
cryptodanhas anyone else reported a hung reboot process on a new install03:21
sarnoldnot recently03:22
cryptodanive had 3 using ubuntu 18.04 on an HP ml350p03:23
axisysI know yum packages from defaults repos are signed.. is it same for deb packages from ubuntu repos?04:14
axisysI think so, but I want to double check04:14
sarnoldaxisys: the ubuntu / debian apt security model revolves around the repository keys in /etc/apt/trusted.gpg /etc/apt/trusted.gpg.d/04:16
sarnoldaxisys: by default it is set up to trust official ubuntu mirrors04:16
sarnoldaxisys: anyone can run a mirror, but some mirrors are more up to date than others04:17
axisyssarnold: thank you!04:17
sarnoldaxisys: the InRelease files in the archive mirrors describe the files containing SHA256 hashes04:17
sarnoldand those describe the packages04:17
sarnoldso the packages aren't individually signed, but you can follow a chain of trust back towards the public keys on your system04:18
sarnoldaxisys: take a look at the InRelease file here http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/bionic-updates/04:19
axisyssarnold: so that is different from yum I think where individual packages are signed? OR probably not.. I suppose a question for different channel .. appreciate all these details04:21
sarnoldaxisys: definitely; the last time I used yum it was on a g3 ibook :)04:22
sarnoldaxisys: the last time I used rpm, definitely each rpm was individually signed04:22
sarnoldbut I don't know if that's still the case04:22
axisyssarnold: checking with #centos .. thanks again04:24
sarnoldhave fun axisys04:25
cryptodanmy Dell PowerEdge 4600 has been decommissioned, and I am now on ubuntu 18.04 with this https://termbin.com/cpl404:28
sarnold92 gigs?04:28
mybalzitchyou need some 2670's or better in that baby04:42
cryptodanits for small home office and hobby machine04:43
lordievaderGood morning07:21
MyrosHello, my server crashed, what should i do? https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/BK4sVMvKzK/08:06
tomreyn<tomreyn> Myros: storage issues (amongst other, but those are critical). replace sdf08:06
tomreynyour hard disks seem to generally run way too hot08:09
tomreynthats if those readings are correct08:09
tomreynwhy do you run gnome-shell on y server?08:14
tomreyns/ y / a /08:14
tomreynMyros: do you actually read this?08:15
MyrosI use the server with other persons gnome-shell is likley from another user08:16
tomreynyou should probably be using separate hardware.08:21
tomreynuntil then, sort out the disk and cooling issues.08:23
MyrosOk, thanks08:23
MyrosWait, how hot are my disk, i found only 39° on sdb and 35° on sdf08:26
MyrosWhat did you found?08:26
lordievader40C for a disk is quite hot. You want those to be around 20-30C.08:29
tomreynDevice: /dev/sda [SAT], SMART Usage Attribute: 194 Temperature_Celsius changed from 115 to 11308:30
tomreynthose can be raw values, hopefully are08:31
tomreynyour php installation also looks broken08:32
tomreynmixed API versions on modules08:32
MyrosOk thanks08:34
blackflowtomreyn: those are normalized values. smartd logs normalized values changes.09:13
tomreynblackflow: unless it states differently, i'd expect them to be normalized, too. but then there is sometimes incorrect data in smart's db. and while we don't know how these hdds are installed, it is surprising that smartd reports temperatures around 40 °C for some and > 100 °C for others.09:18
tomreyneither way, needs investigation09:18
blackflowdepends how the vendor is encoding the normalized value, but smartd will always logged normalized values.09:22
ahasenackgood morning10:59
kstenerudDid something just break on cosmic-security?14:27
kstenerudE: Type 'cosmic-security' is not known on line 50 in source list /etc/apt/sources.list14:27
kstenerudthis just started happening on new lcd containers 2 minutes ago14:27
kstenerud... and now it works again :/14:30
geniiProbably hit the server while it was being updated14:31
evitHowdy yall14:35
evitDoes anyone know why the Ubuntu security notice website and announce list sometimes lag behind the actual patches?14:36
tomreynsending a lot of e-mails probably takes hours14:39
evittomreyn, It must take like a whole day for those 0's and 1's to crawl through all the cables of the Interwebs.... =P14:42
sdezielevit: another possibility is to that some time is given for external mirrors to pull the new packages14:44
evitI'm speakin of https://usn.ubuntu.com/14:44
evitNot showing updates until the day AFTER they are released some times14:45
evitThe day AFTER the announce list email goes out14:45
sdezielevit: I'd ask on #ubuntu-hardened14:45
evitJust seems odd... Some of those vuln are no joke, seems like the site and annouce list should be updated immediately14:47
coreycbjamespage: for py3 openstack dependencies, should we go ahead and drop all py2 packages from deps that swift doesn't depend on?16:33
Deihmosanyone use powernap on their server16:49
coreycbjamespage: it only depends on a few projects like python-keystone* but it might get to be a tangled mess16:53
coreycbjamespage: btw i let bileto do all my dep 8 tests and it took longer but it is really nice to just land into -updates!17:04
coreycbactually -release, but same idea, not -proposed17:05
coreycbjamespage: anyway basically done with stein snapshots on my end17:10
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=== LUke is now known as Luke
zzlatev_I need some help22:48
tomreyn!ask | zzlatev_22:49
ubottuzzlatev_: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience22:49
zzlatev_I compiled nginx from source, but now i have two versions22:49
zzlatev_how can I use the new one?22:49
SimonNLzzlatev_: good luck22:50
tomreynuninstall the packaged one, and (maybe, to be considered) follow the instructions on the INSTALL file (if it exists) or README file to make it usable.22:56
tomreyna better option may be to use the ubuntu packaged nginx pakcages, or their source packages, and patch + build those.22:57
zzlatev_i use the official source22:58
zzlatev_Hi guys23:05
zzlatev_I have installed webmin but there's nothing on port 1000023:06
zzlatev_can you hel me23:06
sarnoldyou can use sudo netstat -tlnp to find the listening port23:06
sarnoldbe careful with webmin23:06
sarnoldhistorically they've had crap code23:06
sarnoldloads of remote vulnerabilities.. so be sure to restrict access to it to only the machine you want to use to admin it23:07
tomreynsuch as localhost23:08
zzlatev_sarnold: yes, I have bad experience with it23:08
zzlatev_but now i need it because of nginx and stalker portal23:08
zzlatev_sarnold: can you help me with nginx?23:10
zzlatev_I have two of them now23:10
sarnoldzzlatev_: you'll have to be a lot more specific23:10
sarnoldwhy do you have two? what are youtrying to accomplish? etc23:10
zzlatev_I want to install new version of nginx for example - 1.1523:11
zzlatev_the only option for that is to compiled from source23:11
zzlatev_I did this and now I have two nginx - one from source and one from ppa23:13
zzlatev_that's it23:15
sarnoldhah, I kept waiting for some kind of question, or problem you're having, etc :)23:15
sarnoldwhat's your goal? do you want to remove the one we've packaged for you?23:16
sarnoldor do you just want to know how to run them both simultaneously?23:16
zzlatev_I want to run the new version23:17
zzlatev_because I need it for my stalker portal23:17
zzlatev_that's it23:17
zzlatev_now I have two versions23:17
sarnoldzzlatev_: I don't know how you installed your new version23:22
sarnoldzzlatev_: you're the one who's going to know how to use it :)23:23
zzlatev_I ask about how to remove the old one...23:24
sarnoldapt-get purge nginx23:26
tewardi see nginx referenced  heh23:27
zzlatev_sarnold: does this command erase all nginx?23:28
zzlatev_ok, i don't need to erase anything23:28
zzlatev_i need to use the new version23:28
zzlatev_can you help me guys?23:28
tewardzzlatev_: it'll erase the NGINX that was installed by the package23:28
sarnoldhey teward23:28
tewardthe package itself will only utilize its own version, because of how the SystemD unit is configured23:28
sarnoldzzlatev_: apt-get purge nginx will only remove the version that we packaged23:28
tewardi should PROBABLY mention...23:28
tewardthat I also provide a 1.15.x PPA that is very close to what we have in Ubuntu in terms of package structure23:29
tewardso no need to manually compile from source ;)23:29
tewardwe just don't advertise PPAs here typically23:29
zzlatev_ok, that sounds good23:29
ubottuA Personal Package Archive (PPA) can provide alternate software not normally available in the offical Ubuntu repositories - Looking for a PPA? See https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+ppas - WARNING: PPAs are unsupported third-party packages, and you use them at your own risk. See also !addppa and !ppa-purge23:29
tewardbecause that ^23:29
zzlatev_teward: do you mean that 1.15 is in PPA?23:29
tewardYes, there is a PPA that contains 1.15 and can be installed like the Ubuntu repositories' version is.23:30
tewardhttps://launchpad.net/~nginx/+archive/ubuntu/development  <-- yep this one23:30
zzlatev_come on...really23:32
sarnoldzzlatev_: yeah :) teward's been taking good care of nginx for us for ages :)23:32
tewardbeen doing this since 2014 :P23:33
zzlatev_but what about compiled23:33
tewardi'm not sure what you did to install the compiled version23:34
tewardbut the by-hand compiling that you did will not be run unless you installed it WITHOUT the Ubuntu version of nginx installed23:34
tewardbecause of reasons and conflicting configuration file(s) and versions, and incorrectly-configured SystemD units which handle autostart of nginx23:35
zzlatev_so if I install your version 1.15 from the repo it will replace the old one23:35
tewardit will replace the one from the main Ubuntu repository that you used, yes.23:35
zzlatev_apt-get insttall nginx23:36
zzlatev_or nginx-dev23:36
zzlatev_from the repo23:36
tewardjust apt-get install nginx23:36
zzlatev_ nginx-full23:36
zzlatev_The following packages will be upgraded:23:36
zzlatev_  nginx nginx-common23:36
zzlatev_2 upgraded, 11 newly installed, 1 to remove and 1 not upgraded.23:36
zzlatev_955 kB of additional disk space will be used.23:37
zzlatev_only 955kb?23:37
tewardthere's not much difference between what's in Ubuntu currently and what you're installing.  :P23:37
tewardsimilar, but different.  :P23:37
zzlatev_i have installed 1.10 from ubuntu23:37
zzlatev_i don't know from what repo23:38
tewardoops i accidentally burned food back in a moment23:38
tewardzzlatev_: you installed the version that was in the Ubuntu repositories23:38
zzlatev_teward: come ooooooooon23:39
zzlatev_you are great!23:39
zzlatev_zlatev@Zlatev:~$ nginx -V23:40
zzlatev_nginx version: nginx/1.15.623:40

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