[16:08] zaki: o/ [16:09] wb pavlushka [16:09] how are you ? [16:09] zaki: a little tired but good, you? [16:09] fine pavlushka [16:10] so doing something new ? [16:13] zaki: bought this https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00QURVHN6, now planning to assemble and then the code setup part [16:14] zaki: still have no clear idea but will work on it, there is not much info on it [16:14] pavlushka, that whole device ? [16:15] pavlushka, from amazon ? [16:16] zaki: yes, along with this device https://backpackbang.com/summary/item/1650474 through which the parts will interact with the arduino [16:16] [ Backpack | Best way to get stuff from around the world ] - https://backpackbang.com [16:16] zaki: yes, through Backpackbang.com [16:16] can you tell me why you choosed this one ? [16:17] zaki: which one? [16:18] pavlushka, backpack bang require login to view ? [16:18] zaki: try this then https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00QVN51AE [16:19] got it [16:21] zaki: it's the cheapest one and also works with arduino [16:21] well supposed to [16:21] yest to find out [16:21] pavlushka, that's the reason ? [16:21] yes [16:21] okay