[01:15] I am free to go, I just need a ride. [01:16] I don't mind picking you up [01:26] ok, Saturday right? [01:26] Yup [02:19] wait, 11:30pm or am? [02:20] oh I read right as night [02:20] my bad [03:32] @RazPi , @KMyers : If I'm feeling lazy but want to print lots of stuff to the screen in a personal project -- Am I a terrible person for writing a function called: "p()" to avoid typing out "print()" each time? [03:33] Stuck with work stuff - so can't make the meeting :\ [03:53] @Abrerr, Don't answer - this is terrible [04:07] free game … https://www.humblebundle.com/store/deponia-the-complete-journey?partner=AlaraShade [04:22] @Abrerr If its an interpreter its a-okay! [04:22] If its in a file that will be read later a raptor will come eat you [04:23] https://xkcd.com/292/ [04:25] Ok two things.. [04:25] 1. That's great @RazPi lol [04:26] 2. When you click the image, you can zoom it with Ctrl+mouse wheel. nicee [04:26] xD [04:26] ooh neat! [04:27] I wanted to see the raptor a bit more [04:59] @KMyers, Where is it? [11:27] I just noticed 255 is in the address heh [14:33] @Abrerr, Call out sick [14:34] For those of you going, please RSVP so I can grab the table [14:34] https://www.meetup.com/ubuntufl/events/258357481/ [14:34] Need to know how many to seat [14:57] My sister-in-law is in town. Not sure if I can convince her and my wife to go. [14:58] There will be pizza and non-pizza options [14:59] @Ivoriesablaze, Nerd [15:00] Takes one to know one [15:00] No u [15:00] I am rubber and you are glue [15:04] @Ivoriesablaze, I see someone is turning 6 next month [15:04] Is that your age or your shoe size @KMyers ? [18:18] @KMyers, I'm on call and can't be farther than on so much time away. The other guy I rotate with was hospitalized, so I'm holding down fort for as long as needed :/ [18:19] But a beer and lug night sounds top notch [18:21] I will try to plan something closer to you in the next few weeks. There was that really good coffee shop in Central Florida that we did a release party at that was close to lake-land. I cannot remember the name but maybe @mhall119 does [18:38] Just a FYI - There may be a small giveaway at the event. It will be cool and run Linux [18:39] The event tomorrow specifically [18:42] Aw [19:06] Loofa holder? [19:07] Nope, I assure you it will be cool. Want to keep it a surprise. I will go as far as saying that it is a Linux powered embedded device. It is not a raspberry pi, banana pi, etc [19:08] @AdamOutler, It is however useful for penetration testing [19:19] @KMyers, Oh gosh, Linux powered thermometers? :/ [19:19] Not oral [19:23] After spending a couple years using Seafile for file syncing, I'm back to Nextcloud. Seafile has superior file syncing capabilities, especially around performance, but the plugins for Nextcloud tip the scales in their favor. [19:29] @maxolasersquad, Yes. It is the plugins that really make NextCloud the best option [19:32] I'm now using it to sync my bookmarks across devices and multiple browsers (Firefox and Chrome on different machines), as well as stream music over Ampache, and read everything in my RSS feeds. [19:33] All the data is mine and not available to anyone else. [19:34] I'd like to use it for Contact and Calendar, but the integration between the two isn't very good yet. For example, from my mobile phone I can't create an event and then invite my family with the same simplicity as I can through Google's equivalent products. [20:09] @KMyers, That one was in North Florida, near Daytona, not anywhere close to me [20:10] @mhall119, Do you remember what it was called? [20:46] Boston Coffee or something like that [20:46] That sounds familiar