[00:21] how2hack: is there any reason why you have to use “pdfcreater”? (e.g. CUPS has its own PDF creation driver) [00:22] also, it seems like you have to enable LPD support on the Windows PC to use it from CUPS [00:27] see e.g. https://danielgibbs.co.uk/2012/03/printing-from-cups-to-a-printer-attaches-to-windows-xpvista7/ [00:29] or http://www.printmanager.com/cms.php?aid=82&fullpage=1&support=8 [00:32] well it's just homework, the problem is ubuntu server 18.10 (the version i installed) is missing the smb backend [00:33] i copied the binary from my computer to the vm, but for some reason it doesn't work [00:33] i'm checking the links, thanks [00:33] you mean you copied a Windows printing driver binary to linux? [00:34] no, the cups smb backend from my linux system to the ubuntu-server vm [01:30] when server boots it flashes fw status recovery error for a split second [01:30] no idea what it means [02:55] Did openjdk-8 get removed from Ubuntu 18.04? [02:57] Nevermind === lotuspsychje_ is now known as lotuspsychje [16:57] does server have built in backup and restore? [17:06] Deihmos: Aside from there being suitable software availible in the package repos, no. [17:13] i wonder if acronis will work. looking into it [17:35] Deihmos: i'd use either filesystem snapshotting capabilities like btrfs or zfs have (+ offsite send|recv), or base it on rsync with something like rsnapshot. [19:04] I have just got a weird error when I tried to ssh into my online server that I have not tried before. It asked to add the shh fingerprint to the known_host file because I have not visit the server from that client before so I said yes. Then it said right after it added it that the host key differs from the key for the ip [19:04] how come could it differs when it just have added it [19:13] does ubuntu server block ports 80/443 by default? i have them forwarded to the machine but am having timeout issues with lets encrypt. [19:13] https://www.irccloud.com/pastebin/TMXMsAHq/ [19:14] this is a scan i did from outside the network: https://usercontent.irccloud-cdn.com/file/jtnWLfMB/image.png [19:34] kinghat: ubuntu server does not filter any ports by default. [19:35] huh [19:37] kinghat: you can check with `iptables -L -n` and ip6tables for ipv6 [19:39] ya i dont see anything in there about 80 or 443. though i do see that one of my docker containers mapped to port 9000. [19:39] https://paste.debian.net/hidden/5cb118d8/ [19:39] kinghat: it's not uncommon that cable television (as well as DSL) providers restrict / block traffic to and from specific ports. [19:40] so i added ports 80/443 in another section on my router and i got a little further: https://usercontent.irccloud-cdn.com/file/yPVQpFGw/image.png [19:42] and now only an issue with the hostname? odd: https://paste.debian.net/hidden/634648bf/ [19:45] actually. if i scan it over and over again it goes from being closed to filtered. [19:45] hmm [19:48] kinghat: there's no response at port 80 [19:54] they are bouncing between filtered/closed when i scan from outside my network. odd [20:04] your isp doesn't even allow anyone not in US to visit their corporate website - all traffic dropped. [20:06] huh? [20:13] kinghat: this is kind of !ot here, but i'm happy to discuss in #ubuntu-offtopic [20:49] every ISP that blocks foreign IPs from accessing their website should be blackholed by all other ISPs [23:15] Um what is the recommended way to install java 11 on Ubuntu 18.04, given that java-11 is actually java 10 in the packages? [23:17] eww unicode in irc