
SecondA quick question.  This may sound dumb because this is an ubuntu channel, but is this solution for ubuntu only?  The first line talks about a driver in the official ubuntu repos, but the distro for which I need this solution is not ubuntu.00:00
OerHeks.. really, i have no idea to find out00:00
SecondOk.  I'll just read it and see what I find.  Thanks again.00:01
OerHeksfind the channel for your linux00:01
ubottuAlis is an IRC service to help you find channels. For help on using it, see "/msg Alis help list" or ask in #freenode. Example usage: "/msg Alis list http"00:01
=== daniel is now known as Guest72101
stacks88on previous ubuntu versions, to add a secondary static ip to say eth0:0, i would edit /etc/network/interfaces.. but now on ubuntu 18.04 that is not the case. i read online that im suppose to go into /etc/netplan and edit the config files there.. but my ubuntu 18.04 installation has nothing insiide /etc/netplan.. I even saw somewhere it said to run `netplan generate` to ggenerate the files in00:57
stacks88/etc/netplan but its still empty.. how would i go about adding a secondary IP to my network interface (that is apparently called "eno1")00:57
=== junk is now known as Guest36895
woenxHello. I have one program that has to be started as a service to run, by running a script (a .sh file) (e.g.: ./service.sh start )00:59
Guest36895hey friends, i'm running 18.04 lts with lightdm as dm and xfce4 as wm. was getting bootloop at login in my main user account, can login with another user account with no problem. tried restoring .Xauthority and .bashrc files, but still getting looped to login. any thoughts?01:00
woenxthe problem is that service.sh makes reference to a binary in the same dir, so I cannot run that service from outside that dir01:00
woenxhow can I solve that?01:01
tomreynwoenx: make it an actual service, so far it is a shell script01:01
woenxtomreyn, how?01:02
woenxlook, these are the contents: https://pastebin.com/gp87wNFQ01:03
tomreynwoenx: this is not a development related channel. read up on your init system, which is probably systemd, or (for a few more months only) initv upstart on 14.04.01:03
tomreynother than that, every shell script can determine its own path by examining $001:04
tomreynstacks88: quoting https://netplan.io/examples : "Interface aliases (e.g. eth0:0) are not supported."01:05
woenxif I run it from another dir, it says: /usr/bin/mono-service: 5: test: xApplications: unexpected operator01:05
tomreynstacks88: but as you can see above this, you can still have multiple ip addresses per interface.01:06
tomreynGuest36895: try removing (rm -r)  ~/.cache01:07
tomreynwoenx: try #bash01:08
stacks88tomreyn: my interface is not called eth0.. i was just citing my past experience.. my interface is called eno1 and i need to add a second static IP to this server/machine.. so im trying to figure out how to do this..buntu 18.04.1 LTS the guides say go in /etc/netplan but it is empty. theres no files in there.. It looks like this installation is not using netplan, its using systemd to do the01:09
stacks88networking.. but i cant seem to find any guide showing how to add a static IP using the systemd method..01:09
tomreynstacks88: btw. it's normal that you're supposed to create the netplan configuration file yourself (when it does not yet exist).01:09
petrohi, can anyone advise here on data backup / rescuing a drive with bad sectors/ maybe clone to new drive?01:10
tomreynstacks88: i did not mention "eth0"01:10
OerHeksThe command networkctl can output a summary of your network devices01:11
stacks88ok i misunderstood, maybe you were just saying that interface aliases arent supported. so does that mean i have to create a new network device or something? im used to typing ifconfig and seeing the static IP addresse like [device]:[number]01:11
stacks88on one link, it says "Netplan is a simplified interface for configuring Linux networking, where YAML files in /etc/netplan are used to generate configuration information for either NetworkManager or — in the case of new Ubuntu Server installations – systemd-networkd." -- so it sounds to me like the reason why /etc/netplan is empty is because on my ubuntu server installation, its not using01:12
OerHeksnetworkctl status01:12
OerHekscat /usr/share/doc/netplan.io/examples/wireless.yaml01:13
stacks88this is a remote server/machine. networkctl status shows the WAN IP address thats on there (the only one), on eno1 and shows the ipv6 on eno1 , here is the output: https://pastebin.com/raw/VhJzHZSm01:14
stacks88OerHeks as you can see /etc/netplan is empty01:14
OerHeksstack, yes indeed01:14
OerHeksall guides show how to write one yourself01:16
tomreynpetro: firs tof call, buy a new storage which provides higher capacity than the one you are trying to rescue. then use gddrescue to recover your data to the new storage. be sure not to ever write to this storage again until your data recovery is complete. dont mount data from there, don't fsck it. then copy partition images of what you need to recover from there to yet another storage. othen operate on this copy and use standard linux utilities01:16
tomreynsuch as kpartx, mdadm, lvm2, ext utilities, fsck to recover the data.01:16
tomreynstacks88: sorry, i did mention "eth0" there in my quote. but indeed, i just meant to point out that netplan doesn't support interface aliases, and you should instead just assign multiple ip addresses to the same interface, if that's what you want.01:18
stacks88tomreyn: but the thing is, /etc/netplan is empty.. so isnt that suggestive of that this system is not using netplan? but i do have these files, https://pastebin.com/raw/nMwrvLWr01:19
tomreynstacks88: you seem to have not yet read https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BionicBeaver/ReleaseNotes#Network_configuration01:19
stacks88im looking at the link, but it is talking about netplan01:20
stacks88if my netplan directory is empty, am i suppose to just create a brand new file and copy the examples? it just seems like something is wrong here01:21
tomreynstacks88: amongst other, yes. okay, maybe i should just explain in my own words:01:21
tomreynthere are two ways to manage networking in current ubuntu releases. one is systemd-networkd, the other is network-manager. *new installations* of ubuntu default to network-manager for desktops, systemd-networkd for servers.01:22
stacks88so i gather i need to just create a new .network file in /etc/systemd/network ? and copy the format from my existing 50-default.network ? network-manager sounds like a gui thing, this is a remote server, so i only have console / ssh01:23
tomreynto ease configuration and configuration deployment, especially on servers, netplan was introduced as a utility to write configurations in a (supposedly) easier format and export them to your preferred network management service (one of the two).01:24
stacks88or is there a command to generate the files in /etc/netplan or maybe im missing a package or something01:24
tomreynhttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/BionicBeaver/ReleaseNotes#Network_configuration  states "The installer will generate a configuration file for netplan.io in the /etc/netplan directory."  But then the new server 'live' installer (if you used this?) has a lot of issues still, so I'm not sure it actually does. And the alternative installer most likely doesn't create the file.01:25
petrotomreyn, if the 'failing' (?) HDD is 1tb, I shouldn't use a 1tb ssd as the new drive?01:26
petromaybe a nas hdd of 3 or 4tb?01:26
tomreynstacks88: so you can choose on your own whether you prefer creating / editing the systemd-networkd configuration yourself, or use netplan for it. if you'll use netplan, and there is no configuration file for it, yet, then just create one as discussed on https://netplan.io01:27
petroif nas hdd, then I would only get one... for this project.... I just don't trust hdds01:27
petrosome people like the red nas drives01:27
stacks88tomreyn: when i do dpkg -l|grep netplan i have netplan.io as the only package installed. Does that sound sufficient ? Just checking if im missing anything, if not, i guess ill have to try to recreate the netplan config files01:28
tomreynpetro: the reason i'm saying the storage you'll copy recovered data to should be larger is that two drives of the same 'advertised' capacity can actually differ slightly in capacity, which would make a fully recovery of all single bytes from the storage which is falling apart fail.01:28
tomreynpetro: for hardware recommendations, try asking in ##hardware01:29
stacks88ok i think i found a guide for systemd.network so ill try that01:29
tomreynstacks88: yes, package "netplan.io" sounds sufficient01:29
tomreynstacks88: which ubuntu version is this? how did you install, or did you upgrade? which installer image did you use, which architecture?01:32
stacks88Ubuntu 18.04.1 LTS, i didnt install it personally. the OS was installed by the server provider. Looks like they image the installation and just deploy it etc.. but i found a guide that just says to edit /etc/systemd/network/50-default.network and simply add [Address] and then next line "Address=IP/32" and next line "Label=somelabel" and then systemctl restart systemd-networkd - so it worked,01:34
stacks88ip is online, i guess while it was annoying that the networking has changed, that was pretty simple so thats good then, guess i got it figured out01:34
stacks88i think that they must have changed it over to systemd recently or i dont know01:34
stacks88so thanks for the help guys01:34
tomreynalways start with the release notes when you upgrade / install a version ofr the first time01:35
tomreynthis can make your life easier ;)01:35
tomreynstacks88: ^ this and you're welcome01:35
obliohola, i just upgraded from 18.04 to 18.04.1 and it failed and im trying to figure it out... systemd upgrade failed b/c some unsafe links are created in /var/log/journal during the upgrade process01:37
tomreynbut sdo consider using netplan, it's not bad (excpet for some use cases which it doesn't support, or doesn't support, yet).01:37
oblioanyone know what might be up? i tried clearing /var/log/journal/* and it still comes back w the same error when i try apt-get -f install01:37
tomreynoblio: 18.04.0 -> 18.04.1 is considered updating rather than upgrading.01:37
tomreynoblio: maybe you mistyped?01:38
tomreynshow the failing / error reporting commands you run and the output they generate, using a pastebin.01:39
tomreyn!paste | oblio01:39
ubottuoblio: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use https://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use https://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.01:39
petrotomreyn, even if there's only 800gb of data - the new drive should be >1tb?01:39
tomreyn!pastebinit | oblio01:39
ubottuoblio: pastebinit is the command-line equivalent of !pastebin - Command output, or other text can be redirected to pastebinit, which then reports an URL containing the output - To use pastebinit, install the « pastebinit » package from a package manager - Simple usage: command | pastebinit01:39
petrotomreyn, I did ask in ##hardware, no one replies01:39
tomreynpetro: it's fine if the storage you will rescue the data has just enough capacity available to restore this data. if you don't need to recover all of your partitions (e.g. you may not need to recover swap), then the rescue target can have less capacity than the source.01:42
tomreynpetro: the point there is just that you need to make sure the data you want to rescure (and only that, not stuff you dont need) will fit on the target.01:42
tomreyni.e. my point is this: if you wanted to rescue the entire 1TB HDD (which may not actually be needed / desirable) to a 1 TB SSD, but the SSD had just 5 bytes less storage capacity than the HDD, this would fail.01:45
petrookay, well, the 1tb is one large partition....as there is just data on it01:47
tomreynpetro: the important things about recovering your data is to plan well, always focussing on limiting the amount of reads, and ensuring you never write, to the disk with broken sectors, since the more you use it the more likely it is to fail more.01:47
petroit's formatted ext401:47
petroyeah, I am trying to plan well....that's why I thought I should decide on a new drive :)  seeking advice on that01:48
tomreynpetro: buy whichever drive you will like to use in the future.01:51
pragmaticenigmapetro: there are much better resources about hardware recommendations that what this channel can provide. If nothing comes out of ##hardware... then you should be looking for websites that specialize in hardware testing and recommendations.01:51
tomreynfor NAS purposes, a HDD makes sense, for many other use cases, SSDs are nowadays better, but still more expensive.01:52
stacks88im used to typing "ifconfig' for years now, to just show the ip information. should i just stop diong that? and just use ip or whatever?01:53
tomreynstacks88: yes, but this was so before 16.04 already01:53
OerHeks1 tb ssd €180 ~ 1 tb hdd €5001:53
hggdhalso, in general, most SSDs last longer if its usage is no more than about 60%.01:53
obliotomreyn: that took a minute... https://pastebin.com/X1YvRCE201:53
tomreynoblio: okay, if you could also provide the other info i asked for, we can get started.01:54
tomreynoblio: actually i only asked whether you mistyped. which ubuntu version did you insitally install there? when you say you upgraded, was it really 18.04.0 to 18.04.1 or did you start from an earlier version?=01:56
obliotomreyn: i only *think* 18.04.0 is what was running, but i ran a do-release-upgrade and that's what got me here. DISTRIB_RELEASE in lsb-release says 18.04 and description is
ScuniziI've installed Alien-arena from the package manager. I find the package data in ~/alien-arena is all set to root:root .. shouldn't it be user:user? Game won't run with errors writing and loading01:56
tomreynoblio: if you ran do-release-upgrade and it actually worked for a while then you did a release upgrade from an earlier ubuntu release. you can check the logs in /var/log/upgrade (i think, could also be "release-upgrade" or "dist-upgrade") to learn which version you upgraded from.01:58
obliotomreyn: yeah i looked there (dist-upgrade)01:59
obliolooks like it was xenial01:59
obliowhich is older? how would that happen?01:59
tomreynso you upgraded from 16.04.x LTS to 18.04.102:00
tomreynwas this error first reported during the upgrade? were there any other errors during the upgrade?02:00
obliotrying to go through apt.log but not seeing much02:01
tomreynoblio: i was referring to UI output. did the upgrader seem to finish successfully, did it report critical failures?02:02
oblioit started running and failed after a few minutes02:03
OerHeksScunizi, i just installed, and get " W: Download is performed unsandboxed as root as file '/root/.synaptic/tmp//tmp_sh' couldn't be accessed by user '_apt'. - pkgAcquire::Run (13: Permission denied)02:03
OerHeksa mess02:03
texlaubuntu 18.04.1 How do I get icon launcher from desktop to open in /home/ray/Desktop folder02:04
obliotomreyn: looks like things were pretty cogent until it got to systemd and then those same errors were presented02:05
texlaTo mov02:06
SlidingHornOerHeks & Scunizi - Just did sudo apt install alien-arena and ran it from the command line without an issue.02:07
obliotomreyn: boom.. got it02:08
obliotomreyn: somehow mongo had changed the ownership of /var02:08
OerHeksSlidingHorn, i have no ~/alien-arena02:08
SlidingHornOerHeks: neither did I (I already uninstalled it)02:08
OerHeksScunizi, how did you install things? outside de alienarena and datapackage?02:09
obliotomreyn: it was also breaking ssh02:09
tomreynoblio: uuh, that's bad. ubuntu's mongodb packages?02:09
obliotomreyn: eh im following up on a system problem on something done by an outside contractor.. could even be a security breach for all i know02:10
OerHeksthere is ~/.config/alien-arena/data1 that is owned by root, seems to be fine02:10
ScuniziOerHeks: direct from Synaptic pkg manager.. I'm on 18.0402:10
obliotomreyn: not even for sure why they would have been messing with mongo b/c what they were doing should have been done in docker... unless they just didnt do it in docker02:11
tomreynoblio: you could have pointed this out in the beginning ;-)02:11
ScuniziOerHeks: I get "ln: failed to create symbolic link '~/.config/alien-arena/data1':Permission denied02:11
obliotomreyn: not for sure it would have helped w debugging02:11
tomreynoblio: its fine, we didnt spend much time on this yet02:12
obliotomreyn: well you helped me by getting to me to really dig through the screenlog and look for the specific problem outside of the context of upgrading02:12
oblio*getting me to really dig02:12
ScuniziOerHeks: that error is when I try to run it from cli02:12
OerHeksScunizi, remove the whole ~/.config/alien-arena/ folder, and start again, it should be regenerated?02:13
tomreynoblio: i was wondering why you seemed generally knowledgable but didn't seem to know which version you upgraded from.02:13
OerHeksand why from cli..02:13
ScuniziOerHeks: well... that got me further.. It now loads a black window..02:14
ScuniziOerHeks: SUCCESS!.. I loaded it from the menu and no issues so far.. loading from cli wasn't good.02:15
OerHeksnow grab those goodies and use them wisely02:17
OerHeksmegaglest is also nice02:17
OerHeksBen Affleck is no longer going to be playing the Batman in 202102:21
ScuniziOerHeks: I'll check it out.. I haven't played alien-arena in years.02:21
OerHekshi CN_Chen02:31
qwebirc77570if I have no GUI and only the terminal, how can I cd to the windows partition?03:21
qwebirc77570i know the name of the drive but I forget how to cd there03:21
=== Ricardus_ is now known as Ricardus
SlidingHornqwebirc77570: is it mounted?  typically ubuntu will mount it in /media/03:22
pragmaticenigmaSlidingHorn: Ubuntu doesn't typically auto-mount partitions that are not already defined in fstab. chances are... the windows partitions were not mounted on boot.03:25
OerHeksmaybe he is in WSL, grinn03:33
=== administrator is now known as Guest79501
bingopajamaHey all, I just installed ubuntu 18.10, moving from mint 17.3. My laptop has an AMD 7640G graphics card, and while dual monitors worked perfectly on old mint using fglrx the newer (radeon) drivers seems unable to do dual monitors.  I would love if someone knows how to make dual monitors work with the new radeon driver ubuntu 18.10 is using. Any ideas?04:25
=== Taco is now known as Otis
installhelpplzhey folks, having some trouble with installing Ubuntu 18.10, hoping someone can assist04:28
installhelpplzI installed over my previous Manjaro installation -- wiped the / drive, but kept the encrypted /home04:28
installhelpplzbooting into my new Ubuntu install goes into emergency mode though, and the logs say "timed out waiting for device /dev/mapper/luks" -- any ideas?04:29
=== Otis is now known as Taco
installhelpplzI think it's probably the same as https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1177727, but just not sure how to do the same for Ubuntu, and that post is pretty old now04:30
ubottubugzilla.redhat.com bug 1177727 in febootstrap "Timed out waiting for device dev-mapper-luks\xUUID.device" [High,Closed: worksforme]04:30
=== Mr-Pan is now known as Guest85212
cluelesspersonso I haveipv6 enabled in a container05:26
cluelesspersonbut no ipv6 address05:26
cluelesspersononly a loopback05:26
cluelesspersonnot sure why that is05:26
cluelesspersonI can't even query the ip link status05:28
cluelesspersonip link   gets       79: eth0@if8005:28
cluelesspersonip link ip link show eth0@if8005:29
cluelesspersonDevice "eth0@if80" does not exist.05:29
mumixamcluelessperson: dont use05:37
mumixamip link ip link show eth005:37
mumixam@ means its a virtual nic connected to if8005:38
cluelesspersonmumixam:  eth0 not found05:44
cluelesspersonmumixam: the interface is named "eth0@if80"05:45
cluelesspersonbut everything responds that it doesn't know that name05:45
mumixam@ normally doesnt mean that05:45
mumixamlike this for example05:45
mumixam4: mac0@eth0: <BROADCAST,MULTICAST,UP,LOWER_UP>05:45
mumixamiface name is mac005:45
mumixam~$ ip link show mac005:46
mumixam4: mac0@eth0:05:46
cluelesspersonmumixam: well mac0 isn't known05:46
mumixamyea thats just a example05:46
mumixammac0 is on my system05:46
cluelesspersonmumixam: eth0@if3605:47
cluelesspersonmumixam: do you know why it wouldn't have an ipv6 address?05:48
cluelesspersonit dhcp ed ipv4 fine05:48
mumixamare you sure you have ipv6 access?05:49
cluelesspersonmumixam: yes05:49
cluelesspersonother linux containers do, this ubuntu container does not05:49
mumixamhow are they ipv6's given out?05:49
cluelesspersonit has access, but this specifically ubuntu container is not resolving an ipv6 address05:49
mumixamhave you tried radvdump?05:50
cluelesspersonmumixam: dunno what that is.05:50
DarwinElfi want to know how to *permanently shut off all running bluetooth programs* as I don't have a desktop with a blue tooth!05:50
DarwinElfthis is sickening.  It's not a laptop or pad!05:50
mumixamit shows the ipv6 offers05:51
SlidingHornDarwinElf: version and flavor?05:51
=== rudy is now known as Guest36489
DarwinElfKubunut 18.0405:56
rudy_hello .. can i have some help with my internet please05:58
cluelesspersonrudy_: sup05:58
cluelesspersonwhy not, what's the issue05:58
SlidingHornDarwinElf: I think KDE uses `bluedevil`    sudo apt remove bluedevil05:59
rudy_hi ..i m on ubuntu 16.04  and my riseup vpn  is very very slow now05:59
cluelesspersonrudy_: so it's not an issue with your internet, it's an issue with your vpn06:00
rudy_it use to work well before ..yes06:00
cluelesspersonrudy_: so, the problem is either you and your connection to the vpn provider, or the vpn provider.06:00
rudy_is there nothing that can be done to change setting on the vpn?06:01
cluelesspersonrudy_: probably not06:02
rudy_but how to know where the problem is?06:04
DarwinElfbut this program keeps restarting even after I 'kill -9:' /usr/lib/bluetooth/obexd06:05
bingopajamarudy_: riseup is great, but probably not the fastest VPN around.  I'm not an epert in troubelshooting VPN's but it seems likely that if your connection is fine but slow, the server is ust getting bogged down06:06
rudy_ahhh yes06:07
SlidingHornDarwinElf: try this (make sure you don't need anything it yanks out)  sudo apt purge libbluetooth306:07
SlidingHornDarwinElf: you may want to try it with a -s  first to check06:07
rudy_thanks  a lot ...06:08
DarwinElfnow I got a list of all the rest such packages installed; I'll check this06:08
rudy_im not sure but can it be a port is close that the connection is slow06:09
bingopajamarudy_: Again, not an expert but it hat been my experience that if a port was the issue the VPN just wouldn't work06:10
DarwinElfwell that was going to remove most of my system.  I will not use purge06:10
DarwinElfeven without 'purge' it wants to remove most my system.  I see that Debian-based distributions are still 'dependency Hell'06:12
DarwinElfi should email root@debian.org 'Haha, get a life.  Get a package manager from a BSD Unix or truly Unix-like distribution'06:14
DarwinElfthanks for helping me remove some of it anyway.  I guess the rest has to stay until I switch back to BSD or the only Unix-like GNU/Linux06:15
bingopajamarudy_: The only thing you might want to check is what VPN server you are using relaitve to your location.  I don't have riseup VPN so I don't know what servers they have/where you are but that is worth checking.06:18
=== nikolov_ is now known as Blade
=== dan_ is now known as Guest57934
rudy_i have check the servers it near enough but could be overlaod of traffic06:21
bingopajamarudy_: Wish I had a better answer for you, but I do think that's most likely...06:22
rudy_thanks bingopa jama06:23
bingopajamaHey all, I just installed ubuntu 18.10, moving from mint 17.3. My laptop has an AMD 7640G graphics card, and while dual monitors worked perfectly on old mint using fglrx the newer (radeon) drivers seems unable to do dual monitors.  Anyone know how to make dual monitors work with the new radeon driver ubuntu 18.10 is using. Any ideas?06:30
cluelesspersonfor some reason ubuntu resolves ipv4 just fine, but not ipv6, I don't know what to do06:33
cluelesspersonany thoughts?06:33
bigMouthCommiei am running xubuntu 18.10. how do i disable the laptop switch? i followed the UPower directions and it didn't work06:34
bigMouthCommiealso, when i followed the upower directions, i had to enable upower??06:36
minty-mananyone know where the config files are for the Display settings06:38
bigMouthCommieminty-man: i haven't dbl checkde this, but have you looked in ~/.config ?06:39
minty-manmmmm i will take another look thanks06:39
=== bingopajama is now known as rahvin
tigran2I am trying to log a bug via https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ubuntu/+filebug and I get "(Error ID: OOPS-334b01d20bdd73f4e0bf7cf38e8ac72b)07:06
tigran2the audio output stopped working with today's "apt upgrade" (probably due to libasound2 upgrade) on iMac07:06
tigran2until now it worked absolutely fine.07:07
lotuspsychjetigran2: did you file the bug with ubuntu-bug from terminal?07:07
tigran2lotuspsychje: no, I only use browser. I don't use the add-on infrastructure as I always disable such things upon installation.07:08
tigran2lotus: that is why my systems are usually 10 times faster than normal and boot in 0.7 seconds.07:09
lotuspsychjetigran2: its reccomended to file a bug from terminal, to collect all relevant details for the devs07:09
tigran2lotuspsychje: yes, I understand, but being a Linux kernel hacker (my name is Tigran Aivazian) I can provide all the necessary information manually.07:10
tigran2lotuspsychje: are you saying that the web interface via lunchpad.net for bug reporting doesn't work?07:10
tigran2I meant "launchpad.net", sorry :)07:10
lotuspsychjetigran2: no, thats not what im saying its just reccomended to file from ubuntu-bug07:11
lotuspsychjethats what its made for, to collect the info they need07:11
lotuspsychjetigran2: when clicking your url, i come to title description07:12
queskerwhy does installing syslog-ng remove rsyslog?07:12
tigran2lotuspsychje: yes, of course, but when I actually _log_ the bug (i.e. click on Submit Bug Report) I get the "Oops" message: We’ve recorded what happened, and we’ll fix it as soon as possible. Apologies for the inconvenience.07:13
tigran2(Error ID: OOPS-ca9ee2f375cb68e1103b7f5c3a8263dd)07:13
lotuspsychjetigran2: could it be related to your lp account perhaps? are you currently logged in properly?07:15
tigran2lotuspsychje: yes, I am logged in. It shows in the top right corner.07:17
lotuspsychjetigran2: whats your default browser please?07:17
tigran2does anyone know how to revert libasound2 package? Trying with "apt-get -t= install" doesn't work.07:17
tigran2lotuspsychje: the latest Chrome, i.e. Version 72.0.3626.81 (Official Build) (64-bit)07:18
lotuspsychjetigran2: to file the bug, try making FF to default, we had issues with chrome before on bugs07:18
tigran2lotuspsychje: Ok, I'll try with Firefox now.07:18
tigran2lotuspsychje: no, I get exactly the same (Error ID: OOPS-e7b0ae5d096b61ec126f471cb1f0d774)  in Firefox as well.07:23
tigran2so, the web interface doesn't work at all.07:23
tigran2is it possible to revert the upgrade done by "apt upgrade", namely the libasound2-data and libasound2 packages?07:24
tigran2it should be possible via "apt-get -t= ..." but it doesn't seem to be (i.e. it rejects my "guess" of the previous version number)07:24
SwedeMiketigran2: https://askubuntu.com/questions/138284/how-to-downgrade-a-package-via-apt-get talks about this07:25
SwedeMiketigran2: also https://www.ostechnix.com/how-to-downgrade-a-package-in-ubuntu/07:26
tigran2SwedeMike: yes, that's where I've read about it, thank you.07:27
tigran2SwedeMike: I get E: Version ‘1.1.3-4’ for ‘libasound2’ was not found07:27
tigran2SwedeMike: I assumed that if the current version for libasound2 is 1.1.3-5 then the previous would be 1.1.3-4.07:28
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SwedeMiketigran2: check in your /var/cache/apt/archives/ and see if the old version is there07:29
TigranSwedeMike: good point: there are libasound2_1.1.3-5ubuntu0.1_amd64.deb  libasound2-data_1.1.3-5ubuntu0.1_all.deb dated 2018 there.07:31
TigranSwedeMike: but these are 1.1.3-5. Ah... they are ubuntu0.1 whereas the latest is ubuntu0.207:31
ducassequesker: because syslog-ng-core conflicts with packages that provide system-log-daemon07:31
TigranSwedeMike: I'll try with "ubuntu0.1" now!07:31
queskerwhat packages?07:32
TigranSwedeMike: I tried 'sudo apt install libasound2=1.1.3-5ubuntu0.1' and I get 'Version '1.1.3-5ubuntu0.1' for libasound2 was not found' error.07:34
ducassegartral: any that list 'Provides: system-log-daemon' among their dependencies07:34
SwedeMikeTigran: hm, I haven't done this myself. you could also try to dpkg -i just those packages and see what happens.07:34
TigranSwedeMike: yes, I thought of that, but there are thousands of dependencies and I was afraid to do that...07:35
TigranSwedeMike: as a last resort I'll try, but first I should understand why "apt install pkg=version" fails.07:35
queskerwhat is system-log-daemon?  sounds broken07:35
ducassegartral: it's not a package, but a functionality. look at the 'provides' line in 'apt show rsyslog' output07:37
TigranSwedeMike: maybe the architecture needs to be specified? like ":amd64" somewhere?07:37
ducassegartral: any package that fills that functionality will list it in their 'provides' field07:38
TigranSwedeMike: Ah, I've just thought of a very easy solution! I have yesterday's backup of this whole machine! :)07:38
TigranSwedeMike: luckily I made a backup yesterday :) :) :)07:38
queskerheh, so you can't have apache and nginx since they provide a webserver?07:38
queskeror vim and emacs because they provide an editor?07:39
TigranSwedeMike: so that makes this work more academical and relaxed. But I'll still try to fix it (my daughter calls me "Dad The Omnipotent" :) so I shouldn't disappoint her :)07:39
SwedeMikeTigran: ok, unfortunately I can't offer more advice since I haven't done this myself. But it seems you're on the right path.07:40
ducassegartral: they don't necessarily conflict, that is another dependency field07:40
TigranSwedeMike and lotuspsychje: thank you for your help, guys. But that web interface for bug reporting really ought to be fixed.07:41
ducassegartral: like xterm provides x-terminal-emulator, but doesn't conflict with anything07:41
rahvinDoes anyone know how to make dual monitors work with the new(ish) radeon driver on an old amd 7640G?  it worked with the old fglrx driver, but doesnt't seem to be doable with ubuntu 18.10. I would appreciate any ideas.07:44
ducasserahvin: afaik that should just work™, does 'xrandr' list all your outputs?07:46
rahvinducasse: it does, but when I connect the other monitor the laptop screen just goes blank, while the second monitor shows the wallpaper07:48
ducasserahvin: and if you boot with the screen connected?07:49
rahvinducasse: lightdm just takes the second monitor but nothing works after login07:50
rahvinducasse: Just wallpaper on the second screen, and I think a functional desktop on the non-operative laptop screen if I could work blind07:51
ducasserahvin: which release and flavor is this?07:52
rahvinducasse: ubuntu 18.10 Tried with default gnome and cinnamon07:53
qwebirc37090Hey, I was here  yesterday but forgot to answer. I'm trying to install with a Live USB of `ubuntu-16.04.5-desktop-i386` on a fairly old PC. It's got about 1.5g of DDR-400, but launching GRUB and pressing (for example) Try ubuntu without installing will do nothing and seems to freeze.07:53
ducasserahvin: have you tried running wayland?07:53
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afx_Hello! There are times that the wifi and vpn indicator are missing on Ubuntu 18.04 Gnome. Is there a way to trace the problem ?07:54
rahvinducasse: I have not actually. I made sure to disable it thinking that was the problem. But i did not think to try wayland. At the very least thats an idea to try. Thanks07:54
ledenirahvin: in gnome settings you could set display settings07:54
rahvinledeni: I tried the display settings. No help.  Incidentally, I was also surprised to see that the display manager doesn't revert changes without affirmation that things are working.07:56
ledenirahvin: just check devices -- display07:56
ducasserahvin: try it, to narrow down where the problem is. if it has the same issue, file a bug.07:56
rahvinducasse: Thanks, will do.  Appreciate the help, thanks07:57
ducasserahvin: np. if neither work, file the bug against 'linux', as that is where the radeon module belongs. come back if you need more help.07:59
bigMouthCommiei am running xubuntu 18.10. how do i disable the laptop switch? i followed the UPower directions and it didn't work08:04
bigMouthCommiealso, when i followed the upower directions, i had to enable upower??08:04
SlidingHornbigMouthCommie: I'm sorry - what exactly do you mean by laptop switch?08:05
bigMouthCommielid switch?08:05
SlidingHornbigMouthCommie: so it doesn't respond when closed?08:05
bigMouthCommiewhen i close it, i want it to just... not suspend or anything. in previous versions, i think it was called lidswitch08:05
bigMouthCommieSlidingHorn: so it doesn't hibernate. i want to open and close repeatedly and keep working without interruption08:06
SlidingHornbigMouthCommie: This should at least point you in the right direction: https://askubuntu.com/a/37261608:07
SlidingHornbigMouthCommie: solidarity comrade :)08:07
BladebigMouthCommie  xubuntu channel08:09
acalycineSorry for semi-repeating my question, but it is happening on distros such as Linux Mint and MX Linux, as well as puppy linux. Something to do with the CPU?08:09
lotuspsychjeBlade: hibernate/acpi issues are welcome here aswell08:10
lotuspsychjeacalycine: hows it related to ubuntu please?08:11
acalycineI'll repeat it: I'm trying to install with a Live USB of `ubuntu-16.04.5-desktop-i386` on a fairly old PC. It's got about 1.5g of DDR-400, but launching GRUB and pressing (for example) Try ubuntu without installing will do nothing and seems to freeze.08:11
ducasseacalycine: freeze when?08:12
lotuspsychjeacalycine: older pc's try lubuntu/xubuntu/budgie/mate08:12
Bladenikolov@xubuntu-ivan:~$ inxi -F08:13
Blade  Host: xubuntu-ivan Kernel: 5.0.0-050000rc4-generic x86_64 bits: 6408:13
Blade  Desktop: Xfce 4.13.2 Distro: Ubuntu 19.04 (Disco Dingo)08:13
Blade  lotuspsychje  my old test system work08:13
acalycineducasse: if i dont go into grub, it'll freeze on a blank screen except for the keyboard and accesbility symbol on the bottom, if i do go into grub it'll freeze after i press boot without installing08:13
lotuspsychjeBlade: 19.04 support in #ubuntu+1 please no paste showoff in this channel08:14
lotuspsychjeacalycine: when you say 'old' pc, what kind of system are we looking at exactly?08:14
bad63rbigMouthCommie: are you still here?08:14
ducasseacalycine: can you edit the kernel command line and remove 'quiet splash'?08:14
lotuspsychje!acpi | bigMouthCommie see also08:15
ubottubigMouthCommie see also: to debug ACPI issues on ubuntu make sure your bios is up to date and follow the procedure here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingACPI08:15
acalycinelotuspsychje: mobo is '8IPE1000 pro 2'08:15
acalycineill try that ducasse08:15
acalycineoh and it kernel panics after freezing for about 10 minutes08:16
Bladeacalycine i not use ubuntu use xubuntu08:16
bad63rbigMouthCommie: use your editor of choise, mine is vim and do: sudo vim /etc/systemd/logind.conf08:16
bad63runcomment line "HandleLidSwitch" and change "suspend" to "ignore"08:16
bad63rbigMouthCommie: uncomment line "HandleLidSwitch" and change "suspend" to "ignore"08:16
bad63rafter configuring you need to restart for changes to get effect: systemctl restart systemd-logind08:17
bad63rbigMouthCommie: after configuring you need to restart for changes to get effect: systemctl restart systemd-logind08:17
acalycineducasse: seems to be freezing when i remove quiet splash but ill wait for a kernel panic08:23
ducasseacalycine: can you tell when it freezes, at what point during boot?08:24
bad63r /exit08:25
acalycineducasse: I enter the GRUB, change that boot option, press enter on "Try ubuntu without installing" and then nothing happens. No keyboard input after that.08:25
ducasseacalycine: no output either?08:26
SlidingHornbadpixel: that's exactly what the link I posted said.08:26
SlidingHornOOPS...not badpixel sorry08:26
EriC^^acalycine: try adding "debug ignore_loglevel" instead of quiet splash08:26
acalycineducasse: no output and nothing changes on screen until that kernel panic.08:27
acalycineill try that EriC^^08:27
lotuspsychjeacalycine: can you also tell us what happened before ubuntu, with that same system? wich Os did it run before?08:29
acalycinelotuspsychje: xp lol. new hard drive though.08:30
lotuspsychjeacalycine: is that IDE or sata hd you plugged in?08:31
acalycineThe new one08:31
lotuspsychjeacalycine: allright, thank you08:32
lotuspsychjeacalycine: i would try a lubuntu or xubuntu08:32
acalycineEriC^^: i've added debug ignore_loglevel instead of quiet splash and seems to be the same. no readout.08:32
acalycinelotuspsychje: alright ill try that08:33
ducasseacalycine: try 18.04 as well, to get another kernel version08:34
acalycinei couldn't find a 32x image for 18.04, is there one? ducasse08:34
ducasseah, 32-bit. i don't remember, did lubuntu provide that?08:35
lotuspsychjeacalycine: maybe you can also try a bios reset, i find it weird you get no output at all08:39
ducassemaybe also a memtest08:42
zetheroowhere are the app shortcut files stored in Ubuntu 18.04?08:45
ducassedo you mean the .desktop files?08:49
qwebirc20990Can install MySql server on Ubantu??08:49
zetherooducasse: yes, but I just now found them under /usr/share/applications/  :)08:51
ducassealso see ~/.local/share/applications08:51
ducassefiles there override /usr/share...08:52
zetherooducasse: ok, thanks08:52
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SachinPandayhi i am unable to use codeblocks in ubuntu 16.04, when i build and run program it's show that "you are not build your program build now" and repeat same pop-up again. how to resolve it?09:03
SachinPandayis there are someone ?09:05
jmarcos //09:15
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jmarcosI got into a strange login loop. I do not use desktop manager so uid/password prompt is in tty0. When I type my uid "Passowrd" shows up and after that "Login incorrect" keeps showing up 3 or 4 times and initial login prompt comes back. It happens for all tty available. ssh access is allowed. Any idea where to start?09:24
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Yaser_AmiriHi, Is it resonable to install debian server or Proxmox on USB Stick for server and use hard disk just for data?09:27
lotuspsychjeYaser_Amiri: this is the ubuntu support channel09:27
branantlotuspsychje: It doesn’t matter if he is installing Debian or Ubuntu. The question is whether the USB memory stick is reliable memory for the system drive.09:37
EriC^^Yaser_Amiri: usb dies quickly if the OS is on it09:37
lotuspsychjebranant: this channel is for ubuntu issues only, not for debian or hardware neither09:38
branantYaser_Amiri: USB memory sticks are not designed to be powered for a long time. Especially not for server use! So I would strongly recommend you get a hard drive instead.09:40
EriC^^also the excessive small writes damage it quicker, so i've read09:40
branantEriC^^: That’s true. Hence the difference between hard disks for desktops, servers, video surveilance, etc.09:41
mbi... don't type your passwords here! :P horst10:00
sey_hello, is there a way to rescue a file overridden with echo "something" > myfile10:12
rorynope sorry10:12
roryIf you immediately power off, you might be able to use testdisk from a live USB10:13
EriC^^sey_: if the data is long enough it'll still be there, just the start of it overwritten with "something"10:15
sey_does it help to know the exact size of the file?10:15
sey_its somewhat 600MiB10:16
EriC^^sey_: aha, well first stop using the disk if you want the data back, cause the more it writes the more it might overwrite that data10:16
EriC^^sey_: try photorec to get the file back or some very low level tool10:17
EriC^^sey_: if nothing can find it you can always search manually if you're lucky the file wont be fragmented and one full piece10:18
EriC^^something like dd | hexdump -C or so10:18
sey_its on a btrfs, does that help in any way?10:19
EriC^^no idea, ask in #btrfs10:22
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NeoFrontierI upgraded my system from 14.04 to 16.04, now I find that my email client, Evolution, can not connect my gmail account. The version of Evolution is
tarzeaui'd upgrade to 18.04 and retry11:28
NeoFrontierIs there a solution to this problem, I see some other people mention this when searching, but not clear reason or solution is given.11:28
EriC^^NeoFrontier: does it work if you make a new user account and try?11:28
NeoFrontierEric^^ , a new user account ? What where ?11:29
NeoFrontiertarzeau, my internet data is limited, upgrading now is not an option.11:30
tarzeaui see11:31
NeoFrontierCan Evolution connect to gmail or not ?11:31
fubHi. Using ubuntu 18.04. I have a thinkpad x1c with a thunderboltdocking station and (until now) 1 external display over DP. I have attached a second display now over HDMI. When I boot, before I reach gdm for logging in, the system freezes and I can hear the fan spinning up.11:32
fubWhat can I do now?11:32
EriC^^NeoFrontier: go to settings and accounts and make a new user11:33
EriC^^or try the guest account11:33
NeoFrontierEric^^, oh you mean a new Ubuntu System user...11:34
NeoFrontierAnd if it works for a different user ( with my gmail account ) what does that mean Eric^^ ?11:35
NeoFrontierno here using evolution ?11:39
ksbalajiI am not able to login to any other than ubuntu on wayland on my ubuntu 18.04 running in Acer Aspire -help11:39
EriC^^NeoFrontier: i think the old configs the software used has some fault with newer software i'd guess, that or some permissions issue11:39
BluesKaj'Morning folks11:39
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zertyuii would like to input a "image.png" to search in a video the identity of the person in the video11:40
zertyuiif the person is present or not11:40
zertyuiwhat is command in order to do so ?11:40
debrisRathi !11:40
EriC^^zertyui: https://softwarerecs.stackexchange.com/questions/26623/open-source-image-organiser-with-face-recognition-alternative-to-picasa-with-o11:41
zertyuiThanks EriC^^11:42
zertyuido you understand my question Well ?11:42
EriC^^zertyui: yeah it's clear11:42
zertyuiis it possible that you interprete IT differentlY ?11:43
EriC^^it's always possible, why do you think so?11:43
roryIt sounds like you want to input a picture of someone, and determine whether a video contains that person, using facial recognition11:44
EriC^^oh, i thought in a collection of pictures11:44
roryThat's not a trivial task11:44
zertyuisounds like it the link that you post for image organiser11:44
EriC^^zertyui: it uses facial recognition11:45
roryyou'll have to do some programming of your own zertyui but this MIGHT be what you need https://github.com/ageitgey/face_recognition11:45
zertyuithat's correct rory11:45
roryt only works on pictures though so youd also have to split the video file into frames11:45
rorylike I said this is NOT a trivial task for which there is some nice existing utility11:45
EriC^^zertyui: you could use the software i linked to, just convert the video to frames/images first then search them for the face you want11:46
BluesKajperhaps the page source data would give an ID of the person11:46
ksbalaji . . . and to find the IDENTITY of that person in a video is quite impossible given the freeware.11:47
zertyuithat functionlity is that build in on that software or i have to look implement it ?11:47
NeoFrontierRight FIY, deleting my gmail account from Evolution and  then re-creating the account entries manually seems to have gotten the connecting issue resolved.11:47
NeoFrontierWhen I tried the automatic settings it did not work, would not connect.11:49
zertyuiok perfect thanking you all11:49
ksbalajiI am not able to login to any other than ubuntu on wayland on my ubuntu 18.04 running in Acer Aspire -help11:50
NeoFrontierMy system actually would not boot after upgrading from 14.04 to 16.04, took a couple of hours to sort that one out...11:50
NeoFrontierI am starting to have  upgradphobia :)11:51
ksbalajionly one session is allowed. So my sudo also does not work. I get MIT MAGIC...ERROR11:51
fubor any other hint how I can debug this?11:52
ksbalajiAnyone to put up a  fight with a bungled upgrade?11:53
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=== crazybluek is now known as Blueking
ksbalajiHey! Someone here might have the privilege to help repair remotely a bungled upgrade!! MY   18.04 in Acer-aspire would not allow any other than wayland session. If oem or other version is chosen, the touchpad wouldn't respond! Sounds anywhere interesting inviting investigation?12:06
rorynobody here has the ability to remote into your machine, this is a community support chatroom12:09
roryinteresting problem though.12:09
rorywhen the touchpad doesn't respond, is the whole system frozen? or just the touchpad? are you able to toggle NumLock? (That's a good indication of whether the system is frozen or not)12:10
arpad2only software rendering on the system, no video card in use, any idea what to do here? Xubuntu 18.0412:15
ksbalajiyeah Im alive again. If someone instructs, I might be able to repair.12:20
ksbalajirory: Yes the NumLock seems to respond just the pointer wouldnt move12:21
lemkohey it seems to me that archives.ubuntu.com is slow today, what's the reason?12:22
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miguel2013hey does woeusb only works on linux12:57
EriC^^!de | harry_12:57
ubottuharry_: In den meisten Ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuche bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Einfach "/join #ubuntu-de" eingeben. Danke für Dein Verständnis!12:57
miguel2013for the releases here https://github.com/slacka/WoeUSB/releases12:57
lotuspsychje!winusb | miguel201312:58
ubottumiguel2013: WinUSB is a tool for preparing bootable Windows Instalation USBs. Please see http://en.congelli.eu/prog_info_winusb.html for instructions on installation and use. #ubuntu does *not* provide support for this tool, so please do not ask for help here if it doesn't work for you.12:58
lotuspsychjemiguel2013: woeusb is pretty nice tool, but we dont support it officially here, sorry12:58
kinkybelayerHey guys, I need some help with an 18.04 install. I used to run 16.04 but just updated (with wiping the installation) and on first boot it results in a black screen before reaching the login screen so I can't reach tty. I have a gtx 1060 on my machine, and I found this (https://ubuntu-mate.community/t/black-screen-after-boot-on-18-04-with-nvidia/16393) which claims to have a fix, but I can't seem to find the fix he used.13:16
kinkybelayerI was hoping someone might be able to help point me in the right direction?13:16
kinkybelayerCurrently live usb booted into the system13:17
BluesKajkinkybelayer, have you tried nomodeset?13:18
BluesKaj!nomodeset | kinkybelayer13:18
ubottukinkybelayer: A common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter13:18
kinkybelayerI will try that and if it doesn't work I'll be back. Thanks @BluesKaj13:20
beaver!info fwupdate-signed13:21
ubottufwupdate-signed (source: fwupdate-signed (1.18)): Linux Firmware Updater EFI signed binary. In component main, is optional. Version 1.18+10-3 (bionic), package size 28 kB, installed size 80 kB (Only available for amd64; i386; armhf; arm64)13:21
kinkybelayerBluesKaj, is there anyway to edit grub on a LiveUSB? and then boot it?13:26
kinkybelayerand then update it13:27
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g0rge_hello...anyone present to perhaps assist with a likely simple newb problem?14:13
LaRose_Bleuim herer but im a noob as well lol14:13
g0rge_haha well, hello if nothing else :)14:13
g0rge_trying to mess with x server settings on a dual screen setup and xbmc...now my dual screen setup isnt working as intended lol...14:15
g0rge_doing some searches etc and figured I might see how lively irc is these days ahead of spending myself to death trying to get it right...14:16
LaRose_Bleuoooooh boi14:17
LaRose_Bleuthats severly unchartered territory for me14:17
LaRose_Bleui usually just take a bare ubuntu, plonk kodi on it and leave it as far away from human interaction as possible14:18
g0rge_well...ive been messing with linux off and on since linux was CLI only but took awhile off, committed recently given steamplay to using linux only14:18
g0rge_yeah i usually run an openelec for my media server but i  was trying to default kodi to using hdmi only and leave my desktop alone allowing me to dual screen with kodi dedicated to an hdmi output...14:19
g0rge_now my hdmi is catching input and living...but it won't display anything after multiple attempts to straighten things out lol14:20
g0rge_guarantee its just a config issue14:20
TheSilentLinkis there a repo issue? I have just ran sudo apt update and it has 11 updates to packages but when running sudo apt upgrade I get a 404 error14:25
talxcan you install anything else with apt ?14:25
TheSilentLinkmaybe they updated the release file but not added the packages to the repo yet?14:26
talxdoubt that to be honest14:26
talxmaybe share the full error message14:27
talxor check the logs14:27
talxanything that could provide you more information about whats going on14:27
g0rgeso installed the new kodi...used display blanking to get it to display on my tv through a second output instead of through a desktop monitor...and now...can't get it to display anything but an X cursor...14:28
g0rgenvidia drivers/x etc...14:28
g0rgerunning two x servers apparently...14:28
g0rgeany way to reset to a sort of default?14:29
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TheSilentLinklol works now14:31
TheSilentLinkthe hadn't added the packages yet14:31
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nerkany particular reason I cant use my bootable drive on my lenovo 100s? All I want to do is install ubuntu, but when I try and boot from usb it just goes black..then boots into winblows14:42
nerkit's 32bit14:42
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fenecohi, can someone explain why the directories with "template" on the path are not listed on the first "find" command here: https://termbin.com/pytv14:52
lotuspsychjefeneco: thats the gimp snap probably?14:53
fenecolotuspsychje yes, it's the gimp from snap14:54
lotuspsychjefeneco: for snap issues its best to contact the right maintainer of the snap14:54
lotuspsychjefeneco: aka: publisher: Snapcrafters14:55
exaltHello, is it possible to exclude a physical usb-port from the automount service?14:55
fenecolotuspsychje but in this case I think the issue is with my find command, isn't it?14:55
lotuspsychjefeneco: are you trying to find gimp templates?14:56
fenecoyes, my intent was to list all the directories with "gimp" and "template" in the path14:57
lotuspsychjefeneco: not sure, but my guess is they didnt include templates in the snap perhaps?14:57
fenecoI don't understand why the first command omitted the directories with "template" in the path14:57
fenecolotuspsychje they do include in templaterc file, but my question is why my find command doesn't list all the directories with 'gimp' in it14:59
lotuspsychjefeneco: ah, what about the whereis command?15:00
fenecolotuspsychje it doesn't help here, I want to find all the directories with the terms 'gimp' and 'template' in the path, what I think the 'find' program should be able to do, but somehow my 'find' command doesn't list it15:04
pragmaticenigmafeneco: Please repeat what it is you're trying to do, or the issue you're experiencing?15:06
OerHeksfind or locate, 2 different tools15:07
fenecopragmaticenigma my issue is with the _find_ command, I'm trying to find all directories 'gimp' and 'template' on the path. When I search for 'gimp' using the find command, it is omitting the subdirectories under it that contains 'gimp' on the path, and one of these subdirectories are the one I'm looking for15:09
fenecothis was my attempt: https://termbin.com/pytv15:09
fenecobut it seems I just had to replace '-iname' with '-ipath', as suggested from one user on linux channel15:10
pragmaticenigmafeneco: those results are what i would expect to see from the find command.15:11
pragmaticenigmafeneco: find only returns directory paths where the keyword is located in the last segment of the path15:11
pragmaticenigma"templates" does not contain the search term "gimp" and would not be returned in a search for directory/files containing "gimp"15:12
EriC^^feneco: nice find, pardon the pun15:13
fenecoyes, I understood it now, thank you pragmaticenigma15:14
pragmaticenigmafeneco: sorry missed the second comment... might I suggest taking a look at "man find" ... all of that is documented there15:14
fenecosure, thanks :)15:15
fenecogood one EriC^^ haha15:15
=== phoenix_firebrd is now known as murthy
murthycan snap applications be made to use system cursor theme?15:54
pragmaticenigmathat depends on how the snap maintainer setup their application murthy15:55
pragmaticenigmamurthy: there is no way for you to define it15:55
murthypragmaticenigma: Its a per application config?15:55
pragmaticenigmamurthy: no15:55
pragmaticenigmamurthy: snaps, by default, run in a sandboxed environment. The maintainer of the snap has to decide what requests of the OS the snap should make in order to interact with the system outside the snap15:57
pragmaticenigmamurthy: So in this case, it is likely the snap maintainer has made a decision to not make a request that would allow their application to blend in. You would have to contact that snap maintainer and either report a bug to them explaining the undesired behavior of their snap application15:58
murthypragmaticenigma: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/snapd/+bug/157926815:59
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1579268 in snapd (Ubuntu) "Mouse cursor is different inside graphical windows of snaps (snaps not using system theme)" [Medium,Triaged]15:59
murthypragmaticenigma: seems most of the snap application ignore this15:59
OerHeksdepends on the snap, i guess, some are prop. software16:00
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pragmaticenigmaI don't believe it is ignorance... It's a whole new ecosystem and there are not a lot resources available to developers to leverage yet.16:01
OerHeksand that old big is already fixed, no?16:01
murthy nope16:01
murthypragmaticenigma: ok16:01
sydHi there folks, I've a problem with my acer aspire laptop. Here, i cannot install ubuntu in the uefi mode but in legacy boot mode16:03
sydCan anybody help?16:04
pragmaticenigmasyd: it's a known issue. Is secure boot something you require? If not, there is no harm in running your machine in legacy mode16:04
sydbut i guess uefi is more standard16:05
pragmaticenigmasyd: if you see this... legacy is a long standing standard, and there is nothing wrong with it. Legacy is just a mode of UEFI, it doesn't disable it. Legacy mode disables the boot check for a signed operating system. that's it. Unless your machine is harboring top secret sensitive information, there isn't a whole lot of reason to use it.16:09
blackflowI thought "legacy" was BIOS boot (that requires a bios_grub partition). You can boot EFI without secure boot (which requires signed kernel). Or did I misconfuzzle something?16:11
=== SimonNL is now known as SimonNL_Afk
pragmaticenigmalegacy just tells EFI to disable incompatible features... BIOS is still BIOS16:12
blackfloware you sure? https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows-hardware/manufacture/desktop/boot-to-uefi-mode-or-legacy-bios-mode16:13
pragmaticenigmathat article lost all credibility when I see the line: "If you're booting from a network"16:14
blackflowwell theres more sources that call it "Legacy BIOS Boot Mode". I mean I'll gladly correct my facts if that's wrong. I just thought "legacy" ment bios_grub, while EFI is with ESP and all that (and optionally with a signed kernel)16:15
tgm4883blackflow: you can boot UEFI without secure boot, if that's what you're asking16:16
blackflowtgm4883: I know and it's not. I'm asking if "legacy bios boot" means booting with bios_grub, as opposed to having an ESP16:16
tgm4883blackflow: I believe that is true16:17
tgm4883my understanding is that "legacy mode" still loads UEFI, but then loads BIOS environment after16:17
pragmaticenigmaother way around tgm488316:18
pragmaticenigmaBIOS always boots first, then hands off to UEFI16:18
tgm4883pragmaticenigma: is there somewhere I can read up on that?16:18
pragmaticenigmamoving this conversation to more appropriate channel... carry on in #ubuntu-discuss16:19
ioriablackflow, bios_grub is required if you want to use GPT (no mbr available) in legacy mode16:24
blackflowioria: I know and not what I'm asking. I've moved the convo to #ubuntu-discuss :)16:24
lotuspsychje!es | javierfrio16:27
ubottujavierfrio: En la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba " /join #ubuntu-es " (sin comillas) y presione intro.16:27
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transhumanisthi! If I am trying to do a home grown version of a file share software (like ftps ) I want to map drives to windows clients through group policy. Should I be looking at something already made for filesharing?16:51
XsiSechi guys how do I download the path from --> https://bugs.launchpad.net/shutter/+bug/1565048?16:51
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1565048 in Shutter "imgur upload plugin no longer works due to now unsupported API 1 and 2" [Undecided,Fix released]16:51
transhumanistwe currently use citrix sharefile16:52
pragmaticenigmatranshumanist: yes, don't reinvent things that already exist16:52
transhumanistif there is a better place to ask then let me know. Looking for something that will run on a privately hosted ubuntu server16:52
transhumanistcitrix is way too expensive16:53
transhumanistbut functionally its very good16:53
pragmaticenigmatranshumanist: CIFS/SMB is the standard file sharing protocol built into windows. You can build up an Ubuntu server using Samba, and even incorperate that into your Windows Active Directory16:54
pragmaticenigmaFor more information on that, I'd suggest you look for resources on Samba implementations16:54
pragmaticenigmaNFS is another option, though my knowledge on it is limited16:55
tgm4883+1 for samba16:55
tgm4883NFS needs additional features installed in windows. I've never tried it myself16:55
pragmaticenigmaShould also note that Samba is compatible with the encryption protocols that are published in the CIFS specifications16:56
transhumanistI would rather something self contained rather than something that is used for active directory. Best example I can give is citrix sharefile , I have actually just finished setting up a server with samba and ZFS but its got to be outward facing toward the cloud16:56
transhumanistso it would need a portal16:56
transhumanistin the old days I might consider Nextentastor16:56
tgm4883transhumanist: would something like owncloud or seafile work?16:57
pragmaticenigmaYou could look at something like Nextcloud...16:57
tgm4883I'm unfamiliar with citrix fileshare16:57
pragmaticenigmaHowever at this point transhumanist ... this is a topic better suited for #ubuntu-offtopic... this isn't the right place for requesting recommendations16:57
transhumanistok thanks16:59
justAkidHow do I uninstall command and conquer tiberian sun on linux? it is not in installed folder17:13
justAkidtheres a shortcut in applications for CnC tho17:13
omarekHi my coworker on Ubuntu 16.04 can't hear sound. There are no error messages and volume control apps appear to be normal. How to troubleshoot it?17:13
omarekHe's gone throught both the pages on Ubuntu Wiki17:13
justAkidomarek: update ubuntu, install audio drivers17:14
justAkidbut update might fix it17:14
justAkiddist upgrade17:14
pragmaticenigmajustAkid: That sounds like an application installed through Wine or Play-On-Linux... they might beable to uninstall it17:14
pragmaticenigmajustAkid: Please don't offer advice that you aren't certain will do anything17:14
justAkidpragmaticenigma: ya its thru wine17:14
justAkidpragmaticenigma: well dist upgrade to 18 fixed it for me17:14
pragmaticenigmajustAkid: Wine isn't something that is supported here... typically things are installed in a .wine folder in your home directory. YOu can delete that and then delete the menu entry using the menu editor for your desktop environment17:16
OerHeksjustAkid, installed with snap ?17:16
pragmaticenigmaomarek: Make sure the audio output is set to the correct audio device in the settings. Often monitors/screens attached to the HDMI port of graphics cards become the default sound output17:16
OerHekssudo snap remove cnctsun  # i guess17:17
nicklearning_hello. Just installed ubuntu 18.10 on virtualbox 6.0. Used sudo apt install scilab. But when I execute scilab from command line I get a java binding error. I made sure the right jdk (8) is the default java version. But I still get that problem. Anyone here can help with that? Thank you in advance.17:18
fallenourOn the off chance, anyone in here got any HAProxy experience?17:21
Guest91754I just tried the recent version of live ubuntu17:22
Guest91754not bad17:22
rypervenchefallenour: Yep, what do you need help with?17:23
Guest91754device dectection is good17:23
Guest91754very good17:23
fallenourrypervenche: its quite a lengthy piece, do you mind if we pm instead of pub chat?17:23
fallenourrypervenche: I dont want to OT and potentially upset others.17:24
Guest91754the problem is .. i want and demand a device manager as good as windows17:24
rypervenchefallenour: Is it that off-topic?17:24
Guest91754its astounding ..linux still cant do it17:24
fallenourrypervenche: well, Im trying to effectively collide everything the EFF is doing in Certbot, and merge that with everything that the Juju team is doing in ubuntu, and create an autodeploying haproxy instance that automatically encrypts traffic.17:25
lotuspsychjeGuest91754: only ubuntu support issues here please17:25
fallenourrypervenche: so yes, and no, but kinda?17:25
Guest91754simply cant live without it17:25
pragmaticenigmaGuest91754: This channel is intended for support questions. If you would like to continue your commentary, please see #ubuntu-offtopic17:26
Guest91754i want to see a device manager that can compare with microsoft17:27
pragmaticenigma!pm | fallenour17:27
ubottufallenour: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers, and ensure that you're not getting bad advice.17:27
Guest91754i knowits only partly true17:27
pragmaticenigmafallenour: that also sounds like a question better asked in #ubuntu-server17:27
Guest91754but shit17:27
pragmaticenigma!ohmy | Guest9175417:28
ubottuGuest91754: Please avoid any language that may be considered offensive, including acronyms and obfuscation of such - also see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines || The main channels are English only, for other languages, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/ChannelList17:28
pragmaticenigmaAlso Guest91754, you've been asked to take your conversation to a more appropriate venue (/join #ubuntu-offtopic) Please note that community guidelines apply there as well.17:28
Guest91754its a lot of work ..to config devices manually17:30
Guest91754like cpu fans17:30
pragmaticenigmaGuest91754: STOP!17:31
Guest91754nonetheless ubuntu is impressive17:31
hggdheasy, folks17:31
hggdhGuest91754: please go to another channel for non-support chat17:31
OerHeksthis is technical support, #ubuntu-discuss or #ubuntu-oftopic are more social channels17:32
Guest91754one can get online AS FAST as a stripped down win 1017:32
pragmaticenigma!ot | Guest9175417:32
ubottuGuest91754: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please register with NickServ (see /msg ubottu !register) and use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!17:32
CodeMouse92I don't think he's paying attention17:32
OerHeksmaybe his braille reader works ootb too17:32
lotuspsychjenicklearning_: can this help? https://askubuntu.com/questions/1029163/how-to-get-scilab-6-0-1-working-on-ubuntu-18-04-lts17:35
GumaDoes anyone here owns and uses Logitech Driving Force G29 Steering Wheel on 18.04?17:50
lotuspsychjebest to ask your issue to the channel Guma17:50
OerHeksshould work fine, here are some tweaks.. https://www.gamingonlinux.com/articles/some-initial-thoughts-on-the-logitech-driving-force-g29-steering-wheel.1115717:55
GumaOk I plugged it in to my workspation and lsusb shows it. dmesg show "[12023.084945] usb 1-5.4: Product: G920 Driving Force Racing Wheel for Xbox One"17:57
GumaBut there is not event# mapped in /dev/input/by-id17:57
GumaAlso jstest-gtk is not finding it eather17:58
GumaIs am reading that there is PC and X-Box mode?17:58
pragmaticenigmaif there is... there would be a toggle switch on the device17:59
OerHeksdid you plugged it in a usb3 port, blue?17:59
GumaAha. It work in USB2 port18:00
OerHeksGuma, it is the most common issue with usb devices now18:03
lotuspsychjewelcome dabblerdude18:03
dabblerdudeI have an issue with setting my printer to "monochrome" in the Printer app settings.18:03
OerHeksthe best devices work on both, still there is no test or list with results18:03
dabblerdudeIt keeps reverting back to the "Cclor" setting everytime I press "Apply" or "Ok."18:03
dannysantoshi people18:04
OerHeksdabblerdude, if your printer has no seperate black module, then it is logical18:04
Nizumzenwow haven't used 14.04 in ages - things have certainly changed since it was released18:05
lotuspsychjeNizumzen: 14.04 soon to be end of life18:06
OerHeks14.04 will soon be EOL, 3 months18:06
OerHeksenjoy while you can18:06
NizumzenI know but it is still the recommended version for building the Android operating system - hopefully they'll update to 16.04 or 18.04 soon18:06
lordcirth__This fact is determining my todo list until then and probably beyond18:06
OerHeksNizumzen, i guess that is not true18:07
dabblerdudeOerHeks: When I run the command, "lpoptions -l | grep Color", I get this: "ColorModel/Color Model: *rgb"18:07
Nizumzenthat is android studio OerHeks I'm talking about building the actual operating system not developing applications for Android18:08
dabblerdudeOerHeks: The printer is a Canon TS3122, it has the option to print in black and white like with most printers.18:08
OerHeksdabblerdude, indeed, that one gives a black cartridge.18:09
NizumzenOerHeks: https://source.android.com/setup/build/requirements18:09
OerHeksNizumzen, android 6 -trusty tahr.. they almost died together18:10
pragmaticenigmadabblerdude: Have you tried configuring it directly in CUPS?18:11
dabblerdudepragmaticenigma: I tried this in the terminal: "lpoptions -o ColorModel=Black"18:11
dabblerdudeThe problem still occurs.18:12
pragmaticenigmadabblerdude: that might require sudo to work18:15
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dabblerdudepragmaticenigma: I just did that. I typed in sudo along with the same lpoptions command.18:18
dabblerdudeIt made no difference.18:18
pragmaticenigmadabblerdude: Is this a desire to always print black and white or just some of the time?18:19
dabblerdudepragmaticenigma: Most of the time.18:20
dabblerdudepragmaticenigma: I don't print color that often.18:21
OerHeksmaybe the canon blob driver does not support that, just greyscale mode18:22
OerHeksthat you can enable in cups itself, localhost:63118:22
pragmaticenigmadabblerdude: Here's what I suspect is the issue. So long as the printer registers it has color capable cartridge, it's only going to allow you to select Color. The reason being, the nozzels need regular usage to keep them working. If you had a black only cartridge, it's possible it will let you change (or automatically) the setting.18:23
dabblerdudeOerHeks: I got the official driver for the printer from Canon's website.18:23
OerHeksmaybe it is Ink=MONO or Colormodel=MONO18:25
OerHeksdabblerdude, yes, that is why we have questions too, it is not open printing certified18:25
dabblerdudeOerHeks: I haven't added Ink=MONO or the other one to the CUPS config file.18:26
OerHeksso, try: lpoptions -o ColorType=Mono18:26
dabblerdudeI'll try that.18:26
ubottuFelix: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».18:49
dabblerdudeI'm back.18:51
dabblerdudeHey OerHeks, I tried the commands you listed and they didn't work.18:55
dabblerdudeThe color settings keeps switching back to "Color."18:56
Rand0mnesSHello, network-manager is resetting nameserver to after reboot. I have to manually set dns nameserver in /etc/resolv.conf. another issue is that i can  only use one wifi network even after resetting nameserver18:59
OerHeksresolv.conf line #1 This file is managed by man:systemd-resolved(8). Do not edit.19:00
OerHeksuse your networkmanager to set custom dns, or netplan19:00
Rand0mnesSCan't  edit in networkmanager19:01
Rand0mnesSThat's why i resorted to manually editing19:01
OerHekssure you can, just add a connection, dhcp for ip and dns custom19:01
Rand0mnesSI did, it goes  away after reconnecting19:02
lordcirth__Rand0mnesS, then probably your networking is configured in netplan and doesn't specify NetworkManager as a renderer19:02
Rand0mnesSIt doesn't  persist19:02
dabblerdudeHey pragmaticenigma, you still here?19:02
Rand0mnesSDon't have netplan installed, just checked19:03
OerHeksno, you editted /etc/resolv.conf and that gets resetted19:03
pragmaticenigmaI'm still around dabblerdude19:03
Rand0mnesSOerHeks, true but i did that after editing is being reser in networkmanager gui19:03
dabblerdudepragmaticenigma: Ok, I want to figure out how you change printer color settings in CUPS?19:04
Rand0mnesSData isn't  persisting in networkmanager gui19:04
dabblerdudeYou gave me the link to it and I didn't see an option to change color settings.19:04
pragmaticenigmadabblerdude: at this point, I think the driver it self is not providing support for permanently setting the printer to monochromatic/black&white19:06
dabblerdudepragmaticenigma: Ok.19:06
dabblerdudeI'll try out something else.19:07
pragmaticenigmadabblerdude: Like we had mentioned earlier... Canon doesn't provide open source drivers and their printers are not certified by linux hardware groups. you might have some success looking through logs to see if tehre are any errors... but I wouldn't know which logs specifically to monitor19:08
dabblerdudepragmaticenigma: I'll use Windows or Mac for printing.19:09
dabblerdudeSeems to be easier to get printers configured on those OSes.19:10
OerHekscanon has always been a problem19:10
OerHeksif the greyscale option is no fix, then file a bugreport against the driver, not with !bug but directly to their site19:11
pragmaticenigmadabblerdude: as far as brands go... Brother, HP, and a couple others are well respected and certified in the linux community. Canon just likes things done their way and doesn't play well with others.19:11
dabblerdudeOerHeks: From what I read, grayscale printing involves using a color cartridge and mixed colors to reproduce a black and white image.19:13
OerHeksmaybe true, yes19:13
OerHekswhat if you remove the colour cartridges?19:13
dabblerdudeI could do that, but I don't want to do that.19:14
pragmaticenigmaOerHeks: The printer won't print without all slots populated19:14
dabblerdudeMy printer is shared with other people.19:14
pragmaticenigmadabblerdude: I found a really old post (Ubuntu 12.04) about how there was the need to go in and manually add an option to the print configuration. I doubt that the dialoge looks anything like it did 6 years ago19:15
dabblerdudeXD Ubuntu 12.04?19:15
pragmaticenigmabut it tells me there is a way... but it's not straight forward19:15
dabblerdudeWow, that's a long time ago.19:15
dabblerdudeLong time since that was released.19:15
dabblerdudepragmaticenigma: If I were to add the Canon printer in the "Printers" app on Ubuntu, would a generic driver be better to use?19:16
pragmaticenigmadabblerdude: here is something else I found:19:16
pragmaticenigmaIf you want print grayscale in Ubuntu, and your printer is a Canon, the .ppd from Canon does not support the average black-white print.19:16
dabblerdudeThan the one Canon provided?19:17
pragmaticenigmaIf a generic driver can be found for that printer, yes... I would recommend trying it19:17
dabblerdudeA generic driver would have more options and is open-source, right?19:17
pragmaticenigmadabblerdude: it actually may have less options, as some features aren't reverse engineerable. but for general print needs, they usually work just fine19:18
dabblerdudepragmaticenigma: I'll try that out sometime, getting a generic driver for it.19:19
dabblerdudeOerHeks, pragmaticenigma: Thanks for the help.19:22
itsme_I ran SMART test. It said Disk is OK, 8 bad sectors. How bad is it?19:32
station2trying to figure out how see/access ip of connected device to ubuntu 18.04 hotspot wifi AP nm-connection-editor19:32
station2 says there is no DHCP server I understand19:32
OerHeksbad sectors grow, so replace it ASAP19:33
itsme_OerHeks: thanks, so I've heard, but how bad is it now?19:37
OerHeksyour drive could have moved the troubled sectors, but the risc of dataloss will be as high19:39
itsme_OerHeks: There's Windows 8 on that HDD which won't start at all. Can that be a reason?19:40
OerHeksitsme_, sure, if the sectors are in the mbr/gpt area, or in the windows partition itself19:41
Rand0mnesSHi jim19:42
jimhi... upgraded a 14-4 ubuntu to 18-4, and now the person (who is present on channel) is having an issue with network-manager, where he can only connect to 1 of his 15 networks, because every network gives him as a name server (he's not running one), and all except one will not allow him to edit the DNS address19:45
OerHeksjim, he asked here before19:46
jimRand0mnesS, the upgrade was done in one step?19:46
Rand0mnesSYa it wad19:46
jimOerHeks, oh, ok... what was the reply?19:46
ioriafrom 14.04 to 18.04 ? one step ?19:46
OerHeks"just add a connection in networkmanager ( not edit current) , dhcp for ip and dns custom"19:46
OerHeksshould work19:47
Rand0mnesSDidn't work19:47
Rand0mnesSOh wait  new connection19:47
Rand0mnesSI'll  try that19:47
OerHekselse you need to disable the connection, then edit19:47
jimI had him try: apt -f install, which didn't want to do anything, and dpkg --configure --pending which also didn't do anything19:48
bindiwhat's wrong with as your dns? that's systemd-resolved19:48
jimbindi, apparantly it's not working... is there a way to start it?19:49
WonnyI'm trying to install MATLAB and I can't click on the options on the install screen. The arrows keys and keyboard works on it, but there is something I need to click which the installer isn't allowing me to do.19:50
Rand0mnesSDidn't work19:51
Rand0mnesSCreated a new profile as advised, no luck19:51
jimRand0mnesS, I'm thinking more and more, this systemd resolver isn't running19:52
ioriaRand0mnesS, how did  you perform the upgrade fron trusty to bionic ?19:52
OerHeks!info matlab-support19:53
ubottumatlab-support (source: matlab-support): distro integration for local MATLAB installations. In component multiverse, is optional. Version 0.0.21 (bionic), package size 29 kB, installed size 96 kB19:53
Rand0mnesSApt-get upgrade19:53
jimRand0mnesS, what happens when you do: telnet localhost 5319:53
lordcirth__jim, systemctl status systemd-resolved19:53
jimlordcirth__, thanks19:53
Rand0mnesSTelnet is connected19:53
jimRand0mnesS, ok, get out of that...19:54
ioriaRand0mnesS, apt-get upgrade does not change the version19:54
OerHeksWonny, try 'TAB' and 'space'19:54
jimtry ctrl-c or try the escape char it shows, then you get a telnet> prompt, type C <enter>19:54
Wonny@OerHeks, that works for the most part, but there is a link that I need to click on to verify my account.19:55
Rand0mnesSI'm  out19:55
jimRand0mnesS, then try this: systemctl status systemd-resolved19:55
jimor better:19:55
jimsystemctl status systemd-resolved | nc termbin.com 999919:55
OerHeks the matlab-support package is just a help for the launcher, no idea how to get those links working19:56
jimthat will return a url (it should), show that url here19:56
jimsays it's running19:58
jimdoes your /etc/resolv.conf say
Rand0mnesSNo i edited to or i couldn't have uploaded the results19:59
OerHeksediting that file is not static20:00
jimok... so the localhost one (the systemd-resolvd) isn't workign20:00
jimhe knows tha20:00
ioriaRand0mnesS, ls -l /etc/resolv.conf  | nc termbin.com 999920:01
jimRand0mnesS, also did you say before you did the upgrade using apt upgrade?20:02
ioriahere we are20:02
ioriaRand0mnesS, it's using the old config20:03
jimioria, let's see if it wants to do anything...20:04
Rand0mnesSUpdate && sudo apt dist-upgrade20:04
ioriaRand0mnesS, check  /etc/netplan   if it's empty or not20:04
jimRand0mnesS, could you do: apt -d dist-upgrade and see if that wants to do anything?20:04
Rand0mnesS652 mb of additional data20:05
jimso it wants to download something?20:05
Rand0mnesSYes downloading20:06
Rand0mnesSNetplan isn't  empty20:06
jimok, this might fix things, dunno20:06
Rand0mnesSHave 01-network-manager-all.yaml in netplan20:06
Rand0mnesSI hope, jim20:07
jimwhen this is done, you will have packages ready to install (the -d means: download only mode)20:07
ioriaRand0mnesS, paste it      cat 01-network-manager-all.yaml | nc termbin.com 999920:07
Rand0mnesSJim, do i just  run dist-upgrade afterwards?20:08
ioriaRand0mnesS, ok,   cat /etc/network/interfaces   | nc termbin.com 999920:09
jimwithout the -d, yes, now or at another time of your convenience20:09
jimid it done downloading packages?20:09
Rand0mnesSNot yet Jim20:11
ioriaRand0mnesS, here we are again; you cannot use that file and network-manager at the same time20:11
jimso your wireless interface is mentioned in /etc/network/interfaces20:11
jimas long as that's true,20:11
ioriaRand0mnesS, comment the last 2 lines, if you use network-manager20:11
jimn-m will ignore that interface (at least it does on debian)20:12
Rand0mnesSCommented last 2 lines20:12
ioriaRand0mnesS,  paste   uname-r20:13
ioriaRand0mnesS,  paste   uname -r20:13
jimthat should do it20:13
jimuname -r is one line :)20:13
jimI'm sure they won't mind you pasting that data :)20:14
Rand0mnesSOh my20:14
Rand0mnesSI'm  that desperate20:14
ioriaRand0mnesS,  4.10 doeas make no sense20:14
jimwell let's complete the dist upgrade, howbout that?20:15
Rand0mnesSHow can i put sense into it?20:15
jimRand0mnesS, he's saying the kernel version is old, and should be newer20:15
Rand0mnesSIn my todo list20:16
jimok, possibly you have a newer kernel installed... maybe should reboot after the dist-upgrade20:17
jimwell outside of ubuntu, I heard the latest kernel is version 5.something20:17
Rand0mnesSDoes netplan use /etc/network/interfaces?20:17
ioria4.10 is zesty 17.0420:18
jimRand0mnesS, still downloading packages?20:18
OerHeksso the upgrade did not go well, netplan comes with 18.04, ..20:18
compdocRand0mnesS, I define bridges there, but netplan is in /etc/netplan20:18
ioriaRand0mnesS,  cat /etc/issue   please20:19
Rand0mnesSI admit, I'm  a mess20:19
OerHeksoh, 4.10 is also xenial with hwe20:19
ioriaright ... but tooold20:19
OerHeksgrab a fresh iso, and install clean20:19
ioriait means that he never performed an upgarde20:20
ioriaRand0mnesS,  cat /etc/issue   please20:20
Rand0mnesSI need this image because  i have propriety software20:20
OerHeksoh, you think that prop software survives the upgrade?20:20
OerHeksif it is pinned, i understand the mess20:20
jimRand0mnesS, you mean you need the 4.10?20:20
ioriano he does not20:21
Rand0mnesSOerHeks, it was a hassle to sort dependencies after upgrade20:21
ioriaRand0mnesS, ls /boot   | nc termbin.com 999920:21
Rand0mnesSYes jim20:21
jimioria, we'll let him answer this one :) there might be dependencies on something that's outside the scope20:22
iorialet's here them20:22
ioriajim, he cannot run that kernel anymore20:22
jimRand0mnesS, what is it you're running that's proprietary?20:22
ioriaRand0mnesS, bionic runs on 4.15 kernel, that you don't have ...20:23
jimioria, maybe he shouldn't try to upgrade, and he should restore from backups20:24
ioriaRand0mnesS, cat /etc/apt/sources.list    | nc termbin.com 999920:24
jimioria, ok, let's figure out what he wants and needs to do20:25
OerHekswhat is the use of helping, he needs his prop software, return to 16.04 lts for that20:25
Rand0mnesSI only need qt-4.820:26
jimfor the proprietary thing?20:26
ioriaRand0mnesS, and you said that the upgrade was from 14.04 to 18.04 ? you had 16.10 yakkety20:26
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OerHeksa bunch of yakkety souces ... so it was no upgrade from xenial 16.04 to bionic  18.0420:27
* OerHeks is out of here20:27
ioriaRand0mnesS, ok, the upgarde is done ?20:27
Rand0mnesSMy mistake,20:28
Rand0mnesSNot yet20:28
iorialet's wait20:28
jimRand0mnesS, I didn't understand when you said you need some proprietary software, somthing about the image... did that mean the kernel image?20:29
Rand0mnesSNo i meant  this ubuntu image20:30
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jimso the whole OS?20:30
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Rand0mnesSYes this ubuntu OS20:31
jimI'm thinking it's -possible- you can run the new kernel and run the proprietary thing too20:31
ioriaRand0mnesS, what software wants zesty ? and if so,  why are you upgrading  ?20:31
itsme_guys is it possible to reset windows 8.1 password if you don't have access to the system? I'm using live ubuntu session now.20:31
Rand0mnesSI'm  upgrading because  I reached where i couldn't install from repo20:32
jimdid you have to do something specific to the kernel to make your proprietary thing run?20:32
Rand0mnesSJust edit symlinks back to qt 4.820:32
ioriaRand0mnesS, yes, because reached end of life20:32
Rand0mnesSSo i had to upgrade20:32
Rand0mnesSI use ubuntu when i need gui20:33
jimwhat would it take to get a version of this proprietary thing that will run using later versions of qt?20:33
jimholy shiznit!20:34
fubWhen my second and third display is attached (over a thunderbolt docking station), my ubuntu freezes sometimes before gdm/the login screen is loaded. What can I do ?20:34
leftyfbitsme_: yes, though this is not a Windows support channel. Also, if you're referring to the same 8.1 on the corrupt hard drive, STOP using it and go buy a new drive. Restore from backup.20:35
jimwhat you need to do is run the 14.04 ubuntu strictly in order to run the proprietary thing... then run a different installation of ubuntu and don't upgrade the first one, upgrade the second one20:36
jimthe software runs out of the box on ubuntu 14.4?20:37
ioriajim, he does not have 14.0420:37
Rand0mnesSTurned out it's  1620:37
ioriajim, there is no 14.04 in the equation20:37
Rand0mnesSIt's  an illusion that 14.0420:37
Rand0mnesSIt only  depends on qt 4.820:38
jimRand0mnesS, ok, so same question for the 16: did the proprietary thing work fine out of the box in the 16,whatever?20:38
Rand0mnesSI isntalled it on ubuntu because it has stable gui out of  the box20:38
leftyfbThere is no Ubuntu version "16"20:38
leftyfbThere is version 16.04 and 16.10. 16.10 being unsupported20:39
jimdon't be too pedantic here, I'm just trying to help him out20:39
Rand0mnesSJim the only thing that's  needed is qt 4.820:39
leftyfbjim: it's not pedantic, 16.04 is supported, 16.10 is not. It makes all the difference.20:39
aldcorhi! i am on ubuntu 18.04. Now and then i get distorted sound when watching youtube on firefox. Restarting firefox fixes the problem. Why the sound appears in a first place?20:39
Rand0mnesS18.04 comes with 5+20:39
jimwhich one comes with the QT you need?20:40
Rand0mnesSIt's  an easy issue to solve20:40
Rand0mnesSJust edit symblic links20:40
jimleftyfb, we're talking about not laying out anything versus laying out usd $500020:40
Rand0mnesSI can only use the lab's wifi now20:41
sifiHey guys, noticing some issues on CircleCI with a security.ubuntu.com returning 404 for
ioria!info libqt4-dev20:42
ubottulibqt4-dev (source: qt4-x11): Qt 4 development files. In component universe, is optional. Version 4:4.8.7+dfsg-7ubuntu1 (bionic), package size 836 kB, installed size 13721 kB20:42
Rand0mnesSAgain qt isn't  an issue20:42
Rand0mnesSMy software is fine20:42
Rand0mnesSI just  need to work oustide my lab20:43
ioriaRand0mnesS, apt still running ?20:43
jimis that just the network issue?20:43
leftyfbRand0mnesS: So what exactly is your issue where it relates to ubuntu?20:43
Rand0mnesS4 mins, sorry i already  have few heavy downloads  running on my network20:44
jimRand0mnesS, so I take it you're in your lab now?20:45
Rand0mnesSYes :(20:45
jimok, how's that upgrade going?20:46
gvvgHi - I have a system running 14.04.3 LTS - I am logged in as root - df shows 100% as use %  - I have deleted many GBs of files and it still says 100% as use% any insights? this is really confusing me20:46
jimok, does your proprietary thing run?20:46
ioriaRand0mnesS,  so, by now, i got this: you installed 16.10 yakkety; then you upgraded to zesty 17.04 ; and now you're trying to upgrade to bionic 18.04 , correct ?20:46
Rand0mnesSIoria, if you got that from my files then yes20:46
lordcirth__gvvg, df -h | nc termbin.com 999920:46
gvvglordcirth__:  what does that do?20:47
Rand0mnesSJim, shall i run dist-upgrade?20:47
lordcirth__gvvg, takes your df -h output and posts it to a pastebin so I can see it20:47
jimit just finished downloading packages? :)20:47
Rand0mnesSYes finally20:47
lordcirth__gvvg, you can copy and paste manually into bpaste.net if you prefer20:48
itsme_leftyfb: I know it's offtopic a bit. Could you point me to the howto? It seems it's hard to google. I did it once, but I had access to the system (I mean it was booting properly). Can I do it using live session ubuntu?20:48
leftyfbitsme_: go replace your drive, restore from backup20:48
lordcirth__gvvg, you only have /dev/md0? No other devices?20:48
ioriaRand0mnesS, please, run again  :   sudo apt full-upgrade20:48
leftyfbgvvg: that is not the full output20:48
gvvgI copied and pasted the df -h command20:49
leftyfbdf -h |egrep -v "loop|tmp" | nc termbin.com 999920:49
itsme_leftyfb: I will, but now I treat it as an exercise.20:49
jimRand0mnesS, if you do that , it'll install a bunch of stuff, and it's going to take a fairly long time20:49
Rand0mnesSFull upgrade wants to redownload what i just downloaded20:49
gvvgI actually have other md partitions that aren't mounting - may be because there is no space?20:49
leftyfbitsme_: the more you use that drive, the less likely you are to recover any data from it20:49
ioriaRand0mnesS, do it20:49
itsme_leftyfb: I recovered the data already.20:49
leftyfblsblk | nc termbin.com 999920:50
lordcirth__gvvg, no tmpfs, /dev, etc?20:50
leftyfblordcirth__: exactly20:50
jimRand0mnesS, look at the bottom line, it should say it already got em20:50
gvvgas I said there are several other md partitions but they don't get mounted20:50
leftyfbgvvg: you're either not getting the fulle output, typing something wrong, or not running ubunu20:50
lordcirth__gvvg, this is what I get: https://termbin.com/x45jc20:50
lordcirth__It's very different20:51
Rand0mnesSYes jim, it's unpacking and installing20:51
leftyfbgvvg: df only shows mounted filesystems20:51
jimRand0mnesS, so it20:51
jimis done downloading20:51
Rand0mnesSYes installing  now20:51
gvvgI understand - I don't login to this system often in fact it has been over 1 year so I don't know what happened20:51
jimit recalcs the upgrade everytime you run that20:51
gvvgshould I try and mount another md partition and see  what is on it?20:51
leftyfbgvvg: df -h | nc termbin.com 999920:52
lordcirth__gvvg, I rather doubt that your computer is functioning sufficiently to use termbin with only that mount20:52
gvvgthey are using an application and haven't reported any problems20:52
gvvgI don't know what to say20:52
gvvgI am logged in via ssh20:53
lordcirth__gvvg, "mount | nc termbin.com 9999"20:53
leftyfbgvvg: lsblk |  nc termbin.com 999920:53
jimRand0mnesS, it -should- be safe to install a newer kernel... so after it's done installing all that stuff, pastebin the output of ls -C /boot20:53
lordcirth__Well, that's a new one20:54
Rand0mnesSWill do20:54
lordcirth__Ok, so, I doubt it would have booted properly that way, so there should be logs from this boot where it dropped those mounts20:54
leftyfbthere's no way that is a proper install of ubuntu20:54
jimok, you seem to be in good hands... you can come back to ##linux when you want to... can I leave you here?20:54
lordcirth__Huh, and lsblk shows them as mounted?20:54
itsme_BTW How do I know which disk to buy? How can I check it using ubuntu? Is it just regular HDD SATA?20:55
hggdhgvvg: what is the output of uname -vo ?20:55
leftyfbgvvg: sudo df -h | nc termbin.com 999920:55
Rand0mnesSThanks  jim, i appreciate your time20:55
jimRand0mnesS, welcome :) so we're done for now?20:56
gvvguname -vo ------     #140-Ubuntu SMP Mon Jul 18 21:21:05 UTC 2016 GNU/Linux20:56
Rand0mnesSWaiting for full upgrade, and check if dns is resolved20:56
lordcirth__gvvg, cat /proc/mdstat |  nc  termbin.com 999920:56
leftyfbsomething isn't adding up20:57
gvvgyeah something is wrong20:57
lordcirth__yes, *something* is very messed up20:57
leftyfbgvvg: is this a physical machine or some sort of VPS or shared system?20:57
gvvgsmall system20:57
gvvgstrange how df is not showing the reality20:58
lordcirth__Either someone did a totally bizarre custom install, or it's failed in a way that kept going but won't survive a reboot20:58
leftyfbgvvg: what version of ubuntu?20:58
aldcorhi! i am on ubuntu 18.04. Now and then i get distorted sound when watching youtube on firefox. Restarting firefox fixes the problem. Why the sound appears in a first place?20:58
gvvgwe have rebooted sevreal times20:58
leftyfb!repeat | aldcor20:58
ubottualdcor: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or https://ubuntuforums.org or https://askubuntu.com/20:58
ioriaRand0mnesS,  so, when the upgrade is completed (without errors) , check your /boot directory; you should have a 4.15 kernel; you reboot, open network-manager and set your connections20:58
Rand0mnesSI will ioria, i appreciate your time20:59
OerHeksmdadm --detail --scan20:59
leftyfbgvvg: sudo dmidecode -t system | nc termbin.com 9999 # you might have to install dmidecode20:59
ioriaRand0mnesS,  no problem, gl20:59
leftyfbgvvg: https://pastebin.ubuntu.com/p/SNqx5TNmnD/   # that is a properly installed 14.0421:01
gvvgI'm really confused21:01
gvvgI get it - what do I do - is the whole wile system screwed up?21:02
leftyfbgvvg: you have no tmpfs, no /dev, proc, sys, run, etc21:02
leftyfbthat is a non-functional machine21:03
lordcirth__gvvg, also, 14.04 goes EOL in April21:03
leftyfbgvvg: time to install 18.04 and restore from backup21:03
lordcirth__So it's not worth fixing. Backup everything, install 18.04.1, restore21:03
gvvgI understand but physically the see to be there21:03
leftyfbgvvg: there's something seriously wrong with that machine. It shouldn't function without /proc, /dev, /sys .... at all21:04
lordcirth__gvvg, ls /dev |  nc  termbin.com 999921:04
gvvgproc /sys all are there21:04
lordcirth__I want to know how this works lol21:04
lordcirth__gvvg, /dev is normally an empty directory on disk. The kernel mounts the devices inside it21:05
leftyfbgvvg: if they're not mounts, then that is a serious bastardized install.21:05
lordcirth__I'm pretty sure my router has /dev as a devfs mount21:05
gvvgthey have always been mounts21:05
gvvgall of a sudden nothing shows as mounted21:05
leftyfbgvvg: wait, this is a router?21:05
leftyfboh, nm, that was lordcirth__21:06
lordcirth__I just meant that my 4MB openwrt install has /dev lol21:06
aldcorleftyfb, there are few people how joined this channel after i asked question. Anyway, i will try smth i found on forum21:06
texlaI have icons on my Desktop which I installed from dash by pinning to desktop...yet in my /home /Desktop folder it shows empty..How to show21:08
lordcirth__gvvg, leftyfb So I just asked a coworker, and he said he's seen vaguely similar things (various system tools not showing stuff) on machines with rootkits21:10
OerHekstexla, gnome tweak tool can show that21:10
texlaOerHeks, nope tried that already21:11
lordcirth__So be careful restoring your backups, I guess?21:11
OerHekstexla, how did you drag them there in the first place?21:11
gvvglordcirth__:  this system is not really connected to the internet so that would be wierd21:11
OerHeksi think pinning is for the sidebar21:12
texlaOerHeks, opened dash and then selected install to desktop21:12
lordcirth__gvvg, *shrug* I have no idea.21:13
OerHeks"install to desktop" from dash, what ubuntu is this?21:13
leftyfbgvvg: uname -a | nc termbin.com 999921:13
leftyfbThis could be the case if they were running something like grsec21:13
OerHeksmint cinnamon ?21:13
lordcirth__leftyfb, hmm, bizarrely overzealous hackery, that does sound like grsec21:14
texlaOerHeks, 18.04.1 gnome321:14
[n0mad]did you install some extension to give you that option?21:15
OerHekstexla i have no clue what you talk about, can you post a screenshot?21:16
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texlaOerHeks, ray@ray-Kudu-Pro:~$ ~/desktop21:26
texlabash: /home/ray/desktop: No such file or directory21:26
texla..when I open files /home/desktop folder is empty21:26
OerHekscd Desk (tab)21:28
OerHeksit is case sensitive21:28
OerHeksand i like to see a screenshot how you would pinn it to the desktop21:29
OerHeksi know pinning to the favorites/sidebar21:29
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texlaOerHeks, https://imgur.com/upload21:46
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bindiany recommendations for a cd ripper with flac support and works with 18.04? i know the wiki has some recommendations but it looks old, rubyripper is abandonded i think22:12
bindiand this is for my friend so i can't really keep suggesting him to try over and over again, i would like something that works on the first try :P22:13
Rand0mnesSJim, it worked! Thank your for your help22:14
Guest98632Hello! Grub seems to not be respecting the settings at /etc/default/grub and continues to show up every boot despite it being set as hidden with a timeout of zero. Any suggestions on what I'm missing?22:14
bindiupdate-grub probably after editing22:15
Guest98632I've run that, and confirmed the settings are still at hidden and a timeout of zero and it still shows up at boot22:16
Guest98632I'll try it again though22:16
OerHeksbindi,  asunder has that option, flac, ogg, mp322:18
OerHeksand opus, wavpack, musepack and monkey audio22:19
OerHeksaac too, but we like open formats22:19
petrohey, is it good to get a nas drive for a backup drive or even ssd?22:24
petroI have a hdd that has a bad sector22:24
petroany advice?22:24
petroI was going to use gddrescue22:24
compdoconce sectors start going bad/reallocated, get a new drive22:25
qwebirc57083had to switch computers to monitor GRUB on reboot, I'm the guy that asked about the GRUB menu always showing up though. Still happening, as it seems22:26
dubiukqwebirc57083, ?22:26
ubottuGRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub222:27
OerHekssure you find the answer there22:27
OerHeksjust don't forget to run update-grub22:27
qwebirc57083dubiuk, I changed settings so GRUB should no longer show up during normal boot, but it seems to not be respecting it, as it's set to hidden and a timeout of zero. And definitely have run update-grub, I'll poke around that support page that was posted22:28
dubiukqwebirc57083, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/grub2/+bug/64725022:29
ubottuLaunchpad bug 647250 in grub2 (Ubuntu) "Countdown not displayed when GRUB_HIDDEN_TIMEOUT_QUIET is set to false" [Undecided,Confirmed]22:29
dubiukqwebirc57083, https://askubuntu.com/questions/111085/how-do-i-hide-the-grub-menu-showing-up-at-the-beginning-of-boot22:29
dubiuksee second answer22:30
OerHekshidden timeout quiet?22:30
OerHeksman that is old, 201022:30
dubiukThe bug is22:30
bindiOerHeks: does that have song detection for automagic track info?22:30
qwebirc57083I hadn't heard about the os-prober, I'll check that out!22:31
OerHeksthese are the first lines, default22:31
OerHeksGRUB_HIDDEN_TIMEOUT_QUIET=true is also an non standard option, so no need for that too22:32
OerHeksbindi, yes, you can import with clementine too22:34
OerHeksand even manually add/search album art, some artwork can be exclusive22:35
DonaldKBrownI've got a server running Ubuntu 18.04. What's the easiest way for me to share files on this server across multiple devices including Windows 7, Ubuntu 18.04 desktop, Windows 10, and Android?22:41
OerHeksowncloud/nextcloud, nfs share, smb ...22:44
DonaldKBrownI've tried setting up SMB. The dedicated server provided I'm using doesn't block any ports, but I could never get SMB to connect over the internet. Is NFS no longer Linux only?22:44
DonaldKBrownLast I looked into it, you couldn't use NFS on Windows :(22:45
OerHekseven an ios iphone...22:46
dubiukbut honestly, does your dedicated rig have a dedicated ip?22:46
OerHeksso, pretty simple and universal22:46
DonaldKBrownNextcloud is an option, but I'm not *super* happy with how it works on Android. Part of why I liked the idea of SMB was the fact that I would be able to "stream" media files without downloading a local copy first. I guess I'll just take that sacrifice, because it at least works.22:47
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OerHekskodi ?22:48
bindiOerHeks: sorry if I may bother you with this, but what exactly does the "flac compression" mean in asunder? it says it wont affect quality, but it affects file size :D22:48
DonaldKBrownDoes Kodi work as a server? The only thing I know about it is it's used pretty often for piracy on Fire Sticks and Android TV boxes.22:49
OerHekshigher number = smaller file, so the compression is optimal22:49
dubiukbindi, FLAC is a lossless compression algorithm which does not restrict audio under 22KHz22:49
bindiso it just takes more CPU time to create a flac with higher compression?22:50
OerHeksDonaldKBrown, yes, about those pirated with preinstalled plugin boxes, those are banned. kodi does not give those repos enabled22:50
DonaldKBrownThe media files I was thinking of was more in the vein of family/home videos. I've got family in Germany and Poland, my wife has family in Canada, we're in the US. I just wanted a central box we could all save stuff to so that we can stay better connected.22:50
OerHeksbut sure, topns of those to find, but the standard set is enough for your own content22:50
dubiukbindi, yes22:50
petrocompdoc, obviously :-/22:50
petrobut, which one?22:50
swift110hey all22:51
dubiukDonaldKBrown, samba over a remote host is going to have issues with network management22:51
dubiukDonaldKBrown, you are likely to lose data and corrupt data22:52
dubiukDonaldKBrown, use a owncloud or nextcloud or some WebDAV system that cann support your jitter requirements22:52
dubiukDonaldKBrown, and if its all video and audio, consider a plex setup22:52
OerHeksmeh, plex is prop stuff, and paid22:53
dubiukoh look a kodi supporter22:53
qwebirc33477hey there. i've been experiencing a glitch in Ubuntu 18.10 where the dock shows up on the lock screen. Is the community aware of this bug?22:53
dubiukat least plex provides a web front end that is accesible anywhere22:53
DonaldKBrownAlright, thanks for the suggestions. I'll probably stick with Nextcloud for now, as it is installed. I was hoping for something that could stream. Like I said, though, it at least works.22:54
qwebirc33477Here is a picture of the bug (someone else posted it on Twitter)- https://twitter.com/HakemonMike/status/107659595899199488022:54
DonaldKBrownqwebirc33477, I'm having the same issue on Ubuntu 18.04. I think it's pretty known.22:54
OerHeksqwebirc33477, fixed22:54
qwebirc33477When? I'm on latest Ubuntu 18.10 and still experienced it today22:55
dubiukqwebirc33477, its common22:55
DonaldKBrownI looked into Plex, it seemed like it only ran over a local network, meaning I would have to walk my 60-year-old uncle through setting up a VPN. Does it work over the Internet?22:55
qwebirc33477I did a fresh install of Ubuntu 18.10 yesterday and ran all of the updates. Still experiencing the lock screen dock glitch22:56
dubiukqwebirc33477, sudo mv /usr/share/gnome-shell/extensions/ubuntu-dock@ubuntu.com ~/22:56
dubiukDonaldKBrown, Wrong. You install a plex server, and open the correct ports. You create an account on plex.tv for each user, and then add your server to the plex account. Plex.tv will provide a streaming interface for all users.22:57
OerHeksgnome-shell-extension-dashtodock, afaik22:57
dubiukDonaldKBrown, all  your users will have to manage is loading up plex.tv and signing in... that is it.22:57
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1769383 in gnome-shell-extension-ubuntu-dock (Ubuntu Disco) "Ubuntu dock/launcher is shown on the lock screen" [High,Fix released]22:57
qwebirc33477@dubiuk if it's such a simple fix, why hasn't it been implemented in a security update? this isn't new -- it's been happening over 2 months. you would think a security issue like this would be patched quickly.22:57
qwebirc33477I mean, the user's session is being leaked into the lock screen. Is that not concerning?22:58
dubiukqwebirc33477, https://github.com/micheleg/dash-to-dock/issues/64922:58
dubiukqwebirc33477, welcome to programming.22:58
DonaldKBrownNeat. Alright, I'll get that set-up, then. That'll be the best solution, probably. Can you also upload to it? If not, I might have to work out some special linking between Nextcloud and Plex, probably using bindfs or something...22:58
OerHeksit is fixed, so, i think you need to do an apt full-upgrade22:58
qwebirc33477I get it. No software is perfect. But Ubuntu isn't a pet project. It's an enterprise grade, production OS. Shouldn't a glaring bug like this be fixed in a timely manner? It's been over 2 months22:58
dubiukDonaldKBrown, you can point your plex server to parse files in any folder on the machine. So you can have your family upload things to their nextcloud folders... and plex will pull them in immediately22:59
dubiukqwebirc33477, you upgraded to a non LTS version of ubuntu22:59
qwebirc33477this is also present on 18.04 LTS22:59
DonaldKBrowndubiuk, Thank you! That's the exact scenario I was hoping for.22:59
dubiukqwebirc33477, this is why most companies and governments which run ubuntu stick a major version behind.22:59
dubiukDonaldKBrown, no problem man23:00
DonaldKBrownqwerbic3347, I haven't noticed it today after running a full upgrade... I only noticed it every so often. I believe it is fixed.23:00
qwebirc33477Can confirm this is not just an 18.10 issue, also present on 18.04 LTS. Also, I am on a completely up-to-date 18.10 machine right now, and experienced the same bug about 1.5 hours ago.23:01
DonaldKBrownJust checked by locking my screen 5 times in a row, didn't happen. Running 18.04 LTS.23:01
qwebirc33477So just because it doesn't happen on your system, it's non-existent on all machines23:02
DonaldKBrownIt seems to have also solved the issue of the disappearing indicator icons after a lock.23:02
qwebirc33477I just witnessed it 1.5 hours ago, up-to-date 18.10.23:02
qwebirc33477So I guess I'll file another bug report if it's not widely known23:02
qwebirc33477I can happily submit a diagnostic report, etc23:03
dubiukqwebirc33477, theres a number of fixes for this issue23:03
DonaldKBrownThanks for the input, guys. I'm going to get Plex set-up now and then see how that works out for the older relatives. I'll report back! Have a great day/night/whatever it is in your timezones.23:03
dubiukqwebirc33477, id rather have speculative execution re-enabled while not losing the SPECTRE fix but your dock issue seems to be priority.23:03
OerHeksqwebirc33477, update your system, as it is fixed.23:04
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1769383 in gnome-shell-extension-ubuntu-dock (Ubuntu Disco) "Ubuntu dock/launcher is shown on the lock screen" [High,Fix released]23:04
qwebirc33477I don't think it's unreasonable to express frustration over a security bug that's 3 months old, yet to be fixed on all machines.23:04
qwebirc33477So the answer seems to be "just do the fix urself" but shouldn't it be standard, by default? Why are users expected to patch this on their own?23:04
dubiukqwebirc33477, update dash-to-dock. boom23:05
OerHeksso, continue to spread this, is not really valid23:05
dubiukqwebirc33477, this is linux23:05
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qwebirc33477So what should I do if the bug is declared to be "fixed" but I experienced it like 2 hours ago on a completely up-to-date machine?23:09
qwebirc33477I just want to help reach a resolution.23:09
qwebirc33477I'm definitely not the only one. I have a pretty standard desktop PC with default config. Nothing special23:10
OerHeksgnome-shell-extension-ubuntu-dock , what is your version ?23:11
qwebirc33477GNOME Shell 3.30.123:13
qwebirc33477Is that what you're asking?23:13
OerHeksno, the troubling extention23:14
cluelesspersonapparently my taskbar crashed23:22
cluelesspersonhow do I restart it?23:22
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Platonidesit used to be metacity23:29
Platonidesbut you are probably using a newer desktop23:29
sec__lula livre. sou da resistencia23:51
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