
=== Mrokii_ is now known as Mrokii
IrcsomeBotjolawuyi was added by: jolawuyi04:25
BluesKajHey folks12:10
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Alexfrenchhello all15:44
Alexfrenchto acces windows files from kubuntu i have to edite conf samba file ???15:45
Alexfrenchsamba is installed15:45
Alexfrenchat this time nothing on the network icon15:46
Alexfrenchboth computers are on wifi15:46
BluesKajmake sure the windows files are shared15:47
BluesKajon windows15:47
Alexfrenchyes they are15:48
BluesKajAlexfrench, I use the network>'add network folder 'on dolphin places, then choose the 'microsoft windows network drive', fill in the fields and click on 'save and connect'15:52
BluesKajit uses the smb protocol like samba does15:53
Alexfrenchi haven't microsoft drive15:53
Alexfrenchonly goggle15:54
Alexfrenchbut who cares right ??16:03
BluesKajaccessing files on another linux computer? just use add network folder with the secure shell setting16:04
Alexfrenchno i said from mi kubuntu computer access to windows files through the network16:05
Alexfrenchand be able to share files, music etc16:06
Alexfrenchas a local network16:06
BluesKajAlexfrench, what do you mean by "windows files"?16:07
BluesKajmicrosoft windows?16:08
Alexfrenchi have one principal computer on win1016:09
Alexfrenchand one laptop on kubuntu16:09
Alexfrenchan older one16:09
BluesKaj"microsoft windows network drive" doesn't mean a cloud drive, it means a windows pc on your network16:10
Alexfrenchi said i haven't microsoft references16:22
BluesKajyou have know the windows pc pw and IP16:25
BluesKajyou can find the windows IP addresson the windows pc by using cmd in the search and ipconfig for IP address16:31
Alexfrenchi did ip a now on kubuntu yes16:40
BluesKajget the windows pc IP with the commands I posted ^17:04
BluesKajhave to leave for 20mins or so...bbl17:04
BluesKajAlexfrench, can you go to the windows pc and do the commands above?17:30
=== ichoquo0Aigh9ie is now known as jacky

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