
alkisgHi, in http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/devel/main/uefi/ I can find grubx64.efi/vmlinuz and others, but not shimx64.efi, that would allow me to secure boot them.06:53
alkisgIs there any URL to download shimx64.efi, other than https://packages.ubuntu.com/disco/amd64/shim/download ?06:53
rbasakWhat's wrong with the shim package?07:00
rbasakThat's where shimx64.efi is shipped.07:00
rbasakWhat's the problem you're trying to solve?07:00
alkisgrbasak: I assume that those grub*.efi files are directly linkable for people that want to netboot their machines etc; but I can't secure-netboot without the shim package07:05
alkisgSpecifically, I'm trying to create an uefi-boot.sh script, that will automate the creation of an uefi-boot.zip file, that windows users will be able to unzip into their EFI partitions,...07:06
alkisg...to do: UEFI > shim > grub > netboot/local boot07:06
rbasakI see. I don't know then, sorry.07:07
alkisgNo worries, thank you07:07
alkisgA related question, is Ubuntu's shim the same as Fedora's shim? Or are they 2 different packages with the same name and with the same purpose? I got confused while searching for their upstreams...07:08
rbasakThe upstream is https://github.com/mjg59/shim07:23
rbasakAccording to the watch file at least.07:23
alkisg...which is 301 commits behind rhboot:master, according to github07:24
alkisgI think the watch file isn't up to date07:26
rbasakhttps://git.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/shim/tree/debian/changelog?h=applied/ubuntu/devel suggests commit 3beb971 was used. Can you find which upstream repositories include that?07:35
alkisgSure, it's there: https://github.com/rhboot/shim/commit/3beb971b10659cf78144ddc5eeea83501384440c07:42
alkisgrhboot is "Red Hat Bootloader Team"07:43
alkisgI think Ubuntu ended up using shim from Fedora; I'm not sure if that means that an UEFI user can have both Ubuntu and Fedora in his system.07:45
alkisgI.e. if Ubuntu's shimx64.efi is loaded, that would prohibit loading Fedora's grub; and the opposite. Unless, Canonical and Redhat agreed to include both Canonical and Redhat keys in shim...07:46
* alkisg only sees canonical-uefi-ca.der and debian-uefi-ca.der in the debian/ folder...07:51
alkisgRefind seems to include common distro keys... https://sourceforge.net/p/refind/code/ci/master/tree/keys/07:55
alkisgOK, I found great documentation at https://www.rodsbooks.com/efi-bootloaders/secureboot.html#using_signed08:09
xnoxrbasak, alkisg - well ubuntu shim is different from upstream.08:21
alkisgxnox: I'm having an issue with Ubuntu's shim, and upstream says it's fixed since 2017, but the fix isn't there in disco. How much different?08:22
xnoxalkisg, you can use ubuntu's shim + ubuntu's grub to boot non-ubuntu systems08:22
xnoxalkisg, open a bug report in launchpad, aginst the shim package08:22
alkisgxnox: how? Say for example I want to boot ipxe.efi with secure boot enabled. I don't see any way for it.08:22
alkisgxnox: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/shim/+bug/181354108:23
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1813541 in shim (Ubuntu) "Shim uses wrong TFTP server IP in proxyDHCP mode" [Undecided,New]08:23
xnoxalkisg, for starters we compile and get microsoft to sign our build of shim =)08:23
alkisgI got that part; what I don't understand is how it's possible to load another distro then, using the ubuntu shim08:23
alkisgFrom what I read so far, only if the grub ubuntu build contained all the distro keys, it would be possible to load other distros08:24
xnoxalkisg, you mention it is fixed upstream.... can you paste the links to upstream git commits? (whatever you think the upstream is)08:24
alkisgxnox: this is my upstream bug report, the fix is mentioned in the last comments: https://github.com/rhboot/shim/issues/16508:25
alkisgSpecifically, it's this commit from 2017: https://github.com/rhboot/shim/commit/5f4fd5364109c80934b7837255ddde61f572fd6908:25
xnoxalkisg, ..... comment on the launchpad bug pointers to upstream commit ids08:26
xnoxalkisg, cause you didn't mention these there....08:26
alkisgI think the fix is already included in disco, just not working08:26
alkisgYou're saying shim is different, do you mean that for some reason it would omit commits from 2017?08:26
xnoxalkisg, please comment the urls nonetheless, please08:26
alkisgSure, np there08:26
alkisgCould you please explain this? (10:23:56 πμ) alkisg: I got that part; what I don't understand is how it's possible to load another distro then, using the ubuntu shim08:27
alkisgLet's suppose I want to load Ubuntu's ipxe.efi, with secure boot enabled. Currently I can't do it.08:27
alkisgUEFI > shim > grub > ipxe.efi08:27
alkisgGrub refuses to load it08:28
xnoxalkisg, i haven't done that using ipxe, i have done secureboot booting of other systems locally (dual boot)08:28
alkisgDid you add the keys to the firmware using mokmanager?08:28
alkisgFor completeness, this is my report for grub-ipxe/uefi, where vorlon mentioned it won't be possible with secure boot:08:33
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1811496 in ipxe (Ubuntu) "Make grub-ipxe work under UEFI" [Medium,New]08:34
alkisg(and I wonder why it's not possible to just sign ipxe.efi in the same way as vmlinuz is signed, with the canonical key, not the microsoft key)08:34
alkisgBtw, to ensure I'm not misunderstood, what I mainly care about is to allow users to netboot ubuntu; ipxe is extremely convenient there in most of the cases but it currently doesn't work under uefi (a one liner change) nor with secureboot (harder to fix)08:51
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1814355 in snapd (Ubuntu) "snapd remove /usr/local/bin from the PATH for all systemd unit (bionic SRU regression)" [High,Confirmed]10:11
seb128that seems a potential problem in the LTS due a SRU release on friday10:11
ubottuStable Release Update information is at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/StableReleaseUpdates10:12
seb128unsure what's the tag to ping peoples10:12
tumbleweedLaney: you suggested a bileto for bootstrapping, but I think I need some permissions for that?11:21
tumbleweedhttps://bileto.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/3625 didn't get given a PPA11:21
ahasenackSkuggen: hi, do you know if {my_,}load_defaults is gone from mysql8? I'm checking net-snmp and it looks like it's using mysql_options() as a replacement of some sort15:37
ahasenackinfinity: hi, do you remember this apache2 patch? https://git.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/apache2/tree/debian/patches/086_svn_cross_compiles15:54
ahasenackinfinity: I see it applied in apache trunk, but it never made it into a release15:54
ahasenackinfinity: what was it trying to fix, and is that still relevant?15:54
ahasenackit still applies, but with more and more offset everytime, and is part of our delta with debian15:55
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vorlonalkisg: it is /possible/ to sign the ipxe uefi binary.  But we're not /going/ to, because it increases exposure of our key to use it to sign more code, and we haven't audited this code and don't intend to19:21
alkisgvorlon: thank you for that input. Ubuntu users lack a way to netboot with secure boot enabled currently; it would help; but ok, at least I have an official answer for them, "not supported; disable secure boot".19:23
vorlonalkisg: we do publish a secureboot-signed grubnetx64.efi for use with netbooting19:24
alkisgAt least, if grub and shim get fixed for proxydhcp, it'll be possible to use the uefi stack, for some users19:24
alkisgIt doesn't work with proxydhcp19:24
vorlonso that's a bug we'll fix in our supported netboot stack19:24
alkisgI filed 2 bug reports, both for shim and grub; hopefully they'll be addressed some time in the future19:25
alkisgYou saw the one for shim, this is the upstream one for grub: https://savannah.gnu.org/bugs/index.php?5563619:26
alkisgvorlon: did I understand correctly that it's not possible to dual boot ubuntu/fedora with secure boot enabled, without using mokmanager etc?19:28
alkisgI.e. that the canonical shim>grub stack doesn't contain the fedora kernel public keys, and visa-versa?19:29
alkisg(I'm not using fedora at all; just trying to see if I understood the secure boot process correctly...)19:29
vorlonalkisg: it is certainly possible to dual boot ubuntu and other OSes without using mokmanager; you could chain from Ubuntu's GRUB to a Fedora shim signed by MS, or you could use the EFI boot menu to select.  You could not directly chain from Ubuntu GRUB to a Fedora kernel or to a Fedora GRUB.22:24

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