
JackFrost"...IRC services that is actively maintained and sane."  Uhh...Atheme anyone? :)00:17
debusrthis seems like a major bug in python's pip installation in debian, you might be interested as well: https://github.com/numpy/numpy/issues/12736#issuecomment-45709517308:04
dokotjaalton: dogtag-pki fails autopkg tests on amd64, blocking some stuff08:42
tjaaltondoko: yes, best to remove and block it for now.. including all the java deps08:43
tjaaltonlacking support for tls1.3/java11 :/08:43
tjaaltonupstream won't help before fedora is on java1108:43
tjaaltoneverything builds fine etc, but the tomcat instance can't get ssl set up08:44
sil2100Trevinho: hey! The diffing in Bileto should now be fixed09:16
sil2100seb128: ^09:17
seb128oh nice, thx!09:17
sil2100(at least my expectation should be no more 0 line diffs)09:17
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cpaelzerthanks sil210010:26
LocutusOfBorgdoes anybody understand why the CHANGELOG.md is not picked up automatically by debhelper?11:48
LocutusOfBorgwrt https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/node-istanbul/0.4.5+ds-4ubuntu111:48
LocutusOfBorgDebian, with the same debhelper version picks it up...11:48
LocutusOfBorgjuliank, ^^ you are my best bet, I don't want to hide a debhelper possible trouble11:48
juliankLocutusOfBorg: dh_installchangelogs: Do not install upstream changelog in compat11:49
juliank      level 7 and higher to avoid pointlessly bloating installed packages.11:49
juliankthis is one of the changes11:49
juliankin our debhelper11:50
juliankSo, this is on purpose11:50
Trevinhosil2100: great!12:01
LocutusOfBorgjuliank, I looked, and looked again at that delta12:17
LocutusOfBorgand for some reasons I looked and thought "*lower*"12:17
LocutusOfBorgI was wondering if below compat 7 the changelogs were not gzipped, so they were excluded12:18
LocutusOfBorgdamn :/12:18
LocutusOfBorgso my fix was good I would say12:18
dokotjaalton: can you file a bug report?12:18
tjaaltondoko: yeah12:18
juliankLocutusOfBorg: I'd rather change it so it does not modify the installed changelog if there is none12:21
juliankbut um, don't care much12:22
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LocutusOfBorgjuliank, I already submitted to debian, the changelog seems useful, si preferred that way...13:22
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tewardregarding pcre2, NGINX upstream still has no intention to support pcre2; is Debian also moving to pcre2 or any of the other major distros moving?14:54
tewardif there's a substantial push then I can probably prod them with enough reason to make PCRE2 a goal14:54
tewardbut until then the pcre2 for nginx is 'Wishlist / Won't Fix' because of upstream.14:54
rbasakI got the impression that everyone is moving, and that nginx's upstream assessment was mistaken.14:57
jbichaeveryone is a very large number: https://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/transitions/html/pcre2.html15:03
dokoRAOF: mir ftbfs in disco, please can you fix that?15:11
tewardrbasak: i'll need hard evidence to back that up15:11
tewardbecause they don't track downstreams.15:11
tewardrbasak: auto-migration trackers, bugs for tracking, etc.15:12
tewardthem being as stubborn as they are15:12
rbasakHopefully the MIR will help with that - you'll be able to see at a glance what the rdepends are as stuff gets moved, and whether the distribution patched it or if upstream actually had support.15:12
tewardrbasak: yeah, that helps considerably, but they're going to be stubborn as hell if they say "But this is only Ubuntu moving!"15:13
tewardwhich they've said in the past15:14
tewardwhich is why I need the additional support on other factors.15:14
tewardother distros, Debian, etc.15:14
rbasakIs it possible to build nginx without pcre support?15:16
rbasakBecause honestly, I'm not sure it's worth the effort in trying to persuade them.15:17
rbasakIf they want to lag behind, we can (eventually, when we drop pcre3 from main) either build nginx without any pcre or make it modular (if that's supported) with the pcre component in universe, or kick the whole thing to universe.15:17
rbasakThat's what we'll have to do anyway.15:18
rbasakIt won't realistically happen though unless nginx really are pretty much the last ones in main without pcre2 support.15:18
rbasakAt that point, if it's a real problem then users will ask for upstream to sort the situation. If it isn't really a problem, then it won't by definition need addressing.15:19
tewardrbasak: building without PCRE is going to be dropping all regex support from NGINX15:20
tewardwhich is a core critical component for rewrites, location matching, etc.15:20
tewardit's literally stripping out a core functionality15:20
tewardPCRE modularity is not going to work either because it's in core non-module functions.15:20
tewardand I can say with certainty that dropping that support will cause major headaches.15:21
rbasakOK, so we'll have a choice between stripping out PCRE support or relegating nginx into universe.15:21
tewardwhich is where it was before 14.04.15:21
rbasakStuff in main has to be well supported by upstreams. That's one of the criteria for being in main.15:22
tewardrbasak: i once again dropped the request to revisit PCRE2 support in the nginx-devel mailing list15:23
tewardif they're still being obstinate then I'll personally request that we drop it to Universe15:23
kyrofaAnyone around who can answer questions about php's packaging?17:26
kyrofaSpecifically, I'm curious why large file support isn't built in (http://php.net/manual/en/intro.filesystem.php)17:28
kyrofaAh, perhaps it is, using getconf LFS_CFLAGS17:33
rbasakkyrofa: IIRC we had an ABI mismatch to deal with due to a switch to LFS in the past.17:43
rbasakI can look up details if you need.17:43
kyrofarbasak, mostly just curious if we enable it at all-- I'm being asked to in a snap I maintain and I didn't know anything about it, so I'm trying to learn from the pros17:44
kyrofarbasak, it appears we do, if you can verify that for me though I would be thrilled17:44
rbasakkyrofa: here's the bug I was recalling: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/php5/+bug/128004417:45
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1280044 in php5 (Ubuntu) "dpkg-buildflags wipes out LFS support in package build" [High,Fix released]17:45
kyrofa2014, good memory17:45
dokojbicha: zlib ping?17:50
rbasakkyrofa: looking at https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-security-proposed/+archive/ubuntu/ppa/+build/15453636, the build log does show "-D_LARGEFILE_SOURCE -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64" so I'm pretty sure that LFS is enabled on Bionic i386.17:51
kyrofarbasak, excellent, thank you :)17:51
jbichathanks, zlib is better now18:24
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tewardrbasak: et. al.: I'm going to say that if NGINX is the last straggler for the pcre2 migration then we'll demote NGINX to Universe again, until they make PCRE2 support.  Deb8 and Trusty and CentOS6 don't have pcre2 which is three of the examples they quote.  They're welcome to PCRE2 support patches though.  I just don't have any.21:02
tewardonce we get PCRE2 support we can reapproach getting it into main again.  (The statement that we'd drop it from 'supported' to 'community supported' seemed to get their attentin)21:02
teward'we' in the second line being NGINX.21:02
smoserpaste.ubuntu.com is down ?22:20
wxlworks here @smoser22:21
sarnoldheh, but irc scrollback from that same minute internally is pretty crazy :) I'm not surprised it was down..23:01

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