
=== lubuntu is now known as Guest15828
=== Janosch is now known as Guest46937
crajunAnyone else getting 503 Service Unavailable when running any apt install commands on 18.10? This is a fresh install on newest VirtualBox.17:57
tewardlast i tested it worked17:59
tewardlet me respin a VM17:59
tewardi don't have VBox though, but i can still test :P17:59
teward503 usually means the repo mirrors you're using are being problematic17:59
crajunYeah I tried switching from "main" to "canada", no luck18:00
crajunI plug in http://ca.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ in firefox and it loads but running 'sudo apt upgrade -y' gives me '503 Service Unavailable [IP: 80]' regardless of mirrors tried so far18:07
JohnDoe_71Rustry waite some hours18:15
tewardcrajun: what IP(s) do you get when using other mirrors18:16
tewardlike either the us. or straight archive.u.c mirrors?18:16
lubot<HMollerCl> what happens if you ping it?18:17
lubot<HMollerCl> ping
lubot<HMollerCl> In my case: ... ping ... PING ( 56(84) bytes of data. ... 64 bytes from icmp_seq=1 ttl=45 time=219 ms ... 64 bytes from icmp_seq=2 ttl=45 time=215 ms ... 64 bytes from icmp_seq=3 ttl=45 time=209 ms18:18
crajunPing works fine, trying switch to ftp now instead, loading that ip in browser gives me the default apache install page18:18
crajunwhich it probably shouldn't18:19
tewardHMollerCl: 503 is not PING18:19
teward503 is webserver return codes.18:19
lubot<HMollerCl> @teward [<teward> 503 is webserver return codes.], ooo, thanks18:19
tewardcrajun: still want to know what IP you get when you try a completely different country mirror18:19
tewardcrajun: just an FYI I can't replicate form here,18:20
tewardso it might be something on your end (nuke your browser cache before visiting in a browser)18:20
crajunright, one second18:20
crajunhmm, switched to ftp.utexas.edu and 'apt update' worked and now 'apt upgrade -y' is working18:24
crajunslow, but good enough for now, i'll choose NY server i'm close enough18:24
=== kh is now known as Guest59583
BJ_how to mount western digital usb disk tha lsusb see but I don't see it any where??20:10
=== lubuntu is now known as Guest45694
lubot<HMollerCl> which lubunru version?20:25
tewardBJ_: you say `lsusb` doesn't see it.  Are you sure the disk works?20:31
tewarddo other systems see it?20:31
BJ_lsusb see it20:33
BJ_lastesversion 1820:33
BJ_actually I'm trying to recovery using testdisk but does not see it20:34
lubot<JyotiGomes> Lubuntu em Português: https://t.me/lubuntuemportugues21:18

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