
mnemocbrainwash: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xorg/+bug/1814481 if you have anything else to suggest...00:02
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1814481 in xorg (Ubuntu) "bluetooth keyboard not working" [Undecided,New]00:02
xubuntu07wHi, I removed the desktop user xfce but there is still a lot showing up in Synaptic how do I uninstall it entirely>01:11
brainwashxubuntu07w: what is showing up?01:26
xubuntu07wuhm all kinds of stuff : libexo-common/libexo-.../xfce4 powermanager/ xfdesktop...01:33
brainwashso, how did you install Xfce?01:34
brainwashI would uninstall that particular package (probably xfce4), and then run "sudo apt autoremove"01:34
brainwashthat should remove packages which are longer needed01:35
xubuntu07wI installed it true Synaptic and I removed it true command01:36
xubuntu07wxfce4 doesn't show up anymore in synaptic01:37
xubuntu07wonly bunch of other stuff from xfce01:37
brainwashthen run the autoremove command01:38
brainwashI recall that Synaptic can do it too01:38
xubuntu07wI already tried the autoremove control it doesn't find anything anymore.01:39
xubuntu07wI found some stuff under : not installed (residual config) in synaptic from xfce01:41
xubuntu07wmaybe I can remove that01:41
brainwashmaybe you can01:41
brainwashyou could also check the installation history01:42
brainwashand manually remove the listed package01:42
brainwashlogs are kept in /var/log/apt and /var/log/dpkg01:43
xubuntu07wok thanks.01:43
Kumoolmaybe nc is unstable in debian unstable01:44
xubuntu07wdo I put this in command /var/log/apt?01:46
brainwashxubuntu07w: you open it with a file manager01:57
xubuntu07woh of course I see.02:01
xubuntu07woke that seems like a lot of searching work. I am maybe not as skilled.02:05
xubuntu07wI found it, but there are a lot of logs to go true02:06
xubuntu07wThank you for the help, I am login out now.02:11
=== brainwash_ is now known as brainwash
thaurwylthDifferent boot stick gives the Ubuntu Studio installation window, okay. But it immediately announced some three ACPI errors. Is this bad?09:59
thaurwylthThen there was the Ubuntu Studio logo for some time and now there is the installation welcome screen.10:00
thaurwylthWait, it was actually different channel where I first commented on this. Sorry. I got confused from the fact that Studio is based on Xubuntu.10:02
brainwashthaurwylth: it's not based on xubuntu, but it does use Xfce as desktop environment also10:58
thaurwylthYeah, I guess I got that confused.10:59
thaurwylthAlthough the 'known issues' list that they typically provide suggests to check also the main Ubuntu known issues and Xubuntu known issues, if I recall correctly. I guess that would be because of sharing Xfce?11:00
thaurwylthBy the way, right now I'm seeing a Xfce environment in use before my eyes for the very first time!11:02
thaurwylthI just installed Ubuntu Studio on a laptop and let's see how it goes... Not really #xubuntu material, though, but cursorily related to Xfce user experience!!!11:03
brainwashthaurwylth: shared issues across ubuntu and all its flavours are unrelated to Xfce11:06
brainwashthey all share certain components though, like CUPS for printing11:07
brainwashand basically everything under the hood, like the linux kernel11:07
brainwashhad to read that again. yes, Xubuntu will have a list of known issues with Xfce.11:09
asciiwarrioruhhh it's working16:17
asciiwarriortried irc with pidgin16:18
asciiwarriorinto my favorite distro ofc16:18
asciiwarriorwhich irc client are you using?16:23
asciiwarriorI think I dont like pidgin16:23
asciiwarriorahh okay, thanks, I will try it out16:24
asciiwarrior_ahh, I like it16:26
diogenes_so do i16:27
asciiwarrior_okay, see ya, trying stuff out :)16:32
Unlimiterdiogenes_: The problem is not with updates. What chip did you meant?17:45
diogenes_Unlimiter, graphics chip17:45
UnlimiterOh no17:45
diogenes_what you expect17:46
diogenes_it's from 200017:46
UnlimiterI'm a grandpa before time17:46
diogenes_tell granny to save some money for a new machine17:46
Unlimiterdiogenes_: Do you prefer Nvidia or Intel in video cards companies?17:47
diogenes_Unlimiter, i prefer optimus, there is no better than optimus, it means intel gpu + nvidia gpu, so normally your system runs on intel gpu which is power saving and only when you need some power demanding stuff like games, you run it on your nvidia graphics17:49
diogenes_isn't that cool:?17:49
Unlimiterdiogenes: but that's expensive17:50
Unlimiter(oops missed '_')17:50
diogenes_Unlimiter, not that much17:50
UnlimiterI just want a graphic card that don't make my screen flicker17:51
UnlimiterAnd also capable of heavy stuff like complex 3D graphics17:51
diogenes_then i'd go with nvidia17:52
Unlimiterdiogenes_: can't I somehow do anything with this piece of shit I have to fix it?17:55
diogenes_Unlimiter, no clue, have you tried different os verions? newer and older?17:57
Unlimiterdiogenes_: and no resolution17:57
UnlimiterI've left the iso file of Xubuntu in my USB since my move to Xubuntu...17:58
UnlimiterAnd the fact that that version didn't change anything17:59
UnlimiterIs a strong clue17:59
UnlimiterThat something else is wrong17:59
UnlimiterWhich is in this case, the GC17:59
diogenes_Unlimiter, most likely yes18:00
thaurwylthRepeat from two days ago: I noticed on some Xubuntu supported architectures webpage that x86 are well supported and also included in that are old 32b VIA (former Cyrix) models. That is all good. Is there anything else that I should check, or something that my system needs to support in order to be xubuntifiable? Should there be some buzzwords I should check to exist on the /proc/cpuinfo listing?22:30
well_laid_lawnthaurwylth:  if no one here knows about that someone in #ubuntu might22:39
thaurwylthYeah, I'll try that at some point.22:43
=== GridCube_ is now known as GridCube

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