[00:52] @ahoneybun, Did this occur after an update? [00:52] it seems almost random but it has happened after and update. [00:53] This happens to me insulation l occasionally when I'm not paying attention to kernel updates on Arch. Rebuilding initramfs usually resolves [00:54] And by paying attention, I mean Ctrl+c during rebuilds because I'm impatient [00:56] Otherwise check the basics and make fstab and etc isn't hosed by remounting under a live cd [00:56] Make sure** ugh, phone typing [00:57] If not, chroot, rebuilt initramfs, see what happens [00:58] I'd need logs and output to speak to it further [02:48] I'm pretty sure I saw that in centos two days ago after a system update. They have a big logged on it. [02:48] *bug [14:43] @KMyers @AdamOutler @ahoneybun @Ivoriesablaze @Abrerr http://web.mit.edu/~simsong/www/ugh.pdf [14:44] "The Unix-Hater's Handbook" [14:44] with an anti-foreword by Dennis Ritchie [14:58] http://oldcomputers.net/indexwp.html [14:59] Thats going to be a long read [15:01] It's definitely amusing and worth skimming through- they really rip into concepts we consider as benefits or etched in stone [15:01] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Unix-Haters_Handbook [15:03] @Panzer_III just called me old because I like the CLI [15:13] wait what [15:15] hold me back [15:15] Tell him this, "do you know what they call IT people who use GUI's? Windows Server Admins" [15:17] and then say "excuse me while I sip my coconut pineapple drink and finish my work on this crappy reception wifi from the beach, because I don't need to load teamviewer" [15:18] and then you get on your motorcycle [15:18] and speed off into the sunset [15:18] https://xkcd.com/272/ [15:19] I used GREP once and I am now a pokemon/linux master [15:20] Lol. Just point out the overhead of a GUI. That shit needs rendering [15:21] A GUI is like training wheels for understanding a computer [15:21] Ahh. I've been taken out of context. I swear! [15:22] @KMyers https://i.imgflip.com/2sia4z.jpg [15:22] @RazPi, Thanks for making me laugh out loud in a meeting [15:23] Hahaha welcome! [15:25] It just started to pour [15:26] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ObszXcRcKfo [22:51] david was added by: david [23:02] Hi david!