
hangar18anybody home?01:22
=== JTa1 is now known as JTa
Eickmeyerhangar18: Thanks for dropping in. I wasn't around much yesterday, but thanks for helping out if someone does come in asking for support! Len and I can't do it by ourselves, but the other problem I see is that we're all in PST.16:59
hangar18Eickmeyer: hey! you're welcome! I'm glad to be here to try to help. my knowledge's growing but I can help with some things. I'm in California so I know I'm PST. where are you located?17:08
hangar18after 4 Feb, I'm not sure how much I'll be able to be here in the chatroom. I'll be in school and trying to get federal work study. but, I'll do what I can from school, too.17:12
hangar18brb. phone call17:13
Eickmeyerhangar18: No worries. Just remember that offtopic conversation goes to #ubuntustudio-offtopic.17:15
Eickmeyerhangar18: Also, I'm located in the Seattle area, OvenWerks is on Vancouver Island. We're all the same time zone.17:15
hangar18eikmeyer: hey, if you commented back to me earlier, i had to switch out computers. doing some work on my desktop so i dug out the laptop to use.18:39
Eickmeyerhangar18: No worries. Just letting you know that I'm located in the Seattle area, OvenWerks is on Vancouver Island, meaning we're all the same time zone.18:46
Eickmeyerand offtopic converstation goes in #ubuntustudio-offtopic.18:46
hangar18eikmeyer: about offtopic conversations: understood.20:18
Eickmeyerhangar18: Tab-complete is your friend when pinging soemeone. :) For me you just have to type Ei{tab}.20:23
hangar18eickmeyer: oh, ok. I didn't know that shortcut20:45
hangar18Eickmeyer: ha! Just did it. Pretty nifty!20:46

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