
=== Eickmeyer is now known as studiobot
=== studiobot is now known as Eickmeyer
=== Eickmeyer is now known as studiobot
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onecoolmikei new to lubuntu is there a list of commands and features availible05:53
lubot<lynorian> well not all terminal commands but there is a manual05:53
lubot<lynorian> https://manual.lubuntu.me/05:53
jaggedJHello. What is a key shortcut to maximize window within desktop (not F11)09:06
lubot<The_LoudSpeaker> @jaggedJ [<jaggedJ> Hello. What is a key shortcut to maximize window within desktop (not F …], Alt + space. Then X10:16
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=== andrea is now known as Guest35777
hajthemPRIVMSG ii16:55
lubot<The_LoudSpeaker> Any way to create a hotspot by sharing the internet connection from ethernet? I tried creating a new wifi connection with mode as access point. But couldn't connect to it from the network icon.17:13
teward@The_LoudSpeaker It can be done but usually *not* with just Network Manager on its own, from my experience.17:26
tewardand it's a PITA to get working properly :|17:26
BengHello ! Can you help me guys ? https://justpaste.it/3pkmm <-- This is my error!17:28
lubot<The_LoudSpeaker> @Beng [<Beng> Hello ! Can you help me guys ? https://justpaste.it/3pkmm <-- This is my …], Lite. Just figured out that my adapter doesn't support ap mode. Got a program called create_ap and installed it. That program only made me realise the fault. here is the link to the program https://github.com/oblique/create_ap17:29
lubot<The_LoudSpeaker> @teward [<teward> @The_LoudSpeaker It can be done but usually *not* with just Network Man …], Sorry this was the message I should have replied to17:29
apt-ghetto@Beng try first `sudo apt install -f`17:30
lubot<The_LoudSpeaker> @apt-ghetto [<apt-ghetto> @Beng try first `sudo apt install -f`], That's waht I was just typing17:30
lubot<teward001> @The_LoudSpeaker [Lite. Just figured out that my adapter doesn't support ap mode. Got a program ca …], well not supporting AP mode is a big problem cause there :P17:31
lubot<The_LoudSpeaker> Lite. I have two systems. This was for the older one.17:31
Beng@lubot E: command line option 'f' [from-f] is not understood in combination with the other options17:34
lubot<teward001> Beng: what command did you write?  That'd only happen if you used a command other than the one apt-ghetto had actually written17:35
Bengi put this "sudo apt install-f"17:36
lubot<teward001> with or without a space between `install` and `-f`?17:36
lubot<teward001> you need a space between the `install` and `-f`17:36
Bengwith space17:36
Bengim going again17:36
tewardwell the command you just wrote in here didn't have the space :P17:37
tewardit's why i asked :P17:37
Bengow its working17:37
Bengsetting up grub-efi-amd64-signed , and its loading now17:37
apt-ghettodid it finish without error?17:37
Beng2 not fully installed or removed17:37
BengAfter this opreation , 0b of additional disk space will be used17:38
tewardso now you wait :P17:38
Bengsure i will i just want to share with you its the first linux what been successfuly instaled17:41
Bengother just stack on something like "grub2"17:41
guest_hi everyone! how can we have automatic login on lightdm and others on the last Lubuntu version? i'm struggling a lot on it... are there tutorials, documentation, etc., explaining that? thanks!20:19
lubot<HMollerCl> @guest_ [<guest_> hi everyone! how can we have automatic login on lightdm and others on t …], I think that it's in the manual20:39
lubot<lynorian> We have that on install time I don't know how to do it later though I don't think that is in the manual actually20:40
wxl@HMollerCl probably..... but in the old manual which is not so readily accessible20:40
wxloh wait20:42
wxlactually i'm confused20:42
wxllightdm != current version20:42
lynorianyes that too20:42
lubot<HMollerCl> @wxl [<wxl> actually i'm confused], Me too20:42
lynoriansddm is the current version20:42
lubot<HMollerCl> Ok, for lightdm https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Lubuntu/Boot_Install_Login#For_release_12.04_and_on_.28LightDM.2920:53
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