
chilukI rotated my signing keys today, and now my ppa appears to be stuck in "Pending Publication".. I don't ever recall seeing this before?  Are the two related?  I don't ever recall seeing this before.  https://launchpad.net/~chiluk/+archive/ubuntu/lp1758736/+packages00:46
chilukI verified the signatures..  but dput didn't seem to like the idea of using a subkey for signing.00:46
hloeungchiluk: likely unrelated... it says published now00:47
hloeung'1 minute ago'00:47
chiluksee that's all I needed to do ..00:47
chilukjust ask the question.00:47
chilukthanks hloeung.00:47
hloeungchiluk: also, signing with subkey works. That's what I've always been using. If this is a new key, make sure it exists on keyserver.u.c00:48
chilukyeah .. that was the first thing I checked.00:49
chilukog dput complains gpg: /home/chiluk/src/bionic/pulseaudio/pulseaudio_11.1-1ubuntu7.1+lp1758736_source.changes: Error checking signature from 4DCF8EEB742E27CB: SignatureVerifyError: 000:49
chilukChecking signature on .dsc00:49
chilukgpg: /home/chiluk/src/bionic/pulseaudio/pulseaudio_11.1-1ubuntu7.1+lp1758736.dsc: Error checking signature from 4DCF8EEB742E27CB: SignatureVerifyError: 000:49
chilukI'll check dput-ng next time I do an upload just to make sure.00:49
chilukdput-ng appears to work fine.00:53
chilukI'm tempted to update the dependency on dput in bionic.00:53
chilukI'm assuming I installed it via the ubuntu-devel meta package01:00
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