
sarnoldhmm, I'm surprised to find php7.1 still on the archives http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/p/php7.1/00:33
tsimonq2sarnold: That's because Artful still seems to be on there.00:35
sarnoldtsimonq2: ah!00:36
sarnoldso, I guess that slightly changes the question :) hehe00:36
tsimonq2Look at the publishing history, it's still on Artful: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/php7.1/+publishinghistory00:36
tsimonq2sarnold: So maybe poke an AA about that instead. ;)00:36
sarnold"hey can you please remove this release from our archives I wanna free up some disk space locally"  :)00:37
JackFrostI was a bit surprised that artful was there as well, noticed a bit ago but kinda was useful.  Reminds me I should update my ISO..00:37
rbasakI use a squid cache rather than a full mirror. Works well for me. I assume Artful-only stuff is no longer present :)00:38
tsimonq2Vivid round two?00:39
* tsimonq2 runs00:39
sarnoldrbasak: I'm just doing the cve triage and answering the question "which PHPs do we support?" is imho easier with ls -ld pool/*/p/php* than a web browser, hehe00:41
rbasakThat makes sense. Even if it does feel wrong. The best alternative I can suggest would be some more complicated chdist setup and wrapper so I can't argue with you that it would be better :-/00:47
rbasakIt looks like rmadision takes regexes but that is likely to be disabled server-side.00:47
md_5is there a channel for ubuntu kernel devel?06:49
md_5#ubuntu-kernel ofc06:58
cpaelzerrbalint: bug 1813730 now also got snapd and python-defaults to the already long list we had10:45
ubottubug 1813730 in util-linux (Ubuntu) "livecd-rootfs autopkgtest fails configuring required packages calling out util-linux" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/181373010:45
cpaelzerrbalint: what do you think about a test override for livecd-rootfs 2.558 for now ?10:46
cpaelzerif you are ok with that I'd propose a branch, you could ack as "working on it, really not related to the uploaded packages, and it needs some more time"10:46
cpaelzerthen I could merge it and we would unblock quite some stuff10:46
cpaelzerrbalint: I opened an MP for you to approve/deny accordingly - you should have it in your inbox by now10:55
Zta77Is Gnome written in js?10:56
cjwatsonParts of it are, such as a fair chunk of gnome-shell11:00
cjwatsonLarge parts of it are in C, some in Vala (which is a domain-specific language based on C that makes it easier to use the GNOME object system), some in Python, probably others I've missed11:01
rbalintcpaelzer, i'm fixing util-linux, but if i don't finish in a few hours then i will support the hint12:21
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Zta77cjwatson: Thanks. I means Gnome Shell, so my assumptions make sense =)13:31
Zta77I've installed Debian in QEmu and I'm trying to make it look like Ubuntu. But I'm having trouble matching the orange window decoration buttons; the once I've got are too fat -- see screenshot. What package are those images in? https://imgur.com/a/YgUqgz413:34
Zta77Ah, 'light-themes' found though /usr/share/themes/Radiance/unity/close_focused_pressed.svg13:41
ricotzkenvandine, hi13:53
ricotzkenvandine, please pick up the vala upstream updates for the gnome backport PPAs13:55
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seb128bdmurray, hey, do you have any idea why the bionic SRU for bug #1804744 is not going to -updates despite being verified? Is that because SRU team blocks bionic SRUs on having their cosmic counterpart verified as well first?14:49
ubottubug 1804744 in deja-dup (Ubuntu Cosmic) "Restoring from new location does not find backup files" [Undecided,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/180474414:49
zygawho should I work with about core18 bugs?15:04
=== ricab|lunch is now known as ricab
rbalintcpaelzer, please go for the hint, while libmount1 broke the test i think livecd-rootfs is at fault but the test cycle is long and i could not verify the fix yet15:47
jdstrandWimpress: hey, this is not a big deal at all, but fyi, the yaru theme in mate on disco uses the gnome foot as the icon for the (brisk?) menu18:07
jdstrandWimpress: in other news, hidpi with mate/compton and multimonitor is so far quite good :)18:08
* jdstrand had some trouble with compiz and multimonitor18:09
bdmurrayahasenack: Is the verification for bug 1807246 or can more be done / the test case followed?18:27
ubottubug 1807246 in sssd (Ubuntu) "after upgrading to bionic, my session forgets who I am frequently" [Medium,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/180724618:27
ahasenackbdmurray: he is the original reporter, but that is indeed a poor verification18:27
ahasenackbdmurray: if you give me 20min, I can do the proper one, following the test section from the sru18:28
ahasenackprobably less18:28
bdmurrayahasenack: I'm in no hurry but would appreciate a better verification18:29
ahasenackbdmurray: ok, I'll ping back shortly18:30
ahasenackbdmurray: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/sssd/+bug/1807246/comments/1718:39
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1807246 in sssd (Ubuntu) "after upgrading to bionic, my session forgets who I am frequently" [Medium,In progress]18:39

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