
lunaphytei've just upgraded from 17.10 to 18.04, and now the computer won't boot.  it fails to mount the root filesystem, and drops to initramfs04:37
lunaphyteugh, sorry about the awful url04:39
lunaphytethe upgrade process went without any issues or complaints at all04:40
lunaphytewhat can i do to troubleshoot this?04:40
lunaphytesince i'd had a similar problem with another upgrade not going well, with non root filesystems that were not accessible, i tried vgchange -aay, on a whim.  so far, it seems to just hang upon that command indefinitely, and not do anything04:45
lordievaderGood morning07:10
lordievaderlunaphyte: From that initramfs can you mount your rootfs?07:11
=== cpaelzer__ is now known as cpaelzer
jamespagecpaelzer: looking at your dpdk/ovs work today09:43
cpaelzerjamespage: ok, I started to test it as well09:54
cpaelzerbut that takes quite some time09:54
cpaelzeras I said, I'll ping you once I have a reasonable result09:54
jamespagecpaelzer: ack09:59
ahasenackgood morning11:03
rbasakahasenack, cpaelzer, kstenerud: I can hit the review queue now, but it looks like everything has been looked at for the moment?14:06
ahasenackrbasak: agreed14:07
ahasenackI'm finishing up haproxy, then I'll go after apache2 which you reviewed already, and back to the net-snmp merge14:07
ahasenackrbasak: can you merge that salsa haproxy mp, or are you just passing by?14:26
rbasakahasenack: I was just passing by, being curious about how haproxy tests operate as I know nothing about haproxy.14:29
ahasenackfirst attempt failed, investigating14:29
rbasakI am not a maintainer for haproxy in Debian so I shouldn't do anything but comment.14:29
ahasenackah, I have to invert the check14:31
rbasakYeah, or swap the else block.14:31
rbasak(I prefer the latter in general to avoid an extra inversion)14:34
ahasenackyeah, I also dislike "!" in ifs14:36
ahasenackrbasak: better, let me push: https://pastebin.ubuntu.com/p/WDtmWnZRCZ/14:40
MJCDi'm trying to set up xorg+lightdm+fluxbox on a server build15:03
MJCDi've gotten a graphical login screen after reboot15:03
MJCDbut it just fails to start session15:04
MJCDlol if I switch from fluxbox to openbox15:06
MJCDit lets me log in, but to just black nothing15:07
MJCDno right click menu even15:07
lordcirth_MJCD, anything in logs?15:10
MJCDits ok third reboot was the charm for whatever reason, fluxbox still doesn't work15:10
MJCDbut i'm fine with openbox for now15:10
ahasenackrbasak: can I consider our salsa exchange as another +1 for the haproxy dep8 tests, provided tests pass in ubuntu? For this MP: https://code.launchpad.net/~ahasenack/ubuntu/+source/haproxy/+git/haproxy/+merge/36221717:31
ahasenackcpaelzer is eod now17:31
ahasenackI induced some errors to see how it would behave, and it looks good:17:31
ahasenack- diff content: https://pastebin.com/Jcn8TE4A17:32
ahasenack- diff size: https://pastebin.com/4y4crD3917:33
rbasakahasenack: yes, and +1 added to the MP17:57
ahasenackrbasak: thanks17:58
=== Tornevall is now known as Guest36728
lunaphytelordievader: thanks for responding.  i can't, no.20:05
lunaphyteif i try to mount the root filesystem manually at the initramfs prompt, it says the same thing - "mount: mounting /dev/mapper/vg1-root on /root failed: no such device"20:07
lunaphyteall of the lvm pieces are active and functioning, i can see all of the physical volumes, all of the volume groups, all of the logical volumes20:07
lunaphytei can run btrfs check on /dev/mapper/vg1-root and it runs properly and successfully, and finds no errors20:08
TJ-lunaphyte: broke it again?!20:08
lunaphyteTJ-: :) - hah - no, this is a different one20:09
TJ-lunaphyte: compare the dm-X number shown by "ls -l /dev/mapper/vg1-root" with "ls -l /dev/dm-X" to ensure it exists20:10
TJ-lunaphyte: oh, a VM image? is the underlying file corrupt. You shouldn't get the kernel stracktrace20:11
lunaphyteTJ-: i don't think anything is corrupt.  i can boot off the installer, in rescue mode, and successfully mount all filesystem and chroot into them as the root20:12
lunaphyteyeah, it's a vmware guest20:12
TJ-lunaphyte: is this always a VMware guest?20:13
lunaphyteit always has been, from its inception, and always will be20:13
TJ-lunaphyte: any changes to the hardware profile ?20:13
lunaphyteno changes to hardware20:14
lunaphytejust an upgrade from 17.10 to 18.04, that's it20:14
lunaphyteno errors at all during the upgrade20:14
lunaphytewent perfectly typical20:14
TJ-lunaphyte: that screenshot suggests /root/ doesn't exist20:14
TJ-lunaphyte: all commands trying to set-up the real file-system on /root/ fail - either that is missing or the real rootfs really has a major problem20:15
lunaphyte /root/ does exist20:15
TJ-lunaphyte: so does the block device symlinked from /dev/mapper/vg1-root exist?20:16
lunaphyte /dev/md-0 ?20:16
lunaphyteyeah, that exists20:16
lunaphytei can run fsck successfully on the device20:16
TJ-lunaphyte: I have no idea, that that is NOT an LVM node20:16
lunaphyteit properly recognizes the filesystem20:16
TJ-lunaphyte: as I said earlier: --->  compare the dm-X number shown by "ls -l /dev/mapper/vg1-root" with "ls -l /dev/dm-X" to ensure it exists20:16
lunaphyteyeah, it does20:17
lunaphytebah, sorry20:18
lunaphytei missed that irc ignored what i wrote because of the leading slash20:18
lunaphyte /dev/mapper/vg1-root points to /dev/dm-0, which exists20:18
TJ-lunaphyte: the stacktrace shows that get_fs_type() fails, so what does "blkid /dev/dm-0" report?20:19
lunaphyteone moment20:19
lunaphytesorry i can't just use normal text.  i'm stuck inside a virtual guest console20:21
TJ-I know :)20:21
TJ-So, this is really looking like a btrfs problem. is the module available? "lsmod | grep btrfs"20:22
lunaphyteugh.  no lsmod in this busybox, it seems20:23
sarnold/proc/modules ?20:24
TJ-lunaphyte: "grep btrfs /pro/mocules"20:24
sarnoldit's ugly but still mostly legible20:24
lunaphytei did check the initrd earlier with lsinitramfs and it seems to allegedly include the btrfs module20:24
lunaphyteah, ok, one moment20:24
TJ-lunaphyte: and more importantly: "find /lib/modules -name 'btrfs*'20:24
lunaphyteaha, it seems the module may not be loaded20:26
lunaphyteit does exist though20:26
TJ-lunaphyte: "modprobe btrfs"20:27
TJ-lunaphyte: that ought to be loaded by udev rules based on identifying the metadata, so there may be some issue with udev rules, or 'strange' metadata20:27
lunaphytehmm, ok20:28
lunaphytewell, modprobe didn't complain, but it's still not appearing in /proc/modules20:28
sarnolddmesg | tail ?20:28
TJ-lunaphyte: corruption? :p20:29
TJ-sarnold: the kernel stack-trace makes me suspicious; get_fs_type() should not be causing that20:31
sarnoldstack trace? I missed that part :)20:31
lunaphyteit's hard to tell where dmesg stops and starts between boot and modprobe20:32
TJ-sarnold: https://9unvsq.bn.files.1drv.com/y4m6YIxUZfXzd96cuCzcKJR22rzSeBCy-2VUrndZk5gLlOyk52M6w8oZgr-ybtLbnVvC1trcidcR8L1ndgSUzH9NSysNDl1jTUD5_wBIPQ_PwSMIrWNa69rqvVv_MgV3o2czkQebQUj27idfawPbDN5jaY40rOW5swWLpKXpiu3yMgcPKj_PP6GROCAvAJpnpn3maXS_5GPsrkocfuEEbbHQQ/residue_2019_01_24.PNG?psid=120:33
TJ-"request-module fs-btrfs succeeded, but still no fs?"20:34
sarnoldfunny, that message actually means "we tried to look up the fs, that failed, so we loaded the module, and that succeeded"20:38
sarnoldis there a way to try to force btrfs to load *earlier* ?20:38
TJ-thing is, why isn't it loading manually20:41
TJ-I wonder if there are missing depends? "depends:        libcrc32c,zstd_compress,raid6_pq,xor"20:42
lunaphytewhere can i look?20:49
lunaphytekernel module dependencies?20:49
TJ-lunaphyte: it needs the "modinfo" tool20:50
lunaphytebusybox needs modinfo?20:50
TJ-lunaphyte: no, checking the dependencies needs it20:51
TJ-lunaphyte: if the module doesn't show as loaded in /proc/modules then something is obviously going wrong20:52
lunaphyteyeah, makes sense20:53
TJ-lunaphyte: "grep btrfs /proc/modules" would show something like this: "btrfs 1155072 0 - Live 0x0000000000000000"20:53
sdezielwhat if you modprobe all the dependencies manually?20:54
TJ-They're not there else modprobe would add them, that's the weird part here20:54
TJ-I see 5 lines with 'btrfs' in them with that grep (showing the modules btrfs depends on also loaded)20:56
lunaphyteTJ-: looking at the server before it's broken, it looks like btrfs has two dependencies: xor and raid6_pq21:08
lunaphytei've loaded those two modules manually in initramfs, and that went ok21:08
lunaphytebut btrfs still doesn't load21:08
TJ-lunaphyte: check the hash/checksum of the module in case it is corrupt - compare against one known to load (from the same kernel version of course!)21:09
lunaphytei just verified that nothing is appended to dmesg when doing modprobe btrfs21:09
lunaphytei see messages from the raid6 module, and nothing more after that21:10
BluekingNIC with intel chip X550 are supported ?21:10
TJ-lunaphyte: rtry "grep btrfs /proc/filesystems"21:11
sarnoldBlueking: probably, I see loads of X550 hits in the ixgbe bit of the source tree, and I've got an ixgbe.ko kernel module21:11
Bluekingsarnold: guess I am going with Intel NIC21:12
lunaphyteTJ-: btrfs not present21:12
TJ-lunaphyte: so something is causing it to fail, silently too. Is there a blacklist!?21:12
Bluekingbut what does word 'converged' say something about NIC product ?21:12
blackflowlunaphyte: theory: btrfs initramfs scripts aren't expecting btrfs atop of lvm? perhaps you could try force a /etc/initramfs-tools/scripts/local-top/ script that modprobes the modules?21:13
TJ-lunaphyte: try "grep -rn btrfs /etc/modprobe.d"21:13
TJ-lunaphyte: the udev rule /lib/udev/rules.d/64-btrfs-dm.rules should trigger "ENV{DM_NAME}=="?*", RUN{builtin}+="btrfs ready /dev/mapper/$env{DM_NAME}"  "21:16
TJ-lunaphyte: does the 'btrfs' tool exist ?21:16
lunaphytei'll check shortly - just indisposed for a moment21:22
TJ-I've done some tests on a loopdev here and as soon as the btrfs image is connected the kernel loads the module21:23
TJ-I've now done the same for your scenario /dev/loop5 -> PV > vg1 > root > btrfs  and as soon as the image is attached to the loopdev udev causes the module to load and the FS is available21:29
lunaphyteTJ-: !!!!21:43
lunaphytebtrfs was blacklisted!21:43
lordcirth_lunaphyte, wat? why?21:56
TJ-pffft, sysadmins! :p21:56
blackflowSounds legit.                                ZFS for president!                                      *runs*21:59
lunaphyteyeah, it's a little bit odd, sort of23:12
lunaphytei'm the one who had blacklisted it23:12
lunaphytethis is a template system, used to create other gusts from23:13
lunaphyteone of the things i'd done was blacklist a bunch of various modules that served no purpose23:14
lunaphytea previous incarnation of this system used ext4, not btrfs and there was no need for btrfs, so it got blacklisted23:14
lunaphytethen the new incarnation was built, and the blacklist file copied, not realizing that was still there23:15
lunaphyteso that all makes sense23:15
lunaphytewhat i don't quite understand though is how the system was even functioning before the upgrade23:15
lunaphyteif the btrfs module was blacklisted, how was the system booting, and how was the module being loaded?23:16
lunaphyteanyway, that's very much for the help, as always :)23:17

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