
lubot<JyotiGomes> @Sheilong [<Sheilong> The installer of lubuntu doesn't open. I burn an usb disk using usb-c …], I allways use Mkusb. It works very well00:15
lubot<The_LoudSpeaker> @Sheilong [<Sheilong> The installer of lubuntu doesn't open. I burn an usb disk using usb-c …], User rufus04:35
lubot<The_LoudSpeaker> *use04:36
krytarikI'll mention that the user is long gone now.04:43
lubot<The_LoudSpeaker> Ohh! lite then.05:00
SheilongI am still here05:07
SheilongI was trying to install with the minimal CD and it failed05:07
SheilongI really don't know what to do = //05:07
Sheilongalways fails at install software05:07
lubot<The_LoudSpeaker> Try alternate version05:12
lubot<The_LoudSpeaker> Maybe?05:12
krytarik...Oh, again here then. :P05:20
krytarikSheilong: "The installer of lubuntu doesn't open." - is it LP bug 1813687 then perhaps?05:24
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1813687 in libfm-qt (Ubuntu) "Install Lubuntu 19.04 desktop icon fails to execute installer in Live ISO" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/181368705:24
lynorianSheilong: is the drive you are trying to install onto ok?06:33
qwebirc72816Hey! I hope everyone here is good. I got an issue with my instalation of Lubuntu. Could someone help?10:59
justtestinghello everybody. using lubuntu 18.10, from europe.14:41
justtestingjust trying this out but a bit surprised Quassel IRC that comes defaultly with lubuntu does not have a list of servers14:42
justtestingwoops i found the list.14:52
lubotLee was added by: Lee15:45
lubot<Lee> Hello. When I finish the installation of lubuntu 18.01 and restart, lubuntu tells me to remove the installation medium and press Enter. When I do that, system crashes and installation doesnt complete.15:48
justtestinglubuntu 18.1015:48
lubot<Lee> Lubuntu 18.10. Yes15:49
justtestingif it is asking you to remove the installation medium the installation is already complete15:49
justtestingit only tells you to remove the installation medium after the installation (it should not do so when you restart)15:49
lubot<Lee> When I press enter after removing the medium, my laptop doesnt boot up to lubuntu15:50
justtestingdid you try restarting the laptop without the installation medium ?15:50
lubot<Lee> Yes and i get a black screen with what looks like dos text saying something failed15:51
justtestingwhat does it say exactly15:51
justtestingand what are the specs of your computer15:51
justtestingand what did you install from -- cd or usb.15:51
lubot<Lee> Usb15:51
justtestingwhat brand is your computer15:52
lubot<Lee> Lenevo v33015:52
lubot<Lee> Lenovo15:52
justtestingdid you disable secure boot from your bios ?15:52
lubot<Lee> Yes15:52
justtestingsecure boot should still be okay but there is another setting that needs to be disabled15:52
lubot<Lee> What else needs to be disabled?15:53
justtestingis your boot legacy or uefi15:53
lubot<Lee> Legacy15:53
justtestingdo you have uefi option ?15:53
lubot<Lee> Yes15:53
justtestingturn on uefi15:53
justtestingand i think disable intel hardware acceleration in bios15:54
justtestingyou can boot from the usb right ? no problems?15:54
lubot<Lee> Yes15:54
justtestingare you doing a complete install on the hardrive, or alongside windows15:54
lubot<Lee> Where in bios is intel hardware acceleration?15:54
lubot<Lee> Hardrive15:55
justtestingsomething like that, i'm not sure15:55
justtestingwhat's the error message15:56
justtestingand the brand of the usb15:59
justtestingi need to go now , but it shows your laptop should work15:59
lubot<Lee> What does PXE Boot to LAN mean?15:59
justtestingtry a sandisk usb  or a different distro of ubuntu like xubuntu or ubuntu itself.15:59
justtestingno idea but lan is your local area network, you don't need it i think15:59
lubot<Lee> Okay16:00
justtestingThe Preboot Execution Environment (PXE) is an industry standard client/server interface that allows networked computers that are not yet loaded with an operating system to be configured and boot remotely by an administrator.16:00
justtestingmeaning you can boot your computer over a network connection - ie it doesn't need an operating system and can boot over a connection to another computer16:00
lubot<Lee> Okay16:00
justtestingkeep trying16:00
lubot<JyotiGomes> Hello. Since I could not log in https://translate.lubuntu.me, I tried to redefine the password but I did not receive any confirmation emails. I then tried to create a new account with the same email, but I also did not receive any confirmation email.16:07
justtestingJyotiGomes and Lee are the same person.  what is Lubot ?16:09
justtestingi mean, are they the same person ?16:09
lubot<Lee> No16:10
justtestingso what is lubot ?16:10
justtestingLee, it is helpful if you can actually state the error you get when you try to boot. keep trying and experimenting. if irc doesn't give yuo help try ubuntu forums or stackexchange ubuntu forums. gd luck16:10
lubot<Lee> Im trying to reproduce the error right now16:11
lubot<Lee> I removed the installation medium, pressed Enter and it now actually works. Now if I turn off my laptop and turn it on again later, should it boot up to lubuntu correctly?16:14
lubot<HMollerCl> @justtesting [<justtesting> so what is lubot ?], A bit which comunicates telegram with irc channel. For instance, in writing this on telegram16:30
justtestingLEE - did it work ?18:57
justtestingis everyone just idle/afk on here ?18:57
justtestingis anyone using QUASSEL IRC ?18:57
justtestingi don't understand why lubuntu packages quassel when it seems so difficult to use18:59
justtestingi can't even seem to bookmark this room18:59
kc2bezjusttesting: quassel should connect you to any channels you set in the networks automatically.  We have a screenshot in the manual that may help. https://manual.lubuntu.me/2/2.1/2.1.3/Quassel_IRC.html19:08
lubot<kc2bez> You are welcome, please let us know if you have any other questions.19:39
justtestinghow can lubot also have different names, what is lubot pls19:39
lubot<kc2bez> lubot is our bridge to telegram, sorry for the confusion.19:40
justtestinggot it19:40
lubot<kc2bez> I am currently on telegram, I was on IRC before.19:40
justtestinggot it20:05
justtestingso there are no bookmarks on quassel ?20:05
kc2bezIf you disconnect from a channel it stays in the list so it remembers the channels you have joined. I haven't used any other IRC clients so I don't really have a reference, sorry.20:14
=== jonas_ is now known as Guest75223
Guest75223How can i change the lockscreen wallpaper?20:41
justtestingokay thankyou20:42
lubotRyuKurisu was added by: RyuKurisu22:06
lubot<RyuKurisu> Fwd from RyuKurisu: Hey everyone, does anyone know if there's an autorotate option in LXQt?22:07
lubot<RyuKurisu> Fwd from RyuKurisu: The main screen of my laptab (convertible laptop with touchscreen)22:07
lubot<RyuKurisu> Fwd from RyuKurisu: I know there exists an autorotate option in Ubuntu proper22:07
Nweve102Hi. I am looking for a lightweight version for my old laptop, what would be recommended? I installed Ubuntu with Mate, and I have tried the desktop of Xfce4 but I've heard that Xubuntu is not that lightweigth. So what about Lubuntu? I just instaled the desktop Lxde to check it out, and what would be the difference between LxQt?23:42
wxlNweve102: just pick one channel. you don't need to blast your question all over the place.23:53

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