
mupPR snapd#6450 closed: release: 2.37.1 <Created by mvo5> <Merged by bboozzoo> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/6450>06:49
mborzeckiarch packages update07:21
ackkhi, is it expected that $SNAP_DATA and $SNAP_COMMON on parallel installs point at the same dirs on all installs?07:37
zygaackk: yes, check out the data though07:42
zygaIt is all good :-)07:42
zygamborzecki: thank you07:42
mborzeckiackk: yes, inside the mount namespace those appear as the same paths, but outside each instance has its own dir07:43
mborzeckizyga: hey07:43
ackkoh, I see07:44
mborzeckiackk: however, this is not the case for $SNAP_USER_DATA, $SNAP_USER_COMMON and $XDG_RUNTIME_DIR07:44
mborzeckiackk: https://forum.snapcraft.io/t/parallel-installs/7679 has some info about the paths and lists some limitations of the current implementation07:45
ackkmborzecki, but why are SNAP_DATA and SNAP_COMMON paths not instance-based as for the USER ones?07:47
zygaackk: just technical limitation07:47
zygaWe should be able to handle that eventually07:48
mborzeckiackk: they are, each instance has a separate directory, but insdie a snap we bind mount the instance specific dir on top of the non instance one to make it easier to use07:48
mborzeckiackk: for instance, snap foo_123 has /var/snap/foo_123/common and /var/snap/foo_123/current, inside the filesystem view of the snap, /var/snap/foo_123/common is also avaialble as /var/snap/foo/comon, but that's stil the same directory07:50
mborzeckiackk: not sure i explained that well enough :)07:51
ackkmborzecki, yeah thanks I understand07:52
ackkmborzecki, ok, the issue I was trying to track down seems to be this: if you have a "foo" snap with a config hook and you snap install foo_2, the hook is not found07:56
mborzeckiackk: ok, let me look into this, maybe there's a bug after all08:06
ackkmborzecki, thanks08:06
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mborzeckipstolowski: hey08:09
mvomborzecki: thanks for the arch update08:10
mvozyga: fwiw, the failure in the last from last night was a fluke08:10
mvozyga: I re-run the entire suite08:10
mvozyga: and no errors, so yay08:10
zygaGood morning pawel, michael08:11
zygaGood news08:11
mvozyga: and good morning08:11
zygaI will be around soon. Feeling a little under the weather today08:14
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zygaat my keyboard08:43
mupPR snapd#6451 opened: tests: update smoke/sandbox test for armhf <Created by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/6451>08:47
mborzeckiackk: i tried my demo snap and it seems the hooks are called as expected08:48
mborzeckiackk: in your case, do you need foo to be installed before foo_2 is installed?08:48
ackkmborzecki, that's the case that doesn't work, when you just snap install foo_2 and don't have foo installed08:49
mvopstolowski: hey, good morning! if you have some cycles and a dragonboard or a pi3 running some of the beta validation would be great, then we can parallelize  as much as possible08:49
mvozyga: or do you happen do have a dragonboard?08:49
zygamvo: I do :)08:49
mborzeckiackk: can you use this demo snap https://github.com/bboozzoo/parallel-installs-demo ? snap pack and install --dangerous .. --name parallel-installs-demo_foo08:49
mborzeckiackk: the configure hooks drops a log in $SNAP_COMMON, so there should be /var/snap/parallel-installs-demo_foo/common/run.log file once it's installed08:50
pstolowskimvo: sure, happy to help, i've pi3, shall i run specific tests on it?08:51
ackkmborzecki, yeah that works but IDK why my snap doesn't then08:51
ackkmborzecki, "snap install --edge h2static_2"08:51
ackkmborzecki, then set listen=:808008:52
ackk(or any port)08:52
mborzeckiackk: ok, trying08:52
zygapstolowski, mvo: for the benefit of everyone let's discuss the testing process here08:52
zygamy memory of how it goes is rusty08:52
pstolowskizyga: yeah, i've never done this before, not familiar with the process at all08:53
mvozyga: its all in the mail from sergio08:53
mvozyga: his examples are really good08:53
zygaoh, let me look08:53
mvozyga, pstolowski https://github.com/sergiocazzolato/snappy-qa-jobs08:54
zygaright :)08:54
mvozyga: heh08:54
zygamvo: I think we really want to help sergio merge the code to master08:54
mvopstolowski: yeah, sorry for this. special circumstances because sergio is on vac and we need to deal with this regrssion :/08:54
zygaor at least link to it from master08:54
mvozyga: yeah, I think we need to look into brining this into our tree08:55
pstolowskimvo: don't mention it, happy to help, we really need to spread knowledge and workloads more08:57
mvopstolowski: yeah, it also makes me appreciate sergios work more (I always did of course) but its nice to see how much this is automated08:57
mvopstolowski, zyga I added you to the card and there is a list of things to do, if you take one, just add *name* in the checlist and once its done a pastebin link (those are generated automatically)08:58
mborzeckiackk: can you add https://github.com/bboozzoo/parallel-installs-demo/blob/master/meta/snap.yaml#L10-L11 to your snap.yaml?08:59
mborzeckipstolowski: do you know if configure hooks are automatically discovered?08:59
ackkmborzecki, oh wait, I thought I had that, lemme try09:00
pstolowskimborzecki: yes they are09:02
ackkmborzecki, ah, that works09:04
ackkmborzecki, thanks09:04
sparkiegeekackk: did you figure out your 'hooks aren't running on parallel installs' issue?09:13
ackksparkiegeek, yeah, see above. I was missing the hook: section in the snapcraft.yaml09:14
sparkiegeekackk: ah, so PEBKAC09:14
ackksparkiegeek, well, afaiu it's only mandatory if you need to set plugs. the hook is called on the "normal" install09:14
pedronispstolowski: mborzecki: hook should be outdiscovered,  does autodiscovery gets confused if there's a instance name?09:15
mborzeckisparkiegeek: might be a bug too looking into it, for now declaring it explicitly works09:15
pedronisChipaca: hello09:15
sparkiegeekChipaca: moin moin09:15
mborzeckipedronis: trying to find that out09:15
Chipacapedronis: question about lanes: why do tasks have a list of lanes? when would a task be on more than 1?09:19
pstolowskimvo: clarification needed - if i'm going to test fresh core18 install on pi3, after flashing the image i do the initial consoleconf setup manually right? the test scripts doesn't automate this?09:21
mvopstolowski: correct09:21
pstolowskimvo: good, thanks09:21
mvopstolowski: if you notice anything where the docs should be clearer feel free to make notes and pass to sergio09:24
pedronisChipaca: afaik we haven't used that feature so far (putting a task in more than one lane)09:25
pstolowskimborzecki: fwtw we rely on auto-discovered configure in many of our test snaps in spread09:25
Chipacapopey: Wimpress: where was that "how to make your snap more shiny" tutorial with stats and such?09:25
Chipacapedronis: what would it do if we did? :-)09:26
pedronisChipaca: something complicate if you abort09:26
pedroniswe have logic for it (complicated)09:26
pedronisChipaca: tbh, at this point I would be ok for us to error if we try to do that (add a task to more than one lane)09:27
Chipacaok, I'll not worry about it for now then09:28
popeyChipaca: https://snapcraft.io/blog/make-your-snap-store-page-pop09:28
Chipacapedronis: can we talk in malta about using a database for state?09:28
Chipacapopey: thanks!09:28
mborzeckipstolowski: pedronis: looks like there is a bug09:29
pedronisChipaca: we can talk about it09:29
mupPR core18#116 opened: Support arm64 with efi bootloader <Created by woodrow-shen> <https://github.com/snapcore/core18/pull/116>09:29
pedronisChipaca: do we have an obvious candidate for it tough?09:29
mborzeckipstolowski: pedronis: https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/blob/master/snap/info.go#L1011-L101909:30
pedronismborzecki: I suppose the bug is inside those functions09:31
pedronisah we set instance key09:31
pedronisfunny us09:31
pedronismborzecki: anyway need a test09:31
pedronismborzecki: ?09:32
mborzeckipedronis: just confirming that's the bug, and we do need a test09:32
pstolowskigrr github acting up on me, can't see that diff09:36
pstolowskimborzecki: do we have any tests for hooks and instances?09:37
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mborzeckipstolowski: no, i don't think there's a spread test specifically targeting hooks with parallel instances09:43
mborzeckiso declaring the hooks explicit works, but autodiscovery does not09:44
zygamborzecki, pedronis: patch for 2.37.2 :) ?09:45
mborzeckizyga: likely09:45
mborzeckiare we doing .2 already? :P09:45
Chipacathe tests run so much faster with 1.1009:45
zygamborzecki: inevitably09:47
mborzeckiChipaca: especially the ones are cache and don't run09:49
mupPR snapd#6452 opened: overlord/snapstate: format the refresh time for the log <Simple πŸ˜ƒ> <Created by chipaca> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/6452>09:49
Chipacamborzecki: travis's "short" unit run went from ~9m to ~5m09:50
Chipacalocally it seems to be even faster09:50
mborzeckiChipaca: oh, those aren't cached for sure09:50
Chipaca^^^ a very very trivial PR (honest)09:50
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mborzeckiehh merge conflict in #641509:54
mupPR #6415: snapstate, snap: allow update/switch requests with risk only channel to DTRT <Created by bboozzoo> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/6415>09:54
Chipacamborzecki: yeah09:55
ograpedronis, mvo, is there any coordination between the cloud-init people and the core team going on ... the cloud-init documentation regarding core seems to be quite a mess (see: https://forum.snapcraft.io/t/ubuntu-core-18-rpi-3-not-seeded/9728/9 )10:03
pedronisogra: not really so far10:04
ograyeahm thats what i thought10:05
sparkiegeekblackboxsw: ^10:08
Chipacapedronis: wrt re-refresh, it's to be done on all snaps that were requested in the original update, not on all snaps that were updated, right?10:11
Chipacaie if the user said "snap refresh a b c d", re-refresh checks those 4 even if just c had an update?10:12
pedronisChipaca: should we write it down somehwere10:12
Chipacapedronis: I'll add a comment :-)10:12
pedroniswe are reshaing the same thing again and again10:12
Chipacapedronis: last time it was just-those-that-had-epoch-bump vs "all"10:12
Chipacanow i'm clarifying what "all" meant10:12
pedronisChipaca: we need to ask about snaps that have had a successful refresh, of these we should refresh the ones that have a new epoch change lined up10:12
pedronis*ask the store10:13
Chipacapedronis: yes, and for that I check the lanes10:13
Chipacapedronis: but in the task description, I wanted to say what the re-refresh was _for_10:13
ChipacaI guess just the ones that get updated is the better superset10:14
pedronisChipaca: yes, but that's also the set we put in the original summary, no?10:15
pedronisI don't think the summary has a b c d10:16
pedronisif only c got an update10:16
pedronis(but maybe I'm misremembering)10:16
Chipacapedronis: the change summary yes, we set that in daemon10:17
Chipacathe task summary no10:17
Chipaca(there's no other task that's whole-update like rerefresh is)10:17
pedronisbut we have the info10:18
zygamvo: should we upload 2.37.1-1 to disco?10:18
pedronisChipaca: we are problably discussing a detail that doesn't merit discussing here, it should be clear enough in the code, np?10:18
Chipacapedronis: i think so10:19
pstolowskimvo: my validation tests seem to be stuck on failover:emptysystemd10:21
mvopstolowski: hm, ok might be worthwhile to investigate10:22
mvopstolowski: I saw some fluke failures in different tests, especially in core18 I think we need to look at those too, looks like the suite is not quite as robust on core18 yet10:23
pstolowskinooo... /usr/bin/pastebinit10:26
pstolowskiUploding execution log to paste.ubuntu.com10:26
pstolowskiFailed to contact the server: [Errno socket error] The write operation timed out10:26
pstolowskimvo: is it ok to re-run the tests over same image, or should i reflash?10:27
mvopstolowski: worth a try to re-run but my experience is that it might be broken from some invalid restore etc10:28
mvopstolowski: via the docs in tests/external-devices.md you can also re-run individual tests10:29
pstolowskimvo: ack, thanks10:30
Chipaca2019/01/30 10:40:32.282838 taskrunner.go:420: DEBUG: Running task 293320 on Do: Make snap "core" (6259) available to the system10:41
Chipaca2019/01/30 10:40:32.321291 link.go:75: cannot update fontconfig cache: cannot get fc-cache-v6 from core: open /snap/core/current/bin/fc-cache-v6: no such file or directory10:41
Chipacasuspect something there is not waiting for the mount10:41
pedronisChipaca: we had a fix for that I tought10:46
Chipacaah, maybe we do (i'm switching channels a lot)10:47
pedronisChipaca: https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/631710:48
mupPR #6317: overlord/snapstate/backend: call fontconfig helpers from the new 'current' <Created by bboozzoo> <Merged by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/6317>10:48
pstolowskipedronis: i've cleaned up https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5962 and unblocked it. diff is ~1100 lines, but 700 lines are new tests.10:57
mupPR #5962: ifacestate/hotplug: hotplug handlers <Complex> <Hotplug πŸ”Œ> <Created by stolowski> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5962>10:57
pstolowskimvo: pastebin step of the validation tests always fails for me :/10:58
mvopstolowski: even if you have pastebinit installed? strange it works pretty reliable for me (18.04 and 18.10)11:00
mvothe Pi test just takes forever :/11:01
pedronispstolowski: ok, thanks, will try to get to it this week still11:01
pedronispstolowski: does it include the bits about avoiding to recreate slots already in the gadget, or is that separate?11:02
pstolowskipedronis: yes it does11:03
pstolowskimvo: yes, i can use pastebinit manually just fine11:05
pedronispstolowski: did you find out if we have problem with the implicit slots logic as it relates to hotplug?11:10
pedronisor it will just work11:10
pstolowskipedronis: should just work; it remains a bit messy and brittle though11:11
pedronisok, thanks11:12
* Chipaca takes a break11:19
mborzeckiheh, hookstate tests are missing some cleanup, added new test there and the previous ones get stuck :/11:58
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mupPR snapd#6453 opened: snap: fix hook autodiscovery for parallel installed snaps <Parallel installs β›“> <Created by bboozzoo> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/6453>12:51
mborzeckipedronis: pstolowski: fix for autodiscovery of hooks ^^12:51
zygamvo: hey13:02
zygasorry for the slow update13:02
zygaI'm having issues setting up the dragon board13:03
zygait gets the ip address but console-conf is unhappy13:03
jdstrandmvo: hey, fyi, test-snapd-dbus-consumer and test-snapd-dbus-provider have a bunch of 'Store upload failed for...' messages that for some reason the security team is getting emails for, but I don't see where we own those. did the macaroon expire?13:07
pedronisjdstrand: yes, macaroon expiry is the likely cause13:07
mvojdstrand: oh, stange - sould you forward me one of those?13:32
mvojdstrand: why the security team of all people :)13:32
zygamvo: I think the dragonboard image doesn't work13:36
mvozyga: uh13:36
zygamvo: it boots, I can associate with ap's13:36
zygamvo: but I cannot leave console conf13:36
zygamvo: some kernel error flies on the screen briefly during setup13:36
mvozyga: uc16 or uc18 or both?13:36
zygamvo: and then the message from console-conf is "Network configuration timed out; please verify your settings"13:36
zygaI've been trying to use different AP's move the device around etc13:37
zygamvo: note that it does connect, it gets an IP address13:37
zygabut that's that13:37
zygathe error that flashes is "] wcn36xx: ERROR hal_remove_b6"13:37
mvozyga: hm, hm, bad. I can't comment, I don't know enough about the DB, I think sergio mentioned we can run some tests via testflinger, I have a look at this now13:38
zygamvo: I can make a uc18 image next13:38
zygaI may also have a usb-ethernet adapter at home somewhere13:39
zygabut I think that's not sufficient to say "this is good"13:39
zygaI doubt it's our fault (3.37 -> 3.37.1)13:39
zygaso I would not block on that13:39
mvozyga: yeah, lets see if testflinger is more happy13:40
cwayneplars: ^ fyi13:43
zygabooting uc18 now13:46
zygarandom thing from logs: FAT: Misaligned buffer address (00000000bd0f48f0)13:46
zygaubuntu-image issue?13:46
zygamvo: uc18 feels less happy13:47
zygano, just veeeery slow :)13:48
zygamvo: uc18 works13:49
jdstrand_mvo: ok, I bounced them to you13:53
mvozyga: probably slow because of entropy13:53
mvojdstrand_: ta13:53
mvozyga: running testflinger now, fingers crossed13:53
cwaynemvo: is this with a fresh image created with the core in beta?13:54
mvocwayne: I hope so, this is done via a script from sergio, I have not looked at the inner workings yet13:54
mvocwayne: it says "2019-01-30 13:52:47,210 dragonboard_002 INFO: DEVICE AGENT: Flashing Test Image13:55
cwayneok, just checking as we've done the core beta snap tests and dragonboard was a-ok13:55
mvocwayne: aha, so my test is redundant?13:55
cwaynemvo: not if its a new image13:55
cwaynewe just snap refresh13:55
mvocwayne: its the beta 2.37.113:55
mvocwayne: aha, I see13:55
mvocwayne: I will check, I am not sure which method is used13:55
cwayneIIRC this test is creating an image with ubuntu-image, which i guess is technically different13:55
mvocwayne: indeed, I double check13:55
zygamvo: question about sergio's scripts, <BRACH> is the snapd branch?release/2.37?13:55
mvozyga: he has examples13:56
zygaI'm jumping through the maze of includes13:56
mvozyga: but its more like a TAG13:56
mvozyga: yeah, the layout is a bit unconventional :)13:56
mvozyga: I had very good results just following the examples13:56
zygait's running now ... let's see13:57
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zygacore doesn't like motd: /etc/update-motd.d/50-motd-news: 59: /etc/update-motd.d/50-motd-news: cannot create /var/cache/motd-news: Read-only file system14:04
mvozyga: hm, we killed motd on core I thought14:08
zyganot that hard apparently14:08
zygawhere should the bugs go?14:08
zygawe still have /etc/update-motd.d/50-motd-news14:09
zygawe actually have more14:09
zyga-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 1220 Apr  9  2018 00-header14:09
zyga-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 4264 Aug 19 23:44 50-motd-news14:09
zyga-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root  348 Jan 30 05:01 60-unminimize14:09
mvozyga: meh, I think we need to kill that14:09
zygait's in /etc, I hope that's not another writable-dirs hell14:09
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zyga2019-01-30 15:19:34 WARNING: external:ubuntu-core-16-arm-64 (external:ubuntu-core-16-arm-64:tests/main/failover:rclocalcrash) running late. Current output: ... <- feels this guy got stuck14:20
mvozyga: uh, apparently that happend to pstolowski as well - sounds like we need to look into this why its fragile14:20
zygamvo: another random error observation, pam complains about Jan 30 14:08:45 localhost login[2870]: pam_env(login:session): Unable to open env file: /etc/default/locale: No such file or directory14:24
zygamvo: tests failed14:25
zygait looks like14:25
zyga real issue /home/gopath/src/github.com/snapcore/snapd/tests/lib/boot.sh: line 33: fw_setenv: command not found14:25
pstolowskizyga: i saw that a lot14:26
mvozyga: woah14:27
mvozyga: is thre /etc/default/locale?14:27
zygamvo: where should I report those14:27
zygairc doesn't work well14:27
zygacore18 github?14:28
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pedronispstolowski: btw what did we conclude about spread tests for hotplug?14:40
pstolowskipedronis: i've something based on groundwork set by Sergio (nested vm tests), a simple scenario with virtual serial port worked, but it will require some effort still14:44
pedronispstolowski: ok14:56
pstolowskimvo: doh, you won't believe what prevented ssh-agent from working for me14:58
mvopstolowski: I'm curious now :)14:58
mvozyga: yeah, core18 github14:59
zygamvo: thank you, on it14:59
pstolowskimvo: i had two rsa keys, one very old and unused (i don't even remember what it was); it was also very weak; turns out just having it around caused an issue; got rid of it and ssh agent is now happy about the other key and doesn't prompt for password anymore15:03
mupIssue core18#117 opened: update-motd is installed but cannot operate on read-only / <bug> <Created by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/core18/issue/117>15:05
* zyga -> tea and lunch15:20
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mborzecki#6252 is green now, yay15:43
mupPR #6252: userd: handle help urls which requires prepending XDG_DATA_DIRS <Created by kenvandine> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/6252>15:44
pedronismvo #6453 needs a 2nd review16:08
mupPR #6453: snap: fix hook autodiscovery for parallel installed snaps <Parallel installs β›“> <Created by bboozzoo> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/6453>16:08
pedronisChipaca: 6452 is green16:08
mvopedronis: in a wee bit16:08
pedronismvo: np, pointing to it because it would go in 2.37.216:09
Chipacapedronis: whee16:09
mupPR snapd#6452 closed: overlord/snapstate: format the refresh time for the log <Simple πŸ˜ƒ> <Created by chipaca> <Merged by chipaca> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/6452>16:09
mvopedronis: sounds good16:09
Chipacabrb, walking the dog for a bit16:12
zygamvo: it's not a regression but core18 has a real bug16:13
mvozyga: which bug? the motd?16:14
zygano, the fw_printenv, hold on16:14
mupIssue core18#118 opened: fw_printenv is not present in core18 <bug> <Created by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/core18/issue/118>16:15
mvozyga: aha, right16:16
mvozyga: yeah, I wonder why we did nto notice - oh well. we need to fix it so that we can run the tests. we could even bring it in as a snap or provide an internal command (we have support to write uboot)16:16
zygait feels like a core18 or a gadget binary16:16
zygait's not great that we didn't notice before release16:16
mvozyga: well, I think its only needed for tests16:17
zygaI'm not familiar with how we use that binary to say where it belongs16:17
mvozyga: I'm 99% sure16:17
zygamvo: if it is just for tests that's not bad then16:17
mvozyga: yeah, we would be in trouble otherwise16:17
zygabut also means nobody noticed?16:17
zygathat is, we released ignoring or not testing that16:17
mvozyga: yeah, thats the part that is concerning16:17
mvozyga: correct16:17
zygaI will file more bugs16:17
zygatook a break, got some cold/flu meds16:17
zygafeeling better now16:17
mvozyga: well, what test was this?16:17
mvozyga: I am running tests here right now on a dragonboard16:18
mvozyga: and they are passing so I wonder *why*16:18
zygaas core18 or core16?16:18
mvozyga: maybe we exclude some tests somewhere for the wrong reasons (systems: [-...])16:18
mvozyga: aha, sorry - this one runs on core1616:18
mvozyga: I will restart on core18 once this is done16:18
zygait's not broken on core1816:18
mvozyga: sorry !16:18
zygawe should generate a diff between file list of core and core1816:18
zygamvo: it is likely pawel saw the same issue on pi16:19
zygapstolowski: which raspberry pi model did you use and which snapcraft model did you use?16:19
zygaI amended the bug report with more details16:21
pstolowskizyga: pi3 model b v1.2, 201516:21
zygamvo: there's no snapcore/dragonboard-kernel16:21
zygawhere should those bug reports go?16:21
pstolowskizyga: what do you mean by snapcraft model? i just built beta images following the guide, with a script16:21
zygapstolowski: snap known model16:22
zygawhat does that say on your device?16:22
pstolowskiah, let me check16:22
zygamvo: we only use fw_setenv for testing, that's okay then16:26
mvozyga: yeah, we still need to make sure how to get that in the tests and figure out why we didn't notice this before16:27
cwayneThis sounds like a reason for us to do this full beta image testing in our lab as well16:29
mvocwayne: indeed16:29
mvocwayne: having nightly runs against edge for pi3/db for core and core18 would be awesome16:30
oSoMoNhey jdstrand, https://forum.snapcraft.io/t/the-u2f-devices-interface/9722 mentions 2.37+, yet the interface is not in 2.37.1, is that an oversight?16:30
pstolowskizyga: my pi3 system is borked, snapd daemon doesn't respond to client anymore :(16:31
zygathat's ok16:31
zygawhich image did you flash?16:31
pstolowskizyga: pi3-18-beta16:32
zygapstolowski: thank yo16:32
zygaso that's that, the same bug is present across core18 devices16:32
zygamvo: this is double worrying now, it means core18 was not really tested?16:32
zygait would not have passed anywhere16:32
mvozyga: indeed it is, looking now16:35
zygamvo: I will restart core16 testing now16:35
mvozyga: core is the critical one16:36
mvozyga: but core18 (snapd) also needs to be promoted of course (but it has less users at this point)16:37
mvozyga: anyway, I am building a core18 beta now to see if what we can do16:37
zygaflashing in progress16:37
mvoI run fresh-install-pi3-core18 now16:40
zygamvo: dragonboard doesn't power off, it reboots16:41
zygawhere should I report that?16:41
zygabooting core1616:42
mvozyga: hm, foundations or kernel I would say16:44
zygamvo: URL? :-)16:44
zygaI wish we had one for each part of ubuntu core16:44
mvozyga: if kernel ppisati might know why a dragonboard would reboot instead of powerdown16:44
mvozyga: +116:45
pedronismvo: we really need to review what we run with core1816:45
mvopedronis: indeed - this is still puzzling, I'm running pi3 core18 now here to see what I get16:46
mvobut of course arm is not run as part of the normal spread16:46
zygamvo: I feel weird because I have a feeling _we_ ran the validation tests for core1816:47
mvoso its plausible that the full suite was not run yet on arm for core18 - if so we really need to make sure to fix that16:47
mvozyga: we do - the question is if we ever did that for arm16:47
mvozyga: anyway, hopefully I hvae some data points and an image to poke around soon16:48
zygamvo: I mean, that you and me were running core18 tests16:48
zygamvo: and that we did include pi16:48
zygaPress enter to configure.16:49
zyga/usr/share/subiquity/console-conf-wrapper: line 62: read: read error: 0: Resource temporarily unavailable16:49
mvozyga: that is something that mwhudson might be interessted in16:51
zygamvo: this time I managed to connect, I'll start tests now16:51
mupPR snapd#6453 closed: snap: fix hook autodiscovery for parallel installed snaps <Parallel installs β›“> <Created by bboozzoo> <Merged by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/6453>16:55
diddledan^^^ I made a thing!17:22
zygadiddledan: https://snapstats.org/bases seems inaccurate17:28
zygadiddledan: look at hello-fedora17:28
diddledanthat's purposely stripped because it's a hello-world snap17:29
zygasomething that should be mentioned17:29
zygais the logo use official?17:29
diddledanno it isn't17:29
diddledanI am just putting a disclaimer about that17:30
popey^ zyga17:30
zygafedora29 was not pushed to stable17:30
zygathat's why,17:30
popeyso maybe unpublish hello-fedora from stable?17:30
zygaI'll publish the base snap17:31
jdstrandoSoMoN: oh, I thought it made it. I suspect it will be in 2.37.2 then. mvo, fyi u2f-devices is not in 2.37.118:02
pedronismvo: 6453 needs a backport, right?18:02
oSoMoNjdstrand, ack18:03
pedronisjdstrand: correct18:03
pedronisbackport is still up for merging together with other bug fixes18:03
mvopedronis: correct, I added a card for 645318:28
mvojdstrand: sorry for that, iirc there is a question/issue in the PR18:29
mvojdstrand: yes, will be in .218:29
jdstrandmvo: I thought all questions were resolved which was why it made it to master. let me know if I should do anything else18:31
mvojdstrand: its just that it looks like this PR squashed all the commits in to a single one but it landed in master as 5 individual commits iirc18:32
mvojdstrand: so if we merge it this way into 2.37 next time there will be unneeded conflicts when merging 2.37 -> master again18:32
mvojdstrand: https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/6434#pullrequestreview-196909893 - but please do let me know if I misremember/misread18:32
mupPR #6434: interfaces: add u2f-devices interface (2.37) <Created by jdstrand> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/6434>18:32
jdstrandmvo: oh! I did that together for a nicer git log for 2.37. is it better if I cherry-pick?18:37
zygaError executing external:ubuntu-core-16-arm-64:tests/main/interfaces-daemon-notify https://www.irccloud.com/pastebin/M7vCiVNk/18:42
mvojdstrand: yeah, with the cherry picks git should be able to work out that this patch was already applied before - squashing it will result in conflicts if its merged back. I can double check, maybe git got smarter over the years though18:48
mvozyga: yeah, I think sergio has a PR for this, once sec, let me try to find it18:48
mvozyga: I think we need to cherry pick https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/639418:48
mupPR #6394: tests: iterate getting journal logs to support delay on boards on daemon-notify test <Created by sergiocazzolato> <Merged by bboozzoo> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/6394>18:48
zygamvo: ah, nice18:49
mvozyga: the good news is its a test-only thing, no real issue18:49
jdstrandmvo: let me just make your life easier and create a new PR19:01
zygamvo: daughter interrupt (not that daugther)19:02
zygamvo: I will promote after this test finishes and it feels like an hour away19:03
mupPR snapcraft#2454 opened: baseplugin: add a proper exception for cross-compilation support <Created by sergiusens> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/2454>19:24
mvozyga: thank you19:27
mvozyga: my 2019-01-30 20:18:32 Executing external:ubuntu-core-18-arm-32:tests/core18/snapd-refresh (232/232)...19:27
mvozyga: is almost done but that is only relevant for the snapd snap candidate promotion19:27
mupPR snapcraft#2453 closed: ant, maven and gradle plugins: use correct defaults for jre <Created by sergiusens> <Merged by sergiusens> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/2453>19:33
mvozyga: strange things - I ran the ubuntu-core-18-arm-32 suite from a fresh image and did not see the fw_setenv error - in what test did you had this error? fwiw, my full log is at http://paste.ubuntu.com/p/vdmNJDPzBf/19:33
mvo 19:33
zygaI added that to the log19:37
zygaCan you see fw_setenv on PATH?19:37
zyga(I meant I added that detail to the bug report)19:38
mvozyga: I have not logged into the machine, just observed tehat the test did not fail, looking now19:38
mvozyga: hm, no fw_printenv on uc1819:43
mvozyga: ok, so this is curious - when I grep the tree for "fw_printenv" I see it used in the "bootenv" shell function - this is only used in main/core-snap-refresh-on-core/task.yaml  main/core-snap-refresh/task.yaml  main/failover/task.yaml  main/kernel-snap-refresh-on-core/task.yaml  main/ubuntu-core-upgrade/task.yaml and those are all only running on ubuntu-core-16-*19:45
mvozyga: maybe accidently the uc16 tests were run on a uc18 system?19:46
pstolowskimvo: it's possible in my case, i accidently run tests earlier with dev_snapd_pi argument instead of dev_snapd_pi_1819:48
mvopstolowski: sounds plausible19:48
mvopstolowski: no worries19:49
pstolowskimvo: nb, i reflashed and have been running the tests for last 2hrs (225/232 atm) and for the first time it looks it's going somewhere. not sure what changed19:50
mvopstolowski: \o/19:50
mvopstolowski: sounds encouraging - which test case is that?19:50
pstolowskimvo: core18/snapd-refresh19:51
mvopstolowski: nice19:51
pstolowskifingers crossed for pastebin at the end..19:51
=== mvo is now known as Guest25226
zygaI’m still with my daughter19:58
zygaI ran the script from the tree, using β€œdb” name19:58
pstolowskimvo__ my tests just finished - 4 failures - http://paste.ubuntu.com/p/JjP9dcMfQt/20:06
pstolowskimvo__: but i see you run fresh install for pi3 as well20:07
=== pstolowski is now known as pstolowski|afk
zygaI will be back in 45 minutes :/20:53
mupPR snapcraft#2455 opened: cli: retrieve error data from provider <Created by cmatsuoka> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/2455>21:13
zygaLet’s see ...21:33
zygadragonboard core16 tests are good21:40
* zyga EOds21:42
diddledanzyga: I swapped out the snapcraft logo for one of my own creation on snapstats.org21:55
roadmrdiddledan: then your footer doesn't need to say "The Snapcraft logo is copyright Canonical Limited." anymore, does it? :)21:58
Chipacasergiusens: o/22:09
sergiusensChipaca: hey!22:09
Chipacasergiusens: is that test failing on master as well, or only on that pr?22:09
sergiusensChipaca: only on that PR, the thing diddledan did was just convert our schema.yaml to json22:10
Chipacasergiusens: right22:11
Chipacasergiusens: those error messages are only different in whitespace (one of them is wrapped)22:11
Chipacasergiusens: on master, that test uses Equals22:11
Chipacasergiusens: and I don't see anything in that PR that changes it to use a different checker22:12
Chipacaso it's using Equals22:12
Chipacaand... they aren't equal :-)22:12
sergiusensChipaca: I see this now, in the yaml, it is a continous string and in the json diddledan added \n in the message, we should remove the \n from there22:13
Chipacayeah, that's the wrong place to \n22:14
mupPR snapd#6454 opened: interfaces/apparmor: deny inet/inet6 in snap-update-ns profile <Created by jdstrand> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/6454>22:14
mupPR snapd#6455 opened: interfaces/apparmor: deny inet/inet6 in snap-update-ns profile <Created by jdstrand> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/6455>22:16
mupPR snapcraft#1905 closed: Remove dangling symlink from JDK plugin (LP Bug #1617296) <Created by ARostovsky> <Closed by sergiusens> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/1905>22:19
mupPR snapcraft#2446 closed: Update schema/snapcraft.yaml <Created by diddledan> <Closed by sergiusens> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/2446>22:19
mupPR snapcraft#2389 closed: repo: run `apt update` before `apt install` <Created by abitrolly> <Closed by sergiusens> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/2389>22:22
mupPR snapd#6456 opened: interfaces: add network-manager-observe interface <Created by jdstrand> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/6456>23:21
mupPR snapd#6457 opened: interfaces: add network-manager-observe interface (2.37) <Created by jdstrand> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/6457>23:24

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