
robert_ancellmwhudson, hi01:13
mwhudsonrobert_ancell: hi do you know anything about src:libindicator?01:13
mwhudsonrobert_ancell: it is an unowned package in main, i get the feeling it shouldn't be in main01:14
mwhudsonrobert_ancell: but it's still used by ubiquity and libappindicator01:14
robert_ancellmwhudson, ah right. ubiquity is still using some form of Unity isn't it?01:14
robert_ancelland if that's the case then it's sadly still required until a replacement installer exists.01:15
mwhudsonrobert_ancell: ah hm01:16
robert_ancellTrevinho, ^ any ideas?01:16
jbichamwhudson: it doesn't seem practical to get rid of libappindicator01:18
mwhudsonjbicha: right, but does it actually use libindicator in any meaningful way?01:18
jbichaI guess I'll defer to Marco on that one since I'm not that familiar with the code01:19
mwhudsoni shall go away and wait for europe to wake up then :)01:20
jbichaI'm not sure Marco uses a Europe time zone 😁01:21
TrevinhoSometimes... :)01:21
* mwhudson blinks01:21
jbichasee, not a Europe time zone!!01:22
TrevinhoJust because I'm testing the new bouncer provided by irccloud for doing some matrix tests, and so... xD01:22
Trevinhomwhudson, well libappindicator is still quite used by various applications, I don't think anything in main depends on that right now, so technically could be removed (I won't do further checks now though :-P)01:23
mwhudsonTrevinho: i'm asking about libindicator, not libappindicator...01:24
TrevinhoSo... libindicator... Not really needed at all.01:24
robert_ancellmwhudson, you said libappindicator depends on libindicator right?01:24
mwhudsonyes but i wonder if that can be removed01:25
Trevinhoyeah it does01:25
mwhudsonthe dependency i mean01:25
Trevinhoso libappindicator server side needs it01:25
Trevinhoindicator-appindicator I mean01:25
Trevinhobut not libappindicator IIRC01:25
mwhudsonthe code in ubiquity using it looks to me as if it won't actually do anything because no indicators are installed but i don't know how any of this works01:26
Trevinhobut might be wrong actually, as I'm not touching this for quite long time TBH.01:26
jbicha3 apps in main use libappindicator: https://paste.debian.net/plain/106281101:27
jbichathere are also Ayatana forks (libayatana-appindicator and libayatana-indicator)01:28
JanCalso remember there likely are outside applications using/expecting it...02:01
mwhudsonJanC: only talking about moving from main to universe, sorry if i was unclear02:30
JanCwhich has implications on support for them  :)02:32
didrocksgood morning07:11
oSoMoNgood morning desktoppers07:32
didrockssalut oSoMoN07:47
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willcookemorning all09:04
oSoMoNhey didrocks, Laney, willcooke09:05
didrockshey Laney, willcooke09:05
seb128good morning desktopers, had a good w.e?09:06
oSoMoNgood morning seb12809:07
oSoMoNI spent a considerable part of the w-e eating calçots (with lots of meat and wine too), that was good09:09
oSoMoNhow was yours?09:09
seb128good but a bit too busy, I feel exhausted09:10
seb128swimming pool, helped friends assembling furniture, a dinner and a lunch at friends places09:12
seb128so we didn't really sit down or relax at all09:12
oSoMoNnow you have one full week before FOSDEM to sit down and relax :)09:15
seb128haha, right, fosdem, I need some energy before going there :)09:15
alan_gI've been experimenting with using snapcraft-desktop-helpers to run snapped GTK apps with Mir and found that gnome-3-28-1804 is only arm64/i386 (as compared to gtk-common-themes which covers other architectures). Is there a reason for this limitation? Should I be using something else?09:33
seb128alan_g, hey, I'm unsure if we gave much consideration for that but other arches have problem close from 0 desktop/snap users and it's a maintainance cost to add archs, especially when you don't have access to those for testing/Debugging09:36
seb128alan_g, what other arch would you need? is that customer driven?09:38
alan_gI understand that. At the moment I'm just trying to get a consistent story - it is easy to snap Qt & SDL2 apps to use with, for example, mir-kiosk. But GTK3+ is a PITA.09:39
willcookealan_g, are you saying amd64 is missing?09:49
alan_gwillcooke, no I meant amd64/i386.09:52
alan_garm64, armhf etc are where I encountered problems09:53
seb128alan_g, what's the issue with gtk apps?10:05
seb128or do you mean gtk on non-desktop-stndard arches?10:05
alan_gseb128, there's a whole load of "stuff" they need help to find in a confined snap (adding it to the snap, setting environment variables, etc.).10:16
alan_gAnd yes, I'm looking cross-architecture.10:18
alan_gBut I think I can avoid needing gnome-3-28-1804 (that seems to have been a side-effect of stuff I cut & paste to get a PoC working).10:22
andyrockmorning all!11:21
oSoMoNhey andyrock11:26
seb128hey andyrock! how are you? had a good w.e?11:40
seb128alan_g, right, you can probably do without the platform is all you are interested in is gtk, you can use the desktop launcher and bundle gtk easily11:41
andyrockhey seb128! yeah, mostly visiting museums :D what about you?11:41
seb128andyrock, went swimming, assembled some furniture and had 1 dinner and 1 lunch with friends11:41
Laneymoin andyrock11:59
clobranogood afternoon everyone o/13:51
Laneyhey clobrano14:08
seb128hey clobrano, how are you?14:10
clobranohey Laney , seb128 ,  I'm doing fine, and you?14:25
seb128I'm good!14:25
clobranoa bit of a mess at work, since we're moving to another building, but it's fine :D14:25
kenvandineoSoMoN: i've published gnome-3-28-1804 with gtk3-locales to stable16:03
kenvandineoSoMoN: in case you have any snaps you'd like to utilize it with16:03
kenvandineoSoMoN: ever consider using the content snap for chromium?16:03
oSoMoNkenvandine, nice, thanks16:29
oSoMoNkenvandine, it'll automatically do when we start building with the gnome extension16:29
LaneyTestsuite summary for gnome-keyring
Laney# FAIL:  017:26
Laney# ERROR:  017:26
* Laney sweats17:26
Laneynot massively sure about this though17:29
* Laney ploughs on17:29
Trevinholaney's diff:17:30
Trevinho--- test_this_that_fails ();17:30
Trevinho+++ /* test_this_that_fails (); */17:30
Laney😭😭😭😭😭😭 how can you see my screen17:31
TrevinhoAhaha, you know... That day you let me in via SSH....17:31
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willcookecubs tonight, cya tomrrow18:21
Trevinho /go20:21
oSoMoNgood night all20:49

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