
didrocksgood morning07:11
jibelSalut didrocks07:15
dufluMorning didrocks & jibel07:25
jibelHi duflu07:27
ricotzgood morning07:33
ricotzcould someone merge this https://code.launchpad.net/%7Erobert-ancell/libunity/update-deprecation-tags/+merge/35336307:33
didrockssalut jibel, duflu, ricotz07:44
dufluMorning ricotz. I would but am not familiar with that change07:54
dufluAnd its author is in a different time zone. So try again tomorrow07:55
oSoMoNgood morning desktoppers08:03
didrockssalut oSoMoN08:07
oSoMoNsalut didrocks08:07
ricotzduflu, thanks, this simply fixes a deprecation warning of valac (since 0.32) by moving to the new attribute08:16
dufluMorning oSoMoN08:17
oSoMoNhey duflu08:17
oSoMoNgood morning ricotz08:17
ricotzoSoMoN, hey08:18
=== pstolowski|afk is now known as pstolowski
willcookeand brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr08:58
seb128bck, good morning desktopers!09:00
seb128hey willcooke, brrrr it is indeed09:01
willcookehi seb12809:01
oSoMoNsalut seb12809:01
oSoMoNmorning willcooke09:01
* seb128 had tennis training yesterday, outside, we played under an icy rain for 15 min *g*09:01
seb128lut oSoMoN09:01
oSoMoNextreme tennis09:01
didrockshey willcooke, seb12809:02
willcookehi didrocks oSoMoN09:03
willcookemorning Laney09:03
Laneymoin willcooke09:03
cpaelzerseb128: sounds more like "hit the flying icicle" than tennis09:03
Laneycould be worse https://www.metoffice.gov.uk/public/weather/forecast/dp3tvwymr#?date=2019-01-3109:04
seb128cpaelzer, :)09:04
didrocksmorning Laney09:07
Laneyhey didrocks09:11
Laneyhow's it going?09:11
didrocksstill answering MP comments on things unrelated to the MP ;) Quite time-consuming, otherwise good and ready for tomorrow, you?09:17
Laneyyeah alright, looking forward to the delights of bruxxxxelelelelelslsslsls09:28
seb128wish fosdem was in barcelona instead09:32
seb128brussel with that weather :/09:32
Laneyhey seb12809:36
Laneyindeed, classic fosdem09:36
didrocksWaow, the Go room went from a room with 146 seats to a room with 446 seats \o/09:45
willcookeI've updated the release notes for Bionic with some bugs which got fixed for .2.  Could someone fact check me?10:00
seb128didrocks, planning to go go again this year? ;)10:05
didrocksyep! Saturday ;)10:06
seb128willcooke, sounds good to me, you are happy for the selection of do you want people to check if they have ones worth mentioning as well?10:07
tjaaltondid the alt-tab behaviour change in disco?10:09
tjaaltonany way to get the old one back?10:10
seb128it's showing windows now and not applications10:10
seb128use super-tab10:10
seb128or change the keybinding in the settings10:10
seb128we just inverted the keybindings default10:10
seb128you like than picking an app raise all its windows?10:10
seb128just curious, I'm still trying to understand what user think about those interactions10:11
tjaaltonI like being able to change between apps which are in different screens10:11
seb128the app switcher does that but not the windows one?10:11
* seb128 uses only 1 screen10:12
seb128k, thx10:12
seb128willcooke, ^ if you keep track of feedback on those changes10:12
tjaaltonapp switcher only shows the apps in the same screen10:12
tjaaltoni use a 2x3 layout10:12
seb128you use 6 screens?!10:12
tjaaltonone has three terminators, one for tbird, four for firefox10:13
seb128or are you talking about worskpaces? (but GNOME doesn't let you configure a static grid, does it?)10:13
tjaaltonusing the workspace grid extension10:13
tjaaltoncan't live without it :)10:13
seb128k :)10:13
seb128thx for the feedback10:14
didrockshum, my alt-tab didn't change here10:15
didrocksI saw that we now have the date in the panel though10:15
oSoMoNwillcooke, firefox 65 is now in bionic-updates, so it should be in 18.04.2, right?10:17
willcookewas in a meeting, reading scrollback10:24
willcookeseb128, I'm happy, with the selection, but yeah, would be good for people to add their own.  I will send an email10:25
willcookeoSoMoN, thanks!  I should have apt updated before I wrote that10:26
seb128didrocks, it's the default keybinding that changed, you probably played with that at some point and have an user config and not the default anymore10:27
seb128oSoMoN, @firefox, correct10:27
didrocksseb128: yeah, do you have a link for the changes? I didn't see any recent ubuntu-settings uploads10:28
willcooketjaalton, thanks for the feedback.  I'd be interested to know if you were able to change the binding easily.  e.g. should we document that process some more?10:29
seb128didrocks, http://launchpadlibrarian.net/402105979/ubuntu-settings_18.10.6_18.10.7.diff.gz10:30
tjaaltonwillcooke: yes, changed it from the gui10:30
seb128tjaalton, do you know anyone you could nag to review https://gitlab.freedesktop.org/xorg/lib/libice/merge_requests/1 ?10:30
gitbotlib issue (Merge request) 1 in libice "authutil: save IceAuthFile on XDG_RUNTIME_DIR if set" [Opened]10:30
didrocksseb128: ah, that old! I stopped at .8 So yeah, I probably have it overriden for long…10:30
didrocksweird though ;)10:30
* didrocks reverts the 4 keys10:30
didrockshum, reset, restarted the shell and I still have the default keybindings10:32
didrocksmy machine isn't that tweaked though10:32
didrocksgsettings get org.gnome.desktop.wm.keybindings switch-windows10:33
didrocks@as []10:33
didrocksinteresting, a local ubuntu-settings version10:33
tjaaltonseb128: pinged alanc10:33
didrockswondering how I got the date appearing in the panel change then10:33
seb128andyrock, didrocks, sorry for those trello change adding/removing a libnice url to card, seems like middle click on a tab doesn't only open in a new tab but also insert the in-buffer content to the card10:34
didrocksseb128: no worry, easy to delete10:34
seb128yeah, I did that now10:34
didrocksok, got after reinstalling ubuntu-settings10:35
didrocksand restarting the Shell10:35
oSoMoNwillcooke, thunderbird was updated to 60.4.0, in case you consider this release notes worthy10:35
didrocksweird that I had this panel change, probably not in ubuntu-settings10:35
didrockswillcooke: so, with this default change, do we still want the patch for "quick alt-tab" when switching between windows?10:36
didrocksas I guess most of people will just use alt-tab to switch between the last 2 windows now10:36
seb128didrocks, the panel change is from upstream I think10:36
didrocksseb128: oh? waow, I thought we did this :)10:36
didrocksalso G-S merged the dependent MP for MP1 (as they wanted to rewrite the extension panel) but didn't ping or tell "let's merge MP1"10:37
didrocksI have to rebase on a large change again10:37
willcookeoSoMoN, thanks, added10:37
willcookedidrocks, @ patch - yes I think so.  Thats what we talked about on email the other day right?10:38
didrockswillcooke: yeah, I thought it was still alt-tab at the time10:38
didrocksbut as now we have alt-tab for windows switching and super-tab for app switching, I guess people using super-tab knows that they really want to switch between apps10:39
didrocksand so, raise all windows10:39
didrocksI would be for dropping our patch thus10:39
willcookeWith the change of bindings, it wont make any difference10:40
willcookeso yeah, one less patch = wooo10:40
didrocksok, I'll do that in git this afternoon, no need for an upload right away10:40
didrocksyes ;)10:40
didrocksnext upload will pick it10:40
apwdidrocks, i just lost my alt-tab binding ... is that related ?11:32
seb128apw, 'lost'?11:32
apwit was working, i undocked, gnome shell crashed as it is wont to do11:33
sil2100Trevinho[3v1n0]: hey! I was looking at the gnome-shell SRU in bionic and I'm a bit confused with some things11:33
apwlogging back in, it now does nothing, and using the gsettings thing above it says '[disabled]'11:33
sil2100Trevinho[3v1n0]: like, many of the fixes in the bionic upload didn't seem to be marked as fixed by the cosmic upload11:33
sil2100Trevinho[3v1n0]: were all the bugs mentioned in the bionic changelog also fixed in the cosmic 3.30.2?11:34
seb128apw, weird...11:36
seb128Trevinho, Laney, the SRU question you might know about? ^11:36
apwseb128, pretty much what happens on every update, settings are just mangled randomly11:36
seb128apw, that sounds weird, I never saw that happening or being mentioned here before ... do you use a weird fs or have disk errors or something?11:37
apwnone of the above11:37
seb128k, well I don't know then11:37
apwi've menetioned it here a few times, because it is really annoying we never honour my bindings, just wack over them11:37
seb128open a bug with the journalctl log from around the time your lost your config?11:38
seb128do you always loose the same bindings or is it random?11:38
apwseb128, i suspect we will find it is aside-effect of gnome shell just shitting bricks when i remove my external monitor11:38
apwthat it is humping the settings db in the proces11:38
apwthough i did think that my crahsing on removal from the dock was meant to be fixed by now, sigh11:39
seb128would be good to have a gsettings list-recursively dump before and after11:39
seb128can you ubuntu-bug report that crash and give us the bug number?11:39
seb128I also though we had fixed those issues11:39
seb128what serie about on? bionic?11:39
seb128well please report the crash11:40
apwlike everyone in the company11:40
seb128and give us the number11:40
apwthe crash has not been reported to apport i don't think, sigh11:40
seb128yeah, I'm just surprise those "segfault when undocking" still exist in disco11:40
seb128is apport working?11:40
seb128what is in the journal?11:40
apwit seems switch-windows is not a thingin the settings panel either11:40
apwoh its not in the windows section, obviously11:41
apwok at least that is back11:41
seb128but yeah, please pastebin/report at least the journal log11:42
seb128that crash on undock issue I'm not sure it's on our active list but it should if someone can still reproduce11:42
seb128if apport doesn't work at least the journal should say if it's a segfault, js error, other...11:42
apwseb128, looks like it said:11:42
apwJan 31 11:35:50 brain gnome-shell[22406]: setup_framebuffers: assertion 'width > 0' failed11:42
seb128hum, there is no bugs that seeem to match that on launchpad or upstream11:45
seb128why is apport not working?11:45
seb128looks like https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gnome-shell/+bug/1729028 which duflu closed asking to report with apport11:47
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1729028 in gnome-shell (Ubuntu) "gnome-shell crashes when monitor sleeps or is turned off" [High,Invalid]11:47
Trevinhosil2100: mh, I saw the email for some of them but iirc the comsic upload should be basically the same that went in disco12:26
Trevinhoisn't it?12:26
Trevinhosil2100: I replied for one, not sure if you noticed others...12:36
=== pstolowski is now known as pstolowski|afk
willcookenight all18:09
willcookethose travelling tomorrow, have a great weekend18:09
ricotzfyi https://launchpad.net/zeitgeist/1.0/1.0.218:58
* xnox frantickly typing slides for the weekend19:03

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