809:14
mvomborzecki: well, if there is activity (e.g. apt installing stuff or unattended-upgrades) in the background09:14
mvomborzecki: that may happen09:14
mvomborzecki: and there is nothing we can do :(09:14
mborzeckiChipaca: morning sir09:19
mborzeckimvo: hm shouldn't we touch /var/lib/console-conf/complete when preparing core18 image for tests?09:19
mvomborzecki: yes, is that missing?09:20
mborzeckimvo: it is09:20
mvomborzecki: in practise it shouldn't make a difference but if it fixes the crash…09:20
mborzeckimvo: the unit has ConditionPathExists=!/var/lib/console-conf/complete so it should make it go away09:21
Chipacamborzecki: mo'in09:23
mvomborzecki: cool, lets add this in any case to our testsuite09:32
jameshpedronis: sorry.  Was out for a ride before it gets dark.  My point is that when you close a PR there is no way for the author to reopen it, and Travis will no longer run tests if they update it09:34
mborzeckiChipaca: was your concern here https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/6415#discussion_r250187805 that we accept BS channel input and let it reach the store eventually?09:34
mupPR #6415: snapstate, snap: allow update/switch requests with risk only channel to DTRT <Created by bboozzoo> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/6415>09:35
Chipacamborzecki: no, I want whatever works with --channel=stable to also work with --channel=stable/hotfix-123409:35
Chipacamborzecki: having --stable say "yeah you meant the pinned track" and --channel=stable/hotfix-1234 say "you can't change tracks what are you evil", is wrong imho09:36
Chipacamborzecki: i'm going to get more coffee and then re-review your pr though09:36
mborzeckiChipaca: i see, i'm not sure then whether <risk>/<branch> would count as risk only request09:37
mborzeckiChipaca: i does sound reasonable to me, but maybe it's really a question for pedronis09:38
pedronismborzecki: I agree with Chipaca here09:39
pedronisit's the consistent thing09:39
mborzeckipedronis: ok, sounds good to me09:39
Chipacamborzecki: i'll hold off on that review then09:48
ograondra, https://docs.snapcraft.io/architectures/497210:06
mupPR snapd#6422 opened: tests/prepare: prevent console-conf from running <Simple πŸ˜ƒ> <Created by bboozzoo> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/6422>10:15
mborzeckimvo: ^^10:15
ogramborzecki, wheee !!!! i love you !!!10:17
ogra(only took a year :P )10:17
mborzeckiogra: hahah so this was discussed before already?10:17
ogramborzecki, https://forum.snapcraft.io/t/disabling-console-conf-from-gadget-or-core-config-option/435810:18
ograoh, your PR is only for the tests ... i thought it was also for runtime10:20
mborzeckiogra: don't want to disappoint you but the pr is only to workaround a problem we see in the tests10:20
mborzeckiogra: maybe try necrobumping the topic if it's a high priroity for you guys10:20
pedronismborzecki: it's on the list of things to desing on the way to core2010:21
pedronis(how to opt out of console-conf)10:21
mborzeckiah, even better10:21
ograit isnt super high, but when talking to security aware customers we get questions ... since yu can just attach a serial cable today and run through console conf to gain access10:21
ograso hacks are required to disable it10:22
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mborzeckianyone with manjaro vm?10:31
mupPR snapcraft#2449 opened: Release changelog for 3.1 <Created by sergiusens> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/2449>10:34
Chipacamborzecki: locate -i manjaro finds only pull requests from you (and the kilimanjaro wonder from civ v)11:17
mborzeckihm a snap gets an interface auto connected, then it gets manually disconnected, now it's correctly shown as undersired, later i reconnect the interface, and the state information indicates that the connection is manual12:15
popey(also, when you refresh, your disconnected interface gets re-connected)12:17
mborzeckipopey: that should have been fixed already12:19
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zygabreak :)12:31
zygabut some good news :)12:31
pedronismborzecki: did you see my question btw, https://forum.snapcraft.io/t/rfc-snap-connections-command/4296/1512:44
mborzeckipedronis: yes, but it's a snap command thing, so it'll end up in 607912:47
pedronismborzecki: well, it seems there was an ongoing discussion in the forum which seems good to try to conver in the forum12:47
mborzecki6421 spread run failed in tests/main/searching, looks like 'video' section is gone from the store?12:53
mborzeckiwe were unfortunate to do  `snap find --section=video vlc | MATCH vlc` in the test12:54
mborzeckipedronis: Chipaca: do you know anything about that?12:55
pedronismborzecki: I think some sections have been renamed12:56
mborzeckilooks like it's photo-and-video now12:56
cachiomborzecki, I'll update the test13:00
mupPR snapd#6423 opened: tests/main/searching: video section got renamed to photo-and-video <Simple πŸ˜ƒ> <Created by bboozzoo> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/6423>13:00
mborzeckicachio: opened a PR just now13:00
cachiomborzecki, great13:00
cachioI'll take a look in that case13:00
mborzeckioff to pick up the kids13:01
Chipacawe could automate that kind of thing sooon13:05
ondrasergiusens is there any  variable I can use in custom pluging which will give me target architecture?13:10
pedronisChipaca: some comment on #638913:10
mupPR #6389: cmd/snap: small refactor of cmd_info's channel handling <Created by chipaca> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/6389>13:11
ondrasergiusens when I will use architectures: build-on: amd64 run-on:arm6413:11
Chipacapedronis: noted13:15
ondrasergiusens shall I expect self.project.kernel_arch to give me target arch of the device?13:25
Saviqhey, is it possible to use snapd with squashfuse? I'm in an unprivileged container so the loop device dance is prevented13:36
SaviqI may ask for some additional caps to the container, but would rather not if it can work without that13:36
mupPR snapd#6424 opened: tests: remove -o pipefail <Created by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/6424>13:40
ChipacaSaviq: yes, snapd uses squashfuse if it detects the need of it13:41
Saviqok my container was missing /dev/fuse13:42
ChipacaSaviq: https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/blob/master/osutil/squashfs/fstype.go#L3213:43
SaviqChipaca: yup, mount worked now, but it's a Debian kernel, Ubuntu container... how does snapd decide whether to enable apparmor confinement or not?13:46
ChipacaSaviq: black magic13:46
Chipacaor, maybe ask zyga :-)13:47
Saviqsame thing, isn't it?13:47
ChipacaSaviq: snapd will print what it thinks it's got when it boots13:47
ChipacaSaviq: some of it is auto-detection, some of it is manual13:47
ChipacaSaviq: e.g., Jan 14 17:49:13 fleet snapd[1789]: AppArmor status: apparmor is enabled and all features are available13:48
SaviqAppArmor status: apparmor is enabled but some features are missing: dbus, network13:48
ChipacaSaviq: (from 'journalctl -u snapd')13:48
Chipacathat sounds like debian's kernel13:48
Saviqbut then https://pastebin.ubuntu.com/p/GXt5yrBGgn/ :/13:49
ChipacaSaviq: zyga and/or jdstrand might know more about that13:54
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mborzeckicachio: i think you need to purge /var/cache/snapd/sections for snapd to grab the most recent list of sections in the store13:55
Saviqack tx13:56
cachiomborzecki, ah13:57
sergiusensondra: look at the "project" object the plugin gets passed, it has deb_arch and arch_triplet properties14:01
ondrasergiusens self.project.arch_triplet: x86_64-linux-gnu self.project.deb_arch: amd6414:07
ondrasergiusens that seems wrong, since snap has only arm64 architecture as supported14:07
sergiusensI don't know how to connect those two statements14:08
ondrasergiusens I have this in snapcraft.yaml https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/kZwXp2ZKyG/14:09
ondrasergiusens when I build on amd64 to arm6414:10
ondrasergiusens I get https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/vNdtqsyJKd/14:10
ondrasergiusens basically even with that architecture statement, I still have to use --target-arch to get right result. Is there any variable which would reliably give me target architecture14:20
ondrasergiusens any thoughts?14:24
mupPR snapd#6383 closed: tests: provide a fake random device to the core images <Created by sergiocazzolato> <Closed by sergiocazzolato> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/6383>14:43
ondrasergiusens shall I assume whole architecture: build-on run-on is half baked and not to be used?14:57
cachiomvo, hey, I tried the pipefail cahnge but debian sid still fails15:33
cachiomvo, is it needed something else15:33
sergiusensondra: the first part is for automated build systems, the latter is to tell consumers where it runs15:36
sergiusensbut it is up to the developer to make the right thing happen wrt where it runs15:36
ondrasergiusens sure, but there should be way to tell what is target architecture15:37
sergiusensthat is still not there, that is the from-to language which is not there15:37
ondrasergiusens I would expect project.target_arch to hold right value15:38
ondrasergiusens if I do not speciffy --target-arch it's empty15:38
sergiusensthat might be a bug, but for now you can check if it is empty and use deb_arch instead15:40
ondrasergiusens deb_arch is set to host15:40
ondrasergiusens so without --target-arch it does not work15:41
sergiusensondra: ok, please write up a detailed forum post, you are feeding me drops of information on what you want to do and it is micro interrupting a bit too much15:42
ondrasergiusens it gives wrong value15:42
sergiusensnot sure if there is a complaint, an action or what...15:42
ondrasergiusens so there is no value which would give me snap target architecture and I would be able to use it in plugin?15:46
ondrasergiusens because this is really only thing I need15:47
sergiusensondra: forum15:47
ondrasergiusens geee, this is really not helpful15:47
ondrasergiusens elt15:47
sergiusensondra: bug then15:47
ondrasergiusens forum is slow for conversation, but let's see how quick you gonna reply there15:48
sergiusensondra: I have a hard time understanding your objective every time I am pinged by you on IRC15:48
sergiusenswell, I am doing other things now, so I am not really thinking about your problem15:48
mborzecki#6423 anyone? this will unblock the PRs15:48
* cachio lunch15:48
mupPR #6423: tests/main/searching: video section got renamed to photo-and-video <Simple πŸ˜ƒ> <Created by bboozzoo> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/6423>15:49
ondrasergiusens simple question: is there value which would give me snap target architecture and I would be able to use it in custom plugin?15:49
sergiusensondra: simple answer, I need to look at the code, from my point of view, cross compilation is experimental15:49
ondrasergiusens ok15:50
narutowaifuhi, I've installed "lxd" on my debian stable using snapd.    `snap --version` shows 2.36.3  and  `lxd --version` shows 3.6. The latest version however should be 3.9. If I run `snap refresh` it says  "All snaps up to date".  Why is it not updating to 3.9? Any help? Thanks15:52
roadmrnarutowaifu: what does "snap info lxd" say? does it show 3.9 as available in the channel you're tracking?15:54
mvocachio: oh, meh16:01
mvocachio: let me check16:01
Chipacanarutowaifu: also, what does 'which lxd' say16:02
mupPR snapd#6423 closed: tests/main/searching: video section got renamed to photo-and-video <Simple πŸ˜ƒ> <Created by bboozzoo> <Merged by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/6423>16:38
narutowaifuroadmr: snap info lxd => installed: 3.6, stable: 3.9       Chipaca: which lxd => /snap/bin/lxd16:43
Chipacanarutowaifu: snap info lxd | grep tracking16:44
narutowaifuChipaca: tracking: stable16:46
Chipacanarutowaifu: ok. can you enable debug in snapd and do a refresh?16:46
narutowaifuhow do i enable debug16:47
Chipacanarutowaifu: https://forum.snapcraft.io/t/extremely-slow-snap-downloads/4668/2?u=chipaca16:47
mupPR snapd#6425 opened: interfaces: add yubikey interface and allow reading /run/udev/data/+power_supply:* <Created by jdstrand> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/6425>16:50
jdstrandoSoMoN: there you go ^16:52
narutowaifuChipaca: I can see the requests to api.snapcraft.io. What should I look for?16:58
Chipacanarutowaifu: after the request there should be a json thing that starts with DEBUG: < (it can span multiple journal lines)17:01
Chipacanarutowaifu: i'm interested in that17:01
Chipacanarutowaifu: that is the response from the POST request; you might have other requests that are updating assertions that i'm less concerned with17:02
Chipacanarutowaifu: do not pastebin the ones that start DEBUG: >, as those can contain macaroons17:03
Chipacabut, yeah, if you could  pastebin the store response, it might shed some light on what's going on17:03
Chipaca(the request could also, but i'd have to help you clean the macaroons out first)17:04
narutowaifuwhat are macaroons?17:06
Chipacanarutowaifu: like cookies, but more delicious17:06
Chipacanarutowaifu: in this case, cryptographically fancy cookies17:07
oSoMoNjdstrand, thanks! looking17:19
cachiomvo, I just pushed the change17:26
cachiomvo, I am adding more information to the documentation needed to run beta validation17:27
zygaonly too young exception118:01
zygagreat :)18:01
popey\o/ <318:01
mvocachio: thank you18:04
mvozyga: yay18:04
zygaindeed, this is a good thing :018:04
mvocachio: thanks for the removal of pipefail, I will watch how it fails18:05
mvocachio: if it fails, maybe there is more, we will see18:05
cachiomvo, also a mount error on amazon-linux https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/qZkkh97gpW/18:06
mvocachio: I had to also add some more bits to debian https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/6413/commits  (the commits from today are relevant)18:07
mupPR #6413: packaging: import debian salsa packaging work and use in spead <Created by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/6413>18:07
mvocachio: meh, thanks! the mount error is really unfortunate that its still there :( oh well18:07
cachiomvo, yes, it mutates like a virus :)18:08
mvocachio: indeed, not pipefail :( I see the error with the missing match even without that now too18:10
sergiusenscachio: is there a way to have spread add a summary of what ran passed or failed and what was skipped at the end of a run? I am interested in knowing I did not accidentally filter anything out.18:13
cachiosergiusens, you want to see the skipped ones, right?18:15
cachiosergiusens, if you want that, with the current spread implementation is not possible18:16
sergiusenscachio: I bet you want that too to make sure you aren't messing up your filters by accident πŸ™‚18:18
sergiusensand yes, that is exactly what I want to see18:18
Chipacanarutowaifu: FWIW, macaroons are https://ai.google/research/pubs/pub4189218:19
mvocachio: I play with some ideas right now about journalctl, all a bit annoying18:20
cachiosergiusens, well, so far you need to create an script to check results18:20
sergiusenscachio: you have that? I might pick your brain during our flight to Malta. I do not want to duplicate work18:21
cachiosergiusens, hehe18:21
cachioI don't have it18:21
cachioI could create something but after my vacations18:22
cachiosergiusens, first should be nice to have the tests report branch merged18:22
cachioso it is possible to export the test restuls in json or xml format18:22
cachiothen it is much easier to parse that18:23
cwayneWe have some scripting around converting it to junit18:24
cwayneFor our Jenkins jobs running spread18:24
cachiocwayne, I have a PR in spread for that too :(18:25
cachioI think we could make a session on malta to see which features are desired in spread18:26
mupPR snapcraft#2450 opened: pluginhandler: handle removal of inconsistent files <Created by cmatsuoka> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/2450>18:29
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mupPR snapd#6426 opened: cmd/snap-confine: refactor and cleanup of seccomp loading <Created by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/6426>18:45
Chipacazyga: you around?18:47
zygascrambled eggs brb18:48
cachiomvo, is it ok to promote the core18 to candidate?18:49
zygaI'll make food for Iza and brb18:49
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mvocachio: did you check with foundations, I think they should do these promotions nowdays (core18)18:53
cachiomvo, I'll ping them to do it18:54
cwayneThey have our +1 already18:54
cachiofrom our side and CE everything ok18:54
cwaynecachio: sil2100 is your guy for that18:54
cachiocwayne, yes18:55
mvocachio: great18:56
Chipacazyga: mvo: looks like auto-refresh is busted for devmode distros19:06
Chipacasuper easy to reproduce the bug19:06
zygatotally busted/19:06
Chipaca1. install debian19:06
Chipaca2. install a snap that has different revisions in different channels19:07
Chipaca3. snap switch the snap to a different channel (one that has a different revno)19:07
Chipaca4. snap refresh19:07
Chipacarepeat 4 as many times as you want, it ain't gonna happen19:07
Chipacaexplicitly saying 'snap refresh thesnap' works19:07
Chipacaall hail narutowaifu for finding it and pointing us to it, fwiw :-)19:08
Chipaca2. is actually "apt install snapd && snap install thesnap"19:09
zygaChipaca: if you have patches we should strive to land them for .119:10
zygaand we should get debian out of devmode19:10
zygato behave like opensuse19:10
Chipacainterestingly if you do 'apt install snapd && snap install core && snap install thesnap', it doesn't happen19:10
zygabroken reexec?19:10
Chipacaso it's a bug in the old snapd that debian ships, that's fixed in stable19:10
Chipacazyga: reexec only works after it has something to reexec to19:10
Chipacathe old one is setting up the tasks wrong it seems19:11
Chipacanew one fixes19:11
Chipacabut doesn't know to fix old broken ones19:11
Chipacastgraber: ping19:11
zygaofftopic, what's up with master?19:12
Chipacastgraber: with your instructions to install lxd on debian, people won't ever get updates19:12
zygais master red/19:12
zygared red red19:12
zygaor just in my broken PRs?19:12
zygaChipaca: it's good that 2.37-3 is heading to debian19:12
Chipacastgraber: bug is on our side, but if you change your instructions for them to install 'core' explicitly before installing lxd, you work around it19:13
Chipacastgraber: (yes we're fixing it but the problem is in the packaged snapd, so it's slow to release the fix)19:13
Chipacazyga: wrt red, might it be because of the changed sections?19:13
zygadunno, got a log that barfed on me19:13
zygamuch too much stuff at once today19:13
narutowaifuah stgraber is here? Thanks for adding the btrfs docs19:14
mvozyga: you may need to merge master19:15
zygamvo: aha19:15
mvozyga: there was this category change today in the store that broke tests19:15
zygathank you19:15
sergiusenscachio: cwayne please add me to that session19:28
mvocachio: just fyi, with https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/6413/commits/5a7d450f90e4d325b9463e1254819fa4fe644e8a debian-sid passed locally now, its still strange that export/grep is so unreliable in systemd 24020:04
mupPR #6413: packaging: import debian salsa packaging work and use in spead <Created by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/6413>20:04
cachiomvo, nice20:05
cachioI'll run it here too20:05
cachiothanks for that20:05
mvocachio: I hope to find some time (tomorrow?) to look into this, it smeels like an upstream bug and shouldn't be too hard to reproduce (famous last words :)20:06
cachiomvo, yes, agree with that20:08
cachiomvo, I tried updating the journal and systemd config but didn't work20:08
cachiomvo, by know increasing the polling time works20:09
cachiobut we need to figure out the problem20:09
cachiothat should be temporal20:09
mupPR snapd#6427 opened: interfaces: add block devices interface <Created by jdstrand> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/6427>22:21
=== phoenix_firebrd is now known as murthy
mupPR snapd#6428 opened: interfaces: add display-control interface <Created by jdstrand> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/6428>23:20

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